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. .. aaaan rniiiM 1 m AbscIxUJy Para ROYAL the. most cel ebrated of all the baJcxng powders in the world : celebrated ' for its great ; leavening strength and ; t ; purity a, It makes your cakes, bUctrii; bread, etc, 7 healdiful,' it jraures you t " against alum t ana all; ' I foms of adulteration that : go die cheap brands. Made from Pure Grape Cream of Tartar. f; ROYAC COOK BOOK 500 RECEIPTS FREtV 'y Send Name and Address, y Room 408,' Hawaiian Trust Bldg. V Honolulu, T. H of Royal Baking Powder Co., Now York, U. 8. From' 32 Handkerchiefs per;week, down to 6 per eek, A enotes a fever, Chiropractic adjustment removed the cause; time, four weeks. f. c:miqhton o. c . ; 7. -. ."- . ; - 9 w- M .1 -1 ' . - ' i. ? ;A.$k to scq our VKeda" white :v Grey; Smoked Horse EQde ; - Tan Norwegian Calf ''0 ill 7, CJi 'K Fort Near ICinjjs . " . i r - m . m sa --. . . -b wsisBr.s sst .bk.bbi .bbb e s i : : ; nziteceitcerorxitc : n-nULLETIW 75 r ' . an improvement In. a case of Hay nan VVdimeh II ay r - f r n n -if r II 1 1 wm Uoimtaia CllmtJlnff, Tramping canvas vacation shoe, v .VrS O' C A'iiils' jODUl Ut paiTr CETJTS PER T.IORTH Stare llUWiiifflli TO BE RESULT OF DELIBERATE PLOT Dr. Norgaard Reports Disease is Now Fairly Well in tfand fXMeUl sur-BxItotta CofrasvaaSaatca.) WAILUKU, Maui, Jane 2?. A week ago there waa one known focoa of an thrax Infection on Maul and alx death. Up to noon today there are six distinct foci, widely scattered, and 2 deaths. These include seven head of high grade poled Angus cattle of the Owe ranch In a herd of 450, and three fine brood mares with foal, of the Hawaiian Commercial it Sugar Company in a herd of some 85. Dr. Norgaard. territorial veterin- , artan, and Dr. Fitxge raid, deputy vet- Ierinarlan for Maul, have been working almost night and day immunizing stock, and following up clews of new outbreaks. They believe they have the disease fairly well in band. The veterinarians have no hesitancy in declaring that all of the foci on Maul have been deliberately planted by some person or persons. It is just two weeks today since the first death occurred. Following the outbreak in the Apana pasture of the Haleakala ranch, be low Makawao, two weeks ago, a cheep died in the Haleakala ranch house paddock last Friday night, and a calf on the place of Miss Rose Crook the same night,, both of which eases were pronounced anthrax. Both places are several miles distant from each other and from the original scene Of outbreak. On last Saturday the disease mada its appearance on the Maliko gulch pasture of the May! Agricultural Company's Grove ranch, In a herd of (Special 8UrBoHtta CorrMpenAMU.) ' ; HILO, Hawaii, Jane 25. Supervisor-at-large Samuel Kauhane must have felt flattered when he looked around the big space of the county sUMeqj last Saturday afternoon and there saw over six hundred friends and Admirers of his gathered at the festive luau boad, ready to partake of the fine layout that faced them. It was "some luau" and ita fane has already spread throughout the whole island. The luau was given .i i token of esteem by the "boys" who worked so hard to reelect Chairman Kuhanc, They were determined to show the supervisor-at-large that they appre ciated him and tbat they were delight ed with his success. Voters from all parts of the Island of Hawaii were present and many of them had not been in Hilo for years. ' Chairman Kauban and Supervisors Kanhane and Todd greeto i the guests as they arrived at the location of the JAPANESE SHOW LITTLE INTEREST IN CAMPAIGN ; t , TO RAISE FOODSTUFFS V -1 (gtwetel SUr-Bulletln Cwtmi n4e) " ' HILO, Hawaii, June 22. Food Agent Motr, back, from a trip around this is land, reports that it is difficult to inter est the Japanese vegetable growers in raising foodstuffs that will be ot serv ice in the near, future. Moir, who Is the official representa tive o fthe food commifcsloners on Ha wall, reports that while on his tour of inspection he tried to Interest the fannera along certain .lines. He has decided to have some cards printed on which. In three languages or so, there will be instructions that may be of use to the farmers. In some localities Molr found the small farmers did not realize the seri ousness ' of the situation ' and that neither did they seem , to. appreciate that certain diseases can be spread around the county without anyvChance of stopping them unless certain pre cautions are taken. In many Instances Moir found badly Infected water melons ..which - should have been at once destroyed, but upon talking to the Japanese he found that they only smiled, bowed, looked polite and did nothing. HILO SHERIFF WANTS MORE TRAFFIC OFFICERS HILO, Hawaii. June 22. "1 do no desire to say anything about the ae tion of the supervisors in reducing the appropriation for the police de partment," said Sheriff Pua yester day. The sheriff went on to say that there were no real traffic officers in Hilo. Two men had been in the police service, but their duties were to see to the parking of cars at the wharf anj la the middle ot the streets. One man also had to inspect all cars, so that the, public could be" protected. According to the sheriff the ordi nary police officers are traffic off! cers, but he does not know what is to happen in the future when Kuhio wharf may be crowded with automo biles, and no policeman present to keep the traffic moving. The sheriff declined to talk about the great bhakeup that has taken place in his department ARE TOU eURE? BE ex-Always USE TTRCS ANTISEPTIC POWDER. Doa't vmtt utfl r r the ef lotectfea. I'm M eoctlMtlly m stvrwt irt. It ta rr gatL In Iti rtim. ParaUarlr adapted uu la tb ttub. TTRrt AXTISXPTTC rotTTEB tare and fearm Uca la tlM aao4rd aatl aeptle 1s an tba btc t P'ala. tb mrt popwiar pr rripttoa t IHa bt ptjti 'Um, tija ia 2d yar It ttc, Ste a4 tore. 41 all 4rn atr rerj -liar., !ek tit li Bam Tj-r Uat'a tapartaar i. S. TTREE, Chemist. i'WasKtegtoa, O. C COUNTY GIVE Liu ... 4S0 pure bred poled Angus cattle. The disease may possibly hare spread nat urally to tills place from the Crook place, which Seven cattle of this herd nave died to date. The rest have all been Immunized. On Saturday also appeared a case or anthrax In the butcher paddock of the Hawaiian Commercial ft Sugar Company near Camp ?, which is in the Klbel section of the plantation, and many miles from the scene of the other outbreaks. -FiTe head of steer bsve died here to date. The first of this week the disease waa discovered in what is known as the Camp 3, ftihel pasture, of the Ha waiian Commercial and Sugar Com pany, in a herd of 85 brood Pereheron mares, and three of these animals have died. Pasture Isolated. This pasture is not only isolated from other parte of the island and from any known possible source of in fection, but so far as is known the fact that the mares were at thia out of way place was supposed to be known to but a few persons. The roads leading to all of these In fected .sections have been closed and armed guards are posted to see thai .the Quarantine notices are observed. Cattle may still be shipped alive to Honolulu for slaughter purposes only, it coming from clean districts of the island, and after inspection by Dr. Fitzgerald.. Many Ooas Killed Notices have been posted warning owners of live stock to keep them off the public roads. Dogs are to be kept chained up and any found at large In any of (he infected areas are being shot by the guards. FOR OFFICIAL luau.- There wag a warm welcome for everybody and many the congratula Hons that were showered on the three reelected officials. County Attorney Beers was also in attendance, as were Treasurer Swain And Auditor Spen cer. m fact nearly everybody was there and there for a good time. The feast was opened with a prayer, which was offered up by Supervisor Todd in his best style. Then the beer was opened up. Then again the pol and pig were tackled, as were-the fish. shrimps, tweet potatoes and other good things which lay in heaps on the tables. The crowd did full justice to the luau and, between times, listened to isome alnglng bat no speeches. Talk was prohibited and it waa only with difficulty that a few singers could be torn away from their food or liquid refreshments long enough to sing a few notes and i then fcubsde again, it was we. soma luau and. one that will not be forgotten for a long time, to come. ; , :: ..: (8pclat 8Ur-Bullatta Corrupt ndaaca.) WAILUKU, Maui, June 22. Com pleting its work in one day, the grand Jury of the Second Circuit Court waa discharged yesterday and the court ad joorned until Monday when the trial of cases will begin. The grand jury found six true bills and in three cases investigated, brought In no bills. Of the no bill" cases, Fortoso Ru bin and Estabislau Cacueba, Filipino friends living in a waikapu camp, got Into a Quarrel About 10 days ago be cause one wanted to play the phono graph at 11 o'clock at night while the other wanted to sleep. They fought it- Out with knives, it is alleged, and both were cut up. . - M. Nakamura, the Japanese who slashed his wife's face with a knife when she confessed her indiscretions with another man, and who almost cut bis own hand off when the knife slipped, was also freed. The couple appear to have made up their differ encea. Indictments were found against the following: Poklnl Kalawaia, pleaded guilty to robbing the Paia Bank, and was sentenced to not less than five years and to pay costs; Francisco Diaz, pleaded guilty to burglary of the Hamakuapoko postoffice and railway station, and received a like sentence August Kekona and Manuel Gou vela, convicts who bnfte out of .the Kula jail to steal an automoibie from Joquln Garcia for the purpose of tak ing a joy ride, pleaded guilty to a charge of "malicious conversion," a new crime catalogued by the last leg islature,' and were each sentenced to serve two years at expiration of their present sentences. Samuel Kaahui was indicted on two counts, one for the murder of Nm Kaaa, and the other for arson, it be ing charged that he burned the body of his victim in his own house. Thi? is the Ukumehame valley murder of some weeks ago. In this case plea was reserved until next Monday. D. C. Case was assigned as counsel to de tend the accused. One indictment was placed on the secret file pending the arrest of the accused, who is said to be In Hono lulu at the present time. TWO SUDDENDEATHS RECORDED AT PAAUHAU (Special Slar-Sanata Orrat pondaaea. ) HILO, Hawaii, June 22. Ther were two sudden deaths at Paauhau this week. A. Enoe, Portuguese, died after being ill tor only a couple ot hours. His neck was badly swollen and then he became unconscious. The board of health officials are looking into the death. About one year ago his brother died under simi lar circumstances along the Hamakua coast. . Kim Soon Ho, Korean, died while at Irrigating wor. It is believed that be had a fit and then fell, face down, in a ditch and was smothered,- : - , SIX INDICTMENTS BY MAUI JURY BiSiijlS K1A SAILS FROM HILO BAY (Spaaial StaxbalMia (VmiDMlaMa) HILO, Hawaii. Jnnt 25. There waw an unfortunate accident last Saturday afternoon lust as the steamship Mat sonia was leaving Hilo Bay for Hono lulu. Two Japaaeae cten who had been working oa the freight of the steamer, were so badly injured that ' one died a couple of hours afterwards and the other is reported to be m dying coftdltton. The accident happened in a peculiar way. James Reld, who was in charge of the loading of sugar, had given the order for all the stevedores to leava the Matsonia aa the work was finish ed. Most of the men with Reid had come down oa to the scow which was! to take them ashore In fact, it was thought that all the stevedores were . on tne scow, ior tne uatsonia was' tflready on the trove and waa getting : up speed to start off on her voyage to , Honolulu. Then it waa seen that two! men were left on board the big'lioer. These two men made a dash for a, chain that waa dangling from a der rick and to which a hook was attach ed. The men evidently thought that they could make their way down to the scow by means of the chain and book. However, in some manner, the chain was given a kind of a jerk and the two anfortunates were thrown into the air. They turned over as they fell and both lit on their heads on top 61 a lot of scrap Iron. It was a fall of about thirty feet and both men were at once rendered unconscious. It was seen that they were badly, if aotjfatally Injured, and all haste was made for the shore so that a physician could be secured. Upon arrival at the landing place It was seen that one of the Japanese was as good as dead and, in fact, h died shortly afterwards, from a badly fractured skull. The second man was also badly mangled about the head and he is not expected to recover. He is at present lying unconscious at the Japanese hospitu, where everything that can possiblr be done is being tried by the doctors. FOOD CENSUS IS BEGUN To gain definite information on the amount of foodstuffs la the territory, the food commission is mailing this week 2300 circular queries to retail and wholesale merchants on all the islands. The letters are printed in English, Chinese, and Japanese. Ton are requested," they say, to report on this blank, the quantities of the food stuffs named, below which are in your possession on June 30, 1917." - . j, Blanks for cereal products, dry beans, peas, lentils, meat, fish, dairy products, eggs, oils and fats, Vege tables, fruits and canned goods are on the cards. All retail and whole sale firms are asked to answer the questions promptly and accurately. RICHARDSON FUNERAL HELD The funeral of Cot John Richard son, prominent Hawaiian, was held this afternoon at 3:3(1 o'clock from St Andrew's cathedral, the Rev. Leopold Kroll officiating. Internment waa in Oahu cemetery. The pallbearers were Albert K. HoapUL C. W. Ashford, Edward K. LiUkalanL W. O. Smith, F, W. Beckley, William K. Slmerson. ii. 4 si I ' Running menl Lots of open events at Hllo on Fourth of July Adv. new "Come iip done -4- aHferreODO SH Oil Stove Safety The Florence Is the dean, soft, sim ple, reliable, economical oil stove ready to give as aaoch cooking heat as yon wish, aAs ton wish it. Toe can keep one cr four burners at an Intensely hoc Came, or merely simmering. To change - the heat yo torn a simple, little (patented) layer devke. Burners doee up under the cooking; no heat wasted. There are no wicks to trim nor valves to leak . A rlass " Mtt tyt" shows von always bow much oil U to the tank. Upper reservoir holds a full gallon. rUULY GUAlUUtfTCaCD W. W. Dimond & Co., Ltd. Honolulu . Phoa8.C37 Mm ' pTJl- FAJf I" M - III' aW alU" fw IT - law aV i mmm Tht m a sentence sums up Highlaadcf Condensed M2k (full, cream). : Tbert ire tery dem ajul real resMas for its uperionrjr. . ' ; 'i-v'Tj.:'-m-;'. runt ofalltKe nuU tstKe worlds naesL New Zealand's daay coadidons and leguIaHon art the world's model-tts dairy products top the world Cor the price because ei thcrcpality. Highlander Condensed Milk it prepared from the purest and : richest milk of the pedally selected herds ut the rich dairyirj pastures ot Southland. - The cows are subject to Government Intpectiott, and the milk is drawn from each cow tmdef excep iiou31f ngerotis. conditioas .of desjJiness.';";.:s:; i;-,-;-, It is then mimediately filtered and cooled at the dairies, r Next it goes b the great model Hithlaadeir Coademsaries---' cleanliness penonified. c .--x: : ' - ii i Here it agais altered asd sbiecttd t a pma wtick dtatrsya at i mm SB Part ol tha aratw it aad a nroBortioa of Um smU Nov I HIthlasdcrCwdeaied Malik fall ertaie (be rid. pereat mSk, U part of th tfataf. Mrc avflaeaucal than fresh sulk 4hre ae wttar ate what is waa tad. the rtmaiadar i available far faruW cm. v . ;-, ; Hygienic aalom. hamdj. always ready, k is cheaper, acre raliahta. Fer ' cookiag it is far saperior to rdiiiary .sulk ry V There "are haadrwos ! verips via' therig-200-tte beaatifally ,;": I ' illastratad Hiihlaader C Book. t?HighlaadrrDept."" iii.aiiiiBMJimiWf a i L jpondehsedj i 4 57S - :":.,'.' , . i v.- i . . .-. ' ' ' :' ... .. .. ..- . Limited is now established in (quarters at Fort Street, opposite Pauahi St.', to remain TEMPORARILY until permanent quar ters are ready at the old location. and see what to the old bake .".'V- i- and Silk Crepes just arrived. -Swacr, HiAfNM 1X011X01 AaUatAtU 7m V Oil Cook Stoves ' M Hiiii -"' 0 P. IJ C3 C Mfl 12 Z et rtawvea syevsseratMa A Maw M added, " n i WrUa I a r Kt-t tey ta-cisy ' FrsS L WsiSfsa, Lttf4 Mts HMataie. ss a 13 D 7 '- ' '- . : - i ; ' ' ;' '1, we have shop aw m aw ar wa auaw an m , m wa m mm m s ftywawaieaaaf I r -ti sr e ss wai aai , o s as 'ftwawawawawawawaaawaaaaaa a i : . : t " - . -r . ...A i r- - -. 1129