Newspaper Page Text
" o 7 W;.'X , v ' : . " 1 From San Francises For San Franciece "" Metaonla, June 27.L From Canadian Porta Xext mall, JntytL For Canadian Peru Next mail, July 23. :" - r i. .. A J "i a . ' , -i a a a - i x m - m m t . a . a - - 4 r w r -. a a m m i teyiif Edi'doa f : '" 7enlng Bulletin. Est TM2, No. S822 12 PAGES HONOLULU, TERBTTOBY OF HAWAH TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1917. 12 PAGES PBICE HVE CENTS .Hawaiian Btar. VoL XXIV, No. 71 w - ' - - i , I- i . i . , i . CfflILEIV KATE NEWS fflWmim WOUPMR ' ;-v-;; ' loot : Vhiie Vacancy Created By Departure of Commandef Has Not -Been Filled; Armv Merf Count-on General" Treat ; Being Selected to Head Department-rMen to Sail on July Transport ' v TiftT fotip : officers of the Haxilian' Department;.' U. : S. rk Amy, headed by Brigr.-GexL1 Frederick S. Stronsr. department TT-. cozninrLXiaer win leave xor vuo i;t'.lnu.mujuu fcuo-wuij,! cr as soon thereafter as possible, f The order; aesignaung.ine - cfTicers to be transferred was reived rtbef ore v toizy at department headquarters.. iU ' Mi-h:- .. ' f ' ' Orders' f cr the respective assignments; of '. these offioers vitTill be is:ncd epea their' arriv "at T7asn V; : v The crd:r received today is in answer to one "sent by, Gen. Ctrcr" en June 13 riving the' names of all possible officers tht could be rpircdfrcm this departmenffor immediate: duty. vj'i. rtrcr's n;::2T3 vras ln answer io a request iroa-iae vrcr cepanmcuL xcr mi susa &i.w vata tna exceruca cr ize n coi artlllerr orficera vtose. naaca vara r Xcni tr-ed to WatLisctca, and cl CoU Jacica IL Mcrae, derirtscat adju tant; CoL T. N. llora, rcctstly traaa ferfed to tte ti Held Artillery; MaJ. Ctarlcs B. Lizccln, la ctairs cf .Iia naiiaa rUlla tilzz, tad Li:ut.-CcL Jlertcrt O. WiUlims, is;-rta:cat la : fleeter fcr.cral, tie rccc:--i-ti3 -"ty Cca. i:czz vera carried out to tLe' kltcr.' - ; , , Trr-t r.':y C:t Cctr.r.tnd - Xrcn V.'fcstlstca reliare to vto vill i III! 11:9 vcccacy to la icrt cy oea : Llrcz, it is c:: DEPARTIfJG HEAD OF , V, HAVrJ. DEPARTMENT,:? it Fn03ABLE SUCCESSOR "J" rs. tLst Lri.-Cc. Ts (J. Ircst, cnrirsrllrT tre lit c- - - t ' t (' .: ' ? it is f ' FOOD CONTROL BILL TO INCLUDE OTHER NECESSARIES (Aasocuted Preaa by U. S. Naval Cdmninnjcation Serncai WASHINGTON. DO, Jane 26. The senate agricultural committee to- dar decided to amend the food control hilL aa It passed the nouse, oy ex tending; gorernmest control oyer iron and ateel. , farm implementa, hemp and Jute.. . ; . ;; NEW UTILITIES MEMBERS AT FIRST MEETINQ In ita f Irat meeting under the new organization, the public utllitlea ., co mm Ita Ion thla afternoon voted to have one member Instead of three alt at Investigation of fatal accldenta hereafter to gather testimony. " Thla waa at the augstation of W. T, Carden, the new chairman, and agreed to by Commissioner A. J. Gignoux and Commissioner Win P. Thomaa. Gignoux Waa today named to. Investigate the death of Manuel Sllva, an aged employe of the Oahu Railway Company, who fell a few i weeks ago from freight car on the company's tracks. In case of In veatigationa Of corporatlona, Carden pointed out, the entire, commis sion will alt. OFFICIAL CALL ISSUED FOR LIVESTOCK CONFERENCE : ;Tha food commlasioa baa issued a call to all, ranchmen, dairymen and other livestock growers on Oahu to meet; the commlasioa in . conference to be held at ,the Chamber of Commerce rooma next Monday afternoon' at 1:20 o'dcKt . The rrowers are as red , to- gtr&'t suKesaona and advice concerning practical methoda adopted by; the 'commission to ; conserve and Increase the meat aoppiy on tnu lsiana. . ; MAN ACCUSED. OF HAVING OPIUM IN COURT A preliminary hearing of the caae of K. c FuJIwara, 'Japanese ; v plumber charged with having opium In possession, wka begun lata thla afternoon before U. .tCommIaaloner George ,8. : Curry. The ;' charge ' ' against the Japanese: la- that he war caught with 75 . tine of opium, vaiueo at aooux tmA id ma pHMwn. ; s --'.. .v-,, : tEfJC AUSTR1ANS MAKE DESPERATE EFF0RT8 TO REGAIN TRENCHES ROM E, Italy, June 2S-Newa from the war front today eaya' that the Austriana are making desperate affor ta to recapture i the sector of Mette : monta; -y-r; S BERLIN 8AY8 FRENCH LOSE HARD-WON GROUND . :l BERtJN,' Germany, Jane -SG.-The French today penetrated some Ge inan positions northwest otHurtekiae,. but were subjected to heavy coon I terattacka by which the greater part of the pceitlona were recaptured by ''the. Germans. o GERMAN PLOT TO BLOW UP NORWEGIAN 8HIP8 : FOILED ; v j v onuSTIANIA Norway, June 28 Aa part of a deliberate plot on the cart of Germany a ton of explosives disguised, aa artificial lumpa were placed in coal that waa to have been placed in the, ship's bunkers. Ex- t; v TWO. WOMEN MISSING AFTER VESSEL SUBMARINED LONDON. Ens- June 2$. The Norwegian, Volette haa .been sunk by-a submarine, f The Swedish , Gothia- has been, sunk, by a dlver'ajgcvwlth " four rnen.4md,twoomen,iuls5i3g; Cca. r.ll:ar 1;- tax: i'-V c:: : v ; a . . t-a t ;.. cr-:r. L!:-t. V, tow c err :r z r ' r. ca IL : Cl. .re l..;L; .. r - 1 - ' . k I i. " ' ' . 12 caTs: : tLis fr ::J la irr. IL" :-;3 C. Il.::::a, i: -try, t L 3 v.lU r wLlle .Lieut. . r f t - - c" o ctcr 1 :a ordered to tail :1 C. Cr: :- r c! 11 i c L;-. r--i:r la 2 1st i:-ii:ta Lri :,:r cf'tis j . t. vl: t:.3 c: L r It, 13 I er:;; 1. U-rJ -...3 : .r i v L ' v t re r. -1 t . i ii tz.zX c: r :. r;U la U.3 da :. y 1 :.:t la tcr ::r r-:-r.3 f:r 1L::3 ;r;,-:::ijr . ' ..I i - 3 tcilve tcr r i: .. :i to vr.lca i tl ",r Lvc3 ia yc-.ri ! - 'I . . i . 4 tL::r l-::3 13 tier U-y tal , li .i i it n::.t to those who T" r 3 t - - -: t- - ILc. rs tl ,::cl:ii:r thl3 cr?crtur!ty la t;r-::-r tcr there t tr.3 cl:cr; :'-tei f-: j ? r-.thc.-cl Ytt U'ia tr: 1 . - r:ca t:;k the tevs ; .. u V. - I - r.s ty Cca."-Etrcrr. ' a, vcre tccl ia lrr.-:Li en 1-z-ia.c! rrc-:r.t f cfclra tour. Cn. lLlrcr.o re u;:t.c 1 tht he. te crc'crcd "-ck net later than the; Aur-'t trr.r.: , ;rL- -' . 