Newspaper Page Text
'"i 'V.v If. v. i Drink IKON PORT at all fountain a soothing, cooling refresh in drink for every summer day. Suggestions for June Bride Gifts Tea Wag ons Sterling Silver In Gift Case Wonderful New Glassware In Colors Italian Marble Statuary Shimatzi Bronte Vases, Jardlaieres, Bowls and Incense Burners. Community Sliver, always ac ceptable China Dinner Sets Beautiful New Service Plates Oven Baking Glass in Silver frames Electric Portables Cut Glass This Immense Gift Store is tie logical place to bur Wedding Gifts. 17. .1V. -D&nocd & Co., Ltd. Honolulu Phone 4937 (EOT! w a w v tivsy 'VV4M f ortable, ralerpfoof , and wear longer than leather, Put on your worn shoes, for black or tan fofiWhite It's a good wajr to save. HQtin Ivv ;' ; rcrt and Hotel Hts. Also at REGAL SHOE, STORE H5te!; andFori - Full iiriinn James A, Farrel, the president of the U: S. Steel Cor, poration; the itatic concern that is playing ich an ' important part in the world war, started to work at 16 in a wre milt His motto was: Work Hard and Save Money. His advancement-was steady and quick Today he stands in the front rank of world financiers, ; V success builtr without doubV upon" the investments that h earlyavings made possible. Youpwe it to yourself, your family and your. country to start saving: wisely today. We pay 4 "per cent interest on time deposits. Bishop &ompaiiy .l '::ilerchant Street :: Business 75 BEET SUGAR FACTORIES PRODUCE 734,577 TONSJIORADO LEADING Interesting facta and figure have rado leads with 2?5.'J8S, California 210. A. M. Novell, secretary of the Sugar, 896. Utah 79.820. M'.ctigan C2.250, Ne Faetora Cotnoanr. on the 1816-17 beetibraeka Idaho 4J.503. Ohio 16,- Factor's Company, on the 191S-17 beet ,' sugar industry on the mainland par ticularly in regard to the individual states. In the fifteen states where beet 1 sugar Is now raised 75 mills are 1 operated as follows: Michigan 15, Colorado 14, California 12. Utah 11. , Idaho 5, Ohio 4, Nebraska 3, Wiscon sin 3. Wyoming 2. Indiana, Illinois, Kansas. Minnesota, Montana and Ore gon 1 each. There are also 15 new mills belnc erected and five now operating. Of the 734,577 tons produced Colo- ASK OFFERS FOR Advertisements have been issued i from the office of territorial attorney general for bids on supplies for Oahu prison from July 1, 1917, to Juno 30, 1918. Bids will be opened on June 27. Included in the amounts asked for are 40,452 pounds qf fresh bread; SI, 000 pounds cf pilot bread; 72,000 1 pounds of beef; CO dozen red blankets; 100 bags of bran; and 18 dozen brooms. The list Includes articles of many sorts, a total of 25 separate bids being asked. Hay to the amount of 40,000 pounds will be needed, and ice amount ing to 24,000 pounds. It is estimated that the prisoners will est ,80,000 pound of pod during the year along with some 11,000 pounds of. salmon. Other supplies are asked in propor tion. HAWAIIAN COMMERCIAL'S 1917, CROP 53,812 TONS (Special SUr-B nils tin Oomsvondeac.) " WAlLUKUv June 17. Somewhat earlier than usual, the Hawaiian Com mercial and Sugar company ' finished its grinding of the 1917 crop last Sat- urday night. . The total output was 58,81. ton, -. considerable reduction over, iast, year, crop, wnicn yielded 59,035 "tons of sugar. The cane has run light this rear on the plantation due to more or less unfavorable weather conditions. The outlook for the 1918 crop Is especially good at the present' time. He Culman Co.,Ltd : Jewelry and fibtxvenlrs 1 lilIvbrt St. At Half Prise See 0'iT,viiril5w; display. :1 - rv Fort opi "Catholic Church PRISON SUPPLIES To ' m mm i 1 JAPANESE BAZAAR 13 And 212 and Wisconsin, yoming, Indiana, Illinois, Kanp&s, Minnesota, Montana and Oregon together 53,354. California produce the most sugar per factory with Colorado second raise from JS.(KK.t"0 to siu.vw.wn. while Colorado In . rn slices out the were written into the war tax bill to most beets per factory with Nebraska j day by the senate finance committee, second. The largest factories are the The provisions would require persons Snreckels Suear Company situated at! drawing checks and drafts for more Spreckela California and the Ameri- can Beet Susar Company of Oxnard, California. The former Droduces 45. 