Newspaper Page Text
- •-*» - » -JT’ -- - ’ ■** • -WW-* fl IM OJHLe 20l » a Ml 'Ofir Hi, _ ■'■'l. - - • )l. J-W NOTICE. niSt! J 1 ?' f Directors as the M is- 50® &nj < iaa<-hit aan ?“ ed ’ lK * r T «ate '"a, company’ of November Li th, f# “lJborized to sell any lands situ- IW Z Ch*'np’P n “ lle Lan< V Dl3 ’ POSt, _. <ran ted to said Company by an 381-4]. ! 'n,neral Assembly of the State of ’ent! a ’ ir n>oved 16th day of January, 1861.) ‘Sbfcd to to be sold at a price not less than ith 11 „.r xere. and to receive in payment >f hi ir L«'’s or moU< * ° f tbe , Co “ f «’ ,lerate ’ ; orica and War Bonds or Treasury ° nfihe State of Arkansas, and to exe » Os ‘S- f., purchasers. All pet’ - having ldit >g In elaW upon, any ot tpennds coal, fe within mu-.. <*•».-- « _ n . Pick. !gbU under their pre- r •’ THUS. ELLIOTT. 1Ce £ p rM M.,0- ili K B ~ ‘~ A CARB. ‘ ~j . fe r s.ftrEzf 3 tbe ■' r ‘ , n which the same are situated m “* ether with tbe st , ock of JU O - ■TnJise remains on UnJ ’ recentl y Pur < of ■ of him. and also assigned to him my u B.f nceounts for Merchandise sold, and , gills and evidences of debt growing ees. ■‘“.j | )lls i D ess from the date of purchase six K j a y he is therefore hereby fully rein hen ■with *ll the right, title, claim or interest [)0(] ■ .-. u r; have derived from him in and to ■,.rehouse, Warehouses and Town Lots l ■lerchan H’s on hand, and he alone is Jc o ■ . fJ t , } eu )lect and settle all debts created ■ nanie nt the mercantile establishment ■ ...j fur me by said Wiseberg. , ■ JOEL D. CONWAY, ■aineton. Ark.. Dec. 24, 1861. 50 ts it ■ svirir. tir.xn.Y p. johxsox. ■ K-, P l)nrtnr. IFasAinyfon, Arts. D ■ io luiTH & JOHNSON, s iTTOfI FACTORS ■ AND e, MERCHANTS. * ■ 10.8 CARON DEIhET St., !i Mwew Canal and Common Streets, r > .V£H' ORLEANS. n |L. KOU NS & BROS., 1 I COMMISSION RECEIVING ‘ I —AND— ftiruardiiig Merchants, B So. 2 FBOXT ’TBCET. 9 Canal Street Ferry, ■ NEW Oil LEANS 3 JICULAR attention given to filling and il ping orders for Western Produce truin ■ Bats— Upper Red River Packets, Er.. E.a No. 2. ■ t -.858. 21-ts ■ t - ■lit? BI.OCK. J- J- JOXAS. F BLOCK & JONAS. MERCHANTS, I™. IND AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF t;in/a Vanufacttired Tobacco, 97 Gravier Street. New Orleans. 0( 8 k JON* as h are on hand and iri const iijtly ne-reiviag a large and com is< irttnent of fagiiia Manufactured Tobacco. ’rides and qualities, which they offer Frfriends and purchasers on as favorable reenn be purchased in the city. Orders Jti which will be executed with prompt ■•vDrUa.i,, De- 1 1859 [l9-tf <5. THOR C. HKnsnON A.H. MAY & CO., OMMiSSION MERCHANTS No. 94 GRAVILR. STREET. yr: Wo R HAN s. !■; it, 1660. 18-ji ECKARD, STEELE & Co., ’-ra ri e r Tchoupito u la* Streets-, NEW ORLE.CVS, IMPOR H T E R S —0 F — ( OGNAC BRANDIES, 1 N S, E S GT AR S, tt-t)oltsalf Qeaitrs In VIRGINIA TOBACCO, TNE G R O C E BI ES, —AND— SUPPLIES. L *rntcg\Bo. a i-XStF. L wwe« thß . J F eb. 15, 18G0.—6:y ] .SOT BLOCKADED ~ ®i P < ICTLRE GALLERY is again opened, j good selection of CASES on hand. ,^\' 5 desire Types, either of themselves j C| . ; Jy’ *°uld do well to make an early ap r’» t> 5 ’ * S Present stick of malerial will ec ’untned, and no mare to be had ex ■ f torbitant prices. A. L. WARNER- Jan. 22,1862. 2-ts notice, of the L. A. A- T Covtpuny: -1 of nnmert ns stwckholders, snrr.'r commencement of rhe work **r«d l' me . The-callwiil not be re !*te i« n„* Gme mentioned. Our ,ir ed to xZ Every man will be re at h ls ? M«ch 12th, 1862. M - HERVr ’ Prcsid ”‘‘ 1 A j, y ’’ OD,> ER AXO O ATS, ’ ll' ,f the ahnv NT J TIES 1 wiU p:>y CASH at e reasonable prices. P«.^ reSen * no ™ ep -ns of transportation, w’tv, w. v* Provisions must be deliv persons being in all cases f the use «f their teams. GEORGE TAYLOR. Captain I Mi.. ( A - Q- M - c - 8. A. | maY t,lle ’ rlst *' ~ s’ ArfiluX 1 ™ embers C. R. EUer’s ■'hittie pJ Company are ordered to report ■' J ' er 'iinl K • im 7 led ' ate 'y- Those who do ■* PohlUk W,b &r der without delay wiil . q as deserters; No excuses will n f * exce Pt G>at of sickness, and acer. f* SUrge<m ’ n good stan ding will 4 then, [**■£lß6?. I ?nU El ®* esi BDELOFMb" I ANTLF olilianti aad made to order. . C. L. SUTTON,/ WASHINGTON EXCHANGE COMPANY. DURING the temporary absence of the Cash ier of the “Washington Exchange Com pany,” and the “Exchange Company at Wash ington,” their issues of small notes will be redeemed at the office of Messrs. B. L. Brittio, Miller & Co., when presented according to the tenor of the same. H. GARDES, Co»**er. A. B. WILLIAMS, Prett. Washington. Ark., Oct. 1. 1862. 39-ts. B. F. HEMPSTEAD. A . B , WILLIAMS. HEMPSTEAD & WILLIAMS ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WASHINGTON ARKANSAS. j * Ct " st 7tb - 1862 ~ n3O-ly WANTED. ’ Hite A meNticg, Cot’«»- 'des, Ix:e. -• <acks, For C t . r '~~ - W »H P*y libera’ r a ’ >les, in any quantairi., ' 5 ”, C.S.A. Oct. 1,1862. *' 38- THE STATE OF n. NSAS.Y ~ County of Hempstead. j In the Hempstead Court of Probate, October Term, October 13/k, 1862. ; Henry J. Towell iu his own right] anil as Administrator of Ja- j cob Powell, deceased, Caleb | Powell. Benjamin Powell, Wi ley Jones Martha Jones, David j Jones, Rebecca Jones. Jared . Chamley, Elizabeth Chamley, I Jesse Langston. Martha Lang- | ston, John R. Daugherty, Eliz- | abeth A. Daugherty, Edmund J. I Strange, and Henry J. Strange, | J’etitionere. i Petition for r.’. j- Distribu- Juhn P. Strange. Morris Strange, I tion. Henry King. Latha King, Dal las Willis, Benjamin F Jones, ] Thomas Hayles, Melissa E. ! Hayles. John Clark, Sarah J I E. Clark. James IL Piwell.and [ j Wesley Powell — Defen<far>t». I , irpiHS DAY came the said Petitioners by I L their attorney, and filed their petition in ' this ean«e, tbe object of which is to obtain a | distribution of the negroes and other personal ■ property belonging to the Estate of Jacob 1 1 PoweP, deceased, and it appearing from<! i I petition, which is properly verified by nffidn ; vit. that nil of said defendants except Dnlla- ! Willis, are non-resi lcnts of the State of A- ' | kausas, and that the snid Dallas Willis j- 1 I now in tbe service ot the Confederate State- ■ btvo’.d the jurisdiction of thi- court: ft is therefore ordered that nil of said de fendants be notified of the object and penden-! Icy f this application, by pubpentiou of this order; and that unless they shall be nu-i an pear before the Probate Coii.’t of Heniyiztc’d i County, Arkansas, on or la-fore thy four:' I day of the next regular tcriu thereof, to be '. held at the Cour»-hon«e in said County, on i the second Monday in January. A. D. 1863 nu 1 plead, answer or demur to said petition, the sama will be taken as confessed, and a decree made accordingly, and it is further ordered, that this order be published in the Washington Telegraph, a newspiper publish ed iu said county, at least six week, in suc cession before the next term of this Court. Copy from the Record. Ti:.-tb: S. T. SANDERS,CIerk. ARMY SI PI’LIES. j Ornes Citrsr Commissary Tna' s-Miss Dist., Little Rock, Ark., July Ist. 1862 S' EALED PR >PI«»SAI.S will be received at this office for the delivery of 75,000 bn-di leiacf DRIED PEACHES, and 25.000 bushels of DRIED APPLES, for the use of the army in this district. The proposal; mu-t h filed in this office en or before the 15th day of August next. hikl the fruit delivered well packed in barrels, boxes or sacks, on or before the 15th day of October next. Mo proposal for the delivery of a less quantity than l.ilOO bushels will be received. The ptaecs of deliv. ery will be Little Rock. Dardanelle. Ft -Smith. Arkadelphia and Washington. The propo sals must specify distinctly the price per bush el and the place of delivery, and mu-t be signed by the party making the some. The proprosals must be directed to the Chief Com missarv of this department, and must be en dorsed, “Proposal- for delivering Dried Peaches,” “Proposals for delivering Dried Apples.” _ _ Bond and security will be required for the fulfillment of the contract. JOHN C. PALMER, Major and Chief Commissary. July 0, 136-.' t-d AIXHIM T. DHI.ONT, attorney at law — AND — STATE IjANI) AGENT, W ASH INGTON. ARKANSAS, Respectfully offers his services to his numerous friendsard the public generally, in the investigation and perfection of titles to swamp anil other lauds, in the collection of manty, and especially all claims against the Confederate States or the State of Arkansas July Bth. 1862. n2s:ly NOTICE. THE undersigned offers bw services to the public in oMaijarng Deeds from tUe «!•« of Arku*wtß €or Lands sold by Ibe federal G-vvernsserrt prior to 6th May. 1661, and not patmrted up to that time. Also, Deeds for Swamp Land entries made either with Scrip oi Money. TJIOS. 11. SIMMS. N. B—Always found at the Register’s Office. Washington, Jan 4, 1862. 52—ts WT.H. WILLIAMS A CO., C9if«!4 FACTORS CQ M WH m RCHAMT . Yew Orleans.. 18. Wil! receive and Tell Cotton donated the Southern Confederacy, and procure i !■> so r same. Aug. 14, 1861. 31-6 m SEWING MACHINES. WANTED, immediately, Ten or Fifteen SEWING MACHINES, in goad working order, either of Singer’s, Grover & Raker’s or Bartholf’s manufacture, fur which a fair price will be paid in caab. Apply to W. H. ETTER. Washington, Oct. 1862. 42-3 . Spun thread tor Wool ' YIiNE Bale Spun Thread will be given in ex- VI change for every ten pounds Washed Wool delivered to me at Washington. Jhe balance ill be paid in cash. GEO. TAYLOB, I . G Capt ft A. Q. M. C. 8. A. 1 WASHINGTON^ARKANSAS, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 26. 