Newspaper Page Text
o ? o O o GfflD IIOTEL SALE HALTED BY LITIGATION Trustee and Sale Commission - er Ordered to Appear in Court to Show Cause; Report na ii iciiuuiiai nuiwi wm- DanV HaS EYeS On PrODerty - Deputy U. 8. Marshal Louis K. 811 - va retained to Honolulu yesterday rrnm Waitnirn Tni ftr aervms: at auction of th orooerty or tne Orand HoteL Ltd- the sale having been scheduled for noon Saturday Anion the papers In question was a petition by the firm of TeTea & Jo seph, Levi Strauss & Co., of San Tan daco- and E. W. Qulnn. alleged creai tors, who seek to force tne Grand hotel Into bankruptcy. The papers were served on C. D. Lufkin, trustee, and E. R. Bevina, appointed commis sioner to sell the hotel property Arromnanrlnt the Detitlon was a stav of Droceedlngs signed by Fed eral Judge Joseph Polndexter, and also an order summoning Lufkin and Bevlns to appear in court at 10 o'clock on the morning of Friday, August 3, to show cause why the petition should not be eranted. Special correspondence to the Star Bulletin from Maul has -Che following to say regarding the proposed sale of the Grand hotel property: t "Considerable interest centers la the commissioner's sale at noon to morrow (Saturday), of the Grand ho tel nroDerty. Wailuku, under fore closure of mortgage. Whether or not the nrbnerty will bring much more than the 135,000 necessary to satisfy the mortgage cialm Is a question, it will require some $45,000 to satisfy all - of the Indebtedness against the comDanv. not counting the amount paid In by the stockholders who stand to lose In any event "The presence of ft. W. Shingle, of .the Henry waterhouse Trust Co., ana one or two other prominent Hono lulans during the past week or ten days, has siren rise to rumors that outside Interests are planning to ma ca the hoteL One of the stories Is that the Territorial Hotel Co., which owns the Young, Hawaiian, Moans, and Seaside hotels in Honolulu. Is .planning to add. the Grand to Its string of tourist resorts. CITY AUTO DRIVEN BY COLLINS IS DESTROYED An Oldamoblle belonrln to the city I t sua county ana anvea vj vreui . . . M V- r I ; polilna, . city an J . county engineer, i )wis entirely destroyed by fir Sim-1 liy morning at waiaiua. i Golllna was on & 'combined business immA kImmvh yr VI fcaA an mini nf. I ; j)'""" I ;meni witn ue waiaiu to&J' oveweer i fand had taken along - a number of children for t picnic on the beach. The accident occurred near v. the Junction of the government and pump -Toads. His engine wis'actlng htdij and he topped the car to investigate. He found the. engine in flames, which soon spread to very part of the car. The automobile was heavily Insured. f Another machine took them to the station at Haletwa, and tl:e . party re- turned to the citr on the afternoon train, y r DOCTOR ON "SICK'VCALl: FINDS PATIENT DEAD 2 nailed to attend a man who had , AA a ' 1 v. . I t.-.. fo....i riLv.t 'hnt TwhMT will bA within the I tsixzr r.r:;.. UX A. A. fciai i wi m . . m . ... i . vJ -i 1 rSsnan who said . his friead was -too t much sick.' r3 i ; ArrtTlng at the bedside of tha lup- - posed , patient. Dr. King had onlj to , maxe ; a supernaai examination to discover that the man had, been desd tor at least two or three hours. Chong . Tai wss the name or the deceas! and : se had been nnaking his home with Lock Choa.'-' ; DUTCH CRUISER LIKELY 3 TO CALL HERE.SH0RTLY U According to recent copies, ot New York newspapers received here, the Dutch1 armored -cruiser Zeeland Is due to call at Honolulu : some ' time next month, en route to Dutch Java, via New York, Curacao, Panama, Honolulu and . Yokohama, probably to Bataria tt Is surmised she will act as a patrol boat in the Dutch East ladles. .There are 326 officers and enlisted men and' 46 marines aboard the Zee land, which' Is a comparatively new boat. ' The Zeeland V is following to lava about the same route from Hono lulu that the Dutch liners of the Java Pacific Jkfall Service now calling here ase from this port to Batavla. SOLDIERS MUST STOP e REQUESTS FOR CHANGES - Uncle Sam Is putting a stop to the Custom among - soldiers of appealing to congressmen and other influential eltisens to secure for them furloughs. transfers and discharges. , According to a letter received from the war department these appeals must stop. - An order from the Hawaii- in department wQl be Issued covering '' jme . matter as It concerns the aere..'