Newspaper Page Text
6' From tan Frsneiato Hatsonia, July it; - For San Francisco avUnot, July II. , From Canadian Porta Next mall. August S. For Canadian Ports Next mall, July S3. Evening Bulletin. Est. 112. No. 6S40 yv Hawaiian Star. Voi. XXV. No. 7SSI 12 PAGES HONOLULU, TERRITORY OF HAWAII, TUESDAY, JULY 17, 1917. 12 PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS raw roronwM: PK Ml' imsm MET 8 BE11TISII OFFICER BOMBED 1 SCOOTiiJStRiBEIlliiTEUitJ l:;:es, oci my to fikain Ausfraiian Lieutenant Passing Western Front After Recovering From Wounds, Describes Experiences in Battle With Boches at Bapaume . Aftr having ibeen Invalided homo, suffering from ahsll aheek, Lieut R. H. Knyvett la now en hia way back to the tranches in France, aboard an Oceanic liner In port today, after spending alx months at hia homo In Aus tralia. Ho btlonga to .'the Mat Battalion of tho Auatralian Imperial Force and rtcaivod hia wouada In tho terrific fighting around Bapaume, on the West front last winter, after ha had gone through the unsuccessful Gaiiipoll campaign for alx nonthe without receiving any injury. With all the quiet reserve that char acterizes the British officer, the. lieu tenant vat hesitant about telll&r how he received hia wounds, but did so when urged by the statement that "It SS rood tar us Americana to know what Our Allies have experiencea. eoutsd Behind Gorman Unea -" ; As aa Intelligence officer, hia work bef are . Bapaume consisted of - scout Its, r-!"!cg and boablns work, often t ttlzi tire German Uses. 1 It was while on scenting duty with ft bag full o! bombs, alter he had succeeded In work tof hia way put the German trenches i IjQontlnued on paU two), ?!:::Ma:ciii); 'saT:V.r.E:::::3To;j Haiku 1 Fnrncr, E. Ci Moore, Charges "Sugir Interests" :E::;:n1 f:v:; Exr!:::i!y,D n::d By Ltnd Commissioner ;::in y;a::imston Edwin C Moore, farmer, of Haiku, Maul, has written a letter of formal tret t-y tie to: ?e itseon ter- rltcrl; t"iist the of the iz-ilzs ?u!e bill ; amcadlna; vthe :,L:: -crt:- L.t.-. cU IIawaIL'-C;i. r Mocrc s lc;tcr declares that (n hia V telle! te tUl Is part of a acheme by the scar Interests to defeat legtU date homestead!nx;.v - - .w-.v-.. v, a few , daya axo the , 8 tar-Bulletin rutlished an account of , Land Com r-i;sloner Rlrenburgh'a appearance in V." cshlnston - before the territories ccnmlttee on behalf of this bill,. and rr-ted - considerable of the . hearlns; Or ty the committee. This account waa Its flrrt ews. Moore had of the pend : t: bill;. i says. In hia letter, which s written July 10 to tne cnairman - t f the committee, William ; C. lloua- t:i . cf Tennessee, he - chart es that " v t::e la the last territorial legislature tie hcuse represented the people, the - t:-ttt was "sugar, controlled.'; and l-tarcea aa proof that the senate itssed a concurrent resolution' similar (Continued on pare two) riEvy york stock:- LTAnrvtT TUuAT . ;v Yester aixtka Gold ;. .t- .t-i American Smelter 103HV10ZH amerlcan Sugar Rfg.., 124 American Tel. e Tel. U. 120H Anaconda Copper 78 v 77 Uchlson ........ 101A .100 Ea!dwtn Loco. C8H-:'tS's Eaftlmere d "Ohio 73H 73J4 Bethlshem Steel at.. at.U. '; .b12l b123 Calif. Petroleum .U;;. ;.1t . Canadian Pacific . 1644 ' tn M. V St P. (St Paul) 73 - 72 Colo. Fuel A Iron ;..C-i48i '4i ; ' Crucible Steel . . ; . i ... 81 , 79'i rH Common : 25 . 2SVi D ;-r.tral EleetHo i 157Jt157H 7- f i-?ral Motors, New ... Wal ;rct Northern Pfd. ... 1C5H 105 - Inter. Harv, N. J. " ;- KennecoU Copper 42 M 42J4 ; Lehl;h R. R. ..i .63 68 Kew York Central U . . 90 - Wi aenn syl vania .-V . v.". . . i. '. 53V4 S3'a (ay CcnsoU ..;,.... 26'' 26 : heading Common ..... . ". 96 96 leuthem Pacific 93 . 93 ttudebaker S8'e 57 Texaa Oil ...V......V... 188 C1 Vnlon Pacific IStYa 136s .U.S. Steel 121 1204 iiUh 103 120 i rVeatem Union ...... . ;4 Vt 93Ka IVestlnghouaa AWz " 49t , - r- ; ... v,rv .... ' Cld.I t Ex-dividend. Unquoted. . :v' ; ' .' SUGAR. v - . v f,N FRANCISCO, July 1e-Susar: -. t::t, 6.E2 cents. .Previous quo Through Honolulu on Way to liltlCIExprcss Will Cmii Honolulu '- r ' . . i . ......... Two New. Ships Jigger, Than Any on pacific .wow Build - r mg for NewC:hcdule In ' Tokio,. according to a report re ceiTed here that the -Toyo Klsen Kal- saa , win soon Inaugurate an erpreas aervice between the' Orient and San Francisco and ezpecta to cut the prea- enc sauing time several daya by elim inating rHonoIuIn , aa' a port of call. xne vessels to be put In the new serv ice are the. San Francisco Marn and a sister snip, now on the ways: ' Commenting on the new service the Ean- Francisco Chronicle ears: V.?,', i V statea, will be conBlderably larrer than anything, now, on the Pacific.. inclod- mg tne big liners Empress of Asia anw Empress of Russia, which are In aerv. Ice between British Columbia and the Far East and which are now the fast est crart crossing theTPaclflc K The aeeis for the two vessels Were 'laid some time ; ago and s nearly all th material for their construction haa ar rived in Japan from the United States. During , the ' past ' two t years the Toyo Klsen Kalsharaa largely Increas ed Its service between San Franclaeo and the Orient, and yet the freight offer. ug in Japan alone can not be handled by the regular llnera.1 Several big frelghtera have been operating regu larly between this wrt and Janaa m. cer cnarter to the Toyo Klsen Kaiaha for more than a year and they ar loaded to capacity both waya. ; ,"The announcement of ; an enrtM aervice between . San 'Franclseo and Japan, will be welcomed, by the large number of travelers who regularly cross the Pacific on business. Here torore those in. a hurry have taken tho Empress liners, but .voyage between Yokohama and Puget Sound is dreary by reason of fogs and rain, the great er pan oi ure year. -Crossing the Pacific between this port and Yokohama direct will be a much pleasanter. trip, and fast steam ers cutting out Honolulu, will make the run m oniy a utue longer time than the northern achednle.r v , . PORTO RICO BY DIG VOTE SAYS II (AtaocUUd Tnn ty V.' BVKaril OobbvbI : tatioa 8me) ; 'ff4 SAN JUAN, Porto Rico, July "f .l7,-Porto Rico yesterday passed i-f-f the . prohibition measure " by an ' f overwhelming vote, 99,775 in fa- f vor of prohibition, 'and 6L295 f against , The socialist vote f showed a gain from last election. HIUOtD (AaweUted Pren ty V. a. Ksrtl -Coauaaal. , tloa atrvtoo NEW : YORK. N. Y, July 17. Ad miral Conway Arnold, expert on wire less ; and coast defenses, died here today. 7 He waa born tat 1848. COL DURFEE INSPECTS JW32ND If.FAfJTRY TODAY CoL L. L, Durf ee, commander of the 32nd Infantry which la now on guard in' and about Honolulu, vtoday made lan-. Inspection of the regiment The officer" was accompanied by hit adjutant, Capt- John D. Bamett.'.v:...v; Schedule PROIIIBiTION DEAllflK Housewives Launch Move To Cut Food Woman's Committee of Food Commission Adopts "Live at Home'- Slogan, Calling on Sisters to Discourage Im ports, Reduce Beef Rations "LIVE AT HOME" SLOGANS Uae Hawaiian producta In place of Imported foodstuffs as far aa 4- post I Me. Aak for Hawaiian petatoea, onions and other local producta 4- at the market. ' Assist aa far aa possible to 4- keep money at home Instead of 4 4 allowing It to leave the territory. 4 4- Reduce . the consumption of 4 4- beef by at least quarter of a 4 4- pound week for each "person. ,4 4-' Whenever practicable mix corn 4 4 meal with flour to conserve the 4 4- flour supply. ' 4 4 Use less ham. and bacon. 4 4-1 Conserve the supply of every 4 4 product Eliminate all waste. 4 4 Let nothing go into tho gar-4 4-bage can- that might otherwise 4 4 be used for the tanie. 4 4-- ' 4 Conserve the food supply by ellm mating waste! u With this as it slogan, the newly appointed woman's committee of the territorial food commission met for organization at noon today and adopt ed the foregoing as preliminary sug gestions to . the women of the terri tory. Plans' for a widespread cam paign of education were talked over, as well as plana to enlist heoppera- Uonof every Ivoman, fa,' the territory in food .eonaetvaU08troc: 'Aslde?frdm members;' 'others present were' James' P. Dole, chairman. and Dr. Arthur u. Dean, executive of ficer, of the food commission. , The members of 'the: woman's -committee; are; Mrs. A. c Alexander, chairman r Mrs. F. W. MacFarlane, Mrs. C. Mon- tague Cookei Jr MrsA. Gartiey and Mrs. A. L. Andrews. Great Interest Is being shown by the women In; their new work, and plana were laid which may result in the, appointment of committees - of women on- the other Islands to work In co-operation with the ; central com mittee at Honolulu, , i One of the principal suggestions of fered waa that the women of the ter ritory be urged to use .Hawaiian prod nets wherever possible in place of coast product, . It waa suggested that the r Women - demand, r Hawaiian prod ucts,' in preference to Imported com modities, when marketing. This, it was pointed out, would. tend to: stimu late Hawaiian industries, keep money In the I territory and cut down to a considerable degree the present de mand on shipping. : The problem of conserving the Ha waii meat supply was also discussed. This, it was explained, could be done if each family would enforce upon It self a small curtailment of Its usual beef consumption each week. Im this respect it was suggested that each person eat. a quarter of a pound less of beef each week. Assuming that the production of beef, is the aame now as it was In 1916, and .that the consumption is the same, tt waa pointed out that. In order to avoid importation, it would be necessary for -each person to eat a quarter of a pound less of beef each week, .assuming, again, that only 60 per cent of the population eats beet. Another way to cut down on beef. t was suggested, is by using less meat but combining it with some other product j Mrs.' Alexander offered the suggestion that cornmeal might be mixed with flour to conserve the aup ply of flour. CornmeaL ahe added, haa been found to improve the quality of bread. " m Sit FEATURE (AuodaU Prats ay O. a val Ceanaaat cstloa Sarrlca) - 4 'i.riuimtiriiii r ti T i mm PoMtlcs continue to stir Berlin, ac cording to the reports that were re- ; ceived here last night, and the desire for peace both in Germany and Aus tria Is unabated.' The Lokal Anzeiger claims that Mlchaelis wHl favor Hlndenburg and the Pan-German party and will sug gest that the settlement of the ques tion of .political reforms shall be left until after the war is ended with Gerri many the victor. 1 The Kaiser wrote to The Hague that he Accepted the resignation of Holl weg with a heavy heart and feels the deepest regret at his action. Hollweg w&l retire to his estate at Hohenflnow. He was offered a post a iilgbr. ambassadorship, but this he declined at the farewell audience he was given by the Kaiser, y. .-.'-.- i ALLIES NEED MORE COIN IN MIGHTY WAR (AjmcUU PrM If V. 8. tU ComamnL cation Barrte) 4 44 4-4444-444444444 4 4 4 WASHINGTON, D. C, July 17. 4 4 It la said In official circle to- 4 4 day that a flve-billlon-dollar loan 4 by the United 8tatee to the Euro- 4 4 pean Allies may now clearly be 4 4- foreseen. Nearly half of the 4 4 loan of three billion already 4 4 made haa been exhauated and it 4 4 will all be epent by October. 4 4 44 4- 444- 44444444 German Hold In China Now Fast Slipping; (Aueelte4 Pre y V. 8. Nt1 Ooauavai. MSJoa 8rfic) 4-j.-v PEEING, China, July 17.-p Chi Jul, one of the leaders In the new government ' today took the depart ment of war portfolio in addition to the premiership. 14- Joan Hung, ex-president, an nounces his retirement from politics. Wang Tah Hsleh has been made minister of foreign affairs and Ad miral -' Liu Kuan Hsung minister of I the navy. (8peil Cktl ta Kinm Jiji) TOKIO, Japan, July 17. General Shang Hsuni defeated monarchist who reung maoruy tiier ura repuoucaa troops ' began a bombardment, has been transferred" to the German lega tion. Minister Helnxe, who represented Germany in China has departed and at the present time there is no civil representative of Gernf9ny. A num ber of .German and Austrian soldiers in the legation' are guarding General Chang Hsun. Word has reached Tokio from Pe king that President Feng Koo Chow of China , has resigned, announcing that he will retire . from all political activities. Li Yuan Hung sent a tele gram to the provisional head yester day afternoon announcing that he had resigned officially. At the present time there is no president In the re public, 'and m meeting will be called soon to arrange for' the appointment of a provisional president FOOD GODV TO iOOEllCES OF LOCAL RICE To undertake an investigation of the rice situation In the islands, ap parently with a view to ascertaining whether a conspiracy is afoot to regu late prices, the territorial food com mission expects to hold a meeting either tomorrow or Thursday morn ing. .The subject is to be taken up, it was announced today, at the urgent request of severs! residents of Ueno- lulu who have written to the eouimls sion calling attention to fluctuating prices which have' been prevailing, especially on imported Japanese rice. during the last few months, and Inti mating the presence of a "jigger In1 the -woodpile as regards tne prop osition: A. L. Dean, executive officer of the commission, has investigated the rice price to some extent through the county agent and. said today that he had not found anything which would ead him to believe a conspiracy was afoot to regulate prices, as, at the present time, Hawaiian rice costs more than the imported Japanese product Hawaiian rice is now sell ing at about S7 a hundred pounds, while imported Japanese rice is bring ing about $6.50 a hundred pounds. The food commission has been given to understand that on recent ship ment of Japanese rice, a charge of about $55 a ton was made forfreight age by the steamship company and this, in the opinion of Mr. Dean, might account for a rise In the cost of the rice in Honolulu. This freight rate is considered abnormal, and a factor over which the food commission has no control. Mr. Dean explains that during the last few months, the price of rice has advanced to from $6 to $6.50 a hun dred pounds; while three years ago the price for the same rice ranged from $3 to $3.50 a hundred pounds. The question has arisen whether the food commission, if it was able, would find it worth while to Investi gate the present high prices, or cut (Continued on page YOUNG RUSSIAN WHO IS HANDLING GREAT PROBLEMS OF STATE -V: ,si s. .?. V t 1 v J-' T - v -. A. F. Kerensky, the young Socialist who became minister of justice when the czar waa over thrown, displayed such ability that aoon he waa made miniater of war and the navy in the new cabinet and la nbw in charge of the war problem. He fa called "the Lloyd George of Russia" and is the youngest , member of the cabinet and, attempt have already been made to aaaaaain-. at . him. .. . . (AsaoeUtad Preu ty Xt. S. VaTftl Comannl. eatloa Sarrlca) - OMAHA, Neb., July 17. The con ference of the German , Luthern church here today passed resolutions declaring loyalty to the American flag. There was no opposition to the passage of the resolutions. PARTY, HE SAYS (AsMcUtad Prats dt XT. . Yaval Common!. PASADENA, Cat, July 17. Upton Sinclair, author and socialist today announced his withdrawal from the socialist party, owing to its opposi tion to the selective draft plan. He declares that if the organization takes an attitude against the United States' entry into the war. It will be "wiped out" ;f BATTLE IS RAGING '(AssocUtsl Prass y V. 8. Haval Co mm ant cation Sarvles) NEW YORK, N. Y., July 17. On the Austrian-Italian front a general battle is reported as in progress with the Italian forces showing great effective ness and holding the advantages for the day and the Austrians pushed back on several extended portions of the fighting frqnt The Itallin war office reports some successful minor operations and an air raid, in which the Italian flyers heav ily bombed the Austrian lines east of Selo and returned without the loss of a man or a machine. This air raid was made in force. The only infantry operation was a raid carried out south of Hill 247, on the Goritza front, as a result of which a portion of the Austrian advance line was blown up and the defenders wiped out. The Austrian share of the offessive yesterday consisted of a bombard ment of the Italian line at Boglia and BodUzo. London reports a highly successful raid with hydro-aeroplanes during which Zeebruge. Ostend, Middlekerk and Therout were bombed and all the planes returned safely to the base from which the raid was launched. Mrs. Ruth Faught said to be the wife of a German 'army officer, was arrested on a train at Baltimore and taken' to ' HarrisbTrrg.v' The ' charges were not given. - ; P: : ' ; IIMMSMS LOYALTyS FLAG AUTRO ITALIAN ERGUSD OESTEOTfiS COTfJFF DOTKI SUPPLIES TOGHEW; POUTICl GfllSIS HOT BIDES CATHOLIC PARTY IN REICHSTAG POINTS OUT FAILURE OF SUBMARINES TO END WAR BY MID-SUMMER BERN ST0RFF BOOMED TO SUCCEED ZIMMERMANN (Associated Presi by U. S. Naval Comrniicatloa Servies.) LONDON, England, July 17. Announcement by the British admiralty today gives news that a German food fleet plying between Dutch and German ports has been destroyed or captured by the British, and this route of supply for the Central Powers severed. The admiralty statement says that British destroyers have' captured the German merchantmen Pellworn, Brietzeig Marie Eorn, Heinz and Blnmenbnrg, and have chased two others, damaged by shell fire, ashore on the Holland coast A despatch from Ymniden, Holland, says that four Ger man vessels were sunk, four captured, three stranded and three, forced to retnre'to Botterdaxn. r!v? i Announcement is also made in. London that .seventeen German vessels ' leaving Itatterdamsince last . Saturday have been cut off, the last group being captured by British vessels. ; The Blumenthal, one of those forced ashore and wrecked, was of the first group. ff virii, : Gennims to Realize U-Doait Vaf AMSTEBD AH, Holland; July 17.