000 and the latter 3C.000. The 191P-17 harvest amounted to 5.504,707 tons of beets. " t M M . rroaperuy is Demg experience 07 the American sucar company accora- tog to the Christian Science Monitor of June 2, whicn says: AMERICAN SUGAR REPORTS GAINS "Never in Its 26 years of corporate ; Reconsideration of the proposed re activity has American Sugar done as ,peal of law glvlng gugar reflners wen irom me stanupomi vi uei pruim a aunng tne live raonms since jan - H&fy 1. "It is a story of capacity operations interrupted to some extent by several weeks of strike. Added to this has been a gradual rise in the price of raw sugars. The abnormal demand for refined sugar has enabled the refiners to sell without strict observance of the fluc tuations from day to day, or week to week to the raw market American Sugar has, for example, held lta price firm for the last five weeks. And dur ing this time the price of raws has varied as much as Vi cent per pound. "It Is understood that during the five months since Jan. 1 this company has been realizing net profits at the rate of better than $35 a share. "It is only fair to remember that the first half year Is always better with American Sugar than the second half. At the same time, unless there should be a serious break in the price of raw sugars, the company will come through 1917 with a record volume of net earnings. In 1916 the common share profits were IS. 4 per cent on $45.000,O0O. 1917 TOBACCO INDUSTRY HAS BRIGHT PROSPECTS - I That the outlook for the Kona tobacco Industry is particularly bright "thls year is the report which comes from there. The weather has been held there was "no merit' in the con partlculaVly favorable for. the growing tention of the government under of tobacco and with the-foreign sup- strict interpretation of the Pickett ply cut off because of the war domes-law." which modified the withdrawal tic tobaccos are to great demand and j order. the prices are high. ) A suit against the North American For many years the tobacco growers OH company was uismissed by the on Hawaii have been barely able to , ground that the Pioneer brak even but if this year's returns ! Midway Oil company was an actual come up to expectations the Industry j "fa bona fide claimant at the date of is expected to receive a big boom. tne withdrawal order and was dill There axe two varieties of tobacco ! gently engaged in prospecting for oil commended by the Federal agricul tural department and claimed to be the finest wrapper tobacco produced and the other a Cuban variety which for several years Las been grown by the big Connecticut farms with ex cellent results. SLACK TOURIST TRADE AFFECTS REALTY MARKET . That the tourist trade in Honolulu has considerable influence on the real estate business is an Interesting state ment made this week by one of the well known real estate men here. He pointed out that with the city full of visitors many local people in vest their money in land for the pur pose of building small cottages to rent Now that the tourist trade has fallen off, due to the war, be- savs, real estate sales have proportionately fallen off with the result that sales are few and scattered. WAILUKU SUGAR CO. EMPLOYES GARDENING WAILUKU, June 17. The employes 6f the Wailuku Sugar company, in the three districts cf Wailuku. Walhee and Walkapu have gardens planted to the total extent of about 8 acres. Sweet potatoes form the principal crop with some beans. About tbrea times this area will be ultimately planted on this plantation. Crops in Camden County, N. J., suf fered material? from .hail. Young fruit was cut from the tree. ASSESSMENT NOTICE. CALIFORNIA-HAWAIIAN DEVEL OPMENT COMPANY. Location prin cipal place of business, San Francisco, California. Notice is hereby given that at a meeung 01 me uoara 01 uireciors neia j Cuban tax is 20 cents a bag of 320 th 28th day of March. 