Newspaper Page Text
"w i'i ; o I'-n-i. '" ' V ' 'I) I I ll Il III. MAU83 JAMOITAI) -t r ', Pf 'T Q 'ff'lT ' v i w nrr -v .- Mji'f n -viin r ' in ( i ffli .r..VJ Mil K'. v ITa 9 (,.. " !- .K .-U - n ' .. og (MSI " i j' ,.'H iuft trteri ,; o i! .(cbiiilci! . i' - WASHINGTON. SATURDAt, NOVEMBER 30, 1861 VOL. IL NO.5, , , uiq "58T Ibplitgn --i NATIONAL REPUBLICAN. Gen. Lane at Springfield, Mo. Another Speech on the Megro' Question. lie Dilnu Ills PoalUoa, s-n that of Ha Kmill Brlguc, on am - . Hlavei jr. , About nine o'clock Tburtday evening, tfo vembtr 8, the Twenty fourth Indiana regiment, under the jommand of Lieutenant Colonel Garvin, appeared at the headquarters of Gen. Line, ami the regiment il Dinil dlsoourse.l-H beat mirtUI and other mnilc. Most of the Kiaiu brigade gathered around the Indiana regiment, and joined, with Item in oills for Lane Graeral Lino I Jim Lane, the Libera tor I On these names and titles the changes were rung for n lew minutes, when the General appeared In plain citizen's drew, la front of his quarters. Again the welkin resounded with cheers and hums, as the sound of some two thousand or mora voices was borne off on the '........ ID... HnnAml warn nnn A aA n fnllnW. . Gentlkiien and FnxLotr-Bou-tuis : The re. ceptlon of l his compliment was as far Irom 017 expectations at from my deserts. I am aware tbeie demonstrations are not Intended so much for me ns for the Kansas; brlcade 5 jet I should be the first to appreciate au J acknowledge any honors which louy come from ihe noble State of Indiana. CanlfnrKctlndlanu? Never! Cheers. " If I fjriret thee, let my right hand forget her iMinnfnir." It was the olaee of mr birth, and is the place of my moth-r's grave. .Indiana has clveu me legislative, executive, military, and 1 llrmnrcaslonal honors. 8hi has nursed me as " a fond mother brlogs up her child, and let my heart grow cold, ana my tongue cieave 10 tue roof ol my mouth, when I cease to bo grateful, or Ml to speak well of my benefactors. Loud cheers. But the home of my adoption, and toils and strife, is Kausan. She was a prairie waste when Qrct I set, foot on her soil, but, through desperate odds', she has fought her way nnlnta the sisterhood of Stum, and already her Utile army has beoomo Iambus throughout the nation for its bravery and patriotism. For Kansas have I wrestled as wrewtles tho mother when she brings forth her first bornjnto the world. Thundering oneer.i inaiaua, as a nart of the nast. is enshrined in mr heart kansa, as my home, and as the living present, absorbs my tnougnis ana sways my aesumy. Once I obeyed the voice of Indiana, and bon ored ber : now, I go at the bidding of Kansas, and love ber. Loud cheering. Bat, gentle men, I am proud and happy to see the two sis- ters of our glorious Union striking hands with each other on the toil of 'rebellious Missouri, determined that our united blows shall brush out this most c. useless and wicked rebellion, and preserve the national heritage left as by our father. Gentlemen: I shall not conceal the fact, that In one respect I differ from some ol my com peers in commind ns to tbo mode of warfare which is bent calculated (0 bring ttiii wretched contest to a, speedy, durable, and honorable close. The point ol d fferenoe refers, of course, in tlnvorv the rauaei nf nil dlTreniii the Pandora's box from which bits ls-ued all our national troubles. My creed is, Ut slavery take tart of itself. If It can sarvivo the shock of war, let It live, but If between an upper and nether millstone It be grounlito powder, end the winds drive it away, it is not for me to gather up the dust again: I do not propose to make war upon slavery, nut upon reoeis, una in the meantime to let slaves und slaver; take care of themselves. An oligarchy more erne) and Droscrlotive than ever scourged and cursed a nation, ancient or modern, has brought on this war for slavery, and If we are required to protect, defend, or In any way help slavery, then we are required to co operate with tho enemy, to help him, to defeud him, and to work fur the same end. (Jan we ploco ourselves thus iu alliancu with our deadly, and barbarous foes and at the' same time bonquer them, subdue them, orush them! When leaser contradictions are reconciled, we will think of harmonlzlog thli War. at best. Is a terrible calamity to a na tion. In all the country through which we have passed, the malls are stopped, schools are suspended, CDurcieB ore iura:'u into nospuuis for the sick and wounded, and general demor- allzatlon prevails. I'rotract the war one year and desolatlon,'moral and material alone, would mark tho traok of arms. Justice, humanity, and mercy require that tho conflict should term inate as soon as poatible, and' with the least practicable shedding of blond. Astounding as It may appear tVyou, gentle men from Indiana) yet it is n fact we have re peatedly demonstrated, Hut a heavier blow is dealt out to tho realm of Seccssla la tho abduc Hon or fieedoin of a slave than the killing of a soldier iu arm.;. Ys,,nd I may put the truth iu a stronger light mill. Abduct from I ho same family a slave, lind kill Iu nrmi a Bon, and the loss of tbo slave will be regarded as the greater mlslortuue the calanaUy,lor which, there Is no healing balm. I could bring up mnrn than. a thousand wltnea-ea whose obser vation aud experience qualify 'them to spcuk . nf the truthful candor ol rav remarks, lf.then. ' by allowing tbo blavo to fall Into the wake of the urmy and unu i-u priceless uoon 01 iree dom, we avoid bloodibcd, savo property from destruction, and strlk. death dealing blows' upon the head and front ot this rebellion, does not every consideration that is go' d and just require thai; this policy be adopted? This war is lor slavery let us make It the mighty engine for slavery's, destruction, and the rebels will soon cry enough. They will ea that, like Sat urn In the fable, they are eating up their'own children, anu win consent to cut short the re- Cast. Every guarantee that is given to slavery y the Government strengthens the rebels in their course. The Kansas brlgado has met the enemy In battle, and Touted him In evry conflict, ttu have destroyed Osceola, a sort of half town end hall' iniltary post; but alt then.) Ihinga combined have not brought the rebels to Iheir knees as has the escaping of it low hundred slayee, by following the back track of the army. Cheers. Gentlemen, my logic teaches that we cannot defend und make war upon the same foo at the same time ; and, if it Is the purpose of the Government to crush the reb els und prevent their slaved from stampeding, two armies should be sent In the field. Au advance force mjght be called the treason 1 crushing arrav. aud should be armed with of tensive weapons. The other should bo called the slavery restoring army, and should move about ten miles Iu the rear. It should bo clad In a defensive armor of triple steel, ior such is Ihe meanness ol spirit which is bred iu the P4 and s avf holding, that Ihe mislen would creep Into 'very place of aninu h, mid fire upon thnp wtin were gathering up and returning lh-ii fugitive bum in propUly. It would re lllpol Imale for the slavery-restoring army to r Jturn the flre.r.' they might harm some of ihe ppu and darlings ior wnotn uey are so gener ously! acting. ... Therefore, give Ibern tho dcfenBlvo arm, hut n'n nnVnulve wennons. Snch an arrange ment, novel as It might seem, must bo bad if slavery is to ne preserved in me rear or nn army, which moves with a force sufficient lo cru'h this huge rebellion. In my opinion', the - 3 -I.....1.I W . k.aa. mm Ilia secouti nriuj rutmiu uu uuiuciu w .u first, preserving Slavery win cosi me uot-i-rnment ten tlmi ns much as crashing tho re IHIIon. Voices Tbal'sso." The policy inaugurated by the Kansas brig ade, which I have tho honor lo eommand, was not adopted In a' moment, but Is the result of much experience. In a spe"ch recently made In the city of Leavenworth, my feelings of in dignation becamo wrought up to such a pitch, that I was betrayed into the use of language, which was justly condemned by the religions sentiment of the country, and which in cooler moments meets my earnest disapproval. But whether excited or calm, whether my languago be rough or smooth, principle and duty require that bur policy be rigidly adhered to until con demned bv the Government : and If It ahonld bo condemned, if the Government demand of the brigade obeisance in tne Genesis 01 sla very. I shall consider ihi question of with' di awing from the field. Since the reoeis nave laueu 10 nationalize s'avery, their battle cry Is " Down with the Ilnlnn." Let slavery lilt ud its crest Iu tho air. and here I solemnly vow, that if Jim Lino is compelled to add a note to such an infernal ClinruB, UR creates nis sworn anu qurn toe ueiu. Thundering applause. Let us De Doid in scribe "freedom to all" upon our banners, and appear just what wo are ihe opponents of slavery. It Is certain as if written In the book 01 laie, mac inia point must ue rrucueu ueiure tho war Is over. Take this stand, and enthu slaftn will be Inspired la the ranks. In steadi ness of purpose and courage each soldier will be a Spartan hero. The spirit of the Crusader will be united with the iron will of the Roman, and au army of such soldier U Invincible. Coder. These thing lo you, Indlanlans, may' appear strange, but when your military eduO-iuon nas receivea mat peculiar cost wuicn experience Is sure to give it, and which now pertains to the Kansas soldier, then will we march shoulder to shoulder, and victoilously, too, against tha enslavers and Drutallzera or men, and against the traitors to Ihe best Gov ernment on earth. Soldiers, we have a commander, on whose courage, skill, and kindness of heart we may Always confide. General Hunter has a Kansas education; he has suffered with us because of slavery, end he will, I know, endorse tho policy I have advocated to-night. It should be the bnslness'of Congress, at its coming session, to adopt a law directing the President of the United States, by proclama tion, to order the rebel States, wtyhln thirty or sixty days1, to Jay down their arms and return lo their allegiance, or, Id 'default thereof, de glare every slave free' throughout their do maihs. So far as I pm concerned, I hope the Almighty will bo direct the hearts of the rebels lbat,llke Pharaoh, they will persist iu their crime, 'and then we will invade them, and strike the shackles from every limb. Provision, too, should bo made for settling the African In Hay II, Central or South America, and let the race form a nation by itself. Llbi rlahas served u glorlous'parpose In teaching the world that these oppressed and wretched people are capable of supporting themselves, and of self government. I look upon the lie public of Liberia as the bud yes, the f u 11- Dlown nope or me wnoie 01 Airica. anu wisn It ever; encouragement and success. But it is too many thousand miles for. us to transport lour million or slaves, rnis ago nasi not me low and patienco requisite to such a task. But our own continent has room sufficient with soil, climate, and produoiions, sul'able for the accommodation of this people, who, in the mysterien of Providence, have been thrown among us. Transportation to the places named may be made a practicable reality. The good, of both races require.' their separation. Ages) ol oppression, ignorance and wrong, have made the African a being inferior in intellect and social attainments lo thin Caucasian, and, while lozether. we shall always' have low. cringing silrvility on the one hand, and lordly domination on ihe ether. It is better for both parties that each enjoy the honors and respon sibilities of a nationality of his owl). In snob an ovent, our common humanity would makes vast stride towards perleetlon. , As such a proclamation might have the ef fiot t liberate the slaves ot miny loyal citi zens, I would cheerfully give my consent to have them paid out of Ihe National Treasury for any loss tbey might sustain. Let ui dare to do right, trusting to the principle, that right .makes might ; and the great republic, oiich the wonder ot the world, nil) emerge fiom these troubles purer, wealthier, aud strouger than ever. bese are among the roasous why freedom to nil should be the watchwoid of the Kansas 'Brigade, and, would lo God I could publish It throughout the army, and to the whole nation. Let the wind waft It over the prairies of the West. Let tho thunder of our cannon speak it in tho ears 01 traitor tyrants. L.el me moun tains of Pennsylvania, Virginia, and New Eng land echo 11 to all their people; let tho souud swell from earth to heaven, and the great God of angels and men, as Its patron und friend, will give It (success. Again I thank you, friends, of Indiana and ol the Kansas Brigade, lor the compliments ot this occasion. I bul you all a hearty good night. Cheer after cheer then rent the air. The Kaon i boysthen left for their tentu, evidently a little proud ol thelf commander, and tho In dlanlans were not la tho least luollned lo re UaquUh their birthright interest Iu the earnest and eloquent advocate of liberty, Jim Lauo. FUtRNBRn Tit AI1VB TO AND FltOSI BSLTinURB Wlntor Sota.ciTJLo. SPECIAL NOTICE TO TRAVELERS. Oa and after MOr7DAT,Tfovembr 18, I'M. tha l'epgfr Trains netwten Washington and llsltl mom will run as follow i , ' TRJtINS MOVING NORTH. Morning Kxprtu leave Washington 6 10 a. m. Arrive at ll.lilmore 7 r.5 m.i Philadelphia It 5J p m t N w York A p-m i !! P m. Vorntog Acoommoiuilon leavn Wa-ulogton at 7 Aft a m. Arrlvs at Baltimore 9 00 a. m. No con- A-.lAn. at rttltfmnr... New rork Mali Train leave Waihlntton at II a. m. at IialUmort 11 10 p.m.; rhlladrliihui 6 SI p in t New Yoric lu p m afternoon Accommodation lravt Washington 8 05 p,m.'ArrlYKtHUimorNn.m ; llarrlnburgoao p. m.t rhllidelphli 10 tw p n. SiTenlag Kxpre.. leavs Washington 6 p. m Ar live at U.illmor.8 42 p.m.; Pbiltaelpula 10 03 p. m.; Mew Xork 4 a. n., llarrlsbarg 1 a. m TUA.Ua MOVING 80UTH. Leivs New York at 7 a. m.: Fhllvto plda 11.80 a. ui', II jltlmor. M p. m. Arrive at Wa hlrgtou 6.40 Leave New York at S p. n.; Philadelphia 10 50 p in.; Baltimore 4 0 a. la. Antra at Wellington 6 a.m. I,f are New York at 11 p. n ; Philadelphia 3.T.0 a. m ; llalUmore 7.44 a. m. Arrlva at Wa.hlnjton 0 vu a. m- Accommodatlon Trains leavs Btltlmort at 0 a, m and p. m. for Wuhlagtoa ; arrlr then at 1 1 a. ni. and 1 p. m. roMtager inuni leaving wuningion a. 7.4ua m. and 3 06 p. m , and DalMmor at 7 Si a m. and 8 to p m., roakt dfreot oonneotloos for Annipolli at Ihe Juaeilon. rrales leavs AnaapoUl for Btltlraore and lnir0B at 0.60 a. m. and 2 41p.m. I'at cnger Tralai Watlne Washington at 0 10 a. m 11 a. m and 6 p. m , and fialtlmorc at 4.'J0 and 7.:tt a. m. and 8 60 p m . will wtm ony at Annapolis Jvne-M-n aAd WaiMnglon (Helai) Junction. Way 1'asMugers must Lk the ocoranVtaifm 7Vatnj '. . Train, will 1 are Washing on and nalUnnr? ninmilly upon cat&tinu. w. r. SMITH. Master of Transportation, Uatt J T. KNOLAND, agent, flamd u Station, Dalllmore. 0 V. OILUEKT, Agent, at Waihlngton. nov 21 T KAVK rilIL.ADKL.PHIA FOIt NEW YORK. The aad Anbor and Philadelphia and Trenton Kailroad Companies' Line from Pill I, A UKLPHIA TO NKW OKK AND WAY l'I..V IIK.H, from WALNUT H1SKKT WHAltl' ANI KKNSINGTUN DF.FOT, will leave a. follow.: At A It , via Camd.n and Ambor, ((! and A. Aoeonunodation ) At A. M., via Camdtn aud .Icrsey Cllv, (N. .1. Aoeoraraodatton.) At 8 A M., via Gamd.n and Jersey City, (Morning naii.i At UK A. M., via Kinslngton and Jerwy City, (Western Kxprew.) AtliifP M., via Cam iad Amhoy, ( Aeeommo Hatlon.l At 2 P. M., via Oamiku and Amhoy, (0. and A. Kxpreaa.) At AH V. it., via Kensington and Jersey City, (Evening Rxpreu ) It IK P. M., via Ken.lngton and Jeriry Clly, (Second Class Tlgket.) At ( P. M., via Gamdsn and Jersey City, (Kr.'nlng Mall.) At 11U P. M., via Camden and Jersey City, (.South ern Mail.) At 6 P. M.,.vla Camden and Ambor, ( Aoeotntaoda tlon, freight aad pauungar, Vint Clam riokct ) Jktir.M Mall Tiaui ran. daily. The 11 1". fi. Hall, Saturdays excepted. Kor llelvidere, f.a.ton,LatnterUille, Flernlngton, lo., at 7.10 A M.; and AX r. M., from Kenilngton. Kor Water Gap, Ktrowubnrr, Seranton, Wilkes lurre, Mojtrose, Ortat Bond, 4m , at 7.