OCR Interpretation

The Maui news. [volume] (Wailuku, Maui, H.I.) 1900-current, June 01, 1901, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82014689/1901-06-01/ed-1/seq-2/

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Y. AiLl'Kli. Mill, T. il.
s u 1 ;sc i : i :.vr iox ha t :-:s
0:ie jvur, (in udvanf") . j2.50
S'..v lis. ' ... 1"(
T'H' rotmun rf ! Nkws ailinil i-iuimuinU-ii-lim
on p-.-iini'iit tui'U'M. W'riu- only on
in si ti- in' p.ip.'t-. SiLtn your liiirm whk-h
will h.! hi'M i- iriil-.U!!!1. I'll il ilixiP-d.
G. B. R08ERT30II. Ed. and Prop.
S.itur.hiy, Jim;"
rJ Unquestion.ibl?, Kinney, Ballon ami Hart well were properly
helil in contempt of court for lwing filed an affidavit containing
deductions reflecting on the personality of the court, and :'.t is
finite sure that they well understood that when they tiled the atti
da il. Such nil act on their part before a court of record in Cali
fornia would have cost each of the gentlemen his license to prac
tice as an at torney. ut it must be admitted on the other hand
that the provocation v;as gre it. Judge Humphroy has bjon un
guardedly severe in his utterances on the bench, and lias thus in
vited attack. Having admitted that he feels a strong personal an
tagonism toward Walter S mil h, he should not have waited for
Kinney's question, but should have at once announced that Smith's
case should be assigned to some other judge for trial. Having in
timated that he might possibly try the case, it became necessary
to tile aftidatits for a change' of venue. Such an affidavit should
have shown facts on which the motion was based, but when it
went further and presenterl deductions rellooting on Judge Hum
phrey's private character and '"personal weaknesses," it went be
yond what should have been allowed. Notwithstanding all this.
the News takes a wicked delight in the thought that our alleged
governor st ret died his prerogative and pardoned these three
estimable gentlemen.
s V,. r,I
vauteo,-a society ior trie
. sounds very trivial to the casual reader, but as a matter of fact
there is no more urgent need on Maui than that of the old fashion
ed New England kitchen garden. There is a small area on almost
every house lot that could be profitably planted to vegetables
.' which would Uourish in this climate. Several varieties of pump-
" kins, melons, beans and like garden truck could be raised with no
; trouble save the planting, atid the
the fact that such vegetables are the most wholesome food for this
- climate.
! 2 Japan will one day be a republic, though some of us may not
Lflive to see it, and its republicanism will be traced directly to Ply-
mouth Rock, via the Hawaiian Islands. The Japanese children
who are now being educated as American citizens in Hawaii will
be the ones to carry the seeds of nopular government to Japan.
. And if Japan then asks for annexation to tho United States, which
will at that time cover tho whole of the western continent and
westward to the Philippines, there will be but one thing to do, and
that will be to annex it.
5 The affairs of men and of governments rarely move on a
steadily rising tide, but rather advance and recede in waves.
This is true of business communities as well as in the alfairs of the
I nation. Occasionally far receding waves will leave men and meas
; ures stranded, but underneath it all is tho steady forward move-
nient of Anglo Saxon civilization, idealized into American progress,
, und the future is bright for 11 who wait for the returning waves.
V Let us not worry about' the present crisis on Hawaii, for it will
come out all right.
' SSl A large amount of trade on Maui is being diverted from Ho.
nolulu to coast and eastern houses, and- in the course of human
events the merchants of Maui will draw their entire stock from
this source. The Honolulu licu'so" which first has the enterprise to
establish a wholesale branch house in San Francisco with the ex
press object in view of selling directly to the different Islands will
; reap a rich harvest. That is apparently the only way to beat the
: coast drumuiei'.
j The suppression of the canteen has increased the evil of
' drunkenness in the army, und it is quite as true that the attempt-
ed suppression of the saloon in Wailuku has had a like etfect. It
1 is about time that the temperance reformers should learn a few
' practical lessons. It Bounds paradoxical to say that increase in
the number of saloons established in Wailuku will have atendeucy
- to stop heavy drinking, nevertheless such is the demonstrated
t .
f gift The citizens of Wailuku should loosen their purse strings and
i, supply the needed funds to make
; grounds a success. It would, not
wpuld beside go far to the permanent establishment of a public
! park in Wailuku. At present thd ground is held by a four year
;, tenure, but no doubt the title to this property could eventually bo
acquired at a reasonable sum for; public purpos'es.
1 t& Ai g the Hawaiian Islands capable of self government, or will
t President McKinley have to make' tcs a province with a military
governor from Ohio until vrq learn that each' of . the arms of our
territorial government, the executive, judicial and legislative,
; has il$ distinct duties to perform, unhampered by unwarranted
'interference? Please dont hitgh at us, Home , Kulas, . for maybe
; we .will scorT get the kinks out of the present little mix up.
-' .' '7
u sS? The report originating in Honolulu' with reference' to . Chinese
, being compelled to pay for registering' on Maui is probably a
Ijiurd. The Chinese are too shrewd to be deceived as to their
jrigis to freer registry, ilfi laboWrvand t probable' that the cUsap-tpc-l.ioient
of certain Chiu- se laborers who tried and failed to rcg
igter in Lho merchant class h z bus led to the circulation tf the
, :
linn. .1. V. Knlnn. Cirrull JuiV-'i', WhIHiku
J. N. K. Cli'l'U I'in ilit Court. AViillllkll
Jiuttft) W. A. Mi-Kuv Ulsl. Magistrate, Wiilluku
rim. OMM'. " " MiiUiiw:io
" Kiil-ii.ililto. " ' l.tiiiiilim
Kuli'iUim, " " lloniiiiul:i
" .ln'pik. " " Umiii
" Pliiimmi. " " lvlihulu
" Miiliov " " Molol!:i
" Kiihoolmluliivliv. " " l.uiml
I.. M. U:ihhvlu. Shei'.lT. WuiluKu
A. N. I!iiv-Ul-n. Deputy S!i-'i in WaUiiku
S. Kiilairu " " Nukinvuo
C. K. Mmlsoy, " " I.iilmiim
R Wiiimi-U, " ' ' "i'.nn
U. Triiuliln, " " Molokut
W. K. Siirturv, Civptiiin I'olin", Wul'iiltu
H. t'opp. ' " " M:iImwim
M. Kill'.:i;lllin, " " I -.I'liiiiul
I, Ituls, v. " " HiH'a
F. J. Krciuy, " " K:il.i:ul''
W. T. HnWusnn. Tux Asvmr. v :ili:'iii
.1. N. K. K.'olii, Dt'pnly Aiwi'HM.r ";.:i;i!;u
V. O. Ailion. " " i'r.ln
(j. Hunn. " " l,;ti;fuii
.1. Gross, " " V.uua
propagation 01 pumpkins, uiis
importance of doing this lies in
the' Maui Athletic Association's
be money spent in vain, and
Legislative Notes.
Tim House on Friday morning laid
i cotninutiication from Coopt'r 011 the
table, or the ground that his stand
in as acting governor was doubt
ful. The matter of mileage and salaries
bobbed up serenely. Representa
tive lloogs said that lie could un
tangle the knot if the House would
but agree to accept the following
Hon. J. A . Akina,
Sneaker House of Representatives
Sir: 1 desire to call the attention of
the Legislature to the fact that there
is si question of the legality of Hon.
If. E. Cooper as Acting Governor.
Therefore be it Resolved,
That we, the members of this first
J.iei.s:aiure ot llawnn return our
salary and mileage to the Treasurer
fourth with.
Most respectfully.
Vv. H. 1IOOGS,
Rpresenlatlve 4th District.
I concur, J. MONSARRAT,
Representative 2nd District.
After considerable talking the re
solution was lost.
The Senate declined to confirm the
appointment of Dr. C. L. Garvin as
a member of the Board of Health.
The motion not to confirm was made
by William White, Cecil Brown and
ueorgc Li. (Jarter- cletencleu tne ap
pointment and Garvin but their ef
forts were of no avail. No reason
for turning down the appointee was
given by the opposition. All the
other appointees, including the re
maindcr of the Board of Health,
superintendent of public works, com
missioner of land and treasurer were
approved without opposition.
Senator Kanuha offered a resolu
tion calling upon tho Governor for
tho remainder of his appointments.
Cecil Brown reported on the pay
of police of Hawaii, Maui and Kauai,
recommending that all of the 4tems
pass as in the bill. Baldwin, Kala
uokalani and others objected to any
cuts. An amendment to the report
was finally gotten through in which
the High Shefiff is requested to ap
ply the money to the ordinary police,
The communication from the act-
iug governor similar to tho one sent
to tho Senate, recommending the
floating of $791,00() worth of bonds
th Republic va3 read to the House.
Emmeluth offered the following re
"Iu view of the fact that the au
thority of the Secretary of the Ter
ritory to act as Governor, has been
questioned, and is now before the
courts of the Territory to determine,
that until such determination the
communication from the Acting
Governor be laid on the table."
Kaniho said that it was not for the
house to determine the status of
Cooper. They were here simply to
pass favorably or unfavorably upon
the matters brought before them
consideration. t
Emmeluth in reply, criticised the
position taken by the Attorney Gene
ral Kaniho said that when Acting
Governor Cooper, sigued the appro
priation bill for $30,000, thereby al
lowing the members of the House to
secure the mileage to say nothing of
their salaries, the validity of the
position occupied by Cooper was not
brought into question but since the
money had been jingling in the
pockets of the Representatives for a
fow days, they began to question the
right of the position o! Governor
Dole's substitute. Upon a vote be
ings called for, the letter of the act
iug governor was laid upon the table
Military appropriations went to
military committee and band to pub
)v expenditures committee. Prior
to this action Dr. Russel moved to
strikeout the military appropriation
and was supported by Carter and
Monsa'rrat offered the following
"Whereas, a majority of the menv
ber of this House hnve been admitted
to practice and
"Whereas, the remaining members"
Or Uitlanders wish to join the ma
''Therefore, Be ii 1 esolfed, that
M'.iir-! i.iijourn in order to give' the
majority au opportunity to file' their
Ho V moved that $0S"t be paid the
Nahiku Sugar Company ra order that
the wcr on the landing b t that plan
tatidti be completed, tl .!. was re
ferrtd to the propei committee.
Steail tK Uf NfcWS
The Roosevelts will have social
rank second to no official household
except the President's. It was- Mr.
McKinely who raised the Vice Pres
idency to this exalted social attitude.
Previous Presidents had allowed it
to be overridden by diplomats,
justices and even cabinet members.
Mr. and Mrs. Roosevelt will be over
whelmed with invitations. The wives
of the hist two Vice Presidents
have had to pay social secretaries to
answer this mail. The young Wash
ington women, furloughcd from their
departments during the society sen
son, make a specialty of taking
charge of the social mail of high
The Standard Oil Company has
agreed to pay $5,000,000 for a patent
controlled by Salt Lake men. The in
vention is a device to convert petro
leum into a gas that produces intense
heat as light as air at a cost infinite
ly smaller than any other known
process. The invention ban been
tested publicly in Salt Lako and lias
worked satisfactorily. The light is
stronger than tho electric are or
calcium gives, and tho tests are said
to show that as much heat cau be
obtained by this method from a bar
rel of crude petroleum oil as is ordi
narily obtained from a carload of
Liquids at meals if taken too often
or too carelessly are liable to dilute
the gastric juices. Take no liquid of
any kind when food is in the mouth
Take as little as possible till the
close of the meal. The digestive
agents themselves being fluids, it ,is
reasonable to suppose that an excess
of liquids taken with the food will
have a tendency to dilute and there
by weaken the digestive juices.
Ladies Home Journal.
The average citizen will welcome
the reduction in war taxes which
will occur July 1. 1901. Tho bank
check, certificate of deposit, promis
sory note, money order, express re
ceipt, telegraph message, insurance
and lease stamps, arc to be abolished,
and the real estate transfer costs
will be partially done away with.
It is not generally known, but the
largest hopyards in tho world are in
California, along the Sacramento,
Russian and Feather rivers, and the
very biggest hopfield on earth is at
Pleasanton, in Alameda . county,
where there arc 308 acres, with
more than 445,000 yiues under one
The death of ex-President 1.11
jamia Harrlsbb leave3 but one ex-
President living Stephen G rover
Cleveland. And, if wo remember
correctly, there is but 0110 living ex
Vice President, Adlai E. Stevenson.
Holding high omce does uot seem
conducive to longevity.
Tho word topaz comes from the
Greek verb signifving to guess
The jewel was brought froin the
East, and reported to have come
from an island, and men gudssed at
the location of the isle which pro
duced such beautiful gems.
A fiber company of Lock port,
Y.. is nreParlnar to manufacture srun
stocks of Jiber with a view to lighten
ing the weight of tho present rifle
The ordnance officers on duty at
Springfield, Mass., will supervise the
"Poverty's no crime." said the
Job's comforter.
"Maybe not," replied the poor
man, "but it seoms to be. punishable
by hard labor for life." Philadelphia
The Pacific Ocean has a greater
volunie of water than its stormy
sister sea. There are 72,00(),000
cubic miles of watnr1 in the Atlantic
and 111,000,000 hi the Pacific.
Id the center of the plaza iu Lima
is a fretty bronze fouutaia that was
erc6ted in 1078, a . gift from some
110U0 Spaniard, arid1 is probably the
oldest fountain in America.
"Adverthla' ii one er do fus' laws
of' nature," said JtJncle Eben "a
hiu's business is layih'-ates,1 au' ov'y
(icva she completes a transaction she
stahts right la to cackle."
,,,u,eM trfot Nvwa 'office.
Slop' 3 Patterson
Practical Architects & Builders
Sketches and Estimate
Furnished on Short Notice.
Bids on Stone, Brick and Mason
Contractors & Engineers.
We solicit all kinds of construction
work, such as Railroad, Gov't
Roads, Reservoirs, Ditches,
. Wells, Tunnels, etc., etc.
P. E. LAM All,
Me.u. Tkch. So'.Pac. Coast,
Max ag eii
lAallukxi, maul
Corner Main & Market Streets.
Carpenter A Builder
Plans and estimates furnished.
First Class Material on Hand,
Cabinet Work a Specialty.
Contractor & Builder
(Formorly Ilynd Oftipentcr ul Kihci.)
Has located at Wailuku. Building
Contracts taken in all parts
of the Island. A ku'ge force
of skilled assistants always
on hand.
P. O. Box 63 Tel. No. S93
R. R. CO.
And Dealers n
Wilder S. S. Co
Termhials at Wailuku,
Spreck'elsville and
Paid. ...
KahuiUi, Maui
TJsXlO'ttONB N9. 1
Maui Soda
Ice Works
Constantly on Hand
Soda Water
Ginger Ale
Root Boer
Celery & Iron
Strawberry Soda
Fruit Syrups.
Delivery wagon will visit
Wailuku Monda3rs. Wednesdays'
and Saturdays; Haiku, Tuesdays
and Fridays; Kihei, Mondays
and Thursdays; Kahului, Mon
days and Saturdays; Sprockols-
ille, Wednesdays and Thurs
Post Office Adress:
JCilMaul Soda & Ice Works.
Kahului, Maui, TV H.
Pure American and
Scotch Whiskeys
Selected Brandy,
Beer & Wines
Ice Cold Drinks
Opp. Wailuku Depot
mr e- s
Matt. McCann Proi'Iuetor
Choice Brands
America & Scotch Whiskey
Beer, Ale0 Vine--
Ice Cold Drinks.
Lahaina, Maui T. H
W 0 Peacock S Co'
Ushers Scotch
O. V. G. Special
VXetrle- Brlzard & Roger'
French Brandies etnd
Standard Champagne
ana 1 ante wines.
All Leading Brands
St Co.
Liquor Dealers
Rainier Bottled beer, of Seattl '
C. Carpy & . 0., Uncle Sam Ins
Cellars and Distillery, Napa, al
Jesse Moore Whiskey
Cream ure Rye (Whiskey
Long Life Whiskey. ,.. .
Lexington Club Old Bourbon Whlskev
Walnutlne !
J.F. Cutter's Whiskey ,
MoefA'-'Chpndon -White Seal . Champagnes'-'
I "..,
a.g; ncKiNg;
J... .r A. .i. u . -

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