1917, an assess- pounds, and there is an additional levy ment of one cent (lc) per share was Qf $ per cent on net profits. Cuba's levied upon the capital itock of the;offjcia estimate of her crop this year corporation, payable April 28th, 1917, s 2,800,000 tons, in United States gold coin, to Harry m t A. Kunz, Treasurer, at the office of PREPARES DATA FOODSTUFFS, the company, Room 859 Mills Building, ! j. m. Westgate of the United Bush and Montgomery street, San ' states experiment station haa gone to Francisco, California. Any stock; Maui to assist Frederick G. Krauss upon which this assessment shall re-; in preparing data on beans, sweet main unpaid on the 24th day of May,! potatoes and peanuts. Later he goes 1917, will be delinquent and advertised to Hawaii to install Roy A. Goff as for: sale atpublic auction, and unless head of the Glenwood experiment sta payment is made before, will be sold'tion, who succeeds J. B. Thompson, on TUESDAY, the 26th day of Junewo is returning to his farm to Ari- 1917, to pay the delinquent assess- ment, together with the ost of adver Using and expenses of sale. By order of the Board of Directors. HARRY A, KUNZ, Secretary. Office Room 859 Mills Building, Buob end Montgomery Fra Cisco, Cal , March. 28th, 1917. streets, San Financ ial iSEITORS FAVOR NEW STAMP TAX WASHINGTON. D. C, June 7. cents on bank New stamp taxes of 'Checks and drafts of more than $5. to than 15 to axxif the stamps so familiar during the Spanish-American war. - ! AH other documentary stamp taxes o fthe house bill, estimated to raise , $33,000,000, were adopted except those on surety and indemnity bonds, which were exempted. The committee de cided, however, to reduce the house . tax of 8 cents a oack on Dlavinz cards ,to 3 cents fcr decks costing under 15 ! cents. Consumption taxes on sugar, cof fee, tea and cocoa were fixed finally as previously announced after recon sideration; except that the rate on raw cocoa was reduced to 3 cents a : pound and that on prepared cocoa and products increased to 5 cents. The 8Ugar Ux of half a cent R 2 . cents on coffee aod 5 cenU 0Q tea tnri '"drawback" allowances on exports ; Wfi. st1nrTitr1 trvlav hut a lriinn Tn-sj! nOKfnnnpd Final settlement of the pnbUsDer8. and po8Sibiy of other important questions is looked tomArrftw Senator Simmons tonight said he adhered to his former estimate that the commlttee probabiy will complete the revised bill with an aggregate tax levy of around $1,500,000,000 on Sat urday and present it to the senate aboBt mlddle of next weejL mm U.S. IS LOSER IN TDREE OIL SUITS Further information concerning the decisions handed down by Federal Judge R. S. Bean at Los Augeles against the government in its suits filed to recover oil land under the Taft withdrawal .order and which in vestors consider favorable to Hono lulu Consolidated- Oil whose case is now pending, has been received here. suit A liC gUTCIUUCUI. nun VUIJ UUC VI 1UUI j The favorable opinions in question were those of the suits against the Record, Caribou and Consolidated Mu- tual Oil companies in which the court In a, modified decree granted in the case of the Thirty-two Oil company, involving a whole section, the court ruled that "L. N. McMurty, who made the original locations, did not retain possession in good faith for the ben efit of other locators," and therefore the -lands "were acquired through fraud." The court's opinion however, eliminated the Thirty-two .company and other defendants. The Berkshire Oil, Standard Oil and General Pipe Line companies and others were named as defendants to the suits decided for the government by Judge Bean. Violation of the with drawal order was alleged. WILL PURCHASE METAL DESKS FOR SENATORS Hawaii senators will sit at new desks to the 1919 territorial session, according to Charles F. Chillingworth, president of the 1917 senate, who said today that he is looking into the mat ter of having metal desks installed. Surplus cash in the territorial al lowance to the senate for the