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lo) Pi i AIL powber Saves Eggs In recipes for cake, muffins, corn bread, etc., fewer eggs may be used and excellent results and healthful, appetizing food obtained by using an additional quantity of Royal Baking Powder, about a teaspoon, in place of each egg omitted. COFFEE CAKE 2 cop flour 4 teaspoons Royal Baking Powder 'a t a spoon aalt 2 tablespoons shortening 2 tablespoons sugar j nip mi'.k DIRECTIONS-Mi and sift dry ingredients. Add melted shortening and enough milk to make ery stt9 batter Spread '? tnrh thick in greased pan, add top mixture and bake about hour in moderate oven. The old method called for 2 eggs 2 tablespoon flour 1 tablespoon cinnamon TOP MIXTURE 4 tablespoons sugar 4 tablespoons shortening DIRECTIONS Mis dry ingredients : rub in the shortening, and upread thickly over top of" dough before baking. New book of recipes- which economize in egg? and other pensive ingredients mailed free. Address Royal Baking vder Co.. 135 William Street, New York, U. S. A. Fnyal Baking Powder is made from Cream of Tartar derived from grapes, and adds none but healthful dualities to the food. No Alum No Phosphate m m m ' m in 7 in IL3 tw Hi Surely there ii nothina in which to high a standard of parity is so necessary as in the household milk supply. Medical authorities hare for : years preached the fact that ordinary milk is too often a menace , ft is laden.with disease-bearing germs and responsible for much of the disease of to-da j. And yet a perfectly sterile and grm-free supply of the richest, purest (foil cream) milk is always aTailable for too direct from the ' country .whose, dairy prod ucebeca use it is the beat in quality brinp the highest prices in the world's markets. , , Tbe milused in Highlander Condensed Milk is drawn from cows " from the rich pastures of Southland, New Zealand. Infinite care, ' scrupulous tlsanLnesa, the most modern scientific methods care fully tested, cows from specially selected herds all these combine to-produce Highlander the Condensed Milk that sets new , standard of quality. Hart oo tried Highlander ? you owe it to yourself to do so. There's a Free copy of the Highlander Cookery Book awaiting yon nearly 200 beautifully illustrated pages of practical, economi cal tested recipes. Sena roar name and address to-day to , "Highlander," Dept. Dest -a- I" ., ,:, fni U WaMrts. Ltd, Aieit, Htaslvls. ti ns in I I t : v . i eds" "Skuffers" r - . t wTT2)l j JL All children's romping shoes. .Prices according to sizes, $1.50 $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 CANVAS TAN CALF BLACK CALF Rubber. Neolin, Buckskin or Oak Leather Soles Bee them at Mclnerny Shoe Store Fort Street. STAR-BULLETIN 75 CENTS PER MONTH i I .: . k - - -J - , . ' . IuhUI IU XM ABOUT $ 1 00,000 I! i m MONTHS Has This Amount on Hand for Next Six Months; Each Dis trict to Do Its Share (Special Star Bulletin CurrpoBdence ) W'AILIKU, Maui. July 21 From now on earn district in the county i? to start thr semiannual period know ing exactly l ow much money It is to have for permanent improvements This iolicy was decided upon by the lioard of supervisors, which finishe-l itj work on the impropriation bill oi Tuesday. According to the estimates the conn ty will have about $7H.0i"m) for pef manent imirovements during the six months period ending December oi, HM7. The amount has been divided amonz the districts ana tlie district overseers are to be notified that thev will bp held within the limit set. According to outline, the money will be spent us lollows: Makawao I'aia-.Makaw ao road i fJ months, 5 1 7 t cr month) $l".30i. :, bridges in Kn'.a S.Oi.i.) 'ai-alani rwlocnMofi l.oOit Sanltariur.i improvements ... 7,0w Total 523,r.W Wailuku W'ailuku-I.ahaina road $7,50 Wailukii-lhaina road bridges 6.001 Vineyard street extension ... '.-VO Malulani hosnital (new wards) 6,000 Total ' $21,000 Lahaina Macadam. Tapalaau, $750 per month $4,jr,5 Macadam. Mala, J1000 per mo. .00': Fire apparatus 1.000 Kahana pipe line 2,000 Total $13,500 Hana Mahailua approahes $1,000 Dressing and ailing Puuiki road 3,000 Waikuaiki trail (new) 2,000 Total $6,000 Molokai Approach td Pukoo wharf $1,000 General Oil spreader $1,000 Crushing plant 1,753 Gas engine t(,0 Oil heater, larga 1.000 Oil heater, small 60 ' Truck. Makawao waterworks 50i Meters I.'0" mm OF HERD INTO QUARANTINE Schuman Carriage Co., in In junction Suit, Puts Question of Removal of Farm Cattle Up to the Local Courts On file in circuit court today, and scheduled for hearing this afternoon is a sait for injunction in which the Schuman Carriage Co. seeks to re strain the territorial board of api culture and forestry from moving the Farm dairy herd from Moiliill. where anthrax first appeared in the heivi, to the territorial quarantine station at Ala Moana. Circuit Judge Ashford signed the temporary injunction shortly before 4 o'clock yesterday after it had been presented by the law firm of An