Newspaper Page Text
. 1 b . i ZZl Co ILL 1 tjl may be defective, even though you see well! They may be causing your he? daches. Consult Dr. John J. Hundorff of th , American Optical Co. WILBUR ROGAN IS BACK; WILL HURL FOR 25TH SUNDAY Hawaii's Premier Baseball Star Makes Record on Mainland; Wants to Beat Crumpler WILLIAMSON HAS LOW SCORE; WINS Wl HAN TROPHY Honolulu's Youngest Title Holders POLOISTS MEET MAUI TEAM NEXT SATURDAY w. R. R. P. Wilbur Rnean. Hawaii's leading . baseball player. Is back In Honolulu. 'He- atd this morning that he was mrely ploased to be back in Horto ' lulu, and in rf ady to go In and pitch ' against the AllStars at MoiliilJ Field . on Sunday. During his stay on the mainland Rogan pitched two games, winning , both. In the first game at Los An- - geles he slapped a team which had a . clean string of victories, allowing but - two hits. While in Kansas City he pftclied for the Kansas City Giant i - against the I helrea team, and did not f allow a hit until the- ninth inning. Then one of the opposing players ,.- banted the ball and beat it out. Wants to Meet Crumpler . Rogan is anxious to oppose Lefty ' Crujapler in a pitcher's duel, and eaid tula morning that he had learned a vT lot about the pitching art on the main land and would be ready to stop the ; All-Stars. He aaked about the team, ard the local baseball situation, and ' r rood showine thia season. Roran ia . u : big bobster ior the amateura, and "was surprised to learn that the Aaahia : had downed the fast St Louis team. . Hawail'a leading player was glad to know that a fast league had been or- ganlzed, and said that with the pres- ; ent lineups of the teams a good race - should result. Rogan carried a big bat along strapped to his suitcase, and when asked what that was for, he said that it was plenty long enough and beary enough to send one over , the left field ience at Molllili. ' Smith was the only member, of the 25th Infantry to Tislt the sUr pitcher 'this morning as. the other players were on 4uty. - Smith asked Rogan if he would pitch -Sunday, and the star Hurler, promised to be on tie mound it no military duties Interfered. The Oabu-Service league is planning on holding a reception for the premier diamond star;, which, win be staged previous to the second game. William Williamson captured thi i L - V, 1 . w ft. , V a llMiikman ' Honors in me yiuj iui " cup at the Oahu Country Club on San day. He finished the 18 holes In au even 80. which gave him a net of 48 V. illard (Trace made the best seore of the day. turning in a 76. Col. Lincoln and Frank Halstead went around iu to. R. G. Hell and R. A. Cooke will be the finalists in the play for the Stew art cup, which will be staged soma time in the very near future. The I-lay for the President's trophy will take place on June 17, with a Jargt number of entries. The results: WICHMAN CUP PLAY Gross Net Williamson 80 & G. Bell 82 7 B. Booth 81 Rodgera 89 Wlllard Gracs John Waterhouse 92 Col. Lincoln 80 C. R. Frazier 95 A. Horner 88 Dr. Hooper 88 George Brown 86 80 P. A 99 Howard Grace . ... 6 W. Mclnerny T 102 i William Simpson 92 ! A. P. Ewart 93 A. W. Brown. 100 D. H. MaeAda 96 C. S. Weigh't 99 J. F. Fenwick 102 George O'NeU 108 L. E. Davis HI W. Rice 109 A J- ; a. . a. m mm a a a -mm . mm l. (X.. 1 WW mm BSStpi' H, 'BIG FOUR' NOT 10 COME IN Honolulu's youngest champions taught in the hour of their glory. Trt Kaiulanl School baseball team, winners of the Grammar School pennani this year. The players from left to right, back row, are: See Tong, Ah -)Toona. Sam Hloa. Kam Yau. Tetauo Okasako, captain: Solomon Kenn. 73' John Lee and John Schutte. Lower row Kam Onr John Chai, Lee Chong. 74 Wal Sin, Ah .Wang and Tim Yee. Kaiulanl finished with a percentage of t 116. winnino. 