Newspaper Page Text
THE MAUI NEWS, SATURDAY, JULY 4, 1914 I f": h I; 5.;-: M 9 f. i X -I 8 C. II. COOKE, President. C. D. LUFKIN, Cashier. COMBINED STATBMHNT OF CONDITION MARCH lst, IPM. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ..,,,.,.,,., THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WAILUKU. LAHAINA NATIONAL BANK 0p ReHonrccH. Loans, I liscouuts, Overdrafts.. .f 295,644 43 United States Homls 41,25000 lionds, .Securities, etc 91.261 86 Cash & Due from Hanks I2S.S6I 13 Real Kstate, Ranking Houses, Fixtures 17,840 73 Five Percent Redemption Fund 2,062 50 f 576,920 65 Liabilities. Capital Stock t 85,00000 Surplus : Profits 56,87 oS Circulation 4'.J47 5 Due to Dauks 703 92 Total Deposits 393. '42 15 $576,920 65 Territory of Hawaii, ) latti J 00 Island & County of M I, C. I). Lufkin, Cashier of the above named three National Banks, do solemnly swear that the above combined statement is true and cor rect, to the best of my knowledge and belief. C. D. LUFKIN, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 3rd day of April, A. D. 1914. W. F. CROCKETT. Notary Public. Second Judicial Circuit. You must know that "IN 'UNION' THERE IS STRENGTH." If you are a fuel user you're sure that in "Union" Gasoline "Union" Distillate "Union" Kerosene there is more strength and less waste during combustion than other brands can claim. SPECIFY "UNION" FUEL OILS WHEN YOU CALL AT YOUR DEALER'S "1 II III I I P I M a m m m St m m The Henry Waterhouse Trust Co., Ltd. I m m m m K m K IE I CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED I HONOLULU, HAWAII P. O. Box 346 Si W BUYS AND SELLS REAL ESTATE, STOCKS & BONDS WRITES FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE NEGOTIATES LOANS AND MOKTG AGES SECURES INVESMENTS a A List of High Grade Securities mailed on application 1 I There Are Two New Kodaks THE NO. I KODAK JUNIOR takes a picture 2 1-4x3 1-4 inches. Holds roll of six films No. 2 Brownie roll. as new ball-bearing shutter that opens into star shape, giving speed of I -50 second. No rubber bulb; has cable release. New style easy-opening back. According to lens used costs $7.50 or $9.00. THE NO. IA KODAK JUNIOR is like the above, but takes a larger picture and has a possible speed of 1-100 second. Costs $9.00 or $ 1 1 .00, according to lens desired. I i HONOLULU "Everything Photographic" FHOTO SUPPLY CO. -:- Fort Street, Honolulu We send goods free by parcels post anywhere on Maui. Let us have your orders. BensonSmith&Co. Hotel and Fort Streets HONOLULU Bank of England Salaries. To enter tlie service of the Dnnk of Englnnd a cnmliriiite must be nouilnnt ed by n director, be of good moral clinrnoter, pnss n qualifying (not com petitive) cxnuiliintlou nnd be between eighteen nnd twenty-two yenrs old. The first yenr his snlnry Is $500, nnd then It rises nt the rate of $50 a yenr. At the end of the fifth year he pro ceeds to the fourth clnss or elso leaves the service of the bank. According to figures furninhed by one of the bank's olllclnls, the average pay nt the end of ten years Is $1,000. At fifteen years it is $1,00, twenty years $1,515, thirty years $1,045; nfter that the sen ior clerks pnss to $2,150. The staff nnd speclnl posts, numbering about 100, nre won by meritorious service. The highest salary is paid the chief cnshlcr nnd is $15,000. The chief nc countant draws $12,500, and there nre several appointments ranging from $", 500 to $3,500. Agents of branches re ceive tip to $12,000. There is n pen sion system to which the clerk does not contribute, but for which he is nunllfied after ten years' service. Moody's Magazine. Didn'l Wait For the "Thank You." John Bull, the scene pninter, tells a story of an occasion when he delivered some scenery for an entertainment in a lunatic asylum. lie was watching Ids men getting the stuff In when it began to rain. A big man with a pleasant smile appeared nnd offered to help. They got on famously. Mr. Bull nnd his volunteer were Just setting down the last load when nn attendant arrived, caught the big ninn n tre mendous blow on the side of the bend nnd sent him sprawling on his back. Mr. Bull wns speechless with Indigna tion at this attack, lint the victim got tip, smiling more than ever, nnd walk ed nwny. "You enn thank your stars I've been wntching you," the attend ant explained. "I suppose when you hnd the last lot in you'd have said, 'Thank you; I'm much obliged.' Well, that's this fellow's trouble, sir. The moment you say 'Thank you' to 'Ira 'e'll wring your neck." London Standard. Placing the Goat. An anecdote of President Hayes is told by nn Englishman who formed one of n party of his compatriots while the president and his family were at Clark's ranch, near Yosemite. The two parties were nssembled in the rude kitchen awaiting the coming meal. A certain stiffness prevailed nt first At last a master of the ceremonies nnd introducer appeared in the shape of a small and elegant quadruped, evident ly a family pet, which trotted into the kitchen to be caressed. A lady of the English party gently stroked its stem, the president its stern. Presently they met, about the center of the animal, nnd the interchange of n few remarks became inevitable. "This is a very pretty goat," from the English lady. "My end is nntelope, mndnm," from the president. It need scarcely be said thnt both ends were antelope, but the reply wns very neat. The Brave Butterfly. Ilero is nn unorthodox story of King Solomon: One dny a butterfly sat on the king's temple nnd boasted to his wife. "If I chose I could lift my wing nnd shiver this building to tho ground," ho swaggered. Solomon, overhearing, sent for the boaster. "How dare you?" he thundered. The butterfly groveled. "I did It to impress my wife," he pleaded. The great monarch was in stantly appeased and let him go. "What did Solomon say to you?" gasp ed a quivering wife five minutes later. "Oh, he begged mo not to do It," said the butterfly airily. And Solomon, again overhearing, smiled. Red Flannel. Red flannel as a cure for rheuma tism has many adherents. No doubt tho flannel keeps warm and protects the stiff joint nnd sore muscles, but as far as the color goes any other in tho spectrum would bo fully as effective. Like nuiny of our boy and girl super stitions, the notion hns become so deeply grounded ns to hnve nn un doubtedly favorable mental effect. For ish the iconoclast who would destroy It! Boston Ilernid. The Magnet. Magnet is derived Trout the name of the city of Magnesia, In Asia Minor, where the properties of the lodestone nre said to hnve been discovered. It has, however, been nsscrted that tho name comes from Magncs, the name of a shepherd who discovered magnetic power by being held on Mount Ida, in Greece, by its attraction for tho nails in his shoes. Modernized Comparison. "Tho pen," remarked the ready mnde philosopher, "is mightier than the sword." "Yes," replied the man who writes able articles on universal peace, "but I'm not sure thnt the typewriter is mightier than the battleship." Wash ington Star. The Benighted Parent. Littlo Girl Why did your mnmma spank you? Boston Child Because she is too untutored and ignorant to devise a more modern reformatory mothod of punishment Life. (Jeet of Failure. I thank God that I was cot made a dextrous manipulator, for the most im portant of my discoveries have been suggested to ma by failure. Sir Humphry Davy. The angry man should never do to day what he can put off until tomor row. , Seville' Tower of G i ra Ida. From Its great antiquity alone If from nothing else It Is plain that th Giruldn at Seville could not hnve been studied front the tower of the Mndison Square (inrden in New York, which the American will recall when he sees :t. if the case must be reversed nnd wo must allow thnt tho Madison Square tower wns studied from the GIrakla. we must still recognize that It is no HcrvNe copy, but in Its frank Imitation has a grace nnd beauty which achieve originality. Still, the Glralda is always the Glralda, nnd. though there had been no Saint Gatt dens to tip It summit with such a fly ing footed nymph as poises on our tower, the figure of Faith which crowns It is nt least n good weather vane and from Its oflice of turning gives the mighty bell tower Its name. Ing centuries before the tower was n bel fry it served the mosque, which the cathedral now replaces, as it minaret for the muezzin to call the falthrul to prayer, but It was then only two thirds as high. Harper's Magazine. Cultured Hindu. In Bengal there nre aliont "O.oimi.. 000 of people, and they bnnst of perhaps the best culture In India nt the present time. The language ns n written language Is only fifty years old. Though for over n thousand yenrs It has been n dialect, there Is in Indian history unfortunately no trace of Bengali having been nn Important literary tongue. The language orig inates front Sanskrit, the mother tongue from which every other Indian language lias borrowed its alphabet, grammar and vocabulary; but. unlike the others. Bengali never shrinks front gathering new materials. There are numerous Persian. French. Ara bic and English words incorporated in it, nnd the wonder of It Is that. In stend of having been degraded Into some vulgar form like pidgin English, Bengali hns become the most literary, svlcntific nnd perhaps the most philo sophic of modern Indian lnngunges. Shrewd Sexton, Among the tourists who travel through France a considerable number visit the cathedral nt Rltcims. a mng nlfieeut example of gothic architecture. In tho tower there is nn enormous clock, nnd it is the sexton's business to wind it every day, a very tiring Job, as the weights are naturally extremely henvy. Tho sexton, however, ia a very shrewd fellow. Whenever lie shows tho trippers this wonderful piece of mechanism he remarks, "Ladies and gentlemen, if you do not believe me regarding the heaviness of the clock weights try for yourselves." Each of the trippers Immediately givo a turn or two to tho wheel, and as there are some 200 visitors a day the trippers unconsciously and eagerly wind the clock for him and in addition give him an extra tip for being allow ed to do his work. London Onlooker. Emily Bronte' Look. A discussion as to the personal ap pearance of Emily Bronte reveals the remarkable fact that no one knows anything about it since there is no au thentic portrait in existence. When Charlotte Bronte first saw George Henry Lewes she said that he was wonderfully like her sister Emily, but this is unfortunate for Emily since Lewes wns very much like a baboon. Possibly the comparison was due to a sisterly candor that so seldom errs on the side of mercy. Thanks to photog raphy, the historian of the future will not be in doubt as to the appearance of celebrities of the present generation. but he is likely to have his own opin ion as to those worth knowing about Argonaut "Suburb." When did tho word "suburb" first find its way 1to the language? It is used in a recently discovered four teenth ordinance of the city guild of carpenters providing that the mem bers should attend the funeral of any oue of the fraternity resident within the city "or in the subburbs." The natural inference is that even then it was part of the everyday talk of the citizens. Pall Mull Gazette. Good Substitute. "Why have you not come to my bridge party as you promised?" tele phoned the irate hostess. "You are brenking up one table." "I am sick." was the reply. "That's nn old excuse." "Really, I'm sick. I have a trained nurse." "Well, you should hnve sent a sub stitute. Ask tho nurse if she plays." Kansas City Journal. An Inducement. Wife I wish, Harry, denr, you'd get me a nice clock for my room, nub But I am really very short and can't afford Wife (Interrupting) If you will I'll set it back two hours the evening you go to the club. Boston Transcript. Hope. "There is no sweeter suffering than hope." So runs an old German prov erb, melancholy text for hearts that bitter disappointment has cured and to whom all hope U but memory. An Alarming Tale. Mr. Staylute The other ulght I heard a story that gave me such a start. Miss Muchbored I wish I knew it. Woman' Home Companion. The Attraction. Ella Did tho bride smilo as ah walked down the aisle? Mai I don't know; I was watching her hat Kan sas City Star. .erosene llto clean, cheap, fuel Do you realize the convenience and economy of the modern oil stove? The fuel kerosene is the cheapest you can get clean, safe, easy to handle. The stove has been perfected until it is as good as a wood or coal range for any kind of cooking. The ..New Perfection OIL COOK STOVE will cook a quick, light breakfast for you, or it will cook a big dinner with roast and bread and pastry. The New Perfection doesn't overheat the kitchen. It doesn't smoke or taint the food. Think of the comfort of summer cooking in a cool kitchen. No wood or coal to lug; no ashes to dirty up the house. Why not ask your dealer to show you the New Perfection. Standard Oil Company (California) Honolulu FOR BEST RESULTS USE HONOLULU STAR OIL Slime 3cible-3Caliului Slailroad Co. Daily Passenger Train Schedule (Except Sunday) The following schedule will go into effect July 1st, 1913. TOWARDS WAILUKU 5 33 3 3o 5 2313 20 5 2 3 17 5 1 3 07 4 44 2 39 4 4" 2 35 1 25S 42 15 8 3" 8 27 8 17 8 05 8 03 7 57 7 56 7 5' 7 49 7 45 A M 6 35 6 2 .S Mil, '5-3 12.0 8.4 5-5 3.4I 1.4 o STATIONS A..Vailuku..L L.. A .. Kahului .. A.. ..L L.. c.,.t. -A A.. -""" .L L.. ..A Faia A.. ..L L.. llama- "kuapoko ..A ,. Pauwela .. A.. .X L- Haiku ..A TOWARDS HAIKU Miles 6 4ot8 50 0 6 50 9 00 P M 3-3 6 52 7 02 n ''7 03 9.87 15 .9 13.9 '5-3 7 '7 7 24' 7 25 7 33 7 35 7 40 1 30 1 40 1 42 52 1 53 2 05 2 07 2 14 2 15 2 23 2 25 1 3 3 35 3 45 3 47 3 57 3 58 4 4 12 4 19 4 20! 4 28 4 3 4 35 10 5 38 5 48 PUUNENE DIVISION TOWARDS PUUNENE P M 2 50.0 Ott 3 000 10 Miles STATIONS TOWARDS KAHULUI Miles .0 L-.Kahului..Aj 2.50 223 15 2.5iA..l'uunene..L (jfi j23 05 1. All trains daily except Sundays. 2. A Special Train (Labor Train) will leave Wuiluku daily, except Sun days, at 5:30 a. in., arriving at Kahului nt 5:50 a. in., and connect ing with the 0:00 a. m. train for I'uuncne. 3. BAGGAGE RATES: 1.50 pounds of personal baggage will lie curried free of charge on each whole ticket, and 75 pounds on each half ticket, when "baggage is in charge of and on the same train as the holder of the ticket. For excess baggage 25 cents per 100 pounds or part thereof will be charged. For Ticket Fares and other information see Ixcal Passenger Tariff I. C. C. No. 8, or inquire at any of the Depots. LAHAINA STORE Importers Sc Dealers In GENERAL MERCHANDISE WHOLESALE and ret IL GASOLINE and DISTILLA TJC IN DRUMS LAHAINA STORE. i "i