Newspaper Page Text
iG.uLULU i)LujlALj.Ll, xlDAxV JULY lw, To;we;::;;Mt; cr-zi r ! Y-rT : . n wtri in mwr sri i 1 s i;ntuui.uuu.i National Committee ? Pledges $175,000 for Honolulu Pro ject, But Owing to War Pressure Money Will Not Be Available for Some Timet et James Wakefield, director and mafia-- nt rh rfVVfOoda dcnartment of Theo. H. Davles ft Co- who recently secured the unanimous approval of the army and hats! nations! commit- W V MIW " City for the purchase of the Royal Hawaiian hotel for an army and navy . V, U. (X A. DUiming U nozuuura, rr i w- TIT Vf4M maMa fhf trip to Neij York and ether Eastern cities primarily In the Interests of his firm, but was able to take up the Y. 1l. C. A. work during lunch hoars when be met members of the national committee. . i While In New York City, Wakefield was elected a member of the National War; Work Council of the Y.LC. A. This was after he had cone oeiore ino j'Sticmal committee and explained the need of an army and nary y.'U. u A. in ' Honolulu and submitted the 'plan tot the purchase of the Hawaiian . hotel for this purpose. In . attaining .m4nw mm A 4 meeHnr Y rUin ft L- Al --at S wa a AAaM (aa) V A ,was assisted by Dr. Warner of New ;York City, who was here when the Y- 1L C. A. project was first pro posed, and who- was , familiar with the need for such an Institution. - -I baa met vr. warner wnue nere and later In New York City where I found his assistance of treat aid," raid Wakefield, "as he was fully, In formed, of the needs etrthe enlisted .men here -V vv; - ; War May Hold Up Money : : It war after two sessions -of 'the national committee .. that 5 Wakefield managed A6 secure the unanimous recommendation 'that the. Hawaiian hotel be purchased for - the purpose ' proposed and the promise of the na tional body to . contribute?. $175,000. "TTrwava Anm in thm XITPKtnrm Of WW demands on T. M. C. A. funds. It will likely be some time before this money is available," Wakefield adds. V At the time Wakefield secured tne promise of national support the com mittee was committed to s campaign to raise $400,000 for war workyln which It was afterward; successful. "Eat the . committeemen realised the value of the project and unanimously Indorsed it," be says, Appreciation was expressed, by. the ccnmitteeme-toT the $100,000 dona tio of Honolulu people, and also of the attitude of the Young estate which made -the purchase possible. Partlc xlxx appreciation was voiced for the Interest and generosity shown by Ar rM Yos- ; ' That the people InNew York Hew as second in importance onir .to tnat of the Red Cross is one of the In teresting statements or Wakefield. He accounts for this . by the knowledge cf the Eastern oeonle of the TsJuable -work the Y. U. C. A. has performed for tne British troops on the western . front wirre. eren in the advanced trcactes, canteen depots have been es- titUsLetl 17 the organization so that it is.pcEsftle for. the soldiers : to get small necessaries and' delicacies. la c-sectTan with this work he says m'JIions -cf sheets of writinr. naner tare been dlEtributed by the organl- tausn. The Kcd cross Triangle wm c-rry ca simllsr work .with the troops la France. . he sars.v" :.-v:v.. k-s- . V.'ith the war sentiment in the East, V.'afcefleld is highly pleased, ' but he i;eaks critically of the people of the extreme West who he thinks do not seem to realize that America has ea- t ere d a conflict which would seriously .trrsct them as well as those In the Eaet If not carried to a victorious ter misation. - i They have still to learn that this war cannot be won. by cheering when the flaz and mafchlnsr soldier, case and' when the band plays Dixie But tLis they will learn, in time," he con duces in a more hopeful tone. , mEM FOR To store the cargo of the ex-German (learner Els ass, EL P. Fogarty la build ing for the U. S. customs eerrice a substantial warehouse In the Iwllel district adjoining Piers 18 and 19 and the west side of the harbor. The -warehouse Is of corrugated Iron and will have 6000 square feet of floor rrce. It.wCl be rented tothe -cus-tcms service and after the Elsass car- r 3 has been 'disposed of; it; Is antict ited tht no difficulty in keeping busy, as the xlte Is a desirable one and Fogarty cys the charges will be reasonable. TV STOP, DISTRIBUTION ' ; Word received today from "Wash-j-zton by the Star-Bulletin Is ; that -,:e distribution of the army list and directory is to" be discontinued nntil further notice. This .is by. order, of the secretary of war.. r- ..i- ; This publication is from the office cf the superintendent of documents tt the government tprtntin establlsh- r tnt at Washington, and contains the r ". mes, ranks and stations of every rTiccr la the. army. : t 'rjfrJcers elected at the cloflna se . n cf the annual National Wholesale ' r. -ocers convention in Chicago are TLeodore P. W hitmarsh of New Tork, t -esWeht; W. C McConnougheyPar ! --burs, V.; P. C Drescher. Saciv -to, CaU D. C. Shaw, Pittsburg, George W. Furgeson, Springfield, "- tri O. J. llocre, Sioux City. Ia. - -"-!!?r.?s: T.'slter B. Tims, :Lr:TY GUILDS PROTECTED BY CIVIL SERVICE (Continued from Page 1) the commission in accordance with its rules and. regulation. The only exception as to the application of this section Is found in Section 1878. which provides that this chapter shall not apply to any sheriff or deputy sheriff: and shall not be construed to require the examination of any . per son employed on April 4. 1913. in eith er the police or fire department of the city and county.' 1 understand that the present chief of the fire de partment was employed on and prior to April 4, 1913. By its terms, the chapter applies to each and every member of the fire department from the top to the bottom. Such employes who were in the department on April 4, 1913, or have since been appointed according to the rules of the Civil Service Commission can only be re moved under the provisions of Sec tion 1876 of the Revised Lews of Ha waii, 1915, which provides, 'Whenever any person In the police department or fire department has been appoint ed under these provisions, he shall bold his position during good behavior subject to removal only, as provided by said rules and regulations.' "Unquestionably, the chief of- the fire department is within the civil aer vice rules and his reappointment Is unnecessary at' the present time. In fact In order to remove him proceed ings would have to be brought against him because of Inefficiency or some other cause under the' provisions of section 1876. So long as there is no cause for his removal, and so long as be keeps said position during good be havior, the board of supervisors or the mayor would have nc" more con trol ever , dismissal or over the ap pointment of some other person than has the sheriff over the appointment or removal of his police officers with out cause." ' r : k Mr. and Mrs. Chas. O.' Helser have visited the Yosemite during their tour of California. - " The author of "Curfew Shall - Not Ring Tonight,". Mrs.. Rose Hartwick Thorpe, is coming .to Honolulu to visit friends in the near future' according to word received here. :--: I DAILY REMINDERS t a A good advertiser is like a-- rood "mixer, everyone knows' and jlkea him. .1 ,- v.;- - . . . Wanted Two more passenger f o motor party around island, $4 ' each. Lewis Garage, phone 2141. Adv For Distilled. Water, Hire floot Beer and all . other Pppular Drinks try the Con, sodaTWater Works (Co, Adv. -,V':-S; ; - ;V:;: -: Advertising Is nothing more than representation by proxy. '. Ton cant call on ail your patrons in person so you tell , them by means -of , your ad. WENTS" AND SENTS ' , HOBART, New Zealand. For . the Durnoea . cf facllitatine trmr recrnit ing, the people have -adopted distin guishing names for : the two lots of men who are serving, 'y Those who volunteer are called "the' wents," and those called up by ballot or conscrip tion "the sents." . On, arrival at camp there Is little or no friction between the two.' : .'V-.