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Image provided by: University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Newspaper Page Text
4 THE MAUI NEWS, FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1916. -!! AT THE THEATEKS HAVE YOU CONSIDERED HOW EASY IT IS TO OBTAIN HAAS' CANDY THE FAMOUS SAN FRANCISCO CONFECTION? Our Mail Order Department can supply you with this de licious dainty, attractively packed, and nhsolutcly fresh from the Coast. A new shipment arrives every week on the Matson liners, and your order is filled the day it comes to us. HAAS' CANDY IS ONE OF THE MOST POPULAR BRANDS IN THE UNITED STATES, AND STANDS FOR THE VERY BEST IN CON FECTIONERY PRODUCTION. Order a Pox Today You'll V.njoy 1 1. In pound, Two-pound and Three-pound T.oxes 60 cents per pound BENSON, SMITH & CO., Ltd. "Service every second" Fort and Hotel Streets 1 lonohilu. Many Lives and Much Money Lost in the Flood Insure Your Life and De posit Your Money With THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WAILUKU. General Banking and Insurance Make a Chemical Fire Engine of Your Automobile, and Reduce Your Insurance Premium 15 Per Cent. J7 One Quart Tire extinguisher Will do it for $7.00 Shock Proof Carrying Bracket for Auto, 50c extra No recharging necessary until contents are used. I f contents arc partly used the amount used can he replaced from a 1 -quart can of Fyrcnc Liquid, which costs $1. Puts Out Any Fire, Including Gasoline Fires Sold by Maui Drygoods and Grocery Co., Ltd. Acetylene Light & Agency Co., Ltd. HONOLULU Distributors for Hawaii it Lieut. Bryan, U. S. N. stated before the Am. Soc. of Naval Engineers: "Oils made from the asphalt-base crudes have shown themselves to be much better adapted to motor cylinders, as far as their carbon-forming proclivi ties are concerned, than are paraf-fine-base Pennsylvania oils." Zerolene is scientifically refined from selected California crude asphalt-base. Highest competitive awards, San Francisco and San Diego Expositions. For sale by dealers everywhere and at service stations and agencies of the Standard Oil Company. WELLER & VASCONCELLOS AMUSEMENTS Coming Attractions For Next Week PurlnK the coming work Rome ex cellent proprnnia arc promised Rt th. theatres under this manncement. The new Beriiil "The lied Circle" Is proviiiR n drawing card and Is far n- head of any previous serial seen on Maui. During next week still another serial is to op,.n at the Orphcurn and Kahului Lyceum, milled "The Ciirl of Mystery." dur- Iiik the run of this picture the serial fans will he introduced to scenes In nil parts of the world. "The Girl Of Mystery" promises to rival "The Red 'irelc" for popularity. Friday, May 12th will ive the last episode of "The Diamond From The Sky"' thisv chapter is fllfed with Kenuino surprises. Including the ar rest of Ulair Stanley for the murnVr of Dr. Leo, the discovery of a docu ment which proves Stanley to he the real to the Stanley Earldom and stales, the advent, of a son and heir to Esther and Arthur, and the nro- laiming of Quauha king of the cypsy tribe. The following is a synopsis of the hie features to Dlav at the Ornlii 11111 nd Kahului Lyceum during the week: hdna ttoodrich, famed around the world for her beauty, and for her ability as an actress will star In Armstrong's Wife." "Armstrong's Wife" carries a good strong plot and introduces a number of scenes that are out of the ordinary, chief of which are the interior of a gambling hell that might be favorably conmar.d to jjick uanueitt s notorious place In New York city now nothing but a memory and a small insight into the activities of the Northwest mounted police. 'The Sins of the Mothers" is also a story of gambling. The heroine is a beautiful girl. She loves cards. She loves races. She loves roulett. She loves all games of chance. She loves them with a passion that is a mania. You know how the drug habit can grip a man, or the liquor habit. This girl inherits a similar craving a craving for gambling. lou see this girl returning from a convent where her mother sent her as a child. You see her about to nter society. She is loved by a strong man. Her future is before her. She is taupht to play cards. You se hw heritage assert Itself. You see it grip and hold her in its meshes. She can't resist it. How It lures hcrl First to the bridge tables of fashionable socie tythen to the races and finally to the notorious gambling hell formerly k(.pt by her mother! You see the inside) -of the gnmbllng hou,e tho gamesters. You see the raid by her husband who has become District At torney. He doesn't know she Is there. You see what happens. "A Woman's Resurrection," another Betty Nansen triumph in which this wonderful woman is supported by two eminent co-stars, William J. Kelly and Edward Jose. A triple alliance that combines, with the impressive power of Count Lco Tolstoi's drama, to render this photoplay truly magni ficent. As Katusha Maslova, first the pure young girl, then the fashionable demi mondaine, next a sordid drab of the prison-dock, Miss Nation's sublime art never attained more transcendent heights. William J. Kelly lends all his fine distinction and poise to the role ot 1hG Prinp0 betrays Katu sha; only in the end, by an act of splendid self-abnegation to effect her spiritual resurrection. Wonderful scenes in gay I.trograd and across drear Siberian wastes. DUSTIN FAItNUM. Always speci alizing in manly partjs, filled with robust action and calling for a tech nique peculiarly his own, Dustin Far nuni is today, and has been for a number of ycars, one of the most popular idols of stage or screen. In his latest contribution to the silent drama, "The Gentleman from In diana," he is cast in one of those parts that has madc him famous. As the youthful editor of the little Indiana newspaper, determined to drive cor ruption from the politics of his county, he undertakes an argument that calls for the ability of a super man. He makes a winning fight, but there are times when it would appear that his task was hopcless. During the trying times and when hope almost goes a-glimmering he is aided by his "heart's desire" and the love episodes which result from the relations at such times between the man and the girl are healthy and ro bust as is the balance of the story. Se another column for dates. Weller & Vasconcellos Attractions For Next Week WAILUKU ORPHEUM Saturday, May 13th "SINS OF THE MOTHERS" and "THE RED CIRCLE" No. n. KAHULUI LYCEUM Monday, May l.rth "WOMENS" RESURRECTION" Tuesday, May lfilh "ARMSTRONG'S WIFE" Wednesday, May 17th "LUCILLE LOVE" (The Girl of Mystery) No. 1. Thursday, May 18th "THE GENTLEMAN FROM INDIANA" Saturday, May 13th "ARMSTRONG'S WIFE" and "THE RED CIRCLE" No. 3. Monday, May 15th "SINS OF THE MOTHERS" Tuesday, May lfilh "WOMENS" RESURRECTION" Wednesday, May 171 h "THE GENTLEMAN FROM INDIANA" Thursday, May 18th "LUCILLE LOVE" (The Girl of Mystery) No. 1. A SUPEKEOll LINE of TOOLS for Every Trade LBWBRS & COOKE, Ltd. Lumber and Building Materials 169-177 South King Street LAHAINA STOR IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CHILDREN IN JAIL CAUSES INVESTIGATION Although the last legislature passed a law prohibiting the placing of child ren under 14 years of ago in jail, a sensation has been created by the dis covery that the police have boon viol ating this law consistently in Honolu lu. The t.xeuse is that there is no other place to put young delinquents. Governor Pinkham slates the $7,000 available for a detention home for boys will be spent if a suitable place can be secured. n . MURDERER GETS LIGHT SENTENCE Francisco Mollina, the Spanish I'or to Wean who shot nighlwatchman Pedro dead at Naalehu, Hawaii, in AuKUst 1915, and who fired five shots from a ritle at the captain of policy who tried to arrest him at that time, was allowed to plead guilty to a charge of murder in the first degree at tl Kailua Court on Tuesday last and was sentenced to serve not less than twenty years in jail. OAHU JAPANESE MAY BUILD CANNERY Because they claim they cannot secur,c a price for their product suf ficient to meet cost of production. Oahu Japanese pineapple growers are talking of building a co-operative can nery. The matter was urged by the Japanese consul several years ago but was allowed to drop. At present some of the Japanese newspapers are urg ing the Japanese to take the matter up again. 8- BOLD BURGLARY IN HILO One of the coolest burglaries evtr committed in Hilo was that of Satur day last when the Hilo Emporium was entered and robbed of over tfire hun dred dollars worth of goods. The burglar or burglars tried three ways to enter the store, and it was finally by means of the front door to the men's furnishing department that they attained their object. Th. fine plate glass panel of the door was broken and that enabled the robbers to open tho door by the usual way of turning Hi,, knob on the inside. Dr. S. E. LUCAS Optician Eyes examined and tested. GASOLINE AND DIST1LLATH IN DRUMS LAHAINA STORE Est. 1901. DYEING AND CLEANING WORKS FRENCH LAUNDRY J. Ahadle, Proprietor. 777 KING STREET, HONOLULU. T. H. HIGH CLASS WORK QUICK DELIVERY JOHN D. SOUZA Paia Agent M. UYENO Kahului Agent K..:..:.... TERRITORIAL AGENTS FOR ! JIWsCba1mers Co. SEND US YOUR INQUIRIES Honolulu Iron Works Co., LIMITED HONOLULU AND HILO MAUI STABLES J. C. FOSS, Jr., Prop. Transfering and Draying RING US UP AND WE WILL BE THERE. I Ml C HE LIN Red Inner Tubes J . Often Matched in Color j f t But Not in Quality! I Michelin Tubes are Red because certain in- It gredients necessary to their superior elasticity and 7;:; I I durability make them Red. I II Many inferior tube are limply dyed If I 1 red in imitation of Michelin't but t f ''' i I A the Miche,in '"B'edients are lacking, so these tubes Iff I 1j are no more durable than ordinary gray tubes. I :: ' J II A Buy MiehelinMTha Original Red Tube..And I I I VI A Get The Bett ' I Huy Them At j I ft KAHULUI STORE I . Kahului, Maui I the Standard Oil for Motor Cars Office: 1107 Alakea St., come of Hotel. Honolulu. J