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---- 1 1 . . 11 11 1 1 1 mm . 11 mi 1 1 1 1 in i fmm 1 1 p 1 1 M 1 u I u L.' u v- - i - ; - -1 IT ' HEPTUNE Will SEND MESSAGE T0 ; j FEIE; VOLCANO MARATHON ASSURED Committee Appointed by Hilo on the Staging ol Big tventt-May Be nwo on ijew ib I t Day Civic Organizations, Athletic -Clubs and Plantations (Will Be Invited o Participate in Great Run All-Island Event Xeptune sends mestj;e of greet. lojtoPele," Th! will without donbt b the tlo;an used when the first Volcani Marathon it stated. Thia cVent l aitured, as the board or trade ofiHIlo went on record favoring the plan for the relay rate, and a coran-.lttee haa been appointed to -writ on the trocraw. George VJcau, 'vreaident ot tn Hflo board of trade. Is Inthe city, and ia 'a talk today aJd that the PUn to send a message from Neptnhe to Pele was .one of the biggest athletic fea tures that 'bad been proposed i " waIL" He 'was confident that Huo " would bV represented with a number of; teams and furthennote said' that the citizens of HHq would do all la their power to make the etent ' oc- cets. May fit. Run New Years . A'hirh -nn.AmUnlf di& ha been set aside for the Ug event, it wa sugxested that -the raoe oe ran. v. New Year's Day from Hflo to the-o4 ot-the-cTater. a distance of about il miles. As; Planned at present, men' will compose a team,- each ruft nrag about fire luftea. ' , ; - .11,1. -4m i,.'fint tim In-the tory of athleUcs- that such an event has been proposeo, no u 7 that JtvwIU become one of the We icaiurea oiiui fhm,w. territory. " a - record will be eatab- ilshed; and this twill be Placed in sat of the record ;books-on the "mainiana. Publicity for -.- - O v fTm'vinr , UffrptM.Tr Ofthfc Ha wall Promodcm committee rnas" sent out a letter to more-than' J00 rapers, describing ,the? plans! tor the tig Volcano MaratnonY and I, a,e, Vis-Norton," secretary 'qiT IbUctty '.commission', -;has : Indorsed ti nrt furthermore has. sent a story regarfllttxthe. racer to hun dreds, of: publicauona v- inrous- America." ,"), . - Followers Tor, kthletlcs discussed the proposed race, beMere ttzX It will .become one of the really I'.x athletic; events' in " the territory, tti expected that ir.alaland runners will -'come to pa waa-td- attempt to-wreati-uie otwew m ay 'from -our1 local loaf diatance As ; proposed at : present the teama wia leare HUo on-New Years pay tsd the .first junner; will, negotiate a distance 'Of about five mllea,rwhen te will turn, over. the message to, the rext runners Diatances will be placed in conformity with the -difficulty ot Ther mT be anrwhere from ' sa ta twehty teams entered Jn thp 'first im which wIU probably, be held ; on New Year'a ' Day, and 'theVHIla com mittee of the . board of trade -will tn vite teama from -U of the Islands. TLIa feature would gltecMauU Kauai, 1 1 a wall and i Oahn.'an opportunity. to test forces, whereas -it ts not pbssibla la rowing, - football -anti -baseball, No u taf would be favored .to "'wlh,- and th e competition" among J the Various clubs and organlwtiona, added to the ccrapetition among the v Islands would te an especial.feature-. .-i-.:-', Jr In the preliminary -outline, civic, of-r-lzatlona, ' athletic 'clubs and : plan utions "would be eligible : to' aend : a tcin to compete for the honors. This wculd give a wide range for tmpe titlon, anoT without 'doubt ' Honolulu and t)ahn ' wouM be in line with; a nuaber of teams! ' The 'suggestion was xaade that "the 'Ad, Club, Rotary Club,: Pan-Pacific - Club, -.-Japanese ilerchanu- 'Association; Pacif ic Lescce, Hawaiian. Chinese, Portuguese-Korean, and Filipino societies enter in the event which, would bring together all tiatioaalitI Then the laree plantations-on-: Oahu " would without doubt; be I able to select six sterling runners wining 'te .to 'the route. Added ,to this possible en tries from- Punahou; VSL 'X-onls,- Mo Kinley MIUs and Kamehameha..Oahti would find -ft good-representation-in th e' ractv 'V - Vj, f ; - V ,'-t '; - The aame would apply. for the other -islands, and it U thejntention of the ccamittee to work .on a .plan: which wia brtns at least 20 teama to- the ciark in the bUace.. Hflo will with out dosbt ' stand retdy" to - assist - in every way; by 4 furnjshtax machines axl . officials for . the 'blf event! Cpmmrttee . Ttamed . - - , . tt At: the. meeting" qf - the " board- of trade held - recently - in - Hilo V com mittee composed of V. L., Stevenson, J. W. Bains and Demosthenes Lycur gTis was . appointed JM begin work on the preliminary Plana ,for ' the event; : Roy Meyers of the Hawaii Post , and - Owen .Merrick were liter aiied to the committee. The! commit tee will begin work at once on tEe plxna as outlined. -The first bcslne&s will perhaps be . the . setting of. the date . for : the race, and then active work, wilt begin in lining. p. a team. The : t oUowtng : troxa the vHawall Post; shows the interest 'whicli has been taken in the. event j.thejCre ctzt City: j';.c:;: v- -Heal enthusiasm If the r enthusiasm x displayed ' ny cembers of- the board:, of trade: at -tielr monthly . eetng; yesterday can be ; taken - as ;an indication of - their ATTENTION OFFICERS' ANfA "HEN! -'.'.--v The 8an Frandseo. ?st -;t GHRONICtiEi: Contains ;ArmyDrderk-sreek to.-19 ays;before malL f.",i .-v- C'V- :l: rt McrrtC; newsrt;;;; - V7Vl!a'V"duR'eu'lA8elto,,.''f Board of Trade; to Begin Work -fetim "toward a revival of, sporu here. Hilo'wUl ahortly be the staging jU"Ound. jiO. only for . the, most novel marathon, race erf r held, but also for the h-jlilng of regular swimming meets. Tbe plana as outlined .in a letter Jrom 0n Merlck, sporting e&tor of fine' 5ta-UJiUetlB, and which came .before, ;he board, -propose the holding -of an-annual Volcano marathon to be. 'gin In. Hilo and , fialah.' at the edge or me crater, or prereramy ai Vplcano house. The race to be run in rclajn.-, - . - , Running ..four lljousaud feet In the air Itself a-flore!y seldom wknesfed. and lie eaUHshment'Bf 1 a 'record for ..such ' race wonl- beqome an In ferecHng -fgatare In 'alT recibrd books; . Those present at-festertfay's meet ing viewed the poJect favorably, de claring It to be n good-scheme for the boosting qf Hawaii. Blnt..B.eprtj.'p,in : . . ": '. . la cxtoJUng.lbe. hoJdJng of a mara thon race to tbe, Volcano. J-.W.. Bains waxed s ea(h4aJasHc, declaring, that not only should theboard of trade rlahd behind : auri a ' movement Cut that tliey '.should .also fpstcr arrange ments' ror . the.- promulgation of a reg ula -.swimming; meet -' He .told hoW In. ; the .Tn.r SEast t the: ts rious sports were featured; arid concluded ' by, urg ing: -the membersto-look ;r Into the question of holding .a. marathon first and later to deal.Itb the swimming prpppaition.,-,4 y . , -, . -.. . . -. -That- the staging of - both these events" fa -Hikt. weuld be a, succese: is assured by the ajdor. displayed y. all who have had tlje' suggestions placed before them. V v . Y.,L. Stefenabn followed up the re mark by ' Mr. Bafns 1 with a motion to appoint .ac)mmlttee of .three to go Into the question and, report the result ..of: their deliberations ;to the board of trade at an early date. The motion waV heartny approved: o:::ss. o;mi:e 1 mmmmmm-mmmm Brm pi$6n$ri -rirna' the "big slugger forlthe;Eyes of :5hafterv but he spoiled hi good record' by making four-errors: " r-" v,. V ' : " J K Frtdayrwboplajfl j third base fqr the . Company, L, team., of the"; 2nd In fanUT'got thrftq'nlu;off;Petrbsky on Saturday. Friday ; and - Billy Sunday ought to mageV good battery, if -one would forget, the .weekend ffeetV :Z Luis, - the centerfleldenqf the -Fjli-Ffnof, - has "been hltung; the bail JxaTd. He landed, three bHs off Stewart 'of StXoula on .Saturday, 4ndNla 27 times at bat Is hitting fpr an average of 370. DiehU Yanjaahiro and - some ."of the other bafters,twill bkte: to go the.aecondaerieprlt Lala continues his aitUng. x. ..-'; xy, 1 Hoaea, whiO pitcei for tbe Filipinos on Baturdaj, bad a let of atuft on ne ball. With any; kind of support w ould iave ef eatfii. t. Louis, nd should be teady to wia some games in the second series. . lpw neW him up in ; tine ehape and' the;cateherrssJsp came tlvrougn with- three ' Clean Uta off. StewartH'' -v V-.l.Vv; C ItfV decent gamefn tnerth west -League Ticonia defeated - Butte by . score qi, 31 .to ;2.;'iMcO.Innty, Lelfer,.; Hunt' and IJowen vwere ham mered" all "over 'the lot' by;Tacoma. Stevena of Tacotaa'tiecured 7 hits out of; l'timg;(Up and 'Flagstad-. and Thompson ,eac.r made iflTe-mta,'-'. Se attle defeated, Spokane 2-to 2 on the sanae .daySu it'Baslban. , V v:::-j.'-0 tj V 'XT':' ::-.' ' (. Tnr Coombs-Sfar-Bulletnji 'girne .was ereal1 thrtllerr- and'.thef e -'were hun dreds , at ' the game' 'who said thaC it was one: of.'the bsf contests: of the year, f . With- the -exception of Cqnn- Ldu'ia infield; were Jn the game. There were vll -meaberstt'. of ? ihe Pacific League ln'the game and two from the Honolulu League. ' . ' - t Thitj the oygaiilurion 'o'f the Pacific league was rworth while" has " been demonstrated manyUmes thia season. ln' ;theCermb8gamfc,Markhain,' a Pacific leaguej-pltcher, liad : the best of the batUe vwttb Luck Yee, a pro fessional; and tUe Pacific league play ers in the game .were-the atara. You Bimv- Kerlsakl. 'Haneberg, ' Planas, Yoshikawa -and ? .IClng. Jan . broke through I wlth-klts -an: fleldlngn stuff which- aa ."worth rwbile. ; ;.r ..The Advertiser sprang a surprise on' the Hawaiian Clectrles on' Sunday, and, by. hitting: the '.hell' end playing together managed'.te win out if the Adrertlaer teas win continue 'te 'play togetber; and ' jrork r bar d-fof every point without doubl. ;tbey:oughti tp develop Into a: strong team; Affonso and Crane. hate inject ed,e. heap bf pep-Into the play, and McGowan has been-pttthi; good -UU in the ?paat few- gamea.., " CvN : '':- There: ootht to be 1- reenrd VtwH out at tbe Healanl-.dacf which will be given r on -Anpexatlan 'Daj. -0ni Kabalawei, wtae- is J at present mana ger, of the, McKlnley teanj, ; win nae charge -of . the .Arrangepenta Qr-Uje dance, juidan;t!ie ;. numbers of the Pacific Learae - era entered - 4o hm present j VMaagttiBmr pa'ktr. t 4 ICII1I BASSLER STILL LEADS HITTERS IN P. C. LEAGUE Johnny Strachan Playing Greats " 1 V Tennis; Ross considered Greatest of All Time J By Ameiaud TimI SAN FRANCISCO, Cel., July 17 With tbe approach of mid-season for the Pacific. Coast baseball league and tbe warm weather aiding In limbering up the pitching arms, of the .va'notia inoundmen, batters are slowly reced ing from the . heights of a 400 per cent batting arerage. ' Bassier of Los Angeles, who has been m the lead among the regular players and was the last to step out at the 4DD class, fell 10 points further away according to the unofficial arerage gives oQt for the. Uth: weak. -He has dropped to SJ7. At the end of the llth' week be waa batting 402, AMhe present rat of retrogression ht ts likely; to . lose, his -position n .the leading- batanraa of the league before many - ntore weeks. . v ..---.-. Pltigerald of Ssn- Fran eteco, who has been' holding second place, came tap 11 points, making his -average 247 ro that only ten points separate the two players. At tbe end of the lltH week Fttrgerald was 68 points behind Beasler. , The men who made tbe biggest gains during the week were it- Miller of Oakland who jumped 44 points, and Hof f of Salt Lake who made a gain of C points. Williams of .Portland stili retains a comfortable lead of ten home runs. Sheely of Sflt Lake with seven is his nearest competitor. Johnny Strachan of. San Fraociscp, who has been playing seme excellent tennis of late, his most reeeat exploit being a matcb against' the -former champion, William, Johnston, Jn which be -compelled the : ex-national title bolder to play a full five stiff sets-fn order to be declared tbe winner. Those who 'saw '.tie P. match, declare that Strachan' driving: wm superior to any-j thing that he had . Shown in tne pan and it wis, only on account of , bis-eK rors that ne finally succtimbed. An analysii of the two men'e play chowe that Straeban bit the net oft ea er thah his opponent and alscmade more outs.- 'He excelled him; b,oweie. in number of pWce'.'abqts; JtJqaiton served-nlne-donbles in jlH. .to.straxbr an'e f our. Btracban's drive ws dead: ly;whfle Johnston seemed eicel at the' net . Each scored a point on-asi acB-serre.' . : "' Norman 'oss otthe Olympic, Club, and hoider of ?k baen swiminlng recordt including both' national :and American Utles, Is aald by bis- frlenda to be,awlmmfoig) at tbe top, of nla fbrnj with; theend -cot yet la sight -They have eet up 'the, claim for. him that be-tls the beat- aU-roubd ;awlmmer of aR f time ;for' the, Areaaon v. tbat-:.wnll formerVchampions v have , galped.. dla thictlon.eOherrrn the short f prtnta o else? 1. the " longer awjms, v Rets vis showing, bUTiupetlorlty ln botb. ktf oj qnry thlsbut Jt is pdlnted.eut Uit "hit verutlUty isvapparent In: bla ability to negotiate the breast stroke andtbe back stroke in competitiqn ; with f.ath.i Iete-wbo aie tpecfallsiprln erenta, bla recent mark.qf 6l4-a ect ones for ffcjraroe. m ine" isxierreyeni being -,inor)ds) - figure, i . . v , l lRosa remarkable work baa all been done during- this;.; Prior; to IWl, while'' If waa ' acknowledged: be bad ell tbe makings iot la champion, bla er ratic Terfornrances? were tUedqsfiair of , nls ' trainers, who were finable -to make : btm take 'awimmlpgaettpasly. For tblareason' there wms-consider, able opposition tbe matter; or send ing him. e at ert to the year iTbat be j i appreciated the confidence - placed In him by Wsdpportera In .the .01 pfc Club, and: . rose:-to, the 'occasion, is evideiced by bla trtampbant reqqrd Aolayer'on-W-'amatdur team-'who made -a tbfee-btse hit in tbe Jast bglf of the ninth inning of a basebaU game and ibereby. won" tkeconteat; bast been rbbbed-'jof the peTonal?.glprywJicb usually goes : with such .n -feat iTbe ball "was- driven through - a- panotjbx);! axtjllejrjr-,brlgade fria fat thtt window of A eublic school and the ' town constable Is looking tor the xoan wno made the nit in -orderto compel hftn ' to.paytbe-et 9f isntf pane: bt?glass.. For obtioUS'reasons the hero1 prefers toemaln nameless. ing neat sum for the fund neblcb will go toward the etpensea, incurred tbfai- season- Tickets may be secured from : SaJa ' Kabalawef and Harry Pecker. ' The tickets are being : sold at $1. . V -' - V The - Myrtle Juniors . and i. Seniors played ' a tie game yesterday alter noon, - tbe ' score being S to 3. Meyer pitched- for: the Juniors andCaffowed but t four hits. Bechert wis on - the mqund' for tbe Seniors. .. Mey and Gomes were the leading . hitters , 61 tbe day: ' The lineup of-the teams were.: as.' follows: V ; . , Juniors L. ' McQueen, If ; N. . Tayby, sijJohbipp,: 3b: o; Meyer, p:0; Auerbacb. lb: w. Bryant: c; W. Oehrjng, 2b; "Al Perry,-cf; :Il. .Brown; rt 8enlors Hoke, : a;, Becbart, p; Gomes, - th;- Even son. 2biAnderson, 3b: Granlberg;. ' e$: ,-McKhixie f.rf : KruegerTif.-, f jE m bARWENMEET.THfeRSpiV;; ?. ;..!. .-'' y ? ; Tbe members of the Hawaiian iiowi tag'Aasoclatlpn woi b mating t (be office of the-ur-Bulletm at 7:50 on :Tburaday evening. '.-At: tbatttlme 1 preliminary ans Joy erregitfa- will W dlscnsaed, 'and': 'committee '"will be appointed.; to ;begin worfe . en ;tle. manyUtanr necessary to'Staglng tbo I l - lv ,. ' I pended Jor. we.yeellt;wa:annonao.l -1 PACIFIC LEAGUE TO MEET- . I Menagera a d;.of fleers of :the I Pacific. Leagve; wO) meet, at the t Y. li. CJK WHne.sday. evening at 7 o'eloclc. to dfaft the nw f- schedule for taeaecopd series. or j Play. The-tatmbera et tbe -league f have expressed aatlafaction at V-e-.-iae .outeome jOt . tne ursi. series. f and every team. will go. tfirougn the. aeeond.sfrlee-with, a strone- Robley's' Gmnwt-iiGiye Prc ffiminExhtbjtionevious : ; taiirlipijrritKauii : , Last-night; atrtbe-Oahu prts,Qn S. W. RobTey. 'general- secretary :bf the Honplulur - a'C10' Te ;: B feUcTenterfalnmebt' tq tbe- men, .and th. entire Vprogram i . yaa a huge, sue cefs. ' r Vv , . - . BnWey'j. traveling team are. rqund ingJnto gfiaf. form, for their coming frtp to Kanal and.tbelr excellent wprk of last evenlng easRy demonstrated the . vast amount, of time that bas necessarily been spent Itt preparation. The rtirf t". two numbers : of the evening,- Indian club: and dumb-bell drills. weTe.iastand.eaPBy. was tbe following, nnmberi-tbe high dive, that took, the- men's- fancy. The bar was plaeed t four feet and. 9vanced two ihekee time: it jfa". cleared untlLi five feet had been' reacbed' at vblch height' four of . tke team, Pachece. R Chung -and T Al Kalelkau.. and . Robley easily cleared. Paclrco dropped out ati five 'feet four: whUe- Kalelkau cleared the bar . nut missed : at five feet lire, while obleyi although not ellglbre to enter in eompetitlon with snistedrs,' cleared' fire feet 'fire. ;'Tbe SiyramidV 1 W Vceptlpnally. good 'and: tbr .'team work: was fine wltbVllttle .exander If8 bandTcr hlaenylftnrin tbe of 'fncy'Ind1an'-'elnb.,awindnir5w waa Vell -recelred; 'and fetr. exoj cuted:, ,Pc4se- wlU.eMhr Ka;uai;witIi,Roblay and- We team will hi i " Tery.yaluab.te:nddltlonrto -to cqmpany. Jti'-ma?y,'WBya ; as ; fr&la not bnrx eni excellent, .Indian ;fclub-; pet -forierTbTltllltoo ofitbp, ."best pw firn4efa0Dn;tbqr'parael :bara. ln .the Islands.. , .4.,. .... i. .... .'t is. :. '1 -taa' Lest PCt Ml .tlfi neaaqiB.. ....... afBdft"..V.v:r. loA 8 "7 " .2. 4 4 .714 .6 .500 .343 '.200 .222 A Bgtt . D BaOr. BBtm; If mi . ..' ...... - F -Batti --it : A-w vThoutb-Jmany are under tke lmprea slonnhar the- Head Quarters 'Company of the 1st-Field-ArtlUery ia aare of tbe trebby to ttei rHorse" league at Scbo fleld,' a ctaee atiidy of tne,avragea and the. part:-6f2 tbe.chedal. uyejt j vto tbe played . wUUabow.tnat It Ja. pqaslbje yet for either C battery or-A battery tn brine: home the. bacon. The i shouts in la otK oYM tflnment.tprv-even yv BxBaltery.. can. better .theft .positloiu onrtbe;rpiteri;, Bf ttf ryr and. F Bat tenr ha,vetbdrawn;frgm; tba Tco In ordertft.nnstene-.end .ot, .tne eer?es. Tne J9tbeld nasi4rea4y finished tta ecefdnle:and Hi noi wHlng-to pfey tb rjcbAmplaq t,ugnt . battejxf lor ;tn A warm'dame-wai'played this at ternooh betweed Headquarters ,na A Battery but amfeandefstandlng as to thV-raesfiine eTthe eesaed bill srrounda rule -iniy call -for -the 'playttg.of - tbe contesn second time." Tne ecore atood 2ifei"inIfareT:ofth present league ieaaeni at" tbefrnlsli'oi1 ttfeihelee,' but credit for 'this la not 'given in the averabb nelowv neither fb.A Bitteryl enargeor,witna"ioes. me protest to- tbe'decislott' of vVmptre rAugust Mich alek-wlH be considered at the end' of thrseam--Thetwirrlngbf both Youtg and Burnett was of a bign nrder and "Wlgwagger. . Parts knocked' . Out " a pYelty-hpmq tun: 'y ' " : BEBT'SHSMfiO?aVAfiTS; iTO?.1EtrrrtUNMET,-lN ; : ;;WAflATHOW?D!STWdE : JPit Bert .5, Shannoniof ,C'Co., 32nd Infan,tiy,.'hAsiwitten.. to, the lartiUery ataleUc. efacer .tnAt 'b,-,wpnld Uke tOAne any; soldier er'elvllan to Hon olulu n;Labor:.)y. Oainftng to hare iwdjeitbeinariaton: distance rat.Pitts-l imrg w,two vaonntno: crony .minutes, afad.i run - p I miles f oni annttte. peca slonito.' acses. a nCC one-half bos. J have av real' sut Jf tbjelctodfr. path in ojLfTniWst; tU!tfeav tberdepArtnient ootamanaer maysJecKie tntt ita. ,t w hot: in Hsiwaii .for iw loan a: sntint fto: Greek lasaic: inlght bp Oanne&edH neTjepTenDey -r. .;. . V't--.- x J a t : (tf.tbe'nlgttfqRea;wnp:.?oom most 2,teet- m' tiA SL-VftrftaeieAlbltlon HELD ARTILLERY rrnnnoniw i llllllll WIIVll we ii si iv cS5s Sifva Pitches Great Ball and Fivers Fail to Annex Hits; 22 Runs for Winners ' Troop Nine won the baseball' cham pionship of the Boy Scouts by. de feating Troop Five by the owe -aided score of 22 to 2. Troop Nine went after their rivals In the first frame and singled six. times, for. ten runs. Troop Five was unable to solve Sll va,'s delivery, and only got three hits hofflm, Suva pitched a great jam in spite of . the fact tbat be was aii in. the. last twQ.inainsv He etruck out elgh men and passed four, Only 28r men faced him Jin ' tft nine in nings. His support was excellent. Al though his; team mates made three errors, they , supported- him in tle pincbes ta good style. , ' iftr Frertas.' stepped a homer by capturing Trtus ALna drive Jn- tner fjftb. . : It looked -Jol''for ' homer wne-tt left -he bat but Lefty went right after . It and; caught it- atter.-a bard Ifun nad" wonderfuly timed leap in tbe airttej It As ne Is only about four , feet f our fn bis stockings, tbM snakes -bis ; catch an .the more wonderful. Watscn : handled eleven cbancea arptmd first without' Jnls cue. Crane hkndledaeTeral.bard cbapce$ .ayt second J pt slipped up on an : easy!, chance and spoUed bis - rec ord. Wqodward ..caugbt " -hangup game and although his two wild heaves to third were' responsible for tbe, two runs of. Troop .Five, he bold Silra up in fine form. At tte-oat Rowland, . Watson and Jones each got three "out of. five-Walter Dowerhit one for-a bpmerr and , got'; a double besides. Reeves got two out of 'our, and.,Sflv. also' connected..' twice out of four times up." ; No one on Troop Five's team . distinguished himself with tbe willow or, on the Jfleld. Ho sea, IngKand Ho were the lucky ones to bit safely.' :Tblamakes TroopNIne tbe cbamplons of Hawaii, and they win receive a' large pennant for: win hing the.tltle of the Boy Scouts. .The Troop .' win 'give the 'team a banquet In tke';near futHre.'"?. " '--'ThVmbiw: m;'A, -r'V'.y; ' - TROOINE avftJf ..... 3 11 CraltaSfb ...... .d-ft Reeves,: rf . .... .4 J l DowerH 4 ;r,3!2 Jofies.4 ear -. f ; tT ;4 "Z WationT lb . .1n4 Z i o 2 2 0 2 0 .o: --.1; 11 9 - 0 Woodwerd, c . .". 5 : 1 Sirva, p .......'4 -2' 2 Rowland, 3b .... 5.1 2 Totals' :kz&2iit; in to z TROOP WE ' . A0 R BH SE PO -E Ho;.b; Matbetrr,3b TyauMf: . .. Hosee, as . :....-.z;:q i, a; .... 3. .0 0 0' 2 1 3 0 0 0 3 :4'' 3 3 '2 :3' 4 0 '0. 0 1 1,1 2' o o o t '0 lo d'i i o i o; ? o 0 d e 8 0 0 0 0 2 3 wise, .-or : K HdlC 'c Ing, rf . Naeole,. lb rkeole, p . ;Hit 'and ;ttts by vtqlngsr V' Troop Five . 0 0 o 0 0 0 t 0 0 2 ' ."Base 'bits r$ 1 0 0 l;l, 0 0 2 TrOOp Nine ' . . 10 O 0 ;2 3 fi 1 622 tBMejhits '.yj-iMsn o;o-8 ; Summry: Home run, ttower; bit by plter,'baIs.,off Silra .4, off fkeole -9; sfrdctt out by SifW 8by Ikeole-3: :wild pitch,-Sfl- va; passed ballsy Woodward; Holt, 2. Empire. .Jnes.v';-; , LOCAt fiSD-GItOSS v Member of tbe .Oab Country, Club will stage a tournament for the bene fit of the RedCross . on Saturday, Julv-21. The "eroceeda bfi the ..entry fee are .'to be lureed'oyerj to 'Cat .Red crgss ? society., .in-.we-eTeougioe members; will oId a dinner InviUtu their ' friend s ' . "- : " r Many ;Ot the goif -cubs on; tbe main bind bare been staging tourneys for tbe benefit of the'Red.Cross.iand.the leading -events of.: the season have been given tot: tbia: organisation. Golf- tera . on the .mainland bv raised a large fund Xon the. Red. Cross organisa tion, and the local devotees of the royal and ancient -pastime are confi dent of raising a goodly sum f Or the cause.".' ' ' ' -' Inasmuch as there has been rauca golf play of late' at the club. It is expected that there will be a large number of entries. ' Harold Glffard, Willard Grace. Frank Halstead, Jhnmy 'Grefg;C.-F. Cleveland and others are expected to participate. The play win be overTlS."bOlesivmdahplay: L L'VUnna. mtoiaontworkeni ..went' t '' : a ' tM m a ir... iv.Lv. OB iriM ia uta niuuio uiif;. uuwiu th.newf 'was jimt: permitted td4 bej iiAUonetatbernewspapersV lim-m. ,M4jik A' a-wim mrmAmmAi tteii demands: tTber are ijto have ejpie.mentaryr supply of. food and. an inejease r.wagesr..ana we agreement T to "ieeffectite until ,.two ' inontha After .theliiflualoi-otrpes.';; , . : fAuleQeonteata- al.WeatPoinL ex- pt.lnterclaje nieeU,baTeJe GfllFHlS T0;FIAV OIG Sl'iKG T.1EET I'M OE HELD. AT . f.I C. fl. TlHlt IIJ KET FUTUHE Tentative Date Has Been Set for August lOwirhmers Will Select Their Own Events for Big Indoor Meet Westing Of Swimming, Enthusiasts Will Be Held This Evening at YVI.U td Discuss PlansMiirls Will Be Entered in Meet This Year If the present plans materialise. Honolulu is to have a clasey mid summer swimming 'meet with the not able, local swimmers both men and mermaids as the participants. L Realizing a popular demand to see our beat nataiora. In action again., the local Y. M. C A., through Its physical drector Glenn Jackson, uas sent, out a call to tbe leading swimmers and enthusiasts to attend a meeting at the Y. M. . C- A. tbir Wednesday evening at 7; 30 at which -Um the ewimmers themselves are to be given chief place in drawing up the plans and. events of . a big. tank mept, , Swlmmere Select .Eveeta . 'Too many' times: in the past," said Jackson yesterday, "organlxatlons in Hopolula have drawn upithe iuU de tails, .of a. meet . andtben: urged tbe swimmers: to accept their program. Instead,- the srnnmersthemaeltea ought to. bare .tbXVbiefxaay. to their ownsbow ind it la in line" with thle hata bave.caJled together the. awinv mere, as the committee von . arrange ments, .'' . -V.. ' ;; . ', - . ' . ; Fpurror.llveof the leading swim mWg entbusitsts. have been added to the' llstto mike: up- a , very ' complete cmitteeU-onratrangementaK who ebeen; asked. to attend' this meeting. l)ieIuflatVLidyier, Duke KAbaqamoknr Clarence Xane,;.Stubby Kroger," Jaha Kelllr. Mi2a :Ruth: 8uek er. ;DM Center, . Captain Pepla,r Alert .Athletic Officer, '.Lawrence Cunba. Bn Clark, ' Clair Talt, John Soper and Harry Decker. ' ' . A. A. . U. Sanction . An A. A- C.: eaactlon haa already been .secured for,. the nieet,'and.Ube meet will be an "open one.; The local Y. M. C. A. Is throwing its tank open to practise by th contestants end Is willing t- do., anything to make of thia meet the best 'tank' event yet helobere.-'- .;.r.---'.-.?--;-f The evening of .August 10 has been tehUtirelr' selected fer tbe'meet but this ia eubjecftothe meeting's action. Plenty of -Talents . : IV : It is not" known whether. Duke Kahanaaoku cares - to -'enter - or Ludy Laager,,tbey doi'togetber: with Kruger; Lane KeUl and;Alargenum oerjf younger avintcersirho are fast developingr it wHlvtiake an exceedlng ly Jilt eresttngv meet v:ifcr . ,- v.: . ' ie r,teryj,-plbleoO, that the mlUtiry will be:.well represented and urgent" tiTKatiOtis'hateiteea sent to both De. tu&sy and the Alert At first ft tas'th ought that the. soldier would hive-to glTe' t' Jiii.'athletlca . when J way cwaa' declared,? hot ? tn"llhe -i4lh present- reeling fin -.the v matter: ; this meet r will proCy' f f& A-relcome addition to tpe,J Boorts : already;, under wayrr- ''vj.i--''-l- : Rowlnii' is' a 'Dtrto'.Abeyahee for a eisell .andxiwimmttemay eome in as v.a relef- to- some 'ofr tke boys .who arraomgooiiu; vuae naa oeen unaer bard training for the Hilo Fourth 'ot Jety aces amJ."UL to.doubt. be .one of tbe Mjrtle's maihstaye to the Sep- u mper regatta. But at tllat Duke may 1 31 mm i 4 : 31 B.V:D. Lhsen$ Thelrf T$! lob dhk cut andiH?ht . wown lsbrics;eivc - indoor :rv ; 1 workefethif feclihe of t ejom wmchgtkwitji ptttooorlife.--v; - ': ' ' V In tur owb ato4cral7.MHlppd Cottom Mills ' ' . .' t Iztagtosv X C,-t) .artuook from which tkM Lmh Tltttas V. D. rdr SViU an madt. la prvdaetd 1a cia tlfle'MMr tnm -Mlteted evttoa to tnsur dunbUlty- la vtib'tad irttr. - In'eur own B.:V.- D Factories the garmeots re toliully cut, strtfngly stitched, acoirately finished to fit and be cool and comfortable all day long,' !SJLtrttJ . . " yy.. nLfpmt cut vihm be willing to endure a short season of training and enter the proposed meet: Kruger, acting .as a - cox wain for the Healanle, ie not compelled' to be ia tbe same training and haa radi cated his interest in the August meet Ludy Laager baa already accepted his luvltatioa to attend the meeting to morrow sight but did not state wheth er or not be would enter. The public Is very keen . civ-seeing all. cT these swimmers la action again., ft bas heard so much lately of Ue achieve ments of Norman- Rossi, that Jt; would take pride to seeing some local color Injected Into the athletic horizon. Girls to Enter .. ... ' ; Miss Ruth Stacker baa also enthusi astically accepted her Invitation," and bints at some Ideaa for-tbtfxneet Clair Tait who heads the . swimming game at the Outrigger, said this; morn ing that: to a short nime, all -of the clubs would have; to take serious ac count of that dab's entries, and ino pne-is gainsaying Clair's statements Tomorrow, nlghVa meetlng wm;-b held to tbe directors': room - at' the Y. M. C A. and is1 called for: 7:20 prompt. - Y i -v ' 60RY;NEWSPAPER!EA.TTLE VON rllLO DIAMOND ENDS -' IN VICTORY FOR, H .- ' (8ptUl 8ur-Bn(la 0rmpD4SM) HILO. Jury 11 Hawaii Herald , Hilo Tribune 2. -j, ?: ,-.:; '. ' That's the score of the ball "game played last Saturday v afternoon. ' at Moohean park. 'Manager"A.tlV Mac kaye.of the Tribune. team haa; pet yet recovered from the shock. It wan painful the manner in which The H eld ball toesere handed out the. dope to. :the . opposition.7 "The pitching vol young Bapiete took the number of the Tribune' bunch and tbe drop ball ot the youngster; fooled the1, mlsgalled ones - who- challenged ' tbe.' real ball te am th at cornea from Tbe Herald. of fice. - '.-'--'. rSi'i; There was an .'interested rowd : te see: the game' aid itwas easily seen that we -rooter were nearly all Her a.ldes.VTbe. IIUo and was ;unableJ to ,atunv out. ecwwa. govien right ."without,the-gisre aroused -tnuchT excitement '-4?eciily when the' Tribune' play ars. prov. tbe goose egg-and. scored rthelr. JlfUun. It looked.llke : av "whitewash' 'itor the Tribune tm thett. v : 'Manager Mackaye Ja; tAJito g4bont a return: gime and The Hra4 lunch are- hoping that it doea cpme about They declare that; the .Tribune' score will' consist of .-a .string, of dphers next time. .. . 2 ,.rt v-.-tt Tba-'neTt Liberty Loan Issue-wlir :bJ made about Sept Laccprdiag 'Jtp , law cationa at the. Treasury-- Department Th interest rtte. will bo' probably;, 4 tm) rfit i-v..,:;v 1r-f-f? .M- kathertae i Sarah MaicQuol British novelist;, todead; aged 3. A irce - r -.'CH- JV':::'::;:jv sa ; w i s y mmm im 1 Pf 1 I' ): : B : -ifi U:, ice, eaiaais-is:. ccrpqent.'a)f Pears- 5