.' ' army s a Uncle. Samuel , r Stamp collectors of Hawaii. In com mon with those of the mainland, are shuckllng over a good joke on our Joiie Here ' v Uncle Sam. It appears that in print " . , tng a recent series of stamps with a Y ' Sve-cent Instead of a two-cent mark Ihe "rose" two-cent color was used - ut the stamps all came out marked : jrith the nlckeV value. szsr&issEs ways on the lookemt tor freaks, got 1 The latest uotatlonSi onr the U. S. Error Five-Cent Red Is about TIPPED OFF RAID, CHARGE AGAINST PLANTATION COP mutton Will Prefer Charges Against German Who, He Says, Warned Blind Pig TnBDCctor Hutton declares I he will lodge verbal complaint today with Sheriff Charles Rose against 1 August Splllner. luna and planutlon policeman for the Oahu Sugar Co., l charrfna tnat we Dianiauon man unewr ui s nuusuu uuuu mv he Intended to raid her place. Later written charges will be preferred. This afternoon circumstances of the alleged action of the plantation officer will be nersonally communicated to Edward K. Bull, manager of the uab'J plantation. Splllner, according to the statement Inspector Hutton will make to the sheriff, was Informed of Hutton's pres ence in Walpahu on Saturday after noon by a son. Then, reports the li cense Inspector, Splllner immediately notified the Japanese woman of his presence and Intentions. She received warning In time and was able to nide her stock of liquor so when the raid was made It proved fruitless, it is said. One of Splllner s sons, Charles A. Spillher. is the regular police of ficer at Walpahu. Splllner, a German, has been an em ploye of the Oanu sugar uo. ior a number of years. As a special police officer he Is answerable to Sheriff Rose. CI DODY TO MEET To outline a definite program of nrocedure. the newly-appointed wo man's committee of the territorial food commission, of which Mrs. A. C. Alexander la chairman, will meet at 11 n'cloeir tomorrow moraine with James D. Dole, chairman, and A. L. Dean, executive officer of the com mission. Aside from Mrs. Alexander, the committee of women consists of Mrs. F. W. Macfarlane, Mra. A. Gartley, Mrs. A. L. Andrews and Mrs. C. Mon tague Cooke, Jr. The meeting wiH b9 held in room 402, Judd building The object of the woman s corn- mlttee ia to enlist the women of the ...U I b1 f..wMa.A.J r n m not (ft. vff I ic i ilvi j w mucoiucu uuuvueu I eaucauon in conserving cue tooa sup ply of the territory. The committee iwui worn in cooperation who ue I food commission, and will act In the rnaHf- of an 1 vlanxv hoard tn thul I - 1 organuauoo-, If shipments prove large enough to warrant it. the territorial food com mission will ask the Inter-Island Steam Navigation Co. to reduce freight rates on all foodstuffs raised on the outlying islands and sent to Honolulu. The steamship company has not annHMohttrf with tiA Kmnnial'is 00 Ul IStes i; vTihr w until July p w- w l.l.n. AolA tn Inxnau thafr ahln.UUmoer i . . I shipment or looastui s. inciuaing corn and poutoea, recently reacnea ono - i lulu from Maul and other shipments from this island are to follow. The hinment waaaent to the territorial food commission. As already announced in the Star- Bulletin, the Hawaii Consolidated rail-1 road has notified the commission of Its willingness to reduce freight rates on an rooastuns snippea over its lines. l- That - a substitute for glycerine rather than glycerine Itself has been evolved from a sugar process by the Internal revenue staff of the United States government Is the belief of Robert s. in orris, lecnnoiogisi oi uie i Hawaiian sugar Planters" experiment S. S. Peck, secretary treasurer ot the Hawaiian Chemists' association, is of the same opinion because, he says, glycerine can only be obtained