past ses. slon amounted to between $4000 and 55000, Chillingworth says., which will be used in part for the new furniture. New desks for the representatives were installed before the recent ses sion. These are of koa, but the sen ator is of the opinion metal desks will be more permanent. CUBAN SUGARTAX CUTS PROFITS $3 PER BAG NEW YORK, June 7. Sugar taxes Imposed by the Cuban government as a revenue measure to prosecuting the war against Germany will reduce the producers' net profits on each bag to S3, or approximately 1 cent a pound, as compared with an earlier estimated profit of 39 a bag, according to a statement Issued here today by the Republic of Cuba News Bureau. The ion. Westgate will probably return next Saturday. EXTRA DIVIDEND DECLARED. In addition to the regular dividend of 65 . cents a chare, the Oahu Rail wav & Land Co. on Fridav declared y paid an extra dividend of 60 centa la share on 50,000. shares, a total of '$20,000. . : , ; ON BAN CHECKS News : H0N0LULU0L TAKES SPURT Demand for Pioneer Mill Company ' stock was more accentuated than for any other stock on the local exchange this morning with several blocks changing hands at 36;. Otherwise trading on the board was llgot. Over the week-end 30 shares of McBrrde Changed hands at the ruling market figure. There was a wide disparity between the price bid for Haiku sugar and the last sale, the value dropping to $200 as against $245 on last sale. Koloa Sugar went up to $176 on price asked as against $170 on last sale. Among the unlisted securities Call for. nia Development stock dropped to 3 cents bid. Montana Bingham went up 3 points on amount bid. A block of 4000 shares of this stock changed hands at 35 and 36. Honolulu Oil took another spurt, 500 shares going at $4.23. Honolulu Stock Exchange Monday, June 18. MERCANTILE Alexander A Baldwin C. Brewer 4 Co SUGAR Ewa Plantation Co. Haiku Sugar Co Hawaiian Agr. Co Hawn. Com. A Sugar Co. Hawaiian Sugar Co. Honokaa Sugar Co Honomu Sugar Co Hutch I neon Sugar Plant. Kahuka Plantation Co. .. Kekaha 8ugar Co Koloa Sugar Co. MeBryde, Sugar Co Ltd. Oahu Sugar Co. id Asked 275 290 455 S3 33 '4 200 210 48', 37 'a 37 178' 10'2 10 29 292 14'4 58 XtVz '26" '45" 36 37 26 264 '20" "0 "5 . 2 ' 4i" "tVz 14. ..... Y.'.Y. '20" 160 iy Oiaa Sugar Co., Ltd Onomea Sugar Co. ...... Paauhau Sugar Plant, Co. Pacific Sugar Mill Paia Plantation Co. Pepeekeo Sugar Co Pioneer Mill Co San Carlos Milling Co... waialua Agr, Co Wailuku Sugar Co MISCELLANEOUS Endau Dev. Co . Ltd 1st Is Assess. 65 pc. Pd 2nd Is. Assess. 90 sc. Pd Haiku Fruit & Pack- Pfd. Haiku Fruit A Pack, Com Hawaii Con. Ry. 7 pc. A.. Hawaii Con. Ry. 6 pC B . . Hawaii Con. Ry. Com Hawaiian Electric Co. ... Hawn. Pineapple Co. . . . Hon. Brew. A Malt. Co... Hon. Gaa Co., Ltd Hon. R. T. A L Co InteMsland Steam Nav.. Mutual Teleohone Co. .. Oahu Railway A Land C Pahana Rubber Co. Selama-Dlndlnas Plan, Pd. ssiama-Dindtnp P u pc Tanjong Olok Rubber Co. BONOS . Beach Walk Imp. Dist.. Hamakua Ditch Co, 6s. . Hawaii Con. Rtf. 6 do... 85" Hawaiian Irr. Co 6s.... Haw. Ter. 4 pc Refund . . Haw. Ter. 4 oc Pah. Imoa. 70 Haw. Terr. Pub. Imp. 4 pc Hawn. Terr'L, pc Honokaa 8ugar Ca 6 pc 95 'Q 0 Hon. Gas Co, Ltd, Bs... Kauai Ry. Co- 6s IWk Manoa Imp. OlsL s pc.. McBryde Sugar Co- 6e... Wx 100 . Mutual Telephone, 5s ... Oahu Railway A Laud Co. Oahu Sugar Cc, 6 pc. . . . Olaa SSugar Co, 6 pc... 110 pacific Guano A For. Co. 100 100 100 Pacific 8ugar Mill Cow 6s Ssn Carlos Milling Co... I I I I Between Boards: Sales: 10 lie. Bryde, 10.62: 5 Walalua. 26.25. Seaslon Sales: 15, 15, 10. 25 Plonser, 3S.75; 6 walalua, 26; 7 KeJca, 170. Latest sugar quotation: 66 deg. test. 689 centa. or 1117.80 per ton. Sugar 5.89cts Henry Waterhouse Trust Co Ltd. Members Honolulu 8tock and Bond Exchange Fort and Merchant Streets Telephone 12Ct FEDERAL SITE The federal building site Is now un der cultivation and is gradually tak ing the appearance of a young farm. The Boy Scout of Honolulu Saturday afternoon turned out la large numbers to coax mother earth and today pota toes, beans and other-vegetables are struggling to da their part by grow ing. 0 Represented in tne scout turn-out were many troopt. Troop 1 had 12 out of possible IS members to the field. Troop Vlir had enough scouts p res en to take over a large tract and Troop VII, which hajWn busy all week on its plat, waS wel! represented. Then there were a large number of Queen's Own. and scouts from Troop V stood guard Saturday end Sunday nights to see that tools were not snitched 0 tender new-planted shoot molested. Troop VI made the smallest shojv ing, with only five scouts present Scoutmaster Hucton intends to in crease this number. E. H. R. Green of New York, sub scribed for $5,000,000 In Liberty bonds through the Terrell National Bank of which he is a director. He :s the son of Hetty 'ireeu. Under a request by the Governor, every Mary lander stood for a moment at noon flag day to salute the Stars and Stripes. CROPS SO NON TRUSTS N' REAL ESTATE LOANS STOCKS and BONDS INSURANCE SAFE DEPOSITS Stafnitt runt CWSfiL Bethel Street Protect 1 Aetna Automobile Policy Castle & 43 General Insurance Agents 11 n.riii 7 . HAWAIIAN 1KU3I IV..LIQ. Sin Real Estate L tP Anthorixed by your sarplns capital in your own and your fam ily's welfare. Start a Sav ings Account. 4 Interest Pair on Savings Deposits. Bank of Hawaii, Port and. Merchant Bank ol Honolulu Ltd. Fort Street, near Queen Transact a general Banklns Business. Invites your account and guar antee safe and efficient service. Exchange, Letters of Credit and Travelers Check issued on principal point. Cable Transfers E. C. PETERS . 210 McCandlea Bldg. Honolulu, T. H. Stocks, BoraJs Securities, Loans Negotiated, Trust Estates Managed . Keep your SAVINGS in a safe place. We pay 4 Interest BISHOP & COMKANY. P. H. BJRNETTE 79 Merchant St Phone 1848 NOTARY PUBLIC Commissioner of Deed California and New York Draws: Wills, Deeds, Mortgages and all Legal Documents Insurance B. F. DILLINGHAM CO, LTD. PHONE 4915 Fire, Life, Accident, Compensation SURETY BONDS Money to Loan HOME INSURANCE COMPANY OF HAWAII, LIMITED 816 Fort Street Telephone SS29 LUMBER Pasnts, Plumbing Supplies, Building Materials. Prices low. Houses built on Instalment plan. Choice House Lota for sale. CITY MILL COMPANY, LTD. Telephone 2478 P. O. Box 95 JAPANESE SILK GOODS ! I En 1st AND EMBROIDERIES SAYEGUSA 3120 NUUANU STREET, JUST ABOVE HOTEL Phone 3646 your car with an Cooke. Ltd. S Fort and Merchant Streets 111 Tni irm nt 1 j Stocks and Bonds Insurance law to act as Trustee. Execu- tora Administrators and Guardians Alexander! Baldwin Limited Sugar Factors Commission Merchants and Insurance Agents Agents for Hawaiian Commercial A Sugar Company. Haiku Sugar Company. Pal Plantation Company. Usui Agricultural Company.. Hawaiian - 8natarmiiM V1' -f 7l Aanuui itauroad Company. McBryde Sugar Company. Kahullu Railroad Company. Kauai Fruit Land Co, Ltd. Honolua Ranch. C. (LIMITED) SUGAR FACTORS ,, COMMISSION MERCHANTS 8HIPPINQ AND INSURANCS 'AGENTS FORT 8T HONOLULU, T. M. List of Officers and Directors: E. F. BISHOP........ president a H. ROBERTSON... Vice-President; and Manager R. lVERS-.;,.pV... Vice-President end Secretary A. GARTLEY . Vlce-Prssldf nt E. A. R. ROSS TMasurer GEO. R. CARTER Director C H. COOKE Olrector J. R. OALT Olrector R. A. COOKE Director D. G. MAY Director I J. F. MORGAN CO., LTD. 8TOCK BROKERS Information furnished and Loans ' ;Mde. Merchant 8tret Star Building 1 Phone 1872 THE YOKOHAMA 8PECIE BANK, LIMITED Capital subscribed. . .yen 41,000,000 Capital paid up yen 20,000.000 Reserve funds yen 21.300,000 8. AWOKI, Local Manager FOR RETNT Electricity, gaa, screens to all hom es Fine 3-bedroom house: caraxa: 120 2-bedroom house; garage; $25. Fine furnished house; garage; $40. J. H. SCHNACK 842 Ksahumanu St. Telephone 333 PACIFIC ENGINEERING COMPANY, LIMITED Consulting, Tet jnlng and Con etrvctlng Engineers Bridges, Buildings, Concrete Strue tures. Steel Structures, Sanitary Sys tems, Reports and Estfihatee on Pro jects. Phone 1045. AND CURIOS, K 0N03 mm& co I?