Newspaper Page Text
4 THE MAUI NEWS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1916. Great Northern Pacific Steamship Compuny THE PALACE OF THE PACIFIC 8. S. "GRIiAT NORTHERN" Honolulu-San Francisco. Leave 11 P. M. January 15. February 4. February 26. March 16. April 3. Arrive 11 A. M. January 20. February 9 March 2. March 21. April 8. FOUR AND A HALF DAY SERVICE. First Class $65.00 and up. Tourist $45.00 and $50.00 For rates, Information and literature, apply or write FRED. L. WALDRON, LIMITED, Agents, HONOLULU WA1LUKU-LAHAINA AUTO SERVICE Cars leave Market street, Wailuku, daily, about noon. Leave Lahaina 8:00 A. M. daily. .'. .'. Good Comfortable Cars Careful Drivers Uchida Auto Stand Phone 1172 Wailuku Allis Chalmers Mfg. Co. GENERATORS MOTORS DIRECT CURRENT 3 to 10 K. W. 125 Volt. DIRECT CURRENT 3 to 10 h. p. 125 Volt. ALTERNATING CURRENT to 10 h. p. 4 IN STOCK Honolulu Iron Works Co. HONOLULU (Continued From Page One.) NEW YOTiK, Fob. 16 Ships un dT Allies charter burned Fresh out- jreak of incendiarism on eonst de stroys steamer Dalton with 50,000 bags ot fiupnr Other ships lost. Cause of fire unknown. BERLIN, February 16 Three Brit ish attacks made to recover trenches In southeast Ypres failed. French also failed In recovery of ground at Tahure. Stormy weather hampered activities generally. Snow storm swept east front yesterday. HONOLULU. February 16 Distrl.-t Attorney Vaushnn says Filipinos may not become Aniericrn citizens. J. . Wilder Invents new tent for boy scouts. Invention will bring much publicity in Hawaii. WASHINGTON, February 16 Ad miral Grant says submarines are a first necessity for national defense, rolnts out to house committee need for large fleet to defend coast. Navy Department is against great speed. No encouragement given Congress man who talks of 25-knot divers. Grant recommends 183 submarines as minimum number. HONOLULU, Feb. 16 National guard wants regiment on each Island. Renewed recruiting to raise 12 more companies on Kauai and Maui. Means enlistment of an additional 500 men rractically oil companies now have greater strength than government re quires. Stalnback says Filipinos here may be citizens. Nothing in law, says attor ney general, to prevent their natural Ization. Treasurer McCarthy leaves soon for Washington to float new bond is sue. Will sell $1,750,000 of bonds. LONDON, Feb. 16 Allies will fight till victory ends bloody war. Slavs report capturing 9 forts which guarded outskirts of Ezerum, where Ottoman troops are isolated. French report in Champagne dis trict capture of advanced position. NEW YORK, Feb. 16 Bourbons flayed by Elihu Root in convention speech. Former senator denounces Mexican and Belgian policies as dis graceful. Accuses administration of condoning murder of Americans, and defilement of the Stars an Stripes. Says world's respect has been forfeit ed. "We have failed to carry out threats", says Root, "As result the word and faith of the United States Is full of mockery. HONOLULU, Feb. 15 Special dividends expected when congress acts. Stock exchange thinks enor mous surpluses of plantations likely to be distributed In part at early date Mills in fine shape, and reserve is not needed. e Telephone 1141 Wailuku, Maul, T. H. P. O. Box 13 WAILUKU HARDWARE CO. Successors to LEE HOP General Hardware, Enamelwars, Oil toves, Twines Mattlnfs, Wall Papers, Mattresses, Etc., Etc., Ets. COFFIN. MADE AT SHORT NOTICE. THE SENECA CAMERA is the Latest Achievement in Camera Manufacture Let us send you a catalog Prompt attention to mail orders. Hawaiian News Co., Ltd. Young Building, Honolulu. 8 tt- 1915 Indian Motocycles 15-H.P. BIG TWIN r 1 SINGLE SPEED, with Quick-Acting Indian w Starter $245 00 r t AS ABOVE, Fully Equipped with Magneto, " J 1 Generator, Accumulator, Electric Horn, Electric Head and Tail Lights $275 00 15-H.P. BIG TWIN Q Q TWO SPEEDS with Quick-Acting Indian Starter $'S5 00 C AS ABOVE, Fully Equipped with Magneto Generator, Accumulator, Electric Horn Electric Head and Tail Lights .'$315.00 15-H.P. BIG TWIN C 3 THREE SPEEDS, with Quick-Acting Indian w v Starter 295 00 r O AS ABOVE, Fully Equipped with 'Magneto, w O Generator, Accumulator, Electric Horn Electric Head and Tail Lights .'$325.00 Send for Catalogue. Also Sold on Installments E. O. HALL & SON, LTD. HONOLULU. WASHINGTON, Feb. 16 Five hundred lepers arc at large on main- and, according to medical authorities before the senate committee CHATHAM, Feb. 15 Three hundred survivors of the British light cruiser Arathusa arrived today. Sup posed 16 or 17 men in stoke-hold were killed. LONDON, Feb. 15 Dispatch f"om Scienza feay3 hostile aeroplanes bombarded Schio, killing 6 and wound ing many others. MEMPHIS, Feb. 15 Mississippi evees give way and Louisiana is in path of floods. Situation very serious. Two breaks in levee, 6 miles from Newelton. Two thousand people in Newelton and St. Josephs, fleeing by special trains sent to their aid. BUTTE, Feb. 15 Twenty-one per sons believed to have perished today In fire in the Pennsylvania mine, own ed by the Anaconda Copper Company. WASHINGTON, Feb. 15 Dry forces in congress carry important point. Consideration of constitutional amendment to be had this session. Severe earthquake shocks record ed here yesterday, lasted more' than an hour. Believed to have been 4500 miles away. The Kitchen bill provides for the unequivocal repeal of the free sugar section. HONOLULU, Feb. 15 Cable gram from Washington, confirming Judge Samuel Kemp.formerly or Tex as, as assistant district attorney, is is expected this afternoon. Three injured in smashup this morning on Kalawao Road, near Ewa. H. Rothberg unconscious. Mazie Crys tal is in the hospital. Portuguese bad ly cut. Great Northern is bringing 52J passengers on her next trip. LONDON, Feb. 15 King George voices Allies' resolve to fight war on to victory. Parliament is told Britons steadfast in this determination. PETROGRAD, Feb. 15 German attacks attacks near Riga are so fruitless that violent outbreaks In Teuton army are reported. PARIS, Feb. 15 French recap tured advance portion of position oc cupied by Germans February 13. French army denies Germans have made important advances on west front. PARIS, February 15 With use of hand granades, French stormed and recaptured part of trenches lost in Tahure. e Fleet of 13 French aeroplanes yesterday raided the Bulgarian town of Strumnitza. 158 bombs were drop- pod. to. Of r A ST REET S that is NEAT COMFORTABLE and LASTING HOE T1 Particularly adapted for high-school wear. Made of soft Vici Kid, Goodyear Welt Button Style, medium heavy, yet flexible sole. S3. 50 THE PAIR MANUFACTURERS' SHOE CO., Ltd. 1051 FORT STREET. HONOLULU. OUR NEW SERVICE WE HAVE ARRANGED A SCHEDULE OF BUSINESS HOURS THAT WILL ENABLE US TO BETTER SERVE "THE PUBLIC AT THE SAME TIME GIVING OUR EMPLOY EES MORE TIME FOR OUT-OF-DOOR EN JOYMENT. THE STORE WILL BE OPEN DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY 6:30 a. m. to 11:15 p. m. Sunday, 8 a. m. to 12 m. 5 p. m. to 8:30 p. m. MAUI PATRONS ARE INVITED TO CALL, LEAVE THEIR PACKAGES AND USE THE TELEPHONE. BENSON, SMITH & CO,, Ltd. THE REXAL STORE Fort and Hotel. MAUI STABLES J. C. FOSS. Jr., Prop. Trans?erin and Draying RING US UP AND WE WILL BE THERE. EVERYTHING r or The Eye and Ear The Wonderful Thing ABOUT THE kryptok! LENSES I 3; ' is that they combine the near and far sight portions of the jj glasses without a visible join- j! ing, having the appearance of i the regular single vision lens, ji It! COME OVER AND LET US MAKE YOU A PAIR By Authority ORDINANCE NO. 34. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING OR DINANCE NO. 27 OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS PASSED ON JUNE 15T1I, 1914, AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 32 PASSED ON NOVEMBER 13, 1915, BY AD DING THERETO SECTIONS 18 A, PROVIDING SPECIAL RATES FOR WATER FURNISHED FROM ANY OF THE WATERWORKS SYSTEMS MENTIONED IN SAID ORDINANCE TO CHURCHES AND SCHOOLS TAKING WATER THEREFROM. WALL & DOUGHERTY" upticai ueparimeru "VJT THE HOME OF THE Steinway and Starr PIANOS We have a large Inside PWiyer Pianos at fair prices and easy terms. We take old pianos In exchange. Thayer Piano Co., Ltd. HONOLULU, HAWAII. FULL SOLES "The REGAL way Be It Ordained by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Maul: 1. That Ordinance No. 27 of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Maul, as amended by Ordinance No. 32 of the Board of Supervisors, Is further amended by adding lh eto a new section to be numbered "18-A," reading as follows: "1S-A" "Provided, however, that com mencing with the 1st day of January 191G, that rates to be charged for water furnished from any of the water works systems covered by this ordin ance to any church, or schools taking water therefrom shall be as follows: "For water furnished and used for domestic and household purposes on ly one (lc) cent per thousand gallons for all water used, Irrespective of the amount so used. "For water furnished and used for purposes of Irrigation three (3c) cents per thousand gallons for all water used, Irrespective of the amount so used; and "Provided, further, that none of the provisions of said Ordinance No. 27, as amended by Ordinance No. 32, re lating to minimum charges, shall be held to apply to churches and schools coming under the provisions of this ordinance." 2. Any and all churches and schools desiring to avail themselves of the provisions of this ordinance shall make written application therefor to the Board of Supervisors of the Coun ty of Maui; such application shall set forth the facts with sufficient definlte- ness as to enable the Board of Super-. visors to determine whether or not such applicant is entitled to the pri vilege hereof. 3. This Ordinance shall become ef fective upon its publication for 1 week in a newspaper of general cir culation, published in the County of Maul and the posting of a true copy thereof upon a bulletin board In front of or near the rooms occupied by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Maul, at Wailuku, Maul, Territory of Hawaii. Approved this 12th day of January 1916, by the Board of supervisors for the County of Maul. S. E. KALAMA, Chairman and Executivo Officer of the Board of Supervisors of the . County of Maul, Ter ritory of Hawaii. Attest: ' "l W. F. KAAE, County Clerk, County of Maul. Attest: I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance upon consideration had and vote taken, was passed by the Board of Supervisors for and within tfie county of Maul, Territory of Hawaii, at its regular session held on the 12th day of January,1916, at its Board Room in Wailuku, County of Maui aforesaid. WM. FRED KAAE, County Clerk, County of Maul. This is one of our specialties. Remember we pay parcel-post charges on all repairs. Send ua your work. Regal Shoe Store Honolulu. AT LAST WE HAVE IT "On the Beach at Waikiki" NEW VICTOR HAWAIIAN RECORD Just say: "Send me Record No. 17880." Bergstrom Music Co., Ltd. HONOLULU. Box 576. LODGE MAUI, NO. 984, A. F. & A. M ttatea meetings will be held at Masonic Hall, Kahulul, on the first Saturday night of each month at 7:30 1'. M. Visiting brethren are cordially in vited to attend. C. C. CAMPBELL, R. W. M. T. D. COLLINS. Secretary. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE SECOND CIRCUIT, TERRITORY OF HAWAII. AT CHAMBERS. IN EQUITY. IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICA TION OF WILLIAM T. ROBINSON, TRUSTEE UNDER DEED OF TRUST OF JOHN FERREIRA, DECEASED, FOR LEAVE TO SELL CERTAIN REAL ESTATE. NOTICE OF HEARING WHEREAS on the 15th day ot February, 1916, William T. Robinson, Trustee under Deed of Trust of John Ferreira, deceased, did file in this Court an application for leave to sell certain real property therein describ ed belonging to said trust estate, and setting forth reasons why it would bo for the best interests of said estate that such real property be sold and the proceeds of such sale be invested la securities approved and accepted for investment of trust funds, and praying that a date be set for hearing upon said application, and that notice of hearing and the time thereof be giv en all persons in any wise interested: IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that Thursday, the 23d day of March, 1916, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. be and is set as the time for hearing upon said application, at which time, at the Court room of the Circuit Court at Ar.iluku, Maul. Te.-.tcry of Hawaii, all persons in any wise interested In said estate are notified to fppear and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of said petition should not be granted. Witness the Honorable W. S. EDINGS, Judge of the Circuit Court for the Second Circuit, Territory of Hawaii. V. C. SCIIOENBERG, Clerk. E. R. BEVTNS, Attorney for Petitioner. Feb 18, 25, Mch 3, 10 1916.