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THE MAUI NEWS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1916. SEVEN t i. I 1 1 I "I "Put Me Off At Kuhio Bay "Delegates Slogan (Continued from page 1.) kett, A. F. Costa, James C. Foss, George Dunn, M. J. Motya, J. Pat terson, F. B. Cameron, George P. Cooke and D. II. Case. The Maui convention songs are given below : SWEET MAUI Tune: "Sweet Marie." 1. There are secrets in the heart of our Maui, Which I fain would now inpart Friends to thee : Of her beauties I would tell But since I cannot do it well, I urge you all to come and see. Chorus Come and see, come and see Fair Maui; Fair Maui; Our Wondrous Valley Isle dear to me ; Of her beauties I would tell, But since I cannot do it well, I would urge you all to come and see. 2. There is famous old Iao . With verdure deep, I Mantling all the rugged sides ,v i Of mountains steep: I Refreshed by waters in their might, i Guarded by the Needles height; O, it is a grand old sight, Believe me! Chorus Come and see etc. 3. On the Island's other side By the sea; Where the water falls go tumbling Wild and free; Where the ditch-trail winds its way, Natures glories hold full sway, And her charms invitingly to you do say. Chorus Come and see etc. 4. Then Haleakala in majesty, With her cloud encapped brow waits for thee ; You'll find a rest house at the top, Where in comfort you may stop, While the splendors of the sun-rise you see. Chorus You've your Garden Isle, Kauai ; Oahu too ; Oahu too; And your great big Island of Hawaii ; But if you'd really like to see, Something greater than the three, Come to Maui, Maui, no ka oi. vThe cane tops wave in the cool and gentle breeze, while Flow'rs waft their fragrance far away, The young folks roll on the little cabin floor, All merry, all happy in play ; For ne'er hard times comes a knocking at the door In that dear old Valley Isle across the way. Chorus You'll need to seek no further For Paradise today, We will sing one song for our dear old Valley Isle. ' For that dear old Valley Isle across the way. 2. You can hunt your fill of the wild game, crab or toon (a) On mountain, in sea, or on shore ; You can sing your songs by the glimmer of the moon, Or hula by your little cabin door ; The days go by undisturbed by anxious care, Full of gladness, of hustle, and zest ; It makes no odds to anybody there If there ain't no birds in next years nest. Chorus Then you'll need to seek no further etc. 3. Knowest thou this land of the palm tree and the cane, 'Tis only just over the way ; Where we have liquid sunshine with just enough of rain, To make one long glorious summer day : In this fair land where 'tis June time all the while, There's naught here to cause any pain ; It's all the style here to wear the Roosevelt smile, When the money crop is good from sugar cane. Chorus When I die let me go to Maui, Best Isle in all the sea ; It's the only spot on this great big round old Earth, Oh, it's Maui, Maui for me. MY DEAR OLD VALLEY ISLE Tune: "Old Kentucky Home." 1. The sun shines bright on our dear old Valley Isle, 'Tis summer there every day ; MAUI'S OUT TONIGHT For there'll be big things a doing, Hotimes are brewing, Just look whose here tonight ; For we are all boosters, A live bunch of roosters, Maui is out tonight. Big things are doing, Hot times are brewing, Just look whose here tonight ; For we are all boosters, A live bunch of roosters, Maui is out tonight. Maui Men Defeat Crack Polo Team The Maul polo team carried off the honors In the fourth match of the inter-island series at Kapiolanl Park Sa turday afternoon, defeating their Kau ai opponents by a score ef 1014 to 414. It was a beautiful day, the field was In good condition, and the game was hard-fought to the very close of the eight periods. The victors won be cause of better team-work rather than through having better horses, or be cause of any superiority in the work of the Individual players, says last Sunday's Advertiser. cause of better horses, or because of any superiority In the work of the In' dividual players, says last Sunday's Advertser. The game was as good as any that has been played in many years. One would have to go far to see a better. There were no accidents or mishaps, and the play was an exhibition of clean, straight playing, hard hitting, and superb horsemanship from begin ning to end. The Kauai team used some of its best horses in each period, while the Maul r.en saved their best and fastest ponies tor the periods. Kauai lost be. cause they played the game as indivi duals, leaving holes in their line of offense and defense which their oppo nents were not slow to take advantage of. Jay Gould a Star By all odds the best skill was shown by Jay Gould, riding as No. 4 of the Kauais. Throughout the play his in terference was perfect, and it was noted that he was Just exactly In the spot where a defender was needed, whenever his mount could get him there. Gould's system of play was different from that of the Island men who de pended on powerful arm work and the speed of their horses more than on the short side-strokes by which he repeat edly worried the ball out of a hot skirmish. Unfortunately the Maui players were usually where, In the na ture of the strategy, the Kauai men ought to have been to have taken full advantage. Kauai very often overrode the ball and tailed their Maul opponents, hope lessly distanced, while Maul "fallow ed" the bail between the goal posts. Close 8cor At Half At the end of the first half the score Btood 4 H to 4 i in favor of Maul but in the fifth period Maul made two goals in two minutes and steadily piled up points to the end of the game. The teams and positions were: Kauai J. M. Spalding, No. 1; J. H. Mallna, No. 2; C. A. Rice, No. 3; Jay Gould, No. 4. Maul A. W. Collins, No. 1; H. W. Rice, No. 2; P. P. Baldwin. No. 3; D. L. Fleming, No. 4. The officials were: Referee, Lieut. L. A. Beard; time keepers, Lester Petrle, J. S. Walker; goal judges, Robert McCorriston, V. Lemon. House Candidates Are All Active Politics In the primary campaign have begun to hum during the past ten days. Candidates for nomination for the legislature' are making every effort possible for nomination, espec ially for nomination as Democratic and Republican candidates for elec tion to the house of representatives, There are fourteen candidates who desire their party's nomination for th lower house and as six are all that is to be elected the fight will be an Interesting and exciting one. Enos Vincent and C. K. Makekau, representative candidates, made visits to Molokai last week, where Vincent says he addressed five different meet ings and was given every assurance of election. John Brown Jr. and Sam Kaula paid the settlement island a visit the week before. Manuel Pascboal, "kelkl o Puunene" is another candidate for nomination as representative who bas been active during the past two weeks. In fact all the fourteen have been doing some campaigning, but there is no marked indication at present as to whoBe eff orts have been the most effective. No. 8101. Report of the Condition of THE LAHAINA NATIONAL BANK At Lahalna, in the Territory of Hawaii, at the close of business, September 12th, 1916. Resources. Loans and discounts (except those shown on b) Total loans Overdrafts, secured, $ ; unsecured, $341.01 U. S. bonds deposited to secure circulation (par value) . Total U. 8. bonds Bonds other than U. S. bonds pledged to secure postal savings deposits Bonds and securities pledged as collateral for State, or other deposits (postal excluded) or bills payable... Securities other than U. S. bonds (not including stocks) owned unpledged 38,275.86 Total bonds, securities, etc Equity in banking house Furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than banking house, bank site Net amount due from approved reserve agents in other reserve cities Net amount due from banks and bankers (other than Included in 10 or 11) .. Outside checks and other cagh Items Fractional currency, nickels, and cents Coin and certificates Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. Treasurer $106,306.05 6,25000 1,000.00 15,910.00 106,306.05 341.01 6,250.00 52.05 284.68 65,185.86 800.00 1.400.00 4,500.00 4,005.70 27,786.16 336.73 23,370.45 312.50 Total Liabilities. Capital stock paid in Surplus fund Undivided profits $1,673.89 Reserved for 1,673.89 Less current expenses, interest, and taxes paid 944.30 Circulating notes outstanding Individual deposits subject to check Certificates of deposit due In less than 30 days Certified checks Postal savings deposits State, county, or other municipal deposits secured by Item 4c of'Resources" Total demand deposits. Items 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 and 40 175,642.72 Time Certificates of deposit Total of time deposits, Items, 41, 42, and 43 11,072.15 230,594.46 $ 25,000.00 12,000.00 729.59 6,250.00 161.239.44 3,516.63 25.00 353.66 10,407.99 11,072.15 Total 230,594.46 Territory of Hawaii, County of Maui, ss: I, C. H. COOKE, President, of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. C. H. COOKE, President. Correct Attest: R. A. WADSWORTH, ) J. GARCIA, I Directors. W. L. DECOTO. ) Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd day of September, 1916. J. D. MARQUES, Notary Public. No. 8207. Report of the Condition of THE BALDWIN NATIONAL BANK OF KAHULUI At Kahului, in the Territory of Hawaii, at the close of business, on September 12th, 1916. Resources. $453,519.77 Loans and discounts (except those shown on b) . . . . Total loans Overdrafts, secured, $5,281.60; unsecured, $4,497.88. . . U. S. bonds deposited to secure circulation (par value) Premium on U. S. bonds Total U. S. bonds Bond and securities pledged as collateral for State, or other deposits (postal excluded) or bills payable 43,556.86 Securities other than U. S. bond (not Including stocks) owned unpledged Total bonds, securities, etc , Furniture and fixtures Net amount due from approved reserve agents In other 25.000.00 593.55 2,033.53 453,519.77 9,779.48 25,593.55 Net amount due from banks and bankers (other than Included in 10 or 11) Outside checks and other cash items Fractional currency, nickels, and cents Coin and certificates Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. Treasurer Total Liabilities. Capital stock paid in Surplus fund Undivided profits $2,209.90 Reserved for Less current expenses, interest, and taxes paid Circulating notes outstanding. Individual deposits subject to check Certificates of deposits due In less than 30 days Cashier's checks outstanding State.county, or other municipal deposits secured by Item 4c of "Resources" v Total demand deposits. Items 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, Certificates of deposit Total of time deposits, Items, 41, 42 and 43. 45.590.39 3,844.26 11,472.87 11,472.87 35,303.48 2,801.50 205.07 3,006.57 102,496.30 1.250.00 691,856.67 $ 60.000.00 60,000.00 i 2,209.90 2,209.90 25,000.00 521,272.52 670.00 185.08 32,213.17 554,240.77 10,406.00 10,406.00 691,856.67 Total Territory of Hawaii, County of Maul, ss: I, A. C. RATTRAY, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly Bwear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. A. C. RATTRAY, CaBhier. Correct Attest: H. A. BALDWIN ) WM. WALSH, t Directors. W. S. N1COLL ) Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st day of September, 1916. E. R. BEVINS, Notary Public. Kahului and Puunene Stores Will Be Closed For Stocktaking On Monday, September 25th and Tuesday, September 26th. One Sunday Duck Costs $50 Monday Shooting one duck on Sunday cost James Matsumura $50.00 on Monday. Matsumura olalmed that he had just returned from Japan and did not know the season for duck shooting was not open. When be discovered from 400 to 600 ducks at Kanaha Point on the other side of Kahului the tem ptation to have duck for dinner was to great, he told Judge McKay, after he had been arrested for killing game out of season. The minimum sent ence provided by the law is $50 fine, which was imposed by the magistrate. Matsumura paid the fine. Notice The Board of registration will sit at the County Clerk's otllce on the 5th day of October and the 7th day of Oct ober between 9 A. M. and 4 P. M. to make such corrections as may be necessary in the Great Register. George Weight. to4 YOU CAN TRUST the Regal Shoe BECAUSE THE QUAL ITY OF LEATHER AND WORKMANSHIP WHICH MAKES THEM IS : THE : MAXIMUM THAT CAN BE PUT IN. AND YOU CAN TRUST US TO GIVE YOU A PERFECT FIT. MAIL ORDERS GIVEN SPEC IAL ATTENTION. REGAL SHOE STORE HONOLULU IMMWMMMMMMmtUiKt THE HOME OF THE Steinwoy d Starr PIANOS We have a large ator.k of Inside Player Pianos at fair prices and easy tsrms.. We take old pianos In exchange. Thayer Piano Co., Ltd. HONOLULU, HAWAII. mmmtamtmtmtmttmmmtmntMm! Harry K. Bailey HOUSE PAINTING and PAPER HANGING also FURNITURE RGPAIRING Re-Varnishing and Polishing. Inquire at Wailuku Hardware Co. WAILUKU-LAHAINA AUTO SERVICE Cars leave Market street, Wailuku, daily, about noon. Leave Lahaina, 8:00 A. M. daily. Good Comforable Cars Careful Drivers Uchida Auto Stand Phone 1772 Wailuku WHEN IN WAILUKU VISIT H. OKAMURA'S Ice Cream Parlor on Market Street. Cold Lunch Served at all Hours. Orders for les Cream Promptly At tended to. Stafford's COMMERCIAL and DRAWING INKS and OFFICE SUPPLIES If you have ever had the trouble and nuisance of having Ink spilled over the desk when try ing to fill the ink well out of an old fashioned large bottle you will welcome the new Dripless Pour Regulator Bottles in which the Stafford line of commerce Inks are now being packed. Commercial and Drawing inks of all colors, paste, mucilage, etc. HAWAIIAN NEWS CO., LTD. HONOLULU