OCR Interpretation

The Maui news. [volume] (Wailuku, Maui, H.I.) 1900-current, December 10, 1915, Image 6

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J Personal Mention
Father Justin, of Walluku Is In Ho
nolulu this week.
W. O. Aiken spent several days in
Honolulu this week.
Attorney Eugene Murphy was In
Honolulu this week on a business trip.
Frank Correa was a passenger to
Honolulu by Inst Saturday's Claudlne.
A. I. Sllva, representative of M. Mc
Inerny and Company, returned to Ho
nolulu last Saturday.
J. W. Manning, a well-known Kul
aha homesteader, was a visitor to
Walluku yesterday.
Mrs. H. P. naldwln returned from
a several weeks visit on the Coast,
by the Matsonla this week.
B. II. Farmer and Chuck Hoy, of
the Immigration station, were visitors
at Hana this week.
Mr. and Mrs. II. D. Sloggott of Ha
makuapoko, arrived homo this week
from a vacation spent on the Coast.
Dr. J. H. Raymond, who has been
on the mainland for several weeks,
returned by the Matsonla on Tuesday.
John Fassoth, manager of the Kt
pahulu Plantation, was a passenger to
Honolulu by the Claudlne this week.
W. H. Field, of the Maui Hotel,
returned home Wednesday evening
from a short business trip to Hono
lulu. Mrs. Alfred Martinsen left Wednes
day night from Lahalna for Honolulu,
where she Is booked as a passenger
on the Makura.
Mrs. F. Stange, who was the guest
of Mrs. Enos Vincent, of Walluku for
a week or more, returned to her homo
in Honolulu last Saturday.
II. B. We'.lcr, of the Union Oil Com
pany, was on Maul last week on busi
ness, returning homo to Honolulu by
last Monday's Mauna Loa.
Rev. and Mrs. It. B. Dodge, who
have been spending the past several
months touring the mainland, are ex
pected home about December 23.
Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Bailey (nee
Gllmore) will visit Walluku shortly
and be the guests of Mrs. C. D. Luf
kin, about the ISth of December.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Collins of Ha
makuapoko, were returning passen
gers by the Matsonla this week.
They have been on the Coast for sev
eral months.
Fred J. Halton, the new coast
representative of the Hawaii Promo
tion Committee, spent several days
this week on Maui, familiarizing him
self with local conditions.
Henry Hustace, one of Honolulu's
motorcycle police officers, arrived tin
Wednesday for a two weeks vacation
on Maui. He brought his wheel along
and Is taking In the sights of the Is
land. Wm. E. Dovereux, formerly manager
of the liana Store, and his family
were passengers on tho Great Nor
thern last week, returning from the
Coast. They will probably be located
in Honolulu.
H. E. Newton, of the territorial sur
vey department, who has been en
gaged In making a survey of tho Pli
holo homestead lots in Makawao, for
several months, returned to Honolu
lu last Saturday.
Mrs. J. S. Lichtcnfels, of Los An,'
geles, arrived last week by tho steam-
er Great Northern, and will spend
some months with her son, Dr. Licit-
tenfels, of Hana. Dr. Lichtcnfels went
to Honolulu by last Saturday's Clau
dine to meet his mother.
Leslio E. Scott, for tho past ten
years foreman of the Mercantile Print
ing Company, of Honolulu, arrived by
Tuesday's Claudlne and has taken
charge as foreman of tho mechanical
department of tho Maul Publishing
Company. Mr. Scott will move his
laniily to Walluku during the next
few weeks.
A list of 50 now books was received
this morning by tho Maul Library, and
the books will be on tho shelves for
distribution tomorrow morning. The
list is exceptionally well chosen, eon
tabling many of the more recent and
popular publications. It will bo pub
lished in full In next weeks Maui
A baseball game of considerable in
tercst Is scheduled for next Sunday
afternoon at tho Walluku park, when
the A. & B. team and the Hamakua
pokos will meet for the first time on
tho diamond. Both of these teams are
new in the baseball arena, but Indica
tions aro that a rattling good game
will bo put up. Tho A. & B. are made
up of employes of tho Alexander &.