(0 A. SI., trom Ken.lngtan, tU Delaware, l.a(.kawana, and Weitcrn Kailroad. ' Kor Maach Chunk, Allenlewn and Ilelhk' 7.lo A. M. and 6; r, M , from Kensington depot; the 7 10 A. M. line conned, wit lithe train leaving Kaston at S 36 P. M. For Mount Holly at and 8 A. M and 2 and 4,', P.M. For Freehold at A. M. and 1 P. M. Nor Ilrlitel, Trenton, to , at 7.10 A. M., AH nnd 6 ',' P. M , from Kensington and t( P M. Irom V atnut street wharf. Kor Palmyra, Klverton, Delano, Beverly, llur llngton, Florenneao, Bordentown, Ac, at 12X, 1,8, 4,tnd6 P.M. bteamer Trenton, for Bordentown, and Intermedl ate places, at 1( P. M.,from Walunt stnat uliari. aw For New York and War Lines, leavl.z Ken sington Depot, take the cars on Fifth street, above Walnat, hlf an hoar uclor dtpartare. The oar run lnid the tepot, aud cm arrival of trains ruufroru the depot Fifty pounds of only allowed to each passenger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as buggaga hnt their wearing appand All baggage over Airy pounds to t paid ior extra The company limit their resporuiblllly tor baggage to on dollar per pound, and will not ba lluble ior any amount beyond one hundred dollar, except by clal contract. WM. II. QATZMF.lf, augis Agent. Ol!o &oventh St. C510 I'. .1. UKLLIOW A CO., 'KAKVrjicTuasaa' aoskt tor in. salt or Fine'CoW and Plated Jewelry, Sterling Silver Pl.teil Ware, FTjtL' LINES OF NOTIONS (t FANCY GOODS, W10LE8ALS AMD RETAIL, In Job Lotfoior Dealers, Sutlers, i'edlnn, le, J1A0 Seventh street, throe dewrs smith of Odd Fellows' Hull, WA8riINQTON, D. C, (Fornurlytnder National Uotel.) Ws guatanfeo to u 11 our customers various article, of Fine Jewelry, Silver Plated Ware, Notions, But IWland Pmilart' (IochIs, at its. than Nw Yoik or Philadelphia price., in to', to nit purclmers. We Sell 1 I UeDerft! BjUU rriM. Flat Coral and Cameo 8cM....fMo tio, ior 81.00 l'lio MMalo and Lara Setts.... t to 8, ior 110 Fine F.nameled and JetSetU... 4 to 7, ior 1 00 Inlaid and Bogue Vaee 8etU... 4 to 7, lor 1.10 FinaHtoneCaineoand liliilature Sett. 6 to 10, for 1.00 SplccdM Cathuncle and Kuby Self .'. 7 to 19, for 2.00 Splendid Harriett and Coral 8etU 7 to 10, for 2.00 Splendid Veet and Guard Chains 6 to 10, for l.oo Lccketi and Medallions, every slss made 8 to 6, for 1.00 Foil setis or Oeut's Stnds and Buttons. very fln , 8to 6, for too Ellegaut ltevolvlrrg Plus, very tine 4 to e,for 1.00 Ladles' aud uents' Fancy Sleeve Bntiotn, separate 21c 3,for 60 Oent.' Clnster, Boscm, and Scarf Pin. Sto 3, for 60 Full Setts of Klegjot Threaded and Tipped bllver Plated Tabic Forks and Si-ooo. for 160 Full Sett of Flue Teapoon to match, general retad price S3 to $4 for 1.00 Tei and C"fTee Pots, Drinking Cupa, Mngs, Pitchers, Salt Stand. Irom 81 to'i.OO Tho be! asKOrtoietorFinefJotd Plated Bard Bracelets In tho Unit.d States, in every variety in the trade., .each from 1 to 3 00 Wc sell thtf tlnet Cor-oanut and other tlalr Oils, Fancy Colognes, French Extracts, In lots tj suit pur chasers. We sell W.rsley's, Taylor's, atd other Fancy loipe In varlity, pit up In family boxearto suit purchaser, at 'ib iwrcent less than regular prioes. We sell Portfolio, Memorandum Books, Pocket Books, Money Purses, Pocket 'uruoit and tit.iMe,, Dre .ing, and ltound Combs, Clbtii and llalr Brushes, Tine Tooth Combs, chaving aud Tooth Brushes, with various other Sutlers' und Dealer-' Staple (J oodH; ati ol which we offer to tb Trade ai.d the puhllo geutrully at less than New York prices. We respectfully teg to call the attention of every Lady and Gentleman to our Newtitoiko! Donblc Uilded Photograph and Plotara Frames, every sse made We are selling these good, from 76 cent, to 8 each, or about one aaifthe maker.' retail nrlot 1 he Trade respectfully solicited We are receiving new uoou. irom tna anuiaciurers aauy. Kemember the New Store, BO 610, 610, 610, 610, HELMBOLD'8 EXTRACT BDCHII riKi.Mnoi.ii'H MXTRAvr ucciiu IILt.MBOLD'S KXTRACT BCCIIUI 1IF.LMHOLDM KXTRACT BUC0U im.LMiini.DH KxruAcr niicHir. A tOilUye and speciflo remedy for dUessesvf tha) Uronrv. Dropsy, Dropsy, tiro pay, Dropsy, GOVERNMENT ADV'TO. - t4-H IU, OIU, !", UlU. P. J. BELLEW ft CI).. Manulacturers' Agents. AT-1'KNTION SUTlIiTltH AND I'JCDLAKHI We have a large aud splendid assortment of Fancy Patrlotlo btaitonery, New Stles and New Mottoes, direct from the Manulao.urers, which we ofTe'r at 8 ) jwr cent less than the regular prices. Call and See thin line I nov 4 tf pl.AIM AHAIIVHTtlie UNITED STA'l'KS KINLF.V ItinflKH, (late Itegl.ter of the U S. Tre.Miry,) .U.1C1IAHI.K..S R. BliKUMAN, Coun sellors at Law, will devote Iheir entire attention lo the prosecution sbd settlement of demand, against the uni cd State., gTOwing out of tbe present! war, Including the Accouuts and lalms of Stales, Con tractors, and Disbursing Offlcers: app leationa lor th restoration ui properly HlegaUy siczed or cap turcd, and for compensation for the use of priva.e property for ilovrrumeut, and lor damages lor the Injury of such property b; tho army; l r military pay, pensions, and bounty lands; an4 for nutributivo shares ol monies payable at the Trea sury and due to sub coutractors and