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A '7 H.GiiImari' Ga,Ltdy t Jewelry and Convcnin: f ' To; 1112 Fort St c-r mm 5 llAlESlill BLOODY CUSII ,. ...... .- ..- -...ivC.-.. ,.;-. r -: 1 ( Makes emooth XI est icecream, cosily and quickly, because of the famous - Lightning Wheel-dasher and Autormtic Twin Scrapers. Saves ice and salt, too; Lasts longer because - of clectricillf nrelded, round, ced hoops can't feUoftj and can wkh cetl bottom caa t leak or fall wtfi 5 Tested and Approved . by : "Good Housekeeping ? -SHFcr Sale" bj'kW V;'.V.Dimond&Co. 'Honolulu Phorie'1937 J Uo 'tnitter. What your fcusi c:::, whether housekeeper, chccnalicr, iccrchant or prcfc::icnal nsn, there is cne,: and perhaps several ' - Vr- J '- J van jF vrf n-. v WS Ci trill nalie ycur 57crk c-:i:r. csi'ncre-efficient.-' .. . . v - - - -,-3 --v-L , i ...... . I . .Vm J VV i 'n::izD:;V,V; IIiIicp'Ltrcct LT3 f-.Ii te was a million tzz, tnX I fir.i lie Is working a v,ec!- If a: That looks,us 3! . A aire's eon -couldn't rvcr .".rhr.aolphia Bulletin.- (ContJied from pge i) era will not be again slowed to arrive. -. ' President VVItsort ir viewing the sifr uation with fireat concern, fearful of a disastrous clash between the citizens and the agitators. He has wired to Governor Campbell, ,at Phoenix, Ari zona, and ordered the U. Q. officiala to cooperate with the state authorities In keeping order.' ' ' ." "I ;'" " ' . "Meanwhile," his -telegram says, 'there Is great danger If the citizens take the law into tbelr own hands. I look for such actions with grave appre hensJon."' - " !i ' ' - While the main ploU of the I. W. W. agitators "and tbeir-rrabid - followers center In the West, reports of plot come from the South aa "welL . There, at El Paab, three V W. WV members hare been arrested la connection, wit'a an alleged attempt uf destroy sthe- in ternatlonal bridge by dynamiting It j in the mmtos districts, where" the IW, 5V.Jfc strong, there are strikes in the copper mines ot Butte,' Montana, and at Globe"nd BUbeo In Artoxna, whlletbe miners inColorado, Ne?ada and Utah threaten, to wait ont Yes terday the miners at CUfton and Mo renci, Arixona, voted to strike, and three thousand ; of' them will throw down their, drills and close, the mines. Lumber J ndustry. Affected -l.." . ;. f The lnmber Industry in WaBhington. Idaho "and a section of 'Oregon ftnda itself In : a 'precarious situation, -wlti the lumbermen on the verge' of strik ing, insubordinate and "malingering. ; , Throughout the entire , Northwest there are reports. o plots to destroy the wheat rops and the farmers ire constantrr guard to preTentr tiro bugs entering their fields. : At Marshfleid. oregoi, ; wnere mere has been a striie 'wider 'way by the lumbermen, it Is announced that the minmen will take idrastlo step to break the strike the minute it becomes apparent that its continuance Is hold Ing up the shipbuilding . program; on the Pacific coast ir is tending to delay the speedy completion of the-anton-ments being rushed for-the national army.:. r ? Farmers on Guard.-jf;- -:f rtfCi - I Throughout : Eastern' Oregon l and Washington the'faraiers' are organiz ing t put an end to the spreadlhg 6f the - propaganda which, advocates Ihe destruction, of crops. - ; At , Bis bee, Arizona, where federal mediators are endeavoring to 'bring the strike to an end,' the local' residents have deported eleven, hundred "vand ninety-three members of the L"W. rounding them up . and kerding Jthem into twenty-four box cars, which they started off ; towards Columbus.- The citizens,- exasperated at the Attl the agitators, formed , themselves lnt armed posses for. their, round-up, ; In some instances, the ,agi.tatorsr resisted and there wasUome ..'fighting, taj-which. two of the 1. W. W, men were, killed. , , Ajitatcrs bepcrted-;; :cvv The federal mediators ' have tele graphed an appeal to President Wilson to have the deportationa stopped-in all the Arizona mine centers In order thgt the caning industry be not paralyzec! through ,the lack of labor, when tha strike is' ibrought to an end. i x At a' meeting held at Denver last night between representatives, of, tb) Leadville. miners unions,' the . min.' owners - and federal .mediators," the TAli REVETIUE CiTYTO GET 4s i The amount of money front taxa tion which the city and county will receive In 1918 bar been figured out by .Harry Murray, -superintendent ;of the water and sewer department. - Murray bases his estimates on a tax valuation of 1109,000.000, although the amount will probably run above that fleure. On that basis the total amount of taxes which will be collect ed probably will be J 1,962.000, of which the city and county wQl get f 1.2$2,op0, the remainder going to the territory. - i v Before the new. tax valuation was known it was estimated that it, would be close to f 100,000,000 and upon that amount the legislature fixed the rate of .018. which would have made the city and county's share $1,200,000. Un der the new valuation,-therefore.-the city-and county will receive S 160,000 more than was expected." Of the $1,362,000 half, or 2081,000, goes to the' general fund and the other half to special funds. - j f The special funds are divided into permanent street construction, which receives 1340,500, , water and "sewer extensions and 'free sewer and cess pool pumping service 1227,000. perma nent . construction other than roads 156,750, - road" maintenance $56,7(0. Tb$227;00O for the water and sewer department "ia Oirther- divided info $60,000 for free sewer and cesspool pumping : and . $167,000 for the exten sion of the water and sewer system. CONNAUGHT CLUB IS - 1: USED BY GOVERNMENT LONDON, -j England. The 7; 'Con naught dub, near the marble arch entrance to Hyde park. Is -the latest Institution to be taken over- by .: the iwar, department, " for,, governmental purposes. . It has., been . turned ' over to the Women's Auxiliary Army corps for' the training in hygiene and. disci pline of women who jure sent to do work behind, . the front , in France":" - -The building- was? a jnen's residen tial etub and numbered among-its -250 members, many y Americans. : It now honses - nearly 000 : womenT ' r - owners .were 'notified 1 thatf:the men would strikeron Saturday unless In the meanwhile their demands for high er pay and other concessions be grant edr or unless the government decided to' take lover the U mlnea and operate them, v4 rgfg :ziftftY2 WIU Appeal to Washington y ? j& f; ; The federal Conciliators have agreed to submit the proposals of th men to the department. of ; labor. by wire. In order that the Justness of the demands may. be passed upon. The acceptance or rejection of the terms fay the mine owners could ; not, be., taken rnp- last night those - present at the meeting stating that-the decision of the oper ators would depend upon tha action desired by other. mine owners wat ootid not "be present Usnlght; 7 William b.' rfaywodd;' generat secre tary and :treasurer 'of the 4. W? W: al Chicago; Issued a vehement deniallas night of the report that German money and German Influences are back of th present great activities 0f .the i. w; W. workers. The ; says that the : various happenings being investigated ' by . ths attorney general's department .and tfhlch have been credited to the L'W. W. are simply a series of outrages with which he and his fellow workers have had no connection whatever. - ' ' v T" - ." .' "v'; "- !'