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Image provided by: University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Newspaper Page Text
6 THE MAUI NEWS, SATURDAY, JUNK 13, 1914 MATSON NAVIGATION CQ. 26$ Market Strut, San Traneisco, California. FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE San Francisco Puget Sound HAWAIIAN ISLANDS i!o.3 1914 Ctnimni I.t'tive PUfiliT KOU1ND llnwnilnn IslmiHn Arrive Unir-ifTp SlCailllr w, p. Arrivu l..:ivi) Arrive l.cuve S. F. lUJfdfcC Villjltnin:i . . May 6 May 12 May 20 May 26 56 Ililoniaii May 9 May 12 May 16 May 25 June 3 June 11 7S Minion May 12 May 19 May 26 June 3 3 Malscniia May 20 May 26 June 3 June 9 5 Enterprise. . . May 23 May 31 June M June 20 115 J.urliuc May 2'' June 2 June 9 June 17 72 1 Kudos May 2S May 31 June 4 June 14 June 23 July 3 45 Willii liniua. .June 3 June 9 June 17 June 23 57 lloiiolulan. . .June ft June 9 June 15 June 23 July 2 July 10 42 Minion June 9 June 6 June 23 July 1 4 Matsonia June 17 June 23 July ! July 7 6 Ililiuiian June 20 June 23 June 27 July 6 July 15 July 23 79 l.ur'.ine June 23 June 30 July 7 July 15 73 Knlt-rprisf . ..June 27 July 5 July 15 July 25 116 Villielmiiia..July l July 7 July 15 July 21 58 Manon July 7 July 14 July 21 July 29 5 Hya.Us July 9 July 12 July IS July 2S Aug. 5 Aug. 15 46 Malsonia. . ..July 15 July 21 July 29 Aug. 4 7 Uirliue Julv 21 July 28 Aug. 4 Aug. 12 74 Villielmina..July 29 Aug. 4 All?. 12 Aug. 18 59 Ililoniaii July 30 Aug. 2 Aug. 8 Aug. 17 Aug. 27 Sept. 4 So Enterprise. . Aug. I Aug. 9 Aug. 19 Aug. 29 1 1 7 Manoa Aug. 4 Aug. 11 Aug. 18 Aug. 26 6 Matsonia . . . Aug. 12 Aug. IS Aug. 26 Sept. I 8 I.urline Aug. 18 Aug. 25 Sept. I Sept. 9 75 Hyades Ahjj. 20 Aug. 23 Aug. 29 Sept. 8 Sept. 16 Sept. 26 47 Vilheliniua..Aug. 26 Sept. I Sept. 9 Sept. 15 60 PORTS OF CALL. latsonia ) j0 Villielniina ) Honolulu and Hilo. S. S. Matsonia. S. S. Willielmina. S. S. Manoa J To IIonouiu a,,d Kahului. S. T.urhnc J S. S. Enterprise To Ililo direct. S. S. Uiloniau ) S. S. Hyades Y All Hawaiian Ports. S. S. Honolulan ) Indicates that steamer carries combustibles and freight only (no passengers) SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. KAHULUI RAILROAD CO., Agents, Kahului. We send goods free by parcels post anywhere on Maui. Let us have your orders. Benson Smith &Co. Hotel mill Fort Streets HONOLULU PURE KAUPAKALUA PUItK KAUPAKALUA is becoming tho favorite table wine of Maui just because it is pure and wholesome. Ask your dealer to give you a free sample and then order a gallon. Kapakalua Wine & Liquor Co. Ltd. Haiku, Maui. Snapdragon and Halloween. Mnnv of our Halloween customs come to us from Knulniid nnil Scotland, and a most popular one Is culled tlio snnpdinKon," wlilcli Is brought In when refreshments nro served, pen prnlly nt tlio Inst before leaving tlio tnble. The lights nro nil turned out nnd tho philter containing the snnn- ilrnKon is brought in. Why It Is thus li.imcd I know not. but it Is mnde this wny: Place large tnblo raisins quito closely nnd evenly on the plotter, sprin kle with snlt nnd cover with pood nl- cohol. Just before bringing in light tho nlcohol nnd n most plmstly green ish white light will bo the result. Tnss it around tho table, and ench guest Is to try to grab n rnlsin from the flnnic. Now, don't nsk me why nnd wherefore regarding this strange custom, for I do not know; only, my earliest recol lections of a Ilnllowoou pnrty, nnd I repret to say that It Is many years npo, we had n snnpdrnpon, and an English lady told me how to make it. Sometimes ghost stories are told while the drapon burns on the table. St. Louis Globe-Democrat Goethe and Stage Animals. Goethe severed his connection with the Weimar theater owing to the np poarnnco of nn nnimnl on the stage. For twenty-seven years he ruled there as a despotic director. "The direction. ho wrote tr his chief nsslstnnt. "nets according to Its own views nnd not In the least nccordlng to the demands of the public. Once for all understand that the public must be controlled." When nt length ho forbade any expres sions of approval or disapproval on the part of his public only the court and the Jena students continued to attend tho theater. Tho crash came when Duke Karl Au gust Invited an actor who had scored heavily with a performing poodle in "The Dog of Montiirgls" to piny nt Weimar. After the first rehearsal he declined to have anything more to do with a theater the boards of which had been desecrated by the presence of an animal. Pall Mall Gazette. Solid Granite. Tho inquisitive traveler kept poking his head out of the window of the car to the great annoyance of tho conduc tor who several times stopped to warn li i 111 against the danger. At length he tapped the careless one on the shoulder and said: "Pardon me, but this time I mnst In sist that you withdraw your head." Insolently the traveler spoke back over his shoulder without complying with the request: "Why?" "Oh," said the conductor, nettled, "we aro coming to a bridge, and I don't want nny of the girders dam aged by your head." And then the head came In. St Lou Is Post-Dispatch. Japan Censors Books. In Jnpan the censorship of novels Is not exercised by tho libraries, but by a government otllcial who Is empower ed to prosecute offending authors ns well as forbid the sale of their books. Not long ago the nuthor of a Japanese novel called "The Great City" was brought before the courts for giving too realistic n description of life In To kyo. Ills counsel used the old argu ments about the Indefensible rights of literature nnd the ennobling of every thing by art. But the case was given against the author. Even some of Mollere's works have been forbidden to circulate in Jnpan, the ground of offense being tho luck of respect shown by wives toward their husbands and by sons toward their fathers. High Finance. "Neddy is an awfully pood nntured fellow, but he has one failing, You can always touch him for a loan, but If you lend him some money he ln vnriably forgets to repay It" "I know, old top. Whenever he owes me some money I never nsk him to re pay it I Just borrow it back in install ments. And listen" "Yes." "I've overdrawn my account $10." New York Su.n. Keeps The Motor Cool Zerolene, a9 its name implies, keeps the motor cool by perfect lubrication. Even under intense heat and pressure it maintains the desired lubricating; film between the wearing surfaces and so enables the engine to do its work efficiently. THE STANDARD OIL FOR MOTOR CARS is the best auto oil the Standard Oil Company can make produced by experts of long experience who have studied the requirements of motor lubrication and who have at their command selected crudes and the best refinery equipment with which to produce an oil exactly adapted to meet these requirements. Dealers everywhere. Ask our nearest agency about de livery in bulk. Standard Oil Company (CALIFORNIA) Honolulu Read the MAUI NEWS ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft. ft ft ft ft ft ft iSi ft ft ft Or 1 2! ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft Mr. FARMER! lanaBwanaacanaBHaaaaEaBHSBBuaMBaHaaHHiiaaaaai Here is Your Opportunity. 3,468,152 Pounds of Corn were imported into this Territory last year which amount could just as well have been raised right here. The money value was $54,738. The Honolulu Iron Works Co. carries in stock Corn Shelters. Crackers, Bur Mills, Elevators, and all other necessary equipment for handling a feed-corn crop. We will furnish plans and estimates for the complete equipment of Corn Mills. (Sprout, Waldron & Cos Apparatus.) Honolulu Iron Works Co. HONOLULU r ft ft ft hi ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft '& ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ' !ft ft ft ft & ft ft s ft ft ft ft ft ftftfttfftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftft