Newspaper Page Text
v . .. - - - t o " ' K o V-ST j; PROTECT .- YOUR TEETH 1' AND HAVAD APPOINTED 11 THE iniX OF tlAGItESlA HELPS TO CORRECT r -AOD MOUTH- ; ; rv tsaxa ATiiucxccnctq . ! V-EKUS U bought by U who v want the list, 17 perfect black degrees, end; 3 'copying for vrry pos sible purpose. . Litis Band VELVET r PENCIL i la Its Cbsi 7 jb:g3UijPaaCifeH.T.V O ,0 : 4" 0 Vac .Whether, stopping "here for . day 4 or. for -the swans v you wQ 4 , find ta's a betel of per feet satis faction BsUevueHotel 'V "' GEARY: AND TAYLOR BTS. - , I : ; SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. f -V Solid Concrete Structure .ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOOF , Every Room Vrfth Private Bath r HeaSquarter for Island Residents purorcsa . PHV $W0 per ; day ; up . Aaertcta rim, $2.50'v per :dsy up ' Special iionthly. Rates .' , . .horgan:ros3.. ' .Y JU'-: v Manager. ;;Honol'ulu;ReprttatJti: WILLIAM L.v WARREN, , ' 4 P. 6 Bex Jt9. - or' Telephone 2271 lr - - IaEcs" cnooth est ice -cream; ccdly end quickly; because : of t the v famous : Lightoinff - -- AVhsel-disher"' ana Atopc-'Tini Scrapers.. Q J j Crra ice "and ial& too, lists Ulor;crbcczuss of electrically ' f xtxllti, rbund, ttrd fcocps--aat i cut can wa steel bocoa ca't lcxk cr fill out ? . v Tcitsd &ad Approved; by i Cccd ;I Isubs&eeplnrj 4j vv:- inci::u!3 "rcr Csls by-;-- ', v LIMITED. TO REGISTER Twelve additional precincts to those commonly numbered for voting have been recommended on the island ot Hawaii by Sheriff Sam Pna. this rec ommendation being approved by wire less today by F. J. Green, executive officer of the board. This makes total of 26 precincts for the Big Island. Word was received from Maul today that Sheriff Clem Croweil is out around the island on work for the board, potting the final touches on a carefully planned system to be ueo there on July L It is Uncle Sam's Intention that pub licity shall be given to those names registered for the selective draft. cable from E. H. Crowder, provost marshal general in charge of registra tion, was received today as follows "One list of registered persons with serial number shall be made acces sible to the press in the office or each local board. In lane cities where there are several local board a this proving inconvenient to the press. In such cities please arrange to have these accessible lists gathered in some safe central office, such as police headquarters, for the convenience of the press, providing in each case thst the list be not removed except under the supervision of an official who wil be responsible that no list is lost or tendered unavailable to the press. Honolulu and outside districts today took on a patriotic appearance with the hundreds of posters that were set tip and pasted on many corners. Businessmen this morning were greeted with, registration-day posters in red, white snd blue, as they boarded the cars for their offices. These post. ers are in the various languages com tnon to Hawaii, and are neatly and attractively done. The campaign of advertising started last night when moving picture houses displayed notices calling attention to July SI as registration day, and prao tleaUy all papers ot the Islands have agreed to furnish advertising space. Twlgg Smith, Ambrose Patterson, D, Howard Hitchcock and Charles Bart lett all . well known painters, have done huge posters calling attention to .the day. These are being displayed along Tort Street in store windows. Newspapers which have contributed to the cause with advertising space are as follows: Star-Bulletin, The Advertiser, and New Freedom, Hono lulu; Hawaii Post, Kilo Tribune, and Hawaii Herald. Hilo; Jdaul News and weekly Times, Wailtxku; Garden Isl and.: LOrae. Japanese Hawaii Shfnpo, Nlppu JUL - and ; Hawaii 3 Choho, Honolulu ; Hawaii MainichL and Hilo Shinpo, Kilo: Kauai Shinpo, . lihue; Kona Echo, Hslualoa; Haul Record and Haul Shlnbun. Wailuku: Pacific News, Honolulu: , Hawaii Independent,' Hilo. Chinese-r-Chea Tow Shin Bo. Hon Man Ccv Son Chlng Kwocg Bo, and Nah Hlng Bo, Honolulu. - Portuguese O Luso, Honolulu; A Setta nd .0 Fachcv Hilo, v Hawaiian Nupepa Kuokoa and Alo ha Alna. Honolulu, Korean Korean National Herald, Honolulu. ' v , Upon the recommendation of F. J. Green, executive officer, of the board of registration. Governor Pink ham today approved the list of reg istrars for the Islands of Hawaii and Kauai, word of the approral being sent by wireless to the island sheriffs. The list for Oahn and Maul Is not ret complete. Following are the registrars for the islands of Kauai and Hawaii: Island of Kauai 'a- 1 OrffiBItlCHES V- 6 -- . . .-. i e. - . Corns to- ;DOUGnEiTV-S:: Optical ' ; ?: -'.iVi.. , si - f. - Sccoad-Xloor,' '- "I- . ;-'iV-'".- r - V-.' j ' i Eyes - properly exam-..' .-.jriftrl. '- r- -Prescrirjtions filled. ' . Ji . - r r Tit' rv..vri-t- 'T t ijr.ya.Kiisnionn . ' Until the War. Relief Committee of Hawaii- receives .a reply , from. Amer ican Red Cross headquarters in Wash ington to Its letter asking for advice relative to vthe formation of a - Ha waiian branch. t the Red Cross,, no action will be taken by representative women of Maul looking toward forma tion of a Maul branch of the commit . Senator -Alfred li.' Castle, executive officer and treasurer of the War Re lief Committee, returned from the Valley-Island this morning He said he had talked with Maui women about the'establlshment of a "Maui branch: of the committee, and that they told him they will reorganize after a reply Is re celred here from Washington by the War -Relief Committee, as to the ad visablllty of forming Red Cross chap ters in ' the Islands. At present' the committee is unofficially representing the .American Red Cross in the terri tory. . . . , . In the Star-Bulletin of July I It was stated that the Hawaii and Maul units of the Hawaiian Allied .War Relief Committee were supplying: their; own materials. This should have Includ ed the donations from Kauai also. - PIMATWCOP IW LOSE BADGE -V If It is proven that August SpHlner, the German ' luna and plantation ' po liceman ' for the' Oahn - Sugar Co., at Walpahu.- Informed the Japanese wo man proprietor of; a "bund pig", that License Inspector W. v H. - Hutton planned to raid her place he will not be given a commission and badge as a"speclal"cfncer. ' ' This was made evident today by Sheriff Charles Rose 7 In discussing what action he would take against the plantation man as a result of the ac cusation made . yesterday by the li cense inspector. 8pIHner Is one of a number ot special officers to whom Sheriff Rose has not Issued new com missions since they-expired on July L -"Certainly, Sprunerwlll not get, an other commission if-ft Is proven that he .acted In opposition to the .license inspectors, f A man .cant be a police man not even a special policeman in .this department and work for .the interests of law breakers," the sheriff hct!y:d??red .t;y; r-:-- - First precinct John Rennle. Second precinct E. A. Knudsen. F. H. Aaser, NUchl Kuramoto, Louis Kllanano, J. D. Cook. Third precinct C. B. Hofgaard. Chang Yaa. S. Tamase, W. H. Wright, Jr.: J. P. Kahalbaum. Fourth precinct-7-G. F. Rankin, J. K. Bufgesa, Joe Gomes, H. C Brown. Fifth precinct K. Roendahl, M. R. Jardln. C. F. Loomia, J. D. Kehahu. Sixth precinct J. K. Farley, 7. K. Cockett, W. K. Walaleale, D. K. Ka pahee. Seventh precinct C A. Rice, P. L. Rice. A. G. Kaulukou, C. Maser. J. L HJorth, W. C. Avery, J. A. Souza. Eighth precinct C. B. Gray, 8. W. Meheula, Von Ekekela, 7. F. Betten court,Jr.; Geo Ewaliko. Ninth precinct H. Hadfleld, E. M. Mash. J. L. Hdddy. Tenth precinct Wm. Werner, Ah Sau Hen. Island of Hawaii First precinct W. J. Stone. Second precinct H. J. Lyman. Third precinct Chas. Weatherbee, Daniel Kaloi, Geo. Mundon. Fourth precinct C. F. Eckart, A. J. Watt, Teves, F. Sakamaki, Fifth , icinct Huge Watt, Sim MtKenxle, T. P. Gray, OchiaL Sixth p eclnct