from sugar In very small amounts. A despatch to the Star-Bulletin on Saturday announced that a new proc ess for the manufacture of glycerine from sugar, under secret methods, had been discovered. Dr. Norris declared that it was true glycerine was an alcohol and contains the same chem ical properties except under different arrangement. Mr. Peck said that he knew that small quantities of glycer- line could be obtained from sugar when It was fermented to alcohol, but that he did not believe enough could be obtained through this method to warrant its use. Former Shanghai residents will be I banqueted by Attorney Lorrln An drews tonight at 7 o'clock at the Sea side hotel. Among those who will be present are J. A. Beaven, VMlliam H. Heen, F. M. Brooks, Lorrln Andrews, Mark Hana, Phil Dankey, C. Y. WI1- marth, and V. Moroni. (LDIriSEyes inflamed br mo- nra n Sn. Bm mmA Wm4 Eyes ssSmSSSS lust Eve Comfort. Tat Dmpritts or by mail SOc per Bottle. Ksrfee Eye Sdvt b Tube 2S& For Beak tl Oe Eye SUGAR PROCESS? IDIMIMOF FA R BUILDING STILL IN THE AIR i?"!iinKb"iIdiit ft? phant. so far as the disposition of it is concerned. Secretary c. P. Iaukea has Just received a letter from the Ex position Preservation league, to which it was hoped to present the building saying that the matter is being held up until the ownership of the land under the building can be settled. No definite disposition of the Ha - " says the letter, "for the reason that we have not yet found a way to pur chase the land underlying the build ings, which land was leased during the exposition." This lease has now expired, but it is hoped to purchase the land from its present owners. The recent legislature passed an act giving to the secretary of the terri tory the right to give away the build ing, and it was supposed that the gift would soon be effected. This letter. however, indicates that the matter may be held up for a considerable time yet KAUAI EXPECTS GOOD REGISTRATION JULY 31 (Spell SUr-BoUetla Conspondnc.) LIHUE, Kauai, July 15 The plans for registration on J v 31 are being carried forward wii.. despatch and thoroughness. Sheriff Rice has can vassed the various districts of the is land and has secured competent as sistants to help in the task. Tnere are many able interpreters on Kauai who are helping in translat ing the proclamation and in explain ing the details to the people of the various nationalities. The sheriff's office has been a busy place for the last few days, and this department has had a great deal of extra work, but it Is expected to have things so planned ana organised mat when the day arrives there will be no aimcuity in completing tne regis- I irauon. PERSONALITIES LEON COOKE, HUo accountant was an arrival by the Mauna Kea Sat - urday morning. GEORGE COOL, publisher of the new Daily and Sunday Tribune in Hilo, was in Honolulu Saturday on a bus! ness trip JAMES P. WINNE Is back in his office at Alexander & Baldwin's after a vacation of several weeks in the . . mainland. MRS. J. W. PODMORE of this city ana Mrs. tiro Dan t arrived from Hawaii I on the Mauna Kea Saturday. Mrs. Bro- bant, who is a sister of Mrs. Pod- more, will visit at the Podmore home here for about two weeks. rn - , . 1 mil. AIMU WJW. fiftlNJiBl B. UUAtth are receiving the congratulation ol a large circle ot mends upon the ar rival of a baby daughter Saturday night, July 14. The mother and child are doing very satisfactorily, Sam Peters, a former rent automo bile drive, has been charged with gross cheat for the alleged passing of a number oi worthless checks. In dis trlct court Saturday hearing of the 17. A of the checks have been Thn omminta fmn, tlft toe 7r'TVv.7! - " , ic -, Xii Bank and the Bank of Hawaii The uewcuves Bay -rwen Has oaa no account wita eitner oanK recently. STEEL CLASS Ernest K. Kaal is fortniraj another steel-guitar class, giving a complete series of six one-hour lessons, all for four dollars. If you are desirous of learning this sweet instrument you would do well to take advantage of this unusual opportunity. This class will meet