OCR Interpretation

Washington telegraph. [volume] (Washington, Ark.) 1839-1871, January 14, 1863, Image 1

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VOL. ‘ I
I ( ]>.<,< olente,) ou the Second Monday in
f'tnteniber next, for a session of twenty weeks,
under the snpirrimonof Bev. Ds. V. STAPLE
TOX assisted by a corps of teachers, who
Lave by long experience proved their ability
to discharge every duty, incumbent on them
in their respective departments.
Said Institution is for the reception of pupils
of"both sexes, and such teachers are engaged
that every department of a Classical. Mathe
matical aiid Literary education will be prompt
ly attended to. In ladies’ department, French
will be taught by the Principal, and Music,
Drawing, Painting, &c., by an experienced
jo further particulars, terms, &c., see
circulars, or apply to the Principal.
Rocky Comfort, Ark., Aug. 15. 1862. (32-10
A C A R D .
I WING this day reconveyed to Mr. M.
11 wiSEiiEllG the Store H aise, Warehouses
and Town Lots on which the same are situated
I n Washington, together with the Stock of
I d e rehandise remaining on hand., recently pur-
I -aased of him, and also assigned to him my
; > ks cf accounts for Merchandise sold, and
.’I Notes. Bills and evidences of debt growing
it of said business from the date of purchase
i this day he is therefore hereby fully rein
■sted with all the right, title, claim or interest
. jich I may have derived from him in and to
gi l Storehouse, Warehouses and Town Lets
I Merchandise on han ’t, and he alor.e is
mthorized to collect and settlo all debts created
i my name at the mercantile establishment
inducted for me by said Wiseberg.
Washington, Ark., Dec. 24, 1861. 50-ts
t rs PICTURE GALLERY i* again opened.
1 and a good selection of CASES on hand.
T i ise who desire Types, either of themselves
r friends, would do well to make an early ap
•iicatiou, as my present stock of material will
> m be consumed, and no more to be had ex
ert at exorbitant prices.
Washington, Jan. 22,1862. 2—ts
the Stfickh il'lern of the L. _■!. T
aciyation (foxnyany:
T tiie solicitation of numerous stockholders,
. ). I will defer the commencement of the work
o some future time. The call will not be re
-4 fred to be paid at the time mentioned. Our
i ate is now inva led. Every man will be re - I
aaired tn be at his po*t.
C. M. JIERVY, President.
March 12th, 1862. 9-
VaNK MS* Tk BE ” H-2 ■
-for the above at reasonable priors..
I, Lave at present no means of tran port at ion. ;
. , I the Forage and Provisions must he deliv- 1
-vd a’ Washington, per< uis bring in ail cases
,i 1 for the use of their teams.
and A. Q. M.. C. S. A.
Tnshington. Ark., July 2d. 1862. 2-.-ts j
.'T .H. WILLIAMS &. CO.,
Xew Orleans,
Will receive and sell Cotton donated 1
<■■ Southern Confederacy, and procure
•Jg. 14. 1861. 31-6 m
ANT) —
- - I’ECTFI'LLY offers his services to his
Y numerous friends ard the public generally,
he investigation and perfection of titles
-.tramp and other lands.’in the collection of [
• Jtt v. and esp ecially all claims against the |
.’federate States or the State of Arkansas :
July bth. 1862. n2s:ly
August 7th, 1862. n3O-ly
W K VA N \ ‘
s i
’A \ %
July 9, 1862. 26:1y
Liverv Stable.
THE under- g. /Na
£2s ;.s«>«rthe mB-W
’ ias this day opened a
and ji . w,u keep Horses, Huggies
bv th<* l. r ** S Or b>re. and will keep horses
Spared inn n- eek ° r month - Xo P ail '» win ba
iii-y pva *\ akln g care nf Horses, and in render
( r^, ac ® c>nimo ’) a^on in our power.
without’' °* ,n £ W >H be the rate of our charges,
Knor.- va ’’ la tion, and always for the money:
( P>ng horse by the month, sls 00
o- , ** all night. 75
Badd e f eed ’ 40
horse per day 1 50
, Tr w - NOTICE.
o . torne?^ R rt EW -'V lf ’ ldß niyp '” rer of at ‘
.’i'™’"' “ r
B gA K “ sf)
<• IM * 4 . __ . . —
•fcl uiMwll
DURING the temporary absence of the Cash
ier of the “Washington Exchange Com
pany,” and the “Exehange Company at Wash
ington,” their issues of small notes will be
redeemed at the office of Messrs. R. L. Rrittin,
Miller & Co., when presented according to the
tenor of the same.
11. GARDES, C'lxhier.
A. B. WILLIAMS, Pret't.
Washington, Ark., Oct. 1. 1862. 89-ts.
tillite Domestics,
Yarn Socks.
for Clothing for rhe Soldiers. I w : ll pay
liberal prices for the above named articles, in
any quantities, delivered at Washington.
Capt. & A. Q. M. C. S. A.
Oct. 1,1862. 3§.
THE undersigned offers his services to the
public in obtaining Deeds from the State
of Arkansas for Lands sold by the Federal
Government prior to 6th May." 1861, and not
patented up to that time. Also, Deeds for
Swamp Laad entries made either with Scrip or
N- B — Always found at the Register’s Office.
Washington, Jan -4, 1862. 52-ts
AY/’ANTED. immediately, Ten or Fifteen
it SI. 14 ING MACHINES, in good working
order, either of Singer’s, Grover & Baker’s or
Bartholfs manufacture, for which a fair price
will be paid in cash. Apply to
W. 11. ETTER.
Washington, Oct. 29, 1862. 42.3
X tbe Ikt Monday of September.
H. A. JoNES, Esq., Principal of the Male,
ami Mrs. MARI J. FIELD in charge of the
Female Academy. Rates of tuition as here
Sec’y Board Trustees.
July 28th, 1862. 29-ts
Washington. July 18, 1862. 27:tf
Spun L lircad lor Wool
ONE Bale Spun Thread will be given in ex
change for every ten pound* Washed Woul i
delivered r« ni. at Washington. Toe balance I
ill be paid in ca«h.
Capt. A A Q. M. C. S. A.
Washington, Nov. 12, 1862. 44.rf
A’OTH K.--M—' - W. L. B tt N 1- or
, Lawrence are my authorized agents fir the
I trsnsaciiot. nf busim>s. Persm,-- indebted to
me. or having open accounts, will please make
I .-.fcttlemeiits with them.
Washington, Oct. 6, 1362. 4'l-tf
Notice to Conscripts.
' /TAPT. C. I>. ETTER has full authority from
■J Lt. Gen. Holmes to enroll conscripts for his
company < f Field Artillery, in the countie , < of
Hempstead. Lafayette ana Sevier, to he collec
ted at \\ ashiagton, Arkansas.
That t .i” order may he carried into effeet
with as I ittle delay as pc-sihli-. cmiscrip: - r. ish- 1
itisr to join tbit* branch of the service are hereby ;
requested to report immediately to the under
signed at Washington, Arkansas.
Capt. Etter’s Battery Lt. Artillery.
Dec. 10th, 1862.
No - ice.
K ANA WAY from the subscribers, at the Salt
Works, in Sevier county; a NEGRO MAN
, named Zach, aged about 24 years; stout built; j
I very black: weighs about 160 pounds; rather
quick spoken: was formerly owned by B. V.
Collins. Esq., and we suppose will he lurking
about W’a-diington, in Hempstead county: Mill
wood, in Sevier county, or perhaps the neigh
borhood of James Bradbury, who ownes his
wife. We will give twenty-five dollars for his !
delivery or confinement in any jail so that we
can get him. Address
Nashville, Hempstead co., Ark.
Dec. 10, 1862. 47-2

Not ice.
WE have affected arrangements by which
we think we will be enabled to eallect
Quartermaster’s and Commissary’s Certificates
for property, supplies and provisions furnished
io the army. Persons holding such claims,
who will put them in our possession at an
early day, enn get them attended to for a
reasonable eLarge. If not collected, claims
will be returned to the owners.
Dec. 10 th, 4862. 48-4 w
To Slave Owners.
A N ACT of the Confederate Congress an
il thorizes the enlistment of Negroes to
serve as Cooks, four being allowed to each com
pany, and captains of companies are author
ized to enlist them upon the written consent
of the owners. The undersigned wishes to en
list four negroes under the above regulations,
for Capt. Etter’s Company of Light Artillery.
Persons who may wish to furnish one or
more, are requested to notify me at Washing
ton, Arkansas.
Capt. Etter’s Company Lt. Artillery.
Post Office Department,
Richmond. Nov. 27, 1862.
OEALED PROPOSALS will be received at
kl the Contract Beaureau of this Department
until 12 m. of the 15th of January next, for
carrying the mails of the Confederate States,
within the State of Arkansas, until the 3<>th
day of June, 1866, with certainty, celerity,
and security on the following post route, viz:
From Washington by Columbus, Saline,
Brownstown, and Paraclifta, to Doaksville,
110 miles and Lack, twice a week,
Leave Washington Wednesday and Saturday
at 5 a. m.,
Arrive at Doaksville next days by 6 p. m.
Leave Doaksville, Monday and Friday at 5
a. m.
Arrive at Washington next days by 6 p. m.
49-4 w Postmaster General.
for the
rpHE ANNUAL SESSION of this School will
± commence at Arkadelpeia, on the Ist Mon
day in September. The terms for tuition,
board, washing, &c., where there is ability to
pay. are one hundred and sixty dollar- per
session of ten months: but indgent blind per
sons between the ages of six and twenty-six,
resident in Arkansas, will be received, board
ed and instructed, at the expense of the State
upon presenting a certificate from the pre
siding judge of the county in which they live,
stating that they are unable to pay for boa-d
and tuition in the Institute. Application for
admission, should be made to the Supcrinten
dant. Otis Pattex, Arkadelphia, and should
state the name, age, mental capacity, and pe
cuniary circumstances of the person for whom
application is made, together with the name
and postoffice of the parent or guardian. No
person having any offensive or infectious dis
ease, nr addicted to immoral habits, wi'l. know
ingly, be admitted into the school. The pupils
will live in the house with the Superintendant
and form part of his family.
lhe course of study is similar to that pur
sued in academies for the seeing, embracing
Orthography Reading. Writing Arithmetic,
Geography, Grammar. History. Philosophy
Natural History, Algebra, Geometry, Lai.tua
ges. Vocal and instrumental Musia. together
with several branches of Handieraft. It is the
object of the Institution, not only to educate
the blind intellectually and morally, but to fit
them for self-support, mainly as Teachers ami
Mechanics. The pupil nd a portion of
each atternoonin the workshops where the boys
learn to make mattresses and corn brooms, and
; the girls to knit nnd sew. The school and
i workshops are open to visitors at all times ex
cepting on the Sabbath, and all who’f.el
an interest, are cordially invited to call and
witness theexer cises.
Arkadelphia, Aug. 12th. 1862.
j. b. McDaniel, h. flanagan.
• T. A. HEARD. W. A. THI .ti.
BI 3* Q”<X
One Door V est of M. Wiseberg's.
AT this e Loli-hment we hive on ft
Imt.d the large-t and nm-t completely
2ft Stock to be found at this time in the ZTa
Southwest, of the fol! >wii.g articles;
Dr gs. Medicine*. Chemicals, Paints, (both
in oil and water.) Lith irge, White Zinc,
Red and Black Led, Window Glass,
Putty. Rosin, Lamp Black, Venetian
Red. Spanish Brown. Red or Brazil
Won I, British Ln-tre or t tove
I’-dish, Black Sand. Spanish
Whiting. Piaster of Pari*,
Coat. Hair. Comb. Paint
* Whitewash Rni-hes,
Flavoring Extract*. Spice, ('loves, Mace
Nutmegs, Cinnamon. Arrow Root. Sago,
Tn pioca. Pear Barley, Iceland M
Ge! itin or Ising’a-<, Purgative. Touie
ami Ague Pills, S it-a|>irilla. Mrs.
S. A. Allen’s Hair R< storer,
Sclieol Books. Xc
< ESO.
W« wi’l pav in ctitdi 75 cents per dozen for
quart bottles. 50 cents per dozen for pin: >ot
tie*, and 25 cent- per dozen for vials, prov ted
they are perfectly clean.
Nov. 12, 186/. 44
525 REU MJl>.
OTOLIIA from the -rable nf Dr John A.
0 Powel', 14 mile* we«t of Little Pock. "U
the Washington road, on tbe night of the 20th
November last, a large, gray HORSE, about 16
hands high; eight years old next -pring: - me
saddle marks on his back, a brand on the left
shoulder, very dim, supposed tn I n tbe letter A;
shoe off the left fore foot: some daj pie* on his
legs. Said horse paces very fast md i- a fine
saddle horse. I will give the «bove reward
for him delivered to me eight miles northwest
of Washington, or will pay n liberal reward for 1
any information concerning hi* whereabouts.
N. G. NEAL ,
Aho. at the same time nne yla •*, a dua
PON\. about 14 Lands hitrh; branded with
the letter B on the left ehoui ler; eltod all ;
Doc. 10, 1862.
Little Rock True Democrat will please
copy 3 weeks.
« 2 'W.
G O V B: R x 11 E N T !
I HAVE been appointed General Agent of
the Produce Loan to the Confederate |
States for the State of Arkansas, and have j
entered upon the discharge of my duties, at
my office in Washington.
Persons who have subscribed to this Loan
or who have cotton fir sale, will call on the
undersigned, who is prepared to hare weigh
ed and classified al] cotton offered to the Gov
ernment, and to pay for the same.
I will appoint agents for distant localities
as soon as possible, with full powers to act.
General Agent Produce Loan.
Washington, Ark., Nov. 20th, 1862. 45-ts
T WISH to make contracts for the delivery
A of any amount of Bacon at this Post, be
tween this and the first day of May, 1863.
1 hose wishing to make engagements will please
come forward.
Capt. * A. C.S. C. 8. A.
Washington, Nov. 26, 1862. 45-sm.
Wagons Wanted.
WANTED immediately at this Post, Twenty
good, substantial Fix-Mule WAGONS,
with Harness complete. Liberal cash prices
Capt.&A, Q.M. C. S. A.
Washington, Nov. 26, 1862. 45-ts
Oct. 22 1862. 41-ts
J* l«* PALMER, Proprietor
Get. 29, 1862. 42-ts
Passed and Approved at the Session
of 1862.
AN ACT to Prevent Setting Prairies on Fire.
Section 1, Jte it enaettd by th» General
gembly of the State of Arkansas, That, if any
person or persons shall willfully nnd inten
tionally or negligently and carelessly get on
fire, or cause to be set on fire, any prairie or
woods, or other grounds, such person or per
sons shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and,
upon indictment and conviction thereof, shall
be fined in any sum not less than Twenty-five,
normorc than Five Hundred Dollars, and be
imprisoned not more than one month.
Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That, if such
offence be committed by a slave, with or by the
consent or command of his owner or overseer,
such owner or overseer shall be liable, as in
the preceding section.
Sec. 3. 3e it further enacted. That any person
who shall violate the provisions of this act
shall, in addition to the tine so apsessed, be
liable to pay to every person so by him injured,
double the damages sustained by him, to be
recovered by action on the case before any
court having competent jurisdiction.
Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That this act
shall not apply to persons settiieg fire to prai
ries. who shall give two days’ notice to all the
parties who may be affected thereby.
Approved Nov. 27, 1862.
AN ACT to Amend the Revenue Law--.
Section 1. Bett enacted by the General A“-
ecmbly of the State of Arkaneae, That, from and
after the passage of this aot, all sales of land,
whether of re-ilent or in n-resident owner-,
shall take place at the time and place, and in
the m.-Miuer now prescribed by law for the .-ale
of tie lands of non-resident owners: Provided
that the provisions of this act shall, in no case,
be applied to non-residents who are now, or
who maj become, citizens of any of the States
now at war with tbe Confederate States.
Six'. 2. Be t further enacted, That all owners
of lands, his. her, or their heirs at law, or legal
representativ.-s, whether resident.- or non-resi
dents, whose lands may be sold for the non
payment of Taxes, alter the passage of this
act, shall b« entitled to redeem the same until
lhe expirafi n of two years from the date of
the ratification of a treaty of peace between
the Confederate States of America and the
United St-.tes of America, upon paying or ten
dering to the purchaser of such lands, his, her,
or their heit- at law, or legal representatives,
the full amount of taxes, penalty, and costs for
which the same may have been sold; and ail
taxes c as-e-sment- the purcha-er, hi-, her, or
their Leirs at law or legal representatives, may
Lave paid thereon, between the time of sale
and .edernption, together with interest at the
rate of ten per centum per annum, on such
amounts, from the time they were respectively
■T.C 3. B' it further enacted, That, in all
cases where the parch.iser or purchasers of
lands -old for the non-payment of taxes, hi*,
siie in the county in which such lands are
-auate,’he original owner or <>wuers thereof,
I is, her <>r tl.eir livir- or legal representatives,
’o rede, m the same -hall payor tender the
sum ■.( tie net due under the provisions of this
act. t I.ini, her, <>r them; but if -uch | ar>- .a
--?«-r > r i uretia-er*. Lis, her, or ti.eir heirs, or
legal representatives do not reside in s-ieh
i-.mnty. or .-hall retuse to receive the same,
the original owner or owners, his her. or their
heir.- or legal representatives, may deposit the
amount of money due under the provisions of
this net. with the Collector of the county, who
-ball is-ue to him, her, or them, a certificate
signed by him in his official capacity in which
shall bw stated the sum depusite l, and the
numbers or description of the lands redeemed.
Sec. t !te ■' ' rtke enacted. That th pay
n < nt "! tax -, penalty, co-ts. and intcre-t, ten
•ii r or dep. -it thereof, under the provisions of
the third section of this act, shall divest the
I urchaser or purchasers, his, her.or their heirs
or legal representatives, of all interest or claim
ia or to the binds s< ught to be redeemed:
and the certificate of dep sir with tin < ' 41i et. r
shall be receive 1 in ev deuce in all the courts
of thi* B’tnte, without proof.
Sec. 5. Be it further enacted. That payment
or tender to any one of the parties, where tluire
nre mote than one, having acquired an interest
t.y virtue of the sale of lands embraced by
this act, shall be deemed a sufficient payment
or tender.
Sec. 6. Be it further enacted. That moneys
deposited with the Collector, under the pro
visions of this act, shall be paid to those en
titled to the same, upon demand.
Sec. 7. Be it further enacted. That no Col
lector of Taxes shall make a deed for lands
gold for the non-payment of taxes, until the
expiration of the time allowed for the redemp
tion thereof.
Sec. 8. Be. it fuither enacted, That all
lands that have been, or may hereafter be,
forfeited to the State for the non-payment of
taxes, shall not be sold by the Auditor, but re
main subject to redemption by tbe proper own
er, on payment into tbe treasury of the taxes,
penalty, costs, and interest thereon, us if tbe
lauds had been purchased by individuals, until
the expiration of two years after the ratifica
tion of a treaty of peace between the Confed
erate States of America and the United Slates
of America.
Sec, 9. Be it further enacted, That all laws
in conflict with this act, be repealed; and that
this act be in force from its passage.
Approved November 28, 1862.
AN ACT for the More Effectual Punishment of
Slave* for Arson, and other crimes:
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Ae
tembly of the State of Arkangat, That any
slave duly convicted of the crime of arson,
shall suffer the punishment of death.
Seo. 2. Every slave convicted of robbery,
shall receive on his bare back, not less than
one hundred, nor more than three hundred
Sec. 3. Every slave convicted of larceny,
shall receive on his bare back, not less than
fifty, nor wore than two hundred lashes.
Sec. 4. Every slave convicted of burglary,
shall receive on his bare back, not less than
one hundred nor more than three hundred
Sec. 6. The definition es Felony, as now
defined by law, for the punishment of free
persons, shall, in like manner apply to slaves,
although no part of the punishment of such
slaves shall be confinement in the jail and pen
itentiary house of this State.
Sec. 6. All laws and parts of laws in conflict
with the provisions of this act, be, and the
same art hereby repealed.
Approved November 28, 1862.
Whebeas, in the month of Fel ruary. A. D.
1862, our State was invaded, an 1 threatened
to be overrun and devastated by our common
enemy; and, wbereaa, Gen. Ben. McCullough,
in order to arrest the danger and Vandalism
of the invading armies of the North, called
earnestly for the citizens of the State to rally
to his standard and form themselves into com
panies and regiments, and be sw<m into the
service, for and during the emergency. And.
whereat, many of our citizens rallied under the
call of that lamented general, nnd organized
themselves into a regiment under James I*.
King, Colonel, nnd [were] mustered into the
service of the Confederate States, by Major
Bradfute, of C. S. A., under the direction of the
commanding general. And whereat, that regi-
ment did valuable services in the memorable
battle of Elk Horn, and was disbanded by their
officers after the retreat of Major General Van
Dorn’s forces, south of Boston Mountains, after
rendering twentv-one days’ valuable and faith
ful service, to the C. S. A.
And, M hereas, no provision* have been
made for the paying of said troops; therefore.
Ilrtolved b / the General keeembly of the State
of Xrkan.ear, That our Senators be instructed,
and our Representatives in Congress be re
quested to use their influence in the Confed
erate Congress, to have an appropriation
made for the purpose of paying said taoops for
their services, expenses, and losses; and also
ail other troops raised under similar calls.
Approved December 1, 1862.
- 4 -J ) ACT to Establish the County of Cross.
Be n enacted by the General Atermbb/ of llt«
State of Arkaneae
Section 1. That all that portion of Town,
chip number twelve, north, and Ranges number
one, two, three, four, five, six and seven, eaet,
be, nnd the same is hereby stricken from the
enmity of Craighead, and attached to, an
made a part of the county of Poinsett; and
that portion commencing on the section line
between Sections eleven and fourteen, Town
ship six, north, of Range four, east, thence
east on the section line, to the south-east cor
ner of Section twelve, Township six, north, of
Range five, east; thence south, on the town
ship line, to the south-east corner of Township
three, north, of Range five, east; thence west
on the township line to the St. Francis river;
thence up said river to the section line be.
tween sections eleven and fourteen. Township
six, north, of Range four, east, (to) the begin
ning, lie. and the same is hereby stricken from
the county of Crittenden, and attached to, and
made a part of the county of .St. Francis.
Sec. 2 All that portion of the counties of
Poinsett, St. Francis, an 1 Crittenden, em
braced within the following boundaries, viz;
Beginning at th« north-west comer of Town
ship nine, north, of Range one. east; thence
ea-t, to the nortn-east corner of Township nine,
north, of Range six, ea-t; thence south, to the
south-east corner of Township nine, north, of
Range six, east; thence west, to the south
west corner of Township nine, north, of Range
-ix, east; thence south, to the south-east cor
ner of Section twelve, in Township six, north,
ot Range five, east; thence west, to the south
west corner of Section seven, in township six.
north, of Range one. east; and thence north,
to the lo g lining, shall he. and the same i
hereby created and established a separate
county, called the county of Cross; the tem
porary seat of justice of said county of Cro--.
<an l until the -ame may be permanently bl
oated.) shall be at Bitt-burg, in said county.
Sec. 8. Said county of Cross shall be. an 1
form a part of the Senatorial District, com
posed of the counties of St. Francis, Poinsett,
and Cross, and known as tbe Thirteenth Dis
trict ; and until the next apportionment of Uep
re-eut uivc* to the General Assembly, all in
habitants of said county of Crosa, residing in
tln.se portions of the same now taken trom,
and heretofore belonging to the counties < I
!’■ iii-ett. St. Francis, and Crittenden, shall
vote for Representatives, as heretofore, in
suit! counties, respectively, in wtiich *ai 1
portions were situate, and to which they be
longed before the passage ot this act.
Sec. I. Sai l c< unty of Cross shall be at
bud >*d to, and form a part of the First Ju
dicial Circuit; and the Circuit Court* in and
lor said county, shall be holden on th- last
Mondays in April and October.
Sec. 5. As soon as practicable after the
passage of this act. it shall be the duty of the
Governor to issue bis proclamation for an elec
tion. to be held in and for -aid county of Cross,
on a certain day, to be therein named, and
a lowing one luonth's notice, from the date of
such proclamation, for the election of one
I’rohate Judge, one Clerk, one Sheriff, and all
other inferior county officer*, as provided by
law fur other counties: such elections to be
held at the usual places of voting heretofore iu
said county ; and to be conducted in all res
pects according to the laws concerning elections
in like case*
Sec. 6. The County Courts in said county
of l.'ros*, shall be holden on the first M mdavs
in January, April, July, and October; and the
Probate l aurts in said county, shall be holden
on the first Tuesday after the first Mondays iu
said in >nths.
Sec. 7. The County Court of said county of
Cross, is hereby fully authorized and empow
ered to adjust and settle with tbe countie- of
Poinsett, St. Francis, and Crittenden, for the
due propurtion, according to population at tfio
time of the separation created by this net, of
the debt, if any, owing by those counties, res
pectively, and to which said county of Cross
should contribute.
8«c. 8. It .shall, in like manner, be the duly
of the County Court in the county of Poiu-ctt,
to adjust and settle with and pay to the county
of Craighead, a due proportion, according to
the population in that portion of said county,
by the first section of this act attacked to said
county of Poinsett, of the debt, if any, owing
by said county of Craighead.
Sec 9. At the same time and places that
may be fixed by tbe proclamation of the Gov.
ernor for the election of other county officer*,
there shall be elected in and for said county
of Cross, three Commissioners for the purpose
of selecting ami locating the permanent -eat of
ju-tice in said county ; and who shall be
elected, qualified, and proceed according to
the provisions contained in Chapter 44 of the
Revised Statutes, concerning county seats;
nnd shall have and exercise the like powers an 1
duties as therein provided for Commissioners.
Sec. 10. All civil and criminal suits pending
in said counties of Poinsett, St. Francis, and
Crittenden, against parsons residing in said
county of Cross, shall, upon application of
such persons to the proper court, be remove 1
to the Circuit Court of the said county of
Cross, according to the statutes providing for
changes of venue, in civil and criminal cases,
respectively; and in like manner, upon the
application of the exeeutor or administrator,
all administrations of the estates of deceased
persons ami guardians who resided in what is
now the county of Cross, may be reweved to
the Probate Court of said county.
Sec. IL This act shall take effect ttl be in
force from and after its passage
Approved Nov. 15, 1862.
AN ACT to Repeal Sections One, Six, Seven
Eight and Nine of Chapter 106 ol tbe Di
gest of the Statutes of Arkansas.
Shction 1. 2?e it enacted by the General A
eenbly of the State of Arkaneae, That sec
tions one. stx, seven, eight and nine of Chapter
one hundre-1 and six of the Digest of the Stat
utes of Arkansas, be and the are hereby re
Sec. 2. Ke it fur'her enacted, That this act
be in force from the time of its passage.
Approved November 29th, 1862.
AN ACT to Revive Swamp Land Scrip.
Section 1. Be (7 maete l by the General .4z.
eemhlyof the Slate of Arkaneae, That all Swamp
IjuiJ Scrip now outstanding and unredeemed,
which is or which may hereafter become bar
red by anyexisting law, is hereby revived and
kept in full force and virtue; Provided, That
nothing in this Act shall be so construed as tn
revive any of the old Swamp Land Certificates
issued by the Board of Commissioners.
Sec. 4 And be it further enacted, That this
act take effect and be in fej’ce from and after
its passnga.
Approved November 22, 1862.
AN ACT to Provide for a Commission of En
Section. 1. Be it enacted by the General .4r
t'mbly of the State of Arkaneae, That Gordon
N. Peay, Elias N. Conway, ami John H. Crease,
be and they are, hereby, appointed a Commis
sion of Enquiry, w ith fill power and authority
to do and perform all things hereinafter reci
Sec. 2. Said Commissioners shall signify
their acceptance of the appointment herein
made, to the G-ivcrnor, on or before the first
day of January. 1863, and in case any or all
of the above named persons shall fail or re
fuse to accept such appointment, then the Gov
ernor shall appoint discreet and competent per
s »ns in their stead.
Sec. 3. Said Commisdoneni.before entering
upon tbe d scharge of tlieir dutie*, shall, sev
erally. make and subscribe tbe following oath.-
1. , do solemnly swear that I will sup-
port the Constitution of the Confederate
State* of America, the Cuii«tilution of the
State of Arkansas, and that 1 will faithfully
abide md observe theOrdiuances of the Conven
tion of the people of tbe said State of Arkansas;
That I will make fair and diligent enquiries into
the matters entausted to my charge; That 1
will endeavor to divest myself of all prejudice,
malice or ill will, or favor or pirtiality; and
that 1 will truly report all delmquences dis.
Sec. 4. Such Commissioners shall make
enquiry into the expenditures of the State,
and tbe disposition made of the funds and
property of t >o State during the part two
years. They el.ail ascertain a.* best they
may what money, property, goo Is, and ef
fect* have tie<-n paid to the State; or seized by
her; or that have come into her possession; or
into the po*-e*-ioii of any agent or person fur
her: nnd the disposition mi le thereof; and
if tiuy such property lias been sold, appropri
ted, or retained, to enq ure by what authority
the same was done; mid. if sold, who has the -
pre ••■d-o -u-li-il ;eri: appropriate 1 to pri
vate use.to en leaver to ascertain the value of
t.ie pr q> Tty * > appripriate-l. They shall, also
enquiit .vtiuta counting <r a iHecting officers of
the State are in default; the kin lof funds collec
tel by them and witniield, and what steps
have be-n taken to collect <>r secure the sums
due. They may enquire into the manti or of
k. eping a c uut*. of transacting business,
an I ini • my abuseC *upp »scd to exi-t, in any Ct
t i St • D | n in nt-, excepting the Judicia
ry. They shall enquire into tbe accounts of
State militia officers; r< port what fee*, salaries,
perquis.-ts and emoluments w re paid to them;
what liimls they wore paid in. and whether
thev bei 1 fund* in their hands which drew iu- ,
t»-.c-t. mil to whose ben-fit that interest en
ure I. To thi* end they shall have free access
t -di book-. pijoT.aml file.* in the office* of
- ert ■. of State, Auditor, Trea-ur. r, Mili- .
tiry i. <nd. Paymaster General, Q’lartermas-
t-t < i.-neral. Commissary or Military Store-’
k-iqu-r, and the privilege of copying in such
ofti.-e, any record or paper. They shall have
p-iwet, any two of them being present, to ad
minister oath* ami take testimony, an 1 a per
* in fa!*ely swearing before them, shall be lia
ble t« ail the pains and penalties of purjury;
when wtti»e..*e- live at a distance, they may
issue comroi'sion* to take depositions in the
m inn- r m w prescribed l.y law ia sa-es in tbe
Circuit C<»iirl*.
Sec. 5. They may certify to witnesses the
iiiini'oT of day* in .Hen 1 nice on them, an i
number of mile- traveled, which certificate
shall e paid by order of tue Govern t, out of
any tn >m-y* in the trea-ury, not otherwise ap
Sec 6. S'■■ i 1 soil (’ itutiii--inner* find any'
property ! (fir State in pos*e**ion of any per- {
- .ii r <<r» >ti* ti >t autnorixed by law to have '
the co-' -Iv or control "f ’he same, they shall. '
forthwtlli. rcp’irt that fact to the Governor. ,
who -Irill take step* t ■ replevy or reclaim said
property: and wlm’i - i j.r qo-rty is in danger
of being ran off. or c■.■i-i::» or wasted, either ]
of -ai I i’oniiiii**ioneimay make oath before
any Justice >*f the I’ea.-e, tliat tie believes said .
pi qe'ity to !•<• tiie p.-.p-rty of t!,e State; and •
i ; i*i..-. -‘:a! or ter i i» same to be taken |
■ . . „t ..ny itfi •■•’ . an 1 held until tbe I
Govern >r *tri i h tv > a<’’'i i*i the premises.
Sec. 7. '» i-n the <’om ni**ioners shall fin ! [
that pr p■: i . vafiable-. or goods, money, or
i b- •« ot t. • Slate, base been appropri*
at d. - ( n idere l. retaine 1. or disposed of by ’
ariv oitic t. ngent, or p< i ■ >n who has bad the ,
charge ..f *ncli property, they shall report that ;
fact t • th- reruor; ami ail bond* given by ;
such p. i - agent*, or officers, may be sued ■
upon for the recovery of the value of such j
property. Certified c .pies of scab bonds shall
be taken by tbe courts, as well as the origi
Sec- 8. Said Commissioners may employ a
clerk, if they fin 1 the labours of one neces*ary; ,
and said clerk shall receive three dollars, and
.aid commissioners .-hall receive for their ser- |
vice* the sum of six dollar* for each and every |
dav they may be employed : two of tlieir num
ber may form a quorum to transact business;
and in case of tiie death or resignation of any
member, the Governor shall appoint his sue- j
cessor. . .
.Sec. 9. Said Commissioners shall report
their ptoceedings in full, to the Governor, who ‘
shall lay their report, or reports, before the 1
(,eneral Assembly, at the next special or regu- !
lar session thereafter.
Sec. 10. All laws in conflict with this act. |
be. and the same are hereby repealed ; and I
this act shall take effect from its passage.
Approved Nov. 19, 1862.
From Mississippi.—The semi-weekly
News, of the 6th, says that the stage
arriving the evening before, brings news
of daily skirmishing about Vicksburg;
and that our forces feel confident they
can hold it.
Grenada, Dec. 25.—Gen. Johnston ex
pressed complete satisfaction w : th tbe
review of our troops, and the President
was surprised at the perfect discipline of
Price’s army.
Fifty transports, containing Shartnan’s
troops, left Memphia, the end of last
week, for the South; and thirty more
were to foil >w.
Every preparation is being made for
the defence of Vicksburg and tue Yazoo
Grant’s command have gone into the
entrenchments left by our troops, on the
Tallahatchie, expecting an attack from
tha north.
Van Dorn and Forrest are operating
on their lines.
Vicksburg. Jan. 2.—Skirmishing con
tinued all day yesterday, without any
important result.
No general engagement is expected
until the arrival of Gens. McClernaud
and Sherman, with the balance of the
Yankee army.
All are confident of onr ability to hold
Vicksbujg against any force the Yankees
may bring here.
Nothing of interest has been since re
ceived. After three repulses at the Ya
zoo, the enemy have made no active de
monstrations. The Caddo Gazette, of
the 10th, learns they have abandoned
the siege.
At a meeting of the citizens of Mine Crauk
Township, held in NaabviUe, Hempstead Co.,
Ark., Jan. Ist, 1863, to take into cuuaideration
tue condition of the familiev of volunteers, the
following proceedings were had:
Rev. D. Cochran wa* callad to the chair, and
J. L. Wilson appointe 1 Secretary.
After a free and full dissuasion of the sub
ject, a motion was ma le to appoint a committaa
t > draw up resolutions expressive of the sense
of the meeting, whereupon the Chair appointed
Messrs- J. B. Robins. H. Bisbop, E. R. W.
McCrary, Rev. E. Haynes, J. R H, Cummings,
Thus. G. l’a:ker, W C. Leslie, L. *. Ellia,
J W. Hal). W. H. Rector, N. W. Whitman, W.
M. Lewis, L. B. Dowd, and J. L. Mathison, as
«uoh committee, who retired, and, after delib
eration. returned with the following preamble
ani resolutions, which were unanimously
adopted :
Where** The S mthern Confederacy is now
making a great and laudable struggle to
obtain its independence, and to rank aa
one of tbe nations of the earth ; and that it
is tbe duty of every member of the Confed
eracy to assist in tiie mighty struggle. And
whereas, there are in the Southern army
many men who have g >ue forth to battle for
the cau«e of Southern independence, who
have left their wives and litrtle ones depend
ent upon the liberality of the country; and
who will suffer for the necessaries of lifef
without timely assistance: and in viewed
the spirit of extortion that is now manifests n
by many planters and manufacturers, it
withholding their products from sale, excep,
at exorbitant prices, which are calculated
not only to create great disaffection at home,
but in our armies, upon whom we depend to
drive back the invaders of our soil, ani
achieve our independence : Therefore, bo
it resolved —
Ist, That it is the sense of this meeting
that peisons sellibg to the families of the
soldiers who are defending our country, at ex
i orbitant price*, show that they are governed
; by a spirit of avarice ; are wanting in true pa
triotism ; and deserve the scorn and contempt
‘ of all true patriots.
2d That we unqualifiedly condemn the prac
. tice of some of the wealthy farmers of this
countiy, who have a surplus of breadstuff*,
.ind refuse to sell to the families of volunteers ,
; but are distilling the same, and selling the
; spirits at fabulous price*. We think that
they are actuated by a spirit of greed, that
their conduct is beneath the dignity of true
Southern men ; and that their loud protesta
ti ,ti* of love of country, are insincere.
3d. That tbe selling of cotton yarn by the
Arkansas Manufacturing Company ; and the
selling of salt, in this section of country, at
such exorbitant prices, for our Government
money, and offering the same at greatly re
duced rates, in specie, is depreciating our
currency, and, so far. weakening public con
fidence in the integrity of our Government.
4th. That we view with serious alarm, tha
action taken by manufacturers of leather an i
shoes; and, in lee 1, of a great number of the
producing cummunity. who have advanced the
prices of their products to such an extent as to
place them beyond tha ability of the poor, to
provide them*Elves with the necessaries of life,
utb. That we hereby obligate ourselves to
j report all peraons to the proper authorities,
wh > may violate the legal enactments ou the
* subject of extortion.
6th. That the other townships in this county
•ire hereby requested to co-operate with us in
putting d/wu the spirit of extortion now pre
vailing, as may be found amongst all classes
and occupations.
7th. That tbe County Court of Hempstead
county, be requested to appoint Ttiemas G.
Parker Commissioner of Mine Creek Township
I tor tbe present year, under the State appro
priation for the relief of volunteers’ families.
Bth. Tiiat the Washington Telegraph be
, requested to publish the above proceedinga.
J. L. MATHERBON. Secretary.
Gali exton Ke-Tuken I
Galveston, Texas, Jan. 1, 1853. J
To S. Cooper., Adjutant General:
This morning, tbe Ist of Jauutry, at
3 o'clock, A M., I attacked the enemy *
licet and garrison at this p! ice, and cap
j tured the latter, and the steamer Harriet
Lane, and two barks and a schooner.
The rest, some four or five iu number,
. escaped ignomiui<iu*ly, under a flag of
truce. I have about 600 prisoners, and
a large quantity of valuable stores, arms,
etc. The Harriet Lane was carried by
. boarding, trom two high-pressure cotton
steamers, manned by Texas cavalry and
The line troops were gallantly com
manded by Col. Thus. Green, of Sibley’s
Brigade; and the ships and artillery by
Major Leon Smith, to whose indomitable
j energy, and herein daring, the country
, is indebted for the successful execution
, us a plan which I had conceived for tha
destruction of the enemy’s fleet.
Col. Bagby, of Sibley’s Brigade, also,
eommanded the volunteers from his regi
ment, for the naval expedition, in whieh
every officer, and every man, won for
himself imperishable renown.
Maj. Gen. Cotn’g Dep’t Diat. Texas.
Charleston, S. C-, Dec. 30.—Nassau
letters report the recapture and arrival
of the schooner Emma, taken by the
Yankee blockaders off Wilmington, N.C.
Flempt'ead County, Jan. 9th. 1863.
Mr. Editor—Cp n arriving in Washington, I
learn that the opinion receives credit with
some, that, because the citizens of Missouri
T wnship failed to heed the recent call for en
rollment, I have influenced them.
This is false, and does me injustice. Ne
man in the county can say that I triad to per
suade him not to enroll. The enrolling officer
called to see me on Monday the first day of
his appointment at that township, and request
ed me to accompany him to Moscow, saying
that there woe some want of understanding
among the people, and that ho wished an to
read his orders and explain the exemption
act, etc. I answered that I could not endorse
myself the orders under whieh he acted, and
respectfully deelined. The report m*y have
originated from this. I hare my reasons for
refusing to accede to his request, and at a
more favorable time will make them known to
tbe public.
Since my return from the army, I have sin
gled with the people le.-s than any man in the
county, have been closely confined at home,
and have carefully left every one to the enjoy
ment of his own opinion upon matters of pub
lic policy. 1 hope that no man of reflection
will give aredit to the report, should such
thing be repeated. R. K. GARLAND.
How it is WOBXING. —We saw a let
ter yesterday, written by a German girl
of Pomeroy, Ohio, to her sister, who is at
service in this city, stating that whito
girls would soon all be out of places
as all who wanted help are hiring blacks
at fifty cento a week, so numerous ax*
they. — Cincinnatei Paperh.
MO. 52.

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