Newspaper Page Text
f f t - - ' . , ' I-. J , "-xX'v;' -n' :. i . - - V o .V i ... - from San Francleee ' Nippon Mtrn, July 24. For San Francises MataoalaV July .25. From Canadian Parts Next null. August 8. for Canadian Porte Kaxt mail Aug- 17. Evening Bulletin. Eat 1S22, No. 849 fiavauan ctmr. i. aai, ill -ru IV. The Star-Bulletin at 2.30 this afternoon the Associated Press reply came in anover to the following query sent this morning by the Star Bulletin; "Is George Roedeik, indicted July 13 as per Examiner, ex-German Consul at Honolulu. Also H. R; Schroeder, indicted, a Honolulan?" 'mm&m, ;V LTcv Icdictmszts, as Published Jfthn Crs!;, millionaire h!efevHd: 5 er cf Una Ctteh, Cal. Aleo, In Cctti In ths txcrameitto asv : Hetnrich Etbo. , v.;-. Kerry Y Ksuffrran, chancellor ef the ecuneet;" , ? - ; " .' 11. f ' rf, nes ' and Ray ft o ward. ti'.trrr Alsa;lnd!cttd In 8ae L. I ley; broker, Indicted ; v fowlan office, Oermany. - -a ctss to- ' i iKttrr von Relawltz, German eont 4iTp-a "f..'J?;ul-of' Chicago, vndef Indictment ; v i- u "-- '.. p. h. lU-hlutep. ' , . . ( Ceat Knna. vi: ? - ; ri r in tftW list ' of retted early tHrtt rcl:lHcin India'fjid vch pdlis iatan rrancisco last week were the -names of "George, nccdcili tnd 4,H, E. Schroeder.V The names, -along; with X7h-i ' tri'i r rrs ef the kimilaritT in names filtered through ths hinc:3 circles of Honolulu this morning, speculation was nf 3U to v;h-thcr the men mentioned might be .prominent Ger min-American reddents of Honolulu. ITcrcIulu is. vice-president. of :Hackfeld & Co., and; president c! tL 3 -X-ciiaa t Zz& Planters' Association. H; Augustus r: .;:d:r i3 a clerk at:IIac!rfeld CoVand'a reservist in.tHe A rily this cicnththe Associatel Press despatchesyre pcrtcd tho indictment of I0D pro-Gerrians for alleged' conspirr'fcncnt 'a HmdulrehemonandmUoned tr -3 indicted were several ex-German consub, Honoluluibe izj"r:":ci2 ciUy r!" feW'ft v. Cccrg Eodiek prior to the declaration of war between the United States and Germany served as German consul here for el cut fcuryears.: c 'n:.:r:r: ' . ; EODIEK LEFT HESE JULY 19 : ' Gecrg Eodiek left Honolulu in the steamer Ilanoa on July ID'fcr Cm lYancisco, accompanied by Urs. Eodiek. Shortly cTler his departure information reached the StarBulletin to tlircncct that a prominent local GermanAmerican had been evrnncned to the xnainland by U. S. vernment ofilcials. This r: crt ccnld net be verified, however, either from local federal Izizb cr from other eoutcss. "I den't trifav there is any t vl o. Hths this mcminsr when informed of the indictment cf "Gccre Eoedeik" in San ltecisco;V 4I know nothing" ofj cry report that XIr. Eodiek has oeen indicted,' out I do not L;'icve he has had anything to' do with the alleged plot I be li:ve it Is tmtrue that he - was summonedr to San Francisco. ' i ' 'CONSCrCHGE CLE AE,'f SAYS SCHEOEDEE W VUy conscience Is perfectly clear;, smiled H. A. Schroeder cf H. Hackfeld & Co.this mcrninff, when shown a clipping from a Can Francisco paper containing the. names of George Eoedeik and H. E. Schroeder among others indicted. "I have abso lutely no reason to believe that the H. E. Schroeder mentioned in the paper is myself; As for llr. Eodiek having been in C:ted, I do not believe that is true, either.1 ' Cciroeder; aeouted the report tQ&t. Xldlek had been summoned' to th cz-'nixad by cdernment officials. ; 'He had been planning this trip for tsTcral montna.- ho, saia.'. ..-Had ne beta summoned to the coast, I do not belleTe the authorities would hare, let , - - I tin go by himself. He said he expect-wt ei to return to Hawaii In about three ; crrths. His wife went with him." , . V.tea the news of the wholesale Jr'rrtnent cf alleged plottera first T .-'. !u r;ny this month, i. D "EXAMINER STORY mM:FIW OTHER. Harold A. Chan (Chlnaas). Theodore HeWferlch. Emll;Helfferich.; V NAMEQ IN'BILL ; ; The seven allagtd co-epnsplrs-tora who art not Indicted but who aro named in the Indictment are l ' Alfrad Zimmerman, haf of ths mere. - . z. " j.-'' r-.- - X urtxv - H. -jaccrrsnv, uermaq AJbert l.5Vehca, German agen : John Doe. Schloti, alias" Sternecki George. Paul Coehm. ;; -: .nana ennawan weiaon, oecaaa- trf tHa Mavericlc ; ! nineteen additional indictments other named Eodiek. M declared those indicted was a former German conanl at Honolulu, although no namea were mentioned. Shortly, after Bodiek left for, the coast. L Then came the re port that a prominent German-American had been summoned to the boast VJ w tcuciu fcuiti uxucuu a uc lav : development is the publishing ol by the federal government The 1st the name of George Roedeik:' as one of . those ; Indicted. , j What H uber Says' X : .. . ' . : j. 4: . . "One may put two end two together (Cr-'.'-- I ct r-S-rA 2J ?.. 12 PAGES HONOLULU, TEBBITOEY OF HAWAII, TUESDAY! JULY 24, 1917.12 PAGES Vhat Assbdates of Rotdiek and Federal X 1 don't think there is any X f other name of Rodiek. I know 4- nothing of any report" that Mr. f -f Rodiek hsa been Indicted, but I do not -believe he had anything 4- to do withr an alleged plot . I -f believe' ft is untrue that he was -t- summoned 8an.vFranclsco! 4 2. T. C. Ilagens. , tr.-v.- ,vf 3 4 f r . have had 'jshsolutely n fir fomationZxegaxdins: -Iha-'Undicts.- -f, meat of any Jlonolulans: ta tag involved In". tne. Hindu f U. : "Attorney -S.a Huber.' . -f '.I am not in a position to mike 4 any . statement at' this. time."r-,"f f V. , 8. llarshal eromd J. Bmiddy.f 4- y "lit own conscience is clear, -f f and ; I -do aot- believa It II Mr.V -f Rodiek' who has been indicted;.'! 4 f , believe' the report that he was 4 summoned ' to - the coast is un- 4 4 true." H. A. Schroeder. 4 - ' , ' . . lllIGiBfPllCt A- severed forefinger, clotted : IwHh bloody and -wrapped In Japanese paper was the message , received by a mother from her eon. tKis morning, A suicidal pact, and the revival ; ef an ancient custom makes 4ip a -story which is stirring Japanese circlea today.; . Three years ago Mr, and Mrs. ' M. Oshima with their son, Maaalchi. arrived from Japan. They - aecured work on a plantation and- prospered. Two years ago they moved to Hono lulu, where .the husband . secured , a position and the son aecured work in a household. Pater Oshima had saved money,, and plans were made for the purchase of a little horn in Hawaii. Then one day a smiling Japanese with beautiful - words came , to ' the Oshima home and won the good graces of the family. They were friends in reality, and many . happy evenings were spent together talking of the daya in Nippon, andthe new fortunes under the Stars and Stripes, the story goes... A short time the smiling Japanese called at the home and that, after noon Mrs. Oshima was found missing According to the story told bra local Japanese the stranger who had be come a friend had won the regard of Mrs. Oshima. The father and,, son brooded over the situation and Ma salchi, , the son, made a number of efforts to break up the strange love pact He failed. This morning the mother opened a letter and found the severed finger of her son. Masaichi had decided on the suicidal past which originated thousands of years ago in the. Far East 'Accompanying the aevered finger was a letter in which the son said that he could no longer bear the estrangement between his mother and father, and as a result would kill him self. - , Masaichi followed out the ancient custom of sending a finger as a proof that he was soon to die. This custom la said to have been originated in Inner Mongolia. Three letters were written by the son, one to his mother, another to his father and the. thirc to his friends. ' The matter was re ported to the police, and the officers are now making an attempt to locate the young Japanese.