1.862. ARIKIIKtJiS IX>TITI TE FOP THF. EDUCATION OF THE BLIND. THE ANNUAL SESSION nf this School will commence at Arkr.-lelpeie, on the Ist Mon day in September The terms for tuition, board, washing, &«., where there is ability to pay, are oue hundred and sixty dollars, "per session of ten months: but lndg< nt blind ja-r- - sons between the ages of six and iWenty-six. ' resident in Arkansas, will be receivid, board ed and instructed, at the expense of the State. np»n presenting o certificate from tbe pre-, siding judge of the county in winoli they live. ' stating rnr>t they arc nnab'e to pay fbr boavd and tuition in the Institute. Application tor admission, should be made to the .Superinten dant, Ona I’attes. Arkadelphia, nu-1 should \ state the name, age. mental capacity, and pe cuniary circumstance-<if the pcr»< u lor whom application is made, together with tbe name aufl postoffice of the parent or guardian. No 1 person having any offensive or infectious dis ; ease, or addicted to immoral habits, will, know I ingly, be admitted into the school. The pupils i willlive in the house with the buperintendant. j and form part of his family. The course of study is similar to that pur-1 sued in academies for the seeing, embracing Orthography. Reading, Writing Arithmetic. I Geography, Grammar, History, Philosophy, Natural History, Algebra, Ge. metry, Langua ges, Vocal and instrumental Music, with se'-’t'-rnl branches of Handicraft. It is the object of the Institution, not only to educate the blind intellectually and morally, but to fit them for self-support, mainly as Teachers and Mechanics. The pipiD spend a portion of each afteinoonin the workshops where the Loya I learn to make inattre-ses mid con, brooms, and , the girls to knit and sew. Ti.e school and ■ worksh >ps are open to vi-itot» nt all times, cx- Icepting oh the babbath. and all who f. el j nn interest, are cordially invited to call and witness tbeexer rises. Aika.lelphin, Aug. 12th, 18<>2. TrUKlrea: j. b. McDaniel, h flanagan. H. B. STUART, J L W ITHERSPOON T. A. HEARD. W. A. TRIGG, T. E. GARRETT, 1. W. SMITH. $25 RS.M ARD. LOST or STOLEN, in town -r a’ camp, large LEATHER PtM’KUI BOOK, con taining something near ®3o<l in Confederate Money, and a memorandum of rations allowed ‘ under the regulation, of the Confederate nr- I my. Some $l5O or $175 of the mo ey was in j ten dollar bills, new issue. ! The finder will p’ense deliver tn Col. John ■ R. Eakin, who is authorized to pay the above • reward. Z. B. garrison. A. Q. M. of Mnj. E.-tes’ Rog- Texas Det.-icbmeiifs. Camp Carrigan, no ir< n, Ark., i Sept. 12th. IW2. 825 KEWAHI). IOST in or near Washington, on the f*’li in st.. J a BOWIE KNIFE, with -liver handle ,nd scabbard. Ou tiie linn-ile i- r ngrav.-d ••From E 8. C. Robertson to W. A. I’itt-. ’ Twenty i five dollars wiil be paid fur it delivery at this office. Washington. Sept. 17, lbi'>2 A. G. BROWN’S SELECT SCHOOL: the next session mill begin ON THE iIKST MONDAY IN .-EI’TEMBER Washington, July 16. 1862. 27:tf Livery Stable. THE under- * A i ft" signed, having 'f'o. purchased the *- - large nnd coni- Zj AA inodious .Stable lately owned 1.- M;. Alien T. Beller, hn- this dnv opened a LIVERY STABLE; which they wiil keep IlnrNew, »nd llitekw for hire, and wi) 'keep horses y the day. week or month. No pains will b.i -pared in taking care nf llot«.<s, and in render ing every acc'u mod>U><iii'in our pow er. The following wiil be the rate of our charges, without variation, and aiwava for the money: Keeping horse by the month, sls <’hi “ all night, 75 Single feed. 40 Saddle h irse perdav 15() W. S. ft J. S BURT. November 7, 1860. 4-ts ROCKY (;OM FORT THUS INSTITUTION WILL BE REOPENED L ( /Ito volen/eA->n tbe Second .Mi-nony in September next, for a ses-iou of twenty weeks, under the supervision of Rev. Dk. V. STAPLE TON, assisted by a corps of teachers, who have by long exp-rience proved their ability to discharge every duly, im umbent on them in their retqtecXive departments. Said Institution Is f-sj the reception of pupils of both soxc-, and such tea- Ictv ar- engaged, that every department of a Classical, Mathe matical and Literary education will bo prompt ly attended to. In Indies’ department, c rench will be taught by the Principal, ami Music, Drawing, Pair.ting, ic , by an experienced teacher. Ft ■ further particulars, terms, ftc., see circulars, or apply to the Prioeipnl. Dr. V. BTAPLETON. Rocky Comfort, Ark.. Aug. 15. 1862. (lftl-10 W.K. Voir (FORMERLY OF ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI.) A y JD 2* I— . C" 3 2 ! Ixl « W WANHKNCITOIV. : : ARK. AN LAS July 9, 18 62. 