Newspaper Page Text
O r Or i -ST. :r .-V: .-. -. j - ' " ..' '. "' ? HONOLULU STAR-BULLETIN DAILY AND SEMI-WEEKLY H Terms of Subscription: Dtlly Star-Bulletin 75 cents per month, $S per year, cents per copy. Semi-Weekly Star-Bulletin, $2 per year. Advertising Rates: Classified and Business Announce nraU 1 cent per word per each inser tion, up to one week. Estimate six words per line1. Per line, on week cents Per line, two weeks 40 cn Per line, one month JO cents Per line, six months. .60 centrea. mo. Other rates upon application. No advertisements ofeicuors ot cer tain proprietary medicines will be ac cepted. . t . ' In replying to advertisements, ad dress your replies exactly as stated in the advertisement. If you are a telephone subscriber, phone your advertisement; we win charge I', OUR PHONE 13 4911. WANTED itoofa to Repair We guarantee to top a.11 leaks. See Lou Rogers or Alonxo Jones. We lead; others follow. Eureka Paint Cc 815 So. King St Thone 2096. Peerless Preserving Paint Co alto Pitch and Gravel Root Specialists, stUL at the old stand. 5 Queen at. Phone 4981. 'Wanted Second-hand Ford Truck ' 8U.U conditions end lowest terms. Address ".Aloha," P. O, Box 74. ' City, . 6S0O tt rord Roadsters ; Must be in good ton filtton. Box 47 Star-Bulletin. ' 'The best market prlc will be paid tor ' - clegs washed cotton rigs by the J Honolulu Star-Eulletln. ; 6734-tf HELP WANTED Young man lor. office in wholesale bouse, with tome snowieuge oi M ; bookkeeping and typewriting. Good wages. . Apply in own nanawnung. . Address Box 40, star-Bouean. Sfinv nnitii to take osltlon In print " inr plant- Also opportunity of at : tending school Gooa pay w siarw v Apply Mr. Thomas, Y. 1LCA. '-r-jr-r-i 6734-tf ; " Experienced 'male Clerk wanted. Ap r'ply Fernandea-'Correa, 813 tf SITUATION WANTED. Anyone requiring reliable . boys to . work during summer; vacation may secure them Applying to Wm. Knott. v Kakaako Mission, phone 6247. ..-... ,m 811 f''"'? , 7 "'TxT" . 'Male stenographer anil .bookkeeper, -' age 29. 13 years' experience. Address " $49, Star-Bslletin office. ; 6814 t ' V EMPLOYMENT OFFICES . The 4 miu Pmplcyment office, engin. " eering, building, contracting; phone (S75. 0. N. NishlzAwa, Alapal and ' King.' v ''V. ::f". ' 673$ tf PACIHC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU ;v Japanese help, 2166 : Union- ttreet, v rtone 4136. ' ,; , ; ;6806f6m V, N'akanishi. : 34 - Beretanla at, near . Kcuano. Phone 4511. 6;S0 a. in. to 6 p. m. Residence phone, 7096. 5246-tf 'Aloha Employment Office. Tel. 4889. K Alapal L, opp. lUpld Transit office, 's'!, All kinds ,: help fcrnlshed. 6101-tf Japanese help ot an kinds, male and . - female. O. Elraoka, 1210 Emma st Phone -1120.' ! . ' 6054-tf AUCTIOH BULLETIH We are inre that the many owners of unused Furniture are not" doing the best they can to help themselves, . or their nelchbors. What does it t ' profit you, that that old "Bed suite ; t hall atay year after year In the ' basement, or thesa o!d but very use f ul Chairs shai; remain in the attic i . you can absolutely cell theni for fair : Salue st any time in the Auction ; Hooina, and If you do not need the money, buy subsistence for ? a Lin rwcolntblre Baby, there are cany left - ta the Pea country,' w bote fathers : dioJ that we 4 may r be peacefully -deeping. t eas as if the Bochee had - a: special, spite against the '- tick! sjiI p&etarei wtfere the writer " playel fn boyhood, aa 'hey J come 'Lack again nJ again to Here ward - Oie Wake country to kill and malm chiefly women and: little children. Look around for your left off Furni ture and. send It to Honolulu -Auc - tion Room. J. S.'BaT.y. ! THE , PUBLIC- ARE- HEREBY IN VITED TO CONSIDER THE COM. ? MERC1AL LAW POINT8, OF A f ' PATENT. BEFORE MAKING AN APPLICATION FOR AN IMPROVE- JiENTi'V r- - v: -. It's not necessarily to make , an s.d- V ' f nflltonal number ot parts or cost." In crder to confine a claim. Most every article that contains old elements, can be Improved upon by some means of another, without increasing ' its pres ent Value, p.. w i.;; ?. Ahen: an inventor - claims an im provement, he ia given credit forew idea - only, although such - idea have led to the perfection of the device. So therefore ."what : we: now; present want Is,' new discoveries and ones that contains merits.--,-;'.' . ". : JOHN JOHNSON, - vt. Auxiliary Patent Agent, Offlce,- 762 Sheridan St. -Phone 6506. .. ' Honolulu. T. H May 23, 1317.' : jv - 6812--6t , . -X-.'- 9 FITZPATRICK BROS. m OTV FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES BUICK Racer. 8300: also Hudson. 8200; both good condition. Phone. 4055 or Pacific Auto Machine Shop. 6S03 m 1912 Packard Roadster, in good coodW tion. 8T00. Address P. E Star Bulletin Office, 6608-tf Studebaker Four. 1915. Cheap for cash. Capt. C. W. Wallen. Fort Ruger. 6812 tf BICYCLES. Komeya. Bicycles. Punchbowl A King. 6076-tf MIYAMOTO, bicycles. 128 King St. 6803 JO SATO, 330 N. King. Tel 1026. 6803 6m AUTO ACCESSORIES All makes of auto find bicycle tire and tubes; auto accessories; also vulcanizing, retreading, rebcading, etc. Taisho Vulcanizing .Co"., Ltd ISO Merchant. Ewa Alakea st. phone 3137. 6583 6m Automobile, carriage, "agon supplies ' Quaker, Portage tires, tubes Now Oahu Carriage Mfg. Co. Tel. 2742. $803 6m Accessories; tires. Tel. 1324 Smoot A Stelnhauser, Alakea and MerchanL 6803 6m MOTORCYCLES, ETC. THOR motorcycles; Pierce bicycles; supplies; painting; repairing, n. OkahlrOr QPP- Qh" Ry- Tel 4018. T. EK1 cyclemotor agt, So. Xing. 6804 6m SEWING MACHINE BARGAIN Drop-head Singer sewing machine. In perfect order. Cost 665; for quick eale, price 125. Cottage 6, Cressaty's, 2011 Kalia road, Waikiki. 6803-tf Type R ITERS. ROYAL TYPEWRITER, 645.00 cash. with leather typewriter case. Both In good condition. Inquire Bulletin of ace, 6812 tf FOR SALE OR RENT. Three-bedroom house, 'furnished or un ' furnished, 1325 Fourteenth ave., Moi " road, KaimukL. Price very reason able; inquire on premises. 6810 12t FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Second-hand cameras . and lenses boughL sold or . exchanged. Koda graph Shop, Hotel and Union sts. v, . - . ;6397-tt MISCELLANEOUS' TO CELEBRATE THE 5TH ANNI- VERSARYr"G - Fujikawa, lung ana South streets, "wili hold a grand re duction sale ori all new. and second hand furniture at reduced prices for a period of one month until July 12th. TeL 1623, ; 6809 lm All kinds . of fruit, Tegetahles and seeds. 1061 Aala street. Phone 3554. BY AUTHORITY OFFICE 6F THE BOARD OF - HEALTH. TENDER FOR BEEF CATTLE. Sealed tenders will be received at the Board of Health Office until 12 o'clock noon, Monday, June 25th, 1917, for -supplying the Leper Settlement with beef cattle for the period of six mopthS from July 1st, 1317, to Decem ber 31sL 1917. y 8peciflcationa at the Office of the Board of Health. r . ; - ' . The, Board does not bind Itself to accept the lowest or any bid. THE BOARD OF HEALTH, 1 By Its Acting President, . ( , -K. B. PORTER, Honolulu, HawaU, June 8, 1917. - . .. ' 6807 lOt SEALED TENDERS. ' Sealed tenders will be received up until 11 a. m.of Tuesday, June-19. 1917. for Furnishing snd Erecting Finish Car pentry and Hardware and for Painting Carpentry Finish and Plaster Walls at the Administration building. New Ter ritorial Penltentl&ry.'Knlihi-kaL Hone InltuT. H.V ; . ? The Superintendent Cf - ublic Works reserves the right ti reject any or all bids..yv; -Plans, specifications and blank forms of proposal are on file in the office of the Superintendent of Public Works, Cepltol BuDding, JHonoiulu. , ; ' CHARLEr'R. FORBES, Superintendent ot Pmblic .Works, , Honolulu, June 7, 1917. - : 630710 BROAD GAUGE JAPAN'S RAILWAY TOKIO, Japan, June 16. The gov ernment has decided to 'resect ln'ti.e winter session , of . the Japanese Iiiet the appropriation bill' or ; the pro. posed widening 'of the empire's rail way. .The imperial Railway Commis sion is now working on the plan of rebuilding the railroad on a broad gauge basis. . . k - Oils and Greases Distributed by A AUTO SERVICE' 4 SUPPLY 'CO. 4 Mm AM wBtss FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSES Desirable houses in various parts of the city, furnished and unfurnished, at 815. $18. $20. 825. $30. $35. $40 and up to $125 a month. See list in our office. Trent Trut Co.. LfcL. Fort street, between King and Merchant. Furnished three bedroom bungalow, 2396 Prince Edward street. Royal Grove, Waikiki; right of way to beach. Phone 7639. 6811 tf Completely rumished cottages and apartments on the beach. Apply Mrs. Cressaty, 1909 Kaiakaua Ave. 6779 tf Three-bedroom furnished cottage, cor ner Wilder avenue and Piikoi street. Appjy Mrs. J. A. GUman, Tel. 7466. 6813 3t Furnished room rt Waikiki Beach Every convenience. Breakfast if de- fired. Box 648. Star-Bulletin. 6813 3t Completely furnished house. Lower Manoa road ; spacious garden. Phone 1718. 6S11 6t Two room cottage; bath, kitchen, 30 ft. screened lanai. 1049 Beretanla. 6811 6t Two-bedroom bungalow. 6784 tf Phone 7509. UNFURNISHED HOUSES. Two-bedroom house, Peck avenue, off Vineyard street Apply 297 Vine yard street. 6796 tf Three-bedroom house. 1624 Dole SL Teleohone 4281. 6803 tf FURNISHED ROOMS. 335.00 New two-bedroom bungalow on Wyllie .street; first-class neighbor hood, near car line. Phone 3220. 6814 lw . Large room for two gentlemen, also single room. Special rates ry the montc. Heinle's Tavern. Phone 4988. 6743-tf Clean, cool housekeeping rooms. Walk ing distance. The Palms, 746 Bere tanla. 6t Large front room; two gentlemen or couple; 3 small rooms. 726 Bereta nla. 6811 6t Furnished room for gentleman, $7.00 pennonth, 664 South King. Tel. 5265 6813 6t Light housekeeping and single rooms. Ganxel Place, 112 Vineyard, cr. Fort 6434-tf UghtJionsekeeping rooms ;-biKh eleva tion: close in. Phone 1998. : .6483-tf Coof pleasant front room. Ptyone 4431, 6814 t For rent new apartment. Phone 4329. 6814 6t HOTELS THE PIERPOINT -On the Beach at Waikiki" Furnished bungalows and rooms; ex cellent meals; splendid bathing and boating; 1000-foot promenade pier; beautiful marine and mountain view; terms reasonable. Mrs. John Cassidy. Tel 6708. 6202-tf THE ROMAGOY 1429 Makikl Sum mer rates. Rooms, cottages. With or without board; first-class cuisine. Large grounds, garage, tennis court . electrically lighted. Lucille Roma goy, Prop. Phone 3675. 6811 3m St Elmo 1065 Punchbowl SL, opp. Library; double and single rooms, with board; excellent cuisine. Mrs. ' A. R. Heapy, prop. 6806 tf McBRYDE 8UGAR CO. liTD. DIVIDEND NOTICE. Notice Is hrely given that on ac coun of the payment of a dividend on the common stock of the McBryde Sugar Co Ltd., the stock books of the company will be closed for transfers from June 14, to June 25, 1917. both dates inclusive. J. WATERHOUSE, Treasurer, McBryde Sugar Co., Ltd. 6807 15t fHIDDEN PUZZLE BILL1E BURKE IN THE MOVIES. Find an old man. REBUS. A cas3 or receptacle. YK8T2RDATB ANorrSKJS. Upper lft comer coira, nose at top W Uft skoaAUr.. tttju . ' ; BUSINESS GUIDE BAMBOO FURNITURE. R. Ohtani. Fort, aear Kukui, Tel. 3028. 6S00 tf CAFES AND RESTAURANTS Boston Caie Cooieat in town. After the show, stop la. Open day and night Bijou Theater, Hotel st 6539-tf Columbia Lunca Rooms; quick service and cleanliness our motto; open day and night Hotel st, opp. Bethel. 5518-tf New Orleans Cafe Substantial meals; moderate. Alakea st., cor. Merchant. CLEANING AND DYEING A. B. C. Renovatory; clothes cleaned, dyed and repaired. Phone 4149. 6104-ti Steam cleaning. Alakea st, nr. Gas Co. 623 4-U CUT FLOWERS AND PLANTS Coconut plants for sale, Samoaa va riety. Apply A. IX Bid, Lihue. KauaL 6277-tf T. Kunikiyo, 1111 Fort; phone 1635. 6293-tf Toyoshiba, King sL, opp. Vida Villa. 6411-3m CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. HONOLULU PLANING MILL, LTD., Contractors and Builders. Manufac turers of doors, sashes, frames, blinds, moldings, screens, brackets, etc. All kinds of mill work, finish ing, turning. Repair work and small jobs a specialty. Fort St Tel. 1510. 6806 6m K. Nomura, builder and contractor; excavating, grading, paving, team ing, concrete, crushed rock, sand. Molliill, nr. Quarry. Phone 743S 6568-lyr CITY CONSTRUCTION CO, general contractors. 130s Fort st, nr. Kukui Phone 4490. 64i2 6m M. Fujita, contractor and builder, painter, paper banger. Phone 5002 6300-lyr H. Monaen, builder aa4 contractor 662 S. Beretanla st Phone 3227. 6602-6m - . CONTRACTORS GENERAL HAWAII Building Co building, paint ing, masonry, etc. 1322 Fort st. nearKukuL PhonellSS. '66l6-7m U. Yamamato, 83 S: Kukui st, phone 4430; general contractor; building. 354-tf ENGRAVING Calling and business cards, mono grams, wedding Invitations and an nouncements, utationerr, etc.; cor rect styles. Star-BulletMi Printing Department, iZo Merchant st FURNITURE. Murata 715 South St New and sec- 1 ond-hand furniture b ught and sold. Chairp for rent Phone 1695. . 6812 6m New and 2nd-haui furniture bought and sold. Phone 33$S. !2S1 Fort st. 64536m Saiki. Bamboo furniture; 563 Bereta nla st w t078-tf JUNK unk bought and sola. Phone 4366. 6407-6m MASSAGE K. Hashimoto, massage and electro- neerlng. Nuuanu st, opp. Williams undertaking office, phone 1785. 6400-3m MERCHANT TAILOR H. Y. Sang, tailor. 1131 Union. 6454-6m MONEY LOANED Money loaned on diamonds, watches and jewelry at legal ratel Federal Loan Office, 95 N. King St 6365-tr Fidelity Loan Office, 52 No. King st Money loaned on diamonds, watches and everything ot value. Less legal rates. 6769-lyr PRINTING We do not boast of low prices, -which usually coincide with poor quality; tut we "know how" to " put life, hustle and go into printed matter, and that Is what talks loudest and: longest Honolulu Star -Bulletin Printing Department, 125 Merchant street PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS. G. Floyd Perkins, &3 Stangenwald Bldg. Phone 2907. 68C9 6m ' PLUMBERS. Masaki Bros, 709 King. 6812 6m TeL 5999. SHIRTMAKERS YAMATOYA Shirts and pajamas made to order. 1305 Fort st, opp. Kukui st, phone 2331. 6442-lyr H. Akagi, 1218 Nuuanu St.; shirtmaker. 6307-tf G. Yamatoya, shirts, 1146 Nuuanu st 6451-3m K. Tamane made to order, 348 N. King 6805 6m TYPEWRITERS. Repairing and rebuilding. All stand ard makes. Hon. Typewriter Ex 184 Merchant Phone 5575. 6814 6m TEA MOUSES Ikesu, best Japanese dinners. T. W. Ode, prop. Telephone 3212. 6183 tf VULCANIZING. Old tires made new, moderate prices. New Hawaiian Vulcanizing, Mauna r kea and Pauahl Sts. ' ' - 6S14 6m BUSINESS PERSONALS CHIROPODIST. Dr. Frank O. Kansler. Ellte'Bldg., 164 Hotel St. Hours. 8:30 to 4:30; Sun days or evenings, by appointment Thoue 5536. 6S06 tf EDUCATIONAL PENMANSHIP. L Malterre classes begin July 10. Call 7176 after 4 p. m. 6S06 lni EDUCATIONAL LANGUAGE. Malterre'g French lessons in classes or at private residence. Beginners! or advanced pupils. TcL 7176 after 4 p. m. 6S06 lm OSTEOPATHIC Dr P. H. P?nnocV osteopathic physi ' cian. 424 Br .nia st; phone 2350. 6701 tf NEW THOUGHT Buy New Thought Books. Phone 1373. 6760-tf DRESSMAKERS. Mrs. S. Masaki Maunakea and Bere tania. 6814 6m PALMISTRY. Mme. Cleo is an experienced practi tioner in the Science of Palmistry, by which she has made many re markable predictions. The lines in the hand show the powerful influence of -II affairs of life. Have Mme. Cleo read for you. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Parlors 254 S. King street, Phone 3606. Hours 9 to 6. Evenings bv appointment. Mme. Cleo will be at Kapiolanl Park, near band stand every Sunday. 6805 tf BUSINESS GUIDE TATTOOING. 4000 designs, 35c to 3150, by machin ery, 2 years experience, work guar anteed. S. Galang, 272 King, opp. O. R. & L. 6813 tf WOOD AND COAL. Tanaba Co., Pauahl, nr. River st, teL 2657; firewood and charcoal, whole sale and retail . 6297-tf LEGAL NOTICE 4- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, FIRST Circuit, Territory of Hawaii In Probate At Chambers, No. '603L- In the matter of the Estate of John K. Aplo of Honolulu, Oahu, deceased. Ntlceef Petition for Allowance of Accounts, Determining Trust, end Distributing the Estate. The Petition and accounts of Henry Smith of said Honolulu, administrator of the estate of John K. Apio, where in petitioner asks to be allowed 3703.69 and charged with' $703.60, and asks that the same be examined and ap proved, and that a final order be made of Distribution of the remaining prop erty to the persons thereto entitled and discharging petitioner and sureties from all further responsibility herein having this day been filed. It is Ordered, that Friday, the 6th day of July, A. D. 1917, at 2 o'clock p. m. before the Judge presiding at Chambers of said Court at his-Court Room in the Judiciary Building, in Honolulu, City and County of Hono lulu, be and the same hereby is ap pointed the time and place for hear ing said Petition and Accounts, and that all persons Interested may then and there appear and show cause, If any they have, why the same should not be granted, and may present evi dence as to who are entitled to the said property. By the Court: T H. A. WILDER, Clerk. Dated the 28th daj. of May, 1917. 6797 May 28, June 4, 1L 18. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE First Circuit, Territory of Hawaii At Chambers In Divorce Kura .Nl shlura (w), Libellant, vs. Mojura Ni shiura (k), Libellee. Notice of Pendency of Libel. The Territory of Hawaii to Mojura Nishiura (k), Libellee, Greetings: You are hereby notified that the above entitled cause ia now sending before the Circuit Court above named,!0'1 wherein said Kura Nishiura (w), Libel lant, prays for an absolute divorce from you upon the grounds of deser tion, end that , said cause has been set down for trial before the Judge of said Court at his Court Room in the Judiciary Building, in Honolulu, Ter ritory of Hawaii, on Saturday, the 14th day of July, 1917, at the hour of 9:00 a. nu, or as soon thereafter as the business of the Court will permit It is further ordered that the hear ing of the said cause be, and the same is hereby set for trial on the 14th day of July, 1917, at the hour of 9:00 a .m. By the Court: (Sgd.) ARTHUR E. RESTARICK, Clerk. Circuit Court of the First Judi cial Circuit Dated this 26th day of April. 1917. 6771 Apr. 27, May 4, 11. 18, 25, June 1 and 13, 1917. JAPAN'S FAMOUS' STATESMAN REACHES EIGHTIETH MILESTONE (Special CabU to Ktvpu, iiji) TOKIO, Japan, June 16. Prince A. Yamagata, one of the "Genre-" or eid er statesmen of Japan, today celebrat ed his eightieth birthday anniversary, hale and vigorous in spite of his age. He was a host at an elaborate I'lnnnr given to his many -noble friends at his magnificent Tokio residence. After cutting the electric power! lines bandits blew up. the safe of th- postoffice at Sandy Creek, New York, and got away with SJ0C cash and 1 209 in stamps. - .-'.-vr? NOTICE OF POSSESSION OF AND! SALE UNDER CHATTEL MORT GAGE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, aa mortgagee under that certain mortgage to it from Sam Ke nele of Honolulu. County of Honolulu. Territory of Hawaii, and dated July 18. 1916. recorded in the Office 6f the Registrar of Conveyances of the Terri tory of Hawaii in Liber 457. on pages 153-155. has foreclosed said mortgage for condition broken, tj wit,' non-payment of instalment of principal and interest for which said mortgage was given as security and has taken pos session of the property under and by said mortgage granted, to wit that certain 1915 "53" Cadillac Touring Car numbered A-23561. with its appurte nances, and will sell and dispose of the same at public auction on Wednes day next the 20th day of June, 1917, at 10 o'clock a. m., of said day at the Repair Shop of The von Hamm-Young Company, Limited. Alakea Street City of Honolulu. Dated. Honolulu, Territory of Ha waii, this 14th day of June, A. D. 1917. THE ?N HAM M-YOUNQ CO.. LTD., By G. W. TARR, Its Treasurer. 681331 NOTICE OF POSSESSION OF AND SALE UNDER CHATTEL MORT- GAGE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, as mortgagee under that certain mortgage to it from Kim Fook Sun of Honolulu. County of Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, and dated Janu ary 23, 1917, recorded in the office of the Registrar of Conveyances of the Territory .of Hawaii in Liber 469, on pages 242-244, has foreclosed said mortgage for condition broken, to wit non-payment of instalment of princi pal and interest for which said mort gage was given as security, and has taken possession of the property un der and by said mortgage granted, to wit that certain 1913 model "48 Seven-Passenger Packard Touring Car numbered 35247, with its appurte nances, and win sell and dispose of tLe same at public auction on Wednes day next, the 20th day of June, 1917. at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day at the Re pair Shop of The von Hamm-Young Company, Limited, Alakea Street, City of Honolulu. Dated; Honolulu, Territory of Ha waii, this 14th day of June, A. D. 1917. THE VON HAM M-YOUNQ CO.. LTD., By G. W. FARR, Its Treasurer. 6813-3 . NOTICE OP POSSESSION OF AND 8ALE UNDER CHATTEL MORT. . GAGE - - -. - Notice 1 hereby given that the un dersigned, as mortgagee under that certain mortgage . to it from " Benito Mirasol of Kllauea, County of Kauai, Territory of Hawaii, and dated Feb ruary 10, 1917, recorded in the office of the Registrar of Conveyances of the Territory of Hawaii in Liber 471. on pages 280-282, .has' foreclosed said mortgage for condition broken, to wit, non-payment of instalment of princi pal and interest for which said mort gage was given as security, and has! laaen possession oifiue property un der and by said mortgage granted, to wiL that certain 1917 Chevrolet Tour ing, Car engine, number 39324 with its appurtenances, and will sell "and dis pose of the same'at public auction on Wednesday next the 2t)th'day of June, 1917. at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day at the. Repair Shop of The von Hamm Young Company, , Limited, Alakea Street, City of Honolulu. Dated, "Honolulu, Territory of Ha waii, this 14th day of Jane; A. D. 1917. THE VON HAMM-YOtJNG CO.. LTD., , ' By tT. W. FARR. : n-Treairarer. . ' ' 6813-3 . ; ; V NOTICE OF POSE8SION QP AND SALE UNDER' CHATTEL MORT GAGE.' Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned, as mortgagee under that certain mortgage to it from Sera Plon & Felix Saino of Walpahu, County of Honolulu, Territory of ' Hawaii, and dated November 27, 1915, recorded in the office of the Registrar of Convey ances of the Territory of Hawaii In Liber .484, on pages 253-255, has fore closed said mortgage for condition broken, to wit. non-payment of instal ment principal and Interest for which said mortgage was given as se- t, and has taken possession of the property under and by said mortgage granted, to wit, that certain 1916, model "490" Chevrolet Touring Car, with Its' appurtenances, and will sell and dispose of the same at public auc tion on Wednesday next, the 20th day of June, 1917, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day at the Repair Shop of The von Hamm-Young Company, Limited, Alakea Street, City of Honolulu. Dated, Honolulu, Territory of Ha- ii. this 14th day of June; A. D. 1917. THE VON HAMM-YOUNO CO.. LTD., By G. W. FARR, Its Treasurer. 6813 It NOTICE OF. POSSESSION OF AND SALE UNDER CHATTEL MORT GAGE. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned, as mortgagee under that certain mortgage to it from Harry D. Melln of the City and County of Ho nolulu. Territory of, Hawaii. and dat ed December 20, 1918,'. recorded In the office of the. Registrar ; of v Convey ances . of the Territory "of Hawaii in Liber ' 4 69, pn,;jpagee 28-30, AKas ' fore closed -said mortgage - for "condition broken, to wit non-payment, of Instal ment' f principal and, interest " for which, said mortgage was given as Se curity, and has taken .possession of the property eunder and try mortgage granted, to wiL' that certain 1912 Hud son Roadster, number K. JL 13747, with its appurtenance and -wCl sell and dispose of the;same;at public auction on Wednesday c-iC 'lie 2Cta Cir rf 1: 01 rvnrn U P June, 1917. at 1) o'clock a. m. of said day at the Repair Shop of The von Ham m-Young Company. Limited, Ala kea Street, City of Honolulu. Dated. Honolulu, Territory of Ha wait, this Hth day of June. A. D. 1917. THE VON HAMM-YOI NV, CO, LTO. By T. V. KARR, Its Treasurer. SSI 3 3t BELGIAN OFFICIALS NOT TO W0RKF0R GERMANS HAVRE. France. A number of Beltf&n officials who remained in that country after the Invasion hav re fused to continue their service under the administrative division of the country decreed by the German gov ernment. One of these patriots. M. Sauveur, genera secretary to the Minister ot the Interior, wrote a letter of protesta tion In which he resigned his office. The governor general then "fixed his residence in Germany." the "ftxed residence" beins construed here as prison. - Supreme; Satisfaction is what you get at this GOOD YEAR SERVICE STATION. The von Hamm-Young Co., Ltd. Honolulu Hflo Automobile Repairing FRANK COOMBS Bishop and Queen Tei 2182 AutoG for Hi KING A NUUANU AUTO 8TANO 4242; FOR ALL PURPOSES Paper Bags, Cups, Plates, Napkins and Towels, Etc. AMHAW.. PAPER CO, Ltd. J.'lhman Beaven, Mgr. A P x: n HONOLULU MUSIC CO. Lid 1107 Fort Street' V .1 MEAT MARKET A GROCERY, Phone 3451 C Q.YEE HOP A CO.' M'CHESNEY COFFEE CO.; COFFEE ROASTERS :! : Dealers In Old Kona Coff te Merchant SL Honolulu , . . . .... - JORDAN'S WOMEN'S APPAEELr 1029 Fort Street Gruenhagen's Blue. Ribbon ChocoIateG HAVYAIIA JRUQ CO. Hotel and Bethel Streets SILVA'S TOGGERY Home of Hart Schaffner A Marx Clothes King, near Fort PURE ICE From distilled water Quick delivery , by motor. OAHU ICE CO. Phone 1121 The Waternouse Co., Ltd. Underwood Typewriteri YOTJKOBUILDINO H. HACKFELD it CO. Limited Commission Merchants HONOLULU 7