Newspaper Page Text
JU f r NEXT MAILS c 17 ttn r-N , ' it' r a 1 ( !V i From San Francisco Tuesday, Jan. 1. -' For 8an Francisco Tuesday, Jan. 1." Mi-Mi r - Eyealng Bulletin. Est' 18S2. No. 881. Hawaiian .Star, yoL XXV, .No. S022. H PAGES -HONOLULU, TEBBITOBT OF HAWAH. MOKPAY, DECEMBER 31, i917.-14;PAGES , ; " X'":' TEICE FIVE'CEHTS . nn r nn ULJbvJ UUuU L WM i,. '.VCi;---'":.'--'-'?T-'i'ii ... . - - ' - e ... EC S'OUT 5Ci as? v? :i fmi cL"V E3 UlIfliliEfiS I ' I ' ' ! 1 r--rd F.Tcmhera Resent Statement Given Br 6en. Jo Caturday Complete Document Shows Number: of D uriucjsms ana iignmcani oiueuyiiw rcxsacu uw Adjutant-General's Summary Given Press -: : ; ; Cat tie ft - Cooke, aenU of the T. K. anncrante that they are Just in receipt Tot adTlces r from "1; the : Toyo Klaen KaUha to the effect that , the Calcntta Steaznahlp llnea operating ber tween CalcutU and Hongkong had re cently reached an agreement with the Pacific MaU Steamahlp ,Co.', and jthe Toyo Klaen v Kaiaha ou a, through freight rate from Calcutta to Honolulu on augar'bags of 1100 per ton of 40 cubic feet meaaurement, for January, ebruarr and March, 1918. ahlpment, hla nev rate .being an adrance over e preaent rate of 965 per ton. Declaring that they will not stand for an- apparent att to "TvhiteTvashM flaws of the national guard camp and its "p cisder. Briff.-Gen. S, I. Johnson; members of the board w invc s Uprated Kawailoa camp conditions, with the full assefwith : thia-.- high f freight 'v. rate in n . tv:i.i.: a-j li. ivi- t : v. eiiLTrect and the ; preaent high pricea CI . uovcrnor. nnKaam, iuua maue it pusaiuxe w "fB.:auir basf cost tte piantera Bulletin to publish herewith the complete report of the boardout .24 cenu eacic nearly 400 per Governor Pinkham made the document pu ir.cminp: in which he held that the entire report .was proper fonbaga in im; waa juatVabout the i i- - - :.--:;'..- ... . 'V...,r- ,i .,: - he.aa lathe announced freight .rate i-uvuuyu. ,. -, , . v .. .. v. ::: : .t. ,:.,); , .i - .v ; b CalcntU: to Honolulu, t. Gen. Johnson, in turnisning to the: Star-Bulletin Saturday vrLat ho declared to be as much r, - ttz s " proper for publication, to a purported summary: of :li portions as did not relate, e r id, to criticism of officers. Cc orison of the summary 1 Gen. Johnson with the com ? report secured today that many' drastic criti- i made .by.tlif inTe'stigat- ' card arc not included in Tc!:r.:on statement ' ,: J.1 cn declared thatatrlct i u'.atlcns rrevented Mm tvc c-.t!ro dacucerit pub- ;: J? ; f.-r- .J . -er.t you are at llttrty i channsli xt ycu thooie." ? r e r-litlcn of the John t :::;--t cn Saturday which 13 ttand taken ty the Inves - i card that-the complete -re-;v.:i te published la the inter trv.ih, fairness and justice to vers tr.d the people of. the It la held that the Johnson -.t hes "tcaed down BOine-'Cf -t lcrous criticise, and baa, t easculated thsr entire doc-. ; t t'-.e Instance c the board, , r has now given the full 3 l-terestlzg things reveal- ; - in reiauoa 10 me criucisa J;l-.r.scn for attending the r.ihs course-: of Intensive rt f-e cfr'.ccrs' training camp. pElPllGiliPlil 3 c:r-r''e report tut vas not fin the Eursizary furnished the : -i:a ty Geo. Johnson: l rard -finds that the hrlsade - :r ves officially relieved !s duties as a training camp c:i cr about November 9, 1917. - r-;ccific purpose cf. assuming -1 cf Camp Lllluokalanl, and -'..-.r.dlng the fact that be ras 1 frcn his training camp du- 2 crr-tinued to participate In :;-.:::: 3 thereof. - ; . t s t:stlmony c'ven by quail--:, we find that the camp - vzs derelict In hla duties it w:s net proper for h!m to : j trainlnj carr.p under the : - :zz.n " ' " " - T . : t -.t cne of several Instances r r r.tincel on rage Two.) V . ; iv ych:; STOCK v -: j CARKET TODAY - c Today, day. 1 -n Tel. & Tel. ...t1C3't. .a Ccrper .....i oi?a i .....;v..