Newspaper Page Text
4 THE MAUI NEWS, FRIDAY, nECEMHEU 17, 1915. WHEN YOUR HOUSE BURNS YOU HAVE INSURANCE TO COVER AT LEAST A TART OF YOUR LOSS. CUT YOU CAN'T HAVE VALUABLE TAPERS INSURED AND OFTEN TIMES THEY ARE WORTH MORE TO YOU THAN ALL OF TUP CONTENTS OF YOUR HOME. A SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX AT THIS BANK WILL INSURE PER FECT SAFETY TO YOUR VALUABLE TAPERS INSURANCE POLICIES. DEEDS, MORTGAGES. ETC., AND YOU WILL HAVE ACCESS TO THEM BY AN INDIVIDUAL KEY. AND THE COST IS MUCH LESS THAN THE WOJ.T.Y HAS BEEN. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WAILUKU. CAPITAL, : : : $35,000.00 SURPLUS, : : : 50,000.00 C. H. Cooke, Preiident C. D. Lufkln, Cisliier 1 LAHAINA STORE IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GASOLINE AND DISTILLATE IN DRUMS LAHAINA STORE Est. 1901. DRY CLEANING WORKS Thone 1491 FRENCH LAUNDRY J. Abadio, Proprietor. 777 KING STREET, HONOLULU. T. 11. HIGH CLASS WORK QUICK DELIVERY B. YOSHIDA Paia Agent M. UYENO Kahulul Agent r If you want to be sure of good re sults in taking pictures without having to depend upon weather or other outside conditions, use a Graf lex Camera. Prices from $53.50 to $66.00. Ask us. HONOLULU PHOTO SUPPLY CO. Expert Developing and Printing ni iei; iiarnjr .J ! eranda Pumps "AS EASY AS AN OLD SHOE." These Pumps are made of wliite canvass with white rubber soles and heels. Deservedly popular as an outing shoe. ONLY $2.00 WEEKLY MARKET LETTER. Cabbage and Eggs Coming More Freely HONOLULU, December 13. There lias bi-en a Plight increase in the num ber of ciium coming into Hie ninrke hut not enough, have been received to make any difference in last week's prices. There will be a good market for nil kinds of fat poultry during the Christ mas holidas. I'oor stock is especially undesirable now. The price of cabbage has fallen a little. It is now coming into the mar ket in larper quantities from all the is lands and it is likely that the price will aeain drop in the near future. There is pood demand for tomatoes and sweet corn. Hogs are plentiful and cheap and there is no change in the dressed meat market. Hides ore bringing top notch prices. The Marketing Division expects to move into its new building on Mauna Kea street where there will be plenty of room for the better handling of consignments on the twentieth of this month. A. T. LONG LEY. Supt. Terr. Mkt. Div. lionolu'u Wholesale Produce Market Quotations ISSUED BY THE TERRITORIAL MARKETING DIVISION. Wholesale only. Dec. 13, 1915. BUTTER AND EGGS. EggB scarce, demand good. Island tub butter, ib 28 to .30 Eggs, select, Oahu, doz 70 Eggs, No. 1, Island, doz 65 Eggs, No. 2, Island, doz 30 to .55 Duck Eggs, doz 40 POULTRY. Broilers, lb (2 to 3 lbs) 33 to .35 Young roosters, lb 30 to .33 Hens, good condition, Ib...25 to .27'4 Turkeys, lb 40 Ducks, Muscovy, lb 25 to .30 Ducks, Pekin, lb 25 to .30 Ducks, Hawaii, doz 5.40 VEGETABLES AND PRODUCE. Means, string, green, lb 05 Beans, string, wax, lb 0C Deans, Lima in pod 03 Vi Beans, Dry Maui Red, ewt (none in makt.) Calicos, cwt 4.00 to 4.50 small white, cwt 4.50 to 5.00 Beets, doz bunches ,..3r Carrots, doz. bunches 4( Cabbage, cwt 2.50 Corn, sweet, 100 ears (none in mkt.) Corn, Haw. sml yellow . .35.00 to 37.00 Corn, Haw. lge yellow. .32.00 to 35.00 Peanuts, small, lb 02 to .02 Peanuts, large, lb 02 Onions, Bermuda, lb (none in market). Green peppers, Bell, lb 06 to .07 Green Peppers, Chili, lb 05 Potatoes, Isl. Irish, lb 01 Potatoes, Sweet, cwt 1.00 to 1.25 Taro, cwt 50 to 1.00 Taro, bunch 15 Tomatoes, lb ." 