for the first les son very shortly. For further parti culars, call at our new store, 1126 Union street, wolters 'Bldg at your earliest convenience, or phone 2028. Adv SICK WIFE'S STORY SURPRISES HONOLULU The following has surprised Honolu lu: A business man's wife suffered from dyspepsia and constipation for years. Although she dieted she was so bloated her clothes would not fit ONE SPOONFUL buckthorn bark. glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adler-i-ka relieved her INSTANTLY. Because Adier-i-ka empties BOTH large and small intestine it relieves ANY CASE constipation; sour stomach or gas and prevents appendicitis. It has QUICK EST action of anything we ever sold The Holllster Drug Co.Adv. 5000 homes represent a large market particular ly if they are the most prosperous of a wealthy community. That is ex actly the market we can introduce you to every evening in the week. THE AD MAN. S FORM ENGINEER IKES PLANS FOR BIG PAVING PROJECT Traffic Counters to Gather Data Of) VehlCleS aS BaSIS TOf Ue ciding Pavement Needed Steps preparatory to the paving of the business district of Honolulu, as proposed under the improvement plans for the next two years, and which will cost close to $50u."i0 have been taken by George Collins, city A surveying party wil! bein with in a few days and one of the plans which Collins has o promote the ef ficiency of the undertaking is the es tablishment of a traffic census at all of the principal crossings. By esti mating the amount of tra(fic whicii passes over a certain street he ex pects to ascertain the class of pave ment which will be necessary and thus give to the people of Honolulu the best at the least cost. Whether it will be carried out un der the frontage or area plan is an other question which will have to be decided but at present he favors the latter. He will start the work with that idea in mind but may find, after the preliminary survey, that the plan is impracticable. "It is a tremendous undertaking." said Collins today, "and will require a large amount of careful thought and preparatory work before the finaf plans and specifications are ready. "Of course the best method would be by the area plan but, as we pro ceed, obstacles may come up which will make the frontage plan the bet ter." SCHOOL FUNDS A meeting was held in the Waipahu Chinese school house Sunday evening at 7 o'clock, discussing the mainten ance of the school, which was estab lished a couple of weeks ago. The meeting was presided over by Chock Lun, an education supporter. A brief talk was given by Chock Lun on the importance of mainten- ance of the school. He said the way to maintain the school is to .build a. new school house, and a building fund must be raised. The plan was sec onded by Chun Wan Sau, a rice plant er. Everybody supported the plan. Immediately a fund was c 'buted by the eight present amow .ing to about $150. Today Mr. Chock and Tong Chung Tatt, a merchant, are going around Waipahu aBking for funds. A tour in Honolulu will be made some time this week. It will hfest aboat WOO r-11000 to build the school house OFFICERS' ARE INSTALLED BY REBEKAH LODGE Gicvicu jra Tk. n.oiiv Ainn r Mflr. Rehklv.I1P fin 1 1 Cl Ct V were installed at a meeting of the lodge on Thursday night, July 12. The new officers are Mrs. Isabelle J. Wil son, noble grand; Mrs. Mae Scharlin vice grand; Miss Edith H. Nicholh secretary, and Mrs. Alice Nicholson, P. N. G. treasurer. Mrs. Charlotte Wicke, P. N. G., spe d1 deputy appointed by the district deputy grand sire, Mr. M. T. Simon- ton, conducted fhe ceremony. Mrs Violet C. Horn, P. G. N.; deputy gran l marshal,; Mrs. Clara Petrie, P. D. D G. S., deputy grand warden; Mrs. El sie Bell, P. N. G., deputy grand sec retary; Miss Eliza M. Betts, P. N. G., deputy grand treasurer; Mrs. Wilhel mlna Evensen, P. N. G., deputy gran.? chaplain, and Mrs. Lillie Chalnfers, F N. Gu deputy grand inside guardian. were those who assisted in the cere mony. Mrs. Violet C. Horn, P. N. G., pre Bented Mrs. Clyde Arndt, the retiring noble grand, with the jewel which she held in her possession when in. office. A literary and musical program fol lowed by a dance and relseshments was given after the official business meeting. TEA DANSANT Wednesday afternoon, on the Roof, from four to six. Tea service fifty cents per person, also a la carte. The Russia orchestra will play. Adv. DAILY REMINDERS Wanted Two more passengers for motor party around island, $4 each 3&"-SS . a. wa aiBUl'wu vTMfcWka 11M V a AJJ k Beer and all other Popular Drinks try the Con. Soda Water Works Co Adv. The warm weather is causing more and more businessmen to patronize the-dainty noonday luncheonette at the Quality Inn. 2T PENCIL VENUS Is T bought by all who want the best. 17 perfect black degrees, and 2 copying for every pos sible purpose. r Blue Band VELVET PENCIL Supreme ia its Ckss I American Lead Pencil CoMN. T. CHINESE RAISE V A Si iili V7 I i V B ill ronww WINS HONORS IN MAINLAND SIDY The return of Frank Crockett of Wailuku. Maui, by the Manoa on Fri day, has been noted by his friends with pleasure. Some years ago he i went East for the completion of his i education. lie took his freshman and sophomore ears at Nashviile. Tenn.. : and the junior and senior years at Ann Arbor, Mich. These years were followed by a full course at law a'. Ann Arbor. He received the usual t diploma or certificate of graduation j from the law department of Ann Ar bor, with the class of 1917, and he also received a full sheepskin di ploma, making him a "Doctor of Jur ists." He was one of. thirteen, out of a class of one hundred and nine members, to receive this degree. Such distinction is recognized as coming only to those who have earned it through special work and scholarship. He receives, therefore, the congratula tions of friends, who heartily rejoice with him over this well merited recog nition of his alma mater. Although young Mr. Crockett ha? had an offer of entrance into the practise of law here in Honolulu, yet he naturally thinks of association with his father, Hon. W. F. Crockett, at Wailuku, Maul, to whom he has al ready gone. Luscious Cal. Valencia 126 to Phone. California Feed Co., Ltd RESOURCES. Cash on Hand and in Banks..... $ 51.6S0.14 Secured Loans and Clients' Debit Balances .Mortgages on Real Estate.'... Stocks in other Corporations. . Real Estate Furniture and Fixtures Other Assets .... MUTUAL RESOURCES. v Loans Secured by First Mort gages on Real Estate $281376.04 Loans, Demand and Time 310.00 AFFIDAVIT I, RICHARD H. TRENT, President of the TRENT TRUST COMPANY, LTD, and Secretary of the MUTUAL BUILDING. AND LOAN SOCIETY OF HAWAII, LIMITED, do solemnly swear that the foregoing statements sre true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of July, A. D. 1917. ADELAIDE C. FRANCA Notary Public, First Judicial Circuit Territory of Hawaii. try F. C, MIGHTON. D, O, 204-5 Boston Bids. (Orer May's). TeL 4012 SUMMER RATES OAHU RAILWAY and HALEIWA HOTEL Thirty-day excursion tickets between Honolulu and. Walalua. Ha leiwa or Kahuku: First-class, $2.15; second-class, $1.80. Special weekly rates at Hotel during summer months. $25.00. Splendid bathing, golf, tennis, glass-bottom boats, rowing. pooL An ideal vacation resort Oahu Railway-Haleiwa Hotel The Best Way to Remove Wrinkles Stop frowning by wearing suitable glasses made by American Optical Co. 1148 Fort Street t: AN Received ViaManoa a box, 4121 STATE rwlEWT OF CONDITION AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS, JUNE 30, 1917. fe:rriiryjgfr(iM) li(!j;(!lRlKI LIABILITIES. Capital Stock $100,000.00 Undivided Profit 83,783.51 Trust and Agency Balances 325,137.63 Other Liabilities 24,1416 ..157,144.68 .. 2S3.281.C3 .. 13,671.46 . . 29,397.41 .Written Off 2,912.20 $538,067.55 BUILDING & LOAN OF HAWAII, LTD. Installment Stock Pald-Up Stock .. Reserve Fund . . Undivided Profits Debenture Notes Bills Payable ... Eank Overdraft . $282,188.04 onrpgracbcj" Blaisdell Bldg: Honolulu, T. H. oo a box $533)675 SOCIETY LIABILITIES. .$113,058.75 . 102,758.20 6)17X3 . 1,121.35 . 11,500.00 . 47,000-00 732.68 $282,188.04 r ' i- "V- , :