Newspaper Page Text
HONOLULU STAB-BULLETIN, MONDAY, AUGUST 20, 191 FOUK : ' Business And Financial News Mini TONNAGE LACK HAY PRODUCE SUGAR SCARCITY Outlook of Market for Balance of Year is Attended By Uncertainties 'The outlook of the sugar market for the remainder of the year ia at- tended tth unusual uncertainties FAVOR BILL FOR LEASING PUBLIC OIL PROPERTIES NEW VAR BILL Vl TWO OIL LL BRING IN ONS SUSPENSION OF Fl NEARLY 5200,000 HES TRADING BUR ART Honolulu popie who have followed surtaxes Made to Fall Upon the oil eltuation In California will j Tla(1(I u,u;n1 tlKflfYlAn. find the following deapatch from J TnOSC Having $ID,UUU HH Waebington under date of August 2! niially and MOTe of intereat: "Senator Walsh'a bill to open upi WASHINGTON. D. C. Aug. 3 for private uae vaat government-, Th a tax bin under revision coal gas, oil. phosphate and otner , M ,4 wa8 ut into fjnai form ana sesrs nave witnarawn and that minomi landn thmuzhout the west, .j.. , " connto hv the there I a small auantitv of stiear - . . - luuav lui i r mi l iv j . - w it Indicated by the divergence UI deluding naval reserve lands No. 2,finace committee. It provides for ' which aa paid full duty for which Trading was light in both listed and unlisted securities today. Pioneer and McBryde sugar seemed inclined to rally a trifle, the former going up 2". cents and the later 124 cents, but tnere was not much demand. Mineral Products crept up to 10 cents Btng- nam remained stationary at 49-50. wnile Madera dropped down to 41. wiicv- "s uiat waiian Agricultural company 340.0W; tureshaj checked the upward trend ,10,0W); Pahang Rubber J3000; and m uic viuuun auu in laeixanjon Olak $3000. market, f mi uuaeiueu piaie. 1 ne re ports 9 that practically all buyers TBUflTS INSTJEANOB BATE DEP03ITS STOCKS and BONDS ESAL ESTATE LOANS Efcljo! Jflraat GJa, ffiflL Bethel Street Phone SMS Honolulu Stock Exchange Monday, Aug. 20. ' . ,,.i,u. Th --. iiinance comniniee. t i"um ; c , - " -" i - inlon amonp trade autaoriuea. me ,Q California, was ordered favorably ! imat , 2 00.000,000 in taxes 7. ceiU ia being asked. Some Porto MERCANTILE reported yesterday by the senate j to meet war expensea, but nwkes 1 Rico star is available at 7.40 centa. ttrratth mhirh the market has ae- - o . - x T ir-f reloped within the past rortnigm committee. As amended the measure nQ provslon for turther bond author-1 Theiendency toward lower pricea Alexander A 'Baldwin ... a very pracUcal dmonf,tra"n pennita the leasing or sale of gov- izatjons for sfar and the unsealed market C. Brwer A Co tlie Donei in me imue ernment coal lanas. except in Aias- ,.aa lnrpnH(4(1 st22.000.000 ! condilbns are assumerf hv ini ...r.r I 8UQAR Id Aaked auppliea are likely to prove inade quate to meet the requirements of the American people oeiween ka. or the leasing of oil lands, by the eecretary of the Interior. "That part of the Mil permitting and January first except at a level '!private interests to work naval re price higher than hae prevailed dur- gerve Vo , ln Caiif0rnja i,a9 been fng the earlier half of the year," says vigy opPosed by the navy de Faeti About Sugar. j partment, which contended that the "The crux of the situation ia to 'companies seeking entrance to the the word 'available. Present condi j reserve lacked proper title to the tiona, particularly ln the ahlpping , iind. The reserve originally was world, are so abnormal that It Is dif- withdrawn from private use, despite flcult to determine the avallabiliU I protests of concerns who maintained djstributed approximately among the over the total as it passed the bouse. J men mean that the New