Baldwin companies on central Maul.
It is managed by J. Patterson, with
George Murray as captain of tho team,
while Frank Lufkln is treasurer and
Alfred Hansen, secrotary. Tho Hama
kuapoko3 are made up of some clever
players from Haiku, Hamakuapoko,
and Pala, under tho captaincy of Cray-
ton sauers. tiioso who have seen
these boys working out say they show
tho proper class for a good gamo.
Tho Kahulul Railroad has recently
completed a now spur track from tho
main lino to tho limo Kilns on tho
beach below Pala. Heavy now steel
rails have also been distributed be
tween Walluku and Pala to replace
tho old rails which aro too light for
tho Increasingly heavy traffic. Tho
company has also placed In servlco
a nowly finished passenger coach, and
has mado many improvements In all
departments during tho past six
3? I"!
Pertinent Paragraphs
Ah Say, of Walluku, for smoking
opium, was fined $10 In the district
magistrates court this week.
Tho new power pilot boat for Ka
hulul Is expected to arrive from Seat
tle next week on tho Hyadcs.
Private Kepa Akana, Compnny" I,
Third Infantry, N. G. H., has been
transferred to Company D, Second In
fantry. The Pioneer Mill Company expects
to begin harvesting Its 191G crop next
Wednesday. The outlook Is said to
bo very good.
For the convenience of our patrons,
the Maui Wine & Liquor Company will
be open on Christmas day from 8 a. m.
till noon. Adv.-2t.
Aloha Lodge No. 3, Knights of
Pythias, will hold an important meet
ing tomorrow evening, at which offi
cers for the coming year will bo nomi
nated. Representatives of the Husted-Pcnk
I Directory Company are on Maul this
week gathering data for the 1916 copy
or the directory of the territory, which
will bo published about next Juno.
Tho fine now beach homo being
erected by S. A. Baldwin, below
Spreckelsville, is now under roof. It
will bo one of the most handsome
places In tho rapidly growing beach
colony of Maul.
Miss Charlotte Turner, of Makawao,
Is a member of the finance committee
which is raising a fund for the now
dormitory for tho ICohala girls' school.
About $8000 of tho amount needed hns
already been raised.
Consul General H. Arita, Japan's of
ficial representative to the territory,
was on Maui this week on nn official
visit. Ho was entertained at a dinner
last Monday night at the Maul Hotel,
by a number of local Japanese.
Harry Gesner, local agent of tho
Schuman Carriage Company, this
week delivered a Studebakcr Six
roadster to Dr. Osmers. Ho also sold
two Fords to the Maul Wine and
Liquor Company, and an Overland to
T. Shimlzu.
The supervisors today nnnrovod a
plan presented by tho residents of
Kuiaha for fencing and otherwise Im
proving tho grounds about the Knlnha
school house. They turned down a re
quest for swings and other nlav-
ground paraphernalia.
A number of Filipinos have been
arrested by the deputy sheriff of Ma
kawao district, who aro believed to
have been responsible for n whole
sale disappearance of chickens and
pigs in tho Pauwela and Haiku section
during the past month or two.
Rev. J. Charles Villiers is preaching
on Sunday Mornings, at the Church
of tho Good Shepherd, a series of Ad
vent sermons on: Death, Judgment,
iieaven, lien. Tiio subject of the ser
mon on Sunday mornlnc. will bo
"Heaven." The service is at fill
o clock.
A large shipment of bananas wont
to tho coast by the last Lurllne from
Maul. This Is an experimental shin
mont, and tho results will bo watched
for with much interest. There is a big
demand for Hawaiian bananas from
Maul, large quantities will probably
go forward regularly.
It was expected that tho big now
stable which is being built for tho
county at Hana, would be completed
this week. Tho work would have
been completed except for a mistake
in a shipment of rcoof Iron which has
caused a delay of about a week. The
stable will bo one of the boost on
Frank F. Baldwin was last week
elected president of tho Hawaiian
Polo and Racing Club, an organiza
tion recently organized. W. F. Dil
Hngham, 3s vice-president: Richard
Ivors, secretary; and R. W. Shingle,
treasurer. A. L. Castle, J. F. C. Ha
gens, and James Mclnerny, with tho
oiiicers, form the board of directors,
A Chilian and a Mexican, members
of tho crew of tho Chilian bark 1-an
hoe, were left behind when the vessel
sailed for Port Allen this week, to
discharge the balance of Its nitrate
cargo. Tho men deserted at Kahulul
last week, and up to tho present the
police have been lunablo to locate
Otto S. Moyer and other Molokai
land owners, have sold tho hunting
privileges on their lands for 5 years
to Charles II. Merriam, of Honolulu
i Tho price to bo paid is $150 per year
Mr. Merriam, who Is tho territorial
registrar of conveyances, is ono of tho
Territory's most enthusiastic sports
men, and generally spends several
weeks each year on Molokai deer
Messrs. Rice and Collins of Hono
lulu, nccompanied by their wives
motored down from San Francisco
yesterday, lunching at the Perlchon
They called on Walter Heath to look
out for a string of polo ponies for
Frank Baldwin of tho Islands, who
wants to replenish his stables. If tho
two gentlemen aro average physical
specimens of Honolulu, they make a
good exhibit for tho Islands, both be
ing about C feet 2, and pictures of
health. San Mateo, Cal., Times.
The sum of $34,018.43 for tho gen
eral fund, and $27,995.80 for tho per
manent improvement fund of tho
county, was received from tho Ter
ritorial treasurer this week, being tho
balance from tho November collection
of taxes duo to Maul. This with tho
$50,000 previously received makes a
total of $112,044.23 for tho semi-an
nual period. After taking up outstand
ing registered warrants thero is but
about $40,00 left in tho general fund
to last until next May. Tho perman
ent improvement fund, however, lias
about $36,000 not expended.
Good Records Made
In Interclass Meet
ligh School Girls Will Try To Re
cover Laurels Soplimorcs Pro
duce Julius Cacscr.
HAMAKUAPOKO, Dec. 9. The pu
pils of the Maul High School held nn
nterclass track meet on the athletic
field at Hamakuapoko last Thursday
and Friday. The meet was won by
tho freshman class with 32 points,
seniors next with 2G, junior 19, Eighth
grade 14, sophomores 17. First placo
n each event counted 5, second 3. and
third ono.
Hammer throw won by S. D. Wal
ker (88' 7") C. M. Sauers. 2nd. Scott
Nicoll 3rd.
Shot put won by C. M. Sauers f 27"
S"), S. D. Walker 2nd, J. E. Walker
220 yd low hurdles, J. E. Walker.
1st, time 31 4-5 sec, II. S. Wells, 2nd,
D. Walker 3rd.
120 yd low hurdles, J. E. Walker
1st, time 1G 3-5 sec., H. S. Wells 2nd,
H. A. Postlethwaite 3rd.
100 yd dash, H. S. Wells 1st, time
1 02-5 sec. Nils Tnvarcs 2nd, H. A.
Postlethwaite ,3rd.
50 yd dash, J. E. Walker 1st, S. D.
Walker 2nd, Nils Tavares 3rd.
Standing Broad Jump, C. M. Sau
ers 1st, J. E. Walker 2nd, Nils Tav
ares 3rd.
Running Broad Jump, H. S. Wells
1st (16' G"), J. E. Walker 2nd, S. D,
Walker 3rd.
Standing High Jump, C. M. Sauers
1st, H. A. Postlethwaite 2nd, J. E.
Walker 3rd.
Running High Jump, H. S. Wells
1st (4' 9"), J. E. Walker 2nd, S. D.
Walker 3rd.
Po'.o Vault, J. E. Walker (9' 2"),
1st, E. B. Hair 2nd, C. M. Sauers, 3rd.
220 yd dash, H. S. Wells 1st. S. D:
Walker 2nd, Nils Tavares 3rd.
High School Tries Drama.
Last Friday afternoon the members
of tho Sophomore English class of the
Maul High School gave a dramatiza
tion of Julius Caesar before the mem
bers of the school. Tho scenes given
were in Act III. The characters wore
taken as follows: Julius Caesar, S.
Walker; Mark Antony, W. Murdoch;
Marcus Brutus, I. Wells; Cassius, D.
Kapohakcmohewa; Publlus, M. Slen
der; Casca, R. Parker; Trebonlus, O.
Hansen; Decius Brutus, E. Lindsay;
Metollus Cimber, L. Murdoch; Clmia,
M. Yoshizawa; Artemldorus, O. Robin
f.on. Basketball This Afternoon.
There is to bo a return gamo of
Basketball this afternoon between the
teams of tho Maul High School and
tho team representing tho Walluku
Gymnasium. Tho gamo is to bo play
ed at Hamakuapoko on the High
School court.
The lino up for tho High School is
as follows:
Guards Elizabeth Lindsay, Irene
Wells, Annie Walker, sub.; Centers
Dorotny Lindsay, Constance Rose;
Forward Thelma Boyum, Qlava
Hanson, Gladys Mcinecke.
Baseball Tomorrow.
On Saturday afternoon there Is to
bo a game of baseball between the
Maul High School team and a team
representing tho Walluku Gymnasium.
The gamo is to bo at 1 o'clock on the
Walluku field. Tho following will play
for the Maul High School: Douglas
Wells, c; S. Walker, p; Harold Sau
ers, 1st b; Walter Murdoch, 2nd b;
Thomas Howell, 3rd b; David barker.
If; D. Kapohakemohewa, cf; LS'rard
Walsh, rf; J. Walker, ss.
Examinations Are On.
The fall examinations begin this
week, and contlnuo most of next week,
Tho schedule for tho high school Is as
Friday Seniors, Literature. Junl
or. Literature. Sophs. History Type
writing, Fresh., Algebra.
Monday Seniors, Latin. Junicrs,
History, II German (p. m.). Sophs.,
ungusli. Fresh., History.
Tuesday Seniors, Chemistry. Jrnl
ors, Chemistry. Sophs., Caesar. Fresh.,
Latin, i German (p. m).
Wednesday Seniors, Mathematics.
juniors, Latin, Mathematics (p. m.)
Sophs. Geometry. Fresh., Physical
Thursday Seniors, French. Sophs.,
uioiogy (p. m.). Fresh., English.
Morning examinations from 9:30 to
12 o'clock.
Afternoon examinations from 12.30
to 2:30 o'clock.
Japanese Said To
Have Bought Lanai
That a big Japaneso hui has virtual
ly closed a deal for tho purchase of
the entire Interests of the Lanal Com
pany, which means virtually the en-
tiro (Bland of Lanai, Is tho report
which reached hero this week, and
which is generally credited. It "has
been known for somo time that no
gollations along this lino havo been
on. It Is said that tho Consul Gen
eral Arlta, who was on Maul this
week, paid a visit to Lanal before
coming on to central Maui.
Suggested a Dental Compromise.
"Bo3s, dis yuh toot am mighty nigh
klllln' mo!" walled Brother Oggy.
"How much will It cost to have do
blamo thing pulled out?"
"Fifty cents," replied tho dentist.
"But, loogy yoh, sah! I hasn't got
but a quawtah to mah name. Kalri"i
yo'-all pull it out half way for dat?"
Kansas City Star.
Home, Sweet Home.
Wife What, going out again to
Husband Yes, dear. Going out oc
casionally, you know, heightens the
pleasure of staying homo when ono
gets the chance.
Wlfo But you go out so often.
Husband Well, it's a pleasure that
really requires a great deal of height
Rifles For National
Guard Have Arrived
Much Enthusiasm Over Guard Work
New Instructor Arrives Offi
cers Ball Will Be Big Event.
Brigadier-General Samuel I. John
son, of tho National Guard of Hawaii,
is on Maul this week looking after the
Interests of the lately organized mili
tia on this Island. With General John
son camo also First Sergeant A. N.
Wetzel, of the 1st U. S. Infantry, who
will bo permanently stationed here as
drill-master for tho six Maui compan
ies. Sergeant Wetzel, who was form
erly an officer of tho Philippine
Scouts, comes with the highest en
dorsements as an instructor, and his
many years of cxperienco in the army,
and his diligent studies along military
lines, places him among tho bos'
equipped men In tho service for tho
special duties he is to assume. Ho is
married nn doxpects to bo stationed
on Maul for several years. His wife
is at present with him at the Maui
Col. Baldwin Naming His Staff.
Today Lt.-Col. Baldwin announced
the appointment of a part of his staff,
naming A. W. Collins to bo regiment
al adjutant, and II. B. Ponhallow, as
regimental quartermaster. Boith of
these take the rank of captain. A
commissary officer and an ordnance
officer arc still to bo named. It is
stated that the first named p'.aco may
be accepted by Frank F. Baldwin.
General Johnson Is well pleased
with the Interest evident among the
guardsmen on Maui. Ho states that
the full equipment or rliles for Maul's
six companies are now on hand, and
that uniforms will be hero very short
ly. Ho was gratified to learn that
tho rifle ranges, back of tho sand hills,
below Walluku, are nearly completed
In fact that the 200 and the G00
yard ranges arc done.
To Enlarge Armory.
Plans are being made to enlarge
the Walluku armory, by an addition
of about 25 feet to one end of tho
building. It is hoped to have this
work completed before the big officers'
ball, to bo held on New Year's Eve.
Tho supervisors approved tho plan
today, and the work will start at onco
under direction of H. B. Ponhallow.
That this ball will bo by far tho
most brllllan t social affair that has
been held on Maui for many years, Is
now assured.
Lt.-Col. II. A. Baldwin is lending
his best efforts to tho plans for tho
big event. It has been a long time
since so much interest has been mani
fest oil over tho island in any ono
social affair. General Johnson, and
possibly Governor Plnkham will be
present at tho ball. Besides the dance
proper, tho committee which is hand
ling tne airair is arranging for a
number of entertaining features, to
bo staged by some of tho best of Ho
nolulu talent.
If tho plans of A. J. do Souza, man
agor of tho Maul Wine & Liquor Com
pany materialize, Walluku will have
a now hotel before many months. Mr,
de Souza has secured an option of the
Lyons property on Main and Hana-
wakl streets. Ho plans to remodel and
greatly enlarge the rsidenco build
Ing now on tho land, and to open a
first class, moderate rate hostelry. Mr,
de Souza says that It will bo necps
sary to havo liquor privileges in con
nection with Ills hotel, and that ho ex
pects to bring the matter of securing
license before the license commi
slon within a short time.
E. Herrlck Brown, formerly of Kui
aha, but now of Honolulu, was a bus!
ness visitor to Maul for several days
this week.
The Battles of Peace.
Thero aro difficulties and dangers
before our nation today just as great
as any our forefathers faced. To
meet and conquer them requires all
the moral brawn and muscle this na
tion can muster. Thero aro tho prbb
lems of corruption in business and
politics; tho terrible scourges of in
temperance and tho drug habit, and
tho social evil, deadly to soul and body
alike; there aro tho problems .of
moral education, of marriage and ill
vorce, of the treatment of depend
entsprisoners, defectives, paupers,
etc. Any one of theso left uncon
quered would devastate our country
as no war could. Rev, N. T. Houscr.
Getting All Sewed Up.
It was several days after arriving
home from the front that tho soldier
with the two broken ribs was sitting
up and smoking a cigar when tho doc
"Well, how aro you feeling now?-
asked tlio latter.
"I've had a stitch in my sido all
day," replied the wounded soldier.
"That's all right," said tho doctor,
'It shows that tho bones arc knit
The Generous Host.
"Ignorance! Sheer Ignorance !" said
Mrs. Amos Plnchot, who Is a devoted
worker for the woman's peace party,
during a war argument. "You remind
me, my dear sir, of Parvenu.
"Parvcnn took his wlfo and tw
other ladies to lunch. As they seated
themselves In tho lofty, oval dining
room Mrs. Parvenu whispered to her
"'Ask for tlio menu, Jack.'
"Parvenu puffed out his chest and
" 'One menu only?" ho said. 'Ono
menu for four? No, no; I'll do tho
thing well, now I'vo started it. Hero,
waiter, four menus fresh ones, mind,
and see that they're not overdone.'"
Makawao Ladies' Aid
Elects New Officers
oncy From Bazaar Will Paint
Church Domestic Servants Gam
bleSuccessful Turkey Hunt.
MAKAWAO, Dec. 9. Tuesday af
ternoon, tho 7th. the Ladles' Aid So
ciety of the Makawao Union Church
met at Community House, I'aia, Mrs.
A. Baldwin Presiding. Tlio treas
urer reported that the bazaar brought
in about $1280.00. Among other sums
substantial amount was voted to-
ard tho painting of the churcii
hlch work will be immediately pro
ceeded with. It was suggested that
tan color be used and the paint
sanded. Plans for tho next bazaar
ere also discussed and a comnutteo
nnolntod to arrange for a New
Year's evo dancing party at Continu
ity House. Committees to taico
charge of the Christmas entertain
ment for the Sunday School were
also selected.
Tho annual election of oincers re
sulted as follows: Mre. w. . flic-
Conkey, president; Mrs. r . w. war
ily, vice-president; Mrs. W. S. Nicon,
treasurer; ami Mrs. n. w. iucu, set-
rotary. Thero was a goon attcnaanco
of members at this meeting.
The Makawao police report tnai
there is considerable gambling among
house-servants at different places in
ihn district, the games of cnance oe-
ing conducted on the premises of em
On Saturday ami sunuay iasi, u
hunting party consisting of caieo
Burns, Dr. G. S. AlKen, anu uounij
Attorney Bcvlns visited the "wilds"
of Kahikinul. They went by auto to
Ulupalakua and rode horseback thence
Kahikinul, where tnoy campcu ior
tho night. During Sunday in the rain
they ascended tne rougn "aa" trans oi
Kahikinul each of the party bagging
several fine turkeys. They reached
their several homes lato Sunday night.
It was a successful but a most strenu
ous hunting expedition.
Kunemltsu. a Japanese woman liv
ing In Puunene, Cnmp II, was arrested
Wednesday night for selling liquor
without a territorial license. She put
up $100 cash ball for her appearance
before tho district court on Thursday
morning, but failed to show up at the
appointed time, and forfeited her
money. Tho police say that she ana
her husband hold a federal license
The regular annual meeting of the
stock-holders of tho First National
Bank of Walluku, will bo held on
Tuesday, January 11th, 191G, at 9 a.
m., at Its banking house, Walluku,
Maui, T. H.
Dec. 10, 17, 21, 31, 1915, Jan. 7, 191G.
The regular annual meeting of the
stock-holders of the First National
Bank of Pala, will be held on Tuesday,
January 11th, 191G, at 2 p. m., at its
banking house, Pala, Maul, T. II.
Dec. 10, 17, 24, 31, 1915, Jan. 7, 191G.
The regular annual meeting of tho
stock-holders of The Lahalna National
Bank, will bo held on Tuesday, Jan
uary 11th, 191G, at 7:30 p. m at its
banking house, Lahalna, Maul, T. H,
Dec. 10, 17, 24, 31, 1915, Jan. 7, 191G.
SOMMERFELD, lato of Kuiaha,
Maui, deceased.
Petition of Catherine Sommerfeld
for Appointment as Administrator. IT
IS ORDERED, that Thursday, the 14th
day of January, A. D. 1916, at 10
o'clock A. M bo and the samo is here
by appointed for hearing said Petition,
at the Court Room of this Court, in
Walluku. Maul, Hawaii.
Walluku, Maui," December 2, 1915,
Dec. 3, 10, 17, 24.
Honolulu, Hawaii, Dec. 8, 1915.
All- bills against the Department
of Public Instruction of tho Territory
of Hawaii, Incurred during tho present
biennial period, beginning January 1
1914, and ending December 31, 1915
and remaining unpaid, must be for
warded to tho office of the Department
of Public Instruction, properly made
out on tho regular forms not later
than January 7, 191G, to insure pay
ment of same.
Superintendent, Department) of
Public Intructlon.
Dec. 10, 17.
To tho Members of the Filipino Ben-
evolent Society.
Because of personal duties which
require all of my time, I hereby glvo
notlco that I havo turned over to Mr,
Luis Valenclay Salva, Vico President
General of the organization, all tho
duties of my office.
General President of tho Filipino
Benevolent Society.
Walluku, Dec. 10. 1915.
Dec. 10, 17.
Breeding Cockerels. Wyckoff strain
$3 to $5 each. F. II. KRAUSS, Hal
ku, Maul. tf,
Scaled Tenders will bo received by
tho Maul Loan Fund Commission, at
Walluku, Maul, T. H. , up to 7 o'clock
P. M. of Wednesday, December 22nd,
1st Furnishing Material for tho
construction of a Kitchen and Dining
Room, Ice and Electric Building, and
a Cold Storage Room, for tho Ku!a
Sanitarium, Kula, Maul.
Plans and specifications and blank
forms for proposals aro on filo in tho
office of the Maul Loan Fund Commis
sion, Walluku, Maui, and In tlio of
fice of the Superintendent of Public
Works, Capitol Building, Honolulu,
T. II.
The Mnul Loan Fund Commission
reserves tho right to reject any and
all bids.
R. A. Wadsworth,
Dec. 10, 17, 1915.
Scaled Tenders will be received by
the Maul Loan Fund Commission, at
Wnl'-uku, Maul, T. H., up to 7:30
o'clock, p. m. of Wednesday, December
22nd, 1915.
For the building of a section of
Homestead Road from Klhcl towards
Kamaole, Kula, Maul, T. II.
Plans and specifications and blank
forms for proposals arc on filo In the gn
office of the Mnul Loan Fund Commis- tf
slon, Walluku, Maul, T. H., and In the
ofllcc of the Superintendent Public
Works, Capitol Building, Honolulu,
T. II.
Tho Maul Loan Fund Commission
reserves tthe right to reject any and
nil bids.
R. A. Wadsworth,
Dec. 10, 17.
At a public hearing held In Hono
lulu, T. H., November 11, 1915, tno
Maui Telephone Co. was granted tho
privilege to increase its rates as ioi
lows: Private telephones $3.50 per
month; telephones In offices, stores
and hotels, $5.00 per montu. insiau
a toll system as follows: Calls be
tween Central Maul, (that Is either
Pala or Walluku Centrals) and La
halna or vico versa 5c each, and calls
between Central Maul anil nana or
vlca versa, 10c each. Removal charge
of $3.00 per telephone, tnat is, tele
phones moved from ono location to
another for any subscriber. Tlio new
rates to take effect on and after Jan
uary 1, 191G, provided thero Is no good
and valid complaint nieo wun uiu
Commission on or before that date.
Any person knowing of a goou anu
sufficient reason why tno increase
should not bo allowed is requested to
communicate with the Public Utilities
Commission of Hawaii at Honolulu.
Honolulu, T. H., Novcrauer zo, .sua.
Dec. 3, 10, 17, J 915.
nnn Wnwnllan mute. Drokcn to har
ness and saddle, in sound condition;
and ono 3-year-old colt, broken to sln
glo harnesi. Apply at
L MACHIDA Drugstore
Carries a full line of Drugs and Patent
Medicines, Perfumes, Toilet Articles,
Booki and Stationery.. Also carry a
full line of Eye Glasses.
Frocks, Full Dress, Tuxedo Suits and
Coats of the latest styles
Made to Order
Perfect Fit and Satisfaction
Vineyard Street,
s; This is ono of our specialties.
: Remember wo pay parcel-post
jj charges on all repairs. Send us
your work.
Regal Shoe Store

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