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TWO THE MAUI NEWS FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 1917. The Legislature THIRTEENTH DAY IN HOUSE Bills Introduced H. B. 199 Relating to circuit court expenses Andrews. H. B. 200 Relating to expenses and salaries of circuit courts Andrews. II. B. 201 Granting to board of health power to subpoena and examine witnesses under oath Andrews. II. B. 202 To prohibit malicious In jury to, orunlawful removal of books and other articles in libraries, galleries, museums or exhibits, and -unlawful detention of books and so forth from libraries Andrews. II. B. 203 Making appropriation of $711.05 for relief of E. II. F. Wolter Andrews. H. B. 201 To prohibit the peddling of fish In the district of Honolulu Andrews. II. B. 205 Deleting misdemeanor 1,v rharcp of Tiersons found In barricaded places where gambling is conducted. ja. ity repealing b,.-c-uuu tin, n. a-i, Waii Andrews. II. I). 200 Permitting policemen and other officers of Justice to arrest without warrant and detain for exam ination persons under suspicion of committing a crime or intending to do 80 Andrews. H. B. 207 To regulate the appear ance of defendants on charge of mis demeanor before either district or cir cuit courts Andrews, II. B. 208 Relating to signing and certifying to judgements of district magistrates and other process in dis trict courts Andrews. H. B. 209 To amend law providing for parole of prisoners Andrews. H. B. 210 Appropriating $24.65 for the relief of the Maui Publishing Com pany Walsh. H. B. 211 To create a revolving fund to provide for advanced educa tion Lyman. H. B. 212 Declaring tract of land, Waiakea, Hilo, public park and play ground Lyman. II. B 213 Providing site for Waia kea fire station, Hilo Lyman. H. B. 214 Providing site for county building. Hilo Lyman. H. B. 215 Providing lor puDiic pars, -nrolalron ITiln T.vman. H. B. 216 Relating to the Molokal Settlement and Hospitals KeieKono. H. B 217 Prohibiting use of gov ernment vehicles by employes v for private purposes Keltkolio. H. B. 218 Prohibiting collection of wages by employer from laborers for personal taxes Kelekolio. H. B. 219 Providing for exemption of homesteads from sale on execuuuu issutd for collection of any debt Ke lekolio. H. B. 220 Fixing minimum of labor ers' wages on public works, County of Hawaii Kelekolio. ',. H. B. 221 Appropriating $12,000 for homestead roads Kaapoko and La upahoehoe, Hawaii Kelekolio. H B. 222 Appropriating $10,000 for extension of Kihalanl homestead road, Hawaii Kelekolio. H. B. 223 Relating to salaries of district magistrates and certain clerks Ahuna. H. B. 224 Relating to salaries of deputy sheriffs, Oahu Ahuna. H. B. 225 Relating to public utilit ies commission Petrle, Resolutions Introduced H. R. 42 Requesting harbor board to inform house why German refugee ships have not been removed from wharves Kelekolio. H. R. 43 Fixing schedule of charges for stenographic and typewrit ing work of house Tavares. Bills Passed Third RUdlng H. B. 36 Transferring appointment of district magistrates from Governor to supreme court Tavares. H. B. 65 Relating to release by guardian of insane married person of ward's courtesy in realty Andrews. H. B. 105 Relating to filing wills In respective circu't courts Andrews. H. B. 138 Relating to attachments Andrews. Bills Tabled H. B. 72 Regulating rate of inter est due or to become due by persons acquiring or who have acquired home steads Kelekolio. H. B. 87 To regulate rate of Inter est on homesteads, making it five per cent Tavares. H. B. 114 Prohibiting married wo men from being employed as teachers in public schools whose husbands earn salaries of $125 or more a month Brown. H. B. 117 To prevent and suppress contagious diseases by authorizing board of health to appoint district nurses Lyman. H. B. 139 Relating to the age of majority Marquez. H. B. 168 (substitute for Leal's H. B. 21) Relating to licensing of places of amusement Health, Police and Mi litary Committee. Indefinitely post poned on vote of 6 ayes and 23 noes. FORTEENTH DAY IN HOUSE Bills Introduced H. B. 226 Relating to workmen's compensation Walsh. H. B. 227 Prohibiting married wo men from being employed in any ter ritorial, municipal or county depart ment whose husbands earn salaries of $100 per month Brown. H. B. 228 Appropriating $35,000 for Puna, Hawaii, homestead roads Leal. H. B. 229 To provide a city magis trate for the City and County of Honolulu Andrews. H. B. 230 Creating the Lolo Welo ka Park, Ewa, Oahu Fernandez. H. B. 231 Appropriating $80,000 for macadamizing portion of belt road. Maul Tavares. H. B. 232 Providing grounds and site' for N. G. H. armory, Waiakea, Hilo Lyman. H. B. 2,33 To establish a retirement fund for pensioning retired police of ficers of the counties and city and county and to regulate the collection. management and disbursement there-1 of. Bills Passed Third Reading H. B. 2 Raising wages of public works laborers to two dollars a day Walaholo. H. B. 99 Deleting Governor's pow er to fill vacancies In board of super visors Paschoal. H. B. 116 Relating to county elec tion proclamations Lyman. II, B. 122 Relating to appointment of pharmacy board Lyman. H. B. 148 To prohibit polluting of springs, streams and rivers Lyman. H. B. 161 Relative to duties of deputy sheriffs Walsh. II. B. 162 Relating to pensions for teachers Walsh. Bills Deferred to March 12 H. B. 143 Relating to regulations made by board of health Kelekolio. Bills Tabled II. B. 127 Relating t,o fishing with ! n t : i n . , ' onH'' rPr nt A. ot 1'IUVIUUIK HUULIIUI1HI 1 .1 ! ,1 ,1 1 1 1 1 I iiiiuuums Hnu equipment ior lerruory Marketing Division Wilder. FORTEENTH DAY IN SENATE Bills Introduced In Senate H. B. 2 Raising wages of public laborers to $2 a day Walaholo. II. B. 99 Pertaining to vacancies In county olllces Paschoal. II. B. 116 Relating to county elec tion proclamations Lyman. II. B. 122 Relating to appointment of pharmacy board Lyman. H. B. 148 To prohibit polluting of sprjigs, streams and rivers Lyman H B. 161 Relative to duties of deputy sheriffs Walsh. H. B. 162 Relating to pensions for teachers Walsh. Passed Third Reading S. B. 8 For electric light and power plant, Kapaa, Kauai (Coney), passed as amended by judiciary committee, mak'ng franchise indeterminate. S. B. 44 To regulate legislative ap pearances (Desha), passed with See tions 6 and 9 eliminated on motion of Castle. Tabled S. B. 41 Regulating the business of plumbing Cooke. H. B. 73 To prohibit the stopping of public works on Saturdays Joseph. Concurrent Resolution S, C. R. 8 Asking congress to pass Delegate Kuhio s bill for the election of the Governor and the Secretary of the Territory of Hawaii Shingle. TWELFTH DAY IN SENATE Bills Introduced S. B. 54 To appropriate $6000 for the construction of a road from Hana kaape landing to Poipu, Koloa, Kauai Mikaele. Passed Third Reading H. B. 7 Relating to weights and measures. Amending Sections 2206 and 2211 -of the Revised Laws of Ha waii, 1915, and amending chapter 126, Revised Laws, by adding a new sec tion to be designated as Section 2212- A Silva. H. B. 20 To prohibit the scattering, throwing, dropping or depositing of deadly poison, poisoned meat or poi soned food of any kind on any high way, street, road, alley, lane or yard, Inclosure, pasture or field Leal. , Tabled S. B. 15 Compelling divorced per sons to wait six months before they can marry again Pacheco. S. B. 19 To disqualify county offi cers or' employes from being elected to the legislature Desha. S. B. 20 To disqualify members of the legislature from holding office and being employed by the several county governments: Desha. Resolutions To appropriate for printed laws in Hawaiian language for benefit of men holding office who do not speak or write or understand the English lang uage Mikaele. Relative to the death of Hon. Cecil Brown Shingle. Adopted. TWELFTH DAY IN HOUSE Bills Introduced H. B. 184 Relating to coroner's in quests Silva. H. B. 185 Relating to gambling Silva. H. B. 186 Relating to gambling Silva. H. B. 187 Appropriating $200,000 for wharf, Lahaina Walaholo. H. B. 188; To create a trade or vo cational school at Lahainaluna Brown. H. B, 189 Appropriating $35,000 for courthouse, Lahaina Brown. H. B. 190 Providing for weekly pay ment of laborers employed by counties Joseph. H. B 191 Appropriating $10,000 for wharf, liana, Maui Joseph. H. B. 192 Relating to divorce Kelekolio. H. B. 193 Reconstruction of road from Honokaa to KuHulhaele, Kama kua Kelekolio. H. B. 194 Reconstruction of road from Kalapana to Kapaahu, Puna Kelekolio. H. B. 195 Increasing Queen Liliuo- kalanl's pension from $1250 to $1500 a month Ahuna. H. B. 197 Relating to the deletion of all non-collectable delinquent taxes from the books of the tax assessor Kalana. H. B. 196 Making appropriation for buying, laying and complete installa tion qf water pipes, Lualualel, Oahu Mossman. H. B. 198 Making appropriation for benefit of Capt. John C. Lorenzen Wilder. H. R. 38 Directing land commission to issue patents for land to Napaepae and Kealakaa Walaholo. H. R. 39 Relating to furnishing of meals to Filipinos and others connect ed with National Guard of Hawaii Marquez H. R. 40 Relating to awards in Lord-Young Engineering Company's Kewalo reclamation contract Jarrett. H. R. 41 Adjourning house out of respect to memory fer former Senator Cecil Brown Miles. H. J. R. 3 Requesting congress to order commissioner of education to un dertake federal survey of schools in Hawaii uooke. H. J. R. 4 Directing government de- partmcnt heads to Increase salaries of all employes Ahuna. Bills Passed Third Reading H. B. 88 Appropriating $1500 for Immediate purchase of law books for Hilo circuit court library Lyman. II. B. 129 To pay Thomas Benja min Lyons $590 for use and occupa tlon of his land by Royal School, Ho nolulu lirown. H. B. 145 Providing for the support of industrial schools and detention homes Cooke. Bills Tabled H. B. 39 Relating to district magls trates Jerves. H. B. 50 Requiring drivers of auto mobiles for hire to furnish Indemnity bonds Miles. H. B, 115 Providing pensions for police officers Brown. H. B. 146 Relating to the offense of UBuary Kuplhea. THIRTEENTH DAY IN SENATE Bills Introduced S. B. 56 To amend Section, of Act 42 of the laws of 1913, as amended by Act 89 of the laws of 1911, and Act 134 of the laws of 1913, providing for public loans Shingle. S. B. 57 Special appropriations to pay certain claims against the Terri tory Baldwin. S. B. 52 $12,000 to construct, re build, relocate, repair and build Alea homestead roads, Ewa, Honolulu Quinn. S. B. 59 $10,000 for roads through Kapaa, Kauai Coney. Passed Third Reading S. B. 27 To amend Section 1227, R. L., 1915, relating to personal taxes Kamauoha. S. B. 31 To amend Chapter 108, R. L., 1915, adding new section (Section 1570A), relating to the duties of coun ty auditors Baldwin. H. B. 14 To authorize Honolulu su pervisors to appropriate to defray ex penses of Charter Convention An- drews. BillsTabled S. B 35 To amend Paragraph 1, Section 1654, R. L., 1915, relating to powers of Honolulu Board of Super visors Cooke. S. B. 36 Amending Section 918, R. L., 1915, re regulations board of health Cooke. S. B. 37 Amending Section 2053 as amended by Act 45, R. L., 1915, relat ing to licenses to sell milk Cooke. S. B. 38 Relating to the production and sale of milk Cooke. FIFTEENTH DAY IN HOUSE Bills Introduced H. B. 234 To disqualify members of the legislature from being elected to any county or municipal office Leal H. B. 235 Relating to the fees of the registrar of conveyances Silva. H. B. 236 Relating to show license fees Fernandez. H. B. 237 Amending Act 132, S. L., 1915, relative to fixing the school budget Marquez. H. B. 238 Authorizing Honolulu su pervisors to make advancements for school improvements Marquez. H. B. 239 Appropriating $5000 for completion of survey and map of Wai kiki drainage and Improvement dis trict, and for the preparing of plans for the construction of such improve- ments as may be recommended Petrle. Resolutions Introduced H. R. 44 Permitting judiciary com mittee to employ assistant clerk and stenographer at five dollars a day Andrews. Bills Passed Third Reading H. B. 27 Relating to the protection of certain fish Wilder. H. B. 55 Relating to the fees for fishing boats Leal. H. B. 86 Permitting co-operative as sociations to purchase their own stock from shareholders Tavares. H. B. '120 For the protection of women Kelekolio. H. B. 131 Regarding the mainte nance of schools Marquaz. FIFTEENTH DAY IN SENATE Bills Introduced S. B. 61 Relating to public improve ments; loan fund for $4,747,870 Shin gle. S. B. 62 Relating to employment of school teachers; requiring trial before discharge, and appeal to supreme court ueBha. SIXTEENTH DAY IN HOU8E ' Bills Introduced H. B. 340 Making an additional an propriation out of the school fund for the boys' industrial school Wilcox. H. B. 241 Relating to salaries of county officials Kula. H. B. 242 Relating to salaries of district deputy sheriffs Mossman. H. B. 243. Relating to public in struction Kawewehi. H. B. 244 Relating to taxation- Miles. H. B. 245 Relating to eminent do main Wilcox. H. B. 246 Relating to stamn duties: repealing Chapter 97, R. L. Hawaii, as amended by Act 38, S. L. 1915 Wll- der. H. B. 247 An Act for licensing dT persons engaged in peddling and sell ing of goods and merchandise to other merchants Marquez. Resolutions Introduced H. R. 45 Relative to notice of board of health to close Kalaepohaku Cemetery Kelekolio. Referred to health, police and military committee. Bills Passed Third Reading H. B. 15 Providing for the protee tlon of lobsters Wilder. H. B. 76 Providing for publication of summons in attachment cases where personal service cannot be had Andrews. H. B. 85 Relating to rabbits and Belgian hares Tavares. H. B. 184 Relating to regulations made by board of health Kelekolio. Failed to Pass on Third Reading II. B. 26 Providing a closed season for amaama Wilder. Eight ayes, eighteen noes. Bills Tabled H. B. 16 Relating to the high sheriff Lota. H. B. 47 Appropriating $200,000 for West Hawaii roads Kawewehi. H. B. 74 Relating to the primary law Silva. H. B. 95 Regarding commitments to industrial or reform schools Mar quez. H. B. 108 Relating to nolle prose qui Kelekolio. H. B. 195 Increasing Queen Lilfuo kalanl's pension from $1250 to $1500 a month Ahuna. Petitions Received II. P. 10 From sixty-six mothers of Hana, Maul, requesting free dentistry for school chlldrea Tavares. . . SIXTEENTH DAY IN SENATE . . Introduced and Passed First Reading S. B. 63 $55,000 for additional school property Shingle. Passed Third Reading S. B. 54 Transferring hydrography division from board of agriculture to commissioner of public lands Bald win. Concurrent Resolution S. C. R. 9 Asking congress to pass Kuhlo's bill to give Hawaiian legls- lature ngnt to put to tne vote, oi tne people the question or woman suffrage (Shingle) Referred Judiciary Com - mittee. SEVENTEENTH DAY IN 8ENATE Bills Introduced S. B. 65 Providing for the computa tion of incomes for taxation, amend ing Section 1308, R. L., 1915 Shingle. S. B. 66 Relating to the opening and improvement for highways Pa checo. S. B. 67 Relating to the National Guard of Hawaii, amending Sections 186. 193. 196. 197, 202, 204, 215, 223 and 224, and repealing Section 195, R. L. 1915 Military Committee by Chair man Coney. S. B. 68 Amending Chapter 23, R. L., 1915, relating to courts martial Military Committee by Chairman Co ney. Passed Third Reading H. B. 49 Relating to tax on Social Clubs Silva, H. B. 62 Procedure in Juvenile courts, providing that girls sent to in dustrial school shall be conveyed by suitable woman Cooke. H. B. 99 Vacancies in county ctn- oes Paschoal. H. B. 105 To repeal Sections 2505 and 2506, R. L., 1915, relating to filing wills in respective circuit courts- Andrews. Bills Tabled ?. B. 18 Providing that appoint ment of district magistrates be trans ferred from the governor to the Chief Justice Pacheco. s ti is Relatlne to vacancies in county offices (Desha) Covered by H. B. 99 which passed tniro. reauing w the senate. II. B. 36 Providing for tranBier oi . 22a -xT?r r Anxthina that relieves worry is popular tnats wny so many lscL. U9hUng Free inspection of any battery at any time. SR300T & ft X A Stonie Battery AGENTS FOR HAWAII TIRES &. AUTO ACCESSORIES ALAKEA AND MERCHANT STREETS HONOLULU appolntment of district magistrates from the Governor to the Supreme Court Tavares. S. B. 43 In re jurisdiction of dis trict courts Mikaele. S. B. 61 $18,000 for wharf and channel, Kapaa, Kauai Coney. SEVENTEENTH DAY IN HOUSE Bills Introduced H. B. 248 To provide for recovery of all costs and attorney's fees by em ploye who recovers judgement for wages against employer Judiciary Committee, substitute for Miles' H. B. 167. H. B. 249 Relating to corporations Judiciary Committee, substitute for Tavares' H. B. 104. H. B. 250 Making additional appro priation for Hawaiian dictionary Cooke. H. B. 251 Relating to taxation Cooke. , H. B. 252 Relating to Instruction in the public schools Kula. I H. B. 253 Relating to pay of Jur ors Kula. I H. B. 254 Making appropriation for concrete road, Waiakea homestead h0U8e lot tract. Hilo Lyman. H B, 255 Relating to imposition of fwater ratp. nenaltles Kelekolio. H .B. 256 To facilitate the acquir ing of public lands Kelekolio. H. B. 257 To regulate the use of public property Kelekolio. H. B. 258 Relating to permits to treat lepers Kelekolio. H. B. 259 Relating to salaries Kelekolio. H. B. 260 Forbidding oflcers and employes of Territory and political subdivisions to be Interested in public contracts Marquez. H. B. 261 Creating commission to be known as tax commission Mar quez. H. B. 262 Relating to medicine and surgery Miles. H. B. 263 Appropriating $5000 for road to rifle range, Waleli, Maui Pas choal. H. B. 264 Regulating manufacture and sale of wine from grapes grown ia Territory Joseph. H. B. 265 Making appropriation for relief of Castle & Cooke Kawaha. H.B. 266 Appropriation for artesian well, Hauula Homestead Tract Moss man. H. B. 267 Making special appropria tion for paying cost of diverting Apua kehau Stream, Hamohamo, Waikikl Andrews. S. B. 64 Appropriating $6000 for construction of road from Hanakaape landing to Polpu, Koloa, Kauai Mi kaele. Resolutions Offered H. R. 46 Requesting congress to de lete Governor's powers, especially in setting aside Judgements of death Kelekolio. H. R.-47 Relating to increase in compensation of members of legis matter whn or whnt i " - - j dealer or just a car owner They start the car builder on the road to depend able starting and lighting. They start the dealer on the way to relief from' battery complaints. And thev sfart thp be' day after dy month after month. i nere s a lot in Having over 750 Willard Service. Stations to help you out of a tight place, too, STEINHOUSER, Ltd, lature, from $600 to $900 a term, and Increase of ter mfrom sixty to ninety diivs Kelekolio. H. R. 48 Asking $15,000 for repairs to Pukoo wharf, Molokal Walaholo. H. R. 49 Relating to Kalapohaku Cemetery, Honolulu, recently ordered closed by board of health Miles. H. J. R. 5 Relative to employment of citizen labor by contractors on WJltll VD 1 II V. 1 V not Petitions Presented H. T. 11 Relative to road Wailoa River, Hilo Lyman. along H. P. 12 Maul citizens praying for passage of chiropractic bill Tavares. Bills Passed Third Reading H. B. 58 Setting aside land in Hilo for high school Lyman. H. B. 169 Appropriating $10,000 for completion and extension of Homuapo wharf, Kau, Hawaii Kawewehi. Failed to Pass on Third Reading H. B. 143 Relating to regulations made by the board of heaulth Kele kolio. Bills Tabled H. B. 12 Exempting police officers from personal taxes Kelekolio. H. B. 100 Appropriating $15,000 for embankment, Iao Valley stream, Maul Paschoal. H. B. 102 Relating to tax exemp tions Kuplhea. H. B. 103 Relating to corporation annual exhibits Tavares. H. B. 104 Relating to corporations Tavares. H. B. 144 Relating to the produc tion and sale of milk Kelekolio. H. B. 167 Providing for recovery of costs and attorney's fees by employe who recovers Judgement against em ployer for wages Miles. H. B. 210 Appropriating $26.65 for relief of Maui Publishing Company Walsh. NOTICE OF MEETING Industrial Accident Board The monthly meeting of the In dustrial Accident Board for the Coun ty of Maui will be held in the Wai luku District Court Room, Wailuku, next Tuesday morning, March 20th at 10:30' o'clock. All persons having business with the Board are asked to be present. WILL. J. COOPER, Secretary. He Meant Well. Niece "I do think you are clever, aunt, to be able to argue with the pro fessor about sociology." Aunt "I've only been concealing my ignorance, dear." Professor Bilks (gallantly) "Oh, no, Miss Knowles. Quite the con trary, I assure you." Boston Transcript. Get a Good Start vnu nrp min.i(oMr - .... muauittuuiti , Willard Batteries will