others Iney will a'so give legal advice to claimants, con tractors, and to unprofessional agent, in lltlgkted naso; and prepare written arguments when desired Wl h Nonresident Ageuls who may seud them claims, an equitable division of commls.loiis will he nude Undisputed Demands will be collected and promptly lemltted for a commission of from a half tu two and a half per oeut depending on the amount; and negotiations with the DcparluignU conducted on nv.demte terms. By proopt attention, moderate charges, Ioug ex perience, und a minute knowledge of the of laws, rrgulation., rules and precedeats, governing this ulass ol business at the Department., they hope to runder their sirvlces ueelul to claimant, and public creditors Heferenco may be made to Members nf Cengtia-, and officer, of the Government, and especially, by p nulsslun, lo the Hon. lluu Wunrlasxr, Hr.t Comptroller (if tho Treasury. Addres " Messrs 1)1(1 UK It S snEttMAN, Washington, D. O " Office, No. 116 F slrtot, near lreosury and Wll lards' If otel. nnarin Madder, Kidneys, (travel, maaaer, iviaaeys, uravel, Bladder,- Kidneys, Gravel, Bladder, Kldueys, Q ratal, Bladder Kidneys, Gravel. OKUANld WKAKNK88. ORGANIC WKAKNKSB, URUANIC WKAKNKSS! AND ALL, DISEASES OF TUB Nexnal Organs. Sexual Organs, Sexual Organs, Sexual Ora-ans. Sexual Orc-arut. Rexnal Orrana. Sexual Organs, Sexual Organs, Sexual Organs, Kexual Organs, Sexnal Organs, Sexual Organs, Sexual Organs, Sexual Organs, Sexnal Organs, arising from excesses, early ludlsoretlons, exposures, anu imprBuenuen, pnu rem'jTing all improper m. charges. whether exlstlaff In .Mialnr lnlitle Slalsor Fsiaals Male or FamsOav Male ar Rmale, ftlnlit or Female, Ulalc or AScmsUe. It ts a Fact long Since established, that persons s-iifeilng with any dlseaof these orgass are affect ed In bodily health and oienul powers, and expert enca manv alarming svmDtotaa. snoss wnlcti -ll! no touna: Indi.po.iUon u.xertion,Lossof Meraory, uiuiouity oi ureaining, uenerai weainef-s, uorror or Disease. Weak Nerves, Trembling, llorrar ol Death. Night Sweats, Cold FeetWakefuIneu, Dim nesi of Vision, Languor, Uolrerml Laseltude of the Sluscular System, often Knormous AnDetlte. with Dspeptlo Symptoms, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body) Dryness of tbe Skin, Pallid Countenance, and l'.motliuon the Faoe. Pains In Uie Hack. Heaviness of the Kyelids, frequently black spots flying before in nyes, viu temporary nauusiun ana ijoss Ol SiKht.want of Attention, graatAlobi1lly, Kestlcse ncM. These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this medMne Invariably removes, soon follow. UJ ft Ptatr, rbuity and BpiipHr Us. Who can say that these excesses are notfreoututU fllowed by thote direful diseases, INSANITY ami t UNdUMPTlONf l he records ol tlw Insane Asy loins, and tht melanoholy deaths by f onsutu tlou bear ample witness of Uie truth of tills aairllon IIF.LUBOLI.'S KXTKAUr OF IIUC1IU . a certain, tale, and speedy cure, from whatever oiuse they may have originated, and no matter of How Long Standing, How Long Standing, How Long Standing, ..ow Long btanaing, How i oag Standing, How .ong Standing, It Is taken w.thout Hindrance from Buslnei., ani, little, If any, change af diet. Is pleasant In It taste and odor, And immediate In Its action. 1 f yuu are .uttering w ilh any of the above distress log alliueuts PKUVirHB 77 MUlKbr AT tlA'CA, VRWHJIIK TIIK KKilKIir AT DNVJC, I'KUCVIIK TIIK IIFMSD T A 1 tW'JC UKUIUULD'S KXTIUCT IIUC1IU, i.s a medicine which rau-t benefit everybody, fron, he simply delicate lo the oonnned and dfwpalrtc Invalid NO EQUAL 11 TO US TWND, fl avujl jo ij tub ruvnu, NO KiiVAL it rri HE POUND. Prloe tl per bottle, or e f.-s i-e-od to any at urea Prepared by U. T UKLMUOLD, Depot, 104 South Tenth street, Below Chestnut, Philadelphia. Describe symptoms in all communications BKWABJt OF 'conNTEEFEITS AND UNI'UINCTl'LKD IIKAI..IS M'ho endeavor to dispose "or mala own" an. "OTHKU" ABTIULKaOHTUSaarCTATlONOSTAIKKII 1. ilrlmbotdv Oenuine Pnparations. ' " Kxtract Buehu, " " " 8araparllU, " Improved Rose Wash. MKNXION UmCK, JUNK O. 1H01. J tv au. trrroM it mat cokomum, Atpllrallon having been mads under the act of lad .Tunmisso. fhr the reissue of the land Warrants de. soilbed herein, which are alleged to ran been lost or uestroycu, nouoe u ncreor giren tna as uie aaie following the deeoriptioo Of eaoh'erarrantj'a new '" certificate of like tenor wuIbelAsuadjlf nq valid ob-, ,i;,, Jection should then appear. uo,,iHu,ivr ido Aoree, usneaianaecTJiv'aof oi ' March, 1S66. In the name ef Hannah, widow of of .lames Wilson, and granted' en the iota day of February, 1S67 December SO, 1Mb , ., , No. 8KIS, for ISO acres. Issued under the ut ot March, 1666, In the name or Alexander MeAJaln,'Vy an4 fronted on tha 12th dav of Octo&er.lBLA No.. vember 80, list. not y,7ov, ior iv aone,issnea naser tne not .,.' J March, IS66, lu Uie nasneof Daniel West, and grant: ed on the 14th day of July, I8S6 Tt DeoesakerV met. ,, No: 4,tM, fog 110 acres, Issned llhder the act of, Ui the name of Martha, widow of An- r . Jrew Mellon, and granted on the 16th day of April, Deosmterll, 1161. e . J.iqi". Nn,3,'un, for ISO acres, Issued nnder ' March ls6, hi' the name of Samuel K.Jack way, md granted on the lit day of Angnrt, lS6 No, 8,104, for ISO aoree, Issnea ender the act ot March, 1866, la the name of William B.'Tarranoe, '" and granted on the 18th day of Jalv.lSAA Decern, 'a f.rll,iaet. No. 14 .916, for 80 acres, lamed nnder the) aet of' i"- eptember, I860, In the name ot .Lev! Treadwell,and , uraiited September It, 1861 No, Jl.cus, for 40 acres, Irsned nnder tho same ast, ,J Hi Uie name of Abel Plaits, and granted Norembrr 2 1K61. Derenb. rll,isui. J ,r ' ' Na 09 233, ior IcS acres, Issned nnder the act of Miiroh. 1S65. in 1h name of keth Luv6, and granted ii Ihr asd dav of Jane, tut Deoember 28.1681. No. 7jil0 ioriM) acres, (act 1647) In faver ef El Anor Bryant, formerly widow, and Laurence -loan, only surviving child, heirs at Jaw of Michael r Ultcliel Moan deceased, late a private el com tuny C," eleventh United States Infantry, Jannaay 4, 18C1. ' No 79.624, Tor lso acres, Issued nnder tbe act of 11srch,lH6&, In the name or 1 nomas Johnson, and rranled on the Dili day of September, 1867 Janu ary 4,1802. , y No. 41118, Tor 8fl acres. Issued under the' set of March, 1K&6, In i'm name nl Pollys widow of John i -Camp, aad wa granted on the 20d day of September, , ISAS Jannary4,ltS2. Case No. 23.4J6, for 100 acres. Issued nnder the act ol March, 1165, In the nam' of William Keo'(,and was granted on the 1st day of May, 1M January . 11,1802 ... , Ho. 81,666, for 80 acres, Issued nnder the aet or March, 1666, In the name or Simeon Teamster, and was granted March ieth, 1S68. No sa.Roa for loo acres, lasned nnder the aet of March, 1866, In the name of Nancy Johnson, widow jt Jon" nicnaras, ana was-grantea August as-n, m6t 18th January, 1881. No. 40,077, for 60 acrta, issused uuder the act of March, 1866, In the nam. of Sarah, widow of Kvrrt Vanvlckle, and was granted November 16, I860 ( January 26, 1662. 47,130, for ICO acn.s, l-sued under tha act of irch,1866, In the name of Uyru S. Ward, mlcor ch.ld ef Cyras B Ward, deceased, and wai'granled Dctoher 10, 1868 January 16, 18C1. No 86 801, for 1M acres, Issned nnder the act ol starch 1, ISSo, In the name ol Joanna M , widow of John Van Burktrck, and was granted August 17, If 06. Ni 48.223, for 80 acres, irsued under the act of March, 1866, In tbe name of Jacob Focklsr,and was, z anted August 8o, 1868 February , 186. JOSKP11 11. JJAKBICTT, ,,,, Comrolealouer. ' Sold by Z D (lILMAN KID WkLL At LAW RF.NCK, 8.B WAITE, B.C. FORD, JOHN WILEY, 8. II KNTW181LK, J. K. MAJOK. And ty all Druggists even where Ask for llelmbold's. Take no other. Cut cut th aihirtikement and end for It, and avoid ImposlUoi 1ndexpoure. septa Em mo TIIK OKKICKHVOK TIIK AllMV. Jut arrived, a dlm.t Importation rer steame Fulton, from Europe, a very flue and large aai-orl ment ol Slarlue, Opera, Field Glasses, an 1 1e Mioiics, which I will sell a very Utile above the cos' lu Parts As to the qualities, there are none suit nor to be had, having been svUctcd purpo-cly fo this market, .ilso, a large and well assorted stocl ot Opera Glas?, MIcriMcopea, gold, sliver, and stei Spet-tacleaand Kye O lasses, suited to the sluht b the itrte ofanOptoaraeter a considerable numberr oi'Ttinca cs to be seen ut my ofllce, from gentleme whe have been suited at my old establishment. pUHBOATS VUK TIIK MTKBTKRH KIVKKS. QBAsvaaaasTxa GaxaxAL's Orrica, WathtnpUM, Jwss 17, lSalr Proposals are Invited for constructing Oun boats ujion the Western rfvere. Speclnoatlona will be Immediately prepared, and may be examined at the Quartermasters Office at' Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, and at this ofMOe. Proposals from boat Guilders and engine builders alone will be considered. Plans submitted by bidders will be, taken Into con slderation. M. C MKIG8, June 18 Quartermaster ueneral united Duties. ,AsoTHErt SoimiKiw ExruninoM Ciptaln David D. Porter, United States Navy, la In New York getting together tbe materials t'oranother expedition to the Southern coast. The destina tion of Captain Porter is not known. There aro now about eighty Government ve"ols, of various sizes and classes, In New York, ready, or nearly renjy, for Bailing. Oitieis are preparing fur service. hearts ot men by sluve breeding, slave trading, honored. A oorrospondout of tho Opinions Nathnale writes from Turin to say that, in crossing tho field of battle ot Mugeutu, on All Saints Day, lie found the crosses placed above the graves of the French soldiers Illuminated, la nccord rtnee with an Italian custom to place light, at that Jde, on tho graves or persons loved or I' KONAKll SCOTT dt CO.'S j Be pu INT or TUB BRITISH REVIIiWS AND BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE! r.eomrd Scott h Co-, New York, continne to pub tltti the following leading llrHlili reiiocHcaU, vis : I. The London Quarterly, (Comterratlve.) '. the K.dlnburgh llcvlew, (Whig.) X The North Kerlew. (Free Church.) 4. i. lie w esrmin inier nrview, (iviDerai.j &. pUokwood't hdinburgh Magaxlne, (Tory.) flicse rerlodical ably reprtnt tho tkri'L' grat political nartloiol Great Uriialn Whig, 'lory, and itadlcal but iwlUlcw forma only out leutureoi lUt-ir character. Ai Organs of the mrwt profound wrl'en ou, Literature, Morality, and Kellgton, they tttand, as they erer hare KtooO, unrlralled In thu vvitrld of letters, being considered Indispensable to uie nci.oiar atia me uroictuionai man. wmie to uie in Ulllgent reader of e rery etata they furoith a more correct and satisfactory record of the current litera ture ot lueuay, uirougnoui nieworiu, man can ue powdbly obtaiuad from any other source. NEW VOLUMES OF THE FOUR ENGLISH RETIEWS AND QLAl'ltWOflD COMHKXCX JVhTt 1S. KAttLT COPIES. The receipt of ADVANCR SHEEr.S from the Oritlflh publivhera glrea addlt-lonal value to tltvwe Ke print , inasmuch as they can now e placed in the hands ol subscribers about m soou as the origluiit editions TKUM8, For any one of the four Keviews. peraunum V For any two of the four IteTle ws, 6 For any three-eai tha four Keviews," " 7 Forallfourof the Ueriews, " R t'er U lack wood's lfagailne, n " 2 For Blackwood and one Kevlew,, 6 Kor Blackwood and two Reviews, " ,...7 ff or lllackwood knd three Keviews,1 " 0 For niackwood and the four Keviews, l ... 10 rayments to he made In all cases in advance Honey current iu the Htate where bvutid will bo rw oelved at par. CLUUIUNU. A discount of twenty Ave percent from the above price will be allowed to Clubs ordering four or more copieaof anyone ormoreof the above work. Thus hour copies of Blackwood, or of one Kevlew.willbe sent to one add rem for ; four copies of the four Keviews and U lack wood for $30 ; aud ho on. rOSTAOE. In all the principal cities and towns, then' works .il, v.- .8.1 1. ,-,, l1 If I'll. ll' 1 tibial I illL .8 1..... Will UV UIIT1VU 1 1IIJU J V 1 ULllillin, IT I1C11 sent by mail, tbe rostage to any part of the UniWd bUtee will be but twenty four crnl a year for " I. lack wood," aud but fvurUan caUs a year for uach o! the Ka views N. Ii. The price in G rent Itritaln of the live l'eriod lcals above named is Ml ier auuutn. Kemlttances tor any of the above -publication should always be addressed, post paid, to the pub lUhers, LEONARD dCOlT k CO , noviifl No WOoldst.,New York. D JLL. IfKLANU'S Anti-Bheumatio Band! rEBHANBVTLT CUK1S RMVitATiaV, in ittvarvnu forms, aotrrami neuralgia, STIFFS iS and A'R YO US A tTKCJ70X IMPUlilTIESof the 11LO0D, Ami Ihr hiil IffoU ff M.rcury It la conveniently arranged Uatt i or Hut, cod l diting a nudicaied lOinpuiind, to be worn around b.Uy,ubu the wa -t tqcailt Arrn.iiK ail,wiwn,tf th? tufijUs may U kLd tan be worn ituttuiit ttjury to the in-tt itrlu ai person Uy tlii trJatm-tit, the medicinal jiropfTlIr-s cm mined in llie Uam bilng ol a AiyIy amm-aix iimI tliUtU tiaimet ami nnaJJe of being readily alMrlM ihnntyh thcre vf th Knttom into duniomtcuLv ith ill r-ii.uu fiinl utnti al cxrcul l nn. without lirl L.l-tr iug Ihrtjugti th prortrii ol digestion, vbUh would to ilt tod tiaot ticitn iheircurnUve powers, butti Impair the internal oraui and dera ge the uigcriilou alo thus avoiding the iryurwus rjftdt, so nfien the lerult ot tnttrial rcmedwj, and rflVoth g a jKrfeUcur,by purfying anl equalising tht enculation of the Mat Jtnvlt, and retturtng tU fart ajferied Ut a iitaUhy ffrMt-lf-l HIM 11AM Ut K1BI lA'-N I'sVVr lit " rti.Jl ilKscuniAL aorht " and will tiUtetty rdxetx the t.ys tern Irom lt prrnicwiii tfftttt ftlivieruteoassate cured in afewdavs.and we are conntantly receiving undoubted tenilmonials to which we innpecttou ut our olllce of their tflloacy In S). rnviited canes of long ttandiiui Trice Two Dollars. tft by mall upon receipt of J,r uy exittfrK everywhere, with atl nnataiy in vructwH-t froM tim prlndpil olBce of (3 SMini&CO.,rmhrleton, 491 Hroadway, New York. X. It Dttcnptiie eircuian tent free jjrf-1 UU Hand will nut Interfere with the roldier's limits. nevlft ly Uti Pennsylvania avenne, between Four-and-t half and Sixth Mrecti. fly Kstnbllaliment 1 sap stair. aiafj fitttd t wit. Tbe trade euppll4 out 10 ly TIIK UNION WILL MTASD. NO MA.TTKK WHO'S rBESrOKNT! Coadeqveatlyt I aball remain In Washington, and continue to punne my occupation of HOUSE, SIGN, AND ORNAMCNTAL -3E AiNTiNa :- UILDINO In all Its branches Old GLAZING l ro(nptly attended to. I'a luting and OrnasenUng i ottuge Furniture, in the beet style. I also call at untlon to the Palntlnir ol Kooft and Brlok Walls. AU the above I will do u cbap as the cbeapfxt I therefore e-. licit the patronage of my ftlendsAn tetlow eitUens of the DUtrlct. Funetaality stheitly ib-erved, and work done in the bet aantter. Yoa will pleas ml ad your steps, and stop at Pointing fcitabllshroent. No. M Louisiana avenue (north aide), between Sixth and Seventh rwU r S Signs pat p free ot charge, as nmiai. novM VKHV, rf. SALE AND HIKING ISbT riKNTJtAli UtVKKV, STABLES V4 471 ami 478 (it-- tub) Fujktk rtyf , hitnrmjnd J WASUINOl'ON, U. 0. First clas Ilorci and Vehicles, (single or double, i n w 1 1 jir3 dm ILLIAM3, Proprietor N1 W DUD AND CO AL.I On. band, a lull siinnly ol all Vluds at ANrilUA- Cll'l. COAL. 84- Oual krpt In ooal liouses, well soreensd br'ure J livery. i2lulbs to tha ton WooU, ol all kinds, prepared, or delivered icl l-ntll TKUW CA1II' T.J ftW. U UAL'I, No. - I'.nusylvaula aveuue, i-K 17 if ...Iwsen Hill and l;lli strei's WA SUINUTON KKIIIT FAC'IOUY. KW INVKNTION OF AltTI PICIA1. CULOPLAHIU) UONK lt.Klll, wllhnut metal plate or clvps, by L)lt. S. ii. SIGKSMOND. Ml'i Broad wny, New York, and "GO Penua. avenue. oei, i.iii kiki m , i uiiinj(ljn( i' ".i., lull"! the attiii'ionot the publio to the lolloulog I'.uanUgts ot his linpreved system: tt 'I he teeth nfhls manulaclure will newrtoirodt noi tlitiiigi cdor bv any acid.,, and are three lo.irtln I.nlittr than anv t.lher. 2d u Ueih or rooU need beextraoled, as the ertniciai ouescau ue inwriea ovrr intra. 3d Ihe roots wilt be made iiiolTeuslve and noer to ache. Oh. No temporary teeth arc needed , as permanent O'-tscan be made immediately, thereby prtnervlnj iitf n.uurai ex pie nionoi me uce, wmen, ULuer mc old svstem. is rrrnneutlr distiaured. th. 1 his work has been fully te-ted., for over live years, by many ol the first Chemists aud I'liyslciauM of this und the old country Dr. H has ali invenud a white hulostructlble metal filling wlih which tlu most t-ensatlve tteth can be tilled without pain, aui can buildup a perlrct sound tooth nu any side roots, whkh will last inrougn i iiieiimo, Me refr-ritotli-'followintf tn lr l.oreiuu., J'rolerwor of Chemirtry. lion A Httnn, jun ; Capt Crabtree, Vice I'tesldent of the Kmlcrattoii Co of New York. lion. Judue Wayne, . ..' .. -. -'-. t. v .- . oi IMC nupriiue uuur.,oi v asuingion, 1 thnuiinds of others. Call oqd examine for yoursehes. C , and nov 8 tui 59 59 WANI'ICU-fin females to learn lu inLo skirts A ix.ri.mcau, iu n short timt. make, ter wetk. Iroln it to tl Inquire, for parllculats, at 4(7 Hi vent list. tsetwei u (J hi ii II nov 14 I' M K T I. 1. 1 C BOAUUINti KlRlit or 'IV n Uenllitnuii n.n h A.minnr1-tAit with 1U1AH1) aoil l.OtXl (NO. on reasonable terms li ilrut, Wtw.tD Kljtti nd Sixth, No. 1W. t Deo 15 A R M O R v i L A U K X 0 Y , PHILHARMONIC HALL, Pennsylvania Avenue, near Klovonth Strwit. l.;UKll H.T.l'AKKKH, Jjnitiiana av . Ui. (Va ad tth iff north Klde, llaliiK comiltel his arrangements, Is now ready 10 attend, tvtn mure vigorously than vver tn UOUSH.-ION.auddUNAllKNI AL r"AlN I'INO. Id .11 of Its various branches. llavluK su-urrd tht services of a corn, of excellent workmen. 1 am itre 11 irra tn ao r lags anu uannsr. in me eesi siy is aim on the run! r.-tNi.hl. team. nov II oWn LMIWLS'II I'll.K ANU IlllSIOlt -'1IKK. A HUUK t'llltK.for Hleedllig, llluid and Itrlll f I'll.rS.Mcrittulu. t-sll Uh.uin. und Dlheusc. of the 1km Cne bottle warranted to uure In all oaeen , It tint, dvulrrs ale jarttcutaih tequetUd to rvlund the money Only rive bottles In a thousand returned aud these wire cases of Fistula. Hundred, ot let ters ana certltlcutes are hum In ihe proprietor's pus netlon. which ean be p. en upon application Send tlT circular Prepared by IIKNUY I) FOWI.K, Chemist '. Prlnre slrtet llmlon, and for sale by JOHN Wl 1.1'. , corn. r Third street and Tennsjlvatila avenue u.lilnjilou House, sole aaent fur astilneton City and vicinity Certllloales with tacli bottle, " Hi On. lkilr " sept .il .in niKSI PIES 1 1 PIKIIII SM per huadsed I (8 per bandred I $1 per hundred I SUTLERS. ATTENTION! The attention of Sutlers, and dealers generally, la respectfully Invited to the large assortmeat of Plee, Cake, Bread. HolIs.T-l.eun, we., kept o.mtantly on band aad baked every day by the undersigned. Sutlers ean rely on f etllnft a good Fie at the low prlco ol $ per hundred, and have them at all timet from the oven. t-KACII riBI APrl.K PIE I DRIV.D APPLE I'IKI CUAMIICUKY PIUI PI.UU P1BI UURUANTriKI l'tJMPl-IN VIKI The Mitiscrlber wenld resi-tfully call tbe atten tion ol Hi. publloto hl.aseor-nuut.and while thank ln them for llie pstronage already betrtuwrd, Mllclt th.irorder., hich will be pronp ly lled. UKllIKlt. SKITZ, No ?01 New York avenue, between T.ulO and Kl.veuth .Irsaia. italls :(and -7 L'enlre llaiket,ui.d lui Northern I.lterties Market nov It lm I, I It. -KWIK. SI. 1)., O. . Qoutal BurBoon, II. KICK No MO PENNSYLVANIA AYKNUE, Bttuxxn IWU and Thirittth Slrtdt, WAUICN'OTON CTTT, Itevpeelfully Under, bis prole.Jonsl services to ihe publls Uarlng had an extensive practice In riilladrti hla.b. leela hlDuell fully oomiwtent to die, ,, clurme nis duty In every oae Mhlcumsy be presented 1 1 his care . , '' Ur. L has sicurcd the rlglu lo ue the new Improve. inent.patentidbyDra A M Si J. L. A.ay.of Phil udeiphla, for laiienlnr artlUolal teeth to f old.allveiy or ulatiua plates, which preo udes tke possibility o. llt a or f.'Slfn mster alt srorttls( bstween tkeu, at the ram. Uwe rendeilna the oixration more f mi, ualural,andef mors utility to toe patient, dispens ing with tk. ordinary mode, of faeUelaijby rivet iitg or soldsrlng, which so olteu eauea th, sprlnslag ot plates, and coaseneutly an tmperfeot adaptation to the month. Ho would rrspeotfully Invite the publls to hi. ofllce to examine tbls tmprveaeut. To do so Is to be eon vlnc.d of Us superiorltpover all methed. heretofore The dental profession is also Invited to call and eiamine Its merits and utility. ,L . 1( Also, dentists oan be furnished with teeth of all kinds, at a less price than they oan be bought else where, nov lm OH.AL.1CD 1-nUl-OSAL.S VNTIIt TUB30fk IO Instant, are Invited for mrnlsbing the u. 8. Sub sistence Department with Flour. ,..:,. About barrels will be required of a high vrade of extra Klour, to be delivered In 'Washing. inn , fh r.llroad dsnot. or at warehouse lm VTiuu tnaton or Georgetown, eoinetlnse between the 1st December and the 20th Deoember, 1881. ICaeh b.rtel of the lour to be inspeoted Just before U Id reoelved. Ihe Flour must be eeualm quality to the brand known at Lyon's Union Flour. Hid. to be directed to Major A. DECKYflTH.O. 8., U.S. A., endorsed "Proposals" ' rovM " LIDRAW.Y OF CON0UK98, .Sspleiaer 9, 1M1. Notice Is hereby given that the Library of Con gress will not be open until the 1st ot Ootober next JOHN O. BT-.PU1-N80N, top 10 tf Librarian. '