'I j u. r t l v, . i a a w v J '? Atrclute 'that the Hcnclclu ."vrld and Land Ccsifany ts trying to do the territory or city and coaaty oat cf lanes which llsect the ' rrcrerty boaaied by South, First, Keawe aad Il&leiaulla streeta throu?i the f lUag cf a petition in the ,land courts for a Torreas title,, was made today ty C. G. Ealleatjne, manager L. .A.--(Caatiaacl oa me threeV ' A il...diLolll) : :.L, (AscoeUted Tnrt ty TX. B. Vtrtl CovamL Ahcve Central Ctrcrj. Ceiow-. Cer;ral Trest. ., -:: v r a ai '-t LI03CO7 Russia. Juae Xo. i-tavias lor Fetrcarai' today after SDead lag some time ; la Moscow, Elihu Root, chairman. of the American-coraaalsj slott,' said: .'.1, derived more": encouragement from my ohservatlona la Mo cow than I had expected. If seems clear that the men we met and the classes represent those who are patriotically devofed to.bringlng the coun try through ita difficulties. ; I thiafc mere la a lair chance they will succeed and believe tne ciouaa overttne peasanay ana we unmiormea class saow ..-.- 4 slgna of lifting." , bunwwiii fciiy., wuw f-iMfvuuvwmciii mu , uiat1. ma gov. " ernment does not propose to retaliate for Cerman'alr ralda on Enallah towns by making reprisal ralda on German cities.-; Whatever aerial, p-4 erauona are oraerea win oa.Tor;purciy muitary reasons.: - ; Av LEWIS. JR COMMISSIONED AS RESERVE CAPTAIN ' ' A. Lewla, Jr mana;er of the Bank of" Hawaii, today received hla j commission aa captain In the Quartermastera department, Office ra re aerve corpa. v.;.' ; i v -r.-1-'! .--V; V' . . ',) manta,- (An6claU4 ftwi ty TX..S. Karal Ooomasl. - -rttloa Sarrte) - , ANNAPOUS. , M (L June 28. The graduates of the Naval AcaZSmy: at Annapolis will go iato active service on. Thursday. ;..t;-;:: ;;,,L.;; k-.x f BASEBALL RESULTS NATIONAL LEAGUE At BU Louis EL Louis 6,' Chicago 5. 'At Brooklyn Boston C. Brooklyn: S. Boston'- T, Brooklyn ; S. . ,l J,' v it r . At Pittsburg Cincinnati yi Pitts burg 6.V v' ' v . -vr.: ., s At -Philadelphia New Tork 4, Phil adelphia 2; Philadelphia" 6, New -York 'tKi'AMERiCANj LEAGUE'"-" At Boston Washington 2, Boston S: yAt Chicago DC.--'t 9, Chicago-1.'-At Cleveland Cl.'. viand 6, SL Lbnla 2; aevelasd-C, EL Louis '2. -."i 4 L " !--7 Vc-::-,-r- Ycr!:'?; Fhili- t f.t r -f t t tt t"t.t t t t.t tt 1 1 1 i'J'-;-'f."r r. t-''4..'r-;L'v-': -'.-..', t--;.. ' :v : Y-.i f-'-1 f ' "The following are the recommendatlona forwarded teT Washington-by 14 ; 4- General Strong, which were acted en by7 the government: ' . ' ; i 4- "Replying to yourcable June 9 following off Icera can, be spared -f 4- from duty here for duty In United States. Have retained minimum nunv' ber of offlcera' necessary for efficient aervlce.--.-v - ' --;f f -:. "Enslneere, Major Robert P. Howell;,- capUIna, ; William 4 EV R-t-j -f Covell, Paul 8. Reinecka. ;,- ;' -"X -;f U A-:r . f ' v "Coast Artillery Corps: ? CoL AIfred M. Hunttr, Capts. C a rr W. Wa I- -f L tier, Thomas D. Sloan, Manning M KImmel. Malcolm P.Andruaa, Louis t-f fa Pepin, Frederick R. Garcln, Robert W. Clark, Harold F. Loom la, For--fi f dyce L. Pere:o, Henry H. Pfeil, Harold DeF; BurdlckT Walter C Baker. ' t "Field Artllleryi Cols. Tlemann N. Horn, John E. McMahon, Wil-4 -f Ham 8. Gulsnard; LteuL-Cota: Charlea R. Lloyd, Fred T. Austin; Majors tl f William 8. Crowning, Henry 8. KHboume, Samuel Frankenberger. '. f "Cavalry: Cola. Charlea A. Hedekln, William T. LIttabrant; Majors f- John. J. Boniface, Clarence R. Day; Capta. Rcbtrt R. Love,-Jerome G. 4-i f Pillow, Seth W. Secfleld, William E. Dorman, Richard H. Kimball, Ed- 4 -4 gar M. Whiting, Charlea M. Haverkamp, Howell' M. Estea. . x 'l 4- Infantry:' Cola. Rtchard CCroxton, Samson L. ! Fatson,;Wi!lfaraR. t 4 Dashlell; Majora G. DeGraaae Catlin, Alden C Knowlea, Carl A. Mar 4" 4- tin, Herschel Tupea, James E. Cell; Capta. Alfred J. Booth, Frederick t 4 A. Darker, George M. Halloran, Robert P. Harbold, Livingston Watrous, t 4- Charlea L. Wyman, Charlea H. Rich, Robert G. Calder, Carl A.' Ha'rdlgg, 4 t Charlea B. Lyman, John B. Corbly, Walter E. Prldgen, Chariea A, 4-t 4 Meals, John D. Reardan, Robert Scare, Eley P. penaon, Walter H Frank, t ' 4 Wallace C Phi loon, Ruf us 8. Bratton, WoodfUt 0. Jones, Elmer F. Rice, 4-. Frank A. Sloan. ';-.Zsx&'r 4- 4-.' "The recommendatlona -are baaed an promotions under new Incre- 4- Vif-i.; ':'3 4r J4. 4 k-4. V ' "" ' -.S6 L-v.l?s . ; (Assodkted Press bjr U. S. K&ral CcTnmifcatloa Serrice.) . BRITISH HEADQUARTERS IN FRANCE, June 21 The. British, are cloalng in en Lena...';-c,-;".:.'. . Jx i V-'X :';"!'-'j'-.';.r-V-- ' : 5 ft WMTiMES Aariculture Committee of Up per House Agrees to Absolute Prohibition of Spirits, Leav ing Wine and Beer Up to President Vx (Auodstod Pru V. 8. KaVal CoaaiaaJ. cauea stm) 4 , 4- 4- WASHINGTON, D. C, June It. 4- 4- The "senate committee on gri- 4 4- culture ; late . today reached an 4 4- agreement which calls for abac- 4 4- lute prohibition of the manufac- 4 4- tare of alcoholic apirita during '4 4- the period of the war, and places 4 4 the question of making wines 4- 4- and beer ; In , the . handa of the 4 4-,PrealdenL-?..;'-.L.--T-ri1-':--.'. 4- 4- " The section thus agreed to Is 4 t a substitute for the house prohl- 4-4- tion feature of the food control 4-4- bill, .the measure under consider- 4 4- atlon by the committee. Importar 4 4- tion of spirits is also to be pro 4 4- hlbited. . -; : ' f . ,-r. , . , .4 4-' - The President" ia authorised to 4 4- aeixe bonded liquora for redistil- 4 4latIon for industrial purposes, If 4 4 they are so needed. : Previous to this action the sen- 4 t ators had agreed to an important. 4- 4 amendment extending the r scope 4- 4 of the control bill, to cover Iron, 4 4- steeL - farm L implements,' hemp 4 4 and Jute. . , -. r s ". - ' ' m m. a a m m. M M A M l t 3r,t; t t- f fr y r t t t liW I Iff I : I ' - .. J.-'Te":" (Aasoeiatod Prets It tT. J. Vaval CoBStuaL tiONDON," Eng, June 25. French troopa today entered Athens." They were followed by; demonstrations of the . sympathizers , with former Pre mier Gdunarifc'i;-LL.-.r-L-'- PARIS, . France, June s 26. King Alexander, the 1iew! ruler of Greece, baa commissioned ' former Premier Veaiielos, who : opposed King ' Con- atantine and : favored Joining the al lies, aa a member of the new cabinet rLONDON.? Eng., ,June26.ews from Athens today says that Venizeloa will probably propose in the chamber of deputies that. Greece Join the allies as, soon as parliament la convoked. 