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4 THE MAUI NEWS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1915. WHEN YOUR HOUSE BURNS YOU HAVE INSURANCE TO COVER AT LEAST A PART OF YOUR LOSS. BUT YOU CAN'T HAVE VALUABLE PAPERS INSURED AND OFTEN TIMES THEY ARE WORTH MORE TO YOU THAN ALL OF THF CONTENTS OF YOUR HOME. A SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX AT THIS BANK WILL INSURE PER FECT SAFETY TO YOUR VALUABLE PAPERS -INSURANCE TOLICIES. DEEDS, MORTGAGES, ETC., AND YOU WILL HAVE ACCESS TO THEM BY AN INDIVIDUAL KEY. AND THE COST IS MUCH LESS THAN THE WOJJRY HAS BEEN. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WAILUKU. CAPITAL, : : 35,000.00 SURPLUS, : : J50.000.00 C. H. Cooke, President C. D. Lufkiti, CitWer LAHAINA STORE IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IX GENERAL MERCHANDISE W HOLESALE AND RETAIL GASOLIXE AXD DISTILLATE IN DRUMS LAHAINA STORE e)H Est. 1901. DRY CLEANING WORKS Phone 1491 FRENCH LAUNDRY J. Abadie, Proprietor. 777 KING STREET, HONOLULU, T. H. HIGH CLASS WORK QUICK DELIVERY B. YOSHIDA Paia Agent M. UYENO Kahulul Agent 3HC HE A NEW AXD SUCCESSFUL DEVELOPER TAKES THE PLACE OF DXPEXS1VE WAR - AFFECTED CI I EMICALS. "Velvosol" and" Clearo Compound" WITH PLAIN WATER. DO THE WORK BETTER AXD CHEAPER. "CLEARO" 50c the pound tin ; $2.25 the 5 pound tin. "VELVOSOL 1 oz., 50c; 4 oz., $2.00; 8 oz., $3.75; 1 pound, $7. Honolulu Photo Supply Company. 'Fvprvtliinir PWnrrraiihlr" FOTJT sT I ij--ih II IRII 1WP Honolulu. J Wear a NapATan Shoe A HIGH SHOE, BLUCHER STYLE, WITH BELLOWS TONGUE AXD DOUBLE SOLE. A MILITARY MODEL. $5.00 For 50 cts. extra, you can have a pair of them made waterproof. Manufacturers' Shoe Store IIOXOLULU. 1915 Indian Motocycles c l c l C2 C2 C 3 C3 15-H.P. BIG TWIN SIXGLE SPEED, with Quick-Acting Indian Starter $245.00 AS ABOVE, Fully Equipped with Magneto, Generator, Accumulator, Electric Horn, Electric Head and Tail Lights $275.00 15-H.P. BIG TWIN TWO SPEEDS with Quick-Acting Indian Starter ?2iS5.00 AS ABOVE, Fully Equipped with Magneto. Generator, Accumulator, Electric Horn, Electric Head and Tail Lights $315.00 15-H.P. BIG TWIN THREE SPEEDS, with Quick-Acting Indian Starter $295.00 AS ABOVE, Fully Equipped with Magneto, Generator, Accumulator, Electric Horn, Electric Head and Tail Lights $325.00 Send for Catalogue. Also Sold on Installments. E. O. HALL & SON, LTD. IIOXOLULU. TELEGRAPH NEWS OF THE WEEK WASII1XGTON, September 1. Germany has yielded to the de mands of the United States, and will carry in her submarine warfare wilh effective safeguards to neutral rights. Germany has officially ac cepted the declaration of American concerning submarine campaign. Instructions issued from Berlin order submarines not to attack merchant vessels which do not try to flee or resist being stopped. LONDON, September 1. The British admiralty is silent regarding the fate of the submarine which sank the Arabic. BOSTON, September 1. A German submarine, it was learned to day, fired twice on the American steamer Ruth Sparks, from Liverpool to Boston. The first firing was apparently a warning. The second was aimed. As soon as the identity of the vessel was learned, the vessel was allowed to proceed. PITTSBURG. September 1. Harry K. Thaw today filed suit for divorce from Evelyn Xesbit Thaw. Thaw charges misconduct of his wife with John Francis, of Xew York. ROME, September 1. Ilayashi, the Japanese ambassador here, to day, in a significant statement, intimated that Japan intends to cooperate with Allies in their assault upon the Dardanelles, and attempt to pene trate to Constantinople. LONDON, September 1. Russian forces at Riga are now almost Isolated by the enveloping German arms under von llindenberg. It is entirely possible they will fall soon unless Russians are able to check advance of von llindenberg. HONOLULU, September 1. A slight blaze in the Schuman Car riage Companv's plant this morning, due to explosion of gasoline tank, did damage of about $1000. LONDON, September 1. Russians have reversed the tide of war in the eastern zone. They made stand and administered a big defeat in Stripa River district. 3000 Germans captured. WASIIIXGTQX, September 1. American troops are ready to move on Mexico. Serious trouble is brewing on the border following Tight with bandits. DENVER, September 1. Colorado's national guard is in a scan dal. Governor Carlson yesterday made public the report on the in quiry made of actions of the guard during the recent coal mining strike. One officer is accused of withholding money entrusted him by war de partment. Another is charged with being a salary loan shark. BERLIN, September 1. Germany and the United States may never know the story of the commander of the submarine which sunk the Arabic. This submarine has not reported and is believed to have been sunk by the British navy. GENEVA,. September 1. The minister of the interior in Austro Ilungary reports 929 cholera victims. Report tafcen here to mean that steps taken to check spread of disease have been successful. PORTLAND, September I. Furious forest fires are sweeping un broken along a 10-mile front, south of Mount Hood. Attemps to check it have failed, and homesteaders of two counties are fleeing, taking with them their belongings. SAN FRANCISCO, September 1. The Pacific Mail Company yes terday released 125 employees. This is first step taken in the plans of dissolution. LONDON, September 1. Statement made public from foreign office yesterday in regard to negotiations with Germany in 1912, denies a misleading statement in an account of the Frankfurter Zeitung, last week, making it appear that Great Britain rejected a reasonable offer of friendship. HONOLULU, September 1. Huge torest fire is raging on the Wa- ianae range near Schofield Barracks. Col. Sturgis is fighting the fire with 2500 troopers and flames were subdued yesterday after much effort, but it is believed they will break out and spread again today. P1NOLA, September 1. By derailing a tram at Hercules 1'owder Company, 7000 pounds of dynamite exploded. 3 trainmen killed. KINGS I ON, Jamaica, September 1. 00 houses and 9a percent of the cocoanuts gone as a result of the huricane. LONDON, September 1. ihe German advance at Grodno is steady. Fears felt fortress cannot hold out. At stripa River, Rus sians stopped enemy's progress. According to report, Turks defeated Allies forces at Seddul Balir, Gallipoh peninsula. A submarine of allies, shattered bridge from Constantinopole to Galata. SEATTLE, September 1. The Alaska steamship Company's steamer Edith is sinking. Loss quarter million. LONDON, August 31 In an air raid on Ghent by the Allies, bombs were dropped on hangar where German military aviators kept air craft, and building was destroyed. HONOLULU, August 31. Submarine r4 reached drydock after one o'clock this morning. No bodies yet found. Supposed to be under debris. Will be taken out today. BERLIXr, August 31. Renewed activities reported from eastern front. General von Desler has resumed the offensive in the Baltic re gion, south of Riga; and is pounding away at Divina bridge head. Fol lowing the defeat of the German fleet in Gulf of Riga, it is likely the army will be depended upon to take the city. Teutonic success is claim ed from Courland where Germans are driving Russians before them. Russians are, however, making a stubborn resistance. CHICAGO, August 31. A Chicago manufacturing company, name kept secret, is filling a contract for 100,000 6-inch shells for the Ameri can army. DUNKIRK, N. Y., August 31. Machinists employed by the Amer ican Locomotive Works here, struck yesterday for increased pay due to large profits being made by the company which is also engaged in making shrapnel for Allies. In Bridgeport neither side will yield in the Reming ton Arms Works strike, and situation is at high tension. Company will make no statement. SAN FRANCISCO, August 31. The contract for financing Chinese-American Transportation Company has been signed by American and Chinese capitalists. $5,000,000 is now ready for building and oper ating vessels. WASHINGTON, August 31. The Pan-American conference is shaping the next Mexican step regardless of what Carranza may do. Envoys will continue to work out scheme to restore order in the re public. Mexican press is severely anti-gringo. Intimation that Great Britain and France are ready to mitigate the severity of the blockade against the exportation of German and Austrian made goods, was received yesterday. It is specified that only goods from Germany and Austria actually ordered and paid for before order in council, would be allowed to pass blockade. , LONDON, August 31. The strike of Welsh miners is no nearer a solution than before. More evidence that the war spirit is fastening itself tighter about the people of the British Isles, is seen in the action yesterday when the national union of paper workers decided it will not maintain relations with German and Austrian organizations. HONOLULU, August 30. Nine Hawaiian, Japanese, Portuguese, and Chinese, employees of the shipping department of Hackfeld & Co., are under arrest for larceny. WASHINGTON, August 30. The postoi'fice department has ar ranged with the Oceanic Company for an additional steamer between San Francisco, Honolulu, Pago Pago, and Sydney, sailing in three weeks. Based on number and tonnage of merchant vessels, those under stars and stripes now exceed the number in 1863. BERKELEY, August 30. Resolution pass here requires all policemen-to study phychology in order to make them more afficient for their duties. Insanity is one of the subjects prescribed. WASHINGTON, August 30. Severe frost and cold snap crops in the upper Mississippi valley. Temperature at Chicago, 47 de grees, and at Waterloo, Iowa, 34 degrees, NEW YORK, August 30. English gold securites are not affect ing exchange. Pounds now quoted at $4.61 3-4. LONDON, August 30. French have successfully mined and can nonaded a number of German trenches in the Argonne district. CHICAGO, August 30. Ford, the auto builder, has joined the ci vilian training camp to be opened at Fort Sheridan in September. MATSON NAVIGATION CO. 268 market Street, San Trancisco, California. FREIGHT AND PASSENGER E SCHEDULE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER 1915 Steamer k?"! Hilonian 88 July 1 Enterprise. .125 July 3 Manoa 18 July 6 Matsonia.,. . 20 July 14 fLurlino 86 July 20 MIyades 55 July 22 Wilhelmlna.. 72 July 28 Enterprise.. 126 July 31 Manoa 19 Aug. 3 Matsonia.... 21 Auk. 11 "Hilonian.. . 89 Auk. 11 ILurline 87 Aug. 17 Wilhelmlna.. 73 Aug. 25 Enterprise. .127 Aug. 28 Manoa 20 Auk. 31 Hyades 56 Sept. 2 Matsonia.... 22 Sept. 8 tLurline...... 88 Sept. 14 Wilhelmlna., 74 Sept. 22 Hilonian.... 90 Sept. 23, " Enterprise. .128 Sept. 25 Manoa 21. Sept. 28 PUGBT WOUND Hawaiian Islands ArriTe ArrtTe I,eY An-lre Li . P. July 4 tj.Tuly 10 July 19 July 11 July 25 Sept. 5 Sept. 26 Oct. 4 July 13 July 20 July 27 IJuly 31 Aug. 10 Aug. 3 Aug. 8 Aug. 10 Aug. 17 5Aug.. 21 Aug. 30 Aug. 24 Aug. 31 Sept 5 Sept. 7 SSept. 11 Sept. 21 Sept. 14 Sept. 21 ..." Sept. 28 Oct. 13 Oct. 3 Oct. 5 July 28 July 17 July 20 July 28 Aug. 3 Aug. 18 Aug. 11 Aug. 14 Aug. 17 Aug. 25 Sept. 8 Aug. 31 Sept. 8 Sept 11 Sept. 14 Sept. 29 Sept 22 Sept 28 Oct 6 Oct. 22 Oct. 9 Oct. 12 Aug. July July Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept Sept Sept Sept Sept Oct Sept Oct. Oct. Oct Oct. Oct. 6 26 27a-, 3 10 28 17 ?3 24 31 16 7 U 20 21 9 28 S 11 30 18 19 PORTS OF CALL. S. S. Matsonia ) S. S. Wnhelmina To Honolulu and Hllo. S. S. Manoa ) S S Lurline i To Honolulu an(l Kahulul, S. S. Hilonian...". ) To all Hawaiian Ports via S. S. Hyades f Puget Sound. S. S. Enterprise. For Ililo direct. Carries Livestock combustibles. tLurline Carries Livestock to Honolulu and Kahului. Indicates that steamer carries combustibles (no passengers), t Indicates that steamer carries Livestock to Honolulu and Kahulul.' Indicates that steamer carries livestock from Puget Sound to Hono lulu and Hawaiian Ports. SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT 'NOTICE. Sfime dablejKaliului Slailroad Co. Daily Passenger Train Schedule (Except Sunday) Tht following schedule went into effect June 4th, 1913. TOWARDS WAILUKU 5 33 3 3 5 3'3 H I 5 23 17! 5 10 3 07 5 9 3 05! 5 go a 55 5. a 53; 5J a 47 4 5iia 46 4 45' 4o 4 44! 39 4 40 a 35 M A M A M 1 25'8 42 6 35 I 15I8 30 6 25 8 27 8 15 8 o5 8 03 7' 57 7 56 7 5 7 49 7 45 STATIONS A.AVailuku.. L 8.4' 5-5 -4 o i... ..A Kahului A- L h" Spreck- "A " elsTille LZ 7Za Paia A .X L" IUuia- "A "kuupoko U Ha - Puuwela .. A.. L L.. Haiku ..A TOWARDS HAIKU i'lii o 3-3 6.9 9.8 11. 9 '3-9 i '5-3 6 40 8 50 1 30 6 50 9 00 1 40 65a 7 02 7 3 7 15 7 17 7 a4 7 25 7 33 7 35 7 40 I 42 I 5a I 53 a 05 2 07 a 14 a 15 a 23 a a5 a 3 3 35 3 45 3 47 3 57 3 5 4 10 4 4 9 4 4 28 4 3 4 35 10 M 5 3 5 48 PUUNENE DIVISION TOWARDS PUUNENE 2 50 6 00 3 006 10 Miles STATIONS . 0 L..Kahului..A 2.5!A..Puuueue..L TOWARDS KAHULUI Miles I a M 2. ae 22 3 15 U6 123 05 1. All trains daily except Sundays. . 2. A Special Train (Labor Train) will leare Wailuku dally, except Sundays at 5:30 a. m., arriving at Kahulul at 5:50 a. m., and connecting with the 6:00 a. m. train forPuunene. 3. BAGGAGE RATES: 150 pounds of personal baggago will be carried fre ot charge on each whole ticket, and 75 pounds on each half ticket, when baggage is in charge of and on the same train as the holder of the ticket For .excess baggage 25 cents per 100 pounds or part thereof will be charged. For Ticket Fares and other information see Local Passenger Tariff L C. C. No. 8, or inquire at any of the Depots. The Henry Watei house Trust Co., Ltd. BUYS AND SELLS REAL ESTATE, STOCKS AND BONDS. WRITES FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. NEGOTIATES LOANS AND MORTGAGES. SECURES INVESMENTS. A List of High Grade Securities Mailed on Application? CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. HONOLULU, HAWAII. ' P. O. BOX 141 imHimiTimtrmttrmtfttttmmnmtmmmimmttt