- It Is-' feared that the" Japanese' has already taken pwl . Ilta. - fz' "fM l,."- received the following wireless HINDU INDICTMENTS CORRECT" LATE WE m COLONEL EVANS OF U. 8. CAVALRY DIES 8UDDENLY (A. P. by TJ. 8. Naval Communication Service). PUEBLO, Colo July 24. 1917. Col. Elwood W. Evans of the United States cavalry, died suddenly here Maryland and 61 years of age. LUTHER BURBANK 13 SERIOUSLY ILL SANTA ROSA, Cal, Jsly 24. Luther Burbank, the plant wizard. Is .seriously ill at his home here. MOONEY JURY STILL IS DEBATING VERDICT SAN FRANCISCO, Cal July 24. The fate of Mrs. Mooney atlll la In the handa ef the Jury, who have so far failed to reach an agreement en the verdict they will bring In. It was reported late yesterday after neon that 10 talesmen stood for acquittal and two for conviction. OSAKA, COTTON MARKET SUSPENDS , (fpeofei Cbi mm Jim TOKIO, Japan, July 24. The Osaka Cotton Market suspended today. The situation was due to the rise in price, caused by speculative buying. INJUNCTION- HEARING CONTINUED TO SATURDAY Hearing of the suit tor Injunction-brought by the Schuman Carriage Co.. to restrain the board of agri culture and forestry from moving the f Farm dairy herd to the auarantme o'clock thls afternoon in Judge Ashford's court has been postponed na til o'clock next Saturday mornmg. It was reported thU afternoon tha the 1 board was considering rescinding its decision, to move the herd to Ala Moana but Tit. V.Af NorraaiA. tanttorial veterlnerien. aavs- hadees not believe r.SU. v:MMErtlCAri SHirCOUND V -rBlxty-fUrr toyvfMm TocopIUa, 'Chiles the American ahlp Katherine waa - sighted about U45 r 4 afternoon off Diamond Head; She baa 3500 tons of ; nitrates: for ths Hawaiian PertlliieT Comnanv.VLtd. ' The vessel will be fumigated and enter port tomorrow. She has been expected for several -days past and has tnade slow time, sailing here, from the South American -port Capt James r. Zajchary'is master of the ship. NEW INTER-18LAND 8TEAMER DORIS ARRIVES At 2 o'clock this afternoon the inter-Island's" fiev freight steamer Doris ' arrired fromr 8a. Trandsco and - docked at Pier 12. ? Her steaming time ffromthe coast rwas9 days, 18 hour and 45 minutes. The Doris is an oil burner and "had-161 barrels left wben she made fast to the wharf. She , wilt; steam tomorrow night for Port Allen to discharge her coal ' cargo, ratnd wiU ;be;j; manned by an Inter-Ialand crew. The crew which brought tterdown from San Francisco will go over to toe ' Gouverneur . Jaeachke .to take hr; to the coast She replaces the. steamer Hamakua, recently de stroyed by fire. . , , . . MORE THAN- FORTY APPLY FOR TRAINING CAMP More thin 5 applications for tb reserve officers' training camp to i open at SchofJeld Barracka on August 27. had been received up to S o'clock-today at the Hawaiian department DONATE EQUALLY FOR OVERHEAD CROSSING - That the Oahn Railway it LandCo the Hawaiian Fiber Co. and the Oaha--Sugar Co. are willing to donate approximately 9250 each to place an overhead passage way at Robinson's Crossing, this island, developed Vtnla afternoon -at the meeting of the public utilities commission. This arrangement also met the approval of the commissioners and will prob : carried out MISSING FAMILY LAND IN SAFETY 1 James Mahuka. wffe and three children who were reported yesterday If as being afloat somewhere In a power launch, arrived home safely this rmorning. after spendmaT last night at sea,. The Mahuka family wenl to KeahL this ia&a; Sunday for an gasoline supply gave, out ana it was L&o get to Punloa this morning. teuto ci t.ra sr.insn niT nuss lOO 111 DM Oil 155-MltE UiJE VAsaedated Prets ay V. a. VatsI CoauBiui. callee Bin If) rnPTttiMAGEN. Denmark. July 24. i News reaching here tell of destruc tion in the- wake of the retreating Slav, army . which was driven out -or TarnopoL Great magazines were burn ed,; and the surrounding country de Taatated." . BERLIN, Germ anyr July 24. German forces In Galicia are advancmg on a NATIONAL LEAGUE At Boston Chicago 3, Boston 0. At New York New York S, Pitts burg 2. . At Philadelphia St Louis 3, Phil adelphia 0. -At Brooklyn Cincinnati 6, Brook lyn 5. AMERICAN LEAGUE "At' Washington Washington Cleveland I.. ' 2. Ordere received today from Waan tngtpa assign .CpL Carlyle L. Smith Company; R 32nd Infantry, and Sgt, Clinton EL Bernard, Company A, 1st Infantry, to command as second lieu tenants of the Philippine Scouts. first Lieut . Stiles M. Decker, re cently appointed to duty in Hawailai ordnance. -Office, has bees 'ordered to report to the chief i of ? wrttaance. at 1 BASEBALL RESULTS TODftY l w IMS AT A today. The officer was a natire of station at Ala Moana, scheduled for 2 'ROMWtkli SlGrTrgOi ocean. outing. On tneir return trip tne witn auncuuy inai mey managed 155-mile front from Sereth river to the Carpathians. Three thousand prisoners and . numerous guns and booty have been captured. Bitter fighting is reported from the Baltic to the Black Sea, and la resulting in great gains for Teuton armies. An unparalleled artillery battle ii raging day and night in the Flanderti sector, which may presage another big drive by infantry. U. S. SPEEDS UP WASHINGTON, D. C, July 24. Since the atiaiJnn bill became lair the construction of airplanes has been speeded up, and the training of aviators who will see service on Eu ropean battlefields has received ad ded Impetus. REICHSTAG MEMBERS GIVE RECEPTION TO KAISER (Associated Press by JJ ft. Ksrsi cauoa amcei BERNE. SwitzerlaniL JulyJ4j Bavarian newspapers give prominence to a reception -accorded .th6 kaiser by members of the Reichstag, where America's entry in the; world warwas allghtingly ; referredtn as an- ."InSa- GLANCElPil r-s message from TOffiliWACCHISi: Chief ExccutiveTakes Actiorf ta End Dispute Which is Seriously v Delaying Shipbuilding Procrturrdward Hurley of Chicago Requested to ' Succeed Dcnman and Chief Constructor o! Navy, Capps, to Accept Gcelhal's Place on Board ) . (AfsodiPx WACiniTQTOIT, D. O.,- Jtily 2L President Wilson today brought thVrow.iri the fedsral shipping board to e, head when he sed President W;.Dsnatn: to wdn, and also accepted the resignation of Qeneral Occthab and. Captain "White. t - ; The chief executive came to reauze , there was no other way , to settle-: the disputes betweea ? Denman ,- ;and Goeth&ls,. which was seriously, delay lng tha sbipbulldlax prcsraa mar7sJ out by fd?maji"rme.jjtt..k ter ; to Chairman . Desraaa he asi4 toi kzft&s: tL'ztzTzsiea .self-fo geUIajr-ccursa itit. .G&mVCoeU&l hs.Ukenivf VTho- president has named, Edward Hurley, Chicago business man and an ex-chairman of 3 the r federal board - of trade.' to; succeed Denman, and Chief Constructor of Nary Capps as succes sor to GoetHaJa; .Btiflbrldie Colby of New- -York, avprbminent -lawyer, replaces Capt-: White. !a-- jt Commenting on the action President Wilson had taken Mr. Denman said he 4 wanted to aid ' the" president In every- way, and did not question the wisdom of Ma decision.-';' President Wilson's action came as .a complete WASHINGTON. D. . July - 24. That was" demands ' are exceeding the plans of the treasury department Is shown in Secretary W G. McAdoo's new; estimates." The treasury head asks that an , additional five biUIoa dollars be provided for the seeds of the army and navy. "- ; Secretary McAdoo does not indicatf how the additional funds will be rais edV but V Is thought perhaps, that excess profits pf manufacturers, which amount.' to about five billion annually, and estate taxes ? will be made to bear the added burden. NEW YORK STOCK : MARKET TODAY Yestsr Today, day. Wo s 101 101H 1204 121 Vt 121 121 -78a 7S'a 100!4 100, 69H H Alaska Gold ........... American Smelter American Sugar Rfg. .. American. TeL e Tel. .. Anaconda Copper" .... Atchison Baldwin toco. (Baltimore A Ohio i Bethlehem 8teel . ..... 69VaW 9 ds 4a b12S2 B12SH Calif. Petroleum - U'i 1S Canadian : Pacific-...... 159H nty Cn M. V8t P. (8L Paul) 68 69 Colo. Fuel . Iron ....... 48' ' 4SVi Crucible 8taet .......... 79H 80 Erie Common .... 24 2A General Electric . . . . . . 154 , .153 General Motors, New '.. 11334 -114 Great Northern PfcL...;1C5 A 104 IntervHarv., N. J. ...... t.i.V. ,.... Kennecott Copper . .... 42H . 42 LehlghR.. R. :.s.i..7... 6214 2.;.. New York Central . 89 894 Pennsylvania ..'.i..'..V,i 53 63 Ray ConsoL t 25 25 Reading Common ... .".V 93V4 Southern Pacific ..4... 93 Studebaker .V:.. 84 Texaa Oil . . i 12) -U nlon Pacific . ' ; - U U. 8. Gtaet .v.t.. 122 Utah . . . . .. . . . "1 , J Western Ur.ltn t. . . : '-'- fe : 92 1S3 f i::'2 11 Si eaep I1 1 PEICE FIVE CENTS tths Acsociat- CAIlADMimi; -,. Ws - A I s es --eaeaalids sa - TAssot rVs f Tr.'" aTaval Comatui ... r-... eatlea lserlee v ' CANADUN. HEADQUARTERS f t IN' FCANDERS, July; 24. Cana 4 dlan aeroplanes today did signal 4 aervieer-in this-sector.-- Flying 4- high overhead scout planes aoc- 4 ceeded to wcating a big German -f "gun which was throwing-projec- 4. 4- tiles weighing three-quarters of a 4 4 ton, and dropping a shower of 4 4--bombs put the gun out of action, -t Canadian filers have established 4 4- eomnlete mastery in the air. rang- f ing tar -behind the enemy, lines 4- 4- and driving Teuton . aviators . to -t 4 shelter whenever met ' 4- : - " ': . ;i . . v. '.' ' 4 mm WASHINGTON, D. : C. July 24. Secretary : McAdoo's demand for aa additional five billion dollar appro priation for army, and i navy require is taken here bv offldals U mean that the plans of the war depart meat haye been made for an army o; a million men on the first draft S 01 foreign service.. : , A- ivv; The first draft army of a millios men will be composed of regulars an! national aruardsmen. was the r tntlma tlon given ou her today. vi ' It is reported : ttat uenerai u. w. Goethala, whose resignation from thi f Mlersl abindns board - waa aeeertx i br President-Wilaon today, has Offer ed his services for duty with the An ericas " expeditionary forces now is France.- '- ' r - 7 OIL i Smm BYiU.5. FOR NAVAL"rU, X WASHINGTON, D. 1 C 'July , 2 i -Secretary of. Navy Daniels today sued orders requisitioning seven tankers trading with Atlantic and 1 ciTlo ' porta for service , with tie n- . as ,011 carriers. ;:; "At -noon r today : the . Staniard C Co.s local office said It had reccl : no confirmation 'of the above L dated Press- despatch, aad c: quently could not :say ;wteti:r tankers of the Standard Ce-t ! been ccsmandeered by tie tzr. The EUndard Oil tai te:a c tr- dt the D. Q. ci:f:-:i 19 ti-:a over b7 tta r-.-ry r-rt. c::a 13 tha 1 - :mmxim r-