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Great men need to be lifted upon the shoul ders of tlie whole w orld in. order to conceive teir great ideas or perform their, great deeds. Hawthorne. '. ' - -'i-'i It is a good thing to keep all authoritarian ism ever 'under question. There is some fake in t alL institutions -William Marion Reedy. HONOLULU STAB-BULLETIN, FRIDAY, NOYEMBER 9, 1917.; FOURTEEN . ,. : LOCAL JAPANESE LEAST IW NEED : Bv DOROTHY DIX, The World's Highest Paid Wpman " i. ' Writer ' E hear a treat neai aDoui mar- A riaeo beinsr a failure and the T f frequency of divorces " said th Woman Philosopher, "but when jou sit dn calmly and rontenulat3 the mirage that has to be wrousb". in Luman na-we before any two pspU" can adjust themselves to each other io that they can live together in com parative harmony the wonder is that any marriage is a success and that ' ivorco ; isn't universal. : : : 'The reason , why nearly all mar tiaE3 are the marriages of the young s because it is only the young . and ;norant who have foolhardy courage to believe ttat a man and woman with different strains of blood In their, veins, who have been brought up in a different environment, who have been bred to different habits, customs and ways of lboxing at things, who have different tastes and different stand ards, can have a magic1 formula pro pounced by a preacher over them in a thurch and be really made one and go home and live in peace ever after. i "Thnm nf in Ti-hn are older know better, and that's why very few peopled over 40 years old havo tjie courage to iry the matrimonial experiment . We know that it is as hard for the leopard to change his, spots as it Is for us to get away from our family Ideals or al ter the custom that we have followed all our lives. Of course most-of us do manage to achieve the transformation io some extent, at leas.t, but no one can deny that it is an unpleasant process, full of bickering,- misunder-, standings and hurt feelings on .both v "Particularly on the bride's part ilost women salt down the -first two or three years of their 4 marriage in prine and never think of them without gulp in their throats. "For you see that-attraction of oppo fites thalt draws a man and a woman together in the first place and makes themv want to marry each other works the opposite way as soon as they are piarried and makes them antagonize each other at every turn. j "The cold, hard.- stern man, for in stance, has a fatal fascination for the warm-hearted, loving woman to whom affection is the very breath of life. She marries him and dies of starvation lor the tenderness it is not in his na ture to give Or the cultivated, schol arly. man is irresistibly drawn to the little doll baby girl who. has nothing on her mind except the latest thing in tats. He marries her and spends the balance of his life on a mental desert island perishing for intellectual com-: paniorrship. - ": , '", "Or the girl who is nothing but an ; animated fashion plate and who cares for nothing . but the, gaiety of restau rants, 'theatres and parties, marries a man whose heart and soul and life are bound up in some uplift work. Or , the man whose dream of domestic Wlss is a suburban home with a peram bulator on the front porch and a hot "dinner awaiting the 6:45r deliberately picks out a professional woman for a wife who Is more unalterably wedded to her own latchkey and pocketbopk than fihe ever will be to any man, and . to whom all babies are brats. - "Old Dame Nature, wlio Is the most conscienceless matchmaker on earth, and whose activities are: carried on' for the good of the race and not th happiness of the individuals concerned, tirecipitates luckless couples into such incongruous marriajges every day. You wan ?0 ft nan ' makes a home cozy .''" - -''.-'''..'-. , The materials cost only a trifle but when tho work your hands is applied to them, you have things of beauty: and of a dollar and cents value far . above yaur small original outlay. ' . are showing a large, a variety of de- signs for every sort of use together with the ma terials for working' them, prices . run, the whole , . gamut,' so that somewhere you will find the note that accords, with your own purse strings. ' SACHS' would say every one. of them was bound to endvin divorce. ut they don't. Somehow ' they rub along, though, the attrition gives them the worn and weary aspect that ma&es married people generally look about ten; years older than their bachelor friends, male and female. " "And even when there is no great insurmountable obstacle, like a dif ference in brain or moral outlook, be tween a husband and -wife, there are thousands of little differences, that have to - be smoothed out and that make the first few years- of married life a hard road : to traveL Now, in my? own case, I married one of the dearest, most lovable, most generous men the good God ever made, but the first fen years of our married life was fnll nf frirtinn between us and with family, because he and I had been reared in such different home atmos pheres and had such different points of view. : . : ' "My people :. were ; prim and puri tanic, with rigid codes of conduct; Each individual child of us had its own room, ita own belongings, its own privacy, and we would no more have thought of using each other's things or intruding on each other than we would have - intruded on a stranger. We were taught reticence about our own affairs, and that to talk about our plans Mas to Indulge in a sort ot weak garrulity, .. ili-:' - V-:?::V; "My husband, on the contrary, came of a happy-go-lucky family, demon stratively affectionate to each other, and where everything was held almost in common, and nobody had, or wanted to have, any privacy. Everything that everybody did was talked , over ex haustively before and ; after it was done, and was the subject of unlimited free advice. 1 . ..' "You cannot imagine how all of this - grated on my every sensibility. It seemed to me the very quintessence Lof the vulgarity of - family; life. I al most died of silent fury the first time my husband asked me whom sl letter was from that I was reading, and it was months before I had sense ; en ough to perceive that what prompted his question was not a jealous desire to pry into " my correspondence, but just a loving interest that made any thing that concerned me, even my let ters, of interest to him. " 'It shocked cie to. hear him tell of his aspirations. I thought it weak bragging, until , in course of tlma I learned that it .was just his affection ate . desire to share his hopes : witn those dear to him.', ", "And his family equally misjudged me. Because I couldn't discuss . with them a new; dress or hat,, before I bought it, they thought me secretive. Because I. have never been able to tx press a millionth part of what I felt, they thought me cold, and because I couldn't overcome the habit that had been instilled into me from my baby hood and accept the things they of fered to lend, me, they thought me proud and exclusive. :So I will al ways be an outsider, to my husband's people. Perhaps that is the reason that most in-laws get' along so badly together. It's family characteristics that neither side can help having that makes the family elide . a perpetual prize ring. i . - .': ' . "In domestic life it's the little things that count . Nearly ail of us could forgive our husbands or wivej some one great: big sin if only they were congenial and sympathetic -and com paionable about petty everyday af panionable about petty everyday af glvable is the everlasting antagonistic attitude the husband or wife who never thinks "the wajyyou do, who Hotel St., near Fort never likes the things yon like, who never wants to do the things you wi to do : 'The wife, I pity is the girl who has been brought up to be inaepenaeui and whn marries a man who his been raised to think a wife should be her husband's slave, or the gin wno uia been netted and loved and indulged who marries a human icicle. The win who has my sympathy is the man no has had a bie ; brained. intelligent mother, and sisters, and who marries a fool, or the man who has been rus Pd to seA a wife be a helDmeet to ner husband who marries a selfish; spoil ed, extravagant girl who i3 a mm stone about his neck. "But, as I said before," the Woman Philosopher added, "thes9 unsuitable marriages do take place, and tnej don't all end in divorce. And that's the marvel of matrimony. It shows that the old martyr spirit still exists." (Copyright, 1917, by The Wheeler Syn dicate, Inc.) r Dorothy Dix's articles appear regu larly in this paper every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 1 . VITAL STATISTICS 1 i-:U;;:--7,r' BORN. : WEBB In Honolulu, November 6, 1917, to Mr. and Mrs. Marshall H. Webb. Jr., of Dole street, a son. MARKHAM In Honolulu, November 5, 1917, to Mr, and Mrs. William . Markham, of 402 Iolani avenue, Au " w aiolimu, a son. WHITE In Honolulu, October 31, 1917, to Mr. and Mrs. William Opu nui White, of 1247 Peterson lane, Palama, a daughter Lucia. MARRIED. MUELLER-McROBERTS In Honoln lu, November 7, 1917, Dr. C P. Mueller of