11 eames and losing one. They beat the Kaahumanu team 74 oat by one game. 77 77 77 79 83 SI 81 S 82 54 84 84 K'i 98 31 31 93 Kauai will send a strong team against the Maui Tour at Kapiolaai field on Saturda' afternoon. The same team h s made the famous "Kauai finipV t vear. with tho ex ception of Ja '-ouid. will be in the lineup. Philip Rice will take the p!ace of the star back of last year. James Spalding will play No. I. Ma lina will be at No. 2. and Charles Rice will play No. 3 Philip Rice is an excellent polo player, and many polo enthusiast believe that Kauai will down the Maul four which scored a victory over the Oahus. It is ex pected that tt? Kauai players will use the Oahu ponies in the coming game. fDis odd "iie HILO AQUATICS " ' fgpftrfel &Ur-Bnnt!a 0rrspBfle OAHU COLLEGE, June. IS. Th Pun&hou baseball suad enjoyed a turkey dinner onCoach Bergman last Mtntnr Aftef lh feed the "O" men Elected "SleenT. Baldwin to the iI9lS 1 lani crew, and ;inUbat case.aji. exh! captaincy. , iv " , (bltion race. may be staged at the Hilo i HiloTnj not entertain i the Big Four" in .swimming erenU this sea eon. Word, has been recelted from Hila that taaimoch : a x Duke and VStubby, KmgeT'WiU eIn:the boats 6a July 4 ? ther win not ask them to appeal in Ue anaUc erents,rA Clarence Lane Ms confined to his bed with an attack of blood poison and will be unable to compete, so this leaves the trip of thr swimmer can ceed., Joart -Kelflthether member of the Big Four," may, make the. Hea- The choice between .Baldwin and Peters'on was hard to make, but prob ably the voting "was influenced by the fact that Pete has already, had one iraior sDort. captaincy.! track, - 1917. .Baldwin is popular. Jit knowa ' the J game well and is sure to make a fine captain. - He will prove 'the best box artist in the league next season. l is - prophesied. ; -.;. .v v--,?-:: - The banijnet was a - Jolly affair throughout -After the feed and a aet of the customary rahs, toasts ; were proposed and Baldwin, Captain MahJ koa. Arthur SUterman. Jrank' Mid klff and Coach Bergman spoke. Each one felt that the season had been good especially In the preparation tor next season's team. : v., y-- L;l TCI Will 00 ' ' HIS D1T' FOR u. s. DliltE TO STROKE MYRTLE CREW, CLAS8 A Name ... Kahanamoku Gllman . Boyd ....;......, Anderson ........ t. Carter : ) Position ,...;.8troke y No. S . No. 4 No. 8 No. 2 No. 1 Weight 7 1S5 190 170 155 Vr Lai Tin,, well, known Chinese bas baQ player-who toured: the mainlaad a . numoer ti .umw wita w., Vfl Uit ackl a and m ember rf:fh- freahma - haa joined the 3th Regimwt kd. 4 m the Myrtle boat and expects to leave soon tor thai.. Mn . wnrt n tfi.:. Duke Kahanamoku will . stroke the Myrtle senior crew this year. After two years' practise with the oars the world's champion swimmer has made a place in the first . boat at stroke Duke will go to Hilo with the Myrtles and will stroke the Class. A crew, which Corresponds to the senior crew. Atnerton ' oilman. Aii-Aroaricaa aii and expects front , . - - ' ?In a letter to the SUr-Bulletln, the star-pyer that be has been as sisting tn , the recruiting In ' Philadel phia, where he has been employed, an J has already secured, a number of re cruits. --Both? Lai "Tin and Dennjr Mark ham are playing with the Bushwick team, which is rated as one of the fastest organizations In the east' Both players have been making good In the zms this , season. v f' : :':.;'.- -WAHOO SAM- HITS IN A PINCH FOR YOUR UNCLE . :- - - - DETBOIT, Mjch May 29. 4 Sam Crawford was pinch hitting f for Uncle Sam today. The Tiger 4 ! sluggers put up fifty i 100 gold ) 4- certificates for Liberty loan j .bonds. . v: V 4 4- j Rrooklvn-a ahowiest night, life cafe ' the Plaxa, waa thrown into bankruptcy Vby creditors who claim $100,000 are ; due them. .The place opened New .Year's Eve, j i ; e. M. Wentworth, national presiden "of the Sons ct the American Revolu v t!on, announced that It had been de--, cide'd to postpone indefinitely the an - nnsl csnvention of the organization. SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE $1X0 PER MONTH