York buy- Ewa Plantation Co About $327,000,000 waa added during ers a sellers are uninformed and un- 'K"J ouQ Co. the last week becauae of the latest detefllned as to how. far th Mm. Hawaiian Aor. Co war estimates. The final redraft will menlntenda to go toward controlling I Hawn' Com 9ar Co be presented to tne senaie as a ui-1 the rice of the product durlna tha ""n ougar partisan measure Monday, benaiors wari La Fotieue, uore ana laumw nu agency man says ."The nrice of sugf was getting too high. It waa daipously high, becauae it was at traJng too much attention. I do not belve anyone knows what the gov 450 33 44' 2 a separate report, advocating nigner Ux levies. The new increase of $327,000,000 over the committee's original draft is 194 of certain aucara that orainaniy tnat their leasing rights couia not be could be counted upon for this mar- summarily abrogated. ket For instance, it anown uiai there ia a balance of auar for ex port In the Philippines variously es timated from 75.000 to 100,000 or dinary tons. Whether It will be poa alble to provide transportation to the United Statea for any part of thia a agar, and if ao tcr what part of it, remains a . matter of extreme uncer- talnty. Under ordinary circumstances, '- with the present aUtlatical position, Javan sugar Would be : moving In tjuantifj both ttf the United StaUs and to Eoropeii With the present : scarcity of ocean tonnage, however, and "with the rapid extension of gov - eramental control over cargo capa city, the possibility of finding trans v po nation facinUet; for, any .consider able part of thi crop seemt to de pend upon the, early adoption of a concerted planAof , tonnage .allotment .' - by the governments of Great Britain, the United SUtes and Xapan. "Another factor of uncertainty 'is - the Question of lexports. : Tp what ex- tent the British - commission " will . seek further i cbmmltmenta ln the Cuban raw market or the'lfew York '-, ' refined market no definite .informa- ' . tion is forthcoming." Should this ex i ? port . demand . equal that which has prevailed dnrlngrfthte earlier, half of 'J ? the year It U difflculf ft see where Vthf" American market icavobtata' its ; ; nomal.:pportioxijaenti:oi 'ranppliei J . irtthout recourse to farftstern'Bugar, ' ' yM 'The 'one certain eource' of 'sopply ion . which thi ; market ; can v rely be V - ,'tween now and the end ot the year la 'domestic production,; which tortun ately promises td .be greiter than In any prevlout" yeari rroa, thle source .there ahonld be available from eoo,- : 000 to 100.000 tons lncludlhg the bal- :S ance of the; Hawaiian and -.Porto Rl : " '"'can crops, the-ew crop heet1 sugar , : which will shortly, begin to. e avall: : -. able and that portion of ' ihe Loul- ' - slanaOTOductlon-which, can be made 3 ready for jrket- before the end ot .the year., borne portion, possibly the ? v greater portion, tne-:imsoi0 Cuban production, : amounting to. perhaps ; 1 400,000 tons, we- certainly shall ob- i tarn, v Beyond, thia ,itk la r difficult to '., determine ) .what quantities , or from . . what, sources it-,, will be ; possible U ; r draw. One fact Is Obvious, c Without their Increasing' home-grown supply v American consumers would be In as ' r i-dire straits for sugar .during the ;re A : malnder of the-year aa are those of ' : ;;any part d Europe.. . - 5 1 r; "A bill introduced by 8enator Phe- lan, providing that persona operating wells in reserve No. 2 at the time it was withdrawn shall be entitled to leaae the land from the govern ment by paying one-eighth royalty was added to the Walsh amendment. Another bill by Senator Plttman. to permit the operation or leasing of lands containing potash deposit, al so was incorporated. As to olL gas, phosphate and so dium lands, the bill provides that a permit will isaue to a prospector, and if he makea a discovery be gets patent to one-quarter of the land contained in his permit and he or anyone else may leaae the balance upon competitive bidding or as to phosphate or sodium lands may buy the same. All entries heretofore made in good faith are protected To prevent monopoly the maxi mum is 2650 acres, with punishment for directly or indirectly acquiring or leasing more." CONSUMPTION OF SUGAR INCREASES ."In the discussion of the sugar sit uation' that' appears from time to time In the dally press the assump tion Is rcry generally made that the consumption' of sugar ln the United States has fallen off to a consider able extent during the present war," says Facts About Sugar. ''Apparently the only basis for this Is that prices have ruled somewhat higher thia year than - last. Higher prices ordinarily operate to curtail consumption. It is taken for granted, therefore, that consumption must be less. "Au examination ot the facts ln the oaf shows, as those conversant with conditions In the sugar trade are already aware, that the exact contrary is the case. Instead of de clining the average consumption of following additional levies On coporate incomes, $162,000,000; additional surtaxes on individaul in comes of $15,000 and over, $2700, 000; distilled spirits $95,000,000; beer, $12,003,000; wines, $17,000,000; war excess proms, ao.ouu.wu; uan checks, $2,000,000; floor or stock taxes on sugar, coffee, tea and co coa, $6,000,000. Additional taxes on incomes of cor porations apply also to partnerships, Joint stock companies and associa tions, including life insurance com panies. Their normal income tax is increased to 6 per cent, 4 per cent more than the present law and 2 per Honokaa Sugar Co nonomu Sugar Co Hutchinson Sugar Plant.. Kahuku Plantation Co. . . Kekaha Sugar Co. ...... Koloa Sugar Co. ersent may do toward regulating Oahu Sugar Co. 29 svt pricca during the war." ol " . ' " ' " tnilar advices to those sent to the Onom.. V"V piJ were contained in tin weekly pOUhau Sugar Plant Co. cafc market report received by Alex- Pacific Suoar Mill ar & Baldwin from their New Pal Plantation Co. Yk office. This cable read as fol- Peoeekeo Suoar Co. l: I Pioneer Mill Co. arket unsettled and all buyera San Carlos Mlllina Co sellers practically withdrawn Walalua Aor. Co 26', king developments. Small quantity Walluku Sugar Co. auty asking 7.51. Porto Rlcos I MISCELLANEOUS Endau Dev. Ce, Ltd t is pointed out that this ia nr.t 1st It, As.' 7 ne Pd.. rly so "strong." or as ontimiMr a I 2nd Is. As. fuily paid. it as has been sent out at otw I "Mi Fruit 41 Pack, Pd.. es during the past few weeks when H,ku..FJTult Pack- Com 33' 7'a S7-a fYouWant Life, Rre, Marine Automobile, Tourists' Baggage or Accident Insurance. OALL UPON CASTLE & COOKE, Limited General Inonrance Agento Fort &nd Merchant Streets mini 18 364 26H HAWAIIAN TRUST CO., Ltd. Stocks f-nd Bonds Real Estate Insurance Safe Deposit Vaults Authorised by law to act as Trustees, Execu tors, Administrators and Guardians 19 cent abovo the original house andgr was climbing up from $6.20 on committee program. Increased surtaxes fall entirely o Individuals having incomes of $15, 000 or above. They range from 1 pe cent on $15,000 incomes to a max mum of 33 per cent on incomes ln e cess of $500,000. An additional $1 per gallon tax Imposed on distilied spirits wlthdra from bond, except those used fora dustriai purposes, increasing tue on distilled beverages to $3.20 gallon as compared with the pres rate of $10. The committee's hibitory tax on grain, molasses other ingredients ot whisky to further manufacture also is retal; , . Beer would be taxed $3 per b double the present rater Wines bear virtually treble their p taxes. The house levy was onJ 000,000 on wines. The $5,000,000 increase on w rMR nrofita waa added bv Pr rhanpfta In th soiled nl a . of fch taxes' providing for' a total ly 6 to the high mark of $7.52. 10 PLANS YET i e- 17 ofSi?er Plans for the disposition of the I Farm dairy herd will nrobablv not b,Jcomnleted nnttt the re,tun of Dr. Victor A Norgaard, territorial veter inarian, from? the mainland, the board or agriculture and forestry has an nounced. Hawaii Con. Ry. 7 pe. A Hawaii Con. Ry. 6 pc B Hawaii Con. Ry. Com. Hawaiian Electrfo Co. . Hawaiian Pineapple Co. Hon. Brew. Malt. Co Honolulu Gas Co- Ltd Hon. R.T.4L Co 145 Inter-Island 8. N. Co 190 Mutual Telephone Co 19 Oahu Railway 4L Land Co 15 Pahang Rubber Co 20 Selama-Dindlngs, Pd Selama-Dindlngs, (70 pc.) Tanjong Olok Rubber Co 40 BONDS Beach Walk Imp. Olst.. Hamakua Ditch Co, 6s.. Hawaii Con. Ry. 5 pc 90 Hawaiian irr. Co 6a Haw. Ter, 4 pc Rtf una . . Haw. Terr! 4 pc Pub Imp .... Haw. Terr. Pub. Imp. 4 pc ... . rtiwn. TerrL, Vt pc Honokaa Sugar Co. 17a ..... .. ..... V.. '' sugar,; during the first half of the current year has shown an appre ciably increase as compared with the corresptdlng" six months of 1916. The staUttics published from week to week showing 'the movement of sugar reveal the fact that while total receipts at all ports to July 1st have beeu somewhat smaller than during th? earlier halt of last year the dif ference is very largely offset by the decline in exports. Added to this ;s the couMderstlon that the large crop of. best sugar and Louisiana cane have !?( tec even more completely into consumption than waa the case a year. ago. The remnant ot these two crops unmarketed at the begin ning ot July was negligible. "The total consumption of sugar from the various sources indicated. deducting - exports and stocks on hand, amounted for the first half year of 191? roundly to 2,650,000 or dinary tons, or very nearly 250,000 tons more then for the first six months of 1916. This is an increase of approximately 10 per cent, or an average of above tour and one-half pounds for each person in the entire population of the country. Instead of a faHlng off in the use of sugar, therefore, there has been a somewhat unusual increase thus fsr in the pres ent year. "It is not difficult to understand why this has been the case. The rule that a higher price means les sened consumption is by no means (Signed) BYRON It NEWTON. ,T than comnToditiek n lnd of ,tr Assistant Secretary. I prosperity. When business is ood Uvtv'd C J0-ii i5"l7 10 21 24 27 29 and workers are fully employed at 31 Sept UfaPll ...& -v I high wages the use of sugar in creases, . ana iaim conaiuon unques tionably has prevailed in the United States during recent months. The advance in the cost of sugar, more over, has been so much less than that of most other food commodities V -TREASURY DEPARTMENT ; ' i ';''1;' ' f - - ' - s ! ? 'i. t . mmfmmm ., . -; .'..' ... ' l ' ' ' ' ; ' " 5f:Wsibinsto-i' D. C July 12, HIT. .' Th Act ' off Congress approved March V 1916.' authorizes the Secre ; 'h tary of the Treasury to reimburse the ' ' contributors to the opening and dedi cation of Bishop rtreet adjoining the former-rederaV building site bounded ' by '-.s Merchant, ' : Kng and Bishop streets, Honolulu, Hawaii. Notice is .. ..? hereby given that the collector ot ens f toms has been designated as the fiscal " V agent to riuburse them (said con ; 'r tribuurs); rukag receipt : ln each - . case, the . reluihnrsement to be the v amount crUributed without interest: i t' ::: and the receipt obtained by the fiscal : acent shall be considered a& evidence 't ot the ' reimbursement,'. and the per- sons so reimbursed shall , have no rA ! further claim. VNo one. of the original contributors1- shall be entitled to re- 'imbarsement? tmless the claim is filed :th the agent within bne year -cfter the last ' time the matter, referred to ; la advertised.- trpr furthes? informa -, ; ten spply to the Collector . of Cus- : ti ma. Honolulu,'. Hawaii i , Tha herd ia Still POnfincx) tn tha rt at the beach, about a mile from th Honolulu Gas Co, Ltd, 5s . . : Quarantine station, which wa nnw. Kauai Ry. Co, 6s 102 chased hv the hoard when u w on. I Wanoa Imp. Diet.. of l.2S.Of)0 000. Th S2.000.00au 'Joined bv thi Srhnman narrtaM r rnceryae sugar U0, 5a Hnnal from Tnaulr check a wonldtxe from nntHrur the rattl. in th mr. I ""uiuai leiepnone. OS $10,000,000 in all from that fee-! antlne sUUon. The suit has been dis- 0ahu Railway A Land Co. 105 Th committee orialnallv nlat' to continued as the mulea owned hv th nu Sugar Co, 6 pe.,.. 110 . : . r - - ik... . . 1 m. a tax nnlv fhnrRa or la or ml"" dedded todav in pxtend the pent rate to all checks. The new floor or stock P on sugar, tea, coffee and coco, the same rates proposed in the con sumption taxes, are levied on wholesalers .- and retailer fv"i lirm accumnlated anrjolles.i An important eleventh hdns waa to apply the new onejbank check tax to checks of aPounts, raising about $10,000,000 The bill previously taxed onlyf18 'or more than $5. The committee also wrd a new provision exempting from postage letters written by Amerjwldiers and sailors In foreign lapnd pro vided that the proposedt? tax of 1 cent each on 25 ceuaid for trans no rta tine narcel rfPackages shall not apply to pack sighing less than four . ounces Em your mrplus capital in your own and your fam ily's welfare. Start a Sav ings Account 4 Interest Paid on Savings Deposits. Bgnlf lor Hawaii, r 'Fort iand Iflerchant Alexander & Daltlivin Llmltsa company have been removed from Wl" 8uoa co, e pc... 98 quarantine. Pacific Guano & For. Co What the board will finallv drt with Pacific Sugar Mill Co, 6s .... the csttle is still a matter of conlec- 8an Carlos Milling Co... 101 lure, an Mr Trnrm in y, win I Uh hem h ct h' " 'hu: B": Sales: 50 Olaa, should be killed for the protection ot 2?" I "1?"m": JTJS the public. nwnn ougar, fuai Q M Session Sales: 5 Haw. Con. Ry. A, 0.50. Dividends, Aug. 20 A. & B., $1; H. A. Co, .40; Onomea, .40: Hawn. Electric 1; Pahang, .10; Tanjong oiok, .zu. CinOETSS520 ', v SEALEO TErjDERS j. 5f Sealed tenders ' will be received up .to II m, on tne otn cay oi septem 3'; that it ha. enjoyed a distinct advent- stuffs.' Room 8, MctntjTe'BuCdlng for fur : 'i iilshlng 20 Fire Hydrants1 . 4J srJdflcaUona"and form of proposal - 4' may be had, upon application and a X r:i deposit ot Twenty-flv Dollars ($25.00) ; j at the City and County (Jlerka office. 7 1? t - Any Infoimationkmay be obtained at "ithe office ot the" Honolulu Water ,;;Works. ir-' V ' v v-r. The Board ;of Boperviaors reserves 1 ;4l Uhe right to tJt any or all tenders w'amd to waive. all defects. ( u 4 f ! V .-..Dl: KALAUOKALANL Vv jVa'erk. City and County of Honolulu. i;r j 'cfit-rAcg.-ic Ms:ii6,, 20. 21; .--;a. T v, 22.' is, zi NORMAL WEATH CONDITIONlrW ON GfN ISLE Nearlv normal wei conaltiona of hot and dry are ) being ex perienced by the plf on Maui, according to reports11 to Hon olulu. Light showerf'r nw and then, but not of sdP1 intensity to do a great deald. Grinding was finfat JIcBryde on Auaust 8. and rjtput is very close to 17.300 tonch a ban ner cron for th rOn and 1S00 tona above the es During the lattft July a field of 36 acres M0 as har veated. The yieldF follows: Tona cane per a7 67.37 Tona sugar per m 9-85 Quality ratio M3 Sucrose in cane 15 06 Fiber in cane - 2-Q Kekaha finialfind,n on the ninth with an of 19.179,125 tons. This isfmDer crP for Kekaha. Beaidf bi "OP a field of considerable 8 allowed to go over to ne REFINED Si WILL NOT RE? 9 CENTS, $IEF LOCALLY CONTRACT FOR FISH CANNERY IS AWARDED The contract for the construction of the fish cannery at the corner of First and Cooke streets has been let to George Yamada, who will begin work on the building in a few days. The structure is to be 150 feet long by 50 feet wide, with concrete floors and one story in height The pack ing equipment is here and it includes four retorts, boilers and other ma chinery. "V The cannery la being started by W P. English. , local representative of the Cauiomla-HawaUan Packing Co, I'HiGUERS FORFEIT BONDS Latest sugar quotation: 96 deg. test 7.40 cents or 148 per ton. UNLISTED SECURITIES. OIL Honolulu, Aug. 20. Ltd. Fort Street, nesr Queen Transacts a General Banking Bualneaa. Invites your account and guar antees safe and efficient service. Exchange, Letters of Credit and Travelers' Checks issued on principal points. Cable Transfers . TST5 Sugar Factors Commission Merchaatj nd Insurance Agents Agents for Hawaiian Commercial Bvgu Company. '-( .,:. : . . Haiku Sugar CmpM'X Maui Agricultural Company 'l Hawaiian Sugar Cttapany, vv ; Kahuluf Railroad Ccmpany 7; McBryde -Sugar Company. Kahullu Railroad Compaaylv:'' ; Kauai Fruit Js Land Co, LM. - iioaoiua ttanca. - . i . ; . : vwa (LIMITED) 4- . - n - SUGAR FACTORS COMMISSION MERCHANTS 6Hlf PINO s AND INSURANCE AGENT r: X Honolulu Con. Oil... MINING iCal. Hawn. Dev. Co. Bid 4.55 Asked 4.60 Fifty-two gamblers arrester in a re cent raid by Detective Captain Ar- thus McDuffle, forfeited their bail in police court thia morninsr when they failed to appear for hearing, thua E"9'S Copper Mining 6.75 6.872 enriching the city and county coffers Mineral Products Co. .09 .10 by $520. Mountain King Mining .21 .25 Rv a WAlLnlannari ioham. I TlDD. Gold Min. A Mill. .03 McDuffle arrested the eamblera laat MonUna Bingham Co. .49 .50 Saturday night for nlaylne naikau and Madera Mining Co. . . .41 .42 seven-eleven. Most of them were Ori- ales: 600 M. Products, 10; 425 M. entals. Products, .09; 7200 Bingham, .49; 13.. John Boraes. habitual drunkard, was 300 Bingham, .50; 6500 Madera. .42: sent to the reef for three months to 250 Hon- 0,, 455J 75 M- Products, .09; sober up. Henjry Kapaoa, who sold 2000 Madera, .42; 175 Engela, 6.75; 100 wine and been at Kakaako without a Binflham, g. E. C. PEJERS 210 McCandless Bldg. Honolulu, T. H. Stocks, Bonds, 8ecurltiea, Leans Negotiated, Trust Estates Managed Keep your SAVINGS in a safe place. We pay s m Interest BI8HOP COMPANY. license, was fined $250. F. A. GilL a aallor, who asaaulled W. E. Hughes, vicilian, on King street, near Lewers & Cooke, had his caae dismissed for lack of evidence. KAUAI IS ENTHUSIASTIC OVER CIVIC CONVENTION Sugar Raymond C. Brown, secretary of the chamber of commerce and chairman of the civic convention committee, re turned Saturday from Kauai where he has been for the past week on a tour of publicity for the convention. Henry Waterhouse Trust Co, Ltd. Members Honolulu Stock snd Bond ' Exchange Fort and Merchant Streeta Telephone 