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4 THE MAUI NEWS SATURDAY, MARCH, 21, 1914. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WAILUKU UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY FOR POSTAL SAVINGS FUNDS. Gives careful attention to all business commended to its charge ' ALL TRANSACTIONS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. On ;u-e :mt of its ample capital, large surplus and iv.ivful management, it offers the highest possible security to Depositors. C. II. COOKE, President. C D. LUFKIN, Cashier. II, II 9 Gi-sC SATISFAGTIOFJ Is (riven bv fliaStudebnkerWniron. It Is built that way. Only the best mute "inl isusnd. Block birch hubs; best white onk Fpokes, Mloes, rem-hes, 1'oun Is and bolstnrs; tough second growth butt cut hickory Bxls. AlltbrouKhonly the best. Pnlnted In handsome and durable colors to stan' 1 the exposure necessary to (arm work. THE STUDEDAKER WAGON Is madr in many sizes and styles for every use to which a wairon fs put. If you vart a wagon, a cart or a harness for any use call on 'tis and we will 81 uppiy you irom tne Btuaeoalter line. The Btudeoaxer booKS (,:x.ut H-aonts carriages and harness are. iatereaUog. Drop in aad cot them when you come to town. They art Free. f PASJ: CAREY, Wailuka, Maui,T. H. A BANDIT ARTIST By EDWIN V. KIMBALL LAHAINA STORE Importers & Dealers in GENERAL MERCHANDISE WHOLESALE and RETAIL GASOLINE and DISTILLATE IN DRUMS LAHAINA STORE. To improve the flavor of gravies, soups and stews, and to make more appetizing roast beef, roast pork, liver, steak and hamburger ... steak, use plenty of Blue Label Ketchup After you have once tni'd this, you 11 not be satis fi e d to be without a supply of this dandy ketchup ' -1LiiiH. ft -o-It takes a-o- G raflex to get pictures like this and the Graf lex is also better than other cameras for ordinary photo graphy. Mny we tell you more about the Grai'lex? HONOLULU PHOTO SUPPLY f Co., Honolulu. "EvVything- PhVographx." t BY AUTHORITY. One night Glovnuul dl Faleo, one of those bandits who have from time to time figured lu Italian history, remark able for their gentlemanly manners and courteous treatment of their vic tims, mndo bold to enter the city of Florence with a view to trying his hand at burglary. Having gained ac cess to a pnlazzo, or palace, a name given to any fine house, and finding himself in au apartment which on ac count of the darkness he could see lit tle or nothing of, he struck a match and lighted the gas. The furniture was handsome, giving the room an air of comfort and refine ment. There were mirrors, curtains, -divans and other articles, all of costly material. Hut Giovanni especially ad mired the paintings and statuary, lie had descended from a line of artists, and the artistic instinct was very strong In him. Having admired the pictures ou the walls and the statues on their pedestals, his notice fell upon a portrait of a young and beautiful lady resting on an easel. It was not framed and was evidently not finished. That It was In process of production was evident from the fact that a box 1 of paints and brushes and a palette I were on a table beside It, while a niaul : stick rested against the easel. Giovanni stood for some time look ! lug at the portrait. The face was one ; of perfect Innocence, while a smile was spread over it, being most exqui site on the lips between a pair of dim ples. Whether it was the contrast be tween this purity and the bandit's own wickedness no one, of course, knows, but the picture appealed to him so strongly that he forgot everything else. In Koine one can't tell when he will pick up a relic of the days of the Im perial Caesars w ' "hen ho will hit on u i'lorenci.- .an artist. Giovanni sat down betore the easel, took up brush, palette and maulstick and began to work ou the picture, little more than the draw ing of which had been made. The night wore on, and still he painted, while under his brush that which was merely a drawing became a painting In oils. Suddenly hearing the rustle of silk behind him, he looked around. There stood the original of the pic ture. All other considerations In her or In him were lost lu It. She did not seem to care who he was or how he came there. "You are doing splendidly," she said, "but In tilling lu the drawing you have slightly changed certain features." "That, signorina, Is because 1 have not had my model before me. If you will pose before mo I think I can make the features you mention more like the original." Passing to the other side of the easel, she assumed the position of the pic ture. She was dressed almost exactly as lu the portrait, which was to be ac counted for from the fact that she had been out to a ball and had hap pened to wear the costume In which she had been drawn. This made the work much easier for Giovanni, though his attention tvas principally bestowed upon the face. N Time flew for both of these persons, the one absorbed in being reproduced on canvas, the other as producer. I'riuco Foelaul, the owner of the puluzzo and the father of the young lady, being an early riser, when the daylight was well on came from his bedroom and opened the door of the chamber where tho two were. It hap pened that he faced tho artist, though Giovanni was too much absorbed in his work to notice him. The prince recognized the leader of a gang who not long before had captured him while traveling between Florence and Siena and held him till he had been paid 50,000 francs ransom. What his daughter was doing In this singular position tho prince, though surprised, did not stop to consider. Seeing that he was unobserved, ho closed the door softly, went downstairs and at ouco sent out for the police. When they arrived they entered the apartment whero tho portrait was being painted by the two different doors leading Into It, one party led by tho prince. Artist and model both awoke as from a dream. "Father," said the girl, "what means this interruption?" ' - "My child, what means this portrait painting at such an hour?" "This gentleman Is painting my por trait as it should be painted. Bee what ho has done." "Do you know who 'this gentleman' is?" "No, nor do I care." "He Is the bandit who recently sent you word that If you didn't send him 50,000 francs he would send you my ears." "That may be," said the girl after a slight shock, "but ho has earned the money. No other artist could have produced such a work as this." Giovanni sat covered by the muskets of tho police during this interview. The prince looked at the portrait and was evidently much Impressed with it. "Why do you not do such work as this instead of robbing people?" he said to the bandit-artist. "I tried and failed. The critics" "You mean tho robbers of reputa tions. You are a wonder. Become a respectable citizen and you may be come a famous artist." And that was tho result of the affair. The prince interceded with the gov- Notice is hereby given that the Board of Equalization will meet at the Tax Office, Honolulu, on March 9lh, 1914, at 9 A. M. D. L. CONKLING, Treasurer, Territory of Hawaii. Treasures's Office, Honolulu, March 2, 1914. , March 7, 14, 21. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OK THE SECOND JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, TER RITORY OK HAWAII. In the Matter of the Estate of of F. C. WITTROCK, late of liana, Maui, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the estate of F. C. Wittrock late of liana, Maui, T. II. to present the same, duty authenticated and with proper voucher if- fluch exist, to the undersigned; Hugh Howell of Wailuku, Maui, T. H. adminis tration of said estate, within six months from date of publication of this notice, or payment thereof will be forever barred. Dated at Wailuku, Maui, this 7th day March A. D. 1914. HUGH HOWELL, Administrator of the Estate of F. C. Wittrock. March 7, 14, 21, 28. SECOND X THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THt. . CIltcriT TERRITORY OF HAWAII. Shoes Delivered to nny Post-On'ioe on Mul Free of Charge No matter what you may want in shoes we have it or will get it for you if possible. Our stock of shoes consists of Infants size 1 to Men's size 13 and are selected from responsible Manufacturers. We don't sell shoddy goods. We want your account. Our Mail order Department is ready to serve you and give you the best results of its long experience. We will prepay the mail charges on all original orders only , asking customers to pay on returns and exchanges. Let us have your order and see how It works. MANUFACTURER'S SHOE COMPANY, Ltd. r. O. BOX 469 -:- -:- -:- HONOLULU, T. II. Telephone 1141 , Wailuku. Maui, T. II. P. O. Box 83 WAILUKU HARDWARE CO., Successors lo LEE MOR General Hardware, Enamehvare, Oil Stoves, Twines, Mattings, Wall Papers, Mattresses, Etc., Etc., Etc. COFFINS MADE AT SHORT NOTICE. Uime DableJCciIiiilui Slailroad Co. Daily Passenger Train Schedule (Except Sunday) The following schedule will go into effect July 1st, 1913 TOWARDS WAILUKU At Chambers In Probate. In the Matter of the Estate of ADONIS K. STENDER, late ofKahnlui, Maui, Deceased. Order of Notick op Petition for Allowance of Accounts. Deter mining Trust and Distribut ing the Estate. On Reading and Filing the Petition and accounts of William A. McKay, Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Adonis K. Stender, deceased, where in petitioner asks to be allowed oo6 oi and charged with Ju.173.07, and asks that tuesainebe examined and approved, and that a final order be made of Dis tribution of the remaining properly to the persons thereto entitled and dis charging petitioner and surities from all lurtuer responsibility herein: It is Ordered, that Mondav. the fith day of April, A. D., 1914, at 10 o'clock a. jvi. , neiore tue Judge of said Court at Chambers at his Court Room in Wailuku, County of Maui, be and the same here by is appointed the time and nlace for hearing said Petition and Accounts, and mat an persons interested may then and there appearand show cause. if anv thev have, why the same should not be grant ed, and may present evidence as to who are entitled to said property. And that notice 01 tuis Order be published in the Maui News, a newspaper printed and published in Wuiluku, Maui, for three successive weeks, the last publication to De not less than two weeks previous to the time therein appointed for said hearing. Dated February 27, 1914. (Sd.) S. B. KINGSBURY, Judge of the Circuit Court of the Second Circuit. Attest: (Sd.) EDMUND H. HRT, Clerk of the Circuit Court of the Second Circuit. . Feb. 28, March 7, 14, 21, 1914. p M '5 5 33 3 3 5 233 201 15 8 42 Mile 6 35 3o 6 25 5 2o,3 17 5 3 07 5 9 3 5 5 00,2 55 ,2 53 4 Sa a 47; 4 5i 2 46' 4 45 2 4o 4 44 a 39 4 40,2 35 8 27 8 17 8 15 8 05 8 03 7 57 7 56 7 5", 7 49 . 7 45 15.3 STATIONS A.. Wailuku.. L 5-5 3-4 1-4 L.. ..A .. Kahului .. y L" Spreck- "A " elsville "j C T.a , Paia r.v. .X, JiHaraa- "A Auapoko A- v, ..A L iwela .. ..Pai L A u ..A L..Hai, TOWARDS HAIKU Miles ' o 3-3' ... 9-8, 11. 9 '3-9 '5-3 6 408 50 30 6 50,9 00 1 40 6 52 7 02 7 03 7 J5; 7 '7 7 24 17 251. 7 33 7 35 7 40 . 3 35 10 5 3 i 4515 48 3 47 3 57 1 53 3 58 2 05 4 10 2 o7 4 I 2 14 4 19 2 15 4 20 . 2 23 4 28 . 2 25 4 3 2 3 4 33 PUUNENE - TOWARDS PUUNENE In the Grcuit Court of the Second Circuit, Territory of Hawaii. At Chambers In Trobate. In the Matter of the Estate of ANTONE PERREIRA FIVELLA, Late of Makawao, Maui, Deceased. Notice to Crkditors. Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the Estate of Antone Perreira Fivella, late of Makawao, Maui, deceased, to present the same to the under signed, Joe do Rego, at Makawao, Maui, within six months from date of publication of this notice or de mands thereof will be forever barred. Dated at Wailuku, Maui, this 6th day of March, 1914. JOE do REGO, Executor of the Estate of Antone Perreira Fivella, Deceased. i 2 50 G 00 Miles TOWARDS KAHULUI STATIONS . 0L..Kahului..A 3 0OG 10 2 4 ' I I f "iles am f m 2.50 2-h 15 l, oje 12 05 1. All trains daily except Sundays. . Wftilku daily, except Sun- 2. A Special Train (Labor Train) will lean at 5.50 a. ,., ad connect days, at 5:30 a. in., arriving at Kahului.0 ing with the 0:00 a. m. train for PuuneipVr8oniil baggage will be 3. BAGGAGE RATES: 150 pounds of V'ket, nnd 75 pounds on carried free of charge on each whole tWga'of and on the same each half ticket, when baggage is in c3 Im'ggnge 25 cents per train as the holder of the ticket. Forexce 100 pound or parUhereof will be cliaigud.i Passenger Tariff I. C. For Ticket Fares and other inforinatio'i see Locrj)epots. C. No. 8, or inquire at any of the Haven't You Yet Written nvs of Fop Full Particultf 4INGE( xY ENGINE" "THE GENERAL UTILT r . kerosene, (Uperates or distillate JJasoline-) HONOLULU IRON W0l?KSCo" ,loi,olulu- ccmui'ut. for " pardon. . " "I 1, 28.- , . . .