-;-53i; . rot. 1 uoco. t . . C e c, C: C c -e CMo a 1 i-ZSEI i :trcTium . Ct. P. (St. Paul) r:l a. Iron ...... 's Cteel i Cine . Ztr-rr.on ... :! Z!i:trlc S3 75' 1 inv --- "'B2U .73'4 : 134 13S 47 S5'a ; 52'i : 25 H 8 FORMER GERMAN CONSUL HERlbMITS ACTS BEFORE COURT WHEN APPEARING ASVERNMENT WITNESS IN SAN FRANCISCO HE DECIfeo HACKFELD'S AD- VAfJCED MONEY AND PROVISION) MAVERICK BILLS ; PAID HERE BY GERMAN SECf AGENT -5.17? SCHROEDER OBEYED ORDERS o!pDIEKfgi ( -r"i:o(V. r r.n'Air-ricari'cit.izWt'acknr i Gvii. superiors, 'dcsl-ed all official docu u.vts ,of .tho Honolulu., German consuinUho; United States 'declared war on Germany. accoLg ta Rodiek's owi admission - before Judge yanj eetfobecebrvl; when Rodiek, appearing as.a government witfc in the- Hindu con spiracy case in San Francisco, related Wonnectioh "with the movements" of : tlie i'4 mystery, ship jMrickni!fflwanan waersV-;;IS ! r'ctors, New ...1045; rtL;rn Pfd. n. n . crk Central r c I. - Common rn FacJfie - e r . . . . . I "'t :l W?8 ; 6S'4 71 ?. 47 , 23'4 72? 3'a UV2 133 115 v: 8 c ( ' ' ' Kodiek. who pleaded guilty In the Hindu conspiracy atrial,? directly, con nected the ZSan Francisco consul- at with the movements of the "mys tery" ships, Maverick and Annlelitf- sen, In bis testimony.- He admitted that he bad received Instructions in code to provision the 'Maverick at Hllo aind said that money and provis ions to the amount of $5000 were pro vided the Maverick by Hackfeld tt Co. The Maverick's bUla were paid here by the German iascret agent, "K-n; known as Klrcbefcen, who was a, quar termaster on the S.8.' enmaaare vealed by the diary of Captain Grass hof of the German gunboat Geler.; A summary of Rodlek's testimony as given by tie San Francisco Chron Icle follows: : ': i ' -Georg Hodiek,' managing director of IL Hackfeld & Co. of Honolulu and for mer German consul in the Hawaiian islands, yesterdax . directly connected the San Francisco German consulate with the movements of the mystery ships Maverick and Annie Lareen as a, witness in the German-Hindu re volt trial.;:'- ?' ":.-'. "Rodlek; who haa entered a plea of ruiltv with his secretary, H. k. Schroeder, took the, aUnd aa a gov eminent vwltnesa and In hla atory named the San Franclscc German con sulate as the directing power behind the movements of the Maverick and Annie Lwsen, while Franz Bopp and E. H. von Schack, former San . Fran cisco consular officials ; for Germany, glowered at-.blm from seats behind their attorneys. c ' :- r-'. "Rodiek. an American citizen, first learned of the Maverick and Annie Larsen. which played stellar roles In the plot to overthrow British rule in India, charged to German Intrigue, In June, IS 15. he :- said. He ; received during that months, the witness said, a letter written in a secret German code from San Francisco.; This mes sage, the witness presumed. ; came from the German: consulate here be cause of the code, v In this message he was Informed. Rodiek testified, that the Maverick had failed to meet the Annie Larsen . at, Socorro Island and would - appear at Hllo, outside the three-mile limit. He was instruct ed td provision the vessel." , - '4 "i r Cablegram Shows Cargo "A cablegram from San: Francisco signed 'Consulate later revealed the cargo of the Annie Larsen to be arm and ammunition, Rodiek said, and di rected that after t being provisioned the . Maverick .proceed to " John son Island, where she would meet the Annie Iarsen. - take on the . latter'a cargo of - munitions,, and proceed ; to Data via, to await further orders. ; ' "While Cart-ia lle!r.rik Eelbo. a. de- 114 i frsdart r-i tr: 1. r- t ff?: hm Z"a j Maverick outs:.:? t:.2 thrca-mile limit in a ftr- V ? MYcricli arrived In 1 f ? I r. : ' t :'.::::i ha sent! Comoratiohs; Not Government Charged With Keeping Alien Enemies 1 00 Yards Away From Piers; Huber Gets Copy rot Order From Naval Bureau 4-y 13. An alien enamy shall not - 4- approachV be found within 100 f yards of any wharf, pier or dock 4 uaed directly or : by . means .of 4- llohters by any, vessel or.ww; f Avr soo tons crosa engaged ln,v 4- foreign or domestic trade other 4- than flahlng nor within 100 yarda 4- of iny warehouse? shed, elevator, 4- railroad .terminal; itorage . or a. Mnfa"rafilUtv-'-'adaeent'. to :or 4- ' operated In connection with any 4- suchwharf, pier or dock, and 4- wherever the distance between 4- any two of " such, .wnarvts, piers a. wnrka measured along the 4- shore ln connectJna.them Is leas 4- shall not approa or,os icunu 4- within 100 yards of x such shore tin- s-rtlorr. 13 of President. 4 wnnn' tiroclamatlon. ' -" .- ' i " - - v . . . .. ' . ; Allen enemies are now barred ' from ntorine- into tones within 100 yards of any whart, pier, dock, canal or other vital waterway In the territory of Ha won - Ther are also barfed from en- teringzones within 10Q yards of ware hAi1u. of other buildings adjoining or adjacent to these wharves and piers, in tw words, r Hen-enemies in Ha waii must stay away from all whsryes. docks and water fronts. 5 All .permits whlc-may have I snVlssued giving alien enemies' ie'right-far3lert and docks are revoked. ' f - ? : V-,' lYith the receipt, this" morning of a copy of the - president's proclamatlOYi (h.M -. fMtrictlons : on 1 hlien tMefHrt Attorney S. C. Huber annpun6ed that its provisions become effeltive here immediately., " '?Se copy of the psldproda- matlon did not come 10 (Contlflued on page,two) a -.. v.- -v-. 4 That the? members of the con- 4 gressional party which visited 4- 4- Honolulu in Nomber are bear- 4 lng in mind" the land problems of 4-4- Hawaii was learned In a letter -4 4- received today by-Fred J. Halton. 4 secretary of the Hawaii promo- 4 4- tlon committee from J.A. Els- 4-4- ton, representative from CaHf or- 4 4- nla. .- ... . 4- 4- : ; Mr. Elston writes that he re- 4- 4- cently saw Dr. Elwood Mead, pro- 4- 4- feasor of Irrigation at the Uni- 4- 4- versity of California and father 4- of the California land settlement 4 4 bill, and had arranged with him 4 4 to meet the other members of the 4 4 party. .:-.:?V:::'vi-- -:.- 4 4 "I am sure," says Mr. Elston, 4 4 rthat his views will be of benefitr4 4 to them. In i making 'up their 4 4 minds on the island's land ques- 4 4 tlon. You will see from this that-4 4Vwe base carried away, with: us a 4 4- deep interest in your welfare."? J 4 cnmsii solos MG":!;i LOST SOIL 127'4 icon 3Ja 31 V 57?4 71! 47 ' 22Va 72', 43'a 134:4 iff AT mm mm HllRPRiHoTc ile' Dnni AnIST US. BY BURNINeQGtnMA U ; Comrrfi the Star-qi other papfc c war on thdHuh an Investldion at he xanki a which to tie a .v-'--i.- .tnrv Dubllshed-1n toclay'aZiasue o o the effect that Georg; RodieK "roJr5".' U'a -..,Ta en lh- dav S. America aeciarea Hstrlct Attorney 8. C. Huber declared . .- a. . MIMA . MUT MS 191 toon as all the facu are prwcm jresent,'he added, there appears w n u. -f kosecutlon. "rv'jAPAee l.-i rn rueee iMiilRFFV: IN AlEA EXPLOSION ttt' ' v ;t f .tm 'nine at the Honolulu Sugar Co.s mill aiiea L morning one Japanese Is dead and three othere are in , vuo uuBpiutijawuyfcaldeflU out wiu prtwBujy veV... a eDAutDPROACH TO JERUSALEM. LOJfDOHFnirniU 91 1-TrMtnwlnar their capture of Jerusalem ana uie - defeat of coifcr-aticks by the Turks, the BriUsh now have fourstrong po vsitlons betweitha lTmT nd Jrnsalem instead of the one previously ex isting. ,aeh.mfl advance.has been scored nortnwest to Jerusalem.