D. McH. Forbes, A. M. Wilson, R. M. Lindsay, G. K. Lowe. Seventh precinct W. K. Ragsdale, M. 8. Cordelro. H. M. Leonard. R. Willard, T.!R. Saiki. Eighth precinct J. Henderson. J. K. Akau, E. Vieira, J. K. Maa, Geo. Lowson, F. Arakawa, H. L. Ross, C. H. W. Hitchcock. Ninth precinct J. A. Scott, W. T. Balding, A. H. Scott. Chas. Shaw, W. Pacheco, Masaki Susuml, A. Fonsec ca. Tenth precinct J. T. Moir, V. A. Carvalho, Ed. Campbell, E. Smith, Soichl Tamaka. M. Arruda. Eleventh . precinct H. D. Beve ridge, D, K. Kaflimaf. . Twelfth precinct Forest - Hill, , Al fred P. Martin, E. L. Keven, M. N. Souza, K. Shishldo, Wm. KeliinuL .Thirteenth, precinct Wm.' Pullar, D. G. Buchart, A. Spalding, K. Ishi. Toshiro KuritanL D. Kalanl, M. Ta- vares. Fourteenth precinct J. M. Ross. J. M. Muir. W. J. Marshall. W. Ross. P..C Nagaishi, J. Pagan, Joe Moniz, K. W. Kinney. Fifteenth precinct J. M. Jamie. J. IL Mach. H. Fraser, J. Lain. A. Ya magata, L.'Cadinha. Sixteenth precinct A. J. Iganclo. D. Vieira. M. Chalmers, Dan Poika- lanl. W. Isono. Seventeenth precinct R. A. Hutch fnson. J. Fraser. W. McKemie. Y. Manalape. Eiahteenth precinct A. L. Moses, J. Maluo. D. Branco, S. Mukai. Nineteenth precinct W. 3. Aiona, J. Ignaclo. M. Sumide. Twentlath precinct J. Makalua. T. TakataskL'K. Myiamoto. Twenty-first precinct T. D. Col lin F Pnrtado. J. K. Notley. A. L. Loulsson. L. Wilson. Twentrecond precinct F. M. An derson. J. C. Jamieson. R J. West lv. J. W.' Murphy. Rus Madina, Aral, Manuel de Coito. Twnrvhird precinct W. P. N- nnln I PHtfhftrd. J. J. PaVSO. J. K. iU Wm --w- -w KMioha. MatsunamL. Twenty-fourth precinct Robert H. Smith. Sol . C. Burke. W. N. Hattle, N. Hino, Hanaoka, J. Manalo. Second District , First precinct H. L. Holsteln. E. K. Akina, 0. P. Tulloch, 1 Japanese. Second precinct H. Hind, S. Sa- kai. A. P. McDougall, J. A. Wight. HTf. Mendonca. Third precinct W. M. S. Lindsey, Fonrth nreclnct E. M. Muller, J. N. Komomua. Fifth precinct M. M. Springer, T. Konno. J. Ako. Wm. M. M. McQuaid, SlTth nrAclnet T. C. White. H. L. Kawewehi, J. N. Koomoa, Okamura. Seventh , orecinct W. D. TlcKillop, J. A.. Luis. J. G. Machado, T. Oka. Efrhth precinct L. P. Lincoln, T. N. Haae. A. Hlf. Ninth precinet-R. A. McWayne, D. K. Kauplko. Tenth precinct W. H. Hayselden. L. Forrest B. ApikL O. Konno. EleYenth precinct J. Campsle, A. Patten. H. , H. Ueda, G. W. Matthias. , TWelfth' precinct-rAv C Kaaua, z 4Todayfs Newo Today5' All over the wide world the Asso ciated Press is gathering- news and "shooting", it by wireless into the Star-Bulletin editorial room. That's how you read it TODAY in the Honolulu Star-Bulletin Subscription Rates, 75c per Month, $2.00 per Quarter, $840 a Year. P. O. Box 366 '12S Merchant TERM IN JAIL HIIAL rWdl DIVISION AWAITS GERMANS DOES $ 1 39,5 1 9 BUSINESS IN YEAfi MI1S PERMITS Islands' MostImportarit Dirty Now is f o Becoifpe $eli -Suf f ic- Karl Koessler,, Arrested By U. ina. Declares Director ?Wcstaate ot U. Sc Experiment sta- wiarsnai, races rrospeci tion in Reviewing Work Awimplished Dirring the fiscal of Prison During War earJllStJECded t , u . M;ii Kf .k 4 Karl KoWslen Vk bemoan alien i. m . ' taken into custody by Marshal J. J. That much progress has been' made along the . lines to which the United States experiment . station , has i de voted its chief attention" during the past year--that ,of making, the iHil- waiian Islands self-sufficvir. as i tar as possible and that the Individual and. organised response to the efforts of the station are grttlzying, l tn statement of J M. Westgate. .direc tor of the station, in his annual re port which Is now being completed. -The isolated position of the Ha waiian islands combined with the world . food shortage . has . revealed more clearly than ever ' the' depend ence of' the ' islands on, distant- sec tions for Its food supply, stateswr. Westgate In the Introduction to his report "The "f pcusing of attention on the vital necessity of the local pro duction and utilisation of Ja much greater: proportion of a the locaUy raised food products has led :- to gratifying response on the part , of numerous local organuauons ana in dividuals. It-has been fully realised that in making serious efforts to. feed herself Hawaii is doing a real service both to herself and to the country at large and that every pound of. food produced here releases just that much for use elsewhere as well; as provid ing1 the best form of insurance against the possible consequence of complete isolation from 'the mainland." , "a-( Cooperation with. the. military posts and vrith the Castner , station ln par ticular has been a feature - of the year's work that promises sun further development. Under the direction of the station over 100 acres ofsod and guava land have been cleared and broken up and the larger part. la al ready planted to cassava and aweet potatoes. , Originally it was ,the Inten tion of the, station to experiment with : Since last, year a plant disease de- Smiddy yesterday for falling to se partment has been organised and has cure a permit to reside and do bust devoted the- greater part of its at- ness In the local restricted areas, is tention to the diseases which attack tiU in Oahu prison and no arrange the Irish .potato in the islands. ments have as j-et been made for - Aft increase in the amount of busl- his release. neas done by the Territorial Market- Taken into custody without . court Jug 'division Is shown in its annual process, Koessler may be required to report. i In the fiscal year of 1915-16 remain in confinement until the end a total 'busines of '$121,085.78 was of the wsr. He Is eligible for parole, doner while "for -1916-17 $139,519.05 Is however, if the marshal sees fit to the total " Consignments to the num- follow this course." The marshal, ber:-of 2538 ah consisting or 60 kinas however, said today that he would of island products were received and not Parole Koessler unless he could soid; Pat him to work on a plantation on . The 1 retail vegetable and meat one of the islands. Koessler will not branches djd not quite pay expenses, hav t0 tod trial, neither will he but furnished a ' valuable adjunct to he released under bond, the "wholesale consignment depart- , federal authoritiea consider Koess-ment- in that it furnished an outlet Ier arre8t warnhig to other Ger at all times for the produce con- man aliens in Honolulu, or other signed by the small farmer. Dart8 J the territory, who fail to se- v.The chief items in the . expediture fLv"?1 0th?,r, Germans of Wfederal appropriation of $40,000 Jjg J w,m ? were $1T,685.85 for salaries.. $14,585.76 th Ko 8ier nad a forjabor; and $2,109.93 for traveling KrSt A,n .wM, to 8ecure eTPMnies 8 permIt' and on. several occasions J'- ws warned to take It out To data L"!?rZl !lbout 160 German aliens have r- m t....,! 4.x. - ... . uM.ciTJu si. , uie 4 marBcai s Oluce and government ? printing : office nea? future.;. ' . i r s e e secured their permits. OHISM PRESS DOES 'OIT FOR BMTIOilOAY f There will be no slackers among the Japanese, according to KING APPEAL TO BE HEARD SOON forage crops for the horses of - the j Japanese, newspaper men who cavalry and toward steps were taken combination stable and barn' has been erected and a place for a fore man and the work . has also become one of raisins food crops for the sol diers. Pineapple Seedlings Work with pineapple seedlings has been an important part of the horti cultural investigation of - the ' year; Two new varieties of pineapples have been Introduced, one of these ' sup posedly being Immune to UTe "black heart' disease. Tho potential value .of small home vineyards led to the establishment of cooperative vineyard of about an acre In extent where various fertili ser, variety: and cultural experiments are In progress.. The principal work with avacados has -been -in connection with the development of a winter 'ri pening type with the -rind sufficiently hard and tough to furnish protection from the fruit Hy as well as to 4 add to 1U-shipping, qualities. Work, was done with the mango in crossing sev eral Varieties. A new hybrid tomato which is immune to the melon fly, the greatest enemy of the tomato 1n the Islands, has been striven for. Five Demonstration Farms . Five demonstration farms have been maintained, cooperatively, with the owners of the farms in the 'ex tension work of the station. 4 Other campaigns for. the Improvement , pf 1 agricultural conditions nave been done through-field tripr and publicity throrjh the press and ether bedfras. Within a short time the circuit court of appeals of the ninth circuit, San Francisco is scheduled the appeal of Charles E. King from a decision of the local supreme mm holding that William Williamson has peen regularly appointed ont of the Summer Frocks SAC of unusual charm White Voile combine with attractive colored trim-UJ ruing effecls; TV Sports Models; of Plain Voile, embroidery on pocket, belt and collar. V Models of box' pleated Voile with contrasting bands of Voile, sash or girdle and ; tie. - - All .moderately priced at from $9.50 to $15.00. TTO " Ji Jt ,- W - Hotel SL, , near Fort ,.';,:-4( -, T i .. iT VVill-v - V- "-ij-.v u j "wu ivsuiasij appoiniea ont of the 1 that end definite" . have been waging a campaign trustees of the Bishop estate. Attor- 3rer,a0 itov of education through the press In ney E. C. Peters is representing Kins- - th SaS Wwmm J . rrk a STIum TIJJ M. B W-T . . . v w t uj. luoiuiiyu.yi, t upon ue resignation of S. M Da nfcwm nwuu, xxswsu uuono aua t i man irom tne board, the trustees -f. Hawaii Shinpo have printed a I designated Williamson as his sucee. number of articles urging all -f sor. Circuit Judge Ashford, however Japanese to register. -f declined to confirm the appointment! t ..-iuo 4eri7 newi oas prmwa r nsming rung instead, at the same - - -v.aicx- t i cavc9buub uio opinion tnat a f lng. the method of reglstratloni person of the Hawaiian race should 1 Many, of the vegetable growers 4-1 be on .the board. are not aware that Registration The trustees appealed from Judge Day has been declared a holiday, 4- Ashford's. findings, carrying the mat and the Liberty News has been 4 ter to the supreme court, which held 4 sending out circulars urging all 4 that the appointment of Williamson 4. Chinese to take enough time from 4 was regular. King then appealed to t weir wot to register. -t-i me nintn circuit, The Beofi IVoy to Rerriov ' ' l7rinklbo Stop frowning ; by . wearing suitable glasses' made " by 1148 Fort Street - ' ; ; ;: ; ; Blaiidell Bldg. Honolnlnv -T. H.-,,; ' ' I ; ; 4 4 444444444444444 RS . SCOVILLE DIES IN TAMPA VISITORS BARRED FROM BOARDING NEUTRAL SHIPS 4, i . a Evidently in line with the recent tightening up of observation maintain ed' by federal authorities here on all neutral steamers , while they are in Cable messages to friends here last porC an order was received today by night brought news of the death of i;ouector or tne fort Malcolm A. Mrs. Eugene M. Scoville at Tamoa. Franklin, from Washington, saying Florida, on July 12. following an oo that it is . the request of the nary de partment that no one be allowed to board neutral vessels from the customs launch. This order will prevent news papermen from hoarding Dutch liners off port. 'It does not apply to Amer ican, British or Japanese steamers. Quake shocks from. Peru were corded' fn New Tor i. r , re- era tion. The body was taken to her former home In Chicago and buried a few days later.. Mrs. Scoville for. almost 15 years was a resident of this island, her hus band beings pump engineer tor the Oahu Sugar Co. at Waipahu. -Slur hid many friends here. - . ; . - Mr. - Scoville has oousht ; a lame farm near Tampa and i rmrtir r? TO THE - n nnr DIBE0TLY 0 VjCELO OIUII G TIIS VOLOAITD 07 - -i i J - ," J- -- r y -j- .. J ' i.--f-l i Steamer every T7cdntsday zzi Citzrday nti ir-klaiiil Scni iJcvI j J: 1:.' Phsns49a 4?