-Ths Catholic .Centrist ;; party , of the (Geaii vpatltoent has 'istted 'a tUXenzni cpa:J menting' on 4he actlpa 'of iiiiaderV rrzbergwv in 'critidiicg t tgoveiTOente' ''jChgrfront.-aS are 1 juring liislincK tetetstroly.i iTeyerthclsss no: end ; to "tlid! war ir foreseen l.e would end"the',w bjr;n been realized.; However, : no ' stoppage' of tlie .submarine warfare is: wanted.?! ZTJlUCH,TS9rlaid;f July 17r41Tews received here from4 Germany says tht'Cfeuit J.H.' von-Bernstorff, former ambas-i v sador to : the4 XTnited 'States- has been appointed minister to : Copenhagen.;;1. ' -' ' v 'A COPITHAGnT, Denmark, July . 17That;th rnatter of! J; a successor TJKalZ many, is nndecided!is the news from Berlin today; The pani Germanists want ' Adnilral ; Hintze, now minister to Norway, ; who was prominent - in .the f Manila incident in 1893. when' Adinind Dewey1 tc)1c snmmary action. ; Admirers of von Bern-i storff are booming the late smbsadr to Washington. : ;l . ' ;"-v; .'.'' i.:'y-f:.y ' ' "- v- AMST5BDAlt JHollanct f Jnly 17.-German minister of ;' . Finance Boedern; has been inamed Xol replace Dn. . Helfferich, f representativeof the 'home ; office ' in' tha German government.' , More Internal Troubled Ay KeepiHanmeringat Tentcii3 PETROORAD, ) Russia, July 17-The Russian today abandoned Kal- uazi Qallcla, but secured 'the . imporunt creasing at Lomnlca river. - They ' ' have expelled the Teutons trem the vlUase of Nevlca. - ' ' ... , i . . -- PETROORAD,Rusala,CJay 7. Two anUflovernment riots took place today along the Nevsky Preepekt, some people-being killed and wounded'. In the firing. Apparently; a. few, ahota caused a panie, In which the men- , flea and machine guna en each othsr.maklng the demonstration turned rl;; Quiet waa aoon restored. ' :' :. -'r- MInlatars ShJngarofV of thejflnance portfolio; Manulloff, of education.; and Shakovsky of communications, have resigned Jn an effort to avert a1 crisis relative to the hand Hug :of the Ukraine district. - Those who have resigned had criticised ?the bill , abolUhlng Russian power In- the Ukraine. H EL8I NOr"OR8, . Finland - July iTThor' T, ' tension ? her over the5 proposed Independence of Finland : The Finnish ' dlet;refusea to make t( : -loan to Rusala Ths workers threaten a general strike if their pet meas ure arc not passed. : ; Y 1 - V-'J . vx--y ENGLISH ROYALFAMILY ; ' -CHANGES NAME; TIO M0RE: GERMAN TERMINOLOGY (AsMdaiad Itaw y O. 8. aTavalOasbiaal. eattta aarvtesv ' . LONDON, j Eng. - ..July -17. King George announced today the chang ing of the name of the royal family from Saze-Coburg5 Gotba: to .Hpose of Windsor. .vu-Xg'ii '-J TWO SOLE SURVIVORS S OF SUBMARINED SHIP REACH ATLANTIC PORT Canodataa ftaw sy JJ aV 9avat Cosrnwn. eaooa botkii. ,,.-..-v-. AN ATLANTIC POBTT July. 171 The two sole survivors of. the British steamer Deleby, sunk by a submarine; arrived at this port today.They were rescued in. a life beat' 1 .v 1 SCH00NER;lSUIl;ISj BYGERMANSUB! AHir.'H The'schocter Cv: 3 IT I srsi by r in (Aitadata Praai ty TT S. Kaval Coaaaaai ; catioa SarvioA) - -. WASHINGTON;D; C" July 17. t" The senate military afTa!ra commit tee today , approved plan "for 1 54 9,'t 000,000, military: expendltarea.' - Aria--'; tion cons traction is ta be rushed ' - GERMAN -ATTACKS ON : -FRENCH AND-ENGLISH-: . IN WEST AHE DEATH: ! ". --c' v i. -V. i. ' -, ..; i; " (JUmcUUaV ?t T W. . Bfaval Cs?rJ. , . catloa CsTlea) . r j'PARIS, :Trance, July ' 17. Strcr; ,r attack made-by toe .Teutons -tc'2y ; on French, jositions la the West t-ttj repulsed," . ... .-. - -7 .; ", .; ;.-. Lo:rio:;. r - ' tr r uu iBli