OCR Interpretation

The Maui news. [volume] (Wailuku, Maui, H.I.) 1900-current, March 23, 1912, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82014689/1912-03-23/ed-1/seq-2/

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Wt F. Mossman Stricken.
Entered at the Post Office at Wailuku, Maui, Hawaii, as second-class matter
A Republican Paper Published in the Interest of the People
Issued Every Saturday.
Maul Publishing: Company, Limited.
Proprietors and Publlahcra
vSob8ciption Ratks, in Advance $2.00 per Year, fl.25 Six Months
$2.50 per year when not in advance
Chat, C Clarlc
Editor and Manager
MARCH 23, 1912
The Harbjp Commissioners.
IT must seem strange to tourists and travellers passing through to
see the papers filled continually with the petty squabbles of the dif
ferent public bodies in Honolulu. A little while back it was the
Board ot Health, then the Loan Fund Commission, and now the mem
bers of the Harbor Commission are not only fighting among them
selves like the proverbial Kilkenny cats, but they seem to be antagon
izing the commercial interests of the other islands. Whether this . is
the fault of the board as a whole or simply that of the chairman of the
board it is Hard to say, though of late it seems that wherever you find
Marston Campbell, there you will find trouble.
The Maui Chamber of Commerce had reason to believe that Mr.
Campbell was not dealing fairly with them in the Kihei wharf matter,
and a resolution to this effect was sent to Honolulu. This caused a be
ligeraut reply to be sent from the commission as a whole in which they
practically told the Chamber of Commerce to mind its own business.
This matter is the business of the Chamber of Commerce, and they
are determined to see whether Mr. Campbell and the rest of the com
mission are prepared to carry out the will of the people, or whether
they can sidetrack this matter, as Campbell is reported to have said
they intended to do.
We predicted some time ago that Mr. Campbell was fooling with a
buzz-saw when he tried to buffalo the Maui Chamber of Commerce, and
our prediction has just about come true.
If the "youngest theatrical manager in the world," or some other of
the managers of the local show houses, would engage Superintendent
Marston Campbell for a lightning change act on the stage, he ought to
make a greai hit, a much bigger hit, in fact, that he has made in his
official capacity. If Marston can change his clothes as quickly as he
can change his mind and his face, he's a wonder. Crossroads.
A novel entitled "A Green Vase," by W. R. Castle, Jr., and pub
lished by Dodd, Mead & Co., is out. A volume has been received
here, and we hope to have the pleasure of reveiwing it next week. Mr.
Casele is a product of Hawaii, and no doubt his many friends here will
ensure a large sale for the book throughout the Territory.
A persistent report is in circulation that Mr. W.G.Scott is out forjthe
position of Sheriff of Maui. Mr. Scott has a very good job at present,
and if he is wise he will stay there, because he would have as much
chance of being elected shertff, as a counterfeit dollar would have
passing a sub-treasury inspector.
The beach road begins to look as though there was something doing
in this burg. The poles along this road for the electric wires are near
ly all in place, and the residents are looking forward in pleased anti
cipation to the time when the juice will be turned on, and the town no
longer grope around in darkness.
Training Season Rapatee.
AYS the leaguer to the busher as they limber up their joints,
Just keep your eye on me and you will get some inside points
About this game of baseball, so when Danny stops your eats
You'll go back to the Punkin League and knock'em off their seats.
You don't do badly for a kid. You're got the speed to burn,
You sting the leather on the snoot, and all you're got to learn
Is how to shoot'em down the groove, and how to waste'em, too,
And how to field and how to slide, and just what not to do.
So watch the way that I do, and who knows? Perhaps some day
A Class D scout may come along and sign you up he may."
Says the leaguer to the leaguer (which means unto himself).
"I wonder if I'm really due to hit the 'has been' shelf?
This kid is there a thousaud and if I've slowed up a bit
The day they tie the tin cans on, it may be that's 'it.'
I'll start him pulling boueheads, and if he ain't queered by that,
I'll find a soft spot on his knob and bump it with a bat."
Says the busher to the leaguer, "I have heard that stuff before.
The Punkin League is full of guys who played up here of yore.
But just get this into your dome, that I've come up to say,
And any time you beat me out you sure have got to play
A game that shows a little class. You may not know it, bo,
But either you've gone back a lot or you were always slow.
Just show me all you can, old top, and I'll be glad to learn,
And maybe when they hand you yours I'll help you in return.
You'll need a job this season, sure I tell you what I'll do;
I'll get my old bush manager to save my place for you."
Says the busher to the busher, with a confidential note,
"I don't see why this guy is always trying to get my goat.
It doesn't look to me as though I've got a chance at all,
The way that he is fielding and a-sappin' out the ball.
But I will bluff the season through, and tell 'em how it feels,
When I get back to Punkin ville, to be among the Seals."
V. F. Mossman, manager of the
Hamakuapoko store, was stricken
with paralysis last Tuesday. He
was moved over to the Paia hospital
and Wednesday evening he had a
second stroke. Mrs. Mossman, who
was at Nahiku, hurried to his side,
and his two sons were also with
Dr. McConkey, who was in at
tendance held .ut no hope for his
recovery, and in fact his death was
looked for all during Thursday.
Early Friday morning the patient
opened his eyes, and seeing the
doctor bending over him, smiled
and held out his hand. The doctor
grasped it, and thus he passed out
of this life.
Mr. Mossman was a mason, and
he received a masonic burial, the
funeral taking place at 2 o'clock
Friday afternoon.
A brother, who was until recent
ly in the stationery business died
two weeks ago in Honolulu.
Mr. Mossman has had an honor
able and useful career. He was for
a time, Collector of Customs at Ka.
hului, and for the past few years
has filled acceptably the position of
Manager of the , Hamakuapoko
Strike at Paia.
Last Saturday night, an incipient
riot took place in the Paia camp.
The camp is occupied by Okinawas
a tribe of Japanese, who came from
one of the many small islands off
the northeast coast of Japan. , The
Okinawas were having a feast and
becoming noisy, the camp boss went
in to stop it- 1 tie result was a
general mix up in which the camp
boss was roughly handled. Not
content with this, .the laborers de
manded that the plantation dis
charge the boss, but the manager
refused. The laborers promptly
went on strike. Their bluff was as
promptly called, and about 300 of
them were paid off and told to get
out. This ended the strike, and
everything in now quiet, with the
strikers out of luck.
Von Hamm-Young Co.
Automobiles are coming into the
islands so fast that one wonders
where they all go to, hut there still
seems to be a ready market, not
only in Honolulu, but throughout
all the islands for the latest designs.
The call for the latest thing, by
those who ccn afford it, forces upon
the market a great number of first
class machines only slightly used.
These machines are practically as
good as new, though they must ne
cessarily be sold as second hand.
The Von Hamm-Young Company
are continually getting in these
slightly used cars in exchange, and
it is possible many times, to get a
bargain. Mr. Bodge, the manager
of the automobile department of
this company, is now on Maui, with
a slightly used Packard, which he
will be glad to show to anyone de
siring such a car.
Philippine Mill Shares Going.
Rule and Regulation of the Board
of Commissioners of Agricul
ture and Forestry, Con
cerning Horticultural
Sanitation on the
Island of Maul.
WHEREAS, the Mediterranean Fruit
I ly has obtained a foothold in various
Islands of this Territory:
The Board of Commissioners of Agri
culture and Forestry of the Territory of
Hawaii hereby makes the following rules
and regulations for the purpose of con
trolling, diminishing or eradicating said
Mediterranean Fruit Fly and other in
jurious fruit flies and the larvae thereof,
and preventing or diminishing the loss
causable by them.
Section i. No fruit, melon or vege
able other than fruit imported from
other countries in the original packages
shall be landed at any port on the Island
of Maui, and inspectors and other duly
appointed agents of the Board of Agri
culture and Forestry are hereby empow'
ered to examine and inspect all freight,
baggage and belongings landed at ports
on the Island of Maui and' to destroy,
treat, or dispose of any and all such fruit,
melons or vegetables found among such
fruit, baggage or belongings.
Section 2. Any person violating the
above rule shall be guilty of a mis
demeanor and upon conviction thereof,
shall be punished by a fine not to exceed
Five Hundred Dollars, as provided by
section 390 ct tne Kevised Laws as
amended by Act 8a of the Session Laws
of 1905 and Act 11a of the Session Laws
of 1907.
Section 3. This rule shall take e0ect
upon its approval by the Governor.
Approved: (Sd.) W. F. FREAR,
Governor of Hawaii.
Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, March
nth, 1912.
Notice to Creditors.
The undersigned duly appointed ad
ministrator of the estate of Hattie Ayers,
deceased, hereby gives notice to all ere-
m 1
1911 Packard
Special Torpedo Body
5 Passenger
E. E. Bodge of the Von Hamm
S Young Co., is making his headquart-
ers at theC. J. Schoening Co., while $
in Wailuku, and will be pleased to &
see anyone interested. j
ditors having claims against said estate,
to present same to the undersigned duly
authenticated, whether the same is se
cured or unsecured, at his residence in
Kailua, Maui. And all persons owing
said estate are hereby notified to make
immediate settlement with the under
signed. WM. F. POGUE,
Admr. Estate Hattie Ayers.
Dated Wailuku, Maui, March 22, 1912.
March 23, 30, April 6, 13, 20, 1912.
8 8w
pinQ Offer!
The MAUI NEWS combination will put
enough reading matter into your home to keep
the family busy.
That there is a good demand for
stock in the San Carlos Milling
company and the subscriptions are
coming in rapidly is a fact at
tested to by the appearance of the
sulwcription list recently.
"We have passed the 820,000
mark, that is the half-way point,"
said A. D. Cooper, speaking of the
progress made. "In addition to
this I have been asked for short
time options on upwards of $30,000
of the stock, the greater part of
which I expect will be taken.
"Nearly all of t he subscriptions so
far received are from local people,
that is residents of the island, but
I expect fubstantial returns from
the other islands during the coming
week, by which time people there
will have had'time to give the mat
ter consideration. In amounts sub
scriptions vary from ? 100 to 830,000.
We will supply you with any combination of Magazines
you wish, in connection with the MAUI NEWS, at a less price
than ,you can get them from the publishers. We treat old sub
scribers and new ones alike. The only thing we require is that
the money comes with the order. Here is three of our combina
tions: .
McCIure's Magazines.
Woman's Home Companion.
Review of Reviews,
MAUI NEWS, all one year for .
Everybody's Magazine,
MAUI NEWS, . . . . ,
$ 4.75
Review of Reviews,
Youth's Companion,
$ 5.25
Any reader wishing a certain Magazine, will be supplied
with it in connection with the MAUI NEWS at a reduced
price. This offer applies to anyone. It does not matter whether
they are old subscribers or new ones, all they have to do is send
in the money.

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