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1 r . NEXT MAILS? From San Franclseo Tuesday, Nov. 13. '- To San Francisco -Monday, Nor. 12. 3 r-At iy A, m O 1 7. TIVTTV " 1 Evening Bulletin, Est 18S2, No. 6940. Hawaiian Star, Vol. XXV, No. 7981; 26 PAGES HONOLULU, TERRITORY s OF HAWAII SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10,-1917. 26 PAGES PRICE FIVE' CENTS fo) Jtt "r n ) bud U AT V ,-: SOME PRO r m m- a W - mm 7 V ! 3 , : mil ' 1 W : t2)g NOBORE SAYSMOT0R Queen is Sinking Fast and Not Exnected to Survive ; uay; J Favorite, Pet Dog Watches Life of Mistress Slowly Ebb r 4ng Out; Beljs to Toll Disso lution . - v : Hovering between life and ? death and stH I sinking, little hope was held by Or. Hobdy at , 3 ; . o'clock this afternoon that the ; queen would survive the day. He says she may. continue to live un-7 . til near daylight tomorrow, but , after that he despairs of saving ; .: : her. life. . '.'"'; '-V Queen Liliuokalani remains unconscious and all-attempts to give her nourishment are with- out avail. Her existence Is sus- f ' ? talned now only through the con-) tlnued functioning of her heart. X HE death" of Her Majesty it." Queen Liliuokalani may be expected at any hour. : Such was the announcement made this morning to the Star: Bulletin by Secretary Iaukea following the morning, visit- to Her Majesty by her physician, ;.' Br. :W. C. Hobdy. The physi . Ician's report was that she was 1 sinking rapidly and it was in probable tliat she; would last -; i another 'day.- ,-:-:.,:':.. V, ? Word of the' final dissolution -will 7C tie announced to the public by the.toll .7. in- or the bells of Kawaiahao church V -and SL Andrew's cathedral, special ar , rangements having been made to in " form the people of Honolulu imme diately Her Majesty has breathed her " . last - ,7 ; ' 'y - i; With Uttle perceptible change, ex cept the continual weakening of the life force, the aged Queen lies today she lay all day yesterday, in a state of half consciousness, from which she "" arouses from time to time f to turn tired, but still bright eyes, on those of her best loved friends who are per mitted to go. to h er bedside. On the Hoor at the foot of the great. koa bed lies Foni, Her Majesty's small dog and faithful friend, his woolly little head resting on his paws, and his big browii eyes looking out mournfully on a world that has gone all wrong for "'him, for his beloved mistress no long ' er speaks to him. ' : - "She loved all dogs, but-Poni best of aU," said Colonel Iaukea. "The 1 name Toni' means Coronation Poni , was the kjng of dogs to his mistress." All morning long a stream of call x crs poured Into Washington Place, but ; it has not been a stream of curiosity seekers, the entire public seeming to ? be In perfect accord In the wish to - keep these last hours of this woman, whose life has held so much of sorrow . not of her own making, as peaceful as possible. The Tisitors who were not close friends have called out "of . the greatest respect, and there liave been - - no annoying requests for "admission . .by strangers.- . , "Jr-; . Early this : morning Senators Ash urst of Arizona, King of UUh: and Representative Gordon of Ohio, all ; j members of the congressional visiting party, called and paid their respects. ' Mrs. C.-J. Robinson, vho was ad mitted to the sickroom, returned with V tears of joy in her eyes. ''She recognized me," said Mrs. Robinson.- 'I am sure tlie Queen knew ' me,' for she shook my hand and said . "How are you?' But she is so weak." Mrs. -John O. Dominis, who lived all her. married life with the Queen, and whose, three children were born in Washington Place, took the two older a children, John Owen . and Sybil Francis, to Her Majesty. . She smiled ' when she saw them, but did not speak " to them, : murmuring only ! a weak "Thank you." to Mrs: Dominis's "God . bless you!" John Owen, who is a ; sturdy youngster, will probably in herit Washington Place, which was deeded to his father before his death. ; Mrs Dominis was - accompanied this morning by Mrs. Leopold Kroll. v Mrs. Walter Macfarlane, Mrs. A. P. 1 ' Taylor, Mrs. A. X. Tripp and Mrs. Ahrens. all close . friends of Queen 1- 'J. Liliuokalani, were visitors at her bed . ' tide today."::, BRITISH GAIN 800 YARDS IN PASSCflENDAELE ATTACK (Atsocuted Press by TX. S. Ktvil WtrelMt.) LONDON, Eng., Nov. 10. The Brit ish . made good progress today In an attack near Passchendaele. ' " BRITISH FRONT IN FLANDERS, : Nov 10. The British " today , gained ; S00 yards on the Passchendaele sec tor. ,,'( '-r.. PARIS, France, Nov. 10. German attacks today on the Rhelms front were repulsed. . . ,.'; - v:i;V VISITING CONGRESSMEN ft r r Q0EE1! REFUSING FOOD AND WATER , BRINGS HID CLOSE UEEN LILIUOKALANI in her I I last hours will take no food. -N She will not even drink the - water that fs placed to her lips. If she could be induced to take nourishment- there might be some i hope of her rallying, but without )': nourishment she cannot live, her ' physicians say. j : . : c .. ' . . :Cy:y Since . her illness ' she has been , In her. favorite , bedroom, which is on the first floor,, on the mauka side of the house. V The doors of ; - the, beautiful ; old 7: high-ceil in ged room are! wide open, letting in the sweet scented air, and the pleas ant . chirp of the mynah birds in the : shrubbery , outside. Beside the bed is the faithful nurse, Mrs. H." H. WTebb, who 'v never leaves the room r for more than a few minutes at a time. Sometimes, as if to show her appreciation, the small thin hand of Liliuokalani - slowly lifts and rests ; against' the cheek of her nurse, but the few drops of life-giving nourishment the nurse would be so glad ,. to see taken are rejected, like every thingvelse that is offered to the queen..- : .' . BRITISH FORCES IN PALESTINE ROUT TURK LONDON Nov.' 10. The British armies In Palestine 'continuing their pursuit of the Turks vhavo captured Askalon. The Turk -casualties: num ber 10,000. Seventy, guns"; have been captured. - ' : . ' ; ! U. S. TO REGULATE - V RETAIL COAL PROFITS WASHINGTON, Nov.. 10. The next step in the administration program of economy will be' regulation 'of retail coal profits. The fuel board today directed its representatives in tha Various states to mako an immediate check on local fuel prices. ,; VON KUEHLMAN REFUSES - TO UPHOLD LUXBURG BUENOS AIRES, Nov. 10. The gov ernment has been- advised that i For eign Minister von Kuehlman of Ger many has told the Argentine minister at Berlin that he has disapproved xt Ckunt" Luxburg's (despatches via Swe den to theGerman foreign office; SUFFRAGETTES ARRESTED 7 WASHINGTON, Nov. 10. Eight suffragette sentinels who have been patrolUng tre Whits House district were arrested today. EVENTS IN RUSSIA AND -1 ITALY FORESHADOW PEACE (?) COPENHAGEN Nov. 10. Events In Russia vnd Italy have caused a rise In foreign ... exchange rates, : except , Rus sian, on tae-theory that they .-foreshadow an, early peace. A similar rise was recorded in gtockho.lm. VILLA GETTING ACTIVE.! . P RES I D I O, Texas, Nov, 1 0. VI lla, from . his headquarters ; at Maijoma ranch, fifty miles south of Qjinaga, has issued a call for troops to make an at tack on Ojinaga Monday, according to three ranchers who were made prison era but escaped.1- ' Only, one bid was, offered at the bond sale today at- the treasurer's of fice 4 for rtho Smith ad Hotel Street Improvement bonds. . This bid ; was rnae by James Stelner, for the Hotel Street improvement . bonds,' which were, knocked: down to him at two per cent discount, he paying 17885.08 for the I804G bonds Not a single chirp was heard from anybody when - tlie mlta street bonds were offered. 