-' 7;7'' ;DUTCH 8HIPPER3 PROFIT THE HAGUE, Netherlands. Dutch shipping companies enjoyed a year of the greatest prosperity tn 1916. At least three - of the smaller concerns paid dividends of100 per cent, : ; Tonfsht Royal Hawaiian Glee Club, Y. M. C'A. Cafeteria, 6 to 7-Adv. : TOO LATETOXUSSIFY; FOR 8ALE itf AUTOMOBILES. j 1912 IL M." F Tirst-class; condition; $270.00. ; Address Ord. SgL a Nel - son. Fort Shafter. v 6837 2t FOR SALE. Ufc 1-,- ' AUTOS. tr-f . 1917 Buick roadster, perfect condition, v Cash only.' MrsC R. Forbes, Phone 5470. ?- -r z. - 6837 t h v; FOR RENT, UNFURNISHED HOUSES, v . WalklkL 2450 Kuhio avenue. - Royal " Grove, - 2-bedroom bungalow, new, modern. Hot water heater, shower, etc. Rent, $32.50. - Phone 4327. v V. ' 6837 tf I REGISTRATION OF NURSES, f "J In' accordance with the provisions of a law recently enacted by the legisla ture of the Territory of HawaU. the Board of Registration In Nursing will hold examinations on October 9 and 10, 1917, at the Kautteolanl Children's Hospital, . Honolulu. . i ' ' Applicants will be examined Tn sur gery obstetrics, medicine, dietetics, v Those who have been engaged in nursing for three yean and those who hold certificates of .; registration In States recognized by . the Board may be eligible to register without exam ination prior to July l; 1918. All per sons professionally practising nursing in the Territory of Hawaii are requir ed to register. ' -:-.vx? - AppUcation blanks for registration may be obtained from the undersigned, Secretary Of the Board, and' must be returned to' the Office, of the Secre tary not later than August 1. 1917 A ' G. A.' BATTEN, M. IX. Secretary Board for Registration 'In ' Nursing, Box 373, Honolulu. - - ifs7 aisi st.-, . Called On An ; 5-r - ei". 1 29 Russian Grand. Duke Nicholas Nlcolalevltch, believed by many military crltlca to be Russia's' greatest general, if not the leading strategist of Europe, has been little heard from since the overthrow of the Roman offs. He ie said to be living quietly In retirement but many observers of Russia's plight wonder If he will not be sought' to aid Minister Kersnsky and Gen. Korniloff In the Teuton campaigns. , n. .1 I i - , ' i. I I. FROM YESTERDAY'S LAST EDITION I n ' . I . i I - ' n I i ' ' ' BRITISH PRESS ALARMED LONDON, - England ' July , 12. The newspapers here regard the election of Prof. Be Valera of the University of Dublin tct parliament, representiny East CJaie, as one of the most Important of recent political .developments. 'He Is the third Sinri Feiner elected to parliament lately. The Unionists declare that the folly of gpvernmenCfleniency; to rebels" has been shown. VTlie Liberals are alarmed at the prpspects for home rule for Ireland and " the leaders of the parties are unanimous In saying that the prospects for 'home rule have been Impaired and pjsslbly doomed by this showing of Sinn ' FIen strength. - AMERICAN "8TEEL INDUSTRY DEVOTED TO WAR SUCCESS WASHINGTON, D'. C July 12. Through agreement between the gov ernment and the leading American steel firms, the entire product of th? mills will be made available for war use. The prlce3 will be determined later. y the federal trade commission. i 1 wMaaaBaasMBW avBMaaaaa aa WILSON'S AID CALLED ON TO SETTLE FOOD; .BILL " V WASHINGTON, D. C July 12. The Democratic leaders today appealed to President Wilson to give his views on the food ioutrol bill, owing to the Impossibility of reccnciling the presflnt conflicting attitude of congress men. vThe Democrats want to hasten the progress of the measure. V:;;, y y DAY'S TOLL,OF SUBMARINE VICTIMS LIGHT V PARIS, France, Ju?y 12. The mne-sweeper Jupiter has been sunk b a mine off the French coast, with 11 lost. V - GOVT. SUGAR REPORT SHOWS HAWAII LEADS IN EFFICIENCY ' That Hawaiian sugar production leads In efficiency, and that Hawaii hasbQught the cost of production very low, though freight rates to the mainland bring up the total marketing figure, are facts brought out in a bulletin from, the department of commerce which arrived in today's mall ' The report shows the nverage cost of producing sugar in Hawaii for 1913-14 : was M 4.59 f.o.b. factory; in Porto Rico, 332.29; . in Louisiana, : 379.50, ano ln CubA 323.92. The average marketing cost per ton from factory to deliv ery In the United States was, for. Hawaii, 394; for Porto Rico, $4.27, and for Cuba, 35.48. Since the government collected these figures, Hawaii's pro -dactlon cost' has gone up on account of the very large increase in cost of labor. Including bonuses. ; ' A INSPECT WHARVES AND LANDINGS OF BIG ISLAND A. C. Wheeler representing the harbor board on Kswail, Will be . sent, on an investigation of the wharves and -landings of the entire ,. Big Island coast, it was decided at the meeting this afternoon. Fol r , lowing file trip - Wheeler will make a detailed t report to", the board. The board also voted to send William D'Esmond, engineer, to HIlo to determine If-the sugar conveyor machinery at Kuhio wharf Is satisfac torily Installed. , CONTEMPT CHARGE AGAINST SHERIFF IS DISMISSED . Circuit Judge Kemp today dis nissed a charge of alleged contempt against . Clement C Crewell, eherif of Maul. In connection with the caae of E, ,W. Quinn against the Grand Hotel of Walluku, Crowe 1 1 was - alleged ttfkave declined to levy an attachment which had been placed ; fv Jhis hands. H la1 explanation, to the court was that Judge Edinga of Maul had appolnteda receiver for a fl property of the Grand Hotel, and , that he could find no other property to levy. " MAY TAKE LAND. DRAWING TO SUPREME COURT " . A new development Irt" the mandamus suit brought by Mrs. Julia Loane against Walter A. Engle, chief clerk In the land office, to have . her name reinstated as one of those who drew Kapaa homestead lots, may be Ita withdrawal and (th "filing of an Original case In the su preme court. The mandamus suit recently filed in circuit court has been granted by Judge S. B. Kemp. FIRST BRITISH WOMAN DIPLOMAT IS AN AMERICAN LONDON, Eng, July 12. Mrs. iDarley Livingstone, the American wife' of a British army officer, has been'named as one of the British represen- tauvea to tne uagne conierence on Germany's treatment of prisoners. She is the first woman diplomat ever named by the British. AMERICAN SQUADRON ARRIVES ATURUGUAYIAN PORT ! MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay, July. 12. The American naval squadron cruis ing in the South Atlantic and keeping a lookout for German raiders or sub marines arrived here today. The officers and men have been officially In vited ashore. Uruguayian vessels accompanied the Americans. RETAIL TRADES INDORSE REGISTRATION DINNER Indorsement of the registration dinner to be held at the Young Hotel Friday neon, July 27, was oiven this afternoon , by the member f the board f retail trade and they agreed to attepd and also get out and work on Registration Day, Jury 31. It. was pointed out by hn Efflner that, because Hawaif'ls confderedaru'anen C:' rf.ii-'r.. ft "mvst "nave na latke'r -----5 t: c n Mead to Agaii ? lies V j--: AT SINN FIEN INDICATIONS .iZl-A s(--.f-:V. v Av-i: .ijyf. POIICY CiliTiClZa DV-DIB IMJESE The policy of the Jspanese govern ment in its treatment of the lasi Chinese revolution Is a failure. This is the assertion of S. Watana- be, ex-memTer of the house of repre sentatives of Japan, made to one of the local Japanese papers yesterday. When aproached this morning he would sav nothing on the present sit uation other than that be thought It demanded more thought on bis part before he could make further state ments. Mr. Watanabe Is president or the Osaka Electric Lamp Company, president of the Yokohama Exchange, Ltd.. president or Uwa Hydro-Electric Company, director of the First Fire and Marine Reinsurance com pany, director of the Japan Gas Corn Dan v. auditor of the Kyoto Electric Railroad Company, auditor or osaaa j Cotton Thread Exchange, Ltd. I He arrived Is Honolulu from the Orient yesterday morning and ;ert again on his. way to