-) 3 t- - '. T"r : "As. i ft . '.' f k ' :-?-v i - r - smivinn i?irst 65 TO.71 COUTH QUEEIT CT. WOA BHIK HOIIH RATES iiBilEi RAISED $21 TOW ::- v a m- wsr a ant a urn ! .-f- --j ,- , -t : f 11,1 HAIHIW Bringing about 50 -first class pas;! sengers tne siatson steamer, uanoa arrived., of f : port Tearly ; this .morning, three "days behind her schedule due to the fact-that she towed the German sbrp Poramern'to the coast on a pre vious voyage. The trip down was un eventful and. -the sea was declared by the passengers , to have been "as smooth Jss a-mill pond.' The swimming- tank was much enjoyed' by the passengers; according to the. reports of H.Wi.-D. McKenxie; the purser. Captain ; A.1 Soule, former well known Honolulan now : In command of the Manoa, laughingly replied: when asked the standing question: aa to how soon he expected some of the Hatson boats would; be" cdminandeered,by the government: "You' know . as 4 mucn about thit as 'I do, '--Another itt the ship's officers, said In reply; to.- the QuesttonT r f Why;'' -even; Captain--Mal son does nofeJow w'Ahiinriir r thiR V. arrivin. ' nasseneers Honolulu : residents,, ipredomlnate; al though. there: is. a spnnuingvoi com inerclal trayelera And tourists. .W. W. Chamberiaia,, trsasprer of, the, Guar, dian -.Tna t'Coji reamed fronvtar Jbusir nesa,trip;;as ."didi.t'alstiiiJudge'fit-R; Cooper, owner. of the Talmyra Islands. John :HInd, the. Kohala capitalist, ie another who has. been to the .coast on a business mission, a:;.' y ;i Charles vDrake, a former traveling man for E. OcHaI & Son, who has been away , for one. year. Is now eligi ble for membership in the "come back club.? rts T'.IV: 1 ' jbhir Gat tf 'tc Guardian Trnst Co. returns to the islands With. a bride .U whom he1 was married lnr Wassachu- setta recently. 1 The young couple were met at the -landmgv; by : a party -of I .urs.. Jtv, iiupoeneite i tne wue 01 the" captain of th4i tugat' KahuIul pn heriWay io-that port to . rejoin her L JC.Asbiag fsa aioaofula, Chinese the mainland. M. Kubo, another Hono lulu, youth, Is. retaining f,rom a rnaln- land school,-as is also H. L Kurisakl.' Allan-Renton.f Who has' been attend Ing: the tJniverslty of .Wisconsin, is a son of George F. Kenton, manager of the Ewa plantation.- He has just com pleted, his junior trear at the ' univer stty. where he is known for the fame he first gained "j his freshman year as a singer or Harwalian songs. J . . iJ;: P.. Winnie; buyer for the mer chandlse department - of Alexander: 4s, Baldwin, ; was, another, returning pas Oceacn SH OArs TO.SAIt FEAHCISCO- -' . t-. I' Bcgnlar Sailings to San Francisco and Sydney, N. S. T7. . y For further partitnlara apply' to C; BREWERS CO. LTDrS Cental Actnb n ; .General cargo coming to Honolulu yesterday from Yokohama iln' one of the big subsidized liners of-theToyo KIsen.Kaisha cacie at the, rate, of $7 aton for general cargo and $5. a ton forriae. - -' .