Newspaper Page Text
Conceit maj pnlt a man p, btrt sever ;j roj AXjpood conscience expects toft be treated;with - -m- . . -.. f 1 J iM v - aim op.-uosua. 4 f -v:,.v- .- :Vy--;v :y yy'i:;. TWELVE3 HONOLtJLU SXAB-BULLETIK TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1917. y T ;VV;; y ' 't': " :c!V ' iiiiofni ;v "Th hir rMrMlfrtitt IIIlo for Ue Fourth of v July, ! certainly I olng to be sv. record success this year,- said Lv W. d : Vis-Norton this morning. " "There Is kfull week yet -to go with It : enrttable crowd: of s last-moment reservats, and thercrcurslon steamer, w hlch, by the way' if h Mauna Kea. is already, more than i three-quarteri r.iti . -I" " . '6c aura i&dlcatira of the popular- Jty of thli bit prograu? luio la ouenn& is tho fact that, while .tho rowlnr crew are' join rerl next Saturday, in order to hare cocple of days; work I a the , enemy watei, so many ' of tiitir MMdi are colnrlwlth them this c&son that the: regular ,boat for.Satur- Ckf next la aireaay ruii v ue cazu-o. - The excursion thit (year has , one adTantaje In that the boat' stays orer In HIIo :ntU Fritfay moJilng, s6 that tUre is ample time nct'only to: Uke in the wholp of the festtral prccram, cvt-n to the grand armory Isall and the fireworks, hui alaato devofte the whole cf Thursday to excursions o the Vol cano and up the . Scenic T3Wlroad to Paaullo, where, by the jcay; the now hotel buit hy th railroad n a really til asset to the Island.. There Is thus time to spend the Thursday night at th 9 Volcano and g3t downlto Hllo In . lets of time' to catch the s,teamer Fri day morning '-;':' 'v- Tf s, I am Quite ready to conduct ix rxcursloa to the Volcano on the Thurs-c'dj-. and will go oror on the excursion V -t to- nuk up a list of those who vent to go t:v The lke in tlalemau Is certainly more spectacular ' an it has . been since 1212,' the Tear r the tig rise, . . ; - "With regard to the sporting erents, ' may be generally realized that there ? feveral running events open to ers. These comprise 100; 200," run : j high jump, 1 mile, 440 relay race r 4 men to a team, 120 yarda low ' rilei role vault, 440, running bread P,- putting shot, and S0 yards relay r 4 men to a, each man to run ycr-s. These ahould be-a great trsciicn for. seme cf our Honolulu ,ck nca. ES the prizes are for gold, ' ver Lzi troze medals. There is an : fee cf 3 cents each, but this is rcti:rre3 to all vho take part la - race fcr v.LIch it is rs-H." -' "I Lave received Elvlces. that the T9 hr.tcrn r"ie is to be a 7a EKROLLED I1M.CMIEIS Nearly 7$ oadeU are "expected to linei nj for th first roll-call .-of' the second year ot thta organisation': ex istence at the local Y. M. C. A, The cadets are the young boys between the ages of sad 12 and last year 71 of them constituted the finest gymna. aiwmclass of the association. ? The summer opening Is tills after noon,v st which time the boys are to K amtmA tn morlsr CiCtUTeS in COOkS hall at theJT. M. Cs A. ' Promptly at S o'clock the company wuisiorm uw gymnasium games-hall and, swimming pool under the direction of the physi cal directors, v I The boys are to meet thwe times a uV.TnMm ABd ThUTWlSVS at 1 and on Saturday mornings' at 10. A varied program or caiistnenics, relays, games and swimming, together i with Instructions In tumbling and minor apparatus . for the older .boys, consti tutes, the program. i v V3 ' -The cadets, as last year, are to be divided into four teams and great In terest attaches' to: the selection of the four captalni. tat year the r four teams were captained by Gordon Ham, who Jed the Bears; Warner.' Hobdy, who succeeded Clarence Cooke, Jr., in captaining the Lions; Norman Ellis, who successfully ran the Hounds, and Andrew . McGlU, who : superintended the Panthers,; L V w j; V v . Doy Cartoonist Has 11-Year Old Rival Ted,- the 14-yearonl cartoonist whose work has appeared fn the Star Bulletin, haa a rival. - The ' rival is only i 1L His name Is Buck," , and he takes " exception , to Ted's Idea of Uncle Sam. ;vif Vv'-v ' V'VVV;-: Buck writes to .Ted.; through the SUr-Bulletln as follows: ;r -1 V ' "Ted has a very wrong Idea about hm tatnra of tTncle Sam. He makes him short and stout, when he should be tall and ' thmV ; This .picture r the encloses a picture to show his own Idea) was drawn by cucti -V : ."Buck. 11 years old. !VV-; V '-. - the clctcre Is In rjen- w m . m -V f nnA cannot" be retfrodaeed. out Buck's Uncle Sam is . certainly r tall and thin, ' . - y c" s - J V y ' Prince Udine and Wn. Marconi, th inventor, postponed their trip through the South and west on account 01 iu ress cf both: ' ' . -y- .... 4vofo - . By BRIGGS CUPS AI'illlDED In I r -Jflur" I 1 . TT.Tll :Rah (Hurrah .y r- i ac5a V CPiv OF - V Ktl. WESTS The Hawaiian GlrJa - Clul was .fS O o m Liaaai nwh SchoolErids Good YanT 5tar Bulletin e Lertihcate Given 1 1 r sect :?eeeeeteec-seeeceeee,eeeo ' i.-y. V-i "i 7 ..,t t,-... 9 IV' t XL,T TO 3 :sc::sssssscsss:; c eeee eeee teeeesee ec seteeeeeeee Fir 3 Tcticlica -S TC7 . . . - " I -r t;:n 1 c: t:.:Ll: m irrr a tr - ' - r '- - " f - r::-, to tl: Li la 113 c:j c2 , r-3 rswisr ptrs tad ceased 'their - . treatment at the spot r. L:ra tla couldn't sea her akin in , ft t-c nirrcr? . . - ! Frctitly. the thousht the had ' t-tlcl tLcrouiUy tack between ' t cr thcullcrs, anl at that line cf rrci is here tie Lair ttarts'to tctt. E-t it's f-lrly hard reach-' : crczi to r-zz'h. there Just'al V ll 3 ilzca Lcre the cne button you cVt txr-ch tclcrrs end eo, the bath !i t:t ta ta cc;:c:te3 at that rpct. Vet, r lth ttin wals'j or dcolleta V; : - t!i3 iLfn ttavs up Its poor -j - - - . 1. . if cra prciuces the tnert illn there. It is wcU to ; c.V;r it c-rc:!y when dress-..-izz- r'cr a low-rc:il ccrtume. i'or icIl ta-dcitea lhtly V ever ths and then rutbed c, , IriTir- tta tcrt erect without. the . ' T3Tw:r itself tc'.s: apparent. On 19 reel:. It can be arrlied thicker;", czl cn tie chect-' and-the. tack r -' t ?cil cay be used, without ; i z rrtllcial erect. This is t -cause t: 3 i Lin cf the reck and ahculders . i ritzralr whiter than that cf the V ;..:3. ' .. ' -: . ... 'r.t I.'rs. iL. IecIJ I t3 rr ywr '"' l If, u you r. roa aciol a it nT!tT. la rerre t -.'! for lBBcteon-Uix viit, tht J "i teloLr ta Dtier c "-arUBal i f l r'pr. Ira a.fra!l I Wilwa't : i:.t a thus avral 1m UU Uh . - v 'in fc!mfel mSpr f yenr CKta .. - rfcv-- yor Jvv ry Muck. ; . . . ' ' t, yrc-per mry y- t. oref 1 -r lii ltiM4 r -r iTikt ' a eaaorr cf towtla r " rrrr a lux bala fcf boillax-ot " t. cr tre t!r::!cs ani wtr. i;ia-ua tp ?r ttia, u- vV . TrtTrp-i Fr t'B'fs? eaacrr arrar-aient via kw? tit BtaaM rfrhr. t a-1 nee miatite; roa aowa rwl plaipU eraaa la. ; i a piov oi irm . ta a v eru aaa Caat ta a Ua ini at Utaa r jfr"7X, ier t.;a ai ue;i xniatite; roa aowa com pretty, and-tcr thin oiyipe off. wits a pi and wcn t..a i-.-ea away r uio4 of daarus 1 -ca checrrei that telh rich clcta-, ai.:ctioa. VW JL112 u the iiczl drink. It nil the encp aia tSs'3tial : refreshes and invirorstes a tireif mind and bodvr- IZ fa:r!y teems with the piquant Eavor ol the luscious Icrsuw . fcm r h'ch it is rude. yiVa; m r.. ,zrr Above Hnze Kauai High School squad. Below Twenty glrla in Flag Drill that formed pretty feature of c"a"ting exewsefcVX""cC''-t; (Spatial Etar-Baifctia Comapoadtaca) ; and . then .. there - were several folk ' LIIIUE, Kauai, June 23v The clos ing-exercises of-the-Kauai. high and grammar-school-were, held on Friday at the j high - school - grounds, Llhue. The program .was" of sv patriotic - na ture and ; was' ' witnessed ; by many friends of the schooL ;-i The opening number was :cjte'ot patriotic "songs ' sung .byTTheTsrndents and showed that the younger genera tI6aknow: both the words;a3ad:. music cf the .national 8ongs,VCV ?tp'--l' -The lrill company : of J four, squads then gave a fine exhibition cf, military drill and won the praise of the specta tors by their clean, snappy .work, Aft er, this .came the - squad 'competitive drUL"; Lieut j Gonser I bf the'. Regular Army,-acted as Judge. ;.The competi tion was so close that two. b quads had to drill the second time to decide the winner. VA' pennant-' was ; awarded! to the,wihnera; Squad ItAVrJ. :a girls' chorus sans two numbers PRIZES OFFERED, HID FARMERS . 'v.- . . (Spadal ttw-SaUttia Comtpoadaaee.) y WAn-UKU, Maui, i June 22.- At a meeting' of the children's' gardens gen eral committee, held at the Alexander house last rrlday afternoon, it was de cided to set apart one of the six chief orttes (trips to Honolulu) to each of the. following three sections Molokal, Hana district from Kallua o Kaupo, and West Maui for.Honokohau to Olo walu.s The other three first prizes will be awarded to the owners of .the three best gardens wherever located on cen tral Mani.::-im'r 'VV: v'-VX v Thi decision was, arrived at -after the matter had been discussed at con- cal DepartmentAdv; slderable length. ' Because of the dif ficulty of any , one corps of Judges be ing able to inspect properly the gar dens in the three sections first named; these sections will be permitted to do their own Judging, or to appoint their own 'Judges.?-"-. -:V ; For, central Maul the chairman of the children's gardens department has been authorized to appoint a 'commit tee to select three Judges to make the final decision.'1 One of these Judges will possibly be a government official from Honolulu if he. can be obtained. The committees In charge of the vari ous districts will each decide as to the best of their own gardens, and those chosen win " be submitted n to the v-i " e em e V" DR, P. AV. RUSH FORTH, OPTICIAN. froraerr'or the Bertelling Optical Co. of Ban Francisco has succeeded Dr. Capps in "Wall it Dougherty's Opti- a warded a handsome cup at a sarty given in their honor at the ibeacl house ol ' the T. W. C ' A, last Sat urday evening. X The award marled the close of the contest between the various dubs. . . .--'- .' -V . . v The Hawaiian Girls' Club captured a total of 11 points, and the Girl Guar dian Society, the youngest and small est club, wen second place - with 5 points. At the party, the various contests: were burlesqued, ? and" tea cups were awarded soma of the Indi vidual members who distinguished themselves. --'..;--: -:; ;f T - "'j -:. Miss Rebecca. Exera waa awarded s cup as the champion basketball' play er la these burlesque contests, and Miss Mary Smith was given the. honor as the leading baseball player. V Miss Adelaide Swln g showed ' the . $ best knowledge ot the Bible. The points and standing were as follows: Attendance at club , meetings, 12 points, won by Girl Guardian Society. Basketball, won by Hawaiian Girts' Qua, 4 points; Jolly McKinleyites. second place, 2 points. f V. '.; Volley ball, - 7 points, won by Ua waiian Glrla' Club. -...V.;-- . - Indoor baseball, 7 points, Hawaiian Girls' Club. . . v ; . C:.5 - ' I Club exhibition,; f points, Hawaiian Girls' Quo. A ;, Tennis, ( points, Hawaiian Girls' Clatt.'. -V: , --VV 8wimmlng, 6 pouts, Lyrio Club. Educational work, 10 points, Waka ba Kai, :'.V.V-' .vii'st Bible study, 10 points, Tse Mat' V.s Dramatics, 10 " points. Jolly McKin leyites; -t'.-v ''-..'-;.-V W;V ; ', Sunshine work, 8 points. Girl Guar; dian - .Society. a- V, V; . ' : : ? V V '; ": AD CLUB DESIGNATED v iv JO STAGE VAUDEVILLE JV v ; ; v: vAT: CIVIC CONVENTION i; r As the result of a. meeting, of the :':.: VV Ad Club convention committee, Harry V V : Decker has been appointed to . take ,-, charge of the vaudeville performance V .. f which is to be given Monday night vV duricg the civic contention week. A special feature of the performance will : be an advertising akit. Toa ' : Sharp has been retained aa technical ; adviser. .T.v'i ':?-;-VVi ' .. ,The' music arrangements for . the V entire convention have been placed in the hands of the Ad Club with A. E. - ,-. Larimer in charge, who will j have Charles R. Frazler as aide in the com-, V position of the special music ; : , a-o-a V- w Members cf Frederick Funstcn Fost . No. 4, Veterans of Foreign Wars, will V meet at 7:39 o'clock this evening in V Phoenix halLl Visiting comrades are'i lnvited to attend. . - ail'IilHIIIiiiiliiillliniiinil!!!:!!!!!!! II!!!!"!!!! llllilllllllllllllilillllllllllUllllllllllllllHl'lM.I.I II lllllllll- 1- dances by the children and -the. older gins. i :'-a:,-:, m ? - Thef last ' number consisted ref a fuig drill by; 20; girls, and: was' one of the features' of - the da v.' I I l certificate ,of Honor for. gardening to we scnooi, ana sjso-to Manuel iGqu vela for home gardening-was-reeeiTed with applause. , AS'-jspecJal -VscUoOl prize of - 5 ai;twonby r,the natter- for f havhigL the most productive garden at the school. V- V -.-r v , Lieut" Gonser : spoke to ; ; the . bors . abouV the Importance lof ; observation ssVi muA vucuicuks iu . "iniflrjr!- wvra, .sua President Patterson ; of ? the . Chamber of Commerce delivered an address on patriotism. : - , t The -high-school has developed rap idly in the past three years and there were : many favorable t comments on the accomplishments : and improve ments of the achooL ' '. ' . : v'i !V: : : ;. --.'V' v v'.v-.; -''- .v:,l :.v'VVv..:; ' : ' ' V'-ViVVV -i. s,V:V - -1 '.-:.r.;v.j m Li saw it about : YourBtiGinsGS 70U BELIEVE :IN ITvYOUIElJF-imbue others with a liketraith; - v ? r-i. ';..;, i ; is J FAREWELL-PARTY GIVEN :y . A Jolly farewell party was tendered two popular Honoiulans, H. D.' Mc Leod and- J C Bowen, who leave .for the coast r today;, in the nature of a Chinese dinner last, night. . . Both are going. , to SeattleLiiBowen' has been practising .law: here . and McLeod -wraa an: engineer, with therHonolulu Iron Works, Guests , who gathered to speed them oil their .Hray, were James H. Berry, f C.V P.-f, Gambertou v- WTllIani Honk, C. Chaner. Con Sing Loy, A. M, Hlmrick, B. Brown and R. A. Hukman. is New,-our experience ; is OldJ ::. mGPooapl ii S a Dlo v y,x-jeira krec,;--'r Vr V.V IiaiZaeU MOff,-' t y 1 If Vour stock is a crood one, if your urteous fand competent, if. the service of your delivery system is prompt! and dependable t-; tell : every man and woman in" Honolulu about it. vv; r ivITiese projple are jesftr any information that aids! them to get better value - tor r tneir money. Give it to them--and Ibtsbf it.(!yJBl3yllSffi O , a ' -X 'fedtelith rill sink in -the evening neyspaper iipuxv v : i: ''' ' - "i With the day's work behind them, and all 'com- i v mercial cares and wornes brusned asiae tney are v v- only too anxious to listen to the vital things you . ..... :y.. v. . - -;. - '.'-v-'-: . vv-. y -.y . yvv--- -;y to say. - Say some of these ! thinsjs y at once. 5; Give the 1 5000 buyers we'Jl bring you iii contact with a chance to hear your story, nd prbht by the; oj rjprtunities you offer. 'y:yvyi: -... . . -y.v Circulatioxi for 7v.,Xl ' ' :''-:i;--'-'.;-:V JVV - r- , JV l-i-- ' -':'V-- ' r - r "st -' .? Vj . "J . ... fT1 ! i:-C HP . Z S .,1 - vvv : O . ' - ? rti'Va. -; - l i ..1 iL... , riANCISCO, June SS--Susar: .''-:".'..'--v . it, S.1ZZ cr-.'.x. Prevfous quo- . r- , ..