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THE MAUI NEWS, FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1916. By Authority Notice Of Sale Of Real Property For Delinquent Taxes To SAMUEL TARKKR, JR., and TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I, J. II. KUNEWA, Assesor and Collector of Taxes in and for the Second Taxation Division of tlie Territory of Hawaii, hereby give notice that I will, in pursuance- of the provisions of Section 1292 of the Revised Laws of Hawaii of 1915, upon Saturday, the 26th day of August, A. D. 1916, at 12 o'clock Noon of said day, in front of the Wailuku Court House, Wailuku, County of Maui, Territory aforesaid, SELL ALL THE RIGHT, TITLE AND INTEREST OF SAID SAMUEL PARKER, JR., in and to the land described as Apana 11 of Royal Patent 6711, Land Commission Award 406 to Napcla, known the "Kuihelan." premises, and situate at Wailuku, County of Maui, aforesaid, and the improvements thereon, at public auction, to the high est bidder, for cash to satisfy the lien for taxes thereon, together with interest, penalties, and costs, as follows: Taxes Assessed Upon Said Property As Of: Date Tax Interest Costs Total January 1, 1914, $6.45 $1.25 $ .50 $S.20 January 1, 1915, 7.20 .60 .50 8.30 January 1, 1916, 6.65 .05 6.70 $23.20 $20.30 $1.90 $1.00 together with the costs ami expenses of this sale. SAMUEL PARKER, JR., the person assessed as the owner of said property and from whom the aforesaid taxes are due, and all other persons having any interest in the above described property, are hereby warned that unless the foregoing taxes, with all interest .pen alties, costs, (expenses, and charges are paid before the time herein speci fied for the sale thereof, the property herein advertised for sale will be sold as advertised. Dated at Wailuku, Maui, T. II., this 24th day of July, 1916. J. II. KUNEWA, Assessor and Collector of Taxes, Second Taxation Division of the Territory of Hawaii. July 28, Aug. 4, 11 18, 25,1916. Notice Of Sale Of Real Property For Delinquent Taxes To ERNEST N. PARKER and TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : I, J. H. KUNEWA, Assessor and Collector of Taxes in and for the Second Taxation Division of the Territory of Hawaii, hereby give notice that I will, in pursuance of the provisions of Section 1292 of the Revised Laws of Hawaii of 1915, upon Saturday, the' 26th day of August, A. D. 1916, at 12 o'clock Noon of said day, in front of the Wailuku Court House, Wailuku, County of Maui, Territory aforesaid, SELL ALL THE RIGHT, TITLE AND INTEREST OF SAID ERNEST N. PARKER, in and to the land described as Apana 11 'of Royal Patent 6711, Land Commission Award 406 to Napela, known as the "Kuihelani" premises, and situate at Wailuku, County of Maui, aforesaid, and the improvements thereon, at public auction, to the high est bidder, for cash to satisfy the lien for taxes thereon, together with interest, penalties, and costs, as follows : l axes Assessed Upon Said Property As Of : Date Tax Interest Costs January 1, 1914, $6.45 $1.25 $ .50 January 1, 1915, 7.20 .60 .50 January 1, 1916, 6.65 .05 Total' $8.20 8.30 6.70 $1.00 $23.20 $20.30 $1.90 together with the costs and expenses of this sale ERNEST N PARKER, the person assessed as the owner of said property and from whom the aforesaid taxes are due, and all other persons having any interest in the above described property, are hereby warned that unless the foregoing taxes, with all interest .pen alties, costs, expenses, and charges are paid before the time herein speci fied for the sale thereof, the property herein advertised for sale will be sold as advertised. Dated at Wailuku, Maui, T. II., this 24th day of July, 1916. J. H. KUNEWA, , Assessor and Collector of Taxes, Second Taxation Division of the Territory of Hawaii. July 28, Aug. 4, 11 18, 25, 1916. Notice Of Sale Of Real Property For Delinquent Taxes To JAMES K. PARKER and TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : I, J. H. KUNEWA, Assesor and Collector of Taxes in and for the Second Taxation Division of the Territory of Hawaii, hereby give notice that I will, in pursuance of the provisions of Section 1292 of the Revised Laws of Hawaii of 1915, upon Saturday, the 26th day of August, A. D. 1916, at 12 o'clock Noon of said day, in front of the Wailuku Court House, Wailuku, County of Maui, Territory aforesaid, SELL ALL THE RIGHT, TITLE AND INTEREST OF SAID JAMES K. PARKER, in and to the land described as Apana 11 of Royal Patent 6711, Land Commission Award 406 to Napela, known as the "Kuihelani," premises, and situate at Wailuku, County of Maui, .aforesaid, and the improvements thereon, at public auction, to the high est bidder, for cash to satisfy the lien for taxes thereon, together with interest, penalties, and costs, as follows: Taxes Assessed Upon Said Property As Of : . Date Tax Interest Costs v Total January 1, 1914, $6.45 $1.25 $ .50 $8.20 January 1, 1915, 7.20 .60 .50 8.30 January 1, 1916, 6.65 .05 6.70 $20.30 $1.90 $1.00 $23.20 together with the costs and expenses of this sale. JAMES K. PARKER, the person assessed as the ownn-r of said property and from whom the aforesaid taxes are due, and all other persons having any intert-st in the, above described property, are hereby warned that unless the foregoing taxes, with all interest .pen alties, costs, (expenses, and charges are paid before the time herein sieci iied for the sale thereof, the property herein advertised for sale will be sold as advertised. Dated at Wailuku, Maui, T. II., this 24th day of July, 1916. J. H. KUNEWA, Assessor and Collector of Taxes, Second Taxation Division of the Territory of Hawaii. July 28, Aug. 4, 11 18, 25, 1916. By Authority IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE SECOND CIRCUIT, TERRITORY OF HAWAII. AT CHAMBERS. IN THK MATTER OP THE ESTATE OK MAKY DUMAS, (widow), late of Wailuku, Maul, Deceased. PETITION of JENNIE DUMAS MAR SHALL FOR rROBATE OF WILL OF DECEASED, and the appointment of Rowland R Dodge as Administrator with-the-Wiil Annexed. IT IS ORDERED, that Thursday the 17th day of August, A. D. 1916, at 10 o'clock A. M., be and the same is hereby appointed for hearing said retltion, in the Court Room of this Court, in Wailuku. Maui Hawaii. Wailuku, Maui, July 6th, 1916. . . .BY THE COURT, V. C. SCHOENBERG, Clerk. D. H. CASE. Attorney ror Petitioner. uly 71 h. 14th, 21st, and 28th, 1916. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE SECOND CIRCUIT TERRITORY OF HAWAII AT CHAMHERS. IN THE MATTER OF THE EST ATE OF CEOROE EDWIN MINER, late of Wailuku, Maul, Deceased. Pet il ion of Charles S. Miner for Appointment of JOAQUIN GARCIA as Administrator. IT IS ORDERED that Thursday, the 17th day of August, A. D. 1916 at 10 o'clock A. M., be and the same is hereby appointed for hearing said Petition at. the Court. Room of this Court, In Wailuku, Maul, Hawaii. Wailuku, Maul, July 7th 1916. BY THE COURT, V. C. SCIIOENRERG Clerk! W. F. CROCKETT, Attorney for Petitioner. July 7th. 14th. 21st, and 28th 1916. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE SECOND CIRCUIT, TERRITORY OF HAWAII. AT CHAMBERS IN DIVORCE. M. S. Gomes, Libellant vs. Eliza Gomes, Libelee. LIBEL FOR DIVORCE To Eliza Gomes, Libelee. You are hereby notified that the above entitled suit the same being for a divorce from you on the grounds of desertion ,is now pending in. the above entitled Court and that the same will be heard and determined on Thursday, the 5th day of October, A. D. 1916 ,at 10 o"clock in the fore noon of said day or as soon there after as may be ordered, by the Judge of said Court, sitting at Chambers. Dated at Wailuku, Maui, T. H. July 20, 1916. V. C. SCHOENBERG, Clerk. ENOS VINCENT, Atty. of Libelant. July 21, 28, Aug. 4, 11, 18, 25 1916. NOTICE TO CANDIDATES FOR DEL EGATE, SENATOR, AND . REPRE. . .SENTATIVE. A primary election for the purpose of making nominations for a Dele gate to the House of Representatives of the United States and for Senators and Representatives of the Legislat ure of the Territory of Hawaii being required by law to be held on Oct ober 7, 1916, attention is called to Section 85 of the Organic Act and Sections 30, 33, and 35 of the Revised Laws of Hawaii. 1915, as well as other sections pertaining to elections. Section 30, R. L. 1915, reads in part as follows: "The name of no candidate shall be printed upon any official ballot to 1)0 used at any primary election un less a nomination paper shall have been filed in his behalf as provided in this chapter. 'Nomination papers for candidates for delegate to congress shall be signed by not less than twetny-five qualified electors of the Territory. "Nomination papers for candidates for either branch of the legislature shall be signed by not less than fif teen qualified electors of the district for which the person nominated is a candidate. Section 33, R. L. 1915, reads In part as follows: "Nomination papers shall be filed as follows: For delegate to congress and members of the legislature, with the secretary of the Territory, at least thirty days prior to the day for holding the primary." Nomination papers of candidates for delegate to congress, senator, or representative should be filed in the ollice of the undersigned not later than twelve o'clock midnight on September 7, 1916. Each nomination must be ac. conipanied by a fee of J10.00, as requir ed by law, in cash or postal money order payable to the undersigned. Blank forms of nomination papers may be had on application to the offi ces of the County Clerks of the sev eral counties. The twenty-five electors who sign nomination papers of candidates for delegate to congress and the fifteen electors who sign nomination papers of candidates for senator or repre sentative must be qualified to vote at this, not the last, election. All can didates for delegate to congress, sen ator or representative should there fore verify the names of the electors who sign their nomination papers by ascertaining from the County Clerks of the several counties whether at least the required number of such names on their nomination papers have been duly registered on the Great Register as electors duly quali fied to vote for them in their respect ive election districts at the election to be held on October 7, 1916. . WADE WARREN THAYER, Secretary of Hawaii. July 28, Aug. 4, 1916. By Authority IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE SECOND CIRCUIT, TERRITORY OF HAWAII. AT CHAMBERS Manuel Joao Farinho, Libelant, VB Julia Corren Farinho, Libelee. LIBEL FOR . DIVORCE To JULIA CORREA FARINHO, You are hereby notified that hereto fore, to-wit: on the 10th day of Decem ber 1915, Manuel Joao Farinho, as lib elant in the above cause, filed in the above entitled Court his libel for divorce against you as libelee ,and praying for a divorce from you on the ground of desertion. That said act ion is still pending in the above Court, and will be heard and determined by the Judge of said Court sitting at Chambers, in Wailuku. County of Maul, Territory of Hawaii, on Thurs day the 6th day of October, 1916, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day or as soon thereafter as may be heard. Dated at Wailuku, Maui. T. H. this 24th day of July, 1916. V. C. SCHOENBERG, Clerk of the Circuit Court, Second Circuit, Territory of Hawaii. 1). H. CASE, Attorney for Libelant. July 28, Aug. 4- 11- 18- 25. Sept. 1- SEALED TENDERS. Sealed tenders will be received at the office of the County Clerk, County of Maui, Territory of Hawaii, up to 10:00 A. M. Friday August 11th, 1916 for the construction of Concrete abut ments, wingwalls, and apron for OI- owalu Bridge, in accordance with plans and specifications ,now on file In the ollice of the County Engineer. A copy of the plans and specifications may be obtained from the County En. gineer on the deposit of J5.00. A certified check for 5 per cent of the amount of the tender must accom pany each bid. The Board of Supervisors reserves the right to reject any and all bids. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF SUP ERVISORS WITHIN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MAUI. WM. FRED KAAE, County Clerk, County of Maul. July 21, 28, Aug. 4, 1916. 111 Ml Newest. Coolest Hotel in Hawaii Fort Street. Honolulu K. MACHIDA Drug store ICE CREAM The Best in Town And a Up-To-Date Soda Fountain Give Ua a Trial MARKET STREET, : WAILUKU. Dr. S. Ochiai PHYSICIAN and OPHTHALMIC SURCJKON Eyes Examined For Spectacles. Wailuku : : Maui ALOHA LODGE NO. 3 KNIGHT8 OF PYTHIAS. Regular meetings will be held at the Knights of Pythias Hall, Wailu ku, on the second Saturday and fourth Friday of each month. All visiting members are cordially invited to attend. A. G. MARTINSEN. C. C. F. A. LUFKIN, K. R, & S. LODGE MAUI, NO. 984, A. F. & A. M. Stated meetings will be held at Masonic Hull, Kahului, on the first Saturday night of each month at 7:30 P. M. Visiting brethren are cordially In vited to attend. C. C. CAMPBELL, R. W. M. W. A. BOBBINS, Secretary. MERCHANT TAILOR T. KAWAKAMI 'rock, Full Dress, Tuxedo Suits and Coats of the latest stylet Made to Order Perfect Fit and Satisfaction Guaranteed. GIVE US A TRIAL. Vineyard Street, Wailuku MUTO ROR HIRE. Comfortable and stylish 1914 Cadillac 7-Seater. at your service. Rate reasonable. King up NUNES, Paia : : Tel. 205 MATSON NAVIGATION CO. 26$ market Street, San Trancisct, California. FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SCHEDULE N0.1 1916 April May June Steamer y- PUUBT Arriva VOLND Wllhelmina.. 81 Apr. 5 Hyades 61 Apr. 6 Enterprise 134 Apr. 8 Manoa 28 Apr. 11 Matsonla... 30 Apr. 19 Lurllne..... 96 Apr. 25 Hilonian.. 95 Apr. 27 Wllhelmina 82 May 3 Enterprise 135 May 6 Manoa 29 May 9 Matsonla... 31 May 17 Hyades... 62 May 18 Lurllne.... 97 May 23 Wllhelmina 83 May 31 Enterprise 136 June 3 Manoa 30 June 6 Hilonlan.. 96 Juno 8 Matsonla... 32 June 14 Lurllne.... 98 June 20 Wllhelmina 84 June 28 Hawallaa lalaada ArrlT ArriT Lv S. P, Apr. 11 Apr. 19 Apr. 25 Apr. 25 May 3 May 13 Apr. 16 Apr. 22 May 1 Apr. 18 Apr. 25 May 1 Apr. 25 May 3 May 9 May 2 May 9 May 16 May 15 May 24 June 1 May 9 May 17 May 23 May 14 May 20 May 29 May 16 May 23 May 30 May 23 May 31 Juno June 6 June 14 June 24 May 30 June 6 June 13 Juno 6 June 14 June 20 June 11 June 17 June 26 June 13 June 20 June 27 June 26 July 5 July 13 June 20 June 28 July 4 June 27 July 4 July 11 July 4 July 12 July 18 PORTS OF CALL. 3. S. Matsonla ) S. S. Wllhelmina To Honolulu and Hllo. 8. S. Vanoa ) S. S. Lurline ( To Honolulu and Kahului. S. S. Hilonlan i To all Hawaiian Porta via S. S. Hyades Puget Sound. S. S. Enterprise For Hllo Direct. S. S. Lurline Carries Livestock to Honolulu and Kahului. S. S. Enterprise Carries Livestock to Honolulu and Kahului. Indicates that steamer carries combustibles. SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. Uime Sable"3(ahului Slailroad Co. Daily Passenger Train Schedule (Except Sunday) The following schedule went into effect Juno 4th, 1913. TOWARDS WAILUKU M M 5 33 3 3 5 33 20 5 3 7 5 i3 t7 5 93 05 5 2 55 5s a 53 4 5 a 47 4 5ija 46 4 45; a 4o 4 44 39 4 40 a 35 ' 25 '5 8 42 8 30, 8 a7 8 17 8 IS ,o5 8 03 7 57 7 56 7 5" 7 49 7 45 6 35 6 J5 Miles '5-3 12. o; 8.4 5-5 34 .4 o STATIONS A..Wailuku..L L.. A ..Kahului A L L" Spreck- "A a" elsTille ."l I-.. ..A Paia A.. L h" llama- "A "kuapoko "j iZ Za .. l'auwela A.. ..L L.. Haiku ..A TOWARDS HAIKU MII11 o 3-3 6.9! 9-8 u.9 '3-9 5-3 6 40 6 50 6 52 7 02 7 t3 7 5 7 17 7 a4 7 5 7 33 7 35 7 4u 8 5" 9 00 1 3 1 40 1 4a 1 52 2 07 2 14 2 IV a 23 2 25 a 30 3 35 3 45 3 47 3 57 3 5 4 10 4 2 4 19 4 20 4 28 4 3 4 35 1 5 3 5 48 PUUNENE DIVISION TOWARDS PUUNENE TOWARDS KAHULUI SI 2 4 a s - s e M M Si M 2 5 " MM. .2 M 3 z z - - Z 0! -MAM MlllS STATIONS Mills I. ul.u 2 50 6 00 . 0L..Kahului..A 2.56 22(3 15 3 006 10 2.5U..ruuneue.tL 0 6 123 05 L . ' 1. All trains daily except Sundays. 2. A Special Train (Labor Train) will leare Wailuku daily, except Sundays, at 6:30 a. m., arrirlng- at Kahului at 5:50 a. m., and connecting vltk the 6:00 a. m. train for Puunene. 3. BAGGAGE RATES: 150 pounds of personal baggage will be carried free ot charge on each whole ticket, and 75 pounds on each half ticket, whea baggage Is in charge of and on the same train as the holder of the ticket For excess baggage 2a cents per 100 pounds or part thereof will be charged. For Ticket Fares and other information see Local Passenger Tarit L C. 0. No. (, or Inquire at any of the Depots. tttntrttuttrtrntttututf The Henry Waterhouse Trust Co., Ltd. BUYS AND 8ELL8 REAL ESTATE, 8TOCK8 AND BONDS. WRITES FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. v NEGOTIATES LOANS AND MORTGAGES. - SECURES INVESMENT8. A List of High Grade Securities Mailed on Application. t CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. HONOLULU, HaWAIL p. O. BOX til ttm