Newspaper Page Text
JULY 1 4 Af 4 .J" era OFFICIAL SHOT K COLD BL 111)1 SL'Antl3tCT;; While Sitting! ' I- ?... 4T.1U UWaA i 111 HUM 'WMI-MIIC iuw Bytfcxjcans ; Details st the murder At Treey. Cal, . cm July Vf NieU Anderses, aauv verintendent for .the Jlineral Products . Company. hxltV turtles f?whirh -was carried try the tar-Bxiletl3 last wee, rrsct llsnoluln today 7 ttaU- Anders tn was with his -wife to ma ?A.utometHle ? taTltoX 'wKh.' Henry Schmidt wliea he was approached by three Mexicans: "3a sn'aitmatian on cd the strangers drew knife and " slashed at Afiderfctn. Henry ScJnnidt Jr, grabbed ;the assailant, aaatcbing . -the wtapon aweyvV"; v??:-':'??" The aiexlean brew's moirer and Tired at And.reen?the ullet lodging la lacs. - Anderaea died soon sltcr- m-ard, TwaaioiaXwererawdat IkEi2t,;it nid The the trio aa.' TH shooting attracted Tpwd etf-tsesfc-A assured v snore - ran alter th t f ugftlses, T who , Ced ,s cross cosntry. : -; ?. rt -v In the ranalt IhereWas a fasinade .cf revolver -firing, during which Aar ersens slayer tu hct nr.''..f ' - Tfce 2er kept cci. st, cf them n3 later rouaded, up. - TTtie TrtBtmerr 'rcfcstl' tor dtacke Ihetr ecty.' ' Anieraen- aaU 4fce saen wera atracgcri.V; .' j -: 't. v -No toie teeised To'crT'Ula tht ressta tar the rt'.-cS. .-ilra, Anderaea wzn prostrated tj tbe tji ootids A tier !:r:hand- She-fcenrlf xsrrowlj eacap- c a a bullet, rrv.:t ' cf . Asderaea'i r : a rmaciB co Exanv ; izii Use, tya: a rsse flw rrutles rus-cJ ito a J20l of 251 :a ttl acrr: ;a- mat tCTrounoea -t to trzch two Mex- -rs, ' cue cf vL&si hai card ere a ; crsco, rrr cri-iea5ent m :::e liberal Products Coiujiary- The :ob had fired the Jail and were pre ; to item it vhea the shorl2 r.d his eta tr:ived. i .. -r "''.--. -Hieks, :.a 1-2. lrt!:en speed -Its to fet to V? fcene from Stock . trcke lro t'a trsry throng, and : zr a parley tct the crowd to Hb er:?. He was pernilttcl urmelested o t -..-e C ? rriscr--3 t3 .rttchton.- An- r--a t' ::r hill ; - "y .ircaad .throush. the a crowd of -cd, quichly ndv posse : ' rf '"ex v.ui at- la a xu: whea - f t .c:ds 1 - "rccy c!t rt:r tie wc, "After the jri peers', had heen put : . the rHIr-rs xzzit for 1 1 lr;t it T is tct. r.-e. til ihe s were rut ox:t. " . : v:.s f-t to rtockton. A tl.3 crcT-.l T -3 i -r'.cjed wR.h by 3 l:cil c:::;::s i .la. tine. The :::"-!;: Eltv '..criy r?r!Iy -devel- ::.:t that CT It 13 much a niriabs. to csnd ct pocf printing as to c ir:3va pecrly lrcccid rnlhA out to 31 your , r-scb. Eiihcr may do yoii mcre trm than gooci H::r lliat xa mind rIi5a:ypu xisst fcivc'a'.:drai& ;'fc!'J.Vfcttcr IiCkifir any clhcr'jp ICccp it cut cf jtlte,:3?te THE BEST " : Is to hive your printing up to the gtaricjr.rd tiatwil' - reflect, the quality of the goofb and : the buaness pclicy of the: i.i t.. . r s FEEIf SAVS EXPOIff (HROL 140 11$ A YEAR VILL KflT AFFECT PRICES IR U. S. GOES TO FRARCE: ' f. A? The President ba made tbar faOr bis atatemeal wttb regard to ttw pol icy f essort cootroi: lt fa taportaat that. the eonatry rhould SBderstaad Jeet what t Ixk tesded la ike cootre f exports' wfeirh Sa aJbout to be. andertakea. taS since