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0 V- i ' if a r t ' 'J o ; -1- o O; q LIST OF TEACHERS OFTHISUI The department of public instruc tion day mages pebUc the reaainder of th list oC'tNC&cr appointed to the ptbito schools of Oahu, the Brat half of the lift having bean published la the 8 tar Bulletin yesterday. Toe appointments arc as folio wi: MeKiniey High: M M. Scott. Miss Clara C Pearson Mln Elllonore Tas artex. Mitt Clara L. Zlegler, MiM Letltla M. Morgan, Frank A. Canning, 'J Miss Sarah E. Mathews, Miss Katber lne I Woodford, Wh. H. Kurzin. Mao- rice G. Greenly. Paul A. McCaugbey, Miss Helga Wlkander. Miss Caroline Mitchell Mrs. Selma Kinney. Kauai High: William C. Avery. Miss Dorothy B. 8tendel. Miss Gertrude Johnson, Miss Jeannette Searight (private). Maul High: Wilbur 8. Beeman. Miss Mary J. Couch, Mias Mary Bar ton, Miss Blanche Mast. Miss Anna Karrer (prirate). Hlle High: Prescott T. Jernegan, Miss Esther Pomeroy, Miss Elizabeth Foley. K. M. Barager. Miss Ethellnda M. James. Maemae: Miss Iwalanl K., Dayton, Suggestions for June Bride Gifts I j. Tea Warm , ' Sterling Sllrer in Gift Cases y VfqnltrpilUvw Glassware in Italian Marble Statuary , Ehlmatzl Bronze.' , -- Vales, Jardinieres, Bowls and Incense 'Burners. -v 4. Community. Silver, always ae ceptable ':''.'.. - China Dinner Sett ' . Beautiful New Service Plates ' : Oven Baking Glass la Silver '' framea w ; v ;ry: "i. " Electric Portables . Cut Glass 5;,y ' : v This immense; Gift Store is ' the logical place to buy Wedding Gifts.-:..?."... ,. : V. 7. DInisnd & Co., Ltd. Honolulu : ' Phono 4937 '----. Vrf"' ' . -'v'1 -v I V.;t. V -t.v i T x v sassassi 'JIG o Lime-up mammoio isf 3?Ali;BAL ia)Wi' BWhl . FRA BAIibiiIT ARTmjifcOIsIJNS DAVID nT.nNQy Substitute ..vV 4 7--I?ACES commencing iaMdmisncBc' " FOB REMAINDER IC! Miss Mary EBayUss. Mist Woon Len j Lo, Mrs. Christine ramie. Mrs. SUa- j beta GehT, Mias gn Vul L. K. Ing. SMADEPLIBL Royal: Cyril O. Smith. Miss May Ogeo. Miss Jnilet Taner, Mrs. Lydla With the antval of one of the U. 8. Soares. Miss Maria K- Piikot, Miss army transports at thfs port, it has Mllle Morris. Mrs. Alice Brown. Mrs. been learned that a new position on Helen R. Cummins. Miss Daisy Sbel- the troop ships has ueen created sines don. Miss Mary Ah Ping. Miss Sadie ! the war began thit of captain quar McLaln. Mrs. 8. H. Douglas. Miss Ada j termaster. H. Lycett, Mrs. Maria Marcallino, Miss . On the tynsport now in port lua Mapel Ladd. Miss Elizabeth L. ' Heen, j captain quartermaster is Capt HaroW Mrs. Annie Awsna. Mrs. H. W. Flneke. V. Chambers, quartermaster U. 3. Re Mrs. Ellen Vlckery, Miss Yun Tain 1 serve, who was until recently a field Kau. Miss EmilJe Dunn. Miss Helen clerk in th Quartermaster Corps. San Cnlhtirn fi Juliet Kau (Voc ). Clif- Francisco. He took the examination ton H. Yamamoto (Voc.t. Mrs. Nellie Hiserman. Kauiuwela: Mrs. Isabel L. Creigh ton. Miss Hattie Ayau. Mrs. Molile Yac Mrs. Helen Bruns. Mrs. Lan Yin ! wr 1 Ton Sue. Mrs. William Anahu. Mrs Gloria M. Lewis. Miss Margaret Bran co, Mra. Angeline F. Nunes. Mias Esther Ing. Miss Julia E. Snow, Miss Fern Elder. Miss Rose Goo, Mrs. Rica A. Serrao. Miss Ruth K. L. Ing, Miss Shoo Tsin Kau, Jubilee Lukela, Miss Julia Lee, Miss Constance E. Chang. Miss Kate Mclntyre, Miss Thelma K. Murphy, Miss Helen E. Tilleman. Miss Josephine de Tuncq, Miss Annie L. Pinho. Miss Virginia R. Castanha. Fvaiuiani: Mrs. ixma u. v. rraser Miss Mary C. Lofqvist. Miss Sallie Trask, Mrs. Ida H. Knight. Mrs. Mary Loo, Mrs. Lani A. McKenzle. Mrs. Rose Kong. Miss Florence Lynch. Mrs. Romana F. Faria, Miss Tokie Miamoto. Miss Dieulinda C. Fraga, Miss Aimee Mossman. Miss Elizabeth N. Ayau, Miss Mabel Larsen, Mrs. Nora K. Markham, Miss Emaa K. Franca, Miss j Violet Perry. Mist Grace Chang. Mis. Emaa Goo, Mrs. Mabel K. King, Mrs. Mary Keller, Miss Alvina O. Ayau, Mra. Emma Yee, Mrs. Ellen O'Brien, Miss Fook Gin 'Tap, Miss Helen Goo, Miss Annie Amana, Miss Louise K. Bal, Miss Elizabeth Morrison. Mrs. Martha. Moore. Miss Henrietta Smith. M sb Annie Hohu, liss Alice Lee Miss Lydla K. Kawalnul, Miss Emma Lewis Miss Lucy Perry. KallhMcjl: John K. Kasha. Mrs. A. H. Olney, Mrs. Helen McPherson, Miss Ruth Zane, Miss Nellie Amana, Miss Rose Tolhert, Miss Agnes Klmo, Miss, Kinney, Miss Yin Kyau Chung, Miss Palmyra H Rels. Miss Mary K. Achee.(ida J. Wehselau, Miss Margaret Shaw KaUhJ-wsena: Isaac M. Cox, Mise Voc.), Mrs. Winifred Robertson, Mrs. Olympia Soares. Mrs. Mabel Mahfkoa, ! Ella Al. Mrs. EmeJene Bourne, Mrs. Miss Ahble Mahoe, Miss Esther F. ' Edith Souza, Koa Gora. Miss Anita Sousa, Mrs. Belena F. Sousa-Helhush, wittrock. Miss Anna Ai Chang. Mrs. Helen K. Steward. Miss Olive Kahuku: John' A. Perrelda, Mrs. Clark, Miss Elizabeth a-Clark. Miss Esther Kekuku, Miss Emma M. Carrie K. Norton. Miss Mary de Hame, Miss Irma Kong. Miss Helen H. King, Miss Daza Barnes. Mrs. Constance E, Vivas, Msnuel 4e Corte (Voc). Mrs. Helen N. White (Voc.). Miss Narene W.EUIott. Wahiawi: Mrs. Grace A. Lang;, Miss Cora J. Harrison, Miss Minnie Fukuda, Miss Calla J. Harrison; Lellehua: Mrs. Viola L. Fuller, Mrs. Laura C. Gihn. Mokulela: Miss Louise Greenfield. c Kawalloa: Mra Emily Naukana.1 Miss Matilda An. Quln. Mrs. Eliza Bur roughs, Ilss Fannie F. Howe. ' V A. Kapiolsmi Park, SATURBA Y, June 16th : . ' ; ... ;t. , . ' " t ....... . rr;-. '- ... .. ' O NEW POSITION IS CREATED ON II.S.T in the administrative branch, passe 1 and was awarded his captain's com mission. Captain Chambers takes the place of the transport's quartermaster . mil - . i m ...ill agent. The position of clerk still remains but instead of agent it is now captain quartermaster. In 1898 and 1899 Chambers served with distinction in the Philippine Cam paign, under tbe late "Fighting Fred" Funston. He fought in 11 battles, was wounded, and his bravery com mended by his company commander. Chambers served as Funston's inter preter when the lata general went to Manila. SWORD AND CIGARETTE CASE GIVEN TO FORBES Maj. Charles R. Forbes, Officers' Reserve Corps, who is now on his way to San Francisco, was presented with a handsome silver mounted sword and a silver cigaret case on h m.mfPlye8 f the PUbllC G. R. Miller -of the drafting rooms made the speech of presentation, ex pressing the deep regard which the givers hold for their superintendent and wishing him all good things in his military service. Forbes respond ei in appropriate manner, thanking hu empIoyeg for ttt Walalua: Mrt. Minnie H. Church hill, Mrs. Rose Alau, Miss Jennie K. Stewart, Miss Martha M. Cowan, James L. Awai. Miss Juanlta C. Spreck- ens. Miss Oy Cum Loo. Mrs. Maude S. Weaver, Miss Esther Kul Yin Ing. Hauuta: Miss Helen Anaholani, Miss Hattie Kama. Kaaawa: J. P. Looney, Henry D. Domingo. Walahole: Miss Alice E. Mudge. Miss Eliza English, Mrs. Edith F. Berger. Karteohe: Miss Carrie A. Thomp son, Abel Cathcart, Miss Violet Wong Wai, Miss Hannah Chang, Miss Eunice Marshall. : Kaltua; Akuni Ahau. Wafmanalo: Mrs. Charlotte M. Low den, MIsb Anna Salladay. RAN SPORTS V' i ARTIST DISPLAY SOON TO CLOSE Three days more will close the suc cessful exhibition of the Hawaiian So ciety of Artists la the Pas-PacUlc building. Bishop square, and the com mittee la charge urges the people of Honolulu to take advantage of the op portunity to, see and also to support the movement Honolulu has many advantages which attract the artist and this society, through its exhibi tion, will give everyone c chance to show his work, but there must be financial support. This society is a great movement for Honolulu. That j it is appreciated by the multitude is apparent from the dally attendance. ; which has averaged 450 since the opening day Saturday, June 2. The people of Honolulu who make pur chases at this exhibition are laying the foundation for a continuance of them. SERGEANT HOUSE GETS RESERVE COMMISSION! Sgt William E. Hause of Fort Ka mehameha has been commissioned in the officers' reserve corps, having been given the rank of captain in the infantry branch. Hause wiir report at Schofield barracks. Tomorrow at 10 o'clock is the date set for local reserve corps officers to report at Schofield. These men will receive regular pay from date of be ginning active service.- It is said that they will be given intensive training to begin with, but whether they will be kept at Schofield is not yet an nounced. WILL RENAME VESSELS AFTER CLIPPER SHIPS (AsiocUted Ptmi by U. S. Nsvii Commnnl. cstlon 8rvtc) SAN FRANCISCO, June 13. The six German steamers seized in Pa cific Coast ports on the declaration of war with Germany are to be re cliristened with the names of six of the clipper ships which made com mercial history in the middle of the last century, and carried the Stars and Stripes into every worthwhile port in the world. Despatches from the East last night announced that five of the German ships seized in Atlantic ports have now been re paired and have been leased to the Italian government to carry food ami supplies. JORGEN JORGENSEN IS RESERVE CORPS MAJOR Jorgen Jorgensen, builder of the Walahole tunnel, has received word of his commission as a major in th3 United States army. Jorgensen has bad previous military experience, hav ing served one time as a first lieu tenant In the Danish army. Senator and Mrs. W. T. Robinson and family of Walluku, Maui, who have theen visiting in Honolulu the past ew, months, expect to return shortly to their home in the Valley