- .'V-- .From Hongkong, however,; the ratej for general cargo was. $1 a ton, more than' seven times the rate from Japan ports. It is quite evident the T; K.-K. is charging Chinese firms "all the traf fic" will bear."1 " ; - , a Onthe last call at this' port' of-the same:; liner,, the freight rate. , from Hongkong, .to Honolulu for general cargo was only $0 a tcn That f as la AprfLV There haa been a jump of $21 a ton In two months. The rate rom Japan here is the- same as4it was on the former voyage, because oa the kub sidlzed ; steamers the rate can not be raised., except by 'permi8si0Brfjon the Japanese '. department of communica tions It la said the, T.. K. iq is ask ing for. an Increase now4. . ; ; A Japanese tramp steamer arriving this week from .Yokohama- and Kobe brought cargo here at the rale of. 3 aCt0n,;and an American JInef at $"T0, so .that it look ai though" both Japan- j ese and ; Chinesr importers lare (bejng . j stuckH-; on the 'same? "scale by aU t A9TTI lln a f rtrm tYi a Orlan t V ; J Direct Service Between San Frasciico asd Honolulu -r Fbr further particulars apply-to : v ; (srucobkE; i ' )-- - ;"' :V 7" r TZ.-. .-W ' "rJ-"-' C"-' '- -."-'"vrT v: , : --.-. ft y,"t--- ' ..-"s.: .... Q O : ZTzizxy Otis F. Hdl of ths Murine Eye ReriedyGo; - Avrllca to t!;3 Hcnolulu Stor-Bullctih as foUow: ; "It if- - fcri pleasure cs rcpfeccnuns the Murine xnteresU to - - clclo that cur pubKcity in theStar-BulIetin has resulted in c:taL Hilling a very fair demand for ' Mume;HawSu' TIiio h cne core vhcre vc have been able to liaxe Jolrcit " v - . it- 'J " L Irlrin 2 Contracts A re Always Renewed. M. V. Seller is a newcomer to the Islands, who it is reported Is to enter the employ of Hackf eld ft .Co."r-; V- ; The Manoa brought . S424 . tons of freight for Honolulu and 1845 tons for fCahulul in this Is" Included 24 automobiles.- ;Due to being off schedule, It . Is not v known . when v the Manoa will leave for; Kahului, nor- has' it date' of departure, , for the ,;; mainland been determined.- It is the opinion of the ship's off leers that', it will take threemore voyages to get-the vessel back on- its. regular schedule. w A.:U Serrao Is chief officer of' the Manoa, J. Young, chief engineer; -Dr. H.i r. woriey, - ship's ; surgeon, and George Berrle, chief steward. o rnnii HL1 L Ob L BACK FROM CO AST ,r; ---..r, .. : .. . .-:;' . ,A number of the officers and .mem bers of the TcreK which, took:, the .Ger man ' ship' Staatsaekretar; Kraetke to San ' Francisco .returned to Honolulu this morning on the Manoa, . They report an uneventful trip, except that the 'voyage took. 11 days, which was several days longer than-"-expected when they .left here, on June 15. '; . Among , those who . returned - are Capt W.. H. Curtis, who commanded m?mi .vtit wiv , w wj mk&w s va woat Jasvpals; chiefenglneetrlenry . Ai kue; second assistant engineer ; ; . N. Adler of the U. s: N- who went "as wireless . operator; , Josephus - Santos of the water front police and. M, Kear- Eegalar. Sailings to San Francisco and to, thi Orient ; . " For further particnlars apply to-- ; C ; CASTLE & COOKE; lVra, Awcnr, Honolulu v r :CA)jAD!AN-AUSTRALASIArj ROYAL MAIL LINE Regular. Sailings to . BRITISH COLUUUIA. FUI ITHI7 - r- 2EALA1H) and AUSTRAUA - " ' ; v t , : - or lunner panicniars apply to- c - i . ' I - ,incu. n.-uAvit a uyn Uy; General Agents ft 93 QUEEN STREET PHOim .2225 ;T.2ACIir3 FIREWOOD AND COAL "7 f- W0R,C..A P. a BOX 21? OViUnAILVAYJET,:. ; PASSENGERS ARRIVED ' .HI i ' 1 i i i i i Tassengers arriving per Manoa from San Francisco: - - ; ... - 1 r N, Adler,: Mrs? Martha Aiken, Henry AJkoe, Mrs. W. O. Allen, Miss . Wini fred G. ' Allan Dr,, E. H. 'Angerfflann, H.' B. Bailey, Mrs. H. B. Bailey Miss A. Bostelman, C. . Bull, Mrs, HX R. Bulu-Charles A. Burgner, , Miss L.A.L Camron Jas. Card, MrW. W. Cham- oeruin, k. : a." uning, j.' tL uine H. EL Copper, rW. F. Crockett, -Capt, W. H. Curtis, Jamef Davis,-Dr W. A. DeTancq, Charles .Drake, J. Leo Fair banks,: Mrs., J.' Leo Fairbanks Miss Hilda Ford; John ; Gait; Mra. John Gait, E.- B., Gorman , Miss :. Mildred Griffin. Mrs. Elizabeth Harding, Jobn Hind, Mrs, K. Hubbenette.Mrs. A. M. Hunte v: K Kanaphus, M. . Kearney, Ralph A.? Kearns, Miss Mary -E. Kil gour.Mr. Kubo, H. U Kurisakt, V. H. Levy, Mrs. Bertha LloydVMiss Eleanor McKenzie, C. P. Parr, Anan Renton, Josephos .W. Santos, Chas. I Sauers, Mrs, - Catherine W, .Sauers, L. P. Thurston .Thos. -i C ; Trueblood, Mrs. Thos. C. Trueblood, Miss Margaret Van DoerliiC James Wakefield, W. C. Warren, J.. P,-Winne, Mrs; Emily C. Winnln, Mrs.- MIrs June AJ Witheriy. Elliott Wood. Mrs. EF; Wood and children,' Master Jack Wren, Mrs. G. F.? wren, T. J, Wynne, ' Mrs. T. J. Wynne, S. Y. .Young, M. V. Steifer. Per Inter-Island steamer Claudine from Maul ports, July. 13: Jas O. Mit chell, L. Y. Alona. Mrs. SIwa, K. Shi nohara. si rs. . KalauokalanI, W. Len nox,- Fred Fernandez,? C'AJKusInsky D. Damlen, Shimakawa, . Oscar John son, - P. J. . Johnson, , T- Kubota, c- J. Miner, Chung Doo, Mrs. Doo, Miyasaki, Miss Hlller,' Miss H. Alexander. Mr. Balding; K. Hubbenette, J.- H. . Case, Kauhane, J. Festano Wm. Karaa- klnL P.: Lewis, . Miss Stephenson, Mrs. M. ' Joses, C. Cfowely E.? R. , Bevtas-; Father Thomas, Father Athanaslus. Old-Timer; The- worst experience f ever had4 was when we ran" out of port in a gale of Wind.; The'Ameteur:, Gracious!.' I " though ' sailors l always erzzZ n:n.--LIvcrrccl Tc:V"',? "" i ney.-..' v- v..: - S. S. Connanton,' formerly, mate of the Helene, who sailed on the Kraetke as first officer.: and Carson Hudgins, who shipped, as second ' mate, re mained with the vessel when It reach ed San Francisco. EMERALD LINE HOtof , ; 'BUY BIG HILL BOATS EUREKA,-CaU. July IS. Andrew Mahoney of ; Mahoney r.. ft Z '- Crowley, owners of the Independent Steamship Company, and Richard -Struthers, shipping broker of San Fran ciscoan nounced ?here tonightvthat the Emer ald 'Line will not purchase- the Hill turbiners Great Northern and North ern' Pacific . ' Mr. Mahohey, who came to Eureka to inspect a site on which it Is de clared I..F: Puter and others wish to build a dock and warehouse to house the Independent business " here, an nounced no decision as to the site, but declared that A. P. Mott, well known coast steamship- man, would continue to represent the line here. PAINT HOUSERED IF; -7 J vr END WAR THIS YEAR LONDON, Eng. Mansion; Hons, official , residence of the Lord Mayor of London,- Sir William-.Dunn, now back from the smoke of the city, win be painted a bright red if peace comes this year. The Lord Mayor said that if peace came before his ternrof of flea expired, he . would paint the. Mansion House red and entertain there the sol diers from his own neighborhood ; on elaborate scale. ICELAND HAS BEGUN : COMPULSORY- SERVICE S REYKJAVIK, Iceland- Iceland's parliament; Has - decided ; tdV Institute compulsory national service; ; "Every young man is to give to the state six months' labor on some work of . na tional Importance, snch as bridge and road-making; and the1 building of public edifices. i..f:v--.;'vk , FIRST TO REGISTER r . ' i I: WIN HONOR1A -"ER. .; - WAITING ALL NIGHT. COLUMBIA TO HAVE-- J -r' CHAIR OF LEGISLATION NEW;YORK,-N. YAnnouncement of a'; sift of " $150,000 by;:: Joseph , rhftmbrlain - to t endow" a v professor ship of legislation in Columbia nnlver slty's law school was' made, recently. Thomas I. Parkinson,' chairman of the legislative '' drafttii committee j of the American Bar associationi ,v haa -been appointed to the hew chair. NEDERLAND ROYAL MAIL'6 ROTTERDAM LLOYD JOINT SERVICE To BativiaJavaV viaVToko- hama, iNagasaH,i,.Hoi3gkong and Singapore, -; Sailing dates, freight and passenger rates on application v S'iSu' C. Brewer: & Co., Ltd., Agents ; v : Optometrist ';. . - r. . STANDARD OPTICAL CO. 1116 Fort Street . - , Protsctlve Assncy "of Hawaii " DAY AUD NIGHT Patrols. Phone 141 1, 5 & 6 CJlts CldjV", WM. E. MljLES, M;r. Ani2r!ccn Cpllccl Co. " t -1148 Fcrt SL, Honolulu Opposite Catholic Ccnvent THE H0USH OF E2HVICH t CHOP SUI .93 North Kinj Street 5;? I Call and see our brand. new CHOP 8UI . HOUSEEverythlng Neat l ,:r'-; and Clean Tables y be reserved by phone. -t: j No. 1713 -.v: n i - 1 1 I 1 1 I mer ' I of Hawaii's Choice Delicacies -A H. MAY ft CO Ltd k - Phone 17-1 NEW YORK, - N; Y.To ' Edward Smith. Isadore Gcller and Morris Her? man must go the honor of being first on the job to register here. .V t v In order to be early on the regista tion rolls, they slept last night on the steps of public school No. JL09, where their polling place is located. -i a a : BRITAIN OBLIGED TO RAISE: &: ;.. ' ; LIMIT ON BEER OUTPUT LONDON, Eng.-rf According ' to the newspapers; thegovernment reduction In the annual output of beer to 10,000, 000, barrels, decreed 'last February proved too drastic. There has been a. jdefldentt supply. Jin ' the munitions areas during the "recent hot weather, which condition, added is' the ;pTOs 'pectlve difficulty In tie rural districts at harvest time, has Influenced - the 'government tb allow an immediate in crease of S" per cent in tis tirrelare -cf t:r.- ' ' ' H; TEULLLirGEE ? -; - Optician f -:v'-' Successor to A.' IT. Sanf ord -Boston Block, Tort St. u a. r For ro-.. .. A SUUon-7..; a-I lis vl a.ii c.T- "'-. ".l" :p.M I-VWARD i -i.ij p-Cj4 , 5h9 HaUiwa 'Waited " -ain (cnlv f!rt-.. leaves;v',r:0ei? a t7--' s tickets hc-:r traln !3 aXJ. for . Ilalgfrr-l rr.i "cisi; .re:-.; . n-T - . t- . - , - only. C P. .NIS0N . Cvperntenientf : ap,.-. F R E I G " :V :,'ar.J ' TIC K . C T Also ressmt: any -point cn - ! c:c:i! .: '. Ses VZLLC " GO & CO, 7 Klnj CVTcM: 1 1 CUL ii L.Li isijji. Shipping r.nd Commlision Merc"-.; -. Fort and .Cuten Sti ' H:n::. :Y;TAKAKUVA a CO. '.-.', - 'v-;.LIraIt4 l-J.'f.,"v-.fWAMCO. CHAC3, pa:'xrl .- San3Ury Cans, wood Knii - N--ar4i Ct, near Kia CL' Most Ccmpleta -Une cf Chi.n:: Gocds-at r Fo::Girni co. Henolclu'a Leading Chinesa Cur Store---1152 rv4uanu St, nr. Paush d. j. cash:.:a:i S TENTS AND AWK'.UZZ Luau Tents and. Canopies far r.. Thirty Years' Expsrlin:? Fort SWear Allsrv u;;'::.- .;- . . , Phona 14C7 . TIDES, SUM AND. MOON. bateL.r r';--'.;' -i;High;-r;-l-:?"HIgh, Low.'' - Lot. . t f TldeVHL of Tide; i Tide TL3 Zin "'Large ; Tide SLinall Lara " Small ' r.Issi July P3I. ; FT. .. 9:'.i:J7:l6vtL3 AJI.. 11 10:37- 12; .11:40; 'p.:.r: 13 , 1 2 : 3 1 'H I:!) i.i : 13, 1 1.7 . 8:12 4p.m; . : 7:53 8:C7 9:45 a.::- a.1 3: