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m mmm&sm r x mM o Wnolulu star-bulletin DAILY AND SEVI-WEEKLY i Term of Subscription: Dally Star-Bulletin 75 o-ats per month, 18 per year, 5 ceats pr copy. 6eml-Weklv .Star-Bulletin. 2 per year Adverting R e: Classified an. Business Announce r.enta 1 tent per vo-d per iac mer tlon. up to one week. Estmatfc i w-rds ptr ;ine. Per line, one week 30 cents Per line, two weeks ceD" Per line, one month ceEri re- line, tlx nonUm. .0 centals- uo. Other rates upon application. o advertisements cr liquors or cer tain proprietary medicines will be ac cepted. . In replying tu advertisements ad dr a your replies exactly as stated in the advertise men;.. . If you arc a u.-iep.iona t'-"- oH ,rl iiniiRIif : VC Will pllODU . "rS OUR PFONE IS 491' WANTED Roommate wted: prettiest furnished cottage: MakiUi district. Shower, tub bath and cooking utcnblls. $10.00 mouth. Dox-722. Star-BPl.etin. Si 6J03 t Hoofs to Rcparr We guarantee to stop ail leaks. See Lou KS Atobso Jones. We lead others follow. Eureka Taint Co.. 816 bo. King St. Phone 2006. Peerless Preserving Paint Co.. also txtnh nd Gravel Roof Specialists. till at the old atand. 65 Queen St Phone 4981. Washing Uken by Japanese woman. Work by day. Fine work guaran teed. Phone 2417. Mrs. Yuki. C900 6t The best market pnee will be paid for clean washed cotton rags by ' the Honolulu Star-Bulletin. 6734-ti Br the Salvation Amy. clothing and tnr relief work. Phone tUiUlVWV 3168. 6865 lm Typing. 10c per page, 646 So. King. 658 tf Situation wanted. Ita Yours years office experience including bookkeeping and shipping. If you nave a position open, address Box 6S3. Star-Bulletin office. 6849 tf HELP WANTED. A reliable man to be foreman in dairy. Permanent position and good x salary to capable, experienced and .steady man. Must be a first-class milker and butter maker. Apply In writing to Alexander & Baldwin, Ltd- Merchandise Department 6901 10t . Boy"wanted Home Insurance Co. of Hawaii, Limited, wants a good bright : boy who lives with his parents and - is not afraid to work. One who knows the city preferred, good chance for the right kind of boy to learn Insurance and grow up with the business. 6902 tf Enjoy yourself awhile. Twenty ladies and 20 gentlemen wanted to assist l4n ball room dancing. Apply Martha Howlett, I. O. O. F. building, Mon days. Tuesdays and Fridays. Phone U62. 6805 tf Boy wanteo to take position In print Int Plant Also opportunity of at tending school. Gcod pay to start Apply Mr. Thomat, Y. M. C A. 6734-lf Eoyt to learn trade, age 14 to 16. Coni " mon school education. Apply super- intenfient Star-Bul'etin. 6894 tf Ehoemakers wanted. Apply Hawaii Shoe Co.'s shoe 6hop, Hotel and Union. 6886 tf EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. iacific Employment Bureau Japa nese I elp. 1166 Union St Tel. 4136. 680667- Y. Nakanlshi, 34 Beretanla St. near ' Kuuanu. Phone 4511, 6:3.) a. m. to p. m. Residence phone. 7096. 5246-tf Aloha Employment Office. TeL 4889. Alapai St, opp. Rapid Transit office. All Unds of help furnished. 6101 tf Japanese help of all kinds, male and female. G. Hiraoka. 1210 Emma St Phone 1420. 6054 tf AUCTION BULLETIN We are In the market at any time to buy your used Furniture, to take at once or to take at some future time, thus relieving you of care as to its disposal when reacV to go, or we will sell it for your account by Public Auction at our "Popular Auc tion Sales" on Tuesdays and Fri days, where the people attend in crowds every time. We find that the more goods the more people attend, hence we are on the look out for all possible chances to handle y'lr used Furniture, end it is directly your interest as wall as ours to us handle the Sale through Honolulu Auction Rooms, J. S. Bailey. Distributed by 11 K f&ffiTsT eventu- : m felc A r:,ybuy IJB AUTO SERVICE & SUPPLY CO. . V- 1 r S. J grl ;. ! BUSINESS PERSONALS J Oh, Woman! - - - - - By BRIGGS chiropodist." V fAh- ABOVE 'HE ' I 1 HfRfS A V MAHOAWY Of- - 1 ''.UAT Cf ThiMK IT DANDV 'Vcount,, ThC BAR- ,, A AM , would I .STcRVBy .oTircne; AnD ThaX tYf H HA , Thi-S ? ThcY LrtvTL,M or ' P KA.RLV fOPPiNG , j5- i W K, LOUD WHILE UNCLE JMmV V i V , MMtTTiMCj . , S -9 3o WITNESSED -y u . 's .' V tl' 8 Si EXHIBITION ( HM-r.-i KO'"- ' rfe rrx I'm Pxls ; ? CT'LL HNOCC Cpr4ll lA m I l"1""- about The KjP) VV I HA HA MAH jJesERT MB NVn-.l v y patimg his- v 1 " J FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. Hupmobile Touring Car for sale. Call or phone Captain Crystal, at Fort Shatter. C899 tf Five-passenger Reo in excellent condi tion, $200.00 cash. Phone 7077. 2392 Koa avenue, Royal Grove, Waikiki. 6899 tf 1916 Ford Touring Car. Inquire 2122 Kalakaua avenue. 6902 tf AUTO ACCESSORIES. All makes of auto and bicycle tires and tubes; auto accessories; also vulcanizing, retreading, rebeading, etc. Taisho Vulcanizing Co., Ltd.. 180 Merchant, Ewa Alakea 6treet Phone 3197. 6582-6m Automobile, carriage, wagon supplies Quaker, Portage tires, tubes. New (Jahu Carriage Mfg. Co. Tel. 2742. 6803 6m Accessories; tires. Tel. 1324 Smoot & Steinhauser. Alakea and Merchant. 6803-Cm AUTO PAINTING. Pacific Auto Painting Co. Our coat ings guarantee durability of paint on fenders; first-class Job, fair prices. Opp. car barns. Phone f961. 6815-3m MOTORCYCLES, ETC. THOR motorcycles; Pierce bicycles; supplies; painting; repairing. K. Okahlro, opp. Oahu Ry. Tel 4018. T. EKI cyclemotor agt. So. King. 6804-6m BICYCLES. Komeya, Bicycles. Punchbowl & King. 6076-6ai MIYAMOTO. bicydesT 182 N. King St 6803-6m SATO, 330 N. King. TeL 1026 6S0J-6m REAL ESTATE Bargain House and lot (50x124), Ro yal Grove. Price $4000.00. Particu lars P. O. Box 1117, Honolulu. 6901 4t 27,000 square feet In Dole street Pu nahcu district Apply Bishop Trust Co. 6866 tf POULTRY. Retail, wholesale chickens, eggs; Wo Chong. 934 Kekaulike. Tel. 2867. 6817-Sru MISCELLANEOUS. Piano $50.00, on a count of going to the states. 727 S. Beretania street. 6898 6t One flag locker, 'ne office locker (koa); at K. of P. hall. Telephone 1842. 6883 tf Unused Remington typewriter, No. 10, $75.00. Easy payments. P. O. Box 453. 6S67 lm Ond spring upholstered self-adjustable Oak Morris chair. Tel. 1842. 6851 tf All kinds of fnm. vegetables and seeds. 1061 Aala street Phone 3554. C77& tf 1916 Starr piano. Phone 3102. Perfect condition. 6SS4 it Combination sketch box and easel, 137 King street 6S9S (t When Your Eyes Need Care Try Murine Eye Remedy FOR RENT Six (6) warehouses for rent. Apply Waterhouse Trust, Foit and Mer chant Sts. 6885 tf FURNISHED HOUSES. Desirable houses in various parts of the city, furnished and unfurnished, at $15, $18, $20. $25. $30. $35. $40 and up to $125 a month. See list in our Office. Trent Trust Co., Ltd., Fort street, between King and Merchant. Completely furnished cottages and apartments on the beach. Apply Mrs. Cressaty, 1909 Kalakaua, Ave. 6773 tf Two-bedroom rurnlsUed cottage, 871 Youn: . near Kapiolaui St. Reut $35.01). No children. 6S78 tf Small furnished cottage, $15.00, near Shatter. Phone 1095. t902 3t Furnished cottage in Cottage Grove. TeL 1087. 