Island. i KAUAI POLO TEAM, 1916: rr ' j i ' at 2:00 p. m. POLO at 4:00 p. m. ..t - " Seats Now on Sale atjtdChi Mll ARM IS SERIOUSLY HURT IN AUTO CRASH Sgt Dean, ltd Infantry, was serious ly injured yesterday afternoon when his motorcycle crashed into an auto driven by K. Uyeda at the Junction of the Puuloa road with the main road to Aiea. Dean, who is wll known in Honolulu as one of the provost guard, is now in the Fort Shafter department hospital with a fractured skull and although tlie police- report he may not survive the adjutant at the hos pital says he is" getting along nicely. According to J. G. Branco. motor cycle policeman. Dean was coming to town at a high rate of speed and Uyeda was on his way to Aiea and was just turning out of the1 Puuloa road when the collision occurred. NEW MEDICAL RESERVE OFFICERS TO STATICS Assignments of medical reserve corps officers who arrived from the mainland on the latest transport were announced today at army head quarters, as follows: Department hospital. Fort Shafter Capt. Frank Baldwin and 1st Lieut. J. C. Alexander. Post hospital, Scho field Barracks 1st Lieut. Harrison A. Coleman and Forrest J. Pinkerton. Ambulance Company No. 9. Schofield Barracks 1st Lieut. Joseph P. deary and George Wheeler Wilson. ARMY ORDERS Pvt. Isidore Botvinick, B Batter.,, 1st Field Artillery, has been ordered sedt to Ft. McDowell, Cal , on the first available nansport for oisch irge cn account of fraudulent enlistmi ut. First Sgt Ira Creceliu?, Supply Company, First 'Infantry. aid First Sgt. Harry Hainsey, I Company, 2nd Infantry, have both been placed oo the retired list of the army ana or dered to repair to iheir respective homes. Sergeant Crecelius is already on the mainland and will be retired at Fort McDowell. California. STRONG GETS NEW RUGS Three new rugs of generous dimen sions adorn the offices of Gen. Strong, his aides-de-camp, and of Col. McRae at army headquarters, and visiting of ficers from outside posts looked ad miringly .at the purchases today as they called, skidding lightly over them to leave no tracks. Col. McRae and Maj. Lincoln were on the "examining" board which met to choose the three pieces of floor furnishing, and they declared today that even the annual test i ides have nothing on the job for strenuousness. Just Arrived At May's .Extra fine, new. crop, Brazil nutr. Special price, 25c per lb. See window. Adv. ' V -.J-l V . .."V.. , , --!' One ime TMhNWs WO aiSliiWM-JsW Ifca twite ".AavMB'taa. V. S I Mftcflnand tt PaLOShrt MRS. FRED OHRT presents The Young "Women's Christian. Association Class in Dramatics in "THE PIPES O' PAN" A Wood Dream, by Sylvia Sherman Punahou Grounds, Saturday, June 16, at 8 P. M. ADMISSION 50 CENTS BUY VV YOUR AMBER GLASSES Yv Wall & Dougherty's jV I Optical Department I Second Floor I rr Young ' h N Building i TV 77 u i A" 'Sri o e mm One Beware of Substitutes The sole makers of uine Aspirin brand every tablet and every package with tbe Bayer Cross. 'TTu Beytr Cross Yattr CvarmtM ofPuritf - ' 4 ' .' ---. , ... , .. : 4 uat A, nly Pill) pia JIMMY SPALDING JOHNNY. MEUNA CHAS. 'A. RICE PHILIP FTrr. . V-- '' Sdm' -