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w UH.V...iKVr.. .vr&mxtiiU a h rt, -a ii.iiM.-r, . i,i-so1 l-iiiMlH9"JUti-i'"'i the CoKVutM D"Al. ttco ovary.-! j.r ,'.ii ' Of "'J. nti'ulie served t-ita ,Hiljll.a - I'! fro .4i3lb( fSvlKt D.f.mii.jaol .TtvJ bee nrttpage lor iniereeunt local mmere. the uHKRwMu'rfc'jiiatfUiUKBet TO-NIOIIT AT THE SAME PLACE A0 llOUIlv ' ,. r 4 I - -- . 1 mJ I - AmMl.nlili-i.'mA mi (rotk' Thhtei-jmtuw'Xnvw'- This evening sir. CoMaa will b lbI recipient nf a farewell btnent, to morrow hetng Ik no rlnn fit hU last BttnearanOe 111 thlS OlITl TJr hapa for many jeer. Hit greatest character I1 of II bU rnwrtojns Is, MyhM Na Oopualeen, In I' whlob, n eiiould tea, him wBn ht p6t already I don o.jrri.Tin ancotauuimiacentiyioi .relied, in Bouroleaalt ha arranad II f thl xquis'te drama. Is reflected to tb very life, mid hat heap upon (lets, the worthy rtut, more'hrin-ir lit this city than It wtt'eHr k teamed an Artist could atfxIn.-'AH thd hrt. ten of Ibe piece are wall out, especially Iboa I' of Sheleh. ,Ann;T.kut,1(rlWhT,tyr MM and Uarrirest ,Cran, ,0n i 10-n.Offpw, .la I1 "Colleen uewn'iwiu na prawntaa lor -uetieii lime, aril Mr. Collins will Brake huUsat ADDonr anoe, , -...-..- ....... -J .... Ul Ainnaay nem, nrtioqunifii -ni alias Effle I Oerrfon will make Ihelt-'rrlrwayime), Wier wllh th.'c6h.kdy ermgirAk. lAAAllla ."" - - ' -" itt Mil baa ci OAKTtBauRT; Tn nlkt1IUtMn,at ktmtl flip Ilia banant nt tn inimna'iia iiick raiicar."uin ti n emit fattirlta; And vary popular, bull) ok and off lh staxa. Aa h datlnaator of naari rhriirli liA'alHnila unflvSttaif tValiflvfri 'Anaa clatliinirhlaaicallanca,iurbt narfprroarud hlisemlnmicly riiMlltlril.nlannnikrVutfcttai hxTnlcrrtcrad to blmAOoimtllmonUrymililrc Tba antlratmmanaa ad ntffni laientra rom- pnr at Ilia Canterbury bma roluntaared their aarvicea i,tr me occasion, Man Mftt nu uuuui, will ba In Rood Bplrll,And do W lit In plaaae lila hint 1 1 xilmlrafi. Tb "(Upaa'a' I.Hy" anil the "Bona nr Malta" will baDh tha treat pro Kramma fur tn nl(M.' Mlffl i'rknk. I Fntle win Alan appear In her favorite dancee. And we pre dint far 11m worikr Dick a ornwded hoaaerT WjuiitiMiTiiK AoAur on UimetVn IVo- cortadAlIyi Kt4jp,ro. vnaaianamairnmrnlal roiuld; nl'flrnt claaa order. "IlafroahmenU AlwayaAlhand. ' t'littimllllonail tlailan RaatlMB In he Ti'li Ward. , !. Ihia mra'Kgwaahald lat night In Potonao Hall, and whm called tnlirdar hy Ike president, Mr.Chai Anderson. ' , ' '"' Sit '".Td. Dr. Fenwiclc aettd wi sof MAifJi',' .." ' Dr. Urf!KOn offered the folliiwfnjf rcsomtlD, which was adopted i jt., in ii , ItetolTod, Tbalwe recnzn'xa In Charles WIU eon a true iind falibful reprasentattTa, a Hood and loyal man,Andone1neery way eAtirled to the cinBdenrA or the people r' the Peventk ward, and we horahy pliliaTlilmonraudrt. Mr. VIIm rnaa aud thanked (be meeting fr. tha renpired confidence which had beep ek; (ireHNril I Imn. Muvh bad Jieenaald aiiAinaj ilm. ra'.illly In renardilu hit oourae In Iht City t'uuiicll, ThlaiwartpMbably the reason why the ,holilltinits did not endorse hint, lie a xp Alnad his artlon In the Ciitincil. He had vntml Fint the Hpplleation of the oath to Iba voters. tint because he wag etiolated to the oath. but hecHii e of lbs manner and the connection' in which It had been Introduced, 'lie tuwl keek criticised lorrntlni Against tha 'emanCfpAtioa of the slaves in tha Dlatrinl. lit joted M.but honest o'liivlclinna diotaled, and.lo UkocIr rumalancea ho would do the eerot HgaJt. n,hi Mr Hflpbum waoted tn hear from Iht ther candldHlM. e" "1 ' Ollr, Mllehelf waa rnlle d'f"r,'and in refboikae, utked to have the resolution ifVta.4ret meet ing learl; which was dun;', He , stated, that he hoarlily onduraed Ihem all. He WM no extrem ist. Ha w la a 1'eiiuklliian ui tuniatxUat. A ' long as tlmy tuauined the Conttltutlon tnd the Union he waa with them. it r-na Dr. CroBton moved that auommlttao of flvt be appointed to select suitable challentera.l Adopted. - ' ' -J Ana ir. uriKi;i'u, u. tidbi, 11, js. uepouni. Dr. Fn wick itiidjiji. Corn woll were sppnjnled. Mr, Uoyd waa called uunnfor a speech, tilt did ntdeem it necessary to make a apttoh. Ua was wall aallsQed with what hAd keen done. We had ehdnrasd Mr. Wilson as a loyal man. He W4S NNltaAed Wllh the candidate for-Mamr. Bli lo fldencojnjilm had not beenabAkenly me i',oini;raLr' luaaimi; (im lUAUfc ikhviuiih Adjourned ta.hrit Thurauaynlgbt, and the gentlemen present were .xequoatadk tin ex tend tnvltatlnna tn the voters ot thai And other wards In be present. 'i ill Trouble In Arrestlait; Vwgltlre 81 area, We clln tha fnllowlna lrim thfl Star of last evening, aa a part of tke history nf the fugitive slave operattoos oi yestera y t "Qaltaaiiaxollrmtnt watrraisedinear the rornai; of Seventh street and the Avenue, about in e'clui-k this it "ruing, In nnnaeritiefloe pi two micar. Meaara. WIo and Hugely, backed byf IIIO IIIIUIB ! 1IIU PIA,n, .llHlll W A( real n'mm iiikihvh ninvrF, rfiiu wrua hmwihuh the K-vimly alxlh N'ow York, reRimentl The stavoa oei moii to nyai owaersg oi t-rinoe llai rcn'a. who hail nhtalnedl the inecessarv writs under the fiiiclllvs slave lawlUnd on yea' terdaythn i nioera went to the oamii pfthe regiment nut Heventh atreet, tn t.ikb" Ihimfbal notwiinstanaing an niaer naa naen given uiem by Hie Prnvnat Marsha for their delivery, they were refused admlaaion In thetoamp. i There being no rithar alternative they tkla nsurAieg attempted to take tbe alaveswhile the regiment whs i n Iho maroh, but were resisted byi Some oftheeilill'rs who declared Ihkt'they onttld not get tbera under any writ, " ' " " " A Urse crowd gathered Itroumt. and toon the FXiltfthent berama Intense, and matters rnr awiii'o wore ruier terioua aspect; Ul oncers having taken hold (f two br the fugl olttves. whom liter held nltli anrm xraao. noma nf the snldhra threatening tiekontlnto the crowd, .itidruiieJoF iwiiiitrsoiuijrikiog knoi Wed hi'vn. Home of (ha i Ulcer, however, ufiar Kpntiic thn wrtu. nuelled the excitement. and two "f th fugitives were taken off by Mesara. Klni and Hugely' anil' nnt to Jill until the raaiter can be Inveatitated: the regiment again laMK "l their m .n h tor the steamboat wharf, poinn Veven or eight other fugitives fiif. loutii- ilinn Whlto Ihla was colnz on. word was a ml ti Nfaj r Itoater, Provnst Marsial,of tne 1 1 is, etui an oraor was immeaiaieiy asm to thn iet.lioont to deliver un everr lugttlvt for wli' m a writ is pnaluced, A deputy man. anal, Willi ine neiii-iwary iHnrarwem 10 me atuKmb it Una morning In take the remaining fugitives' from among tbo triitipt, but was re fuaeil iulmlHhlon on the boatj tneaont6er9 and eoldiers, tiniwiiiiatanmng ma uraeror tne rro vest M.uIikI, telling htm that they,'; Would see him tn h II liolnre tlioy would dallranthe ne grooi tn him ur any other peraon.'! , . i i in The r jnanilpatlon Commissioners The f illowlng petitions were filed yeaterdayt liueynriwn, a slaves; itunnriMi n. rarr, oi ihuO. Ill ey. , llenrv M. Morris, lj Henry Johl joiiiii. 111 uy, a, umiir Coat, 1; II II Clarke, 3; Wm ; wm. ti. Magrujer, it cullly . r arnuner, o, Aiiuau. iiaitia, ii nu sail Tyler, 3, Margin el C. Barker, ,3S;' Mary Ann Cjarks, 10; HjhJ K Oltthigs, 3i' Matthew . II. filov'ua, 2; Nliilmlas AlKer, 1; lUibert P. DunlnpiH. Catherine A. H Madeux, Sf Kit. ebeth 1. Maddux, 1; T.tvinla Hall, It duuan Ire land,!; K. F. Chaa. Ilradley,tMar Lmily iv, r arquner. J, Anna.v iraiera, i; no tba A, lluncaann, ii iieutian iiniups, insane ti Tlowle, I; Itoaalle Kdrlln,?); Margaret A. Ren it: .i , oi iviii u, ...unn.uui ,wm. ...a. .n 1. Slfl I'umuliiey, 1; Joseph Boaalty, 7; rtlcd-.B, K, K l.lujil 1; II Millar's widow and hairs, ,-. Un in ttiia date. 34 petitioners have filed claims fir 1,338 slaves, at an average of About 1750 -r ai iv. t lKUllna;, Kirni llrovvn, aprtirttltiint.wastirrcsvad yes d.inli) In Mitble Alloy fr being drurtk and lUhtlt g Hho was arrested by omuert Leaob anH i ..nvrlnl- nftho tnurth ward. The Ctrl re- lusid tn pn wllh them, aid they-wera obliged- 1oalni'ldiglier. ueing a comyen-ginjne affair L.ui'o-1 quite a sensatlnu, as q many fugltltn al-tvu nave iiuuuriau roueuuy, mil m ilio a crowd assembled. We are happy inhuh .in atata. ihat the lletrotiolllaii no lien d i il rngua in the nefarious business nf KlilllMpplll.'. llouti Aresl. ( Olllierllraat, i.( Hie I mnh ward arrralol Daniel II jii itiite yoatenlay i n niiin,lai ! 1 1 l)i vld IlurrliiLtnn, who allcgea'tbat