26 A Card. WHEN I left camps near Tupelo, Mies., is July last, as a Courier to the State of Arkansas. I was entrusted by Mr. Coady. ot Washington, who is a eoldier in tbe Confederate' ar m y, with SIOO u Confederate money, to be given to his wife. M hilc i was in Washington I gave Mrs. Coady the money and took her re ceipt for tbe same. Since I came back to the army, Mr. Coady informed <ue Giat he hod re ceived a letter fro n -bis wife informing him that I had paid her the §100; and in the last few days I understand that it is the .current gossip of Washington and vicinity that I used the money and did not pay it over to Mrs. Coady. Any person or -persons who would batch up such a falsehood againet me while absent in the army, would be yutZ<y of thmgt that a villian or fiend would bliuh to do. H. C. EDMUNDS. Camp near Holly Springe, Oct. 28,1862- OUB, RlGHTS—lntelligence and Virtue will Preserve them WiVTKD, . ‘MOO GOO ° BEEF HIDKS - free from tails ‘ tvv'vV-/ mid ears, not worm eaten or dim. ' aged in curing, for which we will pay 15 rent- ; per pound in CASH, or SHOES and LEATHER if preferred, on delivery at our Tnuyard near . 'Washington, afid 7.j cents for Green Hides j pr-perly trimmed and not cut in skinning: ;jti ’ cents per pound for good, dry Deer skin«. Alan Wanted, Eight likely young NEGRO MEN. for which we will pay full prices in cash, on earlv ap- • plicati >n. TRIMBLE ft MINX. Washington, Nov. J, 1862. 43-4 THOMAS L. WIIADEI.I., WATCH MAKER, WASHINGTON HOUSE, i WASHINGTON, ARK kNSAS. . Oct. 22 18G2. 41-ts I ANTHONY HOUSE, ' LITTLE ROCK, ARK., J- I*. PALMER, Proprieto r Oct. 29, 1862. , 42 if Ornrr. Chief rcuMtss irV. 1 1 TltAVa-MlSSISSirrt Dsr.MtTMKXT, Little Rnek. Oct., 4. 1862. I Salt will hereafter be sold to citizens fre-n the government works, in char-re of Maj C. I". King, C. S., at the price of nc dollar an-i fifty cents per bu.-lie’, of >0 pounds. Persons pav ing /or the same in subsistence storc J . will • have the The following tariff of prices is ad- pted f-.r ; the government nf officers and sgents <-f this department, and will govern in the -aloof i for siibsistancc: Corn. per bn.-bel, $1 o'l Corn Meal, “ “ J 2-1 Pork. “ lh nett, 10 Bacon. “ »• 25 W heat, “ bushel, 1 50, “ •• j >5 I Flour. “Tb H Dried Peaches, “ bushel, 200 “ Apples. “ “ 1 50 Sweet Potatoes*, “ “ ] uo . Peas, “ •• ] ;,t» , Per- n- desiring t exchange any of the j above articles for salt, <-au deliver the - inie at 1 Little |L>rk nr Arka-h-lphia. nnd obtain ccrtifi . cates which will entitle them to salt. By order of Maj. Gen Hoi.sir s. JOHN C. PAI.MEB. Maj. 4 f, -!w and Chief Commls-ary. Stocli.holder’s Electing. - -r rj HE annual meeting of Hie St ckhoM-- -of I JL the .Mississippi. <hi-ichitn and Red Ri -.-r Raiii ua.l Cuu-panv wiil lie held nt their otlu-c J In t-ie c’ty ofCamden. on Wednesday the I'.'lh J day of November next, 411 which th-ie. Liter. Itors. under the charter of sai-1 r nipaiivTwin be elected for the ensuing year. St ckltolder* in arrears apoa their subscribed st<> k will u:t be allowed to vote. JAS T ELLIOTT. Pres. M., O aud R. K. K. Co. Oct. 15, 1862. 40-6 w Dissolution. THE partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, under the firm nf Britt ft , Law fence, i-this day dissolved by bintuai con sent. Tbe remainder of the stock will be cold by J. S. Britt. IV L. BRITT. ISAAC LAWUENCE. Washington, Oct. ti, 1862. — Mo’ice. HAVING to no ib-ent in the service <-f the . Government, Me-sr.- W. L. Britt ft Isaac , ' Lawrence arc my authorized ngent-< for the , | tr in-acliou of bo- : ne--. Per. . - - indebted ■ > , 1 inc. or having open accounts, will pl-- :-e • ■-’.<■ r settlements with them. J. S. BRITT Washington, OcL t«, 1302. 40-ts '|TIIE STATE OF ARKANSAS, jCotXTT OF lIKMI-SiEAD. ) I ' Office of the Clerk of the Hemp.-tcad Circuit I Court, on the Chancery side thereof. Tn vacation. October I*o. A. D 186’2. Jemima Scnmell, by her next ) friend Orville, Jennings. | Bill Cnmplaoiant. J- rott e*. j Divouce. Isaac Scnmeli, Defendant. : THIS day ennv said complainant by her so licitor and fil.-d her bill herein, charging 1 that she and the d-fen-lnnt were lawfully m tr ried. and that said defendant, Isaac Scan.ell. has deserted her without anv just cait-e. nnd ' praying fora divorce fr->tn the bonds of matri mony existing between them: and it appearing 1 1 from nn affidavit attached to said bill, that ■ the d-fendnnt is a non-resident of the State of i Arkansas, it is ur-leretl thnt said defendant •I be notified of tbe pendency, nature nml object ! of this suit, and that unless he shall be nnd ' | appear before the Hempstead Circuit Court, - in chancery sitting, on or before the third day 'of the next term thereof, at the court.h- use in 1 I tbe town of Washington, county of Hempstead nnd State of Arkansas, to be holden on the third Mon-lay of November next, A. 0. 