Newspaper Page Text
TWO HONOLULU STAK-BULLETIX. TUESDAY. SKPTEMBEB 11, 1917. RETENTION OF DRAWBACK ITEM BENEFITS ALLIES Sugar Men Declare Senate's Action Means Entente Can Buy at Lower Prices R (filial of the Unite- States senate V-oU-rdnv to roj-cal lY drawback clause f"r the repayment of duties raid for the n(rv of foreign eugar after it rrfind and then re-exorted will result in a Iowr price of sugar for America s Allfeh engaged in the war a;:ainM ;--.-in.iiiy. t ti ink Honolulu h.:';i: men. It will tuf-au the v in ir of a great amount of money for tn; Allies in llio purchase of sugar 6tpplien. for the refineries could have been ex pected' to raise the price of exported sugar to cover what they paid out in duties on foreign siiuar, if thi duty drawback privlPi;t. had ii-en re voked," ays A. M. Noveh. secretary of the Sugar Factors. "The' drawback clause, which is flmply the refunding of njnney p.iid ?s duty on foreign sugar brought to t li i s country and refined and then re exported, has betn in effect for a r umber of years: I think first provided lor in the McKinley tariff act,'' ex plains Mr. Novell. Sugar from the Philippines. Porto Rico and Hawaii are not affected by the drawback clause, ;,s the suar of America s pos hesKions is admitted free. Mr. Novell thinks that if the draw back c lause had been repealed it would have had a tendency to cause the Allies to try and use Java white sug ar. Instead of that refined in America. 13y the Java process the sugar is made as white as refined. "Whether this could have been done is. doubtful, he thinks, because of the j long distance from Java to Europe. and because much of the Java sugar Is exported to India, the greatest sug ar producing country in - the world. While India produces more sugar than any other country, it also consumes of the local Y. M. C. A., caning at more than any other country, and tention to the desirability of all chil sometimes Imports as much as several dren continuing their school work in hundred thousand tons a year. John WflterhniiRo of Alevnnriar jfc I Baldwin holds similar views to those Commissioner Claxton wishes to ,0t Mr. Kowell. "It Is only a fair thing have this matter brought to the spe to the refineries to allow them the rial attention of the labor organiza duty drawback," he says. tions of Honolulu. ' "Industry and trade 6hould be en- The letter follows: touraged." He believes not only will "Dear Sir: For the protection of our the elimination of the drawback re- boys and girls against unusual tempta peal provision save the Allies paying tions to fall into delinquencies of toe extra price for sugar, which would many kinds, and that they may be lave been added to cover duty paid prepared more fully for the work of L . . v- M I , , v . ,. ... . Iff. J . 1 I, , 1 1 V3 iue reuuenes, out inai u win tend ul oua uic uuues nu rcoiiouoiuin lo lower the price of sugar In an- ties of citizenship, it Is of the utmost other manner. importance that our schools shall be ."When the refineries can keep run- maintained in full efficiency, both as nlng at full force the expense of re-sto attendance and standards of work, lining Is reduced and this brings a during the continuance of the war, and lowering of the price," he says. "By everything possible should be done to the Importation of foreign raws It is Increase their efficiency in both re possible for the American,, refineries spects. The various labor organiza to keep their plants fully engaged." tions and their members throughout Both these men sum up their com- the country can render most valuable ment upon the elimination of the pro- help in this respect. I am therefore posed sugar consumption tax in the appealing to all these organizations to senate with the remark that "It was U8e their Influence and to urge their the sensible thing to do." The con- individual members to do all they can umer would naturally have had to I yaj iuuin iur eugir, ua uie amount OI the consumption tax would have been added -to the figure set for the price of sugar by the food administration, they explain. PREDICT LARGER ninr iit nnirr nr lilot IIHKIlt Uf TIRES FOR AUTOS , That the price of automobile tires "Will advance approximately 25 per cent within the next three months, is the announcement made today by tte tire experts of the Schuman Carriage Co. , . . " All tires with the exception of '3ood Vich and Kelly-Sprlngleld have ad vanced rapidly since the beginning of the war, and now these two specific types are to advance on September 15, probably about 10 per cent Several theories are advanced for the rise In price. These Include Ihe ms t Uie -ean wamor aryaocx yes cmrettv rt nnr -motei-iaia rh terday morning, an expert will be em- trol of the principal rubber markets by countries other than the United States, the Increased rost of labor and the increasing demand for high grade tires. Because of Ihe larger number or tutomoblles and motor trucks new be- lug used by the government, the fill- ins on me mamiana or local .:rders for urea Is very Indefinite. GIVEN SHORT VACATION, ?fi) HF MAY "9flRFR IIP" ou nt iothi ouDcn ur : -I will give you something to break your habit." . With these remarks Police Judge Harry Irwin this morning gave John llesser, a habitual "boozer," a vaca- r K w..n Tvmntho in Taiin. T.. aotel on the reef. , the bodies of the men were horribly The defendant told the court that mangled. He also 6tated that the ex be has a bad habit of taking a "6mall plosion occurred Just before the day drink," and that it always made him men came on. Sticks and pieces of drunk. Iron were thrown in all directions, and I have a bad habit, judge," said had the men been at the drydock more the defendant, "and that is I like to would have undoubtedly been killed, drink Just a little." Mr. Weatherwax is a nephew of Judge Irwin the upon gave him a Charles W Weatherwax, the photo racation to help "break the habit." grapher. He leaves a wife and famiiv DIRTY UNIFORMS CAUSE - POSTPONEMENT OF ORII I rUo rUrunrtui i ur uniLL not drill this afternoon owing to the act that most or tne unuorms are inian(j the next after that wil, be Tues. the wash. day. September 18. me coTPimuj ,- o-- ind Sunday n Punchbowl ririe range. Hid the red dirt gathered by the gun- aers In that time necesbimicu "'"s iie uniforms td a laundry, ine nexii Jxlll "will be Thursday, sepieuiuvi x.! AD CLUB PLAYERS FOR CIVIC CONVENTION COMEDY That Old Jin wai frus: rated yesterday- hen the members of the Aa Club Dramatic Company he'd their reh'ars'al at the iJijou ttutfr llarr.. Decker and Tom Sharp did a Si;- rxk Holmes Btunt trying to .ocate tht Old Jinx' which had broken loose. 'I hey did well. With the aid of Mr;. Kose Jar.owitz and Hill I'restidye. the as du covered hiding in Lonnie Manoon private office. Neil S!atury . the hero, surrounding the tald jinx wi'.ii a curtain of fire, and a tr.edal cat, gin There have been a number of acci dents which mitigated against the suc cessful staging of the Ad Club j 1 a " Fabrics," but the members f the cast are all wearing a bright smile now. The firtt stage rehear-ai held last evening was a real ucc .; from start to finish. Miss Dorothy Mayo, the leading lady of the Ad Club Dramatic cIjo. gave a realistic interpretation of her part. She has an excellent speaking voice, and bids fair to annex laurels in tier work. Miss Mayo as .mis- Spearmint typifies the office sten ographer, and one sees at times in her manner a resemblance to Rone Stahl. who is one of the foremost actresses in this line. John Ness as Will Hustle is a NUANCE OF ALL SCHOOL WORK A letter from P. P. Claxton, com missioner of education, has just been received by A. E. Larimer, secretary' spite of the unusual conditions caused bv th war. to the end that the standards of the ov-nwis iu lucir rctciai DiaicH nuu cities shall not be lowered in any that no children of school a&e shall remain out of school except because of absolute necessity For the sake of this great cause, in which I feel sure you are no less in terested than I am, I am taking the liberty of requesting you to bring this matter to the attention of all the la bor organizations of your city. May I also suggest that srnce schools in many cities open very soon after La bor Day, It might be very helpful if special attention should be given to this matter on that day. "Yours sincerely, "P. P. CLAXTON, "Commissioner." THAT KILLED TWO To determine the cause of the ex plosion of boilers which led to the eath cf..a?- eatherwax and John PloyeJ by the Hawaiian Dredging Co.. by whom the men were employed, to an investigation, That the explosion was purely an ac- cldent Is the belief of those who made an inspection at the scene of the ex- plosion yesterday. Several theories have been advanced as to the cause 0f the accident, but none has been substantiated. vt.. m ..v. - . v i i .. gation of the accident after which a report will be made to the company. We have no 6tatement to make al p,re"nU'' Bted ert Dili.lDhani of the Hawaiian Dredging Co. this mr?,,tns - . T Officer C. A. L. wills of Watertown who led the investigation just after tha eXDlosinn stated this mnrnlnr that who reside in KaHht Mr Pnca iov. a wife and two small children who rc8idc on We8t Fifth avenue, Kaimuki. Under Uie ausplces of the Knlght, yarior8' Aiierwara me anus will be held every Tuesday and Thursday until the isgue of orders to the contrary. STAR-BULLETIN GIVES you today's news today CLAXTON URGES CONT PROBE EXPLOSION HOLD REHEARSAL typical Ad Club tern-'jiy. are replfe wrh clever wit "take offs." Ness has e id ed hi railing, a his ahilit: aoric the part i- oue of His !:i(5 ad '.oca i-zv miss- to char ti..- f- ;:r-- of the p'.ay. Honoiiiiu a favorite. Null a lattery who takes the part of Mrs. Gott St ing, received au ovation from those pres ent for a clever presen'ation of character. nt only d.ft'icult to handle, bur in of good clc-an coraed Julian Kiting'- will pk-a.-e copy. R. D Mai;i;ili ns Mr. Se!i:;rn. tne merchant, shows although he was led astrav through false advertising. he i? opeti to e n u tii n and his por trayal of a ( onertl nicr h-m' to the truth in" aderti:-:ng ia good. Harry Decker as Mr f'ubiiJ-her 1? a blustering newspaper man who be lieves that all merchants taking ad vantage f cleverly written ads that do not t-l! t!ie truth and nothing but the truth should he shown up in their true light Ross Page as the president of the j club, .shows that he knows how to wield the gavel and Wallace R. Far rington will have something to learn in presiding over an aggregation of Ad Club men. C. P. Gage, Charles Foster and other men occupying seats at the table in the play handle their parts well. SOLICITS PLAN F PRICE OF FISH Has any one in Honolulu a feasible plan for regulating and reducing the price of fish? If so. submit it to th& territorial food commission. Such plans are being solicited. The supply of fish in Honolulu is now limited and is regulated entirely by the number of fish caught and taken to market, ?ays J. F. Child, as sistant executive officer of the com mission. Prices are naturally high, and the principal cause is the lack of bait. Nehu and iao, the principal bait J fish, are being driven out of HonoluU. harbor by edible fish which are now swarming in the waters and which are drawing hundreds of fishermen to the waterfront. "Just now the demand is greater than the supply," says Mr. Child. "If the consumer will 'shop' and not hold out for any certain kind of fish, con ditions will be relieved to a great extent, I believe. There is always one R REDUCING fish of which there is an over supply.ifpongee trousers and the price of which is lower. This is the fish to be bought when practic able." . AT BIJOU PLEASE . The Bijou theater opened up Satur day evening with a double attraction, but it is going one better tonignt when it offers three attractions in one. These are the "Somewhat Differ ent Singers," Wright and Dletricu, who are undoubtedly among the best singers ever heard in Honolulu, and whose engagement closes Saturday night, and Professor Norwood, the ever popular hypnotic entertainer, The third and newest addition to the bill is Miss Dorothy Reed, who will assist Mr. Norwood in a wonderful test of mind reading, presented for the first time in Honolulu. While under hypnotic influence she will answer questions and describe ar ticles in a manner that is as sur prising as it is interesting. All who have seen the wonderful "Anna Eva Fay" will be interested in this work as Mr. Norwood, during the past many years has proved himself not only equal to her marvelous gift,but with his hypnotic powers is able to accomplish much that Miss Fay does not attempt. It is doubtful when there will again be such a varied at traction presented at the Bijou. SHIP EXPECTED Japanese residents of Honolulu are hourly expecting he arrival of the Taisei Maru, a Japaue3e training ship, which has 75 cclott ubourd taking a course which will eventually fit them as ofiicers of commercial liners of Nippon. Elaborate arrangements are being made Tor the entertainment of the officers and cadets during their stay in Honolulu. Captain M. Kanno is in command of the Taisei Maru. He was here during the latter part of 1913. The vessel is expected to arrive today or tomorrow. ARMY OFFICERS PAY VISIT TO DUTCH SHIP Officers of Hawaiian department headquarters this morning paid an of ficial visit to the Dutch cruiser Zee land, returning the call made yester day afternoon by the officers of the v.arship. Those in the party today were: Col. L. L. Durfee. acting department commander; Col. Wm. P. Kendall, sanitary inspector; Lieut.