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Q t of truly MUmlihini successes, and this Is thelctlroprtetor't greatest wort v -completely -kn$ti the rotore f oj a, aleily thUdVlAlmar CtitUm Arnold. Brtux your sickly child for free fplsal analysis.. ' r c. mi&mton. ri.Ci-. jv Boston Bid?. ow;wr tti iot 1 ' " ' ! ; " - ' ; 1 '""'"" VTOi t , f STAR . V All the ttrzittiezc oimKo Waitki for the) Brt to Vera ap. Meals in a jiffy, tad t coal kttch nl b time. Baler?, btoilt, rotate testv Batter cooking bcci cf th- steady, evenry-diiiributed heat. Jor- ntentent than a wood or coal store for AlT&e year 'round tooting-fid more ec tioraical. ' The long blue chimneys prerent all smoke and amcIL f l. . I 4 hrwr eke, with r wtthoet rtv Am - mmM s4U. AA nevp OIL today. ffOVE STANDARD OIL COMPANY JCsllnsnla) -. . V V 9.: . w II 4. u; i wQLV V - - j - 'V- RAISE C MCKENS tad'gain a number of laps &0OSL ins nisa ccsvoi ;' START n ve 9 Y . Raising your 'own chickens," you, get GUAEAN- TEED ess without paying fancy prices and you do it at a nominal cort for our expertly mixed .. feeds, and a little ' 'chcreM WJ3rk on the pirt of S-lhe'children 'or Tourself.' ! II ; 1 Ubt Phcns il21 ' - r Alakea and Queen Sts, J eed II ;;.:,. -V ',V frr-V. V, ' 'J - Ready-mnied PcAits K mi iiitl ft as no otner 'J. i : can a The protectire qualities of paints lie entirely; in tie skill and care with which the lead, 'sine i and. puri y linsscd oil are combined. In Puller's they make an ' " enduring .finisn ,for thejwoo iroi'br concrete sur face thai makes a perfect and pleasing protection. Porch and Step Paints Rubber Cement Coiicreta for concrete". 1- Hat loiie Washable Wall Paint is all "colors. - ,; i.t: 1 hi c-,":' : 109-177 So. King fitreet- ' Si NISliBT CONTINUES DUU (Special Correpofiiec'-e Nerers & CaUaxaan, S9 Wait Street NEW YORK. N. Y- June 1. The Market haa contiaued duil and iaac Uve during this week, and operatkina have been to limited that price ehaarea are some bat irregular aa compared with last week's close. Sato durinz the week of Cubai Iu near by poeitkma to refiners at 4-15 He baars M ctt. ahow no change aa compared with prices paid for Cubaa in these Doaitlona during the previous week, while aaloa of Cubaa for June ahipment at be to Operators indicate 1lic adrance this week for Cubas in forward poaltioos. Moderate sales of Porto Rlcos afloat and for prompt shlnment durinr the week to refiners at 5.89c basis 96. c.l.f. marks a decline cf 15c on these sugars aa compared with previous sales made last ween. Altteush the market during the week baa displayed, no special trend, neither buyers nor tellers showing, any pro nounced desire to operate, yet it might be eald that holders appear to re more confident 1 their position. At the close of last week holders of Cu baa were offering In a moderate way at 4-1516c basis 96 c.&f. fcr Cubas nearby as well aa in forward posftlon3. Following amau transactions, How ever, to Operators at 5c basis 95'. cf. for Cubas lor eecond half June shipment, holders became firmer In their views, and although , 4-1 51 Cc basis 96 C.&L was accepted for a few small paroela of nearby Cubas, no further business resulted even though it was understood that there were further buyers for prompt Cuba at 4-151 6c, and for Cubas in forward positions at 5c basis 96 c.&f. At the close the tone of the market is rather firm with holders of Cubas for prompt and June shipment aiklng 5c to 5-11 6c basis 96 c.&f., anl holders of a few scattered parcels of Porto Rlcos ask ing 6.02c basis 96" c.l.f. with probable buyers for the Cubas at 4-78e to 6c basis 96 c.&f. and Jor the Porto Rieos at 5.89c basis 96 c.l.f. The announcement during the week of the decision reached by the senate committee, on finance at Washington to eliminate from the proposed war revenue act tho additional 1C ad va lorem duty on sugar as suggested by the original bill, and to substitute in Place thereof an excise tax of Vc a pound on sugar has had no appreci able Influence" on the market The British commission has contin ued in the market Quite steadily dur ing the week for moderate quantities of Cubas for June and July shipment, and are understood to be willing to pay 4.65 basis f.o.b. Cuba. So far as reported they have only been successful In obtaining very limited quantities at this .bgsia during the weak. Refiners quotatlona for granulated have remained' unchanged. The Am erican S. R. Co. still quote 7.50c less 2, but continue rertiicting business. The National S. R, Co. and. Arbuekle 9.R. Co. quote 8c less 2, while the Warner S. XL .Co. and the Federal 8. R. Co. are still practically withdrawn from the market: The domestic dc xnand has been rather light and al though the trade would be disposed to place ordsra for fair quantities of refined at WOs less 2. there is no spe cial Inquiry at the Sc less 2 basis. A fair business U being done by refiners for export to countries other than Eng land at prices around 6.75c to 6.90c net cash, f.o.p. in jwnd. An" emerald pin, valued at $4,000, -was stolen, (rom Charles G. Roebllng of Trenton. "A fUbt followed, In which Mr. Roebllnf won. but the burglar managad to es:ape. FEDERAL SUGAR AND C. WAY IN A QUARREL NEW YORK. May SO. Testimony that Clarence H. Wackay auu his per sonal counsel. William W. Cook, who hold a large Interest in FMrl Sugar Refining Company, quarreled with Claus A-r Spreckeia. the presi dent, and Pierre J. Smith, treasurer, the other chief stockholder, and caused the present litigation against Mr. Spreckels for an accounting of alleged illegal profits obtained from the company, has been given In the Supreme Court by Abner H. Piatt, secretary and assistant treasurer of the company. Mr. Piatt also testified that by di rection of Mr. Cook, then counsel for tha Federal company, he destroyed all the book3 of three predecessors of tiie present company wnen the con gressional investigation of sugar re fining cotupanie9 was pending. Mr. Piatt was examined by former Assistant United States Attorney Henry A. Wise, counsel fr Mr. Spreckels in a suit brought agalnrt hire and the refining company by John Delahunty, a lawyer, In behalf of himself and other stockholders of the Federal Sugar Refining company. The order for Mr. Piatt's examina tion was obtained because he is cap tain in the First Cavalry cf the New York National Guard, acd expects to be called out at any time for service In the present war, and .might not be available as a witness when the suit comes to trial. Differences between Clareace II. Mackay and the management of the Federal Sugar Refining Company were indicated last week iu the nws that the former was soliciting proxies to be voted st the annual meeting, on June 18. The board of directors sent a letter signed by President Spreckels, notifying stockholders that proxies were being solicited by an interest other than that represented by the regular proxy committee, and asked that holders of the shares attend the meeting in person. If possible. Mr. Spreckels said that the company waa in a position to renew dividends on the common stock, and notified stock owners also that he would ask per mission to give full publicity to the company's affairs. a.. i. WILL INVESTIGATE STOCKS Honolulu Stock Excfiange Wednesday, June 3. MERCANTILE In order that It may advise its clients more thoroughly on unlisted etocka listed on the local eychangs, the Trent Trust Company Is sending Charlei G. Helser, Jr., manager of its stock and bond department, to the mainland for an investigation of Min eral Products, 'Madera Mining Com pany, and Moun tain Jtinx. j Alexander & eatdwto. Ltd C Brewer A C SUGAR Ewa Plantation Co Haiku Susar Co. Hawaiian Agr, Co Hawn. Com. 4 Sugar C. Hawaiian Sugar Co, Honokaa Sugar Co. Hcnomu Sugar Co. Hutchincon Sugar Plant. Kahuku Plantation C. . Kekaha Sugar Co. ....... Kotea Sugar C"- McEryd Sugar Co. Oahu Sugar Co. Olaa Sugar C. Ltd Ononea Sugar C Paauhau Sugar Plant. Co. Pacific Sugar Mill Paia Plantation Ce, ..... Pepeekeo Sugar Co. Pioneer Milt Co, San Cartes Milling Co... Waiaiua Agr. Co Waiiuku Sugar Co. MISCELLANEOUS Endau Dev. Co, Ltd. .... 1st la Aatsaa. 15 Pd 2nd la. Asaeaa, Q pc. P4 Haiku Froit 4 Pack, Pfd. Haiu Fruit 4 Pack. Com Hawaii Con. Ry. 7 pc. A. . Hawaii Cn. Ry. I po, B.. Hawaii Can, Ry. Com, ... Hawaiian E test He Co. . . . Hawn. Pineapple Co. ... Hon. Brew. 4 Malt Co. . . Hon. Qas C Ltd Hon. R. T. 4 L Co Inter-Island Steam Nay.. Mutual Telephone Ce. . . Oahu Railway 4 Land Co Pahang Rubber Co Selama-Dindings Plan, Pd, Selama-Dindinga P., 93 pc Tanjong Olok Rubber Co. BONDS Beach Walk Imp. Dist... Hamakua Ditch Co, ft.. Hawaii Con.,Rv, S pc..:. Hawaiian Irr. Co, 6a Haw. Tar. 4 pc. Refund Haw. Ter. 4 po. Pgb. Imps. Haw. Terr, Pub. Imp, 4 pc Hawn, Terr!., 1 pc Honokaa Sugar Co, t pc Hon. Gas Co, Ltd, U ... Kauai Ry. Co, 6 Manoa Imp. Olat, 8yi pa., McBryde Sugar Co, If.. Mutual Telephony 6a ... Oahu Railway 4 Land Co. Oahu Sugar C, I po..'.. plaa Sugar Co, Ipi Pacific Guano 4 Fer. Co. Pacific Sugar Mill Co, Cs San Carlos Milling Co. .. Bid AsXd "a .... 3$ 3S 165 tou ton 3U 281 5s sa iv3 V. W. 1$V4 t 30 ..... ..... .!. ..... 54 IK . . . . 3 .... t 41 41 'A 13 14 117 120 iis" iii 157 139 e 95 ioo" ioo" 100 100K 104 ASSESSMENT NOTICE.' Between Boards: Salea: $ H. C. 4 S., 48; 50, 15. 15. 35 Oahu Suaar. Pfi.7R? 1 14, 17 Walalua, J7 20 MoBryde, vw ieu, iu uiaa, 143 i Ewa, 33; 20 Pioneer, 36.75. Session Salsa: 2Q H. B. 4 M. Co, 1S,37r; 30, 8 Walalua, 27. Latest sugar quotation, 95 deg, teat 5.77 centa, or $115.40 ptr ton. AT ALL W&iST. FOUNTAINS u The drink for during and after the Races. CALIFORNIA-HAWAIIAN DEVEL OPMENT .COMPANY. Location prin cipal place of business, San Fr&nciseo, California. Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the Board of Directors held tli . 28th day of March, 1917, an assess ment of -one cent (lc) per share was levied upon-the ccpital ock of the corporation, payable April 28th, 1917, in United States gold coin, to Harry A. Kunz, Treasurer, at the office of tha company. Room 859 Mills Building, Bush and Montgomery streets, San Francisco California. Any stock upon which this assessment shall re maU unpaid on the 24th day of May, 1817, will be delinquent and advertised fer sale at public auction, and unless payment is made before, will be sold cn TUESDAY, the. 26th day of June, 1917, to pay the delinquent assess ment, together with the cjst of adver tising and expenses of sale. By order of the Board of Directors. HARRY AKUNZ, Secretary. Office Room 859 Mills Building, Bush and Montgomery streets, San Frazcisco, Cal. March 28th, 4817. McBRYDE SUGAR CO, LTD. DIVIDEND NOTICE. Neumann's JAMS are made from only sound fresh fruit and pure sugar. Not ad vanced In price. CQ.Ycc Hop & Co. THE HOUSE OF QUALITY" King street, near Fishmarket Phone 3451 . Notice is h-.rely given that on ac coun of the payment of a dividend on the common stock of the McBryde ' Sugar Co, Ltd.. the stock books of the 'company will be closed for transfers from June 14, to June 25, 1917, both dates Inclusive. J. WATERHOUSE, Treasurer, McBryde Sugar Co., Ltd. 07 lit For Convenience, Economy and Quality, try -Incomparable JUAY&OSE BUTTER Sugar 5.77cts Henry Waterhouse Trust Co Ltd. Members Honolulu Stock and Bond Exchange Fort and Merchant Streets ' Telephone 12C8 On the ground of aqu-support Cir cuit Judge Heen granted to Mrs. Mary Ann Machado a divorce from Manuel Richards. Through an agreement by counsel plaintiff will receive perma nent alimony in, the sum of 25 l month. i mm HSS3 4 We carry all sizes in Te,a Cloths with napkins in bine and white. JAPANESE BAZAAR Fort St.', opp. Catholic Church 111! HENRY MAY&C0,Iti Dl3TR,jiBVTOR3 . BUY Island Products! Ask Your Deafer for these SPECIALS; New lot of fine Bermuda Onions .. ...4c FbL Island Peas, select. .8c lb. (Cheaper than canned peas) Irish Potatoes, 5c to 6c lb, If you cannot get them at any other stand at these retail fig ure call at Territorial Marketing Division Maunakea St, near Queen PHONE 1840 Large Assortment of FIELD AND GARDEN . SEEDS cn sate at the market ' WATCH THIS AD DAILY. A Ttiy nnusnpul prlc cn an cxetl!;t lfis ptopexty, at 1S45 Ycnnj Stmt Four ottocss. East In good repair. SenranU' quarters and garage. Lot 87x150 feet Yard contains alligator pear trees, hearing fine fruit ' Square Fed $3500. 3tef?0ji Ernst (on SSL Bethel Stmt Pretext your ear wfitf an Aetna Automobile Policy Castle & Cooke, Ltd. General Inauranoa Agant Pen 4 Merchant tmt 1. .J. s HAWAIIAN TRUST CO., Ltd. fyJJ&$h Stocks and Bonds f Real Estate 'insuranca i Safe Deposit Vaults Authorised by law to act aa'Trustcu, ttcu tors, Acuninistrators and Ouardianj i U UUi no a our furplua capital in your own and your fam ily's welfare. Start a Sav ings Account. 4 Interest Paid on S&vingi Deposits. Bank of Hawaii, Ltd. Fort and Merchant Bank of Honolulu Ltd. . Fort 8trit, mir Qvten Transacts a general Banking Business. luyjtei youf sccjunt and guar sntees safe and efficient service. Exchange, Letters of Credit and Twilers' Checks issued ov principal points. Cable Transfers Aleitanijcr u UmlH4 Sugar Pjtcton Commission Merchant and IniuTance Agenta Aganta for HawaUaJi Oooimereta 4 Syru Compaay, Ifaflra Bugxr Company. Pala Plantation Company Maul Agricultural Company. Hawaiifn Sugar Comftany L Kahului Railroad Company. McBryde Sugar Company. Kahuliu Railroad Company. Kauai Fruit A Land Co, Ltd, Honolua Ranch. E. C. PETERS 310 MeCandleas BIdg. Honolulu, T. H. Stocks, ionda, Securities, Loans Nsgetiatad, Trust Estates ' Managed. Ksep your SAVINGS In a safe place We pay Interest BISHOP. & COMPANY. c. uriEivER a co. (LIMITED) ' SUGAR FACTORS COMMISSION MERCHANTS SHIPPING AND INSURANCE ' AGENTS FORT ST, HONOLULU, T. H. Llifof Offfeerf.tni Directors: Vice-President and Secretary ' aAoRTo V,WWsnt . a. k. ROSS Treasurer GEO.. CARTER 3XteT C, H. COOKE Olrfctor J. R. GALT ' Dlreeter R. A. COOKE Director ' D. G. MAY Director -4- P. H. BURNETTE 79 Merchant St Phone 1841 NOTARY PUBLIC Commissioner of Oeeda California and New York Draws: VYJfls, Deeds, Mortgages and II Legal Documenta Insurance B. F. DILLINGHAM CO, LTD. PHONE 4915 Firs, Life. Accident. Compensation ' SURETY BONDS Money to Loan HOME INSURANCE COMPANY OF HAWAII, LIMITED 816 Fert Street Telephone 3529 LUMBER Painta, Plumbing Supplies, Building Materials. Prices low. Houses built en Instalment plan. Choice House Lota for sale. - CITY MILL COMPANY. LTD. Telephone 2478 P. O. Box 9' J. F. MORGAN CO., LTD. STOCKBROKERS Information Furnished and Loans Made Merchant Street Star Building ' Phone 1572 THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK. LIMITED Capital subserlDed, ..yen 48,00O,00 Capital paid up yen 30,000,000 Reserve funds ..yen Juoooo S. AWOKI, Lee a I Manager FOR RENT Electricity, gas, screens in all houses Fine 3-bedroom house; garage; $20. 2-bedroom hous; garage; $25. Small cottage in town; $14. J. H. SCHNACK 842 Kaahumanu St. Telephone SfSS PACIFIC ENGINEERING COMPANY, LIMITED Consulting, Tec jning and Con structing Engineers Bridges, Buddings, Concrete Struc tures, Steel Structures, Sanltsry Srs terns. Reports and Estimate? oa Fo 'l;