Newspaper Page Text
THE MAUI NEWS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1917. v THREE iose Who Travel ' -a Departed y str. Mlkahala, Feb. 17 Mr. and . Charlrs Gay, Rowland Gay, J. P. ioIip, A. Akana, Mrs. F. Manuel, cCorriston, Mrs. S. Dunbar and 'rs. G. Dunbar, Mrs. A. Foaha, .mt, Mrs. Chong Tung and in iss E. Crane. Mauna Kea, Feb. S W. J. ster Payne, Miss Irene F. Proctor, J. S. Hargie, Hall. E. N. Frost, Young A. Kagoshijna, N. G. Pascho Lyons, Jr., Yeek Min, E. Ta- iN. K. Mafuji, R. Sasaki, Y. Na- ma. T. Sumlda, T. San Tokl, A. antos, M. F. Santos, J. Horlta, G. l, V. J. Grauss, Frank Howes, 1 Mrs. F. W. Forbes, Mr. and mlth, Mr. and Mrs. E. Wai liss 'Waiaholo, Miss Generio, oong and child, J. K. Tall, C. kekau. Miss H. Panianl. Master , arp, Manuel De Mello, Mrs. De o. Mrs. Averla. Mis9 Rose Coelho, aynma, David Koa, David John, .Kenli', Kishinarnl, Mr. and Mrs. "VU Chong, three children and serv er str. Mauna Kea, Feb. 19 Judge Coke, W. H. Donnelly, S. Saito, T. Kitayama, Master H. Kato, i. Napata, J. Do Rego, W. G. E. C. Bartheld, R. C. Dowine, iteming. a -m Entered Of Records , a a PUBLIC NOTICE From and after date the Examiner ' Chauffeurs will be at his office in he County Building for examining applicants for Chauffeurs Certificates Jind Issuing application blanks for Mrivers and automobiles in the rent 'service, on Mondays only, between the hours of 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. P. J. GOODNESS, Examiner of Chauffeurs for the Coun ty Maul. , (8t. Jan. 26.) SEALED TENDERS I Sealed tenders will be received at the office of the County Clerk, Waif luku. County of Maui, up to 2:00 P. M. Friday, March 9th, 1917, for the instruction of a three bed-room icier's cottage on the government 'die school lot at Hamakuapoko, il, T. H.( according to plans and 'fictions now on file in the of jf the County Engineer. rj. bids must be accompanied by a IJled check to the amount of five fent of the tender, ""lans and specifications may be ob- ed from the County Engineer upon posit of J5.00. je Board of Supervisors reserves right to reject any or all bids. WM. FRED KAAE, jly Clerk, County of Maul, Territory of Hawaii. 23, Mch. 2) BE PATRIOTIC Qton's Birthday Dance, Satur enlng, February 24th, at the 'Gymnasium. Admission to Gentlemen, $1.00. Deeds KALUA PAANIANI to ten Wal, R P 1658 Kul 33313 Kapahumanamana, Lahaina, Maul, Feb 13, 1917. $1980. JOAQUIN G DE MEDEIROS & VF to Y Yamamoto, Lot 16 of Patent 3882 and Ap 3 R P 6532 Kul 2383, Wai koa, Kula, Maul, Feb 3, 1917. $2200. N VIEIRA to Antone Furtado & wf, 2 pc land, Owa, Wailuku, Maui, Feb 16, 1917. $4000. T. R. LYONS to Young Goon, por Kl. 420, owa, (Wailuku, Maui,) Feb. 8, C. D. LUFKIN Tr. to G. Masuda, R P aoii ana por K P 1175, Lahaina, Maui, Jan. 31, 1917. $1. LYLE A. DICKEY to J. H. Kunewa Tr 1-3 int in R P 6069 Kul 11171, Pau kuknlo, Wailuku, Maui, Feb. 9,'l917. $200. V. O. AIKEN & WF to Innocence S. Crayloa et al. Lots 33, Kaonoulu Lots, Kula Maul, Feb. 3, 1917. $400. MASAICHI TANAKA & WF to M. A. Tavares, 1 14 100 A land, Hamakua poko, Makawao, Maui $1. Jan. 27, 1917. TOM KAILEWA & WF to M. A. Ta vares 1 14-100 A land, Hamakua poko, Makawao, Maui, Jan. 27, 1917. $1. T. D. LYON to Kaahanui, Carrillo, 9900 sq. it. Kul 8515, North St. Wai luku, Maui, Feb. 7, 1917. $1200. KAAHANUI CARRILLO & HSD. et al to T. B. Lyons, 4 pes land, Waiehu, Maui, Feb. 7 1917. $1200 T. B. LYONS to B. Hotta, 65-1000 A or Kul 420, Vineyard Street Extn. Wailuku, Maui. Feb. 10. 1917. $500. H. S. PAHUPU & WF to Mrs. W. C. Meyer, R P 3642 Kul 3751, Manawai, Molokai, Dec. 13, 1916. $300. KOBUTO BUICHI & WF to Myamoto iiitaro, Z pes land, Waiakoa, Kula Maui, Jan. 31. 1917. $1. JULIA A. LOTA & HSB. to H. E. Pa- lakiko, R P 2970, Palemo, Hana, Maul, Jan. 29, 1917. $100. Release M. G. TAVARES to A. F. Tavares, 7 pes land, Kamaole, Kula, Maui, Jan. 2, 1917. $10,000. MANOEL CARREIRO to Kiichiro Ni- Bhimura, pc land, bldgs. etc, Pau wela, Hamakualoa, Maui, $500. Agreements SCHUMAN CARRIAGE CO., LTD., to Chong Kee to sell for $1700 automo bile, Maui Jan. 2, 1916. $850. SCHUMAN CARRIAGE CO., LTD., to K. Nishimura, to sell for $825, auto mobile, Maui, Dec. 16, 1916. $250. SCHUMAN CARRIAGE CO., LTD., to Jose Dlas to sell for $800, automobile Maui, Dec. 13, 1916. $200. SCHUMAN CARRIAGE CO., LTD., to F. Koda, to sell for $1396.10 auto mobile, Maui, Jan. 17, 1917. $465. SCHUMAN CARRIAGE CO., LTD., to Edward J. Smythe, to sell for 839.43 automobile, Maui, Jan. 20, 1917. $300. Leases J. B. FLFIJA to Uradomo Yensht, Lot 6 Kaonoulu Lots, Kaonoulu, Maui, Jan. 20, 1917. 15 yrs. $90 per an. Mortgages ANTONE D FURTADO & WF C D Lufkin Tr. 2 pc land, Owa, Wailuku, Maui, Feb 15, 1917. $12,000. YOUR FAVORITE MAGAZINE SFECIAL CLUB RATES Orders Given Prompt and Careful Attention ISA LINDSAY, Haiku MAUI JAPANESE CLOTHS CLEAN ING ASSOCIATION. Price List. Clean'ng Cpnt only $ .40 rants only 25 " . Vest only 15 White Coat 45 White Tants 30 Overcoats $ .65 to 1.25 " Skirts from 25c up " Dress from 50c up Dyeing Coat only 1.25 Dyeing Pants only 1.00 Cleaning Panama Hats 80 Cleaning Felt Hats 50 AUTO FOR HIRE. Comfortable and stylish 1914 Cadillac 7-Seater. at your service. Rates reasonable. Ring up NUNES, Paia : : Tel. 205 Show-Down Teacher "What lessons do we learn from the attack on the Dardanelles?" Prize Scholar "That a strait beats three kings, dad says." Judge. 118 HMsMI Newest.Coolest Motel in Hawaii Fort Street. Honolulu I. Watanabe Market Street Next to Machida Drug Store We have Just installed a Progressive Electric Shoe Repairing Machine and are prepared to turn out anything in the shoe repairing line. We also re pair and replace auto tops. GOOD WORK REASONABLE PRICES Pictures DEVELOPED PRINTED ENLARGED Films, cameras, supplies of all kinds. Your mail order will re ceive prompt, individual atten tion and utmost care. Honolulu Photo Supply Company "Everything Photographic" Fort Street HONOLULU Regal Shoes A name to identify good shoes serves as a guarantee that they are such. We are extremely careful to pick the best. We are perfectly willing to stand back of our white Oxfords and Sport Shoes In Buckskin and canvas our White Lace boots in Buck- and Relgnskin. MAIL ORDERS A SPECIALTY. REGAL SHOE STORE HONOLULU ALOHA LODGE NO. 3 KNIGHT8 OF PYTHIAS. Regular meetings will be held at the Knights of Pythias Hall, Wailu ku, on the second Saturday and fourth Friday of each month. All visiting members are cordially iuvited to attend. A. C. RATTRAY. C. C. H. J. PRATT. K. R. & S. LODGE MAUI, NO. 884, A. F. A A. M. Stated meetings will be held at Masonic Hall, Kahulul, on the first Saturday night of each month at 7:30 P. M. Visiting brethren are cordially In vited to attend. - H. K. DUNCAN, R. W. M. W. A. ROBBINS, Secretary. K. MACHIDA B6 store ICE CREAM The Best In Town And a Up-To-Date Soda Fountain Glva Ua a Trial MARKET STREET, : WAILUKU. iiltMt)CMnttK!m:iti THE HOME OF THE I Stcinway nd Starr ! PIANOS We have a large stock of Inside Player Pianos at fair prices and easy terms. We take old planoe In exchange. Thayer Piano Co., Ltd HUnULiULiU, HAWAII. fl utmnn:tmm:u:t:m:mmmttmtmauu tM gggg 555? SSSSHSSSSS L J n , Gudahy's ' Brand CANNED MEAT ARE THE BEST Ml I T AM ALE Particularly Tempting ALL GOOD MARKETS AND GROCERIES SELL THEM 1 1,1 . Hawaii Meat Co., Ltd, Honolulu, T. . raSTMBUTOKS r "VHsttvflsrisHVEBisyMBi Does Your Car Cough and Grumble on the Grades? The cylinders require cleaning. Overcome 80 of such troubles by simply pouring Into each cylinder an ounce of JOHNSON'S CARBON REMOVER Five minutes' time and no labor required. Inexpensive efficient. Has no action on any metal. Lewers & Cooke, Ltd. LUMBER & BUILDING MATERIALS King St. Honolulu m K i Fastidious Men, and Women of GOOD TASTE who appreciate spotless linen and lingerie, send soiled garments to us because they have learned that our cleansing Is always thorough and careful. , FRENCH LAUNDRY J. ABADIE, Prop. ' Jno. D. Souza, Pala Agent . M. Uyeno, Kahulul Agent Jack Linton, Wailuku Agent 1917 Indian MotorcyclesHonolulu' Prices Modal TYPE N. Powerplus twin cylinder, cradle spring frame, 3 speed model. Develops 15 to 18 horsepower on dynamometer test TYPE NE. Powerplus twin cylinder," cradle spring frame, 3 speed model, with complete electrica equipment including amme ter. Develops 15 to 18 horse power on dynamometer test. TYPE S. Improved side car with adjust able axle. TYPE T. Standard delivery van with ad justable axle, body dimem justable axle, body dimen sions 40" long, 21" wide, 21" high, metal cover with latch. Cash Installments $295.00 $305.00 $335.00 $345.00 $100.00 $110.00 $100.00 $110.00 Tirms $130.00 cash and seven monthly payments of $25.00 each. $149.00 cash and monthly pay ments of $25. 00 each. $50.00 cash and six monthly payments o f $10.00 each. $50.00 cash and six monthly payments o f $10.00 each. E. O. HALL & SON, LIMITED DISTRIBUTORS FOR THE TERRITORY OF HAWAII. The First National Bank " of Wailuku HONOLULU IRON WORKS COMPANY Agents Eor Allis-Chalmers i )