Newspaper Page Text
frtm txn Frtncco 4 Wl&elralnay June 28.' Foe San Frinc-lsca . . JCezt man, June 16. . From Canadian Porte . Next DiU, July 11. For Canadian Ports Next xaafl, July 13- ..V ETrnlos BuHetlB.'E5t lS82. No. 6S21 Hawaiian Star, Vol. XXIV. No. 7C 12 PAGPS-HONOLULU, TEERTTOBY OF HAWAII, MONDAY, JUKE 25, 1917. 12 PAQES PRICE FIVE CENT3 , 1 . r v n i i r,-: ,v r. i jv.i i I L.' A 1 I ii ii O O O 1 DMCIIIL mSa CELlEuED TO Detective, Deoartment Chardes Tom Saffcry With Extortion r and Vill Turn Him: Over to Victimizing Frightened vyomen' at Nignt , Orcinhed ilackmall Ulroutli a fang of bold ruffians opemtiBg at nUht ' is bellered toy U pollcs to bare bsn exposed and the ringleader caught on" Saturday 'afternoon. . ' . v " Tbe-arrest of Tom Saffery, clert for a local draytnif company, on Sat urday, afternoon, as the result of a. woman's quick wit and courage Is ex pected to stop ibt operations of the gang In Tlctlmlxlng Innocent men and -omen frlghteoed into the belief that they are to be made :b center of aensatlonal notoriety. Baffery was charged with extortion I and his case was to baro come up taUV in collce court, but was Con- - Unued until Friday when he asked lor time to secure an attorney. .'. In the meantime Captain of Detee ' " UTe McDuffie has laid the ase be fore City Attorney Brown and is to make a full report cs it to u. c At torney lUher.;" It is probable. McDuf , ,fii said loday. thU the local prose cution will be 'dropped and . Baffery will be turned orer to the federal authoritlea oa the charge of imparsoa- ' ; atlng a federal officers This U one oi f . the accusations against him. . -v? For weeks the police bate been get- , l ting occasional reports that the Diack- maiag gang was at work, principally ' along. the beach roads. 'Their method, as McDuffle told it this morning, was simple and bold in the extreme, out - they relied on the fact that their Tio jtlms inrarlably shrunk from the un welcome - puoucity that wouia rauow jan attempt to exposevthe ;tmscrupu lous peratora' ; It ' has ; been Impos sible heretofore, ays McDuffle, to gel :Tldence on any man or men. ; - ..The alleged . blackmailers' .would ?iratch for parties, usually in autcts. hich included married women or married men. They would trail such parties - to the homes of the' men or women usually women were the Tlo- .'tlms and -await an opportunity to present their extortionate 1 demands. - At this opportunity, finding the woman ,slpn, tcr i"t?ricev me "of tbe rcs VAvouU'fci'rou fciX tc'l that the had been watohed by cfHcers of ,-ttel law aud they had compromising eTiuence tralr?t her, ead that the yrvt to to rj-restel azd prc-ecuied. -i; Ko cstter how entirely innocent the tlctlra blghf be, such an accusation visually accomplished' Its object.; The .. (Continued ion pare , three) v'- Mm as ..... . m . m el v , . . ca.Uoa acrrtoa) - r- CASHINGTON, a C, June 20-The VyY-'S- state department today felt 'Iw ,1ated confidence over the situation n China. The legation at Psklng re ports, that the note from 1 President Wilson, urging', the Chinese to com T pose their Internal dissensions and up . - hold the republic, has had a beneficial ''., effect. V;:.;.;,T I O : i A new ministry has been formed, and the reconstruction of the government ' la proceeding at a rapid rate. ? .- ' ; The Chinese legation here had des patches today from Peking that L.I C : Ching hl has accepted the 'premier ahlp, fcelievlng that the. opposing fae- . ' tlona are . reconciled. Admiral Sah Chlenplng has been named minister . ; f the navy and .General Wang Shlh ' ' Chen tnlnlste ef vvi?. ' : ' 1 . The policy of China toward Ormany ' will not be changed, pending the eleo tions, of which the results will not be known for several montha " . NEW YORK STOCK - i r?-:,.-r.!ARICET-. TODAY- - If- Ji' - Sa Today, day. uska Gold r;v;.';u;;c;.w s American Smelter . . . . 108H .108 AmerlcaftSugar Rfg. :u 120 '120 American TeL 4 TeL Vl 123H v 122?a Anaconda Copper ..... ' S3H . 