OCR Interpretation

The Maui news. [volume] (Wailuku, Maui, H.I.) 1900-current, October 12, 1901, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82014689/1901-10-12/ed-1/seq-2/

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Ouo yi ar, (in advanc) . $2.50
Si' inontlis, " .. 1.50
Tb I'.'lumns of 'hB News ndnlt communica-U-iuh
no v 'tliiont topic. Write only on
on" 'Ide hi ii it. Sinn your nnmo which
will be ln.'ia . nildnUul If dcireU.
0. B. ROBERTSON, Ed. and Prop.
Saturday, October
j( President Roosevelt was very sincere in his declaration that
he would simply follow out the policy laid out by President Mc
Kinley, mid he will unquestionably try to do so, but President
Roosevelt has a factor to contend with, the full strength of which
ho does not realize, and . that factor is his own strong, positive
individuality. He will follow McKinley's policy, but ho will 6ee,
not with McKinley's but with Roosevelt's eyes, and it quite often
happens that no two pairs of eyes ?ee the same things just alike.
And further, it is an even bet that Roosevelt Mill follow no policy
of McKinley which does not coincide with Roosevelt's ideas of
right. But for all that, the American people may safely follow
Roosevelt's load, for it will mean peace and cables and a canal and
lots of other good things.
J The matter of reckless riding and driving on the streets of
Wailuku, especially at night, has reached a point where repressive
measures are becoming absolutely necessary. There is hardly an
hour in the day or night, when the rapid clatter of a galloping
horse is no; heard swinging the corner between Hoffman & Vettle
sen's Store and Enos' Store, and Main St. from High St. to
Market might as well be a race track, so far as riding at a reckless
gait is concern. The Japanese, Chinese and Hawaiians are the
chief offenders, but at times, staid citizens of Wailuku, and even
some of the police themselves ride faster on the streets than they
should be allowed to do. If the only aocidents thus caused should
happen to the reckless riders and drivers themselves, it would not
be so bad, but sometime an innocent outsider is going to be run
over and hurt or killed, if fast riding and driving is not stopped.
5 It is easy for Judge Estee to lay down the dictum as he
recently did, that the Japanese are constitutionally . barred from
becoming citizens of the United States by naturalization, but - as a
matter of fact, a reckoning will ultimately have to bo had with
Japan. Th9 steady flame of occidental enlightenment, in the full
sense of what that term implies in the matter of religion, science
and the mechanical arts, is lighting up Japan from, center to cir
cumference, and under its bright glare, Japan will feel and resent
any restriction which limits its rights to the "Most favored nation
clause" in its treaties with the United States. The civilized Japan
of today may quietly accept conditions as they are, but the enlight
ened JVpan of ten or twenty years hence will not be denied any
right which the United States concedes to any other nation.
fjjg When the Mackay-Bennet combination announced their in
tention to cable the Atlantic in opposition to the existing cable, the
vorld was incredulous, but the cable was laid. Then, in opposition
to the Western Uniou Telegraph Co., the same company strung
wires from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The same company announce
their intention to at once cable the Pacific from San Francisco to
Manila, and as the consent of the, United States Government will
undoubtedly be given, the Islands are to be congratulated on the
absolute certainty of a cable line from the coast in a reasonably
short time. Nine months seems an unreasonably short time how
ever to complete a cable from San Francisco to Honolulu,' and it is
more probable that it will take a year to put us in daily communi
cation with the coast.
JJ While there is not that number of individual instances of
abject poverty in the islands that are found in the United States
and in the leading European nations, yet there ere enough such
cases with us to render it imperative that there should at least be
one free ward in our hospital at Wailuku. Of course this could
only be done by an appropriation from the legislature of a suffi
cient sum to provide beds, food, nurses, medical attendance and
tne other necessary etceteras. There would be but very few who
would be compelled to avail
proper accommodations should,
provided for those few.
3 At a meetingpf the Mothers'
in Honolulu, a paper was road in
training and religious teaching
rather than attract them to a better life. Pardon me, madam, but
that largely depends on whether the lesson is given out of the
abundant riches of a tender mother love, or whether it is given as
a stern and sour faced duty. Any
there never will bo enough of the
jgj The Republican airs the rumor that Editor Smith is to leave
the Advertiser, and the Advertiser publishes a rumor that Editor
Gill is to leae the Republican.
each case, renders its authenticity
bothba correct, please remember,
that the Maui News has need of both of you on its editorial staff,
and the air and climate of Wailuku is peculiarly bracing and
heathf 1.
jQt The trend of affairs in Russia points strongly to the conclusion
that a constitutional government is shortly to sujceod the present
absolute monarchy. Although
yet Russia's true strength and
the establishment of a liberal
this movement has been fostered
yet the Russian students are really at the bottom of it,
Hon. J. W. Kitlim, Circuit Judtro, WoIIuhu
J. N. K. Keoln. Clerk ftrcult Court, Wnlluku
Udge W. A. McKny Ulst. Mnglotiote, Wnlluku
t'hns. Copp, " " . . Mnlinwii.
KalHltlio. " " Lnhntnn
41 KnlclkttU, " " llnnunuln
" JoM'pll, " " H HUH
" IMimauu, " " KlPiihulii
" Mnhoe " " Mnlokm
" Kahoohalahnln, " " Lnnni
L. M. J'aldwin, Sheriff, Wailuku
A. N. ISayseldcn, Deputy ShprtS Wailukv
g. Kalnma " " Mnknwuc
(',. Jl. I.i'nrtscy, " " Lohiilnn
F. Wtttrock, " Hatiii
G. Trirah!o. " ' Mololiai
W. R. Sar.'ery, Captnln Police Wni'uku
H. Copp. ,l " Mukawiw
Wm. Konnu, " " LBlmtnn
LiikIm y, " " Hiinu
1'. J. i'renry, " ' Kalrtupupn
W. T. Honlnson, Tax Assessor, wnlluku
,T. N. K. Kcola, Deputy AssesKor Walluliii
W. O. Alien, " " Pain
(S.Dunu, " " Lnluiinn
.1. Gross, " " Huna
themselves of the free ward, but
in the .name of humanity, bo
and Teachers' Club recently held
w hich it was urged that too much
tends to drive children away
of the letter is too much, but
While the source of the rumor, in
somewhat dubious, still in case
Brother Smith and Brother Gill
great in size and brute strength
greatness will only commence with
constitutional Goverument. While
by Tolstoi and the Socialists
American Troops Slaughtered.
Manila, Sept. 29. Co. C, Ninth
Infantry, was attached by 400 bolo
men near Balangiga, island of Samar,
and practically annihilated.
Columbia Wins
New York, Sept. 23. After the
most marvelous exhibition of light
weather sailing ou record the Yan
kee single-sticker Columbia defeated
today by the small margin of 37 sec
onds actual time and by 1 minute 22
seconds corrected time the gallant
I'liallangcr Shamrock.
San Francisco Strike Oil
San Francisco, October 3. The
-triko of the unions affiliated with the
City Front Federation was declared
oil at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon,
dnd this morning the. 1.1,000 members
vvh have been idle for more than
nine weeks will return to their for
mer jobs in so far as those places are
open for them.
Hawaii's Cable
The Rich Mackay Company Will
Lay the Local Line Within
Nine Months Time.
Albant (N. Y.), Sept. 23. The
Commercial Pacific Cable Compam ,
with a capital stock of $100,000, was
ticorporated here today by the fol-
owing men: John W. JMackay, Cla-
ence H. Mackay, Edward C. Piatt,
Albert Beck, George G. Ward, Al
bert B. Chandler and William W.
Respecting the purposes and pros
pects of the new company, Mr. Maf
ay said today that the Commercing
Pacific Cable Company had been or
ganized for the purpose of laying a
ubmarine cable from California t
the Philippine Islands by way of Ho
nolulu. The length of the fcable will
e abont 8,500 miles, the part to tn
first laid being California to the Ha
waiian Islands. This portion, Mr.
Mackay expects ,will be in operation
within nine months" The time re
quired for the remainder of the cable
from the Hawaiian Islands to the
Philippine Inlands will depend upon
how quickly the cable can be made,
but Mr. Mackay believes the whole
cable will be completed within two
years from this date.
On August 23d Mr. Mackay made
application to the United States
Government for landing rights in
California and the Hawaiian Islands
and the Philippine Islands. The new-
company. Jir. juaekay announces, is
willing to lay the cable on the same
terms and conditions at Sau Francis
co, Honolulu and Manila, so far as
landing rights are concerned, as
were imposed by the United States
Goverument on the cable lines which
have been landed on the Atlanta
coast of the United States. The new
company does not ask any subsidy or
any guaranty, which is Mr. McKay s
reason for believing there will be no
trouble in agreeing with the Govern
ment on the terms and conditions
upon which the cable will bo landed.
The new cable, when it reaches th.-
Philippines, will connect at that poiiu
witli the present submarine cabk
running from the Philippines to Jap
an, and also the cable running fron,
the Philippines to China. A direct
cable route from Japan and China to
the United States will be thus estal
hshed. Mr. Mackay says that the
preseut cable rates from the Uniteo
States to the Philippines and U
China and Japan will be redueei
when the new cable is laid from thirty
to sixty per cent.
Washington, Sept. 24. President
Roosevelt has ample power to grant
the application of the Commerdial
Cable Company for permission to lay
a cable which shall connect California,
Hawaii and the Philippines.
Ihis will be the opinion which the
officials of the Department of Justice
will render upon the papers ot the
Commercial Cable Company now be
fore them. These papers were refer
red to the department; by the Secre
tary of State. Many officials today
say that there are strong precedents
for Presidential approval of the Com
mercial Cable Company's application.
n r 1 . .
uuiore reuuing an opinion upon
the application of the Commercial
Cable Company the department is
examining the laws to ascertain
there is any special legislation affect
ing Hawaii and the Philippines which
will stop executive approval of the
Personal Mention.
Attorney Geo. Hons maJe a busi
ness trip to Lahaina during the
Judge J. W. Kalua returned from
his pleasure trip to Molokal on the
last Kinau.
Mr. W. Henning of Lahaina came
over to Wailuku yesterday, and re
turns homo this af ternoou.
A. T. R. Jackson of the Pacific
Mutual Life Insurance Co. returned
to Maui on Wednesday and is re
gisteied at "the Maui."
H. P. Baldwin, Dr. J. II. Raymond,
J. J. Hair and James T. Tayloy
were among the passengers to Maui
oa Wednesday's Claudine.
Mr James P. Rich representing
the Realty Syndicate of Oakland, Cal.
is looking up business on Maui this
sveek. Mr. Rich is stopping at
Shrader's Hotel.
Mr. and Mrs J. L. W. Zumwalt
and family of Hamoa Plantation
were guests at the Windsor this
tveek, and returned home on Wed
nesday's Claudine.
Mr. W. H. Field, who had charge
o! the Maci News during the illness
of the editor, has accepted a position
with Mr, Jas. T. Taylor, and kft
ior Haiku yesterday afternoon.
Messrs Geo. N. Kccncy, W. A.
Sparkes, P. W. Richardson and Hen
derson and Misses Adams, Lindsay,
Brockie and Lindholm of Sprcckels-
ville explored the beauties of Iao
Valley last Sunday.
A New Enterprise.
A. J. Rodrigues has purchased the
property at the corner of Main and
larket Street (makai of the Kind
ergarten), Wailuku and will com
mence immediately the erection of . a
two story building on the site. The
juilding is to be 40xG0, divided into
two stores on the ground floor and 12
rooms, to be rented ii; "it airs.
Mr. Rodrigues hat entered into
copartnership with Coezar Rodri
gues who has been water luna for the
Wailuku Sugar Co. at Waikapu for
tne past five years and under the firm
name oi Kodengues s uoaerigues
will open up a first class grocery and
general store in- the new building.
Mr. Rodrigues' present business
house will carry dry goods only aud
as soon as possibly this grocery stock
will be turned over to the new con
Work of Fire Claims Commis
sioner at Wailuku.
Judge Kepoikai and F. J. Testa,
Fire Commissioners, completed their
works on Maui last Wednesday,
having disposed of 1D2 cases during
the week previous.
The nationality of the cases was
as follows; Japanese, fG; Chinese,
113; Hawaiians. 15; wl.iles," J-'; total
192. The claims of the Japanese rang
ed from $50 to $225 only one claim,
that of H. Kaneda, being for a large
amount. His claim was for $1435.24.
flie claims of the Chinese were
principally for small amounts, al
though one Chinese firm the Sam
Sing Co., filed a claim for $13002.83,
which was the largest claim filed.
41 Chinese and 20 Japanese who had
tiled claims failed to appear before
tne commission, and were noted as
absent. Testimony was taken, how
ever, to establish their lueutuy as
actual residents of Kahului at the
lime of the fire. The Hawaiians were
q iite modest m their claims, one of
tuem having hied a clain. for $!).30,
the smallest claim filed. Pilot Bob
English filed a claim for $1400.00 and
Captain SafTery filed for $551. each
of which claims was probably one'
third less than the actual loss.
W. J. Lowrio filed a claim for $12
1)00 for buildings burned, Macfarlane
fc Co. filed one for $031.00 for liquors
destroyed and W. I. Ball filed one
for $080.75 for household goods burn
' Mori, the well known and popular
Japanese merchant of Kahului filed
a claim for $5000.00 which v as
heard by the commissioners in UonO'
Commissioners Kepoikai and Tsta
state that the commissioners are
about half through their labors, As
they have be;n at work for over
four months, It will probably take
about nine months to conclude their
labors. It is the intention of the com
mission, however to fin' ;h their task,
notwithstanding they ui " only paid
for six months work, a.u they will
trust to figure legislation to reim
burse them for the additional time
which they will Lo compelled to de
vjte tp a satisfactory completion of
the labors of the cbmmifctiou.
BUILDERS. Ciias. Crowell
Oa irFMEii A-n Contk actor
Plans and Estimates ;
Furnished on Short Notice
OITieo and Shop in Giles Building
limn St. Wailuku.
P. E.
Contractors & Engineers.
We solicit all kinds of construction
work, such as Railroad, Gov't
Roads, Reservoirs, ' Ditches,
Wells, Tunnels, etc., etc.
Mem. Tech. Smo.Pac. Coast.
Wailuktii Meiul
Corner Main & Market Streets.
Carpenter& Builder
Plans and estimates furnished.
First Class Material on Hand.
Cabinet Work n Specialty.
Contractor & Builder
(Formerly Head Carpenter at Ivihe. )
Has located at Wailuku. Buildinsr
Contracts taken in all parts
of the Island. A largo force
of skilled assistants always
on hand.
P. O. Box 63 Tel. No. 293
And Dealers n
ilder S. S. Co.
Terminals at Wailuku,
Spreekelsvillo and
Taia. . . .
Kahului, Maui.
Maui Soda
Ice Works
R. A. WADSWORTH -Proprietor
Constantly on Hand
Soda Water
Ginger Alo
Root Beer
Celery & Iron
Strawberry Soda
Fruit Syrups.
Delivery wagon will visit
Wailuku Mondays.', Wednesday's
and Saturdays; Haiku, Tuesdays
and Fridays; Kihei, Mondays
and Thursdays; Kahului, Mon
days and Saturdays; Spreckpls-
ville, Wednesdays and. .Thurs
days,. '
Post Office Adress:
iritMaui Soda & ce Works.
Kahului, Maui, T. II.
G. MACFARLANE & Co., Ltd. '
Pure American and
Scotch Whiskeys
Selected Brandy,
Beer c& lAines -
Ice Cold prtiiks
Opp. Wailuku Depot
Matt. McCajjn Proprietor
Choice Brands
America & Scotch Whiskey
Beer, Ale Wine
Ice Cold Drinks.
Lahaina, Mua i T. H
Mineral Water
Bottled at Rartlctfs Spring,
Lake County, California,
ttrst known specific for liver
and kidney tiouble.
SOLE AGENTS far t!ie Sawaxn Islands
Liquor Dealers
Rainier Bottled beer, of Se?tti
C. CarpyA Co., Unce Sam Ine '
Cellars and Is Dtillsrv. Nana, si
Jesse oore Whiskey
Cream ure Rye Whiskey
Long Life Whiskey
Lexington Club Old Bourbon Yhiske.
J F Cutter's Whiskey
Moet & Chandon White Seal Charu
Bartlett Spring

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