9 - . - T: .;:a,..' v. ..: 1 l A Four Yesterday Begin Move ment to Clean Out Honolulu's Underworld, Lately Grown More Vicious L AUNCHING a vigorous : campaign against Honolulu s underworld with a view to ridding the city of commercialized vice in -its several forms, the territorial grand jury yes terday afternoon inflicted Mau ' Hop, Sau Tong, David Kailiula and C. Y. Mar, chauffeurs, on a charge of pro curing and transporting women; for immoral purposes The men were arrested on a bench warrant issued out of Circuit Judge Heen's court shortly after the indict ments were returned. The police rounded up the defendants and took them into ' custody. In court this morning they pleaded not guilty : and their cases are scheduled to go to trial Tuesday morning; They are repre sented by the law firm of Andrews & Pittman. - V An extensive investigation has been made of the case of the four chauf feursboth by the jury as a whole and by members of the special vice com mittee which was ' appointed 'shortly before. Judge Heen charged the jury to Investigate reports that commercial ized vice was spreading to the"-residence districts of the city; The mat ter was first brought to the attention of the jurymen . when ; the defendants testified for the ' prosecution in the case of William Kemp, a part Tahitian, who was convicted of procuring- and who was sentenced by Circuit- Judge Ashford to serve - not less than four years at hard labor In Oahu prison. -, In part the testimony in the case was; that the defendants .were 'drivers of automobiles which had transported Mrs. Kemp and f a" girlnamed Eliza beUi Akana to 'various parjts of Hono- lulu for, immoral purposes. ':- Mrs. Kemp testlfed that, her husband had driven her 'into the. life of. the demi - monde and procured soldiers. . , The. grand Jury Is reported to - be making-further investigations -along UU3 sajae.llne .. . - v Y N 'a X iVA. ' .J" , . ,,-,1-,.1.. 1 m , - - , , ' V?CE CriUSAOLS ARRESTS BEOiH SEE OAHU AND COLLEGE 1 .; ; -a J V f 'IS; t V Y V SHIPPING WILL BE CARED An important summary of shipping conditions, affecting Hawaii and a declaration that the transportation needs of the territory will be cared for as , satisfactorily as can be expected in a national and international crisis such as the present, was made today in a signed statement given to the Star-Bulletin by E. D. Tenney, president of the Matson Navigation Company. The statement is as follows: "FREIGHT AND PASSENGER TRANSPORTATION. i ' "In view of the uncertainty of shipping conditions, I deem it best to make a brief statement setting forth the situation as known to the Matson Navigation Company through sources of -information at its command. .' "On October 15, the United States Shipping Board requisitioned the entire fleet of the Matson Navigation Company with the exception of the motor bark Annie Johnson, from and after which date-the vessels have been : operated by the Matson Navigation Company .for account of and under instructions from the United States Shipping Board. Atthis time it was intimated that the., probabilities were that the . company's vessels would be continued in the island trade indefinitely, with tTie exception of one, and possibly two, of the larger boats, and that when these" were taken an equal amount of freight tonnage would be supplied. . "On October 18 the San Francisco representative of the shipping board received .instructions from Washington to promptly ascertain the earliest dates upon' which the Matson steamers Maui. Matsonia, Wilhelmina, Manoa and LurHne could be despatched to Atlantic ports, he to replace them with ex-German and coastwise tonnage. The situation was carefully canvassed, a list of -available tonnage to replace compiled, and the board was advised that the ' steamers could be despatched , to the Atlantic on or about the following dates: "Matsonia Dec. 1, 1917;' "Maui Dec. 15, 1917; - . "Wilhelmina Jan. 1, 1918; "Manoa and Lurline in February and March, 1918 'No reply was received to this message until -October 26, when the San Francisco representative received Imperative orders to despatch the Maui, Matsonia and Wilhelmina to Atlantic ports at the earliest possible ' date, and to replace them with coastwise tonnage as far as possible. ; v- I ..;, -. ; "After conferring with representatives of the Matson Navigation Company and' Pacific Coast Steamship . Company, he decided to take possession of the Maui on November 10, Matsonia on November. 26, and - Wilhelmina on December 2;. and arrangements were made at the same time to place at the disposal of ; the Matson Navigation Company ; the steamers President and Governor, to be operated on the schedules of the Matsonia and Maui, In order that the passenger traf ficimlght be taken care of, tonnage to replace the freighting space lost , to be designated later. r ' v t r 1 "Throughout all these negotiations, assurances have been given , to; the company that the freighting requirements of Hawaii would' be taken care of, that the" United States government and -Its shipping board were thoroughly familiar with" the needs and requirements of the islands, and that cample tonnage would . be provided . to move our crops and furnish us our supplies, This ; assurance covers all necessities, and. It .was specifically stated that a large tanker, of' a capacity sufficient to replace that lost ' through the with drawal, of the Matson steamers, would . be furnished , s. bring fuel oil," ' . v , "The general puDiic may rest assured that everything possible is . being done to Insure our transportation... needs being cared for. The Islands have several very . powerful ? friends who are serving, on government boards In Washington, who are taking, time - from their; multitudinous . duties to keep I in touch with: the; transportation situation and do r what; they can to insure 1 our protections U may be that we. will have to dispense with some of the j non-essentials, butll believe . that in general the transportation needs of the territory will be cared for.'not with: such clock-like regularity as In the past, t but In a manner which should be satisfactory to Its citlxens, in view cf tht world conditions now prevailing v I I:1 I for, says mm OF HAWAII n - w - -V V" y y , !LefAfcOTeLiTCheont3 ! Co Ilene . of Hawaii clven to visit f I Ing congressmen. ; Right above i Representatives : Louis. E. Goodall i of Maine- (left and William H- Carter of - Massachusetts, the twoj businessmen, of the congressional . party, talking' it ovtr at Makapuu ; i lighthouse. Below-f-Focusing con-- gressional attention upon the j route of a proposed military road j around Makapuu. : Left to right j Supervisor . Lester Petrie-of Hono lulu,. Representative. Benjamin F. Welty of Ohio; Secretary Ray mond C. Brown, Honolulu Cham ber of Commerce; Senator Henry L. Myers, Montana; . Territorial I Representative , Gerrit P. Wilder. Photos by Star-Bui letln staff . pho-; j tographer. .;; . - . :. OFOtDHfim LiiiisToi Members Call on . Governor and gates is minister ot. foreign ' . "se m . ' " li" ' Inspect Throne Room and Canvases of Rulers; Off for Big (sland This; Afternoon Members of the congressional party called upon Governor Lucius Pinkham at the capitol this morning. . From 10 i o'clock; until 11 o'clock members of the party ; arrived in groups to pay .their j respects to Hawaii 3 executive. Following the reception in the gov ernor's office at '11 o'clock the mem- j bers of the congressional party were I chnwn ,k th. tKmn .,fT i veyed the canvases of the various rulers of Hawaii.. C. J. McCarthy, treasiirpr of the ' tfnTlfnrv.i a eta A islands. He told of.the life of eachi"! G",1. ruler and the story of the revolution and the annexation. The members ? listened attentively throughout the en tire tour of the gallery and at the con clusion expressed the opinion that. Mr. McCarthy's remarks had not only been f interesting but instructive as welL z As an added; feature to the' pro gram of thecongressional delegation, Gen., John P. Wisser wrill be host : at Fort Shafter on Thursday . evening. November-: 22.- - Z- This-evening will be given over to a' study, of war conditions. It is planned to have an exhibition of the throwing of hand grenades, , bombs and trench life.' Many of the fea tures -which have been incorporated" at tne training camps throughout, the mainland will be illustrated fori the members of the party. '. . . " ' SAYS POLITICAL PEACE w rpto r pn 1 w a pr ia a m y .' ... w - ......... . (AsMcUttiPru by U. S- H.val Wi.-.e- ' 1 0. Discussing the ; visit cf Cc -r.zi BERLIN. Germanv. Nov. 10. Dr.tCzernin. : Austro-Hungarian mislctcr Helfferich, minister of the treasury,' has: issued a statement , that political peace has been . restored in Germany and ' that the von Hertling cabinet 13 virtually a coalition organization. The clerical, national liberal and progres sive parties are actively. represented 1 x '1 ? I :M:flPPfl Too Early to Tell Definite Effect Son Russia's Part in War;' v Lenine is Premier and Trotz- V ky Foreign Minister in Maxi-1 maiist Cabinet Vr (AisocUttd XTua "Dy tJ. a.'Ktval V7lreless. : : WASHINGTON, Nov. 10. The . 'Russian embassy has announced - that it : will ; refuse to accept or " ders from the" Maximalist govern tnent. : - ; '. - I America's first official recogni- ; tion of the Russian upheaval came 'J today with the announcement that V i t further American supplies to Rus- : sta may cease until the situation ; clarifies. - ; v . . .;. The American consul at " Mos- , i cow, cabling under date of Nov. 8, : says that the revolutionary ( forces of the soldiers and work- ' men's council have seized the J government of Moscow, all the 1 official posts and telegraph lines and have suspended all corse rva tive papers. ' ; -.. PETROGRAD, Nov. 10. The entire staffs of the foreifn office and the financial and commercial departments of the government have resigned. ;' '";? :: AVASIILNGTOX, D. C, Nov.! 10. U. S. Ambassador Davidf Francis reports to the state do-; artmeut from Petrograd that; Jo upheavals have occurred! there nil a result of the down- ment and - the-seizure of i)or-Qr by the Maximalist peace party, i It is still too early to learn i the 'definite efTcet respecting! the;; prosecution '"of the Avar wliicli the qhanpc in govern raeni will hkve on the Russians' ontside Petrograd. V The American J Kcd Cross: workers who have gone to : Iitissia are reported by the am bassador all safe. ' - V ' PETROGRAD,? Russia, Nov. ; lGThfi All-Russian congress, an outgrowth of the Maximalist; movement, today named a cabi net tomposed of leading mem bers of the Bolsheviki (radical) ;f party. Lenine, t he . Soei al ist- -Bolshcviki, has been "named as . premier, and Leon Trotzky, president of the Council of Soldiers' and Workmen's Dele- affairs. The cabinet is to servo until the constituent assembly; elects another cabinet. : " - Rush of Germans (Aittdatel Presaby V. S. KtU WrJ83a. -ROME, Nov. 10. The Italian ar-. mies nave aeimueiy cnecKea iue Vrv f.re3S ot Germans according t me ar oiuce. iu uiv jucuiu mue the Teutons have been held back and thrust at-.Broccn repulsed. The Vie Z Z I ; The Italian rear which was snr rounded at Lorenzago has succeeded In forcing its way out. . ; . BERLIN, Germany, Nov. 10.-The Teuton forces on the Italian front have reached Piave and captured Asiago. v : . -Vt; 1 ... "-' mi iiv . . T-t I 1 . .-.- of foreign affairs, to Berlin, the VU-n na Fremdenblatt declares tnat tw. Austrian program is unaltered ani that this program is for a s?ee!y r.r 1 honorable peace. Mf. mith Is c- -? ' : ' I f If i I N u - II - L i!iii!a3U -J' Italians Check Oil IE j m 1 j ; FOR