Newspaper Page Text
m 51 - . - z - - Tos-nr r : lJ Aw ,,va -j.y; ' .:. : z ' J 4 - ' .. " s ' ' ' . ' . ' - ' ' '"-V" '" " - - - -. . - 1 1 111 1 t . J . : 11 ' 1 14 PAGES HONOLULU, TERRITORY OF. HAWAH, THURSDAY, NOTOMBER 8, 1917.-U PAGES price Frra cr.ns Evenlne Bulletin. Est 1882. No. 683S Hawaiian Star. Vol. XXV, No. 7979. n-.n' n n l)L J oo ; till III I t II '!. I vu. ' - ) -i U jiLu : II 11111 11 V ,1 II I I I J II ' I I , . I II . lift. II . I f : 1 Merenslw CONGRESSMEN 73 1 A. I' Under the royal palms and kfawe there .are "pupils representing more itorm'and local folk are shown: Back Nlcholls. George W. Hess, superintend ra pv laukea. Mrs. Nina L. D. Fraser, children.,taklng part In the exercises, Consul Woo Huan Exposes v Movement, Backed By Gerr : man Gold, to Place Dr. Sun I Yat Sen in Power and Con r elude -Separate Peace : V: ' :. -" ' . z i NEW DISCLOSURES IN t : f- i SITUATION IN CHINA f :'. - j ' -.:' ' : ; - f ' Dr., Sun": Yat Sen and f ol lowers propose to, float loan of $50,000,- V 000 to foment revolution asalnst -f central Chinese jjovernment ; 4 German infiuerse and money,,. -f 4v coupled with Dr. Sen's desire to become head of China, believed 4 motives for the movement. . ; 4 Ts?-ang Woohuan,. local Chi-, -f f nese tonsul. Instructed by ambas- rf -f sador In Washington to discour-. V age purchase of bonds : and at- 4 4- tempts to acslst flotation of loan." -f ' : r.hinA consul officiallv Inform- 4- V ed that the central Chinese gov- 4 f ernment will not be- responsible -f 4 for the; redemption v of", the o- called foan.r"',' :-- x-J'Z'-Z' , Hawaii Is Included In countries 4 ''Where 'br. "Sen,-expect Vtb:"''.oet; -f moneyr-Chinese consul has Infor- .-f mation to the effect that, 4 may already, have been sent from 'Hawaii and that bonds have been f received and sold hefe. 4 -f r: As early as.J last August; the 4- Liberty News, :a CSun Yatv Sen -f 4- newspaper, urged Chinese here; to contribute to the loan. - Copies of -f papera " containing -the articles -f 4- are. now In the possession of the 4 4- U. S. attorney's office. - 4 4 U. S. district attorney's office 4 4'expresses opinion that a purchas- 4 4 er of these bonds, or a contributor 4 4 to the ; revolution 1 movement, 4 might be convicted of sedition or 4 4 treason, and possibly violation of 4 4 neutrality. ; . : : .. ..". 4 .'.V.: 4V:: .v. -:vA:j"L-'i: -4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 r44 4l44 4 4 OFFICIALLY exposing a gigantic plot b- which Dr. Sun Yat Sen, a na- live of Hawaii, believed to be aided by pro-German .gold and influence,' as pires to become head of the Chinese government and possibly conclude a spparate peace with the Central Pow ers, Tsz-ang ; Woohuan, local Chinese consul, today gave the Star-Bulletin ccpies of official 'cablegrams which have been" forwarded to him through the Chinese legation in Washington, p. C. The cablegram of supreme im portance emanated from Peking, pres ent capital or the Chines i republic.- Although tlie principal cablegram vas received several days ago, Con sill Woohuan has rf rained from mak ing it public, "but has now declared that the; time Is : ripe for the Chinese of Hawaii to be warned against' tak ing any part in any movement which Doctor Sen may be engineering to dis- rupt the present government of China, largely for the reason thit;China has Z Continued cn jjage threv4; : Overthrown, ' . : . ; and Cong .. . '.... ; - ' . . . a.:.. .u.j t. h V.nlnn vnt nnecthl nnlu-. in I Hawaii. In . this, school 'Ji ' I waintani ehooi this morn no senators ana reprcsenwuYB au,v,vu v.i-. -r.t r ... . ... . ... ... --. i iff Vioht" senator M Bland,' Cogressman Bowers,: Congressman row, left to right.- Senator .Myers, VM"" (is tm.r.iinHe Conaressman Temole. Senator Poindexter. Conaressman Gordon. Territorial Sec-. entU.:S..:Botanic;.Garaen principal, oi xne scnoQi. jrrwm, t ; - .. ..- : Jl r - . j, v ; -r - ressmen Goodaii ana tision arc on ineiM" '-. . - - - - - " - - ' j QUEZON fCAaSON FILIPINOS-TOl FIGHTu FOR-U.! S.v. .J f - MANILA, P U Novi 8,-Mahuei Quezon, lormei ." 6ioriirOVWhlngtbn'forthe PUipirtnes andbwpresidentI !pine senate.-.made.a statement which ; he ; urged the .Filipinos to show their -gratitudeUo the t United States by espousing the American, cause "in war, "He asserted that the Philippines have a morejital interest in 4he outconie'of the war than-even the United States, and that the Islands would lose all hope of liberty in the event of German triumph.,; Let: us fight for America and the small countries," he laid.. "Wo do not need compulsory service. Th veterans of the insurrection . will volunteer. v HAMBURGAMERICAN OFFICES ? IN NEW, YORK SEIZED BY THE JJ3 NEW YORK,: N.v Y..: Nov; S. The .Hamburg-American Steamship Com- , pany offices here Fere seized today on orders to the United States mar-1 i shal from A: Mitcfieil Palmer, whb is in charge of enemy, property Jn the; United States. Th& employes-of the offices were;ordered out. The of. fices will be used' by the port board and a war board. ; '. - ! "I U.' S. W A R M I S S 1 0 N CANNOT TALK PEACE OR POLITICS. . : ; - WASHINGTON D X!.; or." 8. Denying rumors that the; war mission ; iust: reached London; wllli discuss peae termsV Secretary Lansing declared xn i,of ttio-tniinn will talk neither peace' nor politics. Its function is- to plan more efficient' handling of -thenar with; the European Allies.; x ; : ' i---.'- v V." ' ' ' ' ' -' y 1 :. - '.'V- v '.: Z'-Z r BoerVnrjR RPPrilAL GRAND JURYi PROSECUTOR r i Attorney-General I." M. Stalnback this afternoon announced ; the appoint-, "raent of Attorney R.:W.JBreckons- as a special deputy, to assist the terri- torfal grand Juryin an Investigation orpine r iprenco oerg iop who was-a nurse at ithe Queen's hospital, died following a criminal; opera- 4 tioni h,: i ;; ZZZZz Z. : -. ; Z Z r . Z : PRESIDENTXALLS BANKER-INTO IMPORTANT CONFERENCE : -WASHINGTON, D. C; Nov.' 8. Otto' H. Kahn, noted ,New York banker, ' was called into conference with - the president today to discuss economic con ations in thx country. Governors; of toe federal reserve banks are also in f conference with, the reserve board here today.' , " pyEL CONTROLLERS MAY RESTRICT ELECTRIC SIGNS 'Z WASHINGTON, D. 0, Nov. 8. Tie 'fuel control ; administrations are taking action' to restrict the use, of electricity for advertising signs to con . serve power, and; thus, conserve fuel. rt' . Ay :?:Z-Z .HIGH PRICES OFXOAL MAY BE REDUCED SOON ; WASHINGTON.'D. C Nov.' 8." A -possible reduction in .coal pricesls In : dlcated by the instructions of 'the fuel administrators to the state subordin- ates calling for a: change in tne meinoa oi nxmg reiau iViuxa. Russian mm ZMmm tJSSIA is'out of it,Mt said Senator Henry L. Myers of Mon-K-4nnn ttIiti infnrmed;of fthc Russian denouement. VWe m iuuu i . i vm - . It is up to the United States to take up the burden. : We; will nave to take Russia's place and do more than ever before. Our nation must align - with England, France and the ; other allies and fight to a finish'.- I have never be lieved that the' 'conditions In . Russia would be arranged so that - we would have the. full support; for the safeguard of democracy. ; . :'; -:; - Z l 'Z "It will mean hard fight : for? the United States and it may bring Japan Into the conflict with a mllUon men. It is too' early ; to . predict any definite j campaign, but the United States win htve to bear the burden. We are in it new,- and we have got to stay to, he concluded. - y. ':;:-.- y---' ;; Members of. the congressional party. ! who were in attendance at the exer- cises this inoraing at; KalulanL school received the word. that Kerensky had can't expect any thing from Russia. I am not at all surprised to Hear that Russia has asked! for peace. , X have expected this. yVhile a - young Japanese mtwasjmore definite newij M Flight; "MELTING - POr mm m TiilTOfi Senator Myers , 7 s : . raising the American iiag m me exer cises one member of the party, was ehard to say: 'It. may take the. com bined efforts of America and Japan to stem the tide. Z -Zr'Z-r-. Senator William Thompson of Kan sas said it meant a new government in Russia, and the situation appeared to be; a critical one, but, he hoped tor the best "It Is too early to make" a defi nite statement on the situation,", .he said. "Russia is a puzzle at present" Senator WilUam. King of Utah took a grave view of the situation. He has been a-strong advocate of real partici ration, on the eastern fronts by Japan and the United States and said that he W f ontfl leriate the situation on the Italian fronts. 1 Z- Z u:Z :. - -Z'- y ; y Congressman William ', Gordon I of, Ohio' said he did not wish to discuss the ; situation until he had received '-MkxiihQlisis ' KAIULANI SCHOOL COtlGHESSflEI THRILLED AS KIDDIES oifffiEiiffliiMiESSAUiTtnils 1 .-, Children Arrayed in Costume Pass Before Visitors, Pledge Al ; ::Z legiancc to Stars and Stripes and in Pretty Speeches Tell Why They Love Flag of Freedom A: SENATOR MYERS' ADDRESS TO CHILDREN "You children of Hawaii gather ed from all quarters of the world have shown a deep respect for your flag. The scene depicts the - Interest, the brightness and the ' . adaptability of the .' children of v your school. America's true pat riotism and citizenship have been Z instilled in the young of the is lands. I want to compliment one '-v and all; of ' you for your true dis- play-and your true thoughts to the v Flag. I also wish to compliment .' your principal and tc'achers for tAlULANI SCHOOL, the "molting pot" of Hawaii with 26 nationalities represented among its children, welcomed the congressional delega- tion this morning. . And then- was enacted a scene that made the hearts of the. distinguished visitors thrill .with emotion, that; made their . bosoms swell with 'pride for America as the cosmopolitan , assemblage Japanese, Chinese, Hawaiian, Russian, German, . Portuguese in fact the whole gamut of ' races was representd pledged allegiance to . the Stars and (Stripes and childish "voices, told-why they loved; the Flag.. ' RUSSIA'S FALL : MAY CALL TEN MILLION 1111 SENATOR KING Utah Solon in Talk at Commer cial Club Says Sacrifice is Spirit of Hour Z "Spirit of sacrifice must; be the do minant feature of the American peo ple at this hour," said Senator Wil liam King of Utah in an inspiring, red-blooded talk full onrue American ism today: at the Commercial Club lunch." Sacrifice has given us our flag. Sacrifice has given the Amer ican people liberty. "Word came this morning. that Rus sia had i collapsed. Gentlemen, this means perhaps sending 10,000,000 of our boys to the bloody fields of Eu rope. This calls for our. money, for our sails on the oceans, for our teafrs and our heart throbs. Now is the time when we need big men and big women. ''';- , "GenUemen, at this hour we need men I who are willing to give their lives that America- and. democracy may be saved. We sacrificed much in the early days when we created this great republic. We sacrificed again in the days of our civil war that our nation might i become a greater one. This is the day ..of sacrifice and every thing else must' step aside today. ' -Peace Must Come . ; V . "A reign of righteousness and peace must come to the distracted humanity of the world. The world has coveted the fleshpots of Egypt. The srorld has erown sordid. ,We must show the A downtrodden of evenr land the haven Sammies Flm to 0feffl -r r ,1 moulding the sentiment that has been expressed today. . "If : the children of . Kaiulani Vchool are as smart in their studies as they are ,in their ; patriotism, then (.must say that you are, the smartest children In ; the world. We are learning the great: lesson of civilization and citizenship. We are learning the loyalty , to the flag. This gives you the right to liye. It gives you the blessings and the joys that surround you to-, day. This is the ideal government of all time," Z-:-. ' ' ' I Senator ; Myers lalk to the children followed . the exercises, which . was a program - of education to the congres sional party. Senator Myers was In troduced by Mrs. Nina L. Fraser principal, who had charge of the program for the day. : j 'vl : Members of the chorus of Kainlanl song. The national - anthem of Ha-i permitted to leave the front for Petrograd, and where per waii, -America, and -The star- si n faais, force if necessary will be used to whip the troops scnool openea tne. program witnr a Spangled Banner were rendered ' by hundreds of the school children. ; Al together 1545; children were banked around the grounds when the dele gation 'arrived. v : Z '::'l'y Following the singing Miss Colum bia, represented. by Miss Helen Allen, reviewed the various nationalities; as they passed before the Flag. First men's' Delegates, and an honest constitutional assembly. The XLIoirftLcTfeorthleouncil i for-peace, broad, land and thc vesting of power in race . loveu me oiois ana oinpes. ; Following the group came the part Hawaiian, British, Japanese Chinese, Korean,;; Porto Rican, Portuguese, Spanish, Filipino, Mexican, Russian, BriUshAmertcan,.:;.Geraan.'and---twa children who represented four 'races h wUaSiiian' p0t i KTimo- a?d Hawaiian. Only Four Americans js Of the 1545 children present, there (Continued on Page Two.)' of peace. We must show to them the glory of the republic which will steer their bark to righteousness and love for humanity. "I was very muth Impressed this morning by tne feeling expressed by the Kaiulani school children. It shows tie manner in which you have :gath ered the various peoples together for peace, l nave no more aajecuves iciu This is a land ; of ; adjectives. Your nouns and your verb3 -.. are missing. Hawaii today Is the center of the trade of the Pacific , Soon the, Paci fic will stand as a real thoroughfare of the world," he concluded. . . . i f . x i m . M- Mr. Smith is coming to Honolulu- Advt . l o m pa "MILITARY REVOLUTIONARY bii i ill ju DLE, WITH PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT, HEADED BY' KERENSKY, DEPOSED GARRISON GOES OVER; TO THE PACIFISTS . : (Associated -Press by U. S. Naval Communication Senrice) v LONDON, Eng.,. Nov. 8. There a. re indications of a general retirement qf the Turks in North Palestine. : . i : : The Turk stronghold of Teskrit, 90 miles north of Bagdad, has been captured by the British. Teskrit is half-way between Bagdad and Mosul, which is on the road to Lake Van and fell Into the hands of the Russians some months ago. BERLIN, Germany, Nov. 8 The river and captured 17,000 Italians. v ROME, Italy, Nov. 8. The withdrawal of the Italian line continues. The larger units have been recently unmolested.. The Italians along the -Tagliamento have engaged in an airbattle, bringing down five Teuton air planes. .. v . ; -V: , :r-: i' :Z': - - - ": . liZi PETR0 GR AD, ; Russia, Nov. new force is in the saddle in Russiaa force pledged to irnmediate peace with the Central -Powers and to a division of lands among the peasants'. Premier -Kerensky' is overthrown;- He has-.heen deposed at the' order of the ''military -revolutionary committee'' repre senting the latest victors in Russia's upheaval. Kerensky, deposed and in danger, fled today and a warrant foiV his arrest has been issued by the revolutionary committee. - CAssociatcd - Press by U. S. Naval Communication Service) ; PETROGRAD, Russia, Nov. 8. TI12 Ma: uii w t-,t. .. ......... . v. wi v government by ; a coup d'etat and the kercnz:y government has .collapsed. j The Maximalists are in control of Petrograd and have issued a proclamation declaring that th 2 new government will peace, news to: this effect being announced by the semi-official Russian news agency. The Petrograd garrison assisted in maldnjj possible the bloodless political stroke by which Kerensky was ' overthrown - and the peace party placed on top. . . LONDON, Eng., Nov. 8.-Leon Trotzky, a prominent Maximalist and president of the Petro- 'grad Council's, executive committee, representing the conference of Soldiers and Workmen'p Dele Icrates. siens the proclamation calling for peace. This proclamation declares that tKe provisional government rib longer exists. Some of its mem bers have been arrested. The preliminary parlia ment has been .dissolved. " j v; PETKOGKAU; Russia, Kpv. 8.(Later)- The military ; revolutionary committee of the Central Council of Soldiers and Workmen Delegates is proclaiming that officers not joinins the -Maximalist movement openly must be arrested. Tliose militarv detachments whose sentiment is uncertain will not be intolirie.dt;:;:;-;:-;;f"- . The. program of the revolutionary committee is an offer in npp., to ouote the proclamation, "and of a ti. 11UU1VU1U IV : tf .."7 X Omission the people. T OKDOK. England, Nov. sent out for a convention oi the population, to express the (One Filipino man is dead and a Fill- ... , . i t . nino tiToman. wxtn nom ne nau uet-u ouuu. at the Occidental hotel. King and Ala kea streets, at 2:J5 o'clock this after noon. . ; .- Francisco. Mercado, who confess ed' to the knifing, and who is now under arrest claimed that the wo man, Anna. Vilacune, i3 hi3 wife and that -Siriaco Pason, aged 25, wLcm he slew, -stole her rro LI T! division of proprietorial lands among the peasants, the trans mission of all authority to the Council:of Soldiers and AVork- O rr ii 1 COMMITTEE" NOV IN SAD- Teutons have crossed the LWenza propose an immediate 't 8.A Petrograd wireless says. 4lio Pntifrnl rnnnpil has hoon healed, and a call , '-oxnm f one delegate ior cacii 0,UUU OI will of the Russian army. . ; 7 fore he died . Pason Identified Mer cado as'; his assailant and later .Mer cado confessed before the police. The woman told the police she had been living with ; Mercado tw5 years. He was not her husband, she said. An other Filipino, Cipriano, brought th 3 woman from Wahiawa, and wa3 wit.i her at the Occidental hotel. He ':: town several days ago, and tcU T' . to take care of her. Mercado f3"j5"' th woman?' to tho city zl !!:::-' her at tM hotel ' T"m. 10