drews and Pittman. counsel for the carriage compary. Decision to move the Farm dairy herd to Ala Moana was reached by Dr. Victor A. Norgaard, territorial veterinarian, nearly a month ago and after 35 animals had dird of anthrax. The principal complaint of the Schu man Carriage Co. is that it now has a number of mules w hich have bee impounded at Ala Moana for the sta tutory quarantine detention period, the cSStention of the company being that the mules might be laid open to infection with anthrax if the Farm cattle were moved to the vicinity. Another question raised by the com plaint Is the advisability of moving from ground which has been legally declared infected with anthrax a largo number of animals to a location where privately owned animals, imported from out the territory, are forced to spend the usual quarantine period. FORTY CASES ON POLICE CALENDAR HO FOODS AY NOW BE SAVED Total $6,950 The road items in the above allow ances are for new construction. A to tal of $22,000 will be spent for main tenance work, from the general fund as follows: Makawao, $9000; Wailuku, $4500; Lahaina, $2500; Hana, $3500; Molokai, $3000. There is also a balance in the road tax fund of $20,333.96, to which. $6000 in taxes will probably be added, mak ing a total of $26,333.96. Exclusive of appropriations for per manent Improvements, roads and schools, the estimated expenditures of the county for the present six months are $101,652. The school fund amounts to $14,281.03. LANE'S LETTERS ON FICTITIOUS YARNS GIVEN ATTENTION . . . i That ex-Mayor John C. Lane's let ters to other mayors throughout the rountrv advising them that the dan gers popularly associated with a trip to the islands were generally fictitl ous, are getting attention, is shown by a letter and a clipping which the Promotion committee, through fc. A Berhdt, received this morning from Mavor Harrv 1 Davis of Cleveland The following is the clipping from a Cleveland paper and the accompany ing letter: Germany's U-boats have not si lenced a single ukulele in Haweii They have not raised by one penny the cost of ticking hot rolls off the bread fruit tree. Honolulu's mayor, John C. Lane, said so in a .letter to Mayor Davis received yesterday. "Dissipate the unfounded fears of any of your people who might visit our islands save for terror of the suo marines," Ine wrote. ' They are not submarines just whales, which dis nort themselves off our coast." "Lane enthusiastically described the delights of lire m tne soutn.seas as beinz wholly unchanged by the war. Travel on the Pacific ocean Is quite safe, he said. Davis is spread ing the news through this story." City of Cleveland. "Office cf the Mayor. "July 3. 1917. 'Hon. Jchn C. Lane. Vaycr City and County of Honolulu, Honolulu. T. H. "My Dear Sir: "In compliance with your request of Mar L'Sth recently received we ac quainted the newspapers of Cleveland with the contents of your letter. I an herewith enclosing the news paper account. "Cordially yours, "HARRY L. DAVIS, 'Mayor." QUARTET OF ISLANDERS TO FIGHT FOR ALLIES To join the already long list of men from the territory who have gone to fight the Germans, Adam Scott, team luna, and James CostorpMne, book keeper, both of the Paauilo plantation, will leave on the next steamer for Canada and enlist. Two others who have already left are Arthur D. Gor don and George P. Johnson, who went last week on the Niagara. Alter UI& two Cr for Uftlm s I f niIeC Mrlne Is for Tired y. Rad S IIUWIB9 (tore Br-raal4d bmmi If lids. Beats Refreshes S Restores. Manns is a Favorite Treatment for aires that feel dry and ssoart. Gle roar E Bfes as mmch of roar lorlng care at, fOBX Teeth aad with the aaane regularity. s I CARE FN TttJL YM CilMT MY IEW ETCH e Bold at Drag and Optical Mores or hy HalL I fak Berka En aeaatr Ca, CWctn. fcr frm task S iiMiiaaruM iawttmMiniMtiNMiWMtMiNtMMMiaiMii The Honolulu detective bureau and the police were more than usually busy Saturday night and Sunday, and a calendar of 40 cases was called for disposition in the district court yes terday morning. The calendar did not include a number of cases which are still under investigation bv the detectives. Paul Kane is booked for investiga tion cn a charge of having indorsed a check for $2.50 with the name ot hfs employer, Joseph A. Victor. Kamata was apprehended leaving the Hertsche-Ables garage with seven auto tires in his possession, say the police. John Fluker. a soldier, is charged with having gone into an Oriental jewelry store near the railroad sta tion and sfolen a $35 gold watch. Three Filipinos are held on suspi cion of haying robbed the;Sakal store at Walahole early on the morning of Jnly 19. AUSTRALIAN CASUALTIES TOTAL 60,793 SINCE WAR By Associated Press MELBOURNE, Australia, July 10. The Australian casualties from '.he beginning of the war up to May 21, 1917, were 60,793, according to a state mentment issued by the defense de partment. They were divided as fol lows: Dead. 24.106; wounded, 31.5S5; missing, 5,102. It was explained that the men listed as wounded did not include those who had gone back to the trenches. Mrs. A. L. Andrews Designated ! By Woman's Committee to ; Be in Charge of This Work ; I Taking the initial step toward i v .... .. :.. ' 1 prancninK o'.i ana uimulus up no j work among the several members, the woman's committee of the terrl ! torial food commission, at a mce'ing yesterday afternoon, assigned Mrs. A. L. Andrews to take charge of the .etual demonstration of food saving and food conservation. The other members of the committee will have s.ecial work assigned to thm within the next few days. According to Mrs. A. C. Alexander. ch?i-man, the committee is planning a seiies of practical demonstrations o' l ew food may be best conserved, how local products may be utilized for food purposes, and how odds and ends jf lood may be used ii creat ing attractive and appetiiing dishes for the table. The Y. W. C. A. may be secured for this purpose and the committee intends to get in touch with all of the women of tho city and urge them to attend the demon strations. The question cf substituting gra ham for white bread when practicable was discussed at some length at the meeting yesterday, lu this connection Mrs. Alexander says: "It is only a matter of taste and many people really prefer gra'aim to the white. But if those who do not care for the former would only try it, say one meal a day, they would perform a patriotic service, and what is more, they would be likely to find in time that they like it as well as the other. "Thb part of the wheat grain that is discarded and turned into stock feed, when white flour is manufac tured, actually is a valuable food, probably as necessary to the human system as that amount of white flour which man eats in its stead." TRIANGLE-INCE CO. PRESENTS Frank Keenan and Mary Boland Star of -THE COWARD" and "WAR S WOMEN . 7 "steppTncTstones" A strong dramatic production which la aura to maka a lasting imartfr Ion on your mind. OONT FAIL TO SEE THIS. Fay Tincher in "LOVE'S GETAWAY" KEYSTONE KOMEDY. You will ramambar Fay Tlnchar a tha fttrl who starred with Da Wolf Hopper in "Don Qulxota" and "SunaMM Dad." Two reela of funny mlxups on a railroad train. Patha Colorfilm (Natural Colors). PHcaa: 10, 20 S9 Canta Coming Wednesday June Caprice in tha "MISCHIEF MAKER.- lOlIllH I ml m ' - - ' " Jl At 7:40 o'clock I ' At 7:40 a'alaak THEODORE ROBERTS AND MAUDE FEALYin V 'The American ConcinD3 A story of Patriotism, Loyalty and Love Second Big Chaptar a)f "THE GREAT SECRET" Get the Serial Habit. This Will Hold Your Interest to tha Last ChaptSf PRICES: 10, 20, 30 Centa. PHONE 506a BOXES: 50 Cents MOE-COLLINS NUPTIALS. Miss Agnes H. Collins, who for the past two years has been superin tendent of nurses at Queen's hos pital, and Sgt. William Moe, United States Signal Corps, were married Saturday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Warriner, who were the witnesses. The ceremony was per formed by Minister David C. Peters, pastor of the Christian church. Sgt. and Mrs. Moe will reside at Royal Grove, Waikiki. Sgt. Moe, who is attached to the local United States army signal corps, recently qualified for a commission in the army, and his name has been forwarded to Washington with the recommendation that be be made an officer. KAUAI GIRL WILL WED Mrs. William Hastie of Eleela Kauai, announces' the engagement of ber daughter Marion , to Mr. Elmer Jay Galusha of HnjJiriuv The General and Universal Film SERVICES. Dei' Matinees (except Saturdays and Holidays) from 1:00 to 4:00 o'clock. Saturday and Holiday Matinees from 10:00 a. m. to 4:00 o'clock. rvenings (two showB) 6:30 and 8:46 o'clock. PICTURES CHANGED DAILY. Prices: 10, 15 Centa. j... At 7:40 o'clock 'ZAJMxsjuxmxi At 7:40 o'ef r:J Special Vaudeville Program FEATURING MISS MARGARET CLARENCE In Popular SQnga and -Dancee FLORENCE MAYO The Graceful Performer. In tha Trambleleen Pad WILLIE CLARENCE Tha Funny Fftjbe THE FLYING MAYOS i Tha Daring Atrial Artists (Engagement extended dua to numerous requests). Also: Tha Trt angle Fine Arts Playera present LILLIAN GISH The Fascinating and Popular Film Star In cm n rnn uARDrinr " www a w w w nm I Keystone Comedy, featuring Mack Swiln In "VAMPIRE AMBROSE" . one conttnuoua laugh , V : Prices: 10, 20 and 30 Cents. Reserved Seala, 50 Canta. Phon.S337.' ; . . '-. : -V V 5 . far Reservations. Beautiful Assortment of Oriental Goods THE GHERRY 1137 Port St. HERE ARE T7 T7TT II Every Merchant In The Territory Should Examine Them Carefully The sworn statement of the Star-Bulletin, made before a Notary Public, April 4th, 1917, shows that our average daily paid circulation for the preceding six months was 6027 The sworn statement of the morning paper, made before a Notary Public April 9, 1917, shows that its average daily paid circulation for the preceding six months was 530 1 Uur raid Circulation tor SatunJav. .Ittlv 27. 1917 utas-LP'Q 1 ; ----