the coast this morning. While on the mainland he will devote his time to business. In his interview with the Japanese papers, he aid not ampuiy nis state ment concerning the government s present Chinese policy, although he did say that he had reference to the act of the Japanese In allowing their minister to China to offer protection to President Li Huan Hung, who had been forced to resign. TRIBUTE TO THE FLAG ' 4-1 have seen the glories of art and 4- architecture, , And of rivers and mountains. I have seen the sunset on the Jungfrau; And the -moon rise o'er Mount Blanc; But the fairest vision on which these eyes ever rested 4- Was the flag of my country in 4 4- a foreign port: . Beautiful as a flower, to those who love it; Terrible as a meteor to those who hate, It Is the symbol of the power 4- and the glory -f 4- And the honor of Americans, 4 4- And the freedom of the world. 4- Yours respectfully, 4- A SOLDIER IN HAW All. 4- He I want you to help me spend my salary. She Am . I not doin that? He No. no: I mean forever; and ever. ( She It won't taVo me" as long as that Lamb. . . , DIED, H AFFORD.' In Los Angeles, California June 23, 1917, Ferris Samuel Hafford. a native of Fremonty Ohio, "aged 60 years; 3 months,' i'4aytr:L-ir,y triy ' The - feneraimder MasdnlO pices occurred J,uly 3rd upon Mrs. Hat ford's arrival from Honolulu, the inter ment being at Rosedale Cemetery., - 837 it; ' ': . . ....... ' , i . ..- , -s- . .' ' v. v . . e . ; - . . . ... X . ; ! '. -a. ... -.. . - ' , and Hamriier Home FACTS dooutYourBuame have to say. j - - 'irn"w V : mtmnnnf ,,,,,, nitfitiinxinimif tf ,,,,,,, .....,,......, ,,.,,,..,..,....,........... WE STORE BVERYTHINa JAMES H. LOV1 ; - There is no food that can well tain tha Vplacs cf prus and wholcsone tread. . . , - DlilXAin) H LOME'S GKEArj "WRAPPED AS THERE'S A REASON FREIGHT PLUNGES V THROUGH OHIO BRIDGE DAYTON, Ohio. Two men were injured seriously and traffic tied up indefinitely when a bridge across Sev en Mile creek gave way under a Penn sylvania railroad freight train. Seven teen can with the bridge plunged into the creek SO feet below. The two men, Corbet Privett, Dee Moines, Sport Suits RemarkabhVuluesjCanB Season's rfrvst Styles, Colors and Fabrics 1 Ti . f' ft-H t no . N. 1 i 11 .-. " II II . 1 ii-vvi' Hotel 'SLi near Fori inoiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu;;:;: !'--.: j. YOU BELIEVE IN IT YOURSELF others with a like faith; - ' If your stock is a good one, if your salestaff b courteous and competent J if , the - service of your delivery system is prompt and 'dependable tell every man and woman in Honolulu about it. ' These people are eager for any information that aids them to get better, value for their moneys (Give it to them arid lots of it; :i :-r:;-; And tell them at the right time, when the facts will sink in the evenmg newspaper hour. 7- With the day's work behind them, and all com mercial cares and worries brushed aside they are only too. anxious to listen to the vital things you Say some of these "things' at once. Give the' il 5,000 buyers we'll bring jrou in contact with a chance to hear your story, and profit by the or portunities you offer. CITY TRANSFER COUFANY si SOON AS BAKED - !SIST"5;t H AVI NO rT Iowa, were cut badly end Injured fa ternaily. : The property damage was placed by the rauroaa omeuu at 000. Railroad detectives are tavesU- m gatlns; the acddenL V 1I Haw'd vol. Ilka a net ddat She New. Charlie, haven't 1 told yoa that I don't Intend to marry? Bufialo r Express.: " -' ' -; " '"Jt' An opportunity to get smart sport suits like these for less than regular value is quite unheard of at this season of - the year. v But it's Jhe unheard things" that make this. store dif ferent from the rest These suits are all new. , They represent the; best TiPrior xrorkmanshiD. new f I colors and fine : fabrics, r An opportunity to which woman can afford to turn a deaf ear. Is .'i:i 4 it. - -v.- ; - - Ail ' A' 2.: ' -' f - r. 3 - m- . m .' m- m S3 c - ia' i i