pclivered to off ie taken at Newscart HOME NEWS. AB6NCY TPholesale and Retai ; " . ;. ; - iAgents for Territory. st -Hilo. - H Do" Cord, the, tall pitcher of the Ha wails of the Pacific league, is another well known athlete who will be seen in action at Hilo on July 4. The' second, crew has "not been se lected as; yet. ' and lt; is not' known which oarsmaV will' compete against the HUo "loose pieca" crew. GREAT SEASON Kaiulanl School, winners of the base !jati chkmpionshlp. this year, and prom foent In other sports, has made a great record in athletjc this season. Under the direction -of W. R. Humphries of Palama Settlement, the athletic activ lies have grown to a -great extent. Tiiera were altogether 32 classes organized this year. Each grade fron' the third up managed Its own affairs, while the first and second grades were, assisted by the boys Horn the upper grades who 'attended tc-.the coaching, raanagljg and vmpirirg of all cor testa. Kaiulanl has a regular sch4ru!e in the various lines of sport, and in the fall, indoor baseball, cross country running and dod?e bell are featured In winter, volleyball and track ath letics are scheduled, ana in the sprlnc term, swimming, track and baseball share the field. Kaiulanl finished fifth in the track meet this seasbn. Altosether 14 s-iields were captured by the students during the past year. The Kaiulanl boys are busy making the shields tn the manual training shop trader the direction of , Kekaoa. formerly with Brooklyn, pitched the game for the Beavers. Local fans will remember how the tall center fielder hit them while in Honolulu. Last Sunday afternoon the Magellan, ell. Not an error was made by either Brav defeated the fast Llliha base-l team during the 14 innings. Mails, nan team oy a score 01 1 10 t ai ruu Park. A. Madelroe was on the mound for the winners. He fanned 14 bat ters and won bis game with a two base hit, sending two men home. The seore: Braves O0003100 04 Lilihas 00200000 0 i The lineup o! the Magellan Braves: A. Madeiros, p.; Fred Gomes, 2b.; ML Sllva,- ss.; Ah. Yin, rf.; F. Martin, lb.; .P. Cjtobra, c; Joe Sllva, 3b.; Geo. Perry4, ct,;Ches Tovers, If. AH UN CHOO The official -scorer appointed by the Commercial Leijme foV games at Athletic park -has lailed, to turn in the account of themes-playex! last Sun day to the newspapers. There Ib a trophy up for the leading batter of the league, but as yet no averages have been compiled. i The Service-First team sprang a surprise- oa the -Schuman' squad, on Sunday. Schuman failed to play" be hind their pitcher," whfle Johnny Wil llamf was not in his Usual form. Mar cial'aild'Kan' Yen starred -for the Ser-vJce-First And cJvttmahVplayed ' , the besf game lor thautomobile men. .'. -.: r j 1J The tar imSilllt talking about the pja: made1 by' Hariherig and You Bun in Ja,st 5 Sunday's ' ame - against the Aiahis.- George surely was using-his noodle on that: occasion, as he was out of position for .the throw to- the fjHtack. r ' ' AvUla and Bill "Rice played good ball for the Mutuals in their game with theStar-Butin .on- Sunday; w!Wle v-Yoshikawawj- the bright star for :.the "newspaper, team; ' He shbived plenty of.pep tehrpd.thf bat, and'han dled Simon Ih' xcelleht shape. Simon was not in his urfual form, and. nbwed 11' hits during the. melee. ; ' There was a large crowd in., attend ances at the St. 