6S59 tf Two-bedroom bungalow. 897 tf Phone 6042. UNFURNISHED HOUSES. Three-tedroom house, Vineyard St, $27.50 per month. Apply 297 Vine yard St 6896 tf FURNISHED ROOMS. Citadel Hotel, 71 Beretania street, be tween Fort and Nuuanu. Furnished and unfurnished rooms, at $2 'and $2.50 per week, $7, $8, $9 and $10 per month. A quite place to stay. 6902 lm Large room for two gentlemen, also single room. Special rates by the month. Heinie's Tavern. Phone 4986. 6743 tf Furnished rooms for two reduced to $2.50 per week. Unfurnished rooms. $7.00 per month with light. 546 So. King street 6880 lm Front room, sleeping porch, separate entrance. Apply Mrs. Wm. Paty, 1641 Anapunl street 6901 3t Newly furnished front room, connected with bath; private entrance. Inquire 1658 Fort street. 6901 6t Light housekeeping and single rooms. Ganzel Place, 112 Vineyard, cr. Fort 6434 tf Light housekeeping rooms; high eleva tion; close in. Phone 1998. 6488-tf Comfortable furnished room and gar age, $15.00. Thone 1998. 6881 tf HOTELS THE PIERPONT "On the Beach at Waikiki" Furnished bungalows and rooms; ex cellent meals; splendid bathing and boating; 1000-foot promenade pier; beautiful marine and mountain view; terms reasonable. Mrs. John Cassidy. Tel. 5708. - 6202-tf Furnished cottage with sleeping porch and private bath, with board, also furnished double rooms with board. Vida Villa, So. King St 6889 lm FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Second-hand cameras and lenses bought sold or exchanged. Koda graph Shop. Hotel and Union Sts. 6307-tf Westerners assert that the jack rabbits may be found, happy and fat, spending the day under a scrap of bush that makes little more shade than a fishnet. His skin is as porous as a piece of buckskin, and the heat is sufficient to evaporate every drop of his body, yet he seems to get on very, nicely. I BUSINESS GUIDE BAMBOO FURNITURE. Ohtani. Fort near Kukui. Tel. 6800 tf 3C28. CARPENTERS. Takano. 816 So. King. 6858 2m Tel. 2096. CAFES AND RESTAURANTS. Boston Cafe Coolebt place in town. Aft-r the show, stop in. Open day and nigbt "ijou Theater, Hotel St 6539 tf Columbia Lunch R- na; quick service and cleauiinees our uutLc; open day and night Hotel St., opp. Bethel. 6518 tf CLEANING ArtD DYEING. A.. B. C. Renov&tory; clothe3 cleaned, t'yed and repaired. Phons 4118. 6104 tf Steam cleaning. Alakea St., nr. Gas Co. 6234 tf COLLECTION AGENCIES. Quick Returns Collecting agency. F. Nichols, 12 Brewer Bldg. Tel. 354U. 68396aj CUT FLOWERS ANB PLANTS. Coconut plants for sale; Samoan va riety. Apply A. I. Hills, Lihue, Kauai. 6277 tf T. Kunikiyo, 1111 Fort; phone 1635. 6298 tf Toyo3hiba, King St., opp. Vida Villa, 6411 3m CONTRACTO: S AND GUILDERS. HONOLULU PLANING MILL. LTO, Contractors and Builders. Manufac turers of doers, sashes, frames, blinds, molding, screens, brackets, eti All kinds o! mill work, finish ing, turning. Rep.iir work and small jobs a specialty. Fort St Tel. 1510. 6806 6m G. Nomura, bugler and contractor; excavating, grading, paving, team ing, concr . crushed rock, sand. Moiliili, nr. Quarry. Phone 7488. 6568 lyr M. Fujita, contractor and builder, painter, paper hanger. Phone 5002. 6300 lyr H. Monzen, builder and contractor. 662 S. Beretania St. Phone 3227. 6602 6m CON TRACTORS GENERAL. Ohio Building Co.. general contractors. Prices low, work satisfactory. Thone 21)3. 13S3 Emma street, near Vine yard street, Honolulu. 6866 6m U. Yamamato, 8" S. Kukui St., phone 4430; general contractor; building. 6354 tf ENGRAVING. Calling and business cardd, mono grams, wedding invitations and an nouncements, stationery, etc.; cor rect styles. Star-Bulletin Printing Department, 125 Merchant St. FURNITURE. Murata 715 South St New and second-hand furniture bought aud sold. Chairs for rent. Phone 165. 6S12 6m New and second-hand furniture bought! and sold. Phone 3998. 12S1 Fort St. ! 6453 6m j Saiki. Bamboo furniture; 56? Bereta-: . nia St 607& tf j MERCHANT TAiLOR. U. Y. Sang, tailor. 1131 Union. 6451 -6ml BUSINESS GUIDE JUNK. Junk bought and sold. 6407 6m Phone 4366. MASSAGE. K. Hashimoto, massage and electro neoring, Nuuanu St., opp. Williams undertaking office, phone 1785. 6400 3m MONEY LOANED M )ney loaned on diamonds, watches and jewelry at legal rates. Federal Loan Office, 95 N. King St 6365 tf Fidelity lxan Office, 52 No. King St Money loaned on diamonds, watches and jewelry at legal rates. 6769 lyr MIMEOGRAPHING Mimeographing. G. Stangenwald Bldg. Floyd Perkins, Phone 2907. PRINTING. We do not boast of low prices, which usually coincide with poor quality; but we "know how" to put life, hustle and go into printed matter, and that is what talas loudest anu longest. Honolulu "Star-Bulletin Printing Department, 125 Merchant street. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS. G. Floyd Perkins. b03 Bldg. Phone 2907. Stangenwald 6809 6m PLUMBERS. Masaki Bros., 709 King. 6812 6m Tel. 5999. Won Loui Co., Snii-.h street. Tel. 1033. 6815 6m Chee Hoon Kee, 11 Pauahi. Tel. 3653. 6S17 3m SHIRTMAKERS. YAMATOYA Shirts and pajamas made to order. 1305 Fort St., opp. Kukui St.. Phone 2331. 6442-lyr Akagi, 1218 Nuuanu street, shirts and pajamas mile to order. Phone 6041. 6307 tf . Yamatoya. shirts, 1146 Nuuanu St 6451-3m K. Tamane made to order. 348 N. King 6805-6ia TEA HOUSES. Ikesu, best Japanese dinners. T. W. Oda, prop. Telephone 3212. 6183-tI TYPEWRITERS. Rebuilt Underwood and Remington typewriters. Hon. Typewriter Ex.. IS 4 Merchant. Phone C.G75. 6S14-6ni VULCANIZING. Old tires made new, moderate prices. New Hawaii Vulcanizing, Maunakea and Pauahi Sts. 6814 6m WOOD AND COAL. Tanaba Co., Pauahi, nr. River st., tel. 2657; firewood and charcoal, whole sale and retail. 6237-tf Our Rome corresponde.nt states that the German Protestant Rectory .school 1 built at the kaiser's expense and from his plans, and completed cn the ee of the war. was occupied rccen'ly by Italian soldiers. The premises will be used by the ministry of war. Adelina Patti CIGARS FITZPATRICK BROS. ! Dr. Catharine Shumacher. :'4 S. King.1 cor. Rtehani H:u: . J W to 4 . JO. j Tel. 3 6 .'. Horr.e appointment.. 6S9r tf .. Frank O. Kansier. Elite Bldg- 164 Motel St. Hours, S:3tf to 4:.o; Suu ii.i3 cr tvcir.ns by appointment. Phone 5536. 6Sl6 tf NEW THOUGHT. Jom tree class, stuay new thought,! Tuesday, li:3i a. ni., Beretania and Miller. 6t66 tf Buy New Tojufht boofca. Phono lhl'J. 6760 tf DRESSMAKERS. Dresy making, pajamas, shirts, etc.. male to order. A'b. repairing and sew .. lessons. I asonable prices. Mrs. V. 11 Chow. r:".t y rchant, rear Hawaiian Electric Co. Phone 4l'5i. 6!81 lr Mrs. S. Masaki Macnikea and bere tania. 6S14 6m OSTEOPA1 Dr. P. II. Pennock. osteopathic physi cian, 424 Beretania St. Phone 2350. 6701 tf LANGUAGE AND rENMANSHIP. .aLTERRE'S French and Tenman ship Lessons now opened at Room 3, Elite Bldg. Age no rindrance. 6S06 tf EDU-ATONAL Miss Ballantine, teccher piano and voice at Roselawn, 1366 King St 6S59 lm ' HAIR DRESSERS. Tho Hair Shop. 13S9 . Emma street, French hair goods manufactured. Wigs, switches, toupees, etc. French spoken and taught, 6902 3t PALMISTRY SCIENTIFIC PALMISTRY MME. CLEO is an experienced prao tioner in the Science of Palmistry, by which she has made many re markable predictions. The lines in the hand show the powerful in fluence of All Affairs of Life such as business, marriage and health. 177 Beretania street cor. of Union. En trance on Union street. Have MME. CLEO read for you today. Satisfaction guaranteed. Hours, 9 to 121 to 6. Evenings by ap pointment Phone 4115. (special star-Bulletin Correspondence.; WAILUKU. Maui. Sept. 26. On Thursday last a meeting of the Cen tral Maui ministers of the Hawaiian Board churches was held at the Paia Union church. There was a large at- J tendance. The morning was rpent In j listening to addresses in theology, after which the ladies of the Paia Union church served luncheon. Miss Gertrude B. Judd, who is act-; ing in conjunction with a committee of j Maui ministers, has begun thisweekf her classes at the Wailuku Union j church in theological study for several of the pastors of the Central Maui, churches. The class will meet four mornings a week and will consist of ten or twelve members studying In two groups each week. The work for this year will be divided into three terms of about 65 hours each term. The members of the class are most en thusiastic in beginning study in classes again. Rev. and Mrs. George E. Lake of Hana are spending the month of Sep tember in Kohala. where Mr. Lake is supplying the pulpit of Rev. John F. Cowan, D. IX. who is on the mainland for a vacation of several months. The month of October Rev. W. B. Coale of Lahaina will preach for Dr. Cowan. Mrs. Coale will accompany her hus band to Kohala. WAIi PUZZLES GERMANY GAVE PROMISE Not to sink American liners with out warning, two years ago today, September 1, 1915. Find a merchant. REBUS. A flag. ' YESTERDAY'S ANSWERS, L'ft side doun in arm. Intern. . - LOST Uron in.ilacca ca v i'h rounl sil- ver knob Ktu.iri u Krrd L. WaMror. 1 ' I " lb pi : on I 'iint !'.: Itf iirr t 14 1 !. K u nrd !rott. NOTICE. I wi'.l not rcivv: !rr anv d-btf or t'dhtat UMis trnrr.u u-d tor by an von-, uhorvtr tiu !,!.v '.'o. witho;:! 1 nr written oitjri. l Ml.VA. M r ft;', v i v 1 1 ' a r 1 ;i ht Sat!;r.ia mitic t. wttl: ,,,-r j.i r-T: r ! : Thomas il Cih-on r Honn!u!:i :! . . V. .it c-niianv Mrs. Ilirtow upon he; luainini; !it' ior snn'i trip 'mnir. re- The owners of tho Arftitm.' saihnc vessel Uriana ; r t'.iro.l t Umi amounting to $0?.'. ,". .hi!i vi!!.l stated to the foroi;:n minister Jimj forwarded to the Herman go ernrm m. Supreme Satisfaction is what you get at this C.OOD V EAR SERVICE STATION. The von Hamm-Young Co., Ltd. Honolulu Hilo Automobile Repairing FRANK COOMBS Bishop and Queen Tel. 2182 American Optical Co. 1148 Fort St.. Honolulu Opposite Catholic Convent THE HOUSE OF SERVICE P A P E R FOR ALL PURPOSES Paper Bags, Cups, Plates, Napkins and Towels, Etc. AM.-HAW. PAPER CO., Ltd. Phone 1410 J. Ashman Beaven, Mgr. meat Market & grocery Phone 3451 C. Q. YEE HOP i CO. MXHESNEY COFFEE CO. COFFEE ROASTERS Dealers in Old Kona Coffee Merchant St. Honolulu PIANOS HONOLULU MUSIC CO. Ltd. 1107 Fort Street Get all the light you are paying for by using Edison Mazda Lamps. ELECTRIC SHOP Gruenhagen's Blue Ribbon Chocolates HAWAIIAN DRUG CO. Hotel and Bethel Streets SILVA'S TOGGERY Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clot'ies King, near Fort PURE ICE From distilled water Quick delivery by motor OAHU ICE CO. Phone 1123 The Waterhouse Co., Ltd. Underwood Typewriters YOUNG BUILDING H. HACKFELD & CO. Limited Commission Merchants HONOLULU Trow