the aover la tcated by the CeKareas in the President 1 cz speak wta tboiit ooncenxlag tt The exports oaadl wlfl be merely ad i leery to the rreaidest : There wtO, of eoeraev be? bo prenf tdtioa ( exports. .The aorn al eoaree of trade arm be teterfereJ wlti ae litUe as poasIUe, aadv aa tar am poa elhle. only tea ahaorma eoorae dV rected. The -alkoJe object wta be to direct exports in such a way that they will so first and fey preference where they are most needed and most tone diaietj seeded, aad Uarperafiy - to withhold them. If. neeeaaary, waere they can beat be spared v ' Duty te tepefy Atliea Cenerooeiy ' ; ' Our svxstary datyjj.the anuter of foodxtaffs and Ske seeeasarfea. e see te it that the peopiea- assoctsted with aa in the war 5et aa geaerons a proportion aa poeaiUe of oar'sor plus; fret ft wCI also be oar wtaa aod pxrpoae to aepply the nentral aa tlons araosa peeplea depend apoa sa for auch supplies as nearly la propor tkra to tlieir aeed aa the aammt to be Prided iemlta. . V tThere wl tkna hel&tia cacdt put upon the Toluoe of exports, and the prices obtained tor them will not-he affected by this reulattoa, . mo poUcy arCl be eartled eat. 111 Altboush m ateOstte 'I acthaa - was taken the board cf taU trade Thura day afternoon asain dlacnxsed hw caeation cf trow Jong he Carat' ral should last and the extent of the celebration,-..yr,r C-r'XTSi i?::tr JU a meeting lajd meek rht board went on record by reacfiatknt a re commendlas - that - the ' Carxdvai be held with ao ualirjict restriction hot yesterday -an ,ttezcpt was made to reconsider the resoratioa and set a , time lima.; ' . Cd TowEe. who made tne juetion, said that the directors cf the 'Cham ber d-Craanerce had reoccam ended a two-dsy CanJral and he brliered the retail traces ahoali Ia J:e-ikB.;: .; -: Jchn EffU:er settled the-taatter I y 4Cccl-r':s tLe" dric ersas.lsIIMis ilzz'.l t.t tate the XIiJ-raci3c tf ciral ccTzxrS.tie ty tie throat and ten It what to o. It is slisply asking l3 lor our claicm." - - - . Raymond C Brown Stotttr olnteJ out that the aci&ioa of the cUrectet! was not Lzsl fcrt cniy a recommenda lira ta the taenlrrs'ef the chamber. "Say. Jiau hare tou hot, and cow water ia jour Zicmser , "Ecre I lavre. Ccld water lor airy acrsestlona I anay-fan tarpca to cake, and hot waler Cha rest of the time." Baltimore Amcri- 4 can, ' ' ' : k f i 4 WAY TO D OB GE THE nrmi PIUHTIKG DEPARTMENT ti M 125 Merchant Sfreev - : . r - .-"".. : - r s- 4: set by probihitlve regulations, there fore, but by a system pf Ueenaing expert which will he aa aim ply or ganized and administered aa possible, sev'as te eonsrUata no Impediment t the normal Soar of commerce. la brief, the free play of trade will not be arbUrarQy Interfered with; U will only -be Intelligently and system ti caHj directed to the light ot faH in formation with regard to needs and market conditions- throughout th world and the'necefltltiea of our peo ple at home and the- armies of our associates abroad. Survey of WheaVd Cam Supply . The government Is taxing., or has taken, stepe to ascertain, for example, iaat what the ara liable present sup ply cf wheat and corn is remaining from the crapa of last year; to lean frost each, cf the ctxmtriea exporting these foodstnfla from the United State what their pnrchaaea In this country now are," where they are stored, and what their needs are. ta crder that are may adjast tbinga so far aa poesihla to ovr own need and free stacks; and thin information Is in. eourae of hetnr rapidly supplied, - The caae- of wheat and corn win serre aa an. fCostration of . ail . the real of feuppQea ot aH kinds. Our trade can be auccesefolly and profit ably condncted now, the war noshed to a . Ticteriona 'iaaues and the needs ct onr earn people and cX the other people wah whom we are atfH free to trade efficiently met only by aya ten atic dlreetlea; , and that la what attempted. ' .nnrOODROW. WILSONS BIG RISE in WAGES UI , ; KETHERLAriDS FOLLOWS OUTBHEAKOF THE'WAR TH2 ; HACTJF4 NnBerIanda.Row eonelderabJy wases Bavw risen la the wtrik ta m f rtxtn i shew by Rgnre just published by the Cntri nareaa ec SmtatKa. la tne building trade facreasca are ahown varying from 13 to it percent. In the elothin trade, wares have rises by It- te 2 per cent and piece rates by about -1 per- ewrt awhile1 faereas e varyteg, from 7 te 42 - per cent are shown in the : bakery;. etzsiaesa.- f,---' Wages' of farm hands, as a role, hare. risen by II to Ht per cent. Sea men at Cotterdanx are. reeerrhrg If to 2t per : eent xaore,; not taking; jjnto account war bonhxes: ln Tjhe pamtins and decoratinr trade niece rates have mostly risen 40 to 79 per cent, and In one or two ': cases ,100;' per cent and more. Merchant marine . engtneera engaged la the sener&I .cargo tram hare mcw'Jnlryinebtalned1 wart fncreasea varying irom f 25 to 10(T per cent,'wtHe the aereases ta the coastal atrrice rary ftonx Z2 ' to 'TS per cent "Professor Dlgga,4he famoaa arca aetogfst, f said ' te haw- discovered half a v dosen buried cftJeev" Ura. Disga oaght to be proud of him." "WelL yes.; But she wtmld probahry Lhave more respect for .hie ability as explorer if ahe didnt have find his hat for him nearly every time be leaves the boawBInntegham Age- . .5. " l! -V- 'i i f ' a WASTE 5 - ! 4 - ivi; , vv .7i,hV:---v.: r - I 'Sr J - - m "' '7:;. :-:ri ,' -1k !i , FOtlEACH FIGHTER (From Daily financial America.) .. How tremendoosly Important la the building of ships may be appreciated if yon take to heart these facts: For every soldier we send to France we will bare to ship 40 tons of stuff per year. And thia does not include the item of heavy guns, etc If we send 500.000 men it will be necessary Co ship upward of 20,000. C00 tons of supplies per year. Yes feels that carry 10.400 tons of freight are not plentiful It would take 2, C00 trtps.ot a 10,000 ton ship to tron port the goods needed by an army of that alxe. , Can you imagine 'what that means In the line of ocean freighting? A soldier's food runa between 3 and i pouhda a day. For every man on the firing line there is an expenditure of ammunition averaging about 22 rounds per day. For every horse and mule there la a food allowance that is appalling when it la considered that It has to be taken across the seas. Cloths wear out with surprising rapid- fty In war times.. But food and ammunition do not begin to cover the? bulk of the freight totaL There is no end of machinery for trench b eliding; road building, rail road building, etc. For every man m the firings line there are three in the rear: Supplies are used np faattr than you would imagine. A break in the volume of supplies would cripple as army. - Never in history did any nation have each a gigantic task aa that which this government has under taken in sending an army to France and preparing to. feed and supply it. We surely, will send half a million men. We may send a million. It is possible we may be compelled to send 381111 a million and a. half or twomillion. can grasp what that means i fn ocean freight after you have fig g .JJJ totaJ" In tons and shlpson luc oci have appreciation of what the people ta Washington have before them. : But they are endertaking still more. They plan to feed Europe, to supply arocbt of the cannon, the : shot, : the hell, the supplies generally for, Ens land, France, Russia and' Italy. : . TJew yon may appreciate why we need ship v ships, and 'ships. , If .wa Itad ta Sand : the , 1,000,000 tone of steel ships nnder. construction In Americas yards: today we could end the war 6 month earlier than it probably wiirendX rr ' It ta not a lack of trained 'men that hoida ua back. It's, lack of 'ahipsu' " And when we haws the freight ships that will net he enough! 1 Every freight ski? wnr have" to te mvbyed across to protect tt from - the U-boat v Don't criUcixe Washington wlthbui knowing thefacta. Always" believe ni the men at the helm. - Those we have ta office1 today htve joba big ger thaa departmental- chiefs ever aa snmed in. aB the history of the gov eramenL : i -'-J .,v. W The taska are made atl the bigger hcaase they have developed sud denly, becausd we are not a military people, have not ' been a maritime people inr the true sense of tfee word, have bees careless, Improvident trust- fal. y, y "'A ' SJ:yyyi , a -'C- We need ships more ships and then stOI more' and more ships. -, Build them: - Help build them.-' BRINGING RUSSIAN v ;calb;dar todate v; lStil Afi EARLY REFORM fpik '1y' Amrtsati ttmii'i'&f'ylt':. FXTBOGRAD. Russia. Bringing " sn to date of the Russian calendar will be one of the earliest reforms of the new eovernment in "7 Eassla, ; although -op-position la ' expected from eccalealas- tlcal quarters. ; t? ; 1 -ryy k: Any alteration of the calendar has always been regarded aa an act of Im piety by a large section of the Rcssian people When the Grejorian calenda of the Julian or Koman. three coun tries Is Europe-rRnsaia, Sweden and England refused to come Into Una with the others. It was not until 1752 that England brought the celendar pp to date. ; Sweden followed the ; next year but Rnaala has persisted in re maining isolated up to the' present. The Julian calendar was eleven min utes, ten seconds out of reckoning each year, and the accumulation would now amount to about thirteen days. r y U. S. AND MEXICO TO , V - WORK FOR CREATION . ; EL PASO, Teraa. Mexican consuls snd consular agents in the United Statea will cooperate .with the gover nors of Mexican statea in finding: and promoting marketa tor Mexican pro dncte ia the United 8Utea. ; "This la the piaa of Andrea Garcia, Inspector General of Mesican consulates ta the united. SUtet.' n 1 .- . ; - The plan la to have " the ' Mexican consular representatives in the United Statea obtain from manufactnrera and front government departments the needs of American industries and pro vide list of them, to the governors ot the various statea who will send copies of them to producers of the products needed in the United SUtes. Mexico produces much rubber, fiber, cotton, wool, ioooj products and native woods. BEWIL TRADES OBJECT V , V-T0 HOLIDAY ON JULY 31 Oppoaltios'to Registration Day be ing a ' holiday was expressed by sev- ,eral membera of the -board of retail itradea at ita meeting-Thursday after- neon and S. Paxson, 1 manager of T the ' Schaman Carriage Company, .moved that It be restricted to only a half holiday, v Many others, however, J oenevea vtnai sues a motkm would y be agaimrt the spirit fhe times and ft wae withdrawn - and a resolution ' ' was' adopted pledging' the membera of ' the hoard to secure the -respiration Birg; ' Montana Bingham 'experienced ita first setback this morning. With more stock dumped on the market than could meet ready sale the price after soaring yesterday to 9, droppeu back to S6. Bingham was a heavy trader, yesterday's operations sur passing any since the boom started, over &0.000 shares changing hands. Enxela la another unlisted stock that la jumping. It went np SO cents over night, being quoted now at $6.7. Thia morning 3tt aharea told at and later 154 went for $6.75. Hawaiian Pines took a bracer ia view of the anticipated big pack with operations soon to start tail blast. It sold for S43.75. With sugar close to tt cents, sugar stocks stiffened even more. Pioneer went to $38, Oahu to (30.75, Ewa to 133J. mm ' Honolulu StocI: Exchange Friday, July IS. MERCANTILE Sid Aaked 281 . JVk . 4&0 Alexander Batdwln C Brewer A, Co. : SUGArt Ewa Plantation Co. Haiku Sugar Co. ....... Hawaiian Agr. Co. ...... H awn.: Com. A Sugar Co. Hawaiian Sugar Co. Henokaa Sugar Co. . . . . . Honomu Sugar Co. ,.... Hutchinson 6ugar Ptant. Kahuku Plantation Co. .. Kekaha Sugar Co.-. Koloa Sugar Co. ........ McBryde Sugar Co Ltd. Oahu Suoar Co. 33'. 33'4 204 210 ..... 3SV4 e e - a 10!4 81 Olaa Sugar Co, Ltd.....; 13'e 11 unomca sugar co. as i Wfy Paauhau Sugar Plant, Co. .27 Pacific Sugar MHI r....; 17 -IP - Pala Plantation Co. ... 204 , 210 Pepeekeo Sugar Co. ..... 48 Pioneer Mill Co. . ....... 37 38', San Carlo Milling Co. .. ..... 20 - Walalua Agr. Co. . . . . . . . ..... 2S& Waltuku Sugar Co. . . .Y. MISCELLANEOUS ' Endau Dev. Cs Ltd. .... 1st ta. As. 7 pe Pd...!t Tlnd-ts. As, fully paid r.. nainu rmii w rK rTB. .,, Haiku Fruit dV Pack, Com ..... Hawaii Con. Ry. 7 pc. A. . . 5 Hawaii Coru Ry; Com;;, ;. . . . 2) Hawaiian Electric Co. i.. ,...... Hawaiian Pineapple ,Co.. 44 ...K MVz Hon. Brew. eV Matt. Co.. 18 ; 17 : Honolulu Gas Co, Ltd.....M., ..... Hon. R. T d L Co...,,,... Irrter-laland Steam Nav.. ..... Mutual .Telephone Co .. . . .. . . .; ; Oahu Railway eV Land Co. ..... 160 y Pahang Rubber Co. ..... 20 Selama-Oindings Plan. Pd. .. . , ; : 8elamav01r-dlngs P 8S pe ..... Tanjong CloK Rubbef Co. ;i;i40 5 BON DSr K:fr? i ';:''A'--- . Beach" Walk Imp. .01st;;;; ,i;i: Hamakua Olteh Co, 8S.P ...4: Hawaii Con. Ry. Ry. pe '....." Hawaiian Jrr.: Co, s Haw. Ter. 4 pc. Refund W i .I.i. Haw. Terrt 4 pc Pub hnp 4..;. Haw. Terr. Pub. Imp; 4 pe .;., ;.;,; Hawn. TerKt, 3J4 pc....r. ..... ;...( Honekaa Sugar Co, 8 pc ;..'..' 94 Honolulu Gas Co, Ltd, 5e 1( Kauai Ry.-CoJ, 6a ...1C2 ..... Manoa Imp. Diat.......;. ..... McBryde Sugar Co, 5e ... ..... f.. Mutual Telephone 5s ;.. -.;... t Oahu R. eV U Co, 5 pc.V; ....i Oahu Sugar Co, 6 pc.... 110 Olaa Sugar Co, 6 pc..:.. ' 93 89 Pactfio Guano A Far? Co. 100 . PacIHe Sugar MiU Co, 6a ,100 San Carlos Milling Co.;. 104 Between Boards: Sales: 15 Pio neer, S3; 20, 10 McBryde, 1047? 30 Oahu Sugar,-30.73; $1000 Olaa 8 pc, Wy-yyyy - y-r-fi:-,, .y. r,, , Seaaion Sales: 5 Olaa, 13.75; 5 Pala, 2C5: 5 Hawn. Pines. 4351000 Otaa 6 pew 89r-10, 20, 30 Ewa,- 33.12; 15 pioneerv as. --:y il::i: r--'": Rubber, July 8f Singapore, 57 New York, 670. y y:-TyJ,y; y. .... -yiy "' - yr 'j.y;?y Latest sugar auotation: 96 desVteat. M9 centaV or $129.80 per ton. r. UWtlSTEO SECURrriES j y ' : Friday July 13.- , :: .:: bw Asked oil Honolulu Ccii. OH..;. MINING v; 4X0-40 Cat. Hawn. Day. Col;. Enoeis Copper M inina 6.75 :vo ; ".30 35 Mineral -Producta o.. - Mountain King Mining' J1 : 6 J6 Tlpp. Gold Min dL MIIL Montana . Bingham Co .Madera Mining Co... Salea: 2800 Bingham, M; 11 AX) Bingham, j65; 6450 Bingham. .66; 3S50 Bingham, 7: - 14.150 Blnaham. : 8: 4500 Bingham, .69; 8000 Bingham, JBSi 7700 M. Products, JO; 100 M. King, 40; 19 tnfleia, fczs; S695 Engels, 640; 4350 Madera, 44: 50 Hon. Oil. t20: 150 Engels, 6J5; 1000 Madera, 45; 200 M. Products, .30; 4O0ingham, 46. ar 6.49cts Hetiry Vaterhouse Trust Co, Membera Honolulu Stock and Bond Exchange i Fort and MerchantStreete Telephone 12C8 .- .BICYCLING POPULAR . LONDON. i. England. Bicycling ia London enjoyed a great revival dur ing the recent omnibus strike. Peo ple who .had. been out of practise for several years dragged their bicycles out of their hiding places and pedalled to work Thia was especially true, of - the . girl munition workers who wanted to he in time for. their duties. Even after the lumbering omnibuses returned to the city streets people continued to use their bicycles. - : "I sen where some of the al ex perts are advising -peoiJa- not; to buy great quantities of coa t a time " "Is that advice economy ur sarcasm 7' r -Tewnrr ' -:. -. STOCKS - : Bethel Street r- y- -t- 3tMro$i BBBBBWeBV- ' " , V CALL UPON (MIMCmili General Inurancs Acjento Fort and Herchant Streets -:. b rj ni .ra HAI1TAIIAM UiiWrUliiU 7 ; , - Stocks and Boadj ; Peal Estate!. : , j - - - Insnranca - . ' Safe Authoriied by u uuu your iarpiBS - capital ; in yonr ; own. and your, f am ily 's welfaf ev Start a Savr ings Account. r-;; :Klll 'Interest Mdtcn Savings" (I'-VBspcsitsv- "C":' ' . J 4-'' -. v,j.- T"-,y ; ciTort and Ilerchant -f -v.-"' '. ,. . ) ' ' Fort Street; near Queen :: '. -:r' Transacts s .'. general Banking Business. y -A i-"l'V.'." ; Invites your account and guar antees safe and efficient service. Exchange. Letters of Credit and Travelers' Checks : issued r on tr nrlncinal noiiita. A Cable Transfcn t. -. E C PETERS S10.McCandJess Bldg. ; "'v Honolulu T. H.-w ; . Stocks, 'Bondv Securities, f Leans Negotiated, Trust Estates Managed :7'i:r l - V -j y'-: Keep- your iv? - s i:l::sAyiNGsS?ii:- Irt a safe place. We pay V Interest BISHOP lT COMhAHY A i. . P.; H. BURNSTTE -i-t 79 Merchant St r ? Phone 1S4S :.V: NOTARY PUBLIC Commiasloner.of Oeeda ' , California and New York ?? Draws: . Wilis, Deeds, Mortgages and alt Legal Documents :. : y; :. . B. F. DILLINGHAM CO, LTD. V ; . PHOOT 4915 : :j Firs, Life, Accident, Compensstfon y SURETY; BONDS fJ HOME INSURANCE COMPANY OF HAWAII,- LIMITED ? 816 Fort Street. Telephone. 3529 ,- ft t LUMBER .... i.-. .1 - Paints, Plumbing Supplies, Building Materials. Prices low. Houses built on Instalment plan. : Choice Heuss Lota for sale. , .. Ct: --;-??' :? CITY MILL COMPANY, LTD, ; v Telephone 2478? P. Of Box 951 JAPANESE SILK G 0 0D3 S; ? " ?v -.V'" . ; ' v . ; i. ;:- . ; ""-tiro irrrn n a 1 1 iiilllll X,td. -:-.: T.navTts - and B0ND3 w 2 : 4 A Life, Fire Marine ft Automobils.Tourists Bagsase or! Accident .- insurance, X. ... -t, q 4.. t t TnitCT TA 4A 1UUJI W LIU. Deposit Vaults law to act as Trustees, Bxecn tors, Administrators ana Guardiazs' L ; ; i ' Limited , ; r Commirsioa nchants. - and Insuranca Asnts ; - - ; . .. rf .... ... . . . ? v'-i v" L Aetata tor : ,' '; y ' " Hawaiian Commercial 6 fiarir ' iii wy'i . , - , . UHaiktt Eajar rnpaayV Pais Pliatatida Comjany:;'- ' ' ?HuAA?ri::si .Cc:;ai7; ,r- Hawaiian Sugar "Crapany. " y: KahuJai lUIIroai'Ccajasy. I ; .'McBryde Eo;ar Cor? O f rKahuUu RaCroa J 'Con r t - k ; Kauai Fruit ft Laad TJo, Lti ;y" .1- L WwS ?": :?-" (Li:.:iTZD) ' " - ' ;"?: -. auGA'rt factohs ' 1 coMMic:icn Mzr.cHANTaC ? SHIPPING Af.'D MNCUftANCi, ;?-;v?-?. AcrriTa ?-?-?; V-- .n. " .ffl;?; ? FORT T, HONOLULUT; H. J:isy'i K7-:y yy"' - i;S,v,-. ? ssV t tSfri? Olrwctorsa a ftOCZflTSON - Vlce-PresIdanrinV'tecreUry JPAr?TV. - Vic-PresfieSt . E. A. R. ROSS : Treaiure . C. H. COOKE V Dlrectar . H. A. COOKE ? V Dlretar i?-t;P-' MORGAM C0 LTD," ; ;?' ? , ; v STOCK BROKERS ' Information rurnlshed and Leant r '-Made . - . i '- ; ? Merchant Street Star EuUdlna 4 r-: :: Phone 1372 : - 3 " . THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK. ?: i f "MITEO T ; : -? Capital subscribed. yea 4J.CC0.CC3 Capital paid up.....yen-30.000,CC3 Beaerve funds ....... yea 214C0.000 - -8. AWOKI, Local tMi2r FOR R E NT Electricity, gas, acrecrs la all hom -V Fire 3-bedroom house; garage; f J3. I 2-bedroom house; garage; f 25.; Fine furnished honae; garage;- $49. j.h;schnacc : 842 Kaahumanu St. ?: Telephone's PACIFIC ENGINEERING r :; MS H COMPANY, LIMITED ?r Consulting rec jnlftg and Con -' -:- atnictlnj Engineers - -Bridges, BuiiSijx, Ccncrete trr tares, Steel Structures, Sanitary tems. Reports and Eatlaatet on Tr Jects.. Phone 104S. ? - . A1TD CIHlICJ, ZZlZi: w J AlfD EUBEOIDEEIZj : ?: .-. . t S