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THE MAUI NEWS, SATURDAY, OCTOP.ER 3. 1914. LAHAINA STORE Importers & Dealers in GENERAL MERCHANDISE WHOLESALE and RETAIL GASOLINE and DISTILLATE IN DRUMS LAHAINA STORE. i I I 0 i "Carbon Enlargements" is the name wo liavo given to the results of a new process in photo graphic enlarging a process which is so superior to the ohl style methods that the resulting picture seems to be a contact print. We .solicit a Trial order. Honolulu Photo Supply Co. HONOLULU. NOTICE BY COUNTY CLERK CONCERNING BRASURE OF NAMES OF ELECTORS. In compliance with the provisions of Section G, of Act 68, Session Laws of 1911, as amended by Section 2, of Act 105, Session Laws of 1911, and any other law or laws of the Territory of Hawaii, enabling nie so to do, notice is hereby given that, unless good cause is shown for not so doing, it is my intention, on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1914, to erase from the General Register (Official) of Electois for the County of Maui, the names and signatures of the electors hercinbelow mentioned for the rea sons hereinlielow given: Names Reasons tor Erasuer, Precincts Death and Remov al als of Residence l.anai 1st John Eli Kekipi Ilonolua 2nd Rirhud C. Searle " John W. Searle " Wailuku 5th Anlone Abreu " Jno. Q. Ilabtist Adam M. Chislett LuUur K. Kahuna, Jr." Kittle Kapaliu " Kingsbury, Selden II. " Benjamin Kinilau " An'one S. l'ombo " Harry K. Smith John K. Waiwfttole " liana 10th Biela, Joseph E. " l'erreira, Manuel " Iiamaia " lliapo, John " lliapo, Kalani " Kaauinoana, James " Ku"kn, Ikl Kaliooluhi, I.ipano " Kaihe, John Kalani " Keawe, W. P. " Keaonui, Geo. L. " Kealnlinia, Win. " Apalaliama Mahukona" Kalaupapa 22nd Kaapuni, John " Kaena, Joe " Kaneaola, S. I. " Kiha, I'aulo " Miller, Ed. L. Ried, Robert J. Removal Names Reasons lor Erasure Precincts Death and Remov als ol Residence Wailuku 5 th Death Kaualua liana lfith ' Ileh'kahi, Ioane " Kaihe, Mikaele " Kainanawahopu, K. " Opio, S. K. Samuel, John " Samuel, John " Kalaupapa 22nd Harvest, James " llaulani, John " Holopinai, A. M. " Holstein, Vivian 1 foli. Frank " Kaailiue, Joseph " Kaea, Sam K. " Kaailiue, Joachim Khaiulelo, J. K. Kaiiinawe, Noeau " Kaipo, E. W. Kal.iinohca, Jack " Hamuli, Keola " Ka:iikau, George " Kapela, W. K. Kauahi, Kimo " Kanila, Thomas " Kalua, Kakae " Kaunamano, S. K. " Keliiaa, Isaac . " Kealiilianaiho, M. K." Keobokui, J. S. Lee, E. 1$. Noiley, William " Nuuanu " Opulauoho, W. I). rilianui " l'oinaikal, Joe " Sept. 26, Oct. 3, 10, 17. WM. FRED. KAAE, County Clerk of the County of Maul ALOHA LODGE ISO. 3 KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. LODGE MAUI, No. 984, A. F. & A. M Regular meetings will be held at the Knights of Pythias Hail, Wailuku, on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month. All visiting members are cordially in vited to attend J. T. FANTOM, C. C. A. C. RATTRAY, K. K. & S. Stated meetings will be held at Masonic Jlall, Kahului, on the first Saturday night of each month at 73:0 P. M. Visiting brethren are cordially in vited to attend. K. K. lmviNS, R. V. M. A. I,. CASK, tf Secretary. Telegraph News of the Week. KAISER'S NEPHEW A PRISONER. LORIENT, Sept. 30. Count von Schwerin, nephew of Kaiser, who had been brought here with other prisoners attempted escape yesterday, but was recaptured, and will be sent to Port Luis, the fortified harbor at en trance of the bay, where he will be kept In close confinement. WILL SPEND CHRISTMAS IN BERLIN? ROME, Sept. 30. General Rennen Kampf has sent word from front to friends to cheer up as army expects to spend Christmas in Berlin. RUSSIANS HAVE REACHED HUNGARY. BUDAPEST, Sept. 30. Officially admitted here that Russian detach ment has crossed the Carpathian mountains and invaded Hungary at sev eral points. CARRANZA WOULD RESIGN 1 MEXICO CITY. Sept. 30. Carranza says he will resign his office if it is wish of the commission. Otherwise he will fight Villa as he fought Huerta. Vilia wants Calderon as president. ANTWERP SIEGE EXPECTED. ROTTERDAM, Sept. 29. Indications that Germans intend besieging Ant werp. Many train loads of fresh troops are passing through Brussels apparently bound for Antwerp. Battle of Aisne still in progress with no decisive result. GERMANS CHANGING GUNS. ROTTERDAM, Sept. 29. Heaviest German guns have all been sent to France. Austrian siege guns arriving to replace them In Belgium. GERMANS FALL BACK AT TSING TAU. PEKING, Sept. 29. Germans defending Tsing Tau have abandoned Wal dersee in defense of Kiauchau beforeoverwheimlng force, retiring on their main line of defenses five miles south of Tsing Tau. BRUSSELS BURGOMASTER RELEASED. ROTTERDAM, Sept. 29. Burgomaster Max of Brussels, held as hostage by Germans, has been released after Brussels collected and paid war de mand of thirty million francs. Maline3, Belgium, was shelled last night. City now mass of ruins. Convent of St. Vincent, at Dreyze, Belgium, badly damaged by bombs dropped by dirigible. PARIS, Sept. 29. Heavy fog hampering movement of troops. BOSTON WINS NATIONAL PENNANT. NEW YORK, Sept. 29. Boston, of Nationals, has won league pennant. Will now play off world's championship series with Philadelphia Athletics, of American league. HAWAIIAN BONDS RANK HIGH. WASHINGTON, ept. 28. Comptroller of Currency accepts Hawaiian bonds as security for additional circulation under terms of Aldrich-Vreeland act. PRESIDENT SEES THRILLING SIGHT. WASHINGTON, Sept. 28. Beachy looped the loop four times over Capi tol today while President Wilson watched ftom'White House. It is believed Congress will soon adjourn. ATHLETICS WIN OUT. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 28. Athletics today won pennant of American League, putting them in contest for world's championship series. CATHOLICS CONSIDER MEXICAN SITUATION. BALTIMORE, Sept. 28. Another factor which may help intervention in Mexico was voiced here today at opening of convention of American Federation of Catholic Societies. Bishop Schrends intimated that it was plan to unite in protest to Washington against alleged brutal treatment of members of Catholic faith in Mexico. Cardinal Gibbons gives full ap proval to the demand. REVENUE CUTTER'S CREW BEING SAVED. WASHINGTON, Sept. 28. Part of Tahoma's crew has been saved and boats have gone in search of twenty-two others who landed on one of the small islands. FRENCH-CANADIANS TO FRONT. OTTAWA, Sept. 29. A force of 5000 men is to be raised among French Canadians of the Province of Quebec for service with the Allies in France, in addition to 100,000 raised by Dominion government. Canadian French will go to front to represent in themselves the alliance between Great Britain and France; being of French descent but loyal to Great Britain. AEROPLANES DRIVE GUNBOATS BACK. TOKIO, Sept. 29. After general attask on German naval base, Japa nese are able to advance within short distance of Tsing Tau. Today's fight ing ended with Japanese occupying King Ywai Wai from where cannon are being trained on Tsing Tau. Three German gunboats steamed out of the harbor and two Japanese aeroplanes followed, dropping bombs until the vessels returned ot safe harbor. Japan will send red cross nurses and doctors to Europe to be attached to Russian hospital. ' PRUSSIAN GUARD DECIMATED. PARIS, Sept. 28. Official dispatches from front say that during the past three days the Prussian Guard, the flower of Kaiser's army, has been cut to pieces. The strength of the companies has been reduced from 250 to 100 men by ravages of shot and shell. Virtually ill its officers have been killed or wounded. Two battalions have been annihilated. HIGH COST, PLENTY MONEY. BERLIN, Sept. 28. Subscriptions to war loan continue to pour in. The war is costing Germany $20,000,000 daily. ANTI-RACE SUICIDE MOVEMENTS. LONDON, Sept. 28. Movement on foot in England and Germany to reduce marriage fees to encourage soldiers and sailors to marry and in crease birthrate before leaving for front. MEXICAN COMMISSION TO MEET. MEXICO CITY, Sept. 28. Three commissioners are enroute to Aguas Calientcs to meet commission from Villa in attempt to settle difficulties. NO ALTERNATIVE, SAYS VILLA. CHIHUAHUA, Sept. 28. Villa says unless Carranza resigns presidency, he will continue war. AUSTRIANS WIN FRCM SERBS. NISCH, Sept. 28. Serbs have been beaten by Austrians in fight that been progressing for past two weeks. BOMBS FALLING IN PARIS. PARIS, Sept. 28. A German dirigible dropped four bombs into Paris yesterday, killing one and wounding another. One bomb fell within a block of the American embassy. MINERS WORKING OVERTIME. CARDIFF, Sept. 28. Welsh miners will work holidays and Sundays to get out coal needed by admiralty. GERMANS INITIATE FRESH FIGHTING. PARIS, Sept. 27. All the forces of both Germans and Allies were en gaged yesterday in the battle of the Aisne. According to reports, Allies repulsed Germans at every point and gained ground for themselves. The battle was resumed on initiative of Germans, and heavy fighting has taken place on east and west wings. DEADLY GAS BOMBS MAY END WAR. PARIS, Sept. 27. The discovery and use of "turpinite" by the French will probably end wars, is opinion of experts. GERMANS INVADE CAFE COLONY. LONDON, Sept. 27. Reuters dispatch reports invasion of Cape Colony from Maqualand, by a force of 300 Germans which crossed the Orange river and occupied the town of Peia, a trading station. Another German force invaded Bechuanaland and made headquarters at Reitfontain, near Cape Colony line. RENEWED FIGHTING LIKELY IN BELGIUM. THE HAGUE, Sept. 27. Determination of Germans to resume opera tions in Belgium on a large scale, is indicated by continual arrival of fresh troops at this place, while several Austrian regiments are on Belgian soil ready to take part. NEW WEAPON IN WAR. LONDON, Sept. 26. Correspondents report that French are using ex plosive gas in shells something new in warfare.. Men go dead while stand ing upright, without wound, and with fingers still pressing triggers. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY FOR DELINQUENT TAXES. To WM. K. KALANIHOOKALA, and TO ALL TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I, JAS. N. K. KEOLA, Deputy Assessor and Collector of Taxes for the District of Wailuku, Second Taxation Division, Territory of Hawaii, do hereby give not ice that I will, In pursuance of the provisions of Seel ion 12(iOA of the Revised Laws of Hawaii, upon Saturday, the 17th (lay of October A. D. 1!)U, at 12 o'clock noon of said day, In front of the Court House at Wniluku, County of Maul, in said Territory, SELL ALL THE RIGHT, TITLE, and INTEREST of WM. K. KALANIIIOOKALA in and to the piece of land des cribed in Royal Patent 6126, Land Commission Award 3275U to Kaiolani, nt Omao, near Keoole, Wailuku, Wailuku District, said County of Maui, con taining about 3.74 acres, more or less, at Public Auction to the highest bid der for cash (gold) to satisfy the lien for 'taxes thereon, together with In terests, penalties and all costs as follows: Taxes Assessed Upon Said Property as of January 1: Year 1912 1913 1914 Tax 9.80 9.70 15.50 Penalties 1.50 Interest 1.94 1.04 .25 Adv. Costs .50 .50 Total 112.24 11.24 17.25 $40.73 - Totals 35.00 1.50 3.23 1.00 together with the costs and expenses of this sale. WM. K. KALANIHOOKALA, the person assessed as the owner of paid property and from whom the taxes aforesaid are due, and ALL OTHER PERSONS having any Interest in the above described property, are hereby warned that unless the foregoing taxes with all interests, penalties, costs, expenses, and charges are paid before the time herein specified for the sale thereof, the property herein advertised for sale will be sold as advertised. Dated at Wailuku, Maul County, Territory of Hawaii, this September 11th, A. D. 1914. JAS. N. K. KEOLA, Deputy Assessor and Collector of Taxes, District of Wailuku, Second Taxation Division, Territory of Hawaii. Sept. 19, 26, Oct. 3, 10, 1914. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY FOR DELINQUENT TAXES. TO MRS. LIKEPA KAHOOKELE, and TO ALL TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: . I, JAS. N. K. KEOLA, Deputy Assessor and Collector of Taxes for the District of Wailuku, Second Taxation Division, Territory of Hawaii, do hereby give notice that I will, in pursuance of the provisions of Section 1266A of the Revised Laws of Hawaii, upon Saturday, the 17th day of October A. D. 1914, at 12 o'clock noon of said day, in front of the Court House at WailuKu, County of Maui, in said Territory, SELL ALL THE RIGHT, TITLE, and INTEREST of MRS. LIKEPA KAHOOKELE, in and to the pieces of land described In Royal Patent 1996, Land Commission Award 420 to H. Kuihe lani, situate at Owa, Wailuku, Maui, containing about 50-100 acres, and Royal Patent 1210, Land Commission Award 4917 and 2GS1, to Kamaka and rokii, situate at Kiiwela, Wailuku, Maui, containing about 75-100 acres, at Public Auction to the highest bidder for cash (gold) to satisfy the lien for taxes thereon, together with interests, penalties and all costs as follows: Taxes Assessed Upon Said Property as of January 1: Year 1911 1912 ' 1913 1914 Tax 20.50 23.60 21.60 25.15 Penalties .05 2.36 2.16 2.51 Interest 6.30 4.84 2.28 45 Adv.Costs .50 .50 .50 Total 127.35 31.30 26.54 28.11 Totals 90.85 7.08 13.87 1.50 $113.30 together with the costs and expenses of this sale. MRS. LIKEPA KAHOOKELE, the person assessed as the owner of said property and from whom the taxes aforesaid are due, and ALL OTHER PERSONS having any interest in the above described property, are hereby warned that unless the foregoing taxes with all interests, penalties, costs, expenses and charges are paid before the time herein specified for the sale thereof, the property herein advertised for sale will be sold as advertised. Dated at. Wailuku, Maul County, Territory of Hawaii, this September 11th, A. D. 1914. JAS. N. K. KEOLA, Deputy Assessor and Collector of Taxes, District of Wailuku, Second .Taxation Division, Territory of Hawaii. Sept. 19, 26, Oct. 3, 10, 1914. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY FOR DELINQUENT TAXES. TO MRS. MOEIKEAHI KAWAIHOA, and TO ALL TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: , I, JAS. N. K. KEOLA, Deputy Assessor and Collector of Taxes for the District of Wailuku, Second Taxation Division, Territory of Hawaii, do hereby give notice that I will, In pursuance of the provisions of Section 1266A of the Revised Laws of Hawaii, upon Saturday, the 17th day of October A. D. 1914, at 12 o'clock noon of said day, in front of the Court House at Wailuku, County of Maui, in said Territory, SELL ALL THE RIGHT, TITLE, and INTEREST ot MRS. MOEIKEAHI KAWAIHOA, in and to the piece of land dsecribed in Royal Patent 6269, Land Commission Award 8314 to Kekipi, situate at Paniu and Lamalii, Wailuku, Wailuku District, said County of Maui, containing about 11 and 67-100 acres, more or less, (viz: Ap. 1, 6.92; Ap. 2, 4.75 acres) at Public Auction to the highest bidder for cash (gold) to satisfy the lien for taxes thereon, together with interests, penalties and all costs as follows: Taxes Assessed Upon Said Property as of January 1: Year Tax Penaltiea Interest Adv.Costs Total 1912 48.30 2.83 9.85 .50 $61.48 1913 46.50 4.65 9.30 .50 60.95 1914 54.20 2.72 .65 57.57 Totals 149.00 10.20 19.80 1.00 $180.00 MRS. MOEIKEAHI KAWAIHOA, the person assessed as the owner of said property and from whom the taxes aforesaid are due, and ALL OTHER PERSONS having any interest In the above described property, are hereby warned that unless the foregoing taxes with all Interests, penalties, costs, expenses, and charges are paid before the time herein specified for the sale thereof, the property herein advertised for sale will be sold as advertised. Dated at Wailuku, Maui County, Territory of Hawaii, this September 14th, A. D. 1914. JAS. N. K. KEOLA, Deputy Assessor and Collector of Taxes, District of Wailuku, Second Taxation Division, Territory of Hawaii. Sept. 19, 26, Oct. 3, 10, 1914. MEDITERRANEAN FLEET BUSY. ROME, Sept. 26. Fleet of Allies is bombarding Austrian port of Cat taro, on the Adriatic. HARD LINES FOR WOUNDED. LONd'on, Sept. 26. Terrible scenes are reported by correspondents in the rear. No facilities for caring for wounded. Men are without food or attendance for two days, and wounds are festering for lack of surgical care.