03 to .04 Peas, green, lb (none in market). Cucumbers, doz 50 to .65 Pumpkins, lb 01 to 02. FRUIT. Alligator Pears, doz (none in market). Bananas, Chinese, bunch 2Q to X0 Bananas, Cooking, bunch. . . .75 to 1.25 Breadfruit, doz 30 to .50 Figs. 100 85 Grapes, Isabella, lb 09 Limes, 100 50 to. 75 Pineapples, cwt 65 to .76 Manufacturers' Shoe Store ! 1051 FORT STREET. HONOLULU. 1 B TOMTIT' If nlVFTTrTrr ETT'?, TMWBsae3SSB!ESCl&3BISISl3iS 1915 Indian Motocycles c l c 1 c 2 C2 C 3 C8 Se 15-11. P. BIG TWIN SINGLE SPEED, with Quick-Acting Indian Starter $245.00 AS ABOVE, Fully Equipped with Magneto, Generator, Accumulator, Electric Horn, Electric Head and Tail Lights $275.00 I5-II.I. K1G TWIN TWO STEEDS with Quick-Acting Indian Starter .$285 .a) AS ABOVE, Fully Equipped with Magneto, Generator, Accumulator, Electric Horn, Electric Head and Tail Lights $315.00 15-II.P. BIG TWIN THREE SPEEDS, with Quick-Acting Indian Starter ' $295.00 AS ABOVE, Fully Equipped with Magneto, Generator, Accumulator, Electric Horn, Electric Head and Tail Lights $325.00 nd for Catalogue. Also Sold on Installments. E. O. HALL & SON, LTD. HONOLULU. Oats, ton 33.00 to 35.00 Wheat, ton 39.50 to 40.00 Middlings, ton 39.00 to 39.50 Hay, wheat, ton 29.50 to 30.00 Hay, alfalfa, ton 26.00 to 27.00 Alfalfa meal, ton 25.00 to 25.50 -fr- THE NEXT MAILSL Malls are due from the following points at follows: San Francisco By Wilhelmina, Dec. 21; Chiyo Maru, Dec. 24. Yokohama By Tenyo Maru, Dec. 21. Australia By Sonoma, Dec. 28. Vancouver By Makura, Dec. 29. Mails will leare for the following points as follows: San Francisco By Matsonia, Dec. 15; Tenyo Maru, Dec. 21; Lurline Dec. 21. Yokohama By U. S. T. Sherman, Dec. 14; Chiyo Maru. Dec. 24. Australia By Makura, Dec. 29. (Mails subject to correction on ar rlral of ships.) FOR SALE. CHOICE S. C. WHITE LEGHORN Breeding Cockerels. Wyckoff strain. $3 to $5 each. F. II. KRAUSS, Hai ku, Maui. tf. DIED lUOI'NTCASTLE At the Kula Sani tarium, December 12, 1915, William S. Mountcnslle, of Kahulul; for 15 years an employee of the Kahulul Railroad,, a native of Cleveland, O., age 38 years, married. Is survived by a wife and one son. Funeral held on Monday, December 13, from the Wailuku Union Church, under the auspices of Aloha Lodge, No. 3, K. of P., interment in the Wailuku cemetery. KAPl'LE In Honolulu, December 8, 1915, Mrs. Elizabeth ICapule, of I'u uhalo road, Kalihi-kai, a native of this city, eighteen years old. I'M At the Queen's Hospital, Hono lulu, December 8, 1915, Lum Man, of 15 North King street, married, la borer ,a native of China. MOKULEHUA In Honolulu, Decem ber 7, 1915, Miss Annie Mokulehua of Alapal lane, Palania, a native of Kona, Hawaii, twenty-six years old. FONG In Honolulu, December 7, 1915, Mrs. Fong Tom See (Ah Ting), of Mauna Kea, between Pauahi and Beretania streets, a native of China, forty-five years old. OMOTO In Honolulu, December 7, 1915, Seiyemon Omoto, of Waimea, Hawaii, married, laborer, a native of Japan .thirty-three years old. BROMWELL At the Department Hospital, Fort Shatter, Honolulu, December 9, 1915, Liet.-Col. Charles S. Broniwell, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A., married, a native of Kentuc ky, forty-six years old. KALAMA At Kalihi Receiving Hospi tal, Honolulu, December 10, 1915, Kahlkl Kalama, of Honolulu, single laborer, eighteen years old. CHIN In Honolulu, December 10, 1915, Chin Chong Ngin, of Liliha street, unmarried, poi factor, a na tive of China, forty-three years old. CUNHA In Honolulu, December 9, 1915, Miss Theresa Cunha, of Waia lae road, a native of the Island of St. Michaels, Azores, twenty years old. YOUNfi At the Leahi Home, Honolu lu, December 9, 1915, James W. Young, a native of the Island of Grand Manan, New Brunswick, Canada, divorced, carpenter, seventy-six years old. MOE At the Leahi Home, Honolulu, December 9, 1915, Pahu Moe, of Moanalua, this Island, widower, lab orer, a native of Honolulu, sixty two years old. CHEE In Honolulu, December 9, 1915, Chec Won Yer, of King, near Beretania street, widower, collector, a native of Korea, thirty-six years old. YIP At the Leahi Home, Honolulu, December 9, 1915, Yip Wong, of Pa lama, unmarried, laborer, a native of China, fifty years old. YEE At the Leahi Home, Honolulu, December 11, 1915, Yeo Kwang Chee, of Ewa, widower, laborer, a native of Korea, fifty-two years old. TOM In Honolulu, December 11, 1915, Miss Tom Kam Young, of Ku kui street, a native of this city, four teen years old. ARAKI In Honolulu, December 10, 1915, Suye Arakl, of Leilehua, this Island, divorced, laborer, a native of Japan, forty-four years old. NAMAUIT In Honolulu, December 9, 1915, William K. Namauu, of Ho nolulu, widower, real estate agent, a native of Kahaluu, Kona, Hawaii, fifty-three years old. FUGIMOTO In Honolulu, December 8, 1915, Mrs. Gen. Fugimoto. of King, near Sheridan street, a native of Yamaguchi-ken, Japan, eighteen years old. ZATO In Honolulu, December 7, 191$, Mrs. Kame Azato, of Waialifii, Oaho, a native of Japan, eighteen years old. ;AI'HI In Honolulu, December 13, 1915, Ching Hong, of 345 North Vineyard street, married, laborer, a native of China, forty-eight years old. SHINDARO At the Leahi Home, Honolulu, December 13, 1915, Y. Shindaro, of Haiku, Maui married, laborer, a native of Japan, fifty three years old. MAU in Honolulu, December 12, 1915, Mau Sen, of Hotel, near Ke kaulike street, widower, a native of China, sixty-five years old. UI KA At the Insane Ayshun, Hono lulu, December 12,1915, Ah Ka. of this city, widower, laborer, a native of China, seventy-six years old. 'ARIAS In Honolulu, December 11, 1915, Mrs. Mary Farias, of Miller street, widow, a native of Portugal, sixty-four years old. .EE At the Leahi Home, Honolulu, December 11, 1915, Yeo Kwang Chee, of Ewa, Oahu, widower, fifty two years old. VALLACE At the Leahi Home, Hon nolulu, December 10, 1915, Miss Josephine Wallace, of 1638 Gulick avenue, Kalihi, a native of this city, twenty-one years old. BEN TO In San Leandro. California, December 3, 1915, Mrs. Maiilda Dias Bento, wife of Frank P. Bento Jr., formerly of Hilo, Hawaii, a native of the Island of St. Michaels, thirty five years old. JAK1NS In New York City, De cember 2, 1915, Sydney H. V. Jakins, formerly of Papaikou and Waikau malo, Hawaii, and Honolulu, unmar ried, clerk, a native of New Zealand, twenty-five years old. DEES In Alameds, California, Nov ember 19, 1915, following an opera tion, Mrs. Mary Lowrey Dees (nee Threlsall). Was formerly a resi dent of Camp 1, Puunene, Maui. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the Ex aminer of Chauffeurs will examine any and all applications for Chauil'eurs' License, in compliance with Ordinance No. 31, at the Sheriff's Olliee, Wailu ku, Maui, from the 2(lth to the 24th day of December, 1915, between the hours of 9 A. M., and 4 P. M. P. J. GOODNESS, Examiner of Chauffeurs. It. MATSON NAVIGATION CO . 26S market Street, San Trancisco, Calihrnia. FREIGHT AND PASSENGER HEDUL NO. 4 1915 October November December Steamer VN0' Matsonia.... 23 Oct. 6 Lurline 89 Oct. 12 "Hyades 57 Oct. 14 Wilhelmina.. 75 Oct. 20 'Enterprise. .129 Oct. 23 Manoa 22 Oct. 26 Matsonia.... 24 Nov. 3 'Hilonian. . . 91 Nov. 4 Lurline 90 Nov. 9 Wilhelmina.. 76 Nov. 17 Enterprise. .130 Nov. 20 Manoa 23 Nov. 23 Hyades 58 Nov. 26 Matsonia.... 25 Dec. 1 Lurline 91 Dec. 7 Wilhelmina.. 77 Dec. 15 Hilonian.... 92 Dec. 16 Enterprise. .131 Dec. 18 Manoa 24 Dec. 21 Matsonia..., 26 Dec. 29 PUGBT OL,ND Arrive LeT. Hawaiian Islands ArrlT. Arrlrt Li . P. Nov. 17 Oct. 23 Nov. 13 29 Dec. 5 19 Dec. 25 Oct. 12 Oct. 19 Nov. 2 Oct. 26 Oct. 31 Nov. 2 Nov. 9 Not. 22 Nov. 16 Nov. 23 Nov. 28 Nov. 30 Dec. 14 Dec. 7 Dec. 14 Dec. 21 Jan. 3 Dec. 26 Dee. 28 Jan. 4 Oct. 20 Oct. 26 Nov. 10 Nov. 3 Nov. 6 Nov. 9 Nov. 17 Dec. 1 Nov. 23 Dec. 1 Dec. 4 Dec. 7 Dec. 22 Dec. 15 Dec. 21 Dec. 29 Jan. 12 Jan. 1 Jan. 4 Jan. 12 Oct. 26 Not. 2 Nov. 20 Not. 9 Not. 15 Not. 16 Not. 23 Dec. 9 Not. 30 Dec. 7 Dec. 13 Dec. 14 Jan. 1 Dec. 21 Dec. 28 Jan. 4 Jan. 20 Jan. 10 Jan. 11 Jan. 18 PORTS OF CALL. S. S. Matsonia.. . S. S. Wilhelmina S. S. Manoa S. S. Lurline S. S. Hilonian.... S. S. Hyades To Honolulu and Hilo. To Honolulu and Kahulul. To all Hawaiian Ports via Pugct Sound. S. S. Enterprise For Hilo Direct. S. S. Lurline Carries Livestock to Honolulu and Kahulul. Indicates that steamer carries gasoline and combustibles. SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. Beginning with the "Wilhelmina," No. 77, scheduled to leave San Francisco December 15th, and the S. S. "Hilonian," No. 92, scheduled to leave Seattle about December 25th, the ocean freight rate will be $4.00 per ton instead of $3.50 per ton between San Francisco and Island Ports and Seattle and Island Ports. Uirne OableJCahuiui Siailroad Go. Daily Passenger Train Schedule (Except Sunday) The following schedule went into effect June 4th, 1913. TOWAUDS WAILUKU 5 33 3 3 5 23 3 2 I 5 203 17 5 i 3 7 5 09 3 5 5 00,2 55 58,2 53 4 522 47 4 52 46 4 45 2 40 4 44;2 39 4 40 2 35 P M I M I 3o 8 27 8 17 A M 8 15 8 05 803 7 57 7 56 7 5 7 49 7 45 6 35 6 25 STATIONS A.. Wailuku.. L 8.4 5-5 3-4 1.4 o L.. ..A .. Kahului .. A .X L" Spreck- "A a" elSTille ,"l L.. ..A U&ia A;. .X, h" Kama- "A "kuapoko "k U. iA .. Pauwela .. A L t,.. Haiku ..A TOWARDS HAIKU o 3.3 6.9 9-8 ...9 13-9 '5-3 6 4o(8 50 1 30 6 50 9 00' 1 40 6 52 7 02 7 3 7 15 7 7 7 24 7 25 7 33 7 35 7 40 1 42 1 52 1 53 2 05 2 07 .2 14 2 15 23 2 25 2 3 3 35 3 45 3 47 3 57 3 58 4 10 4 12 4 19 4 20 4 28 4 3 4 35 10 5 38 5 48 PUUNENE DIVISION 1. All trains daily except Sundays. 2. A Special Train (Labor Train) will leave Wailuku dally, except Sunday., at 5:30 a. m., arriving at Kahului at 6:50 a. m., and connecting with the 6:00 a. m. train for Puunene. 3. BAGGAGE! ItATES: 150 pounds of personal baggage will be carried free of charge on each whole ticket, and 75 pounds on each half ticket, when baggage is in charge of and on the same train as the holder of the ticket For excess baggage 25 cents per 100 pounds or part thereof will be charged. For Ticket Fares and other information see Local Passenger Tariff I. C. C. No. 8, or Inquire at any of the Depots. ftTSiUutttnnuttntnt The Henry Waterhouse Trust Co., Ltd. BUYS AND 8ELL8 REAL ESTATE, 8TOCKS AND BONDS. WRITES FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. NEGOTIATES LOANS AND MORTGAGE8. SECURES INVESMENTS. A Llit of High Grade Securities Mailed on Application. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. HONOLULU, HAWAIL P. O. BOX 141 mntitMintttt TOWARDS PUUNENE TOWARDS KAHULUI 3 1 2 4 - s , - S c Z Z " " Z a. - , 7777 Mil" STATIONS Milts 7777 ' 2 506 00 .OL..Kahului..A 2. 56 22 3 15 3 006 10 2.5lA-1'uunene..L 06 123 05 ' 1 I 1 I I.