834 Atchison 101H1 101 - Baldwin Loco. ...,r... 73H" 72H Bethlehem. Steel ......a.... al4l v. w f b141Ji b1422 Calif. Petroleum 20 , 20 ; Canadian Pacific .ii;.. 161 V 160Ji m M. & St P. (St Paul) 75 75 Colo. Fuel & Iron '. 63'e r 63Vi Crucible Steel BS V S4 E rle Co m m c n . i ........ 26 H . 26 V4 ' General Electric : i,. 162. 160 Cenersl Motors, New.." 1194', H " 'Creat Northern Pfd. .... ;107H; 107J4 Inter. Harv, N. J. Kennecott Copper ". 45,- ,45H 66'f X T65, New York Central Pennsylvania Ray Consol. Reading Common 28aw 28?a S8V4, 7J4 Southern Paclfio ....... S4; Studebaker S2Va -Texas Oil 21S .Union Pacific'; 133; U. S. Steel 130 Utah 110' Western Union. 84Ki 5 137'. 1S0H H1'2 92 52?4 ' . .. ' ' LI .. . Federal Officials Accused of ,-t. . ,; " llDSECn Fl Territory - Pays Bishop; Estate y $5000 for 9285 Square i. 4 i.Feetv.- , Through lha purchase by, the terri-i tory of 8285 square feet - from the Bishop estate ou Punchbowl and King streets walkiki of the present Judiciary building; one more- tep - toward the fruition of the proposed civic center in the vicinity ; of the ' territorial; group has been takenM i f .This was the .statement today at the land office in: regard :to a $5000 sale on June 19,. which gives tbe ter ritory a $ 5-foot -' frontage . on King Street In the" vicinity of the. Abies garage.: -: , ?. v : i On January 29. '1918.' according to rues at the viand office, the mshop estate : wrote to. the territory giving While ? the value -of the land -as placed by the' Oahu board of apprais ers was thd territory .aecnrt ed it XoriWOO. -:rj;-ir-i'.?: '-'-i.i;- . Other pieces of land which the ter ritory hopes to secure In the opening up of the civic ' center section are appraised , as follows ki. - v ' i'K Castle It Cooke, $46,000; J. B. Ath- erton estate, $20,000; ; Allen & Robin son, i 14,9 57; Long esU $17,676. Total approximately. $106,640. : Still another step in the civic cen ter Idea will be made on July, 2 when: the Esplanade lots are ; offered j for sale at auction at an upset price of $90,ooo.: - - - ; ;, . While It has been ; generally sup posed, that -the. " Hawaiian Electric Company; limited, adjoining the lots, would be the only .bidders, Walter A. Engle, acting , commissioner of puhiio lands, stated today that another party has made inquiry about the lands ana that, tracings from the : office bav been Issued to him. . . ; The Hawaiian i Electric . Company has - already offered $90,000 for the land; this . being the . standard v on which the land board at a recent meet ing figured the utset pric.' The -sale will be the biggest made for a long time by the territorial office, and it la v understood that the money . from the land will go toward the purchase of other holdings, on Xing streets . DRPROrOSED CIVIC CElli DH.:asnnTS:iii PftEtTYsorteit:izTio: c:e::i uut o;i hie gom;:ossi;!? Indorsement of UcCandless and Jryan is First Open Move to Block- Reappointment : of Pinkham--Huberj and Trent Sup report Resolution n Ground tThat it is Action by v Party ;Representativwi. flf' V : A Democratio "drive" to block the reappointment of Governor L. E. Plnkham. and secure another as executive, was launched Saturday after. ' noon at the party luau in. the skating J By unanimoue acclaim the 1500 or more Democrats present adopted a resolution passed at a meeting of the 'territorial central committee on June 14, naming L. L, McCandiess and rof. W. A. Bryan as being equally favorable to the Bourbona for, appointment as governor. The resolution was read by U. 8. Attorney S. C Huber and copies will be . forwarded to - the President and other-proper officials in Washington, D. C ,-.;- i-i - ? .i. ,' . As a forerunner of this resolution the central committee on June 16 sent President Wilson the following cable gram: . . . "Democratic territorial central com mittee unanimously Indorses L, L. Mc Candiess and Prof. W. A. Bryan : for governor.! Either entirely satisfactory to party.":. District Attorney Huber said today there was no special significance in his reading of the resolution. ' He said that, r at the luaiv he had made the statement that the President and the secretary of the interior are anxious to know the will of the people of Ha waii as regards the appointment of a governor. -He says he has not been asked by Washington to report on this situation,, nor has he made any report I to Attorney uenerai u re gory, his own chief. " ; -:" Huber, Explains Position 1 """I believe as thoroughly in organ ized politics as In organized business." f NATIONAL GUARDSMAN GET8 JAIL SENTENCE FOR INSUBORDINATION. Under sentence of 25 days at hard labor for Insubordination, . 4- John Leventhal, member of Com- - pany D, Hawaii National Guard, 4- was arrested today by th police department on a warrant from 4- the national guard department.. Leventhars offense waa Insubor 4- dinatlon. Some two months ago he spent 10 days at hard labor en a similar charge and when he waa freed forgot to report for 4- drill. When he showed up the 4- next time and was asked for an 4 4- explanation he grew insolent to 4 4- his superior officer. Court mar- 4 4 tial aentence waa approved June 4- 4- 21. 4. 4 4 4- 4- 4- 4- 4 4- 4 4 4 4- 4-4- 4- Slayer Says Gin Victii (AsMciaUd Pru ty T. a. Ksval OoxutUU. catioa Safrlce) .BOLOGNA. Italy, June' 25. Alfredo Cocchi, confessed slayer of little Ruth Cruger of New York, told the police today a 'strange story regarding the murder. ' 1 never say the Cruger girl until she brought In her skates to be sharp ened," he declared. "Sue- did all ' in her power to attract attention. " When she came for the. skates her attrac tion for me was overpowering. After that everything was like a dream. I did not Intend to kfil her." T. SHIEfSUDSIDY SpeeiaI CSbU to pariiamenVcalliirg-f or a lajspenslou of the subsidy tea- steamship lines. Ac cording to he r Administration, the steamship; companies hare made much money during the past few years and It Is believed . that the' subsidy Is not needed. Inasmuch as the governmentaLar xy nas a majority parliament it is believed the bill Will be passed. The T. K. K. N. Y. K. and O. S. K. wlU , be 'affected by this law if passed. Whether or not this will mean a raise in. freight rates cannot be, told, at this time.,. The N.- Y. K, has a line to Europe, while the other two lines have steamers plying between Japan, Hono lulu and San' Francisco. NATIONAL BANK' CALL ISSUED; AS OF JUNE 20 t ...... (aasodat4 Pru fcy TT. 8. Vaval Oosunnal. caaoa aarrice) WASHINGTON". D. C June 25, The national bank call was Issued today as of June 20. . .:. , 4SH1P CONTRACTS LET WASHINGTON, D. C. June 25. Contracts for ten steel and , four wooden merchant vessels and 20 wooden bulls were let today, by Major Ge4 George W. GoethaJa, for delivery In 1918. ink. Fort street. BY REPUBLICANS This evening ' the Republican mem bers of the new board of supervisors will bold a catena to discuss the problems which will confront them when they take office July 2. The7 budget for the next six months is one of the matters which will claim their attention, and also the number of standing committees. " There is a movement on foot to reduce the present seven committees to. five and add two new ones. What the new ones win be "has not been definitely decided! The plan is to com bine committees on health and water and seweres and the committees on police and fire and electric light One hew committee suggested is pub He accounts and records. ; . . v On , the matter of appointments the Lured mm MAY LOSE CAUCUS CALLED LATE NEWS RED CROSS FUND NOW TOTALS $2216 At 2:30 this afternoon Chairman E. D. Tenney of the War Relief Committee ef Hawaii announced the total amount of contributions made by Honolulans to the American Red Cross since the one week cam paign began las Thursday, to be $20316, which with the $2200 on hand at the beginning makes the grand total of $22,516. Of this amount, $13, 825 was contributed by 10. corporations, $750 by two firms, and $5471 by 45 Individuate. This leads Chairman Tenney to hope tnat citixena will In the next few' days contribute more freely. DISEASE ON KAUAI IS NOT ANTHRAX The dlaeaae which killed a aheep at Kealla, Kauai, last week was not anthrax, according to a wireless message received thie afternoon from Dr. Leonard fi. Case, assistant territorial veterinarian. The mee aige was sent from Ubue. One sheep from a flock of 150 died the middle of last week from a disease thought at first to be anthrax. BIOS ON FURNISHING FOOD TO LEPERS OPENED ' Bide for furnishing palk or hard poi, hides and beef to the Molo ka4 eettlement were opened at the office of the board of health today aa follows: Palal, Wong Nlm, 90 cents a bundle of 25 pounds; hides, Hawaii Meat Co, $0.198 -a pound; beef, American Sugar Co., t 1-2 cents a pound. No contract have been awarded. CHINESE DEBTOR MUST PAY $11,786. In the case of Leong Lum et aL against Lee Wal, an action for the recovery of an alleged debt, a Jury, In Circuit Judge Kemp's court this afternoon found for the plaintiffs in the sum of $11,768. ALLIES URGED TO FORCE NEUTRAL 8HIPS TO ACCEPT CHARTERS (Associated Press by U. S. BOSTON, Mass., June 2$ More than a million tons of neutral ship ping art idle in harbors of various of the belligerent nations, according to Sen or ClmfellL member of the Italian mission visiting the United States He lays that the owners of the Vessels are greedily awaiting higher charter rates oeiore signing up. iot commerce, ana suggests wai me Auies lm pose confiscatory port duties in now idle ships. GREECE MAY FORM ATHENS, .Greece, June 25.- Senator Jonnart of France is arbitrating ministerial difficulties to an effort xelos and Zaimla elements. - AMERICAN PASSENGER VESSEL FIGHTS OFF SUBMARINE AN ENGLISH PORT, June 25. American passenger, vessel brings successfully fought off a submarine, k. ' KING CONSTANTINE BUYS AilSTERDAM, Netherlands, June says that' King Constantine, late king of Greece, has bought the magnifl cent Chateau' Chartreuse at Thun, Switzerland. A BELGIAN WtSSWi JIAY COME TO THE PACIFIC COAST , WASHINQTlON, D. June 25. considering a trip to the Paclno coast. - RUSSIA'S. GREATESTAR motitei more "than anthing? e1seC;A thoosand lowmoUvep are wanted immediately. 'v If they lean be eecured, say the . Russlaa emissaries, ; mili tary euccea s wui. ioiiow. - - - ACCUSED OF LIQUOR SALES IS GIVEN CHANCE TO LEAVE Katie Lee, who waa arrested 8 aturday ' night by I the " police on a charge- of selling llquorto .soldiers, and who was turned over to the federal officials today, la not to be arrested by . the latter authorities, it waa announced this afternoon. It Is understood the woman will be given av chance: to leave the territory, next Thursday. Seventeen bot tle of beer. were taken aa evidence , when the woman .was arrested. ' BRITISH 8TEAMER SUBMARINED; THREE ARE LOST , MONTREAL, Canada, June 25, the British ship Ortolan has been being lost- ; PACIFIC SAILING VESSEL ASTORIA, Oregon, June 25 The lor.unma, nas reiurnea wuus pan. could not extinguish. MILITIA FIELD BATTERIES . WASHINGTON D. C June Z5. the .various state national guard organizations which have field batteries that the batteries win be required for training artillerymen. RUSSIA OUTPOST TERRITORY ASKS INDEPENDENCE TIF.XJS, Trans-Caucasia, June 25. the Russian territories or ueorgia lution asking for autonomy. tlEOSMTIOIl It) (PECTED EFflntillE 30 t That the attorney generals ot- j flea in Waanlhston. D. C. had ex- 4- -f pected that registration in Ha- -f v wail Kr rauiiaxx Berrce wuuiu t- 4 .be held some day this montlj. Is intimated in Instructions to Mar- shal J, J..Smtrtly to have the ar v- rests of all "slackers' completed by June 30, the end of the fiscal year, if poibTjj. - The marshal also was request- ed to complete bv the end of this -f f month the arrest of all German 4 -f aliens who had failed to register f or secure permits to reside or do -t- business in the local restricted -f areas,' or who had failed to turn la all firearms as required under an order received here some weeks ago. Marshal Smiddy anticipates lit- tie, if any trouble, as regards tbe registration of German aliens, -f and the surrendering of firearms. : More than 150, permits have been issued to date .and it is believed 4- that practically all firearms have been collected. 4- 4- 4 4 EMBARGO COUNCIL CREATED WASHINGTON. D. C. June 25. President Wilson today created the "Embargo Council to advise with the government on the possible prohibit ing of exports along certain lines and to carry out the decisions on embar gos. for commodities. The council which will v administer the proposed embargos wiU be made up of experts. gether and ; decide on which, of the AT A GLAWCE Naval Communication Service.; order to drive into active work these COALITION MINISTRY to effect a coalition between the Venl Arriving from the war-zone today, an news that an American naval gun crew tbe submarine firing a. torpedo which ' PALACE IN SWITZERLAND 25. News from Switzerland today The ' Belgian mission is tenUtlvely tIEED IS LOCOMOTIVES' This agents . here . learned today that suns: era submarine, three of the crew FLEES TO HARBOR, AFIRE schooner Margaret, which was bound win a lire in ine noia wmcn the crew - - NEEDED AT FEDERAL CAMPS The war department today notified at the various officers' training camps a congress of representatives from and TransCaucasIs has passed a reso - After withdrawing his former plei nt nnt nHit, p. a Snror nr cotia Wash, charted with nnlawfullr rp- cruitinz labor for Alaskan aaJmon can nerlea. entered a ilea of ruiltv In CAr. cult Judge Heen's court this arte noon and was sentenced to pay a fine of 6500 and costs. Mittimus has been stayed until noon, tomorrow. At the Instance of City Attorney A. M. Brown the cases of Frank S. Win der, an employe of the Metropolitan Meat Market; Pablo Manlapit, former editor of a Filipino newspaper, and B. Cruz and Felipo Madlagawan, Fili pinos, charged with a similar offense, were nolle pressed. All. bonds were cancelled and nine Filipinos, who have been held as witnesses,- were dis charged. Prior to Snyder's plea of guilty, Judge Heen read an opinion holding that the prosecution might retain the 62400 taken from Snyder upon his ar rest, as evidence. This . money now will be returned to Snyder. 4 : : ; - I BASEBALL RESULTS I I TODAY t NATIONAL LEAGUE At Brooklyn Brooklyn 3, Boston 2; Brooklyn 4, Boston' 2. At Philadelphia Philadelphia 2, New York 0. SNYDER ENTERS PLEA OF GUILTY IN LABOR CASE American League At Cleveland Cleveland 9, St. Louis 6. At Boston Washington -4,; Boston 0 Boston 4, Washington 3. At New York New York 1, Phila delphia 0; New York.7,. Philadelphia 5. CZECH HMS DESERT TO eUSSIAWS; VMSAVJ STUDB3TS STRIKE FOLLdninG DISMEfl WAR FRONTS COMPARATIVELY QUIET WASrilNGTOfJ PUSHES FOOD CONTROL BILL AS WAR-MEASURE SENATE TO RUSH LEGISLATION URGED BY PRESIDENT (Associated Press by U. S, Naval Communication Service.) AMSTERDAM, Netherlands, June 25. Copies of the Berlin Lokal Anzeiger received bellious against the Central Powers. Czech regiments are de serting' by wholesale, going over BERLIN, Germany, June Beserler, military ruler of Poland under the German' system, has closed the University of Warsaw because of outbreaks there. A strike of students has followed a row in which sev eral of the students were arrested. " WASHINGTON, D. C, made by the senate today to rush through the food control bill V and get it to conference, if it is changed from the form passed by the house, or into the president's hands at once if there. is no change. The president has let it be the bill to pass. He believes have the power of controlling in the country. 1 Herbert C. Hoover, the "food dictator," is ready to begin administration of the law when country prepare itself for discipline in the matter of food . consumption. ; War Front Quiet: vThe Associated Press summary of today 's developments in , ' the war-zone says: ' The iEfriUfeh front was active principally with raiding. There is a-lull along the Aisne line., ; - i -: - u " "The; irench; front has remained- intact at Vaux Aillon, ; despite the bloody,-attempts of the German crown ; prince to ; batter in the positions with the weight of men and guns." r COPENHAGEN, Denmark; aiding Germany's crops, which have been burning up under a , fierce, midsummer sun, according to news receivedfhere. Much damage was done by the heat AN ATLANTIC PORT, June 25. A British steamer arrivr ing here today brings news of a nne. ine naval gun crew on shells home on the submarine's the shells penetrating to the magazine. An explosion followed : and the attacking diver sunk. The fight took place 400 miles from Ireland. NEW YORK, , N. Yn June Palmer damaged by shells from was laid up here today. - More Sinn Fein Rioung Breaks Ont CORK, Ireland, JurieiJS. - which several were killed and Feiners making the disturbance.- roops were called out to quell WSffl URGES; IliOlli'S SU0.T. itiraiEstsPflin Mil Louisra By C. 8. (Special 8Ur-BaQi Cm90-de) ., ;. ' v - v ' . ; WASHINGTON, I) C ; June 11. Sugar producers) of Hawaii are urged, to cooperate matters relating to the product It is held that their interests are mis is me aa vice oi.oenaiorioussara, ". . isfieaaing he fight to obtain the last degree of protection for cane grow- ers. lie is connaent oi success, not yet won. His success in suspending the "draw back " pro vision of the Underwood-Simmons act 1ms created a sanguine feeling. The fight is now being concentrated on the excise tax feature. It is contended that o bone-black sugar, would be imitation cannot be secured Senator Broussard lia3 a last card i tf li i ' 1 it ' llM' IVJ- up nis sleeve, tie win noi moment arrives. V It is the plan of Senator Brousaard to offer another amendment, classifr- ing the excise tax. , ThlswiU not be done nnless the bone-black 7 amend-, mint fin a 11 a ra1utAf V "" X-'T V - It is proposed to divide the excise evr into four taxes. The excise tax on domino and lump sugars 'woald he raised to one cent on bone-black re ined - sugars to th ree-fourths . of . one cent; leave the tax 'on washed sugar J at one-half ' cent ; and impose a ' tax of one-fourth cent on ; molasses "tag ars, or second and . thirds. ' - -." If it-is.fotind' I-rc-!v!9 to' carry here say that Hungary is re to the side of the Russians. v 25. Governor-General von June 25. Arrangements wicroV known that he is anxious for that the government should now' the distribution and sale of food . n1; it is passed and nrges that the ; ': . a French Hold East ''" ' "; ' . ; . ' June 25.Recent rainfall is and by fires, f - ; successful fight with a subma- me untisn vessel sem ineir ; hull at 'a range of five miles, " 25. The schooner Rebecca a submarine in Irish waters," . C L . i ' - V Riots took place here today in a dozen wounded, the Sinn- The police were helpless and the, disorders. , : ,V; ALBERT with those '6f Louisiana' in all and the pending revenue' bilL identical ,in the long run. - , dui realizes inai me ngni : a limitation", of its. application satisfactory 'all around. If this spring imsuniii me jiavoraoiu : ! v committee and the senate. It Is tie confident opinion of those friendly to sugar: that i thei bouse 'will' ellminats the entire plan "added to the revenue i bfllby the senate, carrying with it not only the excise tax, on sugar tu: that on coffee . and ' tea, This woul 1 leave nothing-of the senate chans? -except suspension ot the ' drawt ac !: provision of existing law. it U t lieved on all sides that thls will r. main a part of. the new tilL : tThe Ilar- y - , . . . I fC v f v"" r" e .4 r'fJ-n Vo vej, rne Vomo?i