4X' wmm V--"; o BERKELEY,!. CaJL,.' June : 28-Two professors of the University of Califor nia today grappled with a thief who is believed: to be .a spy- and who waa found in the chemistry .building :tn which government research of an Im portant' nature is being carried on. , . The supposed spy. made hia escape but dropped a blueprint of plana, for cLemical apparatus used in some ex tremely important i experiments for the war' departmenL' x.--xX--&v$ 'A:guard of soldiers has been estab lished around the; building. '- v: . : . CITY flTT0i'5V FILES SU 1 1 La IT, L E0IT0EitK8sPK;illUS . - ...,,v !; . - . ? ' t- j - - - - .. .-..r .'' TERRITORY'S EXECUTIVE HAS NO PART IN ACTION, SAYS 3 CRISTY-BROVN'S COMPLAIr.T DECLARES MALICE AND -DEFAMATION IN ALLEGED REFLECTIONS ON GOVERN OR'S AMERICANISM 4 . M . y .' . . . . : ; . Editor Matheion of the Advertlaer waa released en hta own recognlx : . a nee until 9 o'clock next Friday morning following his arraignment at 2 V-' o'clock, thla afternoon before' Circuit Judge Heen. Matheaon haa retained the law firm ef Andrews e Plttman aa Ma counaeL- . ' : Thf ewom Information charging Matheson with criminal libel ; was 4; . read by .Deputy City Attorney A. M. Crlaty.: Andrews asked : that plea ; be reserved until the latter part of this week, aaylng the charge waa a mla 1 1' demeanor and one that ahould be heard In. the police court,-.' - r Attorney Cristy aald It waa the belief of; the city authorities that the. caae waa of aufficient Importance to demand as speedy a trial aa possible, : and asked that trlar begin on Friday if poaalble,. r- ? "The fact that this case refers to the governor la no reaaon why It . Whould .be brought Into a higher court," Andrews maintained. ' . If the defense demanda a trial by Jury, the caae probably will not go ' to trial before the early part of next September,4 aa there can be, no Jury trials in July or Auguav " . ; ;-xX .; ':- ) Suit f or - criminal ! lilel Against i Roderick l 0. ' Ilatheson, 7: editor of the Pacific ' Coxainercial Advertiser, was Drought by ! the city attorney's office today on behalf of Governor Lncius i "Papers in the libel suit were filed in circuit court at 10:25 o'clock this morning, r Third Circuit Judge Hetn immediately : iued a warrant and order, for the arrest of Editor Ilatheson " and for his appearance in the judge's court at 2 o'clock this l afternooii''i' Kvi'.? K-Mr'.t ri'v VC'- .--: The ! city i attorney's informed the Star-Bulletm, shortly after the filing of the suit, that the action is undertaken on its own initiative ajid without ;consulUtion th the govern -: nbrIaclared' that the governor has had no part In it, the city "attorney undertaking the; suit or the ground that .a hnc'ofHciHl hH Isecn'maTic '. yTL&txz.i. Cottrr 'T rlhan -ia nis-c;iicjai rcs:;ica couia narc;y onng - af libel Suit asaizst the Aaverti3er,-t oiiice caa iaeu,ir upon iaeu:seivei ; r to bringvth'e suit," said A- IL Cri3ty, deputy city an! county attorney ,this y. ,01 r i brouzht this suit ourselves without consultlus the governor or his wishes on the matter, Just aa we wouid In any case where" we neiieve ine -iaw lae.iejumi u.. vm w-L;:::-;:;.v:;.;n '-vv:f:e "b mmvM m (Associated Press tT. 8. Ti CosBatsal. 4-,4- tt t t t ;t t At WASHlNGGTON. . D. C June 4 4- 28--Secretary of War Eaker and 4 4oSecretary of the Navy canieia.-r 4- both oDoose the proposal for an 4 t aviation department -of the gov- 4 ernment, ranking with the other T 4- cabinet ;departmenta. , They op- pose such a branch of the gov. t ernment f havlnfl - aeat in the 4 t cabinet, saying auch a plan 'wilt 4- aerve no oood purpose, aithousn t 4- they advocate mpre coordination' 4 4 between the army ana -navy oe-. -r partmenta In aeronautlca. , ; ; n -The pending -bill earrlea. en large appropriation for airplanes. 4 4- 4: 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NEW YORK STOCK MARKET TODAY Germans ai r Witlifl ravi Can atuans: 16 ce' 71 CANADIAN HEADQUARTERS IN FRANCE, June 2ftV The Canadians today entered Lacoulotte village en the west front," where the Germane ' have withdrawn from a line tyro mllea long. X.? '-': .-'X-:-. r : . The Germans are destroying houses in Lens to give wider play, to their The numbers for the first payment to the bondJidldeTS bt the Manoa im-J 186, 192, 194. 20L 205, 206. 209, 21;21T, iprovement district: number one bonds were drawn; byVtoe eity and,, county treMurer yf sterfiiy .afternoon. : tTbey were ?"? n f:"c?wsr . F.?, 10, 11. 12, 13, 163, 170. 171, 172, 172, 174, 175,122,182, 218.' 219,. 244254263. X s e e 1 .' The body of Frank McCarthy, a pri vate shot on the Mexican border by a ; Mexican : was "buried 'ia ; Drocilyn Reassuring news from Maui to; the effect that three supposed anthrax cases on that island had been proven not to be thla disease was recelred this afternoon in a .wireless message by Dr.' Victor A; Norgaard, territorial veterinarian. X : X ? :-; W ' 1 t. '. 1 ixxs, f Two of these cases were aL: Kola and the other atL WailuktL i Micros copic examination developed the fact that they-were not anthrax Unless ; some outbreak , occurs be tween - now and Thnraday, ; Dr. Nor gaard e will, recommend that . plans be continued for the Maul, races. Only one new caae- has occurred since he left there, this In the Apana paddock where the disease first broke ouL ; . A wireless message, from Kauai lztb yesterday, stated that there is a new outbreak on that island near Nlnmaln Senator- J. ILlConey's home in ; the Iihne. dlstricL- rjj -x ' X':-:-:X 'X' X j'McKINLEY TO PRACTISEV f. fiManager- Kahalewat of the McIIIa leys wishes all players cf V.3 t:r . to turn cut for practl-a -V.'.i r" r 5., Tr'i tn t -"1 r -l " ' X--. x m: vv'-. ' x Yestsn -XX 'r, xxxxXv-riiy day. Alaska Gold . ... American Smelter .... ... 1 07!4 American Sugar Rfg. .-. -1154 American TeL VTeL ... 123' Anaconda Copper t82H Atchison - v ii. I . l 01 ?4 72'a 74 122:, S3?. 101H 73, 74 i .41? - Baldwin' Loco. . Baltimore 4. Ohio Bethlehem Steel . ... . . at. ; - XX .7' f ':'. ;b143 ;- b141& Calif Petroleum i;..;... x19Vx ' 20. Canadian Pacific , . .'. . i- 1 53'2 1 81 C- M- A SL PV (SL Paul) 77 75?a Colo. Fuel & Iron Vvii;- 52?4 "Vj rni,fM Steel ES 3 Erie Common . iVi..V. 27'4 General Electric General Motora, Nevir Great Northern- Pfd. Inter. HarvT N. J. .'. Kennecott Coppsr :i Uhlgh R. fC Hew York. Central'.. Pennsylvania Ray Console.. I Reading common Southern Pacific Studebaker ; - Texas '.uii; Union Pacific ? u; S, Steel Utah ;. Western Unlon....... Wyr.2auis.V.;-. t The complaint or information fllel by City Attorney Brown 'declares that In a leading edltciial puhll3hed on last Saturday, June 23, Editor ' Matheson ' criminally libeled the governor. ; ' ; A clipping from the editorial page, , containlsg the editorial complained cL .' the name of the editor and the name of the paper above it, and 'the date X: line at the top of the page, are made ; part' of. the complainL -r o. r x When asked for a statement at hi. ' office thla afternoon by the Star-Bull , letin,- Editor Matheson - sail .v he had r ' -nothing thea to say. ' Prarlouj to thai . time, he had been placed under arrest, the warrant bavins teen served cn him , at, 11 o'clock this tnornbs by Detcty Sheriff Julius Aci.' ' , - ? The -of fending editorial v:i,ezt!tl;.' :' "Under. hat ilas" t-i!nl7 a;.. comment xupon the governor's irocu matioa to, the schocl children cilllni ' the meeting, last PidayLrt:rn-:.i t) collect contributions for :Lv9 I'ths,' less Children ct Franca fun 'n.-1 al--A , leged remarks made 'by '"the csv.rnor on that occasion. In part the edilor'al, : said:- -.;. -' Vrv --. i -"NotTonce" has' he -.(the'1 ,'go'vern or) , . ' come out as an oVpouent of Prusiiaa lam, as an enemy of the. murderers cf ; women. and children or as a man who -speake .;,as ; an . American governor x should speak these days.' "L ' ,-t x, ."If 'our governor cannot ".tali like ' a red-tlooded American, why la Ufa ; '. ven's name '.does he Inil3t' upon talk- ' lag at allr If .he' hasn't something to : say that is worth' the breath It takes,, '. why does he butt ia aad.take up thn time of others with hla childlih. ta!V bllngs that smack, almost of pro-Cer:. . maalamf - '-x x ; '-xx X-' x'- ". -- "The more the governor, talks as he vd yesterday, the less our ca"33 tha cause of all free men and the causa of. those who believe ia , truth and -honor and fairness will te served." :' The editorial ' refers to the gover nor's cali to the' schoolchildren as a'-L pusillanimous FrocJa:r.atlox ' : s Whole Editorial C!t: i The complalct cl::i r.ot '.clta 'any particular rara ;;rar'.:3 cf the editcrl j1 but includes the wL.:!? editorial la 1:3 charge . of "false, rna:.'ciou3'.and de. 113 2 .-if c:: 2 - - 3 and fala?, sea' famatcry : orahlj L:: Th9 c: the I. trcd, c A3 cv: j c r .5 C : . r:- t la :i c co,.. a:... : t arj r: :' at C t - tl 2 I. :1 - r , . . I 7 -rry i ci'. : , cor cf. th i Literal came -aj read ty Mr Tc cf C; - .., .Th3 col:;1j: .. U.V. . 3: , : "Tj tL.- I f ' - J ' . ,i t