Newspaper Page Text
THE MAUI NEWS, SATURDAY, JULY 10, 1915. 0 si 3 LAHAINA STORE ' IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GASOLINE AND DISTILLATE IN DRUMS LAHAINA OUR NEW SERVICE WE HAVE ARRANGED A SCHEDULE OF BUSINESS HOURS THAT WILL ENABLE US TO BETTER SERVE THE PUBLIC AT THE SAME TIME GIVING OUR EMPLOY EES MORE TIME FOR OUT-OF-DOOR EN JOYMENT. THE STORE WILL BE OPEN DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY G:30 a. m. to 11:15 p. m. Sunduy, 8 o. m. to 12 m.; 5 p. m. to 8:30 MAUI PATRONS ARE INVITED TO CALL, LEAVE THEIR PACKAGES AND USE THE TELEPHONE. BENSON, SMITH & CO., Ltd. THE REXAL STORE Fort and Hotel r ' flogging, B(T HP WATER I CLOSETS Superior to all We carry Plumbers' Supplies of all Kinds Honolulu Iron Works Co. HONOLULU 8 4 3E 3 JS ft ?? 3C :: yf. K K 4 x sc :c I ft HAVE GOOD FEET BY WEARING 3c Regal Shoes No matter what style of shoe you choose, the very fact that it Is a REGAL Insures that It will be comfortable. And if the size Is scientifically determined by means of the "Footograph" System jo, you know that the shoes will fit w accurately. t I Regal Shoe Store 1 HONOLULU. ft ijg j. i'V . ' 't ') rt ' .- t. . KL. IN AD A U. OGAWA ! JEWELER I; f r-- r . Watches and Clocks of all descriptions -. Repaired and Cleaned. i Give Us a Trial. MARKET: ! STREET, WAILUKU. 8 TAILOR C0AT8, SHIRTS AND ALL KINDS OF UNDERWEAR. MADE TO ORDER THE BEST TAILORING , FOR GENTS' SUITS. cilt tithes Cleaning and Repairing. P. &! Box 181. Kahulul, Maul, T. H. STORE -a T l .1 I maKe tne other makes. i Every Room an OUTSIDE ROOM at the HOTEL BLAISDELL Coolest rooms of any place In town.. Not a bug In the build ing.. All rooms vacuum cleaned. Newly built, so sanitary in ev ery feature. Daily rates from $1 per person up. Weekly and monthly rates on application. Any public conveyance will take you from any wharf to the Hotel Blaisdell, FREE. J. F. CHILD, Mgr. Fort Street, half-way between Hotel and Beretania streets. Ewa side. tt- WHEN IN WAILUKU VISIT H. Okamura's ICE CREAM PART.OR ON MARKET STREET. COLD LUNCH SERVED AT ALL HOURS. Orders for Ice Cream Promptly At tended to. Kahulul Clothes Cleaning Shop M. KITANO, Proprietor. Men's Suits, Ladies' Skirts, Dresses, Gloves, Cleaned, Pressed and Dyed. Hats Cleaned and Blocked. All Work Neatly Done. Called for and Delivered. Special attention to work for Hono lulu Visitors. Kula Farmers After Maui Produce Trade Good Price Received for Potatoes Sent to Haiku Plan to Extend This WorK Farmers Gets Good Share. WAIAKOA, July 6 The last week in June the Kula Farmer'B Coopera tive Association accomplished its first sale of prod '.tec to consumers on Maul. Heretofore all of its sales have been to wholesalers on Oahu. but the Apko elation has long cherished the Idea of direct sales from farmer to consumer on this island. The sale Just accom plished was of a load of potatoes sold at Haiku. The Haiku purchasers bought not less than a bag each, and the price was $1.85 per 100 lbs. The farmer who grew the potatoes In Kula received $1.29 for his potatoes, the costs being- bag 7 cents, hauling 25 cents, K.. F. C. A. charge 4 cents. In this sale the consumer paid lss than the current price and the farmer got more than the current, price. The farmer got 78 cents of the consumer's dollar. In the hope of building up a regular trade of thi3 sort the follow ing letter was ter.t to each purchaser: Enclosed please find bill for pota toes delivered to you June 26. It is the hope of this Association that this load of potatoes sent lo Hai ku may be the beginning of a regular business with Haiku people. We can usually deliver potatoes, corn, beans and onions. We hope to make the trip with such products about once a month nt pres ent. May we take the liberty of noti fying you a week or so In advance of each trip and enquire it we can serve you at that time? We are not in shape to do business on other than a cash basis. We act only as agent for our shippers and any loss from a credit business would fall upon them, so we ask that payment be made either to the driver upon delivery, or by check not later than the early part of the month following delivery. It is our belief that a cash business direct from faimer to consumer will result In the consumer paying less and the farmer geeting more. Very truly yours, KULA FARMER'S COOPER ATIVE ASSOCIATION. Per Edwin C. Moore, Secretary. German Submarines Are Formidable Craft The latest type of German submar ine is from 213 feet to 230 feet long, with a displacement of from 800 to 1000 tons, and engines are nearly 7000 h.p. They are armed with 4 tor pedo tubes and anti-aircraft gups, and two 14-pounders. CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD. Sixth Sunday after Trinity. 7 a. m. Holy Communion, Rt. Rev. Henry B. Restarick, D. D., celebrant. 11 o'llock, morning prayers and sermon, at which Bishop Restarick will officiate, assist ed by Rev. J. Charles Villlers. All are invited to the services. CHILDREN REDISTRIBUTED. By a modifying decree of Judge Ed ings, made yesterday, throug agree ment of the parties to the case, the eldest girl of Maria C. Borge and Man uel Borge is placed In the custody of the grandmother, Mrs. Maria Garcia Medeiros, of Paia; the eldest son is given to tho father's care, and the remaining six children of the couple, remain with the mother. The Borges were divorced some months ago, the mother getting the custody ol all the children at that time. MR. DE SOUZA'S DINNER Complimetary to Mr. and Mrs. J. Garcia, on the eve of theii departure for a long tour to the mainland, a mor.t unique and delightful dinner was given on Friday night of last week by A. J. de Souza, to a umall party of friends. The affair was held at the Wniluku Hotel and was an exceeding ly jolly one. The menu, which had been prepared under Mr. de Sou.a'a very competent direction, was a reve lation, and was hugely enjoyed, as well as were the elocutionary bonne bouches which accompanied each course. A string orchestra added much to the pleasure of the evening. Those In the party were: Mr. and Mrs. J. Garcia, guests of honor; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Fernandez, Mr. and Mrs. John Cook, Miss Margaret Cook, Mr. and Mrs. A. Enos, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Pe- reira, Mrs. C. Carvalho, Mr. Frank Me deiros. The menu was as follows: Blue Points, Mignounett Choice of Frank Medeiros Ripe Olives Fernandez' Garden Kahulul Salted Almonds a la Pereira Soup, Style Joe, Yak-Fan-l.o Baked Fish, Facon, Garcia Noisette of Rabbit a la Cook Style "You are bluffed." Roast Turkey, Enos' Fruit Sauce Imported for the occasion Glace de Fontaisie By Mrs. Joe Medeiros, Honolulu BCRN. WEINZHEIMER At Lahaina, Wed nesday, July 7, 1915, to Mr. and Mrs. L. Weinzheimer, a bon. GARCIA In Wailuku, Monday, July 5. 1915, to Mr. and Mrs. John E. Gar cia, a son. AHLO In Wailuku, Sunday, July 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ahlo, a son. CORREA. In Wailuku, July 1, 1915, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Correa, a son. Island Potatoes Now Fill Market Importance of Good Seed Selection Noted Poultry and Eggs Selling Well Island Cabbage About Pau HONOLULU, July 6 Large ship ments of potntoeM are being received from Oahu, Maul and Hawaii. These potatoes are very good and meet a ready sale but the price is not as good as it should be, due to heavy importa tions of California potatoes. I-.iland potatoes are coming in a month too late to bring the prices. The Hawaii grown potatoes are from a good im ported variety. This year onie of the Maui growers planted the E-.rlv Rose potato from seed imported by the Marketing Division. It has prov-d to be a splendid potato for tb . islands. The yield U large and ti e n :ality ex ceptionally pood, 't here is great need for better quality seed potatoes in the islands. Farmers nhou' 1 realize -.he necessity of pi ir.(nt onl fcHerled feed. Commercial p.ivtocs are of course, cheaper for plant in;; t ut the resulting produc t is -eve"1 sntlrfnctory. Careful selection of the serd always results in a larger yield and a belter quality potato. A large shipment or good water melons was received. They are sell ing well at a good price. Some were received in poor condition due to rough handling. Papaias are plentiful and a drug on the market. Pineapples are also plen tiful and selling at a low price. Eggs are selling at a very good price. The demands far exceeds the supply at the present time. The price is Eteauily rising. The demand is good for nil kinds of fat poultry. Broilers are plentiful but selling fast at good prices. Stewing chickens are in demand with very few in the market. There is greater de mand for young roosters for roasting than for young hens. The island supply of cabbage !s giv ing out and importations from the Coast have commenced. The price is good. A shipment of Isabella grapes re ceived is selling well at 10 cents a pound wholesale. Regular shipments of cucumbers and pohas are received twice a week from Hawaii. Limes nre scarce with the demand good at high prices. Those Who Travel tx- Arrlved. Per str. Mauna Kea, July 7. W. T. Robinson, M. T. Lyons, R. C. Bowman, H. Saire, C. S. Riley, II. S. Decker, C. M. Thurtton, E. C. Steven. Per str. Claudlne, July 6. Miss M. C. Alana, Miss R. K. Hall, Miss Rose Tan Yau, Miss M. Menezes, Miss J. Alencastre, Miss F. Alencastre, Sam uel Menezes, Mary S. Lawrence, Mar garet H. Lyman. Per str. Claudine, July 2. Joe Prei ser, Douglas Damon, Miss Minnie Akl na, Miss C. Aiu, Mrs. J. J. Carey, Miss S. Carey, Miss Clara Abreu, Mrs. P. Higgins and two children. Miss Jennie Ho, Mrs. J. Maialua, Geo. J. Dunn. W. Hollinger, Mrs. L. Graham, Mrs. Paul Schmidt, Mrs. W. A. Gill, Miss L. Mor gan, Miss F. Gill, J. T. Sylva, W. A. Oss, J. Kirkland, rs. A. F. Costa, Mrs. Jackson, R. Barnett, Frank New, Mrs. Henry Cleveland, Miss Afoon, Ah Nin, Miss Elizabeth Kealoha, J. Wond, John Grace, Miss C. Guipp, Miss R. Maikal, Y. Yoshikawa. Departed. Per str. Claudine, July 3. Jno. Can salves, Miss Buck, W. Hollinger, T. Hollinger, Jack Gibson, J. Garcia, Mrs. J. Garcia, Mr. Correa, Mrs. Correa, Jack London, Mrs. Jack London, Mrs. A. E. Whisler, Mrs. E. Austin, Mrs. W. A. McKay, A. S. Fernandez, T. Con halves, W. T. Barkow, S Masakl, Miss D. Mitchell, J. Mitchell, Y. Nakata, A. Campbell, A. Everson, A. C. Pereira, Mr. Rodrigues, Mrs. Rodrigues, Master Rodrigues, Miss M. K Cook, A. C. Warner, Mrs. A. C. Warner, Miss E. Wilklns, Joe Howser. J. T. Sylva, Mrs. H. F. Weeden, Master Weeden. Ter str. Mauna Kea, July 2, Mrs. H. Foster, A. Gartley, E. C. Stevens, G. R. Humphrey, Miss C. Hall, Miss J. Vance, Mrs. Wlnterfield, .Miss E. Cosarove, S. Kopihi, J. Lots. J. P. Kanohi, Miss Alexander, Miss Slog gett, Miss Collins, Mrs. H. Young, Mrs. y, Nakata, Miss Wong, Miss Low, Miss Yap, W. A. Yountr, S. V. Chang. L. S. Huen, J. C. Crane, W. Richard son Kim You Lau. Mrs. Brook and daughters (3). W. F. J. Dale, D. Leith, R. 0. Bowman, C. Kim Sing. Per str. Mauna Loa. July 1. W. O. Scott, Miss Scott, L. A. Arnold, R. S. West, II. Hutchins, K. Y Yee, B. F. Vi'.kers. DIED .... .. . ,. . a CEDERLOF At Beretania Sanita rium, July 7, 1915, Mrs. Emma Ced erloff. FLEMING In Honolulu. July 3, 1915, John, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Lun die Fleming, of Ltliha street, corner of Wyllie street, two year, ten months old. BABCOCK At Paumalu, Oahu, July 3, 1915, Mrs. Cornelia Hamlin ISahcock, a native of Peoria, Illinois, e'gl'ty one years old. ENOKA At the Queen's HoFpital, Honolulu, July 4, 1915, Clemor Enoka, of Alapal lane, a native of Hawaii, thirty-nine years old. LEARY At the Queen's Hospital, June 30, 1915, Jeremiah M. Leary, married, of 1344 Llliha street, a native of Ireland, sixty-three years old. KAPIIOHO At Leahi Home, Iionolu lu, June 29, 1915, Mrs. Agnes Kapii oho, divorced, of Honolulu, a native of Oahu, forty-six years old. Promotion Body is Boosting Haleakala Pleased with Prospect of Road to Sum mitThinks Rest House Fills Very Rig Need. A. P. Taylor, acting secretary of the Hawaii promotion committee has written the Maui News as follows: "It is extremely gratifying to know that the dream of many years for an automobile road to the summit of Ha leakala Is about to be fulfilled, so that Maul could get a better share of the tourist travel. "Maul is to be congratulated on tak ing the initiative and building a rest house at the summit of Haleakala, which completely answers the demand for such a structure. With this rest house connected with the rest of Maul by an excellent motor road, I believe that Maui will come in for a very large share of tourist business. "I believe we are all quite fully aware that Maui was severely hamli clapped, though having one of the greatest natural wonders of the world, by not having an up-to-date medium of access to this wonderful extinct volcano. Many people have ninde in quiries about Haleakala and they have been told of the wonderful sunrise and the splendor of the view into the cra ter's solitude, but when Informed that 16 miles at least of the journey must be made on horseback, they have re luctantly given up the idea of making the trip. Many men, on learning of the horseback feature, said it would be Impossible for them to take that method of reaching the summit, as they had not ridden for years and did not feel like taking, what they con sidered, violent exercise of that sort. "The Promotion Committee will im mediately take steps to communicate to the world, as far as practicable, what is being done to bring this ex tinct crater into the lanes of the trav el world. "I would like a photograph of the rest house and some copies showing the characteristic surroundings as well as the rest house itself, so that I could use them in the preparation of articles. Yours very truly, A. P. TAYLOR, Asst. Secretary." Deeds. R A WADSWORTII & WF to Mrs. Hul Chang Kee Chin: R P 1906, Hana, Maul. June 18, 1915. $250. N. OMSTED & WF to Katherine K Groves; 4 pes land, Wananalua etc, Hana, Maui; por R P 4364, Kul 1564, Pauoa, Honolulu, Oahu; livestock, (Maui). June 18, 1915. 1100 and love. KATHERINE K GROVES to Eiuina R Omsted; 4 pes land, Wananalua etc, Hana, Maui, por R P 43C, Kul 1564, Pauoa, Honolulu, Oahu: livcatok poultry, tools etc, Mokulau Ranch, (Maui). June 19, 1915. $100 and love. KAHOOPII & WF to Kum Choy; R P 7889. Waiakoa, Kula, Maui. June 14, 1915. $250. MANUEL M ROBEL & WF to Sing Chong Co; int in hui land and live stock, Mailepal, Kaanapali, Maui. June 12, 1915. $600. Chattel Mortgages. I SUMI to von Hamm-Young Co, Ltd; Automobile, Wailuku, Maul. June 25, 1915. $625. H H HAYES to von Hamm-Your.w o, Ltd; Automobile, Pukoo, Molokal. June 29, 1913. ' $700. Releases of Mortgage. II HACKFELD & CO, LTD to Kipe.Lu lu Sugar Co; real, personal and mix ed property, Kipabulu, Maul. June 30, 1915. $100,000. . Leases. E II KEKAPAI to Tang Cheon; pc land, Waiakoa, Kula, Maui. June 20, 1915. 10 years at $90 per yea-. -e- THE NEXT MAILS. Malls are due from the following points as follows: San Francisco rer Ventura, July 12; Manoa, July 13; Siberia, July 16. Yokohama Per Manchuria, July 13. Australia Per Sonoma, July 14. Vancouver Per Makura, July 1 1. Mails will leave for the following points as follows: San Francisco Per Manchuria, July 13; Wilhelmina, July 1; Sonoma, July 15. Yokohama Per Siberia, July 16. Australia Per Ventura, July 12; Ma kura, July 14. Vancouver Per Niagara, July 23. (Mails subject to correction on ar rival of ships.) What He Wanted. "I called to see if I could sell you a book." "What do I want the book for?" "For iwo dollars." "But what made you think I wanted the book?" "Why, two dollars." The nvhitnr whn in tnken un liv a bociety leader can always return tho compliment. Distributors: VICTOR TALKING MACHINES VICTROLAS AND RECORDS. Our New Collection of "FAMOUS HAWAIIAN SONGS" is just out. Price $1.50. Bergstrom Music Co., Ltd. 1020-22 Fort St Honolulu, T. U. k-. ... ... .... ........ ... .. . ....... ......... n ! Entered of Record Expert Tailor in Town Your Suits made to FIT at Chatanl Tailors by M. Inada, an experi enced tailor who recently ar rived In town. Try Us. You Won't Regret It. CHATANI TAILORS Market Street Broken Lenses replaced prompt and accurate work. Factory on premises. Special lenses ground to order, in cluding TORIC and KRYPTOK forms. A. N. SANFORD OPTICIAN Boston Building, Fort Street HONOLULU. ::m:tt:;:;n:u:ju::u::muauti j! THE HOME OF THE j: Steinvvay and Starr PIANOS We have a large stock of Inside Player Pianos at fair prices and easy terms. We take old pianos In exchange. Tfcijer fiao C., Ltd. HONOLULU. HAWAII. (xxttxft:mmt:K THE CRATER HOUSE AT TUB VOLCANO, HAWAII. THE VOLCANO IS VERY ACTIVE. OUR AUTO MEETS ALL BOATS AT HILO. RATES: $3.50 per day. $20.00 per week. ' A. T. SHORT, Proprietor. LODGE MAUI, No. 084, A. P. & A. Stated meetings will be held at Masonic Hall, Kahului, on the first Saturday night of each mouth at 7:30 I M. Visiting brethren are cordially in vited to attend. BEN WILLIAMS, R. V. M. JAMES CUMMING, tf Secretary. AUTO F"OR HIRE. Comfortable and stylish 1914 Cadillac 7-Seater. at your service. Rates reasonable. Ring up NUNES, Paia : : Tel. 205 James C. Toss, Jr., Architect, Engineer, & Contrnctor Wailuku Maui ALOHA LODGE NO. S KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Regular meetings will be held at the Kuiv'litsof Pythias Hull, Wailuku, ou the second aud iourtU Saturdays of each month. All visiting members are cordially in vited to attend' E. J. WALSH, C. C. H. a. hansi-;n, k. r. & s.