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'4 MUTT and JEFF-Jeff evidently is a "good" range finder for a stray "kick" Trade Mark Reg. U. S. T t. Office. MifcC, M.Tl, iHT' corner cu CCMC IX la HONOLULU STAR-BULLETIN . DAILY AND SEMI-WEEKLY. 4 1 1 - - rf 1 I I II Z -3 Term of Subscription: Dally Star-Bulletin 75 cents pr montn. $S per year, 5 cents per copy. Semi-Weekly Star-Bulletin. 2 per year rl Advertising R;es: Classified an: Business Announce ments 1 cent per word per eac:. iner Uom tip to one week. Estimate six wtrds per line. Per line, one week 30 cents Per line, two weeks ...40 cents Per line, one month .70 cents Per line, six months.. 60 cents ea. mo. Other rates upon application. No adrertisemenli of liquors or cer tain proprietary medicines will be ac cepted. . In replying to adyertisements, ad drt;t your replies exacUy as stated In the adTertlsement.. " If yon are a telephone subscriber, phoiifc your ' advertisement; wa will dorse It OUR PKONE 13 4911 WANTED Hoofs to Repair We cuaran tee . to atop all leaka.' See Lou Rogers or Alonto Jones. We leads others foUow. Eureka Paint Co 816 So. King St Phone 2098. V Peerless Preserving Paint Co.. also Pitch and Gravel Roof Specialists, still at the old stand. 65 Queen St Phone 498L A few more customer" In Punahou and i- Maklkl distric'-a to take milk from tested cowa. phone 6302.- 6822lm The best market price will be paid for clean washed cotton rags by the Hopolnln' Star-Bulletin. t73-tf By the Salvation Army, clothing and furaitur for relief work. Phone 8160. . 6865lm Typing, 10c per psge, 546 So-: King. SITUATION WANTED. Its Yours years' office experience including bookkeeping and shipping. If you have a position open, address Box 693, Star-Bulletin office. -6849 tt . . 1 HELP WANTED. ' Boy wantea to take posiUou in print . iss plant Also opportunity of at tending achooL Good pay to start Apply Mr. Thomas, Y. M. C A. t734-tf Shoemakers wanted. Apply Hawaii Shoe Co.. shoe shop. Hotel and Union. 7 6886 U Two refined Portuguese girls for day work only Apply Bijou theater. ' ; . - 68,87 3t Office boy. Inquire cashier Star-Bulletin : : 6887tf Wanted Bootblack at Model Sanitary Barber Shop. 6887 3t 7 r FOR SALE. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. - PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU ' Japanese help, 1166 Union street ' Phone 4136. . . " 6806 6m Y. Nakanlshi, 34 Beretania St, near ' Nuuanu. Phone 4511. 6:30 a. m. to 6 p. m. Residence phone. 7096. 5246-tI Aloha Employment Office. Tel. 4889. Alapal St, opp. Rapid Transit office. AH Linda of help furnished. 6101 tf Japanese help of all kinds. maletand female. G. Hlraoka, 1210 Emma St Phone 1420. 6054 tf LOST Platinum breast pin set with' dla monds. Finder telephone to No. 4035 ' or No. 3879. Liberal reward. . 6SS3 6t Passbook No. 10493, First American Y. Savings and Trust Co. Finder please J4 : return to bant ; 6886 3t VI Bunch of keys. Owner Inquire at Star P -i Bulletin office. 6S88 3t FOUND Purse containing $65 at Kalmukl. Owner can have same by communi : eating with C. W. Klesel. Ewa .Mill. 6885 4t STAR-8ULLETv GIVES YOU TODAY'S NEWS TODAY Adelina Patti ; , CIGARS ' FITZPATEICK BROS. t6 .lefc.- GocP'S FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. 1913 CadiiUic lioadt er. lights and self starter, $275.00; 1913 American Roadster, newly-painted. S2y0.; 1016 Overland Roadster, $450.00; 1916 Buick '4," 5-passenger. $650J)0 For demonstration see FRANK COOMBS, corner Merchant ahd Bishop streets. Telephone 21S2. 6S86 tf E. M. F. Touring Car, 5 pass., ,good condition, $150.00. Inquire 3830 Pa lolo, at Sixteenth ave. Phone .297. 6W3 lm ' Ford Touring Car, 1916 model, good condition. Q. M. Sergt Manhein, Schofield Barracks. 6886 3t One 1916 Ford Touring Car. Tele phone 7727. 6888 tf AUTO ACCESSORIES. All makes of auto and bicycle tires and tubes; auto accessories; also vulcanizing, retreading, rebeadlng, etc. Talsho Vulcanizing Co., Ltd.. 180 Merchant Ewa Alakea street. Phone 3197. 6582-ftn Automobile, carriage, wagon supplies (-Quaker, Portage tires, tubes. New Oahu Carriage Mfg. Co. TeL 2742. 6803 6m Accessories; tires. Tel. 1324 Smoot & Steinhauser, Alakea and Merchant. 6803-6m AUTO PAINTING. Pacific Auto Painting Co. Our coat ings guarantee durability of paint on fenders; first-class job, fair prices Opp. car barns. Phono 596L 6815-3m MOTORCYCLES, ETC. THOR motorcycles; Pierce bicycles; supplies; painting; repairing. K. Okahlro, opp. Oahu Ry. Tel 4018. T. EKI cydemotoT agt. So. King. 6804-6m BICYCLES. Komeya, Bicycles, Punchbowl ft King. 6076-6ci MIYAMOTO, bicycles. 182 N. King St 680J-6m SATO, 330 N. King, Tel. 1026 6803-6m FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Second-hand cameras and lenses bought sold or exchanged. Koda graph Shop. Hotel and Union Sts. . 6307-tf REAL ESTATE. 27,000 square feet in Dole street Pu nahou district Apply Bishop Trust Co. 6866 tf House and lot, Kaimuii. Fifteenth ave. 1 block macka from Waialae road. T. Nichols. 6S88 12t MINING PROPERTY. Quicksilver prospect This prospect is located near the best qulcr-ilver mine In California. Not being able to develop will rell half Interest or more. Call or ad' tss A. B. Glgax, Patterson, Calif. 6881121 FOR SALE. Kalmukl close to car line, Waialae road. S lots each 75x200 feet deep, urea SO.000 sq. ft Price a bargain. ' Phone 1884, J. C Souaa, No. 4, Brew er Bldg. 6847 tf SADDLE HORSE dapple grey, galted, absolutely safe and gentle. Capt. -Callender, Dept Hospital, Ft. Shat ter. 6887-tf POULTRY. Retail, wholesale chickens, eggs; Wo Chong. 934 Kekaulike. Tel. 2867. 6817-3m MISCELLANEOUS. 5 beds with springs and mattresses (2 solid brass), 3 electric fans, 4 electric stoves, 1 Howe bathroom scale (white enamel), 1 mahogany hall lamp. ' All in excellent condition. Inquire Capt Magruder, Fort Ruger. 6886 3t One flag locker, -ne office locker (koa) ; at K. of P. hall. Telephone 1842. 6883 tf Unused Remington Typewriter, No. 10, $75.00. Easy payments. P. O. Box ' 453. 6867 lm Onj spring upholstered self-adjustable Oak Morris chair. Tel. 1842. 6851 tf All kinds of frun, vegetables and seeds. 1061 Aala street Phone 3554. C779 tf 1916 Starr piano. Perfect condition. Phone 3102. 6SS4 tf Mr. HONOLULU STAK - i . - i . . ,. . . - ... r. V, J- TMT THe f IRVT TIMS He- f f ees Me- He's svKfiJ con Wpj FOR RENT URNISHED HOUSES. U ?ale bouses in various parts t t city, furnished and unfurnisbed, a. $15. $1S, $20, $25, $30. $35, $40 and up to $125 a month. See list in our office. Trent Trust Co., Ltd., Fort street, between King and Merchant. Completely furnished cottages and apartments on the beach. Apply Mrs. Cressaty, 1909 Kalakaua, Ave. 6"79H-tf Furnished house on lower Manoa road, Walking distance of Punahou, fo: short term. Phone 5838. 6888 2t Two-bedroom furnished cottage, 871 Younr. near Kapiolanl St. Rent $35.00. No children. 6878 tf For rent or for sale. Phone 6042. 6847 tf Furnished cottage In Cottage Grove. Tel. 1087. 6859 tf For rent Completely furnished one bedroom cottage; Manoa for 6 mos. G. B. Girdler; phone 4735. 6884-6t UNFURNISHED HOUSES. Two-bedroom cottage, with gas range and electric lights, entire house mos quito proof. 1418 Alapal street Phone 1261, ask Serpa. 6882 tf Unfurnished cottage, 1436 Young St 6874 tf FURNISHED ROOMS. Large room forJwo. .gentlemen, also! single room. Special rates by the month. Heinie's Tavern. Phone 4986. 6743 tf Furnished rooms for two reduced to $2.50 per week. Unfurnished rooms, $7.00 per month with light 546 So. King street - 6880 lm One single and one double newly fur nished rooms, $9 and $10 per month. 71 Beretania St 6874 12t Furnished rooms and apartments for gentleman on car line ana oeacn. 2659 Kalakaua avenue. 6839 tf Light housekeeping and single rooms. Ganzel Place, 112 Vineyard, cr. Fort 6434 tf Light housekeeping rooms; high eleva tion; close in. Phone 1998. 6488-tf Comfortable furnished room and gar age, $15.00. Thone 1998. 6881 tf ROOM AND BOARD. Home board, close In. Phone 1579. 6857 tf FOR RENT. Six (6) warehouses for rent. Apply Waterhouse Trust, Fort and Mer chant Sts. 6885 tf HOTELS THE PIERPONT "On the Beach at Walklkl" Furnished bungalows and rooms; ex cellent meals; splendid bathing and boating; 1000-foot promenade pier; beautiful marine ard mountain view; terms reasonable. Mrs. John Cassldy. TeL 5108, 6202-tf AUCTION BULLETIN We have some more Officers' Furni ture in the rooms, and a few more lots to come; not much. It has been a privilege to see the Fur niture that our Officers have and use. I Lave seen some old Colonial pieces (one todar) that would do a collector's heart good; some China that made me jealous; Oriental Rugs that would make Honolulu millionaires envious; -Brass "work from Benares; Wicker from Bilibid; Porcelain from every fine ceramic studio; Clocks from Paris; Chairs from Old England; Rugs from New England; and the choicest things from all the five corners of the globe, and they show a taste that does credit to the service, showing that an educated class has fine dis crimination and can decorate "a lodge in the wilderness" until it looks better than a Palace. There are some orn ments of olive that are particularly p-ic.less (branches). Te can handle all Tie used Furniture in Honolulu. Horolulu Auction rooms, J. S. Bailey. NOTICE TO KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. The funeral services of our late brother, C. H. Weatherwax. will be held from the Willlams'( undertaking r:.r!-rs, Nuuanu and Vineyard streets, at 3 p. m September 11. All mem bers of Mystic Lodge are requested to be present, and visiting brothers anJ friends of the deceased are invit ed to attend the service. RICHARD GOSLING, C. C 68S7 21 BULLET1X, TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 11.1017. r O I M JCED ST IFF THAT tVCCLU I MAfcfc A MULE'S K'C- LOOK Ue A LoCfc "jj . ' " " BUSINESS GUIDE BAMBOO FURNITURE. 1' Oiitani, Fort, near Kukui. Tel. 0-&. 6800 If CARPENTERS. 1. Takano, 816 So. King. Tel. 2'J(jG. 6858 2m CAFES AND RESTAURANTS. Boston Cafe Coolest place in town. After the show, stop in. Open day and nicht "ijou Theater, Hotel St. t5C9 tf Columbia Lunch It- ns; quick service and cleanliness our iuottc; open day and night. 'Hotel St., opp. Bethel. 5518 tf CLEANING ArtD DYEING. A, B. C. Renovatory; clothes cleaned, cyed and repaired. Phone 4148. 6104 tf Steam cleaning. Alakea SL, nr. Gas Co. 6234 tf COLLECTION AGENCIES. Quick Returns-Collecting agency. F. Nichols, 12 Brewer Bldg. TeL 3540. 6839 6m CUT FLOWERS ANS PLANTS. Coconut plants for sale, Saraoan va riety. Apply A. I. Hills, Lihue, Kauai. 6277 tf T. Kunikiyo, lm Fort; phone 1635. 6298 tf4, Toyoshiba, King St, opp. Vida Villa. 6411 3m CONTRACTOR AND GUILDERS. HONOLULU PLANING MILL. LTD., - Contractors and Builders. Manufac turers of doors, sashes, frames, blinds, molding, screens, brackets, etc. All kinds of mill work, finish ing, turning. Repair work and small jobs a specialty. Fort St Tel. 1510. 6806 6m G. Nomura, builier and contractor; excavating, grading, paving, team ing, concr. , crushed rock, sand. Mollllli, nr. Quarry. Phone 7488. 6568 lyr M. Fujita, contractor and builder, painter, paper hanger. Phone 5002. 6300 lyr H. Monzen, builder and contractor. 662 S. Beretania St Phone 3227. V 6602 6m CON TRACTORS GENERAL. Ohio Building Co., general contractors. Prices low, work satisfactory. Phone 2113. 1333 Emma street, near Vine yard street, Honolulu. 6866 6m U. Yamamato, 81 S. Kukui St, phone 4430; general contractor; building. 6354 tf ENGRAVING. Calling and business cards, mono grams, wedding invitations and an nouncements, stationery, etc. ; cor rect styles. Star-Bulletin Printing Department. 125 Merchant St FURNITURE. Murata 715 South St. New and second-hand furniture bought and sold. Chairs for rent Phone 1695. 6812 6m New and second-hand furniture bought and sold. Phone 3998. 1281 Fort St. 6453 6m Saiki. Bamboo furniture; 563 Bereta nia St 6078 tf JUNK. Junk bought and sold. Phone 4366. 6407 6m MASSAGE. K. Hashimoto, massage and electro neering, Nuuanu St, opp. Williams undertaking office, phone 1785. 6400 3m MONEY LOANED. M)ney loaned on diamonds, watches and jewelry at legal rates. Federal Loan Office, 95 N. King St 6365 tf Fidelity Loan Office, 52 No. King St Money loaned on diamonds, watches and jewelry at legal rates. 6769 lyr MERCHANT TAILOR. II. Y. Sang, tailor, 1131 Union. 6454-6m PLUMBERS. Masakl Bros., 709 King. Tel. 5999. 6S12 6m Won Loui Co., 75 Hotel St. Phone 1033. 6815 6m Chee Hoon Kee. 11 Pauahi. TeL 3553. 6817 3m . . - ! tell vcu wrtAr To Do WtftfO ! Ycu see- . CCMJM BUSINESS GUIDE PRINTING. l We do not boast of low prices, which usually coincide with poor quality; lut we "know how" to put life, hustle and go into printed matter, and that is what talks loudest and longest. Honolulu Star-Bulletin Printing Department, 125 Merchant street. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS. G. Floyd Perklnd, 603 Stangenwald Bldg. Phone 2907. 6S09 6m SHIRTWAKERS. YAM ATO YA Shirts and pajamas made to order. 1305 Fort St., opp. Kukui St.. Phone 2331. 6442-lyr Akagi, 1213 Nuuanu street shirts and pajamas male to order. Phone 6041. 6307 tf G. Yamatoya. shirts, 1146 Nifuanu St 645i-3m K. Tamane made to order. 348 N. King 6805-6m TYPEWRITERS. Rebuilt Underwood and Remington typewriters. Hon. Typewriter Ex., 1S4 Merchant Phone 5575. 6814-6m TEA HOUSES. Ikesu, best Japanese dinners. T. W. Oda, prop. Telephone 3212. 6183-tI VULCANIZING. Old tires made new, moderate prices. New Hawaii Vulcanizing, Maunakea and Pauahi Sts. 6814 6m WOOD AND COAL. Tanaba Co., Pauahi. nr. River st, tel. 2657; firewood and charcoal, whole sale and retail. 6297-tf IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE Third Circuit Territory of Hawaii At Chambers In Probate. In the Matter of the Estate of Thomas da Silva, Deceased. Order of Notice of Hearing Petition for Probate of Will. A document purporting to be the Last Will and Testament of Thomas da Silva. deceased, having been pre stnted . to said Probate Court, and a petition for probate thereof, praying for the Issuance of Letters Testamen tary to Father Gerard having been filed by said Father. Gerard; It is ordered, that Saturday, the 6th day of October, 1917. at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, at the court room of said Court at Kailua North Kona, Hawaii, be and the same Is hereby ap pointed the time and place for prov ing said will and hearing said petition. It is further ordered that notice thereof be given, by publication once a week for three successive weeks (four Insertions) in the Star-Bulletin, a newspaper printed and published in Honolulu, .T. H., the last publication to be not less than ten days previous to the time therein appointed for hear ing. Dated at Kailua, Hawaii,, T. H., this 22nd day of August, A. D.1917. J. W. THOMPSON, Circuit Judge, Third Circuit, T. H. Attest: JOHN HILLS, Clerk Circuit Court, Third Circuit, T H 6876 Aug. 28, Sept. 4, 11, 18. Reports from Florida to the bureau of fisheries, department of commerce, indicate that the fishermen in that re gion are much interested in the de velopment of the shark and porpoise fishery. Two of the large fishing com panies are preparing to go into the fishery with two boats each and fish ermen at other points are writing for information on the subject. To devel op this project properly will require that one man give his entire time and attention to it. Search is now being instituted for someone fitted for this work to take it up. Oils and Greases Distributed by AUTO SERVICE & SUPPLY CO, f No! sir ) r I I'M' BUSINESS PERSONALS CHIROPODIST. Dr. Frank O. Kansler. Elite Bldg.. 164 Hotel St. Hours. 8:30 to 4:30; Sun days cr evenings by appointment Phone 5536. 6806 tf OSTEOPATHIC. Dr. p. H. Pennock, osteopathic physi cian, 424 Beretania SL. Phone 2350. 6701 tf NEW THOUGHT. Join free class, study new thought Tuesday, 10:30 a. m, Beretania and Miller. 6866 tf Buy New Thought Books. Phone 1579. 6760 it ; DRESSMAKERS. Dressmaking, pajamas, shirts, etc.. made to order. Also repairing and sewizi.; lessons, reasonable prices. Mrs. Y, H. Chow, 229 M irchant, rear Hawaiian Electric Co. Phone 4058. 6881 lyr Mrs. S. Masaki Maunakea and Bere tania. 6814 6m LANGUAGE AND PENMANSHIP. IwALTERRE'S French and Penman ship Lessons now opened at Room 3, Elite Bldg. Age no hindrance. . 6806 tf EDUCATIONAL Miss Ballantine, teccher piano and voice at Roselawn, 1366 King St 6859 lm REMOVAL. After Sept 11 Madame Cleo, tho palm ist, will be located at 72 Beretania, cor. Union, will be at home Sundays and Mondays at 1079 Alakea. Phone 4115 for appointment 6887 tf MEETING NOTICE. There will be a special meeting of the Daughters and Sons of Warriors of Hawaii at the home of Mrs. Walter Macfarlane on Pensacola street. Wed nesday. Sept 12, at 2 p. m. All mem' bers are Invited to be present ANNIE K. CONRADT. Secretary. Honolulu, Sept 7, 1917. , 6885 2t NOTICE. The S. S. "KINAU" will .sail from Kauai ports this week one day in ad vance of, her regular schedule, arriv ing at Honolulu on Saturday, Septem ber 15, 1917, instead of September 16, INTER-ISLAND STEAM NAV. CO., LTD. Honolulu, T. H., Sept. 10, 1917. 6888 Sept. II, 12, 13. A total of 279 men qualified for the draft army in the first district of Waterbury in the examinations and did not claim exemption. The dis trict's quota is 490. : WAR. PUZZLES T BOY JAPAN 82NT ULTIMATUM To Germany giving one week t quit far East three yean 9 tsday August IS. 1114. . Plod ExaperorWUUaav. -t 2ZXBUS. Disloyalty. r YKBTEZDATa AXftitr&L Pff riaJU corner Omen ibote et ELEVEN By Bud Fisher Corrfghted. 1918. by H. C. Fisher. Supreme Satisfaction Is what yon get at tils GOOD YEAR SERVICE STATION. The von Hamm-Young Co., Ltd. Honolulu Htlo Automobile Repairing FRANK COOMBS Bishop and Queen TeL 2182 American Optical Co. . 1148 Fort St, Honolulu Opposite Catholic Convent THE HOUSE OF SERVICES V A P E R FOR ALL PURPOSES Paper Bags, Cups, Plata, Napkins and Towels, Etc AMHAW. PAPER CO, Ltd. 'Phone 1410 J. Ashman Baaven Mgr. MEAT MARKET A GROCERY Phone 3451 C. Q. YEE HOP CO. M'CHESNEY COFFEE CO. COFFEE ROASTERS Oaalers In Old Kcna Coffee Merchant St ? Honolulu PIAIV1PS HONOLULU MUSIC CO. Ltd. 1107 Fort Street Get all the light you art paying for by using Edison Mazda Lamps. ELECTRIC SHOP Gruenhagen's Blue Ribbon Chocolates HAWAIIAN DRUG CO. Hotel and Bethel Streets SJLVA'S TOGGERY Home of Hart Schaffner A, Marx Clothes King, near Fort , PURE ICE From distilled water Quick delivery by motor. OAHU. ICE CO. Phone 1121 The Waterhouse Co., Ltd. Underwood Typewriters YOUNG BUILDING H. HACKFELD & CO. Limited . ' Commission Merchants : ' HONOLULU - :1 it