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TEX HONOLULU STAB-BULLETIX. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1917. Masonic Temple 'Visitor ho have not b?en irmlnr nut be In the JajT Tempi by spven fifteen). Weekly Calendar MONDAY Honolulu lxxl-p No. 4'. stat ed. 7:20 p. m. TUESDAY Hawaiian I ods? No. -1. P ial. prwtiw officers T:3 p. m !aonk I oat (i of Relief, reg ular. 5 p. m. WEDNESDAY Hav.jiiir.n idcr No. 21. so cial, third lj:r. 7:0') p. m THURSDAY Honolulu Chapter No. 1. H A. M., s ted. 7:30 m Honolulu rhapter No. 1. K A. M.. peial Royal Arch. 8 p" m FRIDAY I.od;e a I'nre No 31. special, third degree, 7:30 p. m. SATURDAY Harmony Chapter No. 4 O h. S.. stated. 7:30 p. m. Special business at stated meeting n September will bo an election of officers. Oddfellows Hall WEEKLY CALENDAR - MONDAY Harmony Lodge No. 3. Res ular meeting at 7:30 p. m. The second degree will be con ferred on eleren candidates, to be followed by refresh ments on the roof garden. TUESDAY Excelsior Lodge No- 1- Re' ular meeting at 7:30 p. m. WEDNESDAY Pacific Rebekah Lodge No. 1- Initiation drill at 7:30 p. m. THURSDAY Pacific Rebekab Lodge No. 1. Regular meeting at 7:30 p. m. Initiation of candidates. Re freshments and dancing on root garden. in ll LODGE NO. 1. nDnm OF PHOENIX 'wul meet t tilr home, comer oI Br.Una .l.fort v -i n mm. wm r a -..- Thursday eYening. J. W. asun. iu. , . PRANK' MURRAY, Secretary. "ONOLULU LODGE 616, B. P. O. t on Kln BL, aear Fort, every Friday evening. Visiting brothers are cor dially invited to at tend. H. DUNSHEE, Sec HERMANNS 80EHNE Honolulu Lodge; No Vsrsa-amlungen in K. of P. laden ersten and c-itten Moatag: Aug. und 20. SepL J und .17. Oct. I und 15, Not. 5 und 19, Dec S und 17. EMIL KLEMME, Praea. . C. BOLTE, Sear. MYSTIC LODGE No. 2, K. of P. Keeta In Pythian Hall, corner Fort and Beretania street, every Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock. VisiUng brothers cord'ally invited. . R, GOSLING, c. c. " . - ?r!TTO Vf C ' T T am4 Q MOOSE HEADQUARTERS llagoon' Bldg, 184 Merchant. Open daily from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Phone 10.60. -V ' All Visiting Brothere Invited FREE UKULELE LESSONS With any Instrur. ent you buy from j Ernest K. Kaai . 1 (Get Particular Now) 1126 Union St. ' Phone 2028 SEE COYNE FOR FURNITURE Young Building M'INERKY PARK Elegant Lots CH AS. DESKY, Agent Merchant, near Fort DEVELOPING PRINTING : : ENLARGING Best In the City Honolulu Picture Framing & .... Supply Co. MOBTftir.Frs not;-p of inten- TION TO FORECLOSE AND OF FORECLOSURE SALE. Pursuant to and in accordance with the power anJ authority contained In thaj certain mortgage made Decern er 1914. by- KENICHI NEKO MOTO. SADAK'HI NEKOMOTO and SHUMCHI NEKOMOTO, indirldually and as co-partners doing business un der the firm name and style of K. NEKOMOTO & CO. to LEWEKS fOOKE. LIMITED, which mortgage in recorded in the office of the Regis trar of. Conveyeaces in Honolulu. T. 1 !n Liber 421. page 313. The undersigned. Lewers L Cooke. Limited, mortgagee named in said Urnrtgage gives n W' and notice i9 hereby given that it, said Lewers Cooke. Limited, intends to foreclose Mid mortgage for cojiditiona broken to wit: non-paymert of Interest and princ' 'al. Notice is likewise given that the property conveyed by said mortgage will be advertised for sale, and will be sold at Public Auction at the Auc tion Rooms of the James F. Morgan Company, Limited. Star-Bulletin Build Ing, 125 Merchant Street, Honolulu. T. H., oa Wednesday, the 24th day of October, 1917, at 12:00 o'clock noon, on said date. Terms of sale, cash in United States Gold Coin: deeds and conveyances at the erpense of the purchaser, to be prepared by the At torneys, of the Mortgagee. For fur ther parti' -lars apply at the office of Lewers & Cooke, Limited, on King Street, or at the office of their At tomeys. Castle & Withington, in said Star-Bulletin Building. The premises and property convey ed by said mortgage and to be sold are as follows: All the rest, residue and remainder cf the term of years then yet to run and unexpired, and all other right. title and interest of the said Mort gagors in and to a lease made by Y Ahin to Kenichi Nekomoto, dated March 8th, 1913, recorded in the of flee of the Registrar of Conveyances In Honolulu. Liber 383, pages 359-362, together with the premises therein describe 1 and thereby demised and described as all of a certain riece of land at Pawaa, In said Honolulu, ma- kal of King Street, comprising Lots 8 and 9, in block' 1, of the McCully Tract, as shown on a map recorded in said Registrar's Office in Liber 212. page 426, together with the buildings thereon, said term expiring April 1, 1930. Excepting from th's sale a store numbered 1767 In one of the buildings on said premises and a room marked "D" in a cottage in the rear, occu pied by one Lau Kam Chin, under lease dated October 26, 1912, for a pe riod of ten years from November 1st, 1912, executed by Y. Ahin to said Lau Km Chin. Dated Honolulu, T. H., Sept 11, 1917. LEWERS & CO' LIMITED, (Seal) By S. M. LOWREY, Its Treasurer. 6888 SepL 11. 18, 25, Oct. 2. BY AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. 47. Be It resolved by the Board of Su pervisors of the City and County of Lonolulu. Territory of Hawaii, that the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00), be, and the same is here by appropriated out of all moneys in t' e General Fund of the Treasury of the City and Coun' for an account known as Public Baths, Maintenance and Upkeep. Presented by BEN HOLLINGER, ' Supervisor. Honolulu, T. H- August 21, 1917. Approved this 7th day of Sept., A. D. 1917. JOSEPH J. FERN. Mayor, City and County of Honolulu, T. H ' 6886 SepL 8, 10, 11. RESOLUTION NO. 41. Be it resolved by the Board of Su pervisors of the City and County of Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, that the sum of Two Thousand. Five Hun dred Dollars ($2,500.00), be, and the rme . Is' hereby appropriated out of all moneys in the Permanent Improve ment Fund of the Treasury of the City and County of Honolulu, for an ac count to be known as Enlargement and Reconstruction of the Main Ma- kiki Storm Ditch. Introduced by CHAS. N. ..RNOLD, Supervisor. Date of Introductio Honolulu, Hawaii, Aug. 17, 1917. Approved this 6th day of Sept., A. D. 1917. JOSEPH J. FERN, Mayor, City and County of Honolulu, T. H. 6886 Sept. 8, 10, 11. RESOLUTION NO. 40. Be it resolved by the Board of Su pervisors of the City and County of Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, that the sum of Two Hundred -and Fifty Dollars (8250.00). be, and the same is hereby appropriated out of all moneys in the General Fct-d of the Treasury of the City and County of Honolulu, for an account to be known as Pur chase Livestock. Introduced by CHAS. N. ARNOLD. , '" Supervisor. Date of Introduction: August 17-191T. 'Approved this 6th day of Sept.. A. D. 1917. JOSEPH J. FERN, Mayor, City and County of Honolulu. T. II. 6886 Sept. 8, 10, 11. NOTICE. I will not be responsible for any debts . contracted for In my name by any. person without my personal con sent JOHN H. CREMER. 68S7 3t NOTICE. This is to give notice that I will not be responsible for anydebts or bills contracted by anyone without my written order. w. A. FERNANDEZ. . 6SS7 ?t ADDITIONAL TELEGRAPH NEWS FEDERAL AGENTS RAID HUN PAPER; FOUR JAILED (AMOcJaUA Prft by V. 8. Bval Coavm&at citloa 8rr)r) PHILADELPHIA. Pa.. Sept. 11 Acting on presidential warrants, fed eral agents eterday raided the office of the Philadelphia Tagesblatt, one o( the German language publications of the ity. and placed the responsible members of the editorial staff under arrest. The warrants were sworn ou under the Eepionage Act and accuses tht owners and editors of the Tages blatt with having carried on a cam paign against the military program of the administration for the past several months.' Those arrested include the editor, the chief editorial writer, the presi dent of the company and its treasurer. The raiders seized the correspon dence in the office, the files of the paper and a mass of documents. These are confiscated. TORPEDOED OIL TANKER TAKES DIVER WITH HER (Associated Prt9 toy U. 3. Waval Coaanat cation rrlco AN ATLANTIC SEAPORT. Sept. 11. After playing hide and seek with an American tanker, a Hun submarine finally sank its prey, but was tsel' sunk. This is the report brought here yesterdav by the crew of the tanker. who told of their experiences last last night. According to the story told by the crew of the tanker the submarine hid behind a schooner until the tanker had passed and then from its vantage point came out and made its attack. It finally sent home a torpedo, but be fore the stricken oil ship sank her gunners had replied to the attack with such an accurate fire that the pest was sunk and went down even in ad vance of its own victim. SENATE PASSES WAR TAX BILL; 4 VOTED AGAINST (AnoetaU Tim Ij O. a. Haval Coauounl cation 8rt1ri WASHINGTON. D. C SepL 11. With but four dissenting votes, after weeks of prolonged and tedious de bate, the largest single measure for taxation, the war revenue tax bill, passed the United States senate yes terday. It will now go back to the house. In the war revenue tax bill as it has passed the senate there is pro vided a levy which is expected to raise a sum somewhat under J2,40i. 000,000. The bill which passed the house provided a levy of 81,687, 087.000. Only Three Left Of the six who voted against war in the senate on the memorable sixth day of April, only Gronna, LaFollette and Norris voted against the war rev enue tax bill. SOUTH DAKOTA TO BAR PEOPLE'S PARTY (Astoc'atod Prosa by O. & Mm Comaanl cation Sorvica) PIERRE, S. D., Sept. 11. State of ficials are moving to present the hold ing of a meeting of the "People's Council of the Democracy of Peace" which has been announced to be held in Sioux Falls next Friday. The state sheriff last evening telegraphed to the sheriff of Minnehaha county that he looked to him to prevent the holding of the proposed meeting or council and that he shall at once make the requisite preparations to do so. He instructed him to swear in as large a force of deputies as he may require to meet the situation. DALLAS GOES DRY (AuocUttd Pros Xf XT. 8. Xaval CommaaV cation 8rlel DALLAS, Tex., Sept 11. Dallas county, the most populous in Texas, has joined the ranks of the dry coun ties of the Lone Star State. Returns from the local option election which was held yesterday show that a large majority was cast against booze. MAINE REJECTS EQUAL SUFFRAGE TWO TO ONE PORTLAND. Me., Sept. 11. Equal suffrage for women has been defeated in Maine. Returns in last night from two-thirds of the state indicate that the constitutional amendment which would give the ballot to women , has been defeated two to one. POLICE COURT NOTES - 1 . y Carmella Roman, charged with as sault and battery, was fined S15 and costs of court. S. Yamada, Japanese, alleged gam bler, who refused to come into court this mornias. was served with a bench n-arranr by a policeman. At 11 o'clock he aui.eared before Judge. Irwin and, having explained himself to the sat isfaction of the court, had his case stricken from the calendar. Moritomo, Tadai, Imai, Akai, Suna hara and Morishige, were each fined 510 by the court. W. Merrigan, who drank too much 'Dooze," was sentenced to pay a fine of $5 and costs of court. Henry Teller, Hashimoto, Eddi Brown, August Freitas, William Ani, Nakamura, Nakao and Matsumoto, charged with being present at a gambling place, forfeited their bail of 15. WOMAN'S CASE STARTLES HONOLULU A business man's wife could not read or sew without sharp pain in her eyes. For years her eyes were red and weak. Finally she tried pure Lavoptik eye wash. The result of ONE APPLICATION astonished her. A small bottle Lavoptik is guaranteed to benefit EVERY CASE weak, strain ed or inflamed eyes. ONE WASH will startle with its incredible results. Pure-aluminum eye cup FREE. The Hollister Drug Company. Adv. When your Eyes Need Care Try Murine Eye Remedy FOOD BOARD PLANS TO CUT BREAD PRICE (Aaoaato4 Trmt y r. 8. Haval ComanaV cation Sarnco) WASHINGTON. D. C. Seft. 11 Plans to reduce the cost of bread were announced by the food tommis- sion last night. It is its purpose to establish standardized sizes of loaves. one of 1 ounces and the other of 14 ounces. It would then have the bakers of the country sell the larger size for 6 cents and the smaller for 5 cents. ' As an aid to the efforts of the com mission comes the report f.o.n Minne apolis that there was a drop of 50 cents a barrel in the wholesale cost of flour with the announcement of the government's prediction on the next wheat crop. , While the food commission is ex erting its efforts to reduce the cost of the loaf of bread, farmers of Min nesota and North Dakota, especially the latter, who are credited as be ing the leaders of the movement, are seeking to nullify the efforts of the commission. They expect to hold a mass meeting in St. Paul next Sun day for the purpose of protesting: against the price which tne commit tee on wheat prices determined upon and which the president sanctioned and approved. It is said that. the plans which will be undertaken at the St. Paul meet ing by the wheat growers will seek a review of the work of the price fix ing committee and the withdrawal of the regulations of the commission which were framed with the design of preventing the hoarding of wheat. The department if justice is watch ing the preparations for this meeting and making preparations to suppress it and to cause arrests if the condi tions shall demand such drastic ac tion. GEN. SCOTT ANXIOUS TO STAY ON ACTIVE LIST (Asiociated Proaa by U. S, Naval Cammuxu. cattoa Barvlca) WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. 11. MaJ.-Gen. Hugh L. Scott, chief of Btafl, who ordinarily would retire this month, being sixty-four years old on September 22, is anxious for active service and there is speculation in army circles here as to whether he will be retained as chief of staff, given an active command or retired. Secre tary of War Baker Is silent as to what plans for the veteran general he may have in mind. Maj. Gen. Tasker H. Bliss, now in the office of the chief of staff, is in line to succeed General Scott in the event of the decision of Secretary Baker not to retain him as chief ad viser. PAINLEVE TO R)RM NEW FRENCH MINISTRY (Aasoelatad Prua by V. S. Haval Coaunvat cation Service) PARIS, France. Sept. 11 Following the reconsideration of Ribot of his acceptance to form the new ministry and his final determination to de cline the duty, Minister of War Paln leve was requested to do so and has accepted the task. In an interview last night the pres ent minister of war declared that it was. his intention that the new minis try will not be representative of the pblitical parties but he plans to form a government of national unity, bend ing all the strength of the nation to an Increasingly energetic and vigorous conduct of the war. M J via Ji. iranar Qlmonfqmrefai&ancisco On ike center of inz City? Life andGtor TJcuj. "oooTSooms: GmOenieni io ike 7neaterr,Club?,S(iops 1 (mdfmhOay Statu i in 1 j ndeasonableJihies. I management (fames)Q)ocb j STAR-BULLETIN 75 Whether stopping here for a day or for he unier, you will tind ths a betel of per fect sat sfactloa Bellevue Hotel GEARY AND TAYLOR STS. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. Solid Corrrrttt Structure ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOOF Every Room with Private Bath Headquarters lor Island Residents European Plan, S1.S0 per day up American Plan, 13 50 per day u-j Special Monthly Rates MORGAN ROSS. Manager. Honolulu Representative; WILL .M L. WARREN, P. O. Box '69, cr Telephone 2273 HOTEL WHITC0MB Market between 8th and 9th SAN FRANCISCO'S NEWEST AND BEST Has many distinctive features; free garage for all guests; ' ' Pop ' ' concerts every Sunday night; breakfast and luncheon, 50 cents, and dinner, one dol lar: dancing every night but Sunday in Sun Room on roof overlooking CIVIC CENTER 400 Rooms, $1.50 find up. Special rates on American plan. American and European. J. H. VAN HORNE, Manager. SAN FRANCISCO HOTEL Cor. Gtary antf Tayler Sta. Bus and Taxi meet arery steamer RATES European Plan $2.00 up Daily jncrlran Plan . J5.00 up Daily Special Rates to-Army and Nary ' Frederick C, Clift. President Jbadiah Rich, Vlre-President & Mgr. iepresentatires for Hawaiian Islands: HONOLULU CONSTRUCTION a DRAYIN CO.. LTD. J. J. Belser, Mgr. Pheis 4981 65-71 S. Queen SL CENTS PER MONTH CLilET & I'll ffl itf'M m i leg j! m i llilligi5s:lrHiH m Island Headquarters in San Francisco HOTEL Rates from " - " MoatFiMwaneaia (pfAKFAST 50c ta Lie SUU DINNER $1.00 "rni" a. m. c. cm. Individual Summer Styles n HATS t Via Power's Millinery Pa, 'lor. Bostcn Bkj. POULTRY PRODUCE MEATS Territorial Marketing Mv?n. ufaVe aar ueen Knone 184C VEE CHAN & CO. King and Bethel Sts. ORIENTAL SILKS Fresn pteurlzcd MILK, CREAM aid lea Cream Honolulu Dairymen's Assn. Phone 1542-4676 BANISTER 6roe for hutlneaa men Mai ufacturera' Shoe Store 1031 Fort At The HUB now in temporary store at 78 So. King St., opp. Union Orijl The Independent Review Published MontWy Leading English-Japanese Magaxln Subscription Rate 9100 per year p. O. Box 474 30 Campbell Bloei Merchant Street, Honolulu Rwdu-:e Ultimate Costs by Us''9 ALLIS-CHALMERS MACHINERY Honolulu Iron Work Company STEINWAY HALT. Thayer Piano Co., Ltd. Valencia Oranges CHUN HOON Kokaullke. nr. Queen Phono S9S2 Thor Electric VACUUM C'eanero. Tne Hawaiian Electiio Co, Ltd. ADLER- COLLEGIAN Clothes finish 'trot in any event THE CLARION : Hotel and Fort Get War Tlr.- Photo with AUTOGRAPHIC Kodak HONOLULU PHOTO 8UPPLY CO. 1059 Fort 8fc HAN AN 'S BEST SHOES MMNERNY SHOE STORE Fort, at ove King St. How to Equip a Company of This Is all toH plain!;- in the "A" "B" "C" Equipment Book by Lieut. Raymond C. Baird, 25th Infantry, U. S. A. Written primarily : . the volun teer ofricer; It may te of seni:e to the regular officer as welL PRICE 25e Honolulu Star-Bulletin 125 Merchant St . Infantry STEWART SI. SO a day T TTT fnnirrin laffi I On Geary a fw tnm from fJhloa So Mcxoc liua mcrtt aii the prnpaj I 4. m. to c. wtM mHitnTit I MAUI Grand Hotel WAiLcac. nan. Xenrat mm Mini lUtol tm Ialaa4 Itatea Itarkr4 hath ai.eo aad avar 'ilea Moderate prf-r4 rrataaraat rREI K. Mar DONALD, Maaager PLEASANT0N HOTEL LUXURIOUS AND COMFORTABLE STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS Summer Rates en Application LADIES ar.TttT? y Se onr latest SUUMER HATS Jnat arrlTed. 0 WONOER MILLINERY CO, LTD. 1017 Nnnaau, near King Hard and Soft Weave English Blue Serge, best fo WEAR W. W. AHANA Co. King nr. Phone 3445 For quality meata and dellcatt n METROPOLITAN MEAT MARKET SULK Sport Coat Mandarin Coat' Stocking,' Etc S.OZAKI 109.115 No. King St VICTROLAS . and Rocorda ;; Bcrgstrom Mualo Co, Ltd. 1020 Fort. Phone 2JJ1 IF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE IN NEWSPAPERS : Anywhere at Any Time, Call oa or " WrlU THE DAKE ADVERTISING QXNC1 14 8ansome Street San Franolaco ; ISLAND CUSIO COMPANY ; Hawaiian Cmios, Stamps, Coiaj, and Post Cards. The most com plete and attractire Curio Store. 170 Hotel Street Honolulu Q For War-Tlme Qardsnlng TOOLS f all klnda ' LEWERS & COOKE, LTD. 169-177 So. King St. Protective Agency of Hawaii DAY AND NIGHT Patrol. Phone 1411, 5 e Cllt Bldg. WM. EL. MILES. Mgr. LOBD-YOUNO Engineering Co., Ltd. Engineer and Contractors Pantheon Block, Honolulu, T. H. Telephone 2810 and 4537 C. H. TSULUNQEB Optician Successor to A. N. Sanford Boston Block, Fort St. Neolin Full Soles and .--bber heel $25 for blac; or tan, $20 for white. . j Regal Shoe Store MESSENGER g AND OS LAUNDRY Ss Y J ll -f '2 X