12CS 7iA i r. M, BunNaTTE 4UCIS 79 M,rchant 8L phon iw nuiAHT PUBLIC Commissioner of Deeds California and New York Draws: Wills, Deeds, Mortgages and all Legal Documents was elected president of the Kauai chamber of commerce at a meeting last Thursday. Crawford succeeds F. Patterson. Other officers wer. re- He aays that the Kauai people seem elected, as follows: T. Brandt, vice- to oe very enthusiastic over tne con- nresident: L. D. Timmons. secretary: Insurance B. F. DILLINGHAM CO, LTD. PHONE 4915 Fire, Life, Aocldent. Compensation 8URETY BONDS FORT ST HONOLULU, TV W List of Officers and Directors: E. r. BISHOP President G. H. ROBERTSON Vice-President and Manager R. IVERS Vice-President and Secretary AT VlePrMldent ft, A. r. ROSS Treaaura GEO. R. CARTER DlrLJZ. . n. wwurvb J. R. Q ALT R. A. COOKE O. Q. MAY Director Director Dlreetof Auditor J. F; MORGAN C0.f LTD. STOCK BROKERS Information Furnished and Leans Made Merchant Street Star 8uildlne '. Phone 1572 THE YCOHAMA SPECIE BANK. LIMITED - Capita subscriDed...yen 43.000.0M Capital paid up yen 30.000.0M Reserve funds yen 2U00.009 S. AWOKI, Local Manager J a..j Local sugfi ao ni oeeve sugar will gfme cenia ior.tne propneaiea oy an lett refinery, if released from rmit the trans por- from Java and the refined pro official of sufficient other trad tatlon of t: Philippine Willard are 600,00' report that there sugar in Java and 76 000 tonf6 Philippines await ing shipn? market The re duction ofdav the dy be fore in tf5 aaked for refined may be aiaUon tht Great Brit ain haaled bottoms for the ahipptagF,17 Droduct from S-r tA,fo thtt ere are rrrPctthe movement of the vention and a large delegation from the Garden island is anticipated. Mr. Brown reports that Joseph H. Moragne, road supervisor, will talk at the convention on road maintenance from the standpoint of Kauai. Each Island is to have a good roads speaker. J. I. Silva, treasurer; V. auditor. N. Stewart, ELECTION OF OFFICERS. Money to Loan HOME INSURANCE COMPANY OF HAWAII, LIMITED 1 316 Fort Street Telephone 352) LUMBER Bit.), PlnmklK. Sunnll. ftulltflmw .V., X ' 7 ,. ... ft V V,' Materials. Prioee low. Heueee built KAIMUKI LAND CO., LTD. At the postponed Annual Meeting of the Kaimuki Land Co., Ltd., held at I the office of The Henry Waterhouse SMELTER RETURNS ON Diisunrtm nun vhj,aju iih. wnowmg uiiicera una ai 0n Instalment plan. i I rcciora wore eirtieu iu nerve lur iuc i fQr SSle. a camegram receivea irom sion- ensuing year Choice House tana-Bingham Saturday says that the smelter returns for August from present indications will be 115,000. It is expected that the mill will be running at a capacity of 200 tons daily by September 16. The tunnel which is to cut the Mayflower vein will be Campbell; and John Guild, Auditor. completed before September. J- M- laird. secretary. Frank Crawford, cashier of the Li-1 .- Honolulu; Hawaii, --Aug. '171917.- R. W. Shingle Preaident F. E. Steere Vice-President H. Dunshee Treasurer J. M. Laird Secretary Directors R. W. Shingle, F. E. Steere, H. Dunahee, J. M. Laird, A. N. CITY MILL COMPANY. LTD. Telephone 2478 P. O. Box 95T FOR RENT Electricity, gas. streets ln all houses Flee 3-bedrocn house; garage; ISO. Neat 2-bedroom houae ln town; 321. Maunokea St 'tore I27J9 Small furnished ootagj for two, $15. J. H. SCHNACK 842 Kaahumanu 3t Telephone 3313 PACIFIC ENGINEERING ''' COMPANY, LIMITED Consulting l et jntag and Con structing Engineers Bridges, Bulldlnga, Concrete Strut tares. Steel Structures. 8 an Mary 8ytT? terns. Reports and Estimates on Pre Jeets. Phone 1043. JAPANESE SILK GOODS AND CURIOS, KHX0U03 AND EMBEOIDBBIES SAYEGUSA C