'Louls-Asshl gatoe:en Siinilay Vat MoiHUL. ahd4he two fast team clayed Tastefit'gam ot, the year.,vNufhtda. pitched a' mighty 'good game of ball, and deserved to win. ; There Is much speculation as to the winner of the suit of clothes which will be given by Lederers. This cloth ing house, located in - the Hawaiian Trust Company building, has offered a suit of "glad rags1 to the Oahu-Ser-vice league batter who has the high est batting average during the season. I certainly looks like a hot race in the flfst series. MUTUAL TELEPHONE AB R H PQ J. Comacho, rf 4 1 W. Rice, cf 4 H. Zerbe, If 1 Johnson, 2b 3 . Hawaiian" Electrics, . the Coxnmercial league; will meet the Ser vice First team at Athletic park next Sunday morning in the first game. There will be another resl battle in the second contest Coombs and von Hamm-Young wllUineet -fo the fliver championship. The" Star-Bulletin team will play the Honolulu Iron Works squad in the first game at Moiliili. and xth?.. Advertiser meets the Schu msn -team. Harold Janvrm has been given a chance to perform at second base for the Red Sox as Jack Barry is out with a sore wheel. Harris is now playing first base for Cleveland, as Gulsto lies fallen down in his hitting. Kenneth Williams had a real day against the Vernon club recently. Portland won from Vernon by a score of 4 to 3, in 14 Innings. All Williams did during the day was to make three homers and double off Pitcher Mitch- Markham, lb 4 Williams, If 4 AviUa, c. 3 F. .Comacho, p 2 J. Kauni. ss. 3 Kaopua, 3b. 3 2 1 0 2 1 2 2 0 1 0 L WILL STAGE TWO BENEFIT GAMES Two games of baseball will be played at Athletic park on Sunday for the benefit of the Wah Mun school. On that date the Portuguese and Japanese teams will play in the first game at 1:30, and the Chinese and St. Louis teams will meet in the sec end contest. The Wah Mun schol is popular among the Chinese, and a number of the leading athletes have attended this institution, and it is expected that the games ,will be attended by a large number of friends of the school. A committee has been ap pointed to arrange for the details of the doubleheader. The receipts will be given to the Wah Mun school. Utah Girl Hurls With Both Hands Tn.taa ?1 ft 11 91 1ft i STAR-BULLETIN ABRHPOAE 4 1 0 0 '0 1 Yoshikawa, c. Merrick, 2b. Martfn, cf. 4 0 4 1 0 0 Plasas,sv .r.,-4 .J0- 1,-2.2 Mcllree, lb. Tyau, 3b. Melvin, rt .... Simon,, p.. Rhoad. If. r Sunn f Hung, '2b. Ah Bun, 2k V.. Totals; . 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0. 2 1 i: 0 6 3 2 '0 1 0 5 21 9 7i 27 4 The score by innings: Mutual Telephone Star-Bulletin 02,10 10 0 i ; Summary Three-base hit, Avilia ; two-base hits, Johnson, Markham J Comacho; ' sacrifice fly, Tyau; stolen bases, J. Comacho, Johnson- 2, vYi1 liams, F. Comachcv Kaopua, Yoshika wa, Martin, Plana, Rhoads; hit by pitcher- McJIree 2; bases on balls, off Simon, 2, off J.' Comacho 2; struck 0ilti by; Simon A, by J. Comaca i 8; wild pitches, Simon 2, J. Comacho 3; passed;; balls, Avllla 3. Umpires, J. Aylett and H. WiUker. Time of ?Hme 1:25. SERVICE FIRST BINGHAM, Utah, May 21. Utah has produced Another wonder a unique figure in baseball a girl who can pitch with either arm and hold her own against the test boy team of the state. . Miss Adah Clays Is In a class by herself when It comes to tooling the opposing batters, according to those rho ha? e watchetf-her work and those who have faced her dazzling delivery. There have been mighty few play ers in baseball who could throw equal ly well with either hand, but-this little Utah girl, .who plays sand lot baseball all season does it and does it well. She can cut the corners and usually knows what a bitter cannot hit after ! she has pitched, to him a couple of times. Rh ia oio ennd batter and 1 4 0 G 3 00 8 bat8 from either side of the plate. The team of girls on which Miss Clays plays claims the girls' cham pionship of the world. They have never been beaten and have a stand ing challenge to all other amateur g4rl teams for games. Two other girls on the team, Miss Adderly and Miss Dixon, can pitch or play the infield and Miss Dixon leads the team in batting. V All three girls have been offered positions with traveling ; women's teams but have refused, as they say they play baseball only as a relief from their schoolroom duties. v AB R H PO A Marcial, cf. . 3 1 0 2 0 Souza, c 4 0 2 5 1 Leong, 2b 4 0 0 1 1 J. Hoke, 3b 4 1 0 0 4 Kan Yeu, S3 3 1 2 3 :; B. Hoke, p. 3 0 0 0 1 Lopex, lb 3 2 0 10 1 King, If 2 1 0 3 0 J. Koahou, rf. 3 1 3 0 i Totals 29 7 7 24 12 -CHl'MAN ' . V AB R H PO A Yen Chin, c.-3b.-2b. 3 1 1 "4 2 Schuman, lb 4 C 2 4 K. T. Pong, s 3 0 0 3 J. Williams, p. ...i 4 0 1 2 1 Lee, 3b.-c. 3 0 0 7 1 E. Liu; .cf, ... ..... 3 110 0 Crabtree,, If 2 0 0 0 0 Decker, 2b.-rf 3 0 1 0 0 Sllva, rf.-3b 3 0 1 0 0 El The Kamamalu Young Boys defeat- C ed the Young Braves by the score of 0 1 10 to 9 at rawaa park. Toe lineup 0 of the winners was as follows: Geo. 0 Goeas, rf; Joe Boieilio, c; Shoichl, p; 0 Giles Olivera, -lb; John Sllva, ss; ofJohn Farias, -3b; Jack Botelho, If; 0!. Thomas, cf; Alfred Mattos, 2b; Geo. 0 ' Farias, mascot. 0! m There will be a meeting of the ! Pacific League this afternoon jl at the Y. M. C. A. All managers and officers of the league are re- -f i-f quested to be present, as a num- li 1 ber of matters of Importance will be taken up. The meeting will be called to order at 5 o'clock. 1148 Fort Street HonoTolu, T. H. Blaisdell Bid?. Mean. Intensely Active SPECIAL ROUND TRIP TICKETS ? $30.00 All Expenses Apply at once for information to Inter-Island Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. Phone 4941 Queen Street Keeping, up to the Hour in Develop ing and Printing Service We will never allow our equipment to get behind the times in efficiency. We have completed the installation df the latest type of print drying ma chine, in order to meet the increased demands of the public. This machine enables us to dry 2500 PRINTS AN HOUR Bring your photographic work to us for surest and best results. HONOLULU PHOTO SUPPLY CO. Kodak Headquarters Fort'-Street : .. .. ' . ' XT. On the .dates named below the Santa Fe wlBjieU exdixsion tickets to many eait enxeities at 'a rttuction 'of i)Ter; 25 f er cent from the round trip rates ordinar ily in effect. These excursion tickets are good on the Calif omiaXlmited as well as on our four other daily trains; to the East The dates of these excursions from Cali fornia are: June 1617. 26, 27, 30. 1,2,16,17,24,25,31. Other dates may be announced later. Call, phone or write H. E. VERNON, General Agent, 926 Fort St, Honolulu Phone 4023 01 n Totals 28 2 719 7 7 Two out for interlerence with fielders. The score by Innings: Schuman OOOOluO 12 Service First 0 6 1 0 0 0 0 x't Summary Two-iase hits, Schu- j man, E. Liu; stolen bases. Souza, J. Hoke, Lopex , King; hit by pitcher. Yen Chin, Marcial; bases on balls, off Williams 1, off B. Hoke 2; strucu ' out, by Williams 1C, by B. Hoke' 5: ; wild pitch, Williams. Umpires. J.j Aylett and H. Walker. Time of gam', I 1:25. ! "DUTCH" DIDN'T GO WELL IN VANCOUVER Eddie Mensor tells this one on "Dutch" Reuther: When "Dutch;.', worked against Van couver latt year on the home lpr of the B. C. players, one of the Spokane outfit called across the field Tcr Reu ther to toss over a ball, prefacing the reauest with the usual "Dutch." Heather showed mere speed in get-tifcg-aerose the field than he ever exhibited, on the bases or In the box. "Say, you JugiF- he protested "lajr Off that "Dutch' stuff while we're up i here, if you have to talk tc me call me "Scotty."' Needless granted. to say his request was j After the 1 MHMmi IRIIHUIIIDM; T.o Crt for a Llftlm S a ffnvtnC Murine is tot Tired Byw. M: I.IUWIU9 Brea-ttora Kym Oranalated 5 TU4. Bt-Hfmii- s s Knstnm. Marine I Favorite Treatment ; far Bye tail feel Arj aa4 marv Uie 70 nr 2 Bree sa biocb of yer loria ear aa rov s i Teeta aa4 witk Uw aaM revsiarity. i ciifFanim. too tairrm n! s Eje lay sa, cikan. m fm mm i oys Wanted! To Learn the Printing Trade Interesting Work, God Pay. Splendid Future, in the . A A ' Y.M.C. A. Co-operative Trade Schools N Half time in shop, half time in classesTull pay. New term opens July 2. Openings for 10 boys in Printing Shops and. 20 boys in other business houses. Inquire at Y. M. C. A. today. Cooperating Printers: MERCANTILE PRINTING CO., LTD. HONOLULU STAR-BULLETIN, LTD. HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO., LTD.