186’2, and plead, answer or demur to said bill, the > enmc will he taken for confessed and decree accordingly; and it is further Ordered that a copy of this order be published in the Wash ington Telegraph fw two weeks euceessivtdy, the last insertion to be nt least four weeks ! 1 before the comntclu.'emeut of the said next. i term of said Circuit Court, and thnt the same I when se published be taken and deemed snffi ■ cient notice to said de f en-lant of the nature. ' object and pendenev of this suit. Teste: S T. SANDERS, Clerk, i Copy from the record. Teste: 8. T. SANDERS, Clerk. Office Chief Commissaht, A Toaxb-Miss. DapAitTMEsr ► LtUlt Reel:, Oct. 20, 1862. J It having been found that the price put upon tbe article of Salt, by tbe tariff of tbe Ist inst., is insufficient to remunerate the personr. en . gaged io its raannfiyjturt; and ih>»t the i penne, tncider-t AMrota will he larg-’y in -1 ermumd dering l*f» utiwp w-amn : thF Major | blknarai Comtnir vg >»a ’hougiit spo; r tgr ' raise the price fa f»-' /ioHj-f tnd P-tt-, Cento per bush»l An ?.“■• ’•''a* « 4hii erde.- will ‘ bv strictly viaite. '- '«*> 1- . By o-inuuand es M» Gaa. Holmen. J JOHN C. PAUMER. and Chief Commissure. 42-4 ; THE WASHIIWSTOIf 1 /piIESE SCHOOLS WILL BE OPENED ON I I the lit Monday of September. fL A. JONES, Esq., Principal of the Male, j and Mrs. MARY J. FIELD in charge of th 1 Female Academy. Rates es tuition as nere -1 tofan. W. D. GREEN, Sec’y Board Trustees. July 98th 5 1862 .aft w I t I ■At *. "* I 1 , Governors »I esbai.e —1 he Ahs ; sage of liis Ex- e l-.-ttc . Henry .1, Hector 1 to the Le-gi-l 1’ ire, is <• :»eI in j puinplikt :f ov. r3O ing-M. We are to- ■ debted 1 >r at copy to dell ,n. A. B W ! liaiu«, fro u w’ti;h We :ti -kc s'-me cxy cis, I the whole do-.-uiueut b-Jug too lengthy fur <«u- limited space. ■ He inil.s the altenti-ih of our L<*g:.-I.t- ■ i tun to the ttba.-e« of Uiaitial jaw, as , r..; - ■er for their attention, on ;>ce..u<it of i s interference with State Rights. The fol lowing extracts are sufficient to present the Govi-rn.»r’s views and r .comm. <td 1 , lions as to ;tut: I Here, then, for five months, the pe .ple {ofuu cn tiro State have been ?übj-cts ot 1 uibiuaty nuthority—without law—the* puwei to entuice right, or redress wr< itg. j U blroilcd in tlieit pecuui try and peis.jt. il , rights by the dicta and c .price of one 1 man, with an army at his coutuand to en force übedieuce to bis orders. The abu-e < is nut in the tact that martial law .x --islet], but tliat i< was piocl-.imed bv ii.o.-4 4 1ia-.ii.g 110 auiitoiity, and if; the dtlaii ol its udniiitisilatiuo. Tl.e legitimate ub j.'Ct ot dedal lug martial law, by gov.-n.- tuetit- granmig the power, it 1 und- t- * F and it, is to etrcugtlien -the hand- ul those in command tor the bctlcr cutitr >1 lot the r armies, or lor the restraint, by iinpi isjnmetH, it, of disloyal or 1 vbehoiis citizens, whose conduct »h,-u;d prove dangerous, or deirinieutal to mih taty .‘utc« -s Bit Ido not uu lid l tl at it. t-jiri -a with it the pjw.-r to tut--: - ’ re»C wiiii.iLe peracnul liberty of I .ya. private viiizctis, their contract*, or d ii tug-, the prtv.s of properly, j th sort, quantity, or quality ot uijuey th.’ . ’hey s iuii receive ptymcu'. iu, uor w. cIL- 1 <r uny siia.l receive pay u» ut at a.i. Av wise (,«.rii;tu.ul Will CVer enact stlCi. . laws, uu.vss ;i.e pc pirate ail scr.?, tuca p..ble ot p- viutig fvr llum.c -.c-, and are to bv tljiL . J ai.d led ,;t i..e puolic cxp< nsc. Apait uxiii tl.c viola.lull ut liu. an ii-f vrn.c: i ii.g ot’ ibis -jit, .-t.ii - iiidu-try enterprise, i luces fr.tud, I and di'C< ’.t-'riit .. iioiig-t the pc pie — short .supplies B. :h_- t.iH.-’-i >J ici ig ci i-sc.-, auu to inc :.tmy iisdt. A i.ii,»tl of prices ' e-in never ntccleniten high state of de ! vv-.-ptiietit, Ihe < xi.m- nue ot the armv ’ and the f wpb-,’ d- jetinls up n liavit g . ciiougL, uwt uitat. 1 huy sliml to pay tor 11. 1> c super-buuusi.c .»<’suoi.t-y i:> j the couiitry, Uurcstitod Ly tu-lt-ary or ders, Wcutu pit-siuCly ftUutuvut u catty the ' pioduetiou and supply Ul u;l t ie riccessa | !!?• ut hie- l*n woo Will ve itun- his - capita, to any u*att.nul extent, in a <au yard, salt-Wuikii, shue-sh .p aid a lt.ous 1 and and one other ini. g-, whilst pr-jtit- . arc, depcndcut vu .. taitii 1 prices, to u fixed by arbitrary uutbjiity. That martini law sin uiu have been dr- ; ' elated as tut expedient, no* only from the- I I date ui is existence hero, but anterior t > ; that j cried, I entertain no doubt- I’tiui it ii-s accomplished much g >»1 1 knot also to be true. But it is iniiiur nceessa ’ rr iu t r-tier, -r<-, unit its <_• me >ui - taut ..buses, be sau •- ; t ( rcce teus, ’ autliui z’ug 1 -i- - - •-c s >iiic cviia. : 1 det m it « • 1 ..... •- ecu i lay llicsc ■ a tetr ue.uic your h>uo:atjtc ib-jiy, I 1 s ivt-.-m- - . .-U3 i net; >u, ' iif ai.y, } 4 if- y tiiifk pr p- ito take. I With H I--fi e > i ti ' j iut ; t.Ju t'lll bc p; >-a 11 y 'tic L i'u.i , auiresseu IIU out d iinga I I - L li| J-r-Ctng 11 at the act ui vui.gtess .m iiotizius 111 r- I tl*i law. be luvu.bcd, s-* aa lu tvave pn Vale citizens irve, in ito-ir lull refuse, , ‘ dciiimg-, cuuir-u. ;-, propel u .s and prtvi I lt -e» —s-u long as th y ate loyal, and oi»c --' diciit <0 ths Gynstiluuvu ai u laws u* ii>c j Confederate .’States. The G jvci hur next pr q -o!> to explai n - 1 the cn'* <>f the re-u >v«l ot the of • guv.ruiiK. lit, and his action iheVCoti. tu getb< r with the motives which pr > npted his celebrated procl imatiuu of the sth ui Muy Speaking ot the cotid lion of the I State t a ly iu May 011 the ajiprotcii of Curtis' army, he says: ’! ho t tuo't st l.e irts sc. ti.- <11<» despond, and concede that defence w-i- i 111 pus-i 11”, for thtie was nothing to defet.d with — There w -« ouc or two cavalry eoiiipanic uf Confederate troops J- ft in the vicinity of Jacksoip ft to protect the rer-ainitig supplies until they could be shipped east ot the Mississippi. A remnant of quir- ■ teriuasier’s stores, broken down hor-Qs. and old wagons, were iu Uaiisitu between Little Rock, Aikadeiphia and Caiuicn Tbe maehitiery tilled up by the Cout- d cracy al tlH* Little Rick arsenal, hr re pairing arms, Ilzzl, we eks prcvio<|s|y, b •11 | I taken do vu and shipped on steamboats cut of the reach oi an iuvauing umv. In 1 fact, the State was confessedly and mi- i qualificdly, abandoned fur >l.e tune being t by the Confederate Government, with its 'entire corps of mililury officers, h-0.-e. and drtgoou Tl.e State, f say hud - 1 nothing to defend with—n>th , ivj. Our entire stock for w.»r like pur- 1 1 puses c insisting of seven and 1 half k ’gs . I of unm-sorted powder, without a cap or , , flint to explode it. and not a gun to shoot j 1 it out ot if it had ri>e 1 ■ sz-eetauetus cotiibuetiuu. i bis being our I -nntdr -»f 'trius sod oconutvenieu's 'ft -'i ... j'i 1 ~**• was. if P ofi * . • .«<■ .“TF - •ir'iilrru . ' ii « w, p.ighr for <rrttve ot/crtz being tw<» cannon on naod, I <><i» wi aw wiit-eiM tbe other exploded I it the 1 -t ’i Lnder such circuinstan- j c *'/ I reneved the 8 tte treasury, offices, i iflieeis, aid otticr more valuable eff-cts, 1 '* Hot Sjriug county, for safe-keeping, 1 aid retai no! then there until Sept.,whet, wth due consideration for their coiuf rt | aid Safety, I removed ts um b ick to th cant .I. where they in,y now be found. ’ without damage or detrimen' V**'*r tlansportation was adopted to Dr *' iih- f.<r the itfice-of Secretary of S-aie I 1 ’ or j.d P easurer, because those Jf r.-p.>rted the procurement of wrgotis j r m at that time, or so n t to luaiue » suuccuaful retreat. Ibe uIU , Ex-cu ive iffi.-e, or rather papers, etc.' 1 comj-o-ing it.J rar:-p rted tn road wagoirt. 1 i'l 1-c uii|>;ui.-d it my,-if on hor-ebtek ' ‘f »t Spring vil y, wh.-r-.- the seit o ' 2”ivr ;:m iit was tciiip-irarily <->tab.islie<l -I cst th, > Jte --f seventy or eighty •!' :i~, the i ntite expense <>f removing and ie-ur:iit:g th- _• -v'-ntme’,t effects, in -1 0 >'• uth M htary B -nd, b ing 83.551) • ! -*, 'h- .1.11 m-i> j<-it|s audited and p-iid by the M-hrary B -irJ. there being tio tun i -pti.-ited bj biw fur thit purpose. lie ‘In”! j-sue i hi- pr->cl 1 uati jh, a|. r 1 ly well ktivWu, culling fur 1.-r-JO men, 1 > tie niu.stcred into the service nf thi* ."iu'e tor tw.-lve m nth*. In a Icng'bv argument lie j-i-titi s this pr. cam itiou } . which, he >-iy», w.ts “fully read, t-xiniiti. i ! and apj toved b the M lit try B tird,” and cl.rims thu i u-.-u.t.-d in Causing the Confederate- autl.uti ies to make full and fficieut pr-p .rat tio fur the defence ufilie : State. i>l lt..s Caiibectiou l.e sav.-t i lie c-niscr.ptiuti ;<c< uot Leiug enforced up tu Hie cure if my prucitltoati in, all mtiiii i n u w iu subject to ."laic service And lurtbei i announced iu the proela mall«*ti tliat ia-r It ps raised under It w-jui 1 ..ot o u .-i.-iutxd until riie Con- I derate rti'.u.-iil turnisaed us de i'euce, wlii--’1 I Was pr-jpet; s-.-ls 1 prc'ervuil. 11 Ociiig li.c laWuf nature. I I i- clung I. L.-wcvci, lhai other p r tri-.- ul the pn-clatii iti n are treasonable ' • - ; : 1,1- . signed a sep >1 iti-jti of the State from the t ’outed lucy 1 designed nor intended my sueii tin -g. But. luu.t of ail J -pj i<i that a scpj.atiuu laid Uikeo place — the .Ui-s ssi t pi lull of gunboate, severin * us 1.1 iw.iiu A .i.<t L uid intend, howev er, wis to sue ti.e State ot Arkansas ■ .1. it rtlieru vaudaiisiuit possible. At.d ■ to us:* v Messi.?. Curtis and l’u:lps, w1..» we-c ril 'd su.-J io be uo great dts tanco if, i-i*at 1 uuiiiJ du anything, or g.< a-iywhet- - , iatin.r than buck to the anus ot Li .e-Jt -; a ,J luiu.s-r, i jatcuded to -sui j Ge .. Curiis, if be remained iu Ar-, .iu-,-..- it must be by fatality— aud uo Lmu u.' mine, though the State was, lor time, deprived ui C Jtiiederace aid —■ Bill 1 had am.tbit purpuse, which was to 1 issue .0 i fficial ducuiLcnt, which would’ ■ c ut aitcbii 11 at Ricl-niuud, tj the depior ’ ao v •: ■i.ilitimi ot Arkansas, and the west. Yin- few ci mp inics rwiecd under this cull were promptly transferred to Geu’i Ihud.ii. 1 upon l.i- arrival to take com tuind ■ f tins d-.parttuent on the seeo'id , f June, “siuee which,” he iufbrms u-. " he State li s uu military upttat;jti» uii tuut, Uur iniurrcd expense, except in , the se-t emeut of una-ijustid .icc-iuota ” The estonated amount of the b.l iuce ; du- the Coiife-derate Government, ou war t x, g -.bum SI'JB.O ’V; Las been ' paid by rite St He tu Maj <r J. if. Crump, 1 ini ivt.i ’J-iirtet 111 ister at Little R >ck, , by -i -iret-iiieui with Maj -r Gen’l Hind-, iiia-.i. and upjti caii.lttjii that if said p>y n >: iu iy nJ b -pproved by the go vernment al Rt:hm nd, tbee.uic is tu be ' 1< i iin.i---L T.e exact aiu junt due tbe C r«-ui 1 s -till unc-rlaiu, on accuu •*! ’ e Lfficulty in making up the j cUarue- jt the S ate I r slothing furnish I ■I soldiers, a.l 1 t'. imp risibility of tuuk- j in- the as- -»,i,-:it i-i th se pjrtious of 1 ;te uve'i U'i by toe cneui_ . He reccummu-nds ue establishment of peiiu.iio.ut b-jspitals uy life State, to be uudtr the control of State authorities, for the n-licf es such sick and wounded sol* tfers as miolit ne cofiituitte'd to them by j the Confederate authorities, and for the permiiieut care& relief of soldiers in indi gent ciicumstanc-s wife have been maim ed in the service Ind discharged. Upon : ills subject lie rem irks :t.« follows. A pr> vailit;” and, 1 think, a mistaken idea exist*, that the Uoiifederccy should d-i all thine*, and the State nothing, in this war. Money spent by the Confeder acy, is money spent by the State, fur cer .uiuly the latter will have to pay, in some mode or other, ln-r proportion of the war debt. Fi-id I'per.iiiuus are of sufficient lua-uitud! tu all-orb ail the time and vig ilance of c mmaiiuing generals. Hospi* 11!, -auiiary aud charitable instations sh <ul i is fir as compatible with the pub lic .«, rvice. be in charge of and be pro* vided by the State governments. With regard to the relief of indigent, and the act of March, 22d 1862 authorizing the County Courts to levy a tax for the purpose, he remarks and rcc ) commends as follow.*: i I’liis li«■ Luis tu afford the required i re.irf It? defects are, Urot. U;at it leaves jetauu, or uu action, dtscretiuu.ity : the county courts, the officers ul which, I looking to popular saver, evade the le s -otisibility ot taxing the people as long ■ a.s it cun oe avuideu, aud rely uj»on the I charity and kiudneaa f neighbors to sup ply feud aud raiment for tbe disconsolate I *• <v»*B and eUildive of absent al l. 1. 1 iiiif all tip' l ” distiot ha’ib- .mid*, for m* or aud in tiependeuce Secondly, taxut un Ibv eoiititie*. is out ri-s*v*e to fife . ourer ,01 WUWIIVW, iS'jpjTfMV* <U ’UE | vurcr -to- ' ’"V ’ ource ■ <ud Mom mart., our poor > B railOe „ I burthen •, unequal—the lew disc rim in.- I I ,u -against the populous and lean W'althi 1 | region, lu favor of the less populous aim inure wealthy 1 would respectiuily . O g. | > geat, that a general system be devuc-d bj which the pecuniary condition of . | every soldier s family in the State; be cor reedy ascertained, and, through .sub-agents that their absolute Wauls be provHka for. during the w»r out of the Jjuts urea ur> i As property is proUcte ! Ly the war, L’ let it be taxed, it necessary, f ur t he sup port of the helpless families of bvldieis ' out upon duty. 1 The attention of the Legislature t 8 ' t called to the salt question, and tbe wor*-, i U-5 IN ADVANCE- ing of tl.c -:d;uts btlu«.g~nj u, the State, also tu tie saiupkater euireucy, .-jncern -1 ing whfe-u it. 43 rec-join mended jhut “all the present i*ueo be railed in under a petnfry summarily iinj .-cd, u.d that new is-ues be only auti. riz d >r permit ted upon deposits made us State w Cuu fedt rate paper with die State Treasurer, uni th: n iu limited «| innritieO. amkdollar for d -ilar." Tbe wwApeosioft of nil sties nf the land* of the Stare d-.ring the war ■ 1* also recc-Hum .‘nd- d. Ihe yorri <:i ot' rii.j message rqgardisg the fiscal a uiis of the State, shows a wide . difference of upiuiuu and much want of harmony between his excellency and the Audi'or. wi.ich is to be r gretted;’This subject is ot such paramoDt importance Ito the Stale that we require the most neenrate information, to euable us to judge us the value ol our currency. The Governor esuuut4» the excess of the expenditure? ui the State over tie , rcctif s f : the Ist twoye.-rsut 81.477.- 051, in*” ! ■ ' c!.7'H 171, -.-limited by the ay V : . „, t t . e tor .* rt-port. u ....- u- k a* nuue ut ti.o ac company 11. g a->. aui.ufe am. pnuteu) bat tbe discrepancy is < xpiai icd m the mes sage. by shoaiug tn ■ difference, as bein'* still ou d>-p .sit and uuexp nded, although druw.i from the Tr- a?ury. Speaking pf the “new debt” -j creaieu I.e gives us the feiluwing cbet-iing pru.-pcQt ut State sol vency, aud pay* a cjmpl.tueut to the Mil ila r y Board. ll.e whole .-f tills detieit has been dij bur*ed fjr milit try purposes, which, by an act of the Confederate Congress, ls ■ provided to be paid ba :k to the State, So. I concieve, that uo uuuece*34.rv a lartu need be tilt, touching the nec.ssity of selling the State’s lauds for the liquida- ■ tion of this deficit, whic.i seems to be ap ptelfended by the Auditor iu his report. ; Indeed apart from the payment of this , amount ut money by the State, for mili itary purposes, tbe Cvutederaey is largely indebted to fukausas for subsistence sto c?, arms, ammunition, and si zed at Helena, and steauiUuats at lies Are, by (Juutedeeatc officers, aud appro* pnated to C-oufeiierate use. Tfie grow amount ot which ariicies will equal say 875u,0V0. The apparent deficit wid therefore, not uuiy be met without ibe sale ot lauds, but u, uu cue receipt ot toe State’t clues trom the Cuuledciacy, sue win tiave uiuuev on Laud sufficient iu pay uii a considerable . portion jf tue old **t>auk debt,” wulch the Icuuniry has berciuture so loudly autici -1 pated, was on the eve ui iiual extiuct- I itoa- 1 aking iu view this surplus oi i7QO,OGU , fur subsisiauce stoi .s, aud the 15,VUu,0uj acres oi laud, refer, d tu by the auditor as ' belonging to the Slate, must of which was > obtained by the act ut ecec*.?ion, huauci ai y, the State s condition is a must envi able one —presenting I-.-ss liability, aud more rcscourccs, than the p roudest of her , Confederate sisters. The economy dis playvd by the military tmrd, is anpar jafjlied in the histoiy us this war. With j one and a half millions of money, it Las jor j mized, subsisted, transported and (equipped thirty-live regiments and bat • utious of volunteer soldiers, and put them iu the field, ready fur duty, beside p-ay j ing all ether accounts accruing tor States i service aud defence. Aud tins the board has done, free from piecn'atton, embezzle* i uietit, or theft, on the part of its harbor d 1 nates—except io a solitary instance of j a few hundred dollars—which was prompt , ly detected, and redressed by legal perse ' cutiuu. He thinks it may not be necessary to assume the Confederate tax for the two years to cutue, and estimates for tuem as follows: The two years revenue at $125,000 each year, added to tbe Confederate mon ey ou hand , makes-5358,054, leaving at the end of two years, c cording to my view, a d--licit nly of 5G6.84G To meet this wo have tin- unexpended fund of tL»- military .board—bond* and treasuiy w -rrauts, . twhief I r- ,r Isl be Used f--r civil x; ■ u . *'.-■■ r-- r-. ing a sufficient / / I amount, say tO r pay cut’tUnfifilg 1 demands. \ Beside tiie interest u war bunds will be rapidly diiniui-!»ed by riu-ir receipt ’ into the treasury lor revenue aud other i piaymeut us State due*. And unless the 1 Confederate tax is paid fur 18*>3 and 1864, no deficit will exist at tbe expiration of ibe incoming two years, at the preseet rate ut taxation, which is low. 1 Jt is rvccuium< oded that all ioter_ 5 wBT' ( bearing piper be withdrawn from c-«reafter ( tion. and scrip or treasury wa - out interest issued instead *«- This pro* ; Tbe deficit iu the asset- ’’ e ‘* e “ "“7' Tnote from the I estate Bauk is a! of the abolition 20. He thinks the the the P Uce in » psynp land scrip. This Ran’ w hde the lan-i offices 4 compute that time as ••1 it hi« which it has to ran. . *■ -e — t«_ T defi •»? the C<r,n, - T ® r Woodruff. ’W- -ij •••*. lower part of Jackson and »ar»- »f St Francis counties. It ' 1 |f*Janor of Wm. E. Woodruff of xr ti.fc State ’ii. or says that nothing hasT , erable institutions, and can not bt i. wot until the war is over. f the Thete are all ihe important topics to. I®’ dl din message with which v ur Iwveuot been heretofore made acquX. - V\ isbingpiii Navy Depabt has received, says a ;jfarp:yxo ■ra r r ' pieitions for tljg desirßciium , rebel steamer n ;. J.T ed that the gjvern ‘ » | fo’ ’ cap ur- a d < ' *ud 13U0,000 for i*' .. P ' ’ AO. 45-