-Col. Joseph Wheeler, acting inspector general: M-,j. L. W. Redington. acting depart ment adjutant; Capt. Henry C. Merri am, acting chief of staff; Lieut. Har old F. Ix)omis, fiide to the commander. Gov. Pinkham. accompanied, by his aide. Maj. .lames D. Dougherty, also returned a call this morning "on board tha riii. NEW ATTRACTIONS NIPPON TRAINING DOUBLE SLAYER ADMITS CRIMES, THEFTS REVEALED (Continued from ;age 1) a loom above a restaurant :n l'aiama he took $1." on another occasion. From a residne on Afylum road he and the other Hawaiian buy s'ole fr more. Again Mth Klsinore. he admitted, he took a suit trom a pla. e cn Kukui reel. Chief of Detectives Arthur McDuf fie obtained evidence ot the mans gtiilt in the development of a series of clews which, reads like a story from Sherlock Holme.-. 11 received the first new of the doable murder yesterday morniiu a:tr breakfa.-' and after I imh he had obtained evi dence which he believed was sufficient to convict the man. Further investi gation was carried on, however. befor charges were brought. Going tu the scene ui the second murder, a tencmeut house back o. Dr. K. F. Lis residence. Chief Mi Duftie found a A caliber i evolve under the bed in the room. He als found a pair of bloody ponge trousers. At the scene of the t irs murder, the Fujii camp on Rive street, he found two coat button and a bullet that had gone through th murdered man's arm. From Dr. R. : Ayer, who performed the post mortem examination, he obtained two .38 call ber bullets from the bodies of the dead men. Just how a .3S caliber revolver could be shot from a .4" caliber re volver puzzled the chief until just be fore noon when a young Hawaiian bo brought in a bullet which had been found near the scene of one of the murdws. The bullet was marked .3 but fitted the revolver perfectly Furthermore, the long lead nose on the bullet had been cut off so that it would not protrude from the chamber The fired bullet found in the room proved to have been similarly cut to fit in the revolver. The shell wnich was found also showed marks of hav ing expanded when the gun was fired The bullets used fitted into the .40 caliber gun, but tapered towards th end. In exploding the shell expanded to fill the chamber of the gun. The shell fitted into the .40 caliber gun but the lead bullet was only .38 call ber. Satisfied that the owner of that gui had committed both murders, the chief then took the pongee trousers in hand. He was told they had been left in the room of the Filipino by the Hawaiian boy, who had put on a pair of gray trousers instead. One of the boys in custody had on a pair of gray trousers. When they were removea lis under clothing showed blood stains almost identical with those on the Concluding that the pongee trousers were worn at rne muraer over tne same underclothes worn by the boy the chief followed the two buttons he had in his possession. He found that the coat worn by the boy was lacking two buttons and that the third button left on the coat was almost identica with the two found In the room of th murdered man. Upon this evidence and the conflict ing stories of the boy and stories of witnesses, the chief was able to bring charges. SLAYER ENTERS PLEA OF GUILTY Walking slowly from his seat, and apparently nervous, Kapeliela Kaeha, a Hawaiian boy, stood before Police Judge Irw in this morning, charged with murder in the first degree, for killing Otoklchi Hoshino, Japanese, and Arsenal Isidoro, Filipino, yester day morning. He was unrepresented by an attorney, and when the court asked him whether he had anything to say relative to his case, the defendant admitted his guilt. "I am guilty of the charge," said Kaeha to the , court, when asked whether he wanted a hearing in po lice court, or would waive examina tion. The defendant, speaking through an interpreter, admitted having mur dered the Japanese, Hoshino. Upon finishing reading of the sec ond charge, for the murder of Isi doro, the Filipino, Judge Irwin in structed Interpreter Baker to tell the defendant what his rights are under law. Kaeha then looked up and told the court that he wanted to waive examination in police court. He was therefore committed to the circuit court for trial, If indicted by a grand Jury. FREE PORTS TO The free ports question will come up for discussion al a meeting of the directors of the Chamber of Commerce tomorrow afternoon, a letter having been received from the United States traffic commission by Secretary Ray mond C. Brown asking the local or ganization for its opinion on the sub ject. In another letter the commission also asks for the names of five reput- aDie Businessmen ot mis city witn whom it can communicate in regard to various territorial matters. Just what these matter are the letter does not saj Both epistles win be read to the meeting tomorrow. M. Bratiano, the Rumanian prime minister, has reconstituted his cabi net. There has been a rearrangement of portfolios, and the personnel re mains practically unaltered. M. Bra tiano retains the portfolio of foreign affairs. General Jancovesco becomes miniktex ol war. DE DISCUSSED ZEELAND HELPED IN BLOCKADE OF VENEZUELA PORTS Dutch Cruiser Now in Port: Acted as Convoy Through Submarine Zone International attention wa attract ed to th part the Dutch ri;isT in land, which arrived in Honolui i ha: bor jesterday morning, took in block ading Venezuela ports a iew years be fore the beginning of the war in 1 1 4 At that time tl'.e Kuropean powers wished to make President fa-tro or Venezuela pay some of hi.- io:;ntry'-. debts, but were restrained b It!" Monroe doctrine of the 1'naed Mat'S With the assent of this count; y ' was thereupon agreed that the duty of "correcting" Venezuela should fal' to Holland as a harmless neutral, and also because the Dutih ha 1 oni'' claims cf their own against the C'a?lic government. The Zeeland and a few other bhips of her class were sent to Venenehu; waters, with results satisfactnr to the international creditors. When the Zeeland was despatched from Holland to Java oh this voage, she acted as a convoy to some Dutch merchant vessels making the trip through the submarine area to New York. IESPITE NEW LAW That" sake does not come tinder the government ban prohibiting the im portation of distilled liquor from for eign countries is the inference of ActingvCollector Raymer Sharp, after receipt of some recent treasury de cisions from Washington. These de cisions, which were published in a treasury bulletin on September 1, do not specifically mention sake, but make clear beyond dispiite that dis tilled liquors are the only ones pro hibited from entry. "Sake is brewed and not distilled," has been frequently asserted by food inspectors and others recently. "If a shipment of sake was to arrive here tomorrow it would be granted en try after the duty had been paid,'' says the acting collector, i Instructions have been Issued to the Honolulu customs- force "to 6eize all shipments of .foreign -: liquor coming here and to report the same to U. s. Attorney Hubcr. Under the sub-heading of "The im portation of distilled spirits prohibited after September 9," the decision cov ering liquor Importations, to which, collector of customs' attention is call ed, reads as follows: "Your attention is invited to sec tion 13 of the act approved August 10, 1917, which provides that from and after 30 days from, the date of ap proval of this act no foods, fruits, food materials or feeds shall be used in the production of distilled spirits for bev erage purposes Nor shall thwe be imported into the United States any distilled spirits. """You are hereby instructed to re fuse entry to any distilled spirits ar riving in the United States after mid night of September 9, 1917. Any such spirits arriving at your port should be refused entry and seized by 'you and the case reported to the United States district attorney, in accordance with article 922 of the customs regu lations of 1908' PERSONALITIES I MISS ANA K. HARRISON, sten ographer in the office of the attorney general, 13 taking her vacation. EUGENE MURPHY, Wailuku attor ney, is visiting in nononuu. tie is registered at the Alexander Youns hotel. TWIGG SMITH, the artist whose work attracted much attention here. is now a member of A Co., 25th regi ment of Engineers, in training quar ters in Washington, D. C. He left In August to join the Camouflage bat talion. MISS ELIZABETH DUTOT has been appointed nurte at Oahu College, her work to be carried out under the general direction of Dr. E D. Kil- bourne. The school nurse plan the result of the Dr. G. P. .Tadd endow ment 'which was given durin? Puna- tiou's 73th anniversary. ASK YOUR FRIEND There is hardly a neighborhood in any city, town or hamlet In the United States where women cannot be found who have derived benefit from Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. For more than 40 years this botanic remedy has been overcoming some of the worst cases of female ills. As one woman has found 'help she has told another, who has used it with the same result; so the use of this great medicine has spread from shore to shore by the recommendation of those who have-found It good. Therefore, ask your neighbor, let her tell you from experience the benefit which ail- ng women derive from the use of this famous medicine. Adv. While on his way to the eastern front the kaiser met the Emperor Charles at Podgoritza, near Cracow. A Vienna telegram says that "the two monarchs after a cordial exchange of greetings held an animated onver- satfon lasting about a. quarter' of an hour." The Emperor Charles then returned to Vienna. Large numbers of p.imphiets' are be ing distributed among Polish work men and German so'dier?--Y.declaring tha iodeDendeace of ToiaadL' CAN IMPORT SAKE WE STORE EVERYTHING JAMES H. LOVE JUST THDKIK If every one in Honolulu would eat Q Love's Graham Bread WRAPPED AS SCON AS BAKED two days a week, a saving of at least 10,000 pounds of wheat could be saved every week. MINERAL PRDCTS. REORGANIZATION GOES OVER WEEK! No definite action was taken by the stockholders of the Mineral Products Co. yesterday at the Special meeting called to consider the advisability of disincorporating the present Nevada company and organizing anotner tin- der the laws of this territory, because there was not r.'o per cent of the stock , during the next two weeks, of the concern represented at the Following are the approximate en meeting. rolments in the principal institutions: Even if there had been the required Oahu College, 214; Punahou pre representation of the stock, it is paratory school, .01; Honolulu Mill doubtful if the proposal would have i tary Academy. 105; St. Louis College, received unanimous approval as a eo-900; St. Andrew's Priory, 194; Mills ordinate part of the proposal is the j School. 200; Kawalahao Seminary. levying of a two per cent assessment for five months, to cover running ex penses, to investigate the possibility of the manufacture of magnesium car bonate, and to pay debts of present company, if necessary. . In making his announcement of tho insufficient attendance President Judd said' that there were but two things to do. One was to incorporate under the laws of Hawaii, turn over the property of the company to the new corpora tion, levy and pay assessments, in short to carry out the propowals men tioned in the call for the meeting, or to abandon the whole Mineral Prod ucts Co. project, liquidate its affairs or turn the property over to the credi tors. Personally he favored the first mentioned plan. The value of wood as a food is be ing studied. G. Harberlandt, the Ger man who has made extensive experi ments in this connection, says that the wood of the birch possesses nutri tive properties. All barber shops will close at 1 p. m. Regatta Dav. Saturday, Sept. 16. 688S 3t CLOSING NOTICE Reader, did you ever stop to think what lies , behind an advertisement? Just why a merchant approaches you every evening through our paid columns? It's because of his faith in himself, his merchandise, his clerks, his methods. It's because he feels he can al ways satisfy your wants; and give you a square deal If he didn't so believe he would never dare call in Paid Publicity for a partner. Because poor merchandise, dis courteous clerks, unfair and dishonest methods fear the spotlight like poison. When in doubt about whom to patronize, choose the advertiser he's spending money to persuade you to in vestigate him. THE AD MAN. ,tL -- 1 Your Printing Can Reflect Your m DOMINANCE In Your Line an open letter to users , of printed matter, EE Dominance implies tho ability to do business EE it implies bigness. iH The rommissiqn man the retailer, the Trhole- EE EE saler. to reach the crest of the business vorld, jSS must use dominant methods. In every activity E5 EE they must use methods that fairly reflect EES EE dominance. E EE The printed matter the messenger that first EE awakens the interest of the public mind must E EE glisten with dominance wherever it jroes. EE H In the held of printing the Star-Bulletin plant EE EE is dominant. Send us your orders. EE Honolulu Star-Bulletin Producer of Quality Printing luiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiillilillllllllllllllHlllliiilllliilllllllllllHIIll! CITY TRANSFER COMPANY PHONE 1211. MORE THAN 3000 URE ENROLLED IN Approximately T.T.W students enroll ed yesterday in tho Targe private schools cf Honolulu, according to prf liminary figures made public today. In all of these schools the enrolments show a gain over last year, and the figures may be still higher as it is ex- peited that further students will enroll 125; College of Hawaii. 114; Karae hameha Manual school. 123; Kameha mcha Girls' school. 113; Kamehameha Preparatory school. 75. I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE. MISCELLANEOUS. American Roadster; newly painted;' good tires; in good mechanical con-' dition. Call 2699 between 6 and 7; p. m. SS8 3t PERSONALS. French is spoken and taught at The Hair Shop. 1389 Emma St 6888 It FOR SALE. MISCELLANEOUS. Chalmers, 1917. perfect condition; ma-( hogany piano and music bench.! Phone 4908. 6888 3t I HELP WANTED. Wanted 1 boss carpenter, wages $150.00 per month; 4 carpenters., wages 50c, per hour. Address P. O.' Box 404, HUo, Hawaii. 6888 3t ft! - - PRIVATE SCHOOLS TT7TA THH A r q ' '7