Schofield Barracks and 4 Miss Nancy Belle McRoberts of New York, Rev. Leon - L. Loofbourow, pastor of the First Methodist Epte- ' .copal church, officiating: witnesses ' Miss Ida E. Skinner and Mrs.u L. Ioofbourow. . ; V:'. G USTL1N-WEED In Honolulu, No vember 7, 1917, ; Walter F. Gustlin and Mrs. Evelyn A. Weed, Rev. Leon Loofbourow, pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal church, offi ciating: witnesses Mrs. J. H. Cha- " pin and Mrs. L. L. Loofbourow. FETLER-KALKES In Honolulu, No vember 6, 1917, Frank C; Fetler and Miss Sue Kalkes, Judge J. M. Mon sarrat officiating; witnesses Flor ence G. Kearns and Agnes Hewitt. BECKMAN-ABBOTT In Honolulu, November 5, 1917, Albert Edward Beckman and Miss Minnie Patti Ab bott, Bishop Henry Bond Restarick, of i Honolulu, officiating; witnesses Grace Anderson and Gug Morten. COSTA-COELku In Honolulu, No- vember 4, 1917, John A. Costa and Miss Mariann, Rev. Father Sebas tian Konze, of the Catholic Catrie dral, officiating; witnesses August Perry and Emily Perry. DIED. THAYER At the Queen's hospital, Honolulu, November 7, 1917, Arthur, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fletcher Thayer, a native of this city. ' : FK-ITAS In Honolulu, November 7, 1917, John de Freitas (Comprido), of 2037 Kalakaua avenue, Walk iki. married, gardener, a native of Ma deira, Portugal, 6G years old. SETOS In Honolulu, November 7, .1917, Joao de Freitas Setos, of Punchbowl street, widowed, a native of Madeira, Portugal, aged 87 years. WEBB In Honolulu, November 6, 1917, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall H. Webb, Jr., of Dole street, a native of this city. MERRICK In Portland, Ore., Novem ber 5, 1917, Mrs. J. E. Merrick of Portland, mother of Owen Merrick of Honolulu, a native of Canada, 65 years old. AM OPERA AVERTED Philadelphia, Pa. "One year ago I was very sick and I Buffered with pains rin xny side and oacjc rantil I nearly went crazy. I went to idiff erentdoctcrs and they all said I had female, trouble and would not get any relief until I would bV onerated on. I had suffered f orf our years before thia time.but I kept get ting worse the moraJ rnedidne I took.1' Every month since I was a youiig girl I had suffered with cramps in my sides at periods and was never regular. I saw; your advertise ment in the newspaper and,the picture of a woman who had been saved from cooperation' and ; this picture was im pressed on my mind. " The doctor had given me only two more days to make up my mind so I sent my husband to the drug store at once for a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and believe me, I soon noticed a change and when I had finished the third bottle I was cured and never felt better. ; I grant you the privilege to publish my letter anil am only too glad to let other women know of my cure. Mrs.THOS.McGON 10113122 Eartville Street PhilaJ? never wants to do the things you warn , .lg . r'.' p MB" UvS&yi1 & iimmmmmmmimiH F J i wq iv" J iHHW Mil II 1 IB i 'SmMtShotddNot Be lied to Woman's ron ays Judge Ashford. All Right for Him to Have a Governess Up to Age of 6, CQneVsjfievv That a governess fpr 4-year-old Richard Smart would be neces sary only untifhe 3'about 6 years old and that, after he has reached that age; . he should . be out. playing with youngsters of his own size and not be tied to anyone's apron strings was the i opinion expressed by Cir cuit Judge' Ashford in intimating what he would do when he renders a final decision' on recommendations to give the baby $11,050 instead of $2000 a year. . Regarding the purchase of an auto mobile for the baby, the judge referred to this as a picayune affair,' but de clared that he was not disposed to allow some $4600 for the purchase of a limousine. -He asserted that if the climate of San Francisco is such that a closed carriage is necessary, certain ly a closed carriage is not needed in Hawaii. He added, however, that he might make an allowance for an "automobile" under the circumstances. "But the idea of a growing boy being tied t the apron strings of a govern ess when he should be out playing with boys of his own age, is something that does not appeal to me," asserted Judge Ashford. He also referred to the item clothes,. $300 a year," as a picayune matter. "But he could not possibly wear out "that many clothes in a year," said the 'court : The annual vacation trip to Hawaii at $1200 per trip might be made per manent, the court continued, but the other yearly, vacation trip, figured at $350, is questionable. The master recommended that $700 be set aside each year