Newspaper Page Text
3: 3 j itafday doz. larg v .::-f .. . i . ,;, .- .... -.v ...... . , , ; , flffoilkS raEEWlth svery puxthase "of one dozen cans of Alpine IliQ: dirEaturday, July 14, we will give away free "2 bars of "Electrio Spark'? floap. A wonderful self-washing vegetable oil white laundry soap. ; ' 2 V The House KinjCtrcst Ybxi ccm c v r Th c : 3 v satisfying',;-nourishing foods prepared by the spe cial Armour processes that re- j tain - the full natural fiavor3. ? , Evcr-rc:.dy icr; umcdiitc Service Tcrk and E cans, Luncheon : " - 'I " . - ' " . c:ncs;:Etc ; : O . r i s L r ( . r . ; v rjr dnsr, eeli fcr tench, brewed ibr breakfast, Armour! Star Ham has the ftppetfta t-7zz thit never CIls. To be cure cf best turn, look for Armour's) blue and yellow Oval Label. i::::::::::::::::::::::::::ocnnoncnG2annnBi FOR SALE BY LEADHIQ GROCERS' v'v- - " ; " ? " " ' a S ; ' ' QiVS:i?, Tccd Co. tnd C. Q. Yea Hep OB e cans y - 4 r , - - of Quality Ji Pbon? 3451 buythe or ' ' Beef, Ketchup, Salmon, Sar- 4 Phone . 412U V . " -- r : Ons cf ' i4rrnbsrs ; fczsjjjj of CO J AAV: T - A fUnoos general one declared that "an army right on Its stomach and realizing the truth of his state ment we women nnst look well to the ways of oar household that no waste fulness on oar part' lessens the sup ply 9f food which Is exported to oar own boys and our allies. One important item of sarins Is the terrlng of soap at both luncheon and dinner. Not only does it serre to take the first edge off the appetite, but It is an excellent method of using op bone, meat trimmings and giblets. HoweTer, the dislinctlTe flavor of stock bouillon, or consomme should be preserved and not impaired by the ad dition of strong herbs, spices, mush rooms, fried onions and other meth ods. Superior stock is made by means of gravy beef, leg of veal, a few car rots, turnips, leeks and celery, which are allowed slowly to simmer in water for some eight hoars. The broth is then strained off into a large basin and kept in a cool place. The flavor of the broth may afterward be improv ed by the addition of the "bones " of rabbits and fowls. The stock is boil ed away till It has a gluey consistency, when It obtains a bright, clear color. The heat is then slackened and the stockpot filled up with water. No flavor is needed for this soup, bat only the addition of a very little salt, and. If leeks 'are not available, one or two onions. ? f . Where vegetable flavoring is intro duced, from four to six ounces is gen erally sufficient to allow to each pound of .meat Those , most used for flavor ing are carrot turnip, onion and cel ery, though mushrooms are sometimes favored,' especially , in game stocks. They should either be cut In blocks, or.left whole if they are small; they should never be chopped in small - OH Hi Cost O LIvng is. In a bad way, The old rascal lias received sev en! hard ' blows this week, of which the foUowlng ' are a ' few: y.-: ix --. Pstiteea have 'gone down from; MO td 130 hundred pounda. -Onions have hit the tobaggari from Z50 to St75 a . hundred, v . Alligator peare ' are down from $1)0 to -60 cents a dozen.' !.--V-:f - .:' v- Bananas are - going .- begging ; at : from 29 to 6 cents a bunch not . a ; dozen, but a bunch containing from to .9 dozen. of the fruit ' 7 Nearly everything "in . the . line of local fruits and vegetables is cheaper this- week than It -has Jeea Jn many, months,, and bousewivea can cut down expenses considerably by visiting the territorial-marketing division and the fish market? with a big' basket and a doUar or two. :Pli'--: This is welcome news, after the way every known variety of - eatable has-l been looping the loon and going after altitude records ever since last win ter. -V' f'-- Supt Xongley of the marketing di vision asks the Star-Bulletin to Inform Honolulu housewives that now is the time to buy island' grown grapes and make ' jellies - and Jam for r next tan and -"winter.-'K 0-.:-i- Longley has In stock a good Quan tity of fine Isabella grapes from Hilo which he is jelling reUu at 6 cents a pound. The grapes are at their best right now. ' The dtrisloo " iflll receive another consignment tomorrow morn ing. .-. The superintendent says the present supply 'la: the best of this variety be has ever . received.) it is good as a table grape as well as (or jams and Jellies. ; The Isabella is practically r the oily . grape whlch grows , weU ' In the Islands.:' .-?u. The- division has some exceptional ly fine island grown fspuds" 'at 4 cents a pound, one tent cheaper than 0 days ago., ; By the hundredweight' the potatoes are selling today at $3.50 a bag, one dollar cheaper. ? ,.vr . , 1-- Tomatoes are excellent several lo cal dealers report at 5 cents a pound or 75 cents : f or a 29-pound basket New - potatoes from California are i r H. C. OFL, UNSEATED FtlOr.I FERCH; . ' swawawBej s ....i1,.71 --":-. ' l;.-.-; a ' .- C" -i;jV.;p- Tho Stocldnet (vennjj Jm exclusht ArmsxrftMbtru ftttnt ffpitMJtrk Inteosifiea arid preaervei all Cj- V, the rich, iuicy coodnest cf ; THE HA VJ v $.1 v, V.-: .Vi - ,:.,:..v & Cd; 1 pieces. It Is better also for them not to remain, tod long in the stock, as after a certain time they only absorb the meaty flavor instead of Impart ing their own. ' - . . -; There are many economical variants from the familiar dried pea, and vege table soups. A good sonp, for Instance, can be made of cabbage leave and bread crusts; , then there are carrot soup, . potato and leek & soup, sorrel soup, onion soup and dried bean or len til soon. -;. . i-i;. w;. A prudent housewife will soon dls cover many little leaks In the kitchen; for instance, a great many cooks dis card the outer lettuce leaves when par ing head or other lettuce for salad. This; is ; unnecessary. - These leaves when ; carefully washed, steamed : or boiled, cooled, : pressed and chopped and tossed , tn butter on braised with cream or gravy, make a delicious veg etable, : Cocks' combs, when scalded and rubbed in a towel with salt are easily skinned; they can then be soaked in cold water and the water changed dally until they become snowy white. When blanched they may be used as the principal ingredient of a "ragout financlere" and in other waya. -- Fowl v gizzards, when thoroughly cleaned and soaked .for ten das in a saltpeter pickle, may be made Into a "potpie," or used in stews and nava rins. . .;: :' :-; : .-. vV Baked potatoes left over from meals, when scooped out and roughly chopped up, then V stewed ;wita milk, cream sauce, pepper and salt are far prefer able to the product obtained from boil ed. .potatoes. :;r:-'-:. V .-.;V : c f Cream, when threatened, to - turn sour, or even when slightly sour, can be -restored by stirring a little bak lug iuui iuw iu . quoted at 13.75: a,' hundred, $L25 be low the price on May 1 ..v..' Citrus fruits are about the only, va riety to increase. New Valencia or anges are selling at 50 cents a doz en" or 1125 a box. Lemons are high er, too, 3,cenisv a.-cozen and'; a box, against "25 cents and $4.50 a box a month ago. Hot weather on the mainland and bigger? demand have sent up the price, v kBIuch waste of sugar' and spoilage of; jellies X can 3 be avoided ? by using a simple ; aiconoi test recommended by u the bureau of chemistry: United Stater department'' of agriculture. To determine' how .; much sturar should be used with" each kind of. Juice put a spoonful of juice in a: glass and ana to it one spoonful - of 95 - per cent grain alcohol, mixed by shak ing the glass ' gently Pour "slowly irom ue giass, noung how the pectin the-substance in fruits which makes them jell Is precipJtatedL If the pec tin Is precipitated - as .one ' lump' to a cup of sugar may be used for each cup of Juice; if in several lumps the proportion of sugar must be reduced to approximately three-fourths the amount of the Juice. ;j If the pectin is not In lumps but is merely precipi tated under this test' it is unsuitable for jelly making and ' must: be com bined , with ; apples - v or other i Juices rich In 'pectin. . .-... .-. ? The housewife win dowell before making the test to tato the Juice, as fruita not as acid as ood tart apples probably will not make good Jelly un less mixed , with othaf fruits blch V tV, V H,,M?E QAROENINO . : The corn has ears and 'cannot hear Potatoes, eyes, but cannot see: , ' Whlch.vstate of things is rather queer. Or that's the way it seems to The melon has a lender heart, " ; But still he doe's not love, they say; The onion's skia will never sman v, Although it has been built that way. The 'cabbage has a giant neadr V - But still It lacks a bt of brams. And though the squash's head Is red, ; yrom wearing collars Jie refrains. :t The bamboo always sports Vcane; The oak has limbs, but never walks: The; willow never weeps 'Us plain; How strange the tulip never talks. The -pickle has no hands, but stfll -Has warts to spare, I understand; The trumpet flower must thlnkit fll ?he cannot-Join a'circua band.v The barley has a beard, and yet ; - A barber shop he never seeks. And here, I say It with regret No kisses press the apple's cheeks. The-tlades of grasVl do not fear; The rubber plant can never see?' Which state of things is rather queer, ; Or that's the way It seems to me. v;- a " : - v 4 -Chlcag6 Chronicle. QRAPE8 COME FROM HILO Early this week the Territorial Marketing Division : received -v a .big aipmem oi grapes irom two, xrpnt A. G. Serrac. The grapes were raised by Serrao to supply his winery, but he has recently , decided to retire from the liquor business and as they ripen are-being placed on the 'market ... The ; grapes - are 1 being o!d f or 7 cents a pound.. The Territorial market also, has a good supply of Irish po f aloeav which . came from Kohala. v ii i. i in v J" Wftcn Year Eyes Heed Cere SIX w i.. U f I h.i.i . . ft F .T--', C-"-'-n. f i r--- , 'It Costs Less" WW DAVID ALO '. -; , -i ;,V .-' '' ; OAHU FISH IXABEBT WE ARE : WHOLESALERS OF EVERYTHmQ TO EAT. Service Supply Go Phone Honolulu Offices at Hotel opp. i POUirDS FOR ziWhere Coffee is f .'iy ;Vv - 1137 r-mm MING C0; Beautiful THECT 32 years in the ; Optical . business land still progressing. Dr; John J. llundorff of 'the - vO-'--v-;; - ; U43rcrt BtrefeKJihj??1 Llii Honolulu, T..H. ;leart;?itsma ie5 vv Punch, Loju Sherbet, Loju Sundae, aro other Slimmer dainties made with this tnpt - irignewirmt up. is- l-VhV-f; . -it: -.Cru - - ! 'Itijl H "U Fctds HcreM. "3 :. !;s. i : v.- -,7 the Hawaiian Fisheries Bethel Street ONE DOLLAR Ground to . Order ssbrtment . ".' 'A' . :'," ' IB of Fort -St. C:jaca(uI,G U 7ZJ enough onlhand when Jfousewivea JneTPr Ixeats-andfbld tllsi espedany,- 12io tha Loju tOJU BALI-na Lphi tiaveW . ee over ice; the rest ttaryd wxtcr cr ; emgerale. ?-v: i? LOJI imrr JUIXPCrcsh tcrcral sprays mint in jass. ra.r tS f- chipped ice, cover with ess ; carry cf Lcja, rest wrter, Dccsre trih c : erqua gprsy cf c2t, b:-.;V;'K ; ': V- V.. IlcxtlmesS Frdt Prizc HCJI. HSr.D C? ? ' cov3 a?:d jzwzLrtY f Vm:;- w nza CRCca fund WASnJGTONV. IX: CHei Cross crncixlj Cadithetr orrxsi- sill on the owner of one herd cf 4-vdalry cows, a tat Plymouth Rock t-'bea and dozen erst, a dozen g?U 4- and sUver medals ?of . varlouj kinds, raucf Swelry and . taer- -f chandiae, dv itlons to the Eed Cross war fund from persons who coold. not give money. ; .V -' -f ; A Slav woman of Middleton, O donated the hen and errs. The -t local eampa&a committee . auc- tloned the eggs for I1T39 and the hen for 1268. Both were returned for resale. , Officials - said they v would be forwarded to New York 4- for sale by auction la Wall street Cows, hogs, horses and other f , livestock have been ' given by farmers tn a number of states. Ten per .; cent discount on Picnic Hams will save you several car-fir 3 or at least a gallon , of .. gasoline to ; come to town shopping V Wild Hose ' Picnic Hams are delicious boUed and can be served in various ways. Noth ing more economical at the price. Ceo. A. Belayetf, 928 Maunakea street Adv. - rVy v STARS AND STRIPES ARE v POPULAR fi ROME; ITALY (nv Auocuud Frtn ' nOMZ, Italy. The stars and stripes has become decidedlx popular sic? the entry of the United States into e.? war, but the. scarcity of the. America flag preventa its display in many c: the public places where are bang to gether the flags of all the allies. In one street demonstration that tc : place the day the United States C:- dared war an old-flag was resurrect : for the occastonrcarrylng but St star-, the flag having been made ,In E. more befortha ClvU War; . During the. demonstration that c : eurred before the American Em tar- several hundreds ef batton-hole fla: . prepared for the occasion, were toss : ' into, the crowd and since that t!r these tiny flags have been worn at: . Rome. '," i ..Vv. I -. r L- r - :v j .... i 4 . J 4 w ...... .. M v . . . A . m ( 1 1 ' 1 i : ..1 i ' -CV" 1 - 'v;