- v i iiD i iiri v to'dBOP RODIEK sfacW-answer U filed-by Georg Rodiek, be will .be Mia th. nahn rnnntiv i:mn on nexi ouuum.' -u aA.! h.h h hvivi rtanire invst be given fa atiwi ft rhrtrM hftTe , teen ruea againss. mm, Baturday as an aftermath of Rodieif's piea w guw IracitrlaL ' . the i v Unless a dropped from the end of member before The charges we In the Hindu co EX-POUCAfpoWpd NrtW fCENTLEMAN" DETECTIVE ' -r:nt!Tnin Tvtt fvaMfi Tia titiA -r : KArman Caum. former Star- Bulletin police retteiy Aho was engaged at noon today by Sheriff Charles H. Rosa to work vLr,cht of Detectives Arthur McDuffie." Sheriff Rose Stated vesterdav hirfl th hnard nf nTwrrlsora that bO was In search of man who could mala gold appearance in society! Caum applied today and was accented.-."" ' I - -i.-- ' ,....y COIiHT APPOtrurMTfi wil t , MINCE ON AMERICANISM KveryorporatiIor oitanization will have to prove itself "chemically pnre American" bef It can be appointed as administrator,- trustee, or uardJan,' or to direclny other legal wdVk, Circuit Judge Ashford announc ed this afternoon.7 fc Iddge added that each1, .corporation win be "put : through its paces? sofet the court may be thoroughly-eatlsfled of Its Amer .icanlsm befom insklrlannofntmentjL ' " ' - - " California Bent on LandProblemHete im Tnrrri! sINIIIliih: LONDON, Eng.', Dec : 31.-Brltish counter attacks in Cambrai region toA day . regained important territorr on welsh : ridge, , taken yesterday by th e uermans. v : , - :,'t.;" Irrespective of r the president's proc lamaflon: providing for ;-the protection ot American, ports the harbor, 'com missioners have ttlecided to established Sdard for the Honolulu .water-front as soon as the necessary - rules can bo drawn up, be approved, by the commlii sioners and published for. the required time In ; the newspapers,5 after . which they will have the full force of law. ;ti j This decision was generally decided upon at an informal meetings of th harbor commissioners held at James Wakefield' office Saturday afternoon at which the f representatives of tto various. . shipping ' companies " were present, i- - J ) ' ',.vr-' - v..-'- : The new rules for entrance to the territorial wharves will prohibit any one entering who has not secured a pass. ,-They may also require all pe destrians on streets along the watet front at nighttime - to keep on , tho mauka slde. f .r' :' : f-T DIscB3In; the proposed water 'rent rules this morning, CommlssloterNo' iran 7atkfns aald:; ; y-' -; 'Rules win be .'promtigatM;Wbicih will - debar Vall people from , territorial wharves, uiless they ; have business there, " (and such persons with bus! ness on the wharves wilt be required to obtain passes before they may at tend to their -water front di?ies.' Britain Incates Serious Answer Will beRcturncd When Germans Show Good Faith by-Malda-; I Bona Rde Peace PropositibnH:; ' (Associated Press by U. S. Naral TVireles) : - 4 BERLIN, Germany, Dec 31 The general : staff announced- today that ; the French off enalve' in northern Ital y has penetrated the Austro-German positions at Monte 'Jomba..i... V.---..' '; .'.v-: : f - i ROME, Italy, Deft 3iir-The French troops 'which have re ;: inforced the Italians today began a smashing attack on the wide front between Osteri di Monferna and, llarankine Hany posi tions of importance were wrested from the enemy, which at this "point aremostly Austrian troops ana tne irrencn .toos . 1400 prisoners,v16 machine guns and seven cannon. ' . ; : 31.-tJonnter measures to meet the new French attack have been prepared . in the Monte T6mbav dtricti:-;:V- iONDONj' Eng., iDec Slanchester Guardian ; in significant article today says ; that lit is the intention : of the British government to return a serious and reasoned reply when the Austro-German." terms for peace , have been presented '; and" .the good faith of the enemy is proved. t f ' v ; : . : V Premier Lloyd George' has arranged a visit to France to meet PremierClemenceau., ; ; ' ; - - . , : LONDON, Eng., ( Dec 31. Evidence to . show that - Ger- 4 many managed the- Bolsheviki revolt; against the Kerensky gdvernmrr. vvA rcvenli" r: tl : Fcnsatiocal cabinet upsets , ij ' published in the London Times from; its Petrograd correspond ent, Thi. correspondent in hi3 letter alsopurjiorts to substan tiate the view that the Bolshe-. viki movement is anti-national and anti-Rnssiai. Aviators of ' Mr -Watkins added that the ; new rules ; arere now being drawn up and vouTd be considered at tUo nex rc so lar meeting; after -whicTi, -t ,he are approved, which he thinks certain, they will have to he published la. the ntewspapersifor a stated period.' t : , ' Just how the water rront , guara is tar he maintained Is still'to be le elded. It is possihle - the muitary aa thorltles win be Induced to supply the guard, but If this cannot bo obtained there remain two other method ,0 i I of these Is the "securing of a ccmpmy of the1 national guard or tha empby: ment of private guards for ine water front u ;: ' ;v.r '" ; Hereafter no alien enemies can be employed on. the 1 water front, as the president's proclamation , specmcany states no alien" enemies are to be al lowed to I approach nearer than 103 yards to any port landing. -. DIMS WS IKEW::D1JILI;3 Britain Win (aisoeUtl Pzm by O n. Wittlaa. - LONDON. Engv Dec. 31. Five Ger man airplanes were destroyed and put out of action In a battle Saturday on the Briysb front The British won the battle without losing a machine- - LIVES tOST IM QUAKE V : SMALL; DAMAGE HEAVY - N EW yoR K, ' N. Dec 31-Ac-cordlng to the first official advices received by ; the Guatemalan ' consul here, the material damage from the Guatemala earthquake. Is heavy but the loss- of life small, r.'; ' :'' The : correspondent' ot the ' Daily News says that the "Bolshevlkf move ment Is extremely efficient, energetic and -decisive. It. is facing " the ncl3y opposition, from the privileged classes and Seeking to check it by sabotage and by libel based on force. The peo ple may not like the situation thJs de veloped, but they obey with. alacrity. - "Any attempt to turn' out the Col she viki by force win result only Ln ankrrhy favorable, to the. Germans. It Li unbelievable also that such a force Is now available." . . . ;:;." 4 i nr.ii Anpurve rn r.T as RRAPT ADVISORS I 'iWaminamt... a t A manMtUfvn A tft h . AJlkftd to "dO his bit" as advlsor-tofcal men called by the draft and Circuit Judge Ashford and ''AttorneysFlllIam T., Rawlins and W. W. Thayer are rneet lng this. afternoon to oifcie a program'for the part local lawyers willjlay. It is now planned to apnt two committees of three attorneys for the fourth district and simfc committees for the fifth district "Every attoi ney win be asked to stal bis. trick," says Judge Ashford. r : DAWSON CITY; YukI Dec. 31. Alaska is in " the midst of unusual cold. The record -cold sll has continued for a month. From the mouth of the Pelly. river and t&up the Yokon it is reported that tne tnermome- I? Who Is He ? v ; At White Horse it Is ibelow. at Dawson 50. and for a month past h as I ranged from 50 to 6ff belowi The hospital Is crowded with pneumonia, pa tients and. IS- deaths bavlresulted. ; The weather is so cold that no fun erals can haA . "' 1 r-' ' -.;'-V Mr and Mrs. F. N. Doubleiv will epeak to the women workersfif the Red Cross hv the f Capitol "h amb50 o'clock Wednesday morning. Jl wo- rrcn vho haTe been doing EedVrosJ ' ttz r 1 1- sttefl - ; - h-. ' . In the case of the territory, against F. GCorrea, a land matter, the: judg ment of ' the district .magistrate of Makawao, holding, that; the 1 land (i bi question be restored to the territory, has been affirmed in a decision band ed down by the supreme court -- - '4 THB ' FACTS: The; Honolulu- postofflce received a letter, ad-; - dfessed as follower Mr. Bus r(oossJ No. 1 of Whole Plinta- -t 4- s. tins HaaaIL" rlt was prompt- 4 f A ly put Into one of the boxes. THE . QUESTION: .Whose box? Who Is classed as Boss No. 1 .of JvVhole Plantations ? I ?v-: , ; --i : r:TH m E ANSWER:.; Will be -pub- isbed by the Star-Bulletin In a w days. Meantime, this paper be glad to receive answers o the c.uestiori'and will publish -f hem. Jou need not sign your 4 name.., -7--'::C - -r Address:' ; Star-DuUetin, e?A- 4 Acquisition of Hendrick Site at - Mercnant Jina AiaKea uives ; v: Purchaser Entire Block ; After! negotiations extending over several r months .the Theo. IL Da vies Co LtdJ has. finally, purchased the Hendrick property' at ' the corner of Merchant, and Alakea streets,-now oc mniM' b-r- 8 moot & Stelnhauser. .The consideration Is not given out. but It Is valtl to be a good price for business property. X? 'ik. r; ' v -The deal was practically closed Ja3t sumider, but the sudden death of H. E. Hendrick in! Callfosnla : delayed '' the closing 'hi the. transaction until ; last Saturday The sale was made through the "Henry Waterhouse Trust' Co. r i Tbe Davies company now owns the entire ' block' bounded : -by .Merchant AlakeaiQdeen and Bishop streets, and CTeutuailyi plans to erect a building w.hie .wUI - occupy the whole square, thus.' making Jt possible to house: all the. .departments of the firm ;: under one roof." : :' : .. ' ; L. C. Mullgardt' ' California archi tect is now'emiTiOyed drawlr cp the plans and .specifications for the new bunding.- . .- : ' :- : joA hbwJ soon the Davies company wfll let the contract for the construc tion of the building 13 not. knrvn a3 yet according to C IL-V.'cdeLcjse, managing director.' It will probably t3 two months before ths plana and speci fications are finLhei ani . receive :1 here, he says. When the d'r-:r3 cf the company get then t': . .1 t.v-:3 decide if it feael-'.a tj erect t:.; building called for. The r'-"3 cf t.a building now-, under cc-?: : :r;t? . .i c-'.J fcr" four stcrl: v;i'.!i 1 C.3 : ' : ' tr:rr"Tf.t t!:c-r-" rf " r ' ' " jMORfe PEACE TALK - :a.v. :,.v:, ;,:-. f..j v.v ' -4 LONDON', ' Eng ; Dec. 21. Leca Trotsky was expected , to present a new note to . the. Allies .yesterday tt:t up to an early" hour this morning no Information as to Its ; contents had been received and It Is believed that it will probably be presented to the var ious ambassadors of the Allied nation today, or .at, latest tomorrow. De spatches from 'Petrograd told cf hla expected notes. It was sent on Satur day but was delayed In transmission. V-Even- In Germany the .-propose! peace terms are not meeting with un divided saUsfactlon The Pan-Cermci press haa invited its readers, to h'.e? von Kuehlman on his return to T lin for having betrayed the army c r his country. He is expected to tzz:'i Berlin today from Ituosla'and U to 1 3 immediately 1 received iy the i-I; r and then by von Hind enb erg.' '; wi?jfiir:9-i:j palesti::h (AJioclaMd rrtas by T7. V.Ir : u LONDON, Eng; Dec. ?1. 7: r progress is reported by Ce 1 A: by to the north and ie,r. r Jerusalem. A strong .re::. . r.-? -offered. by the Turks but f ' overcome et;1 fere :i to re'.:. r uat?ng Rlreh '.vhich ri iz.zz. occupied by thi-Erit;-:. Tercet. ' SAN Fr.Af.'CICCD, c Su;;r: . 3 Czz- t: st, C ' vious quctz'.'cn, C.r ; c 4- try c-. - -. - . T r1 r torial depaitr -t.