for automobile upkeep. . "I certainly will not be disposed,' said Judge Ashford, "to settle all the expense of automobile maintenance on this child as against the grandmother with an annual income of $40,000." The court expressed the opinion that the annual item of $1000, for war and ciarlties . donations, should be in creased to $3000. Exceptions to ; four of the recom mendations of the master have been filed by the: Trent Trust Co., guardian of the estate of .young Smart. The objectionable items are the annual trip to Hawaii to cost $1200; automobile upkeep, to cost $2700; war donations, to amount- to $1000, and donations to Waimea Hawaiians to amount to $1000. Attorney WV J. Robinson, counsel for the tru8t; company, said the" guardian did hot want to pay out, the $1200, un less the' trip to Hawaii was actually made.- He also expressed the opinion that the " grandmother., should ; pay something' toward the maintenance of the automobile, - as 'undoubtedly she will use it . more than young Smart. - Judge Ashford said that he would consider the recommendaitons, accept such portions as appeal to him, and reject or modify those portions that do not appeal to him. " V :; CATHOLIC LADIES MEET ; With Mrs. J F. Bowler, ; vice presi dent, presiding in the absence, of Mrs. B. : S. Cunha, "the Catholic.La-. dies' Aid Society held its7 first meet ing after a -three months vacation, yesterday at - the t Library , of V H waiL' The needs of the poor, irre spective of race or color, were discuss ed and . plans proposed and outlined for; the winter's work . among the poor. - The next regular meeting -will be the second Thursday ia Novembe. I Ap i f gAlW "I am more than, satisfied with the results of my visit to California," said Alexander Hume Ford", just returned from tho mainland. ''I have had splen did cooperattion and support given me by J. Walter Scott, coast representa tive of the Hawaii Promotion Commit tee, and Emil A. Berndt, chairman of the committee. "The Pan-Pacific work on the main land encourages me to believe that we will hereafter work together as a unit for Hawaii and the Pacific. "Great advances have been made in the Pan-Pacific propaganda; in fact it is now emerging from a promotion pe riod to enter one of cautious, careful constructive work. A new set of men are taking hold; men to whom we have cried aloou until they have heard us, and after Investigation appear ready to take up the Pan-Pacific work in a thorough business way, and further; more to carry it on to permanent suc cess.. ; ;;.'; ' "What 'feature of the work will be chosen as the corner stone I cannot say. Harry Burhans, chief of the Den ver Publicity Bureau and secretary of the Western Tourist association, is a guest of the Pan-Pacific union, to meet here with our directers and study the movement, . a rriovement: which has as its watchword the uniting together of all the great nations bordering on the Pacific, which must be the great the- ater of the co"mmerce of the world "Perhaps the one. effort of the Pan Pacific union more than any one other to attract the attention of the Ameri can foreign trade, tourist and traffic men to the west Is our plan for a pound-a-day; cruise jaround the Pacific, which may begin at any time-at any port on the hfg ocean. THE JAPANESE BAZAAR GmmllllfeiiMi'li Now Onfor Two Weeks We expect to reduce one-third of our present stock, by means of an extraor-. dinary- cut in prices on our entire stock. We have a big stock of ODDS and ENDS and all of. them will be gold at 30 to 50 per cent discount. -; v ' . - - This is a golden opportunity for. Holiday. Shoppers. - - Ph J 'si- 03 COME t4 1-3 W in W THE "JAPANESE BAZAAR nAD 4 j L v f "This tour, will perhaps be an impor tant topic for discussion at the West ern Tourist association 'convention at Portland next March. The pound-a-day tour promises' to become" a reality, and this will mean inuch to Hawaii. "San Francisco has taken up the Pan-Pacific movement seriously, and the clubs of that city - have joined hands in furthering the work. Already a handsome illustrated monthly called launched and the daily newspapers are devoting whole pages to the move ment. -;':,.-- "More than 100 members of the San Francisco Pan-Pacific club; attended the luncheon at the. Palace' Hotel for the visiting congressmen- More than 5000 delegates are expected at the Ad club convention of the world at San Francisco. Altogether .1 have found ranch more interest In Hawaii and the Pacific, than I really expected, and everything points to a great growth in the ran-Faciflc i movement during the next-year.1 MAMMOTH PUMPKIN TO GRACE FORD'S FEAST Alexander Hume Ford ' is "some pumpkins." To prove ; this the ; father of the Pan-Pacific movement brought with, him a 150-pound "eating" pump kin from Santa Clara county. ; Ford's exhibit captured the prize at the San Francisco Land Show and was called "Little Pan." The :! prize pumpkin was " brought .'; over on tho Matsonia. and occupied a very prom inent position in the dining room. The pumpkin will be used on; Thanksgiv ing Day when Mr. Ford entertains for a number of his friends at Laniakea. THE JAPANESE BAZAAR EARLY AND' GET FIRST CHOICE. ? JA FAN FORT ST., NEAR THE JAPANESE BAZAAR OF CHARITY AID Most Calls fop Assistance Come From Portuguese, Says New Charity Head - Miss Lena R. Waters, who assumed her duties in October as the new man ager of Associated Charities, is an enthusiast in her work, and very hope ful about conditions here. Everybody helps," said Miss Wa ters. "Our work is greatly facilitated by the assistance we get, not only from organized charities, but from other organizations and from individ uals. , i '- Z':s, : - - Naturally, much ot our help comei from . Palama Settlement. Both Mr. and Mrs. Rath, as well as their many helpers, are" untiring in their work, f Every, nationality helps, too. The Chinese committee, which began last January" to look after the Increasing number of Impecunious poor among the aged Chinese by providing them : shelter and clothing while the Associ- ' ated Charities raised money to pur- i chase food, continues its work with ( gratifying success. . There are many . beggars among the Chinese, and tho ; majority of them are really unable to work. Since : we have; undertaken j their care,; wit hthe help of the Chi- j nese committee, enough money has ; been raised to send several of them to the hospital for treatment, and i they have so far regained their health as to be able now to help look out for themselves. Yard work has been found for a number of them, and they have all proved satisfactory. We have ; now ten Chinese men on the waiting I list, and we should be very , glad to see them secure . places where they could no enough work to pay for their i food and -shelter, -; We ask no wages for them and they expect none. They I are not gardeners. Very. few of them f are trained to do any sort of -work, but j they can act as watchmen, water lawns, do a little weeding, and, some of them would be good-dish washers and kitchen helpers for light work. : "With the Japanese population three j times that of. any other people here, ' there are fewer calls for 'charity, fo? Japanese than" for any other national- ! ity.r . ...-: . ;j "Our heaviest 'calls come from the ; Portuguese," said Misa Waters. "Next i in the order come the Hawaiians, but here we are greatly assisted by Mrs. j Walter Macfarlane, president of the ' Sons and Daughters of Hawaii, which j organization is now looking after all ' indigent Hawaiians brought to its at- -tention. r -Vv" ;v ; : "Next in the order demanding char- ; ity are the Filipinos,, whose needs are i constantly increasing, and 'next, I am ; sorry to say, are the Americans them- ; 8elves,-who will let anybody take care of their poor. Porto Ricans are fol Jowedby .Koreans, with the Japanese last of all,' only two calls being made T last month for help, for Japanese. ! ;IIss Waters is a pupil of Miss Mar- giret Bergen, who reorganized the ' charities in Honolulu about two years ; ago.; In addition to her studies with , i Miss Bergen Miss Watery had two ' years with the Russell Sage charities, and just before coming here was doing social work in connection with Johns t Hopkins University. In spite of her eight years as a social worker she is quite a yo3ng girl, if appearances countfor anything. f ; , "My work is almost wholly confined to family rehabilitation, which means," Miss Waters explained, "providing, as far as possible, family care for thoso In need. .Wherever it can be arranged the relatives of the needyone are en couraged to provide for him until such time as he may be able to provide for. himself.". . ;- - ; ' '-'-- -. - i m " Circuit Judge Edlngs of Maul ha? taken under advisement the applica tion of a Hindu to become an American citizen. U. S. Attorney S. C. Huber Went to the valley island recently to confer with the circuit judge in the matter. As far. as is known no Hinda has ever been admitted to citizenship In this territory. " v THE JAPANESE r BAZAAR V w w & w ca W a 6 t 5 i Si tl ; M Wi tt v : 11 BERETANIA THE JAPANESB 3. ESE c; v i i r t z- r I - f A: