OCR Interpretation

The Maui news. [volume] (Wailuku, Maui, H.I.) 1900-current, May 23, 1903, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82014689/1903-05-23/ed-1/seq-2/

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Office. BAILEY BLOCK, Main St.
WAlLliKl. MALI, T. H.
One year, tin advaniM) . $2.f0
Si lli'rtitliK.
Too columuR of he News admit oommunlca
ti'iUH ou j.ertlneut topics. Write ouly on
ouealiluof paper. SiKn your nnmn which
will be held nalldoutml if destrud.
C B. ROBERTSON, Ed, and Prop.
Saturday. May
Tn lust week's News it was
that sntne oilier material than wood be used in the construction vl
our coujity building nud schoolhouse, and brick -was mentioned as
a cnKatiriito Thn Rnllpt.in nffflrs
aiian stone be used instead of .brick, and the matter should be ii
vesligated. There is a belt of country extending from Kihei along
ihrt iaiir.:irl lino tn Snrpnlfp lsville which contains millions of
tons of readily quarried stone which it is claimed could be utilized
for building purposes, us it splits.' straight and is not grained. ' If
tho enet. nf orpctinir mir rnnntv huildinff from StOlie secured on
Maui would be approximately
stone, then for every reason Maui
nf hiirrrw.miuiQ nnlor prmlrl h secured for the front, and it IS also
believed that enough of suitable
for steps, coping, ledges and the like. Our representatives should
Vihvw t.hia matt-pr tVirnrnncrhlv lnvesticated and nave estimates of
expenses made, before any definite decision is reached as to the
construction of our public buildings.
Tne question of disarmament by nil the Powers has been
suggested by Sir Charles Dilke in the House of Commons, with
the added suggestion that Great Britain may take the initiative in
the matter. Tnere may come a time when the nations will be
ready to turn their swords into floughstiares, and permit th lion
nud t he limb to lie down together, white a little child leads them,
bet the time u not. ripe for that yet, because there is too much
territory to be subjected to settlement. Great Britain might be
wjlling to stop war ship building, if the other powers would do so,
but that would leave her the mistress of the. .seas , The same is
true of the land armament of the different worjd powers, and no
satisfactory agreement could possibly be reached at present, conse
quently any present hope for disarmament must necessarily
prove illusive.
jy5 J.ne exuuipie ui tuu ivitu mug outi uaao uau winm iu i.ug
of.organizing a club is one which should be followed by. each of the
teams in the league, for several reasons. In the first place it tends
to foster a teaiu spirit, and enables the friends of the team to .rally
under its banner and to its support. In the second place it teaches
, the boys theji value as. individual members of a regularly organized
in after life. And last but not least, tne.i Maui Athletic Association
is strengthened by the fact that its. members are com posed of the
members of several subordinate
end which the miin organization
ineans, eaqh team should organize into a Club bearing the name of
the team. '.."
i . ,,. . .. u. . ' ; ''
The Senate is making a serious mistake in the matter of cen
soring the House expenses, and tne House is perfectly justified in
taking the stand it has in the matter-,"!! the Senate cuts down its
ow;n expnses,to the lowest reasonable sum it can, it nil! have-done
all its constituency expect of it.; The House is not a kindergarden;
ts members have hair on their faces, and some graybeards at
that The House is answerable only to the people, and if the
members of the House are unduly extravagant, the press and the
people will sufficiently remember and roast the . guilty - ones. The
Senate has assumed an unjust and arbitrary attitude in the matter,
from which they should recede at once. ,
. ,,. .... , ; : '. ' ,
-A curious proposition, with two sides to it has arisen ' in Ken
tucky. Two healthv young men have been sentenced to be hanged
; for murder, and they have been requested by physicians to allow
themselves to be inoculated with the virus of a particularly deadly
disease, for experimental purposes, a proposition which' they have
. taken .under consideration. While science mijht benefit by such An
, experiment, still it would be at. the sacrifice) nf the most sacred
. right which any one can possess, and that is the right to a healthful
, body. .It would be too dangerous a precedent to be established;
, and the authorities will doubtless prevent it, even if the young
men should consent. . . ..
fX 'The Nevv 'as curator, of thfe' morals o'f Wailuku records a
protest against gambling in connection with our base ball games.
A bet is generally nothing mora than a fool's argument, and the
. more sparingly it is indulged in the better it will be for the tone
arid quality of base ball on Maui, Of course it will be indulged in
to a limited extent, and the News confesses a willingness to stake
a little even money on next Sunday's game, aud let the other fellow
pick his team, but when it comes
or $500 on tne gamer the matter
of tru sport, and will lead td demoralization and the ruin of base
bull on Maui.
$2$ Aueer.stbfy comes frotn Honolulu, with reference td, the flro
posed intention of the lower house to burn its vouchers,' aud thus
prevent the people from knbwiag how the public money has been
spent. It seems almost incredible that such a thing could be true,
and a legislature in the states which should do such a thing would
be mobbed. For the sake ot decency, the House should not do this
thing, and if they do, thbse of th'efti opposed 'to it should go1 on
recrjrdfco, that the guilty ones could be exposed to the" shame of
their own infamy. '
Hon. J. W. Kulua, Circuit tudno, WiiIIuku
Li R. Crook. tJlerk Clrouit Court. vVuiluku
J mine W. A. MuKj out. Magistrate. WHlhiku
ChB. Cotio. " " MaUawao
" KulnulBlio "
" Kulnlkau, " '
" J K. Hanuna, " '
" Ptinmui., '
" Kai.oohalahala, "
L. M. Baldwin, Sheriff,
W. E. Saffery, Diputy Bberlft
Edg:ir Morton, " "
U. K. Llndsey, "
F. Wlttrock, " '
O. Trimble. " '
. H. Cutnmlngs Captain Polios.
H. lwlrna, " "
Wm. Keanu, "
E. C. Ludsty. " "
J. K. Watuinau, "
W. T. Robinson, T I Assessor,
J. N. K. Keola, Deputy Assessor
V. O. Aiken,
O. Dunn, " "
M H. Reutor, "
. . Hun
Hun a
strenuously and effectively urged
a timelv amendment that Haw
that, of brick or other Hawaiian
stone should be used. Enough
size and color could be secured
cluos,. all striving for the , same
is formed to promote. By all
to organizing a hui to bet 9250
13 pressed beyond 11 the' demand's
Life at West Point.
'The cadets at the Military academy
fttWent Point nre not favored as ore
often the students in colleges and
universities who have wealthy pa
rents that is, they are not furnished
with in unlimited amount of cash to
buy "extras" fo rooms, clothes and
luxuries. All the cadets stand on
the same footing and receive JOUO a
year, plut the commutation or ra
tions amounting to $109.50 a year
However, with proper economy this
yearly allowance is sufficient for the
support of a cadet.
The army cadet who goes to the
Military academy with spendthrift
hubitssoon receives, a decided and
severe cneck. As an instance, a cadet
some time ago went to the superin
tendent for an order for four shirts,
but the superintendent peremptorily
refused to give his approval. The
young man was sorely in need, and
he attempted to convince his super!
or of the fact. The latter look up the
cadet's account book and perusing it
a couple of moments threw it back
to him, "I have no doubt you are in
great, necu or these shirts or you
would not present this order, !ut you
are in debt, and there's no excuse for
you." The young cadet, with tears
starting in his eye." and a trembling
voice, responded: "But, colonel, I am
almost destitute of changes of cloth
lnr. 1 nave only one shirt to mv
buck, and that is a fatigue jacket.'
The colonel was immovable aud sim
ply said as he dismissed the cad
from his presence, "Well, Mr. , I
would advice you to wear that fa
tiguo jacket until you get out of
debt but be careful that you can pass
muster ot the inspection." New
York Tribune.
Cornstalk Paper.
American farmersnnd newspaper
men are very likely to. become joint
beneficiaries ot a great scheme of co
operation in making the most ot the
corn crop.' Not of the grain merely,
but of the whole plant, stalk, leaves,
pith, tassels; husks, cobs ard kernels.
After a loug. course of experimenta
tion, carried on at Kanakee,' 111 , un
der the encouragement of thte Nat
ional Agricultural Department it is
found that high grade paper can be
proritably manufactured, in different
varieties, from the various part A of
the plant. One kirtd is made frjom
the hard shell of 'the stalk, another
,f tom the pith aod a , third from ' the
,husk. "From the pith is turnd out
the finest grade of oil paper, Ttlmost
equal to linen paper," so it is claimed
by experts at ths department. ,A
machine has been invented and is
now being manufactured which will
take the cornstalk, with the oaf still
Onlthusk the ear, separate the husk
from the stock and then remove the
shell from the pith. Sending this
mjachine into the fields, the paper
manufacturers will propose to far
mers to buy their corn crops as Ihey
stand in the fields, If the farmers
wish the corn after it has been hulk
ed, it will be passed back to them;
otherwise it will be marketed by the
owner of the machine, who will con
tort every rruiiiiiiiuu part of tne
plant into some form of manufacture.
OFFICE in the Haavaiias Islands. Filled throughout wiih the latest
Appliances knOwrt to Science. '
' No charge for examinations. Lady assistant. All Work and Material
, " 215 Hotel Street, Opp. UuUm In AiT-ngton Block.
Manilla Anchor Lager
. It lias a delicacy of flavor
possessed by no other beer
in the market.
It costs no more than any
other. Try it.
?S M VU'v Ij ?
Early Time Systems.
The gnomon, the predecessor of
tt.e sundial, was probably one of the
enrliest devices for the reckoning of
time and it muy reasonably be con
cluded that the Egyptian pyramids,
witn their great altitude, formed
part of a design for timekeeping by
the shadow thrown on the desert
sands. The obelisk, too, in all prob
ability served the purpose, for as a
matter of history an ooelisk at Rome
was actually used for a sundial in ti e
time of Emperor Aupusts.
If wo could step on board of a
Malay prao, we should see floating in
a bucket of water a cocounut shell
having a small hole in the bottom
through which the water by slow de
grees finds its way.into the interior.
The hole in the shell will sink in an
hour, when the man on wutch calls
the trnie and sets it afloat again.
The Chinese have a water clock in
use at the present time, which inven
tion thev ascribe to Hwangti, who
lived, according to their chronology,
more than twenty-five centuries be
fore Christ. '
The time system of early Rome was
of the rudest character. The day
and night each were divided into four
watches, the periods of which were
roughly determined by observations
of the course of tic sun and stars
Locked In With a Martinet
The writer was once closeted with
a patient whom he had no suspicion
of being mad until the latter got out
of bed, turned the key of the door and
preferred a mild request to the
writer to have his throat, cut, hand
ing him at the' same time an open
pocketknife, which he produced from
under his pillow. I obiected to the
knife as being too small for the pur
pose and begged to be allowed to go
for my cuse of amputating knives
with which, I explained, the opera
tion could be performed with greater
neatness and dispatch. He unlocked
the door at once, binding me over ito
secrecv and urinnL' me to lose, no time
in returumg. I drove home, report
ed the case to the authorities and
came back with assistance. He was
secured wHh great difficulty and sen
to the asylum. London Tit-Bits. I
Give Him the Sack."
Two noblemen in the reigu of Maxi
milian II.- one a German, Uie other
a Spaniard who had each venderid
a great service to the emperor, ask
ed the hand of his daughter iu mar
riage. : Maximilian said lhat, as he
esteemed them both alike, it was im
possible to choose between them, und
therefore their own prowes must
decide it; but, being unwilling to risk
the loss of cither by engaging thctn
in deadly combat, he ordered a large
sack brought und declared that he
who should put his rival into it should
have his fair Helena. And this whim
sical combat wu actually pot-formed
in the presence of the imperial court
and lasted an hour. The unhappy
Spanish nobleman was first overcome,
and the German succeeded in envelop
ing him in the sack, took him upon
for HONEST WORK at Low
Prices when visiting H or.olt j
They have the LARGEST and
ai vur,
11113 Mpmue
his hack anu laid him at the emper
or's feet. This comical combat is said
to be the oriin of the phrase "Give
him the sack" so common in t.t.e
literature ot courting.
A Soldier's Strange Death.
I find the following singular in
cident in the old Atlanta Iinelligenc
er: "After the fight near Drewry's
bluff on Monday last a surgeon who
was searching the field for the wound
ed, that he might adminsler to their
need, observed a man in a kneeling
position, with his gun to his shoulder
pointed to tne front, his left eye
closed and having all the appearance
of life. Upon rxnmination ho was
found to be dead, a ba'l having pus
ed through his brain at the moment
when, resting on his left kne.', lie had
taken sight at the foe. It is very
remarkable that, so rigid was the
corpse, some force was required to
remove the guii from his grasp. He
proved to be a member ot the Twenty
ninth Viruinia rf eimentof infantry.
Atlanta Constitution.
co:s STORE
Boots. - Shoes
Kerosene Oil Gasoline
Gold Watches Silver Watches
Groceries DryGocds Clothing
Dry Goods
In part as follows:
Everett Classico Everett Ginghams
Mercerised .Silk Zephyr ...
Macrame Lace '
Windsor Surelle
Leno Applique
Reina Stripes
Lnore Stripes
Scotch Zephy
Stella Batiste
Emoroidered Swiss Dots
Dotted Swiss
Black Dimity
Bcrliu Law
Mcthuen Ginghams
W F. Mobsman
;T Manager.
m k. w.
And Deatnts a
ilder S. S. Co.
Terminals at Wailuku
Spivcliclsville and
Paia. '. . .
. . , v...j,
I - ..
Kahiilui, Mau'iY
First Class Restaurant
Meals at All Hours
Fresh Bread, Pies and Cakes
Cigars, Cigarettes & Tobacco
Canned fruits of all kinds, jellies and
jams for t-ale.
Hit'hSt., Wailuku.
Wholesale Grocers
34 & 36 Steuart St. S. F., Cal
Dealers in all Kitds of Pro
visions and Fancy Groceries
17 Battery St San Fran:isco, Cal.
Old Judge WhisKey .McBrazer S. M.
,, Gladstone Eye.
A dent
Your Brand ftF
Ice Cold Beer
Always On Tap
Choice Wine for Bar and Table Use
Cold Drinks and All Varieties of
Aerated and Mineral Waters
A. K. STENDER Proprietor
Kahului Maul
The Aloha
.T.B.LYONS, Prop.
Ice Cold Beer
Virci flacc 12
Prlmo and Seattle Bcci
St., (Adjoining old Meat
rlane & Co.
Opposite Wailuk
Wholesale 5 Retail
Liquor Dealers,
Qnl.111. 1 1 . . . .
or mi maae Milwaukee famous,
Anheuiier Buscta & John Wleland New Frew.
O. P. g. Bourbon, Rye & Sour-mash.
Old Gov't, Old Pepper & Cape Horn Whiskey,
Duffy's j:ure malt & Tweed's pure mnlt Whiskey
Celebrated John Dewar k D.C.L.Scotoh Whlske y
D. C. L. Old Tom, ft London Dry, Honeysuckle
Pa'.m Tree, & Palm Boom Giu.
Honnessy's Brandy & Australian Boomerang
Xohler & Van Ueruens lylne & the famous Ingia
nook wines, G.H.Mumm i Co. ex-dry Champagne
Wo make a specialty of shipping.
Matt. McCann Proprietor
Choice Qfricl&
America & Scotch Whiskey
Deo. , MitjAwu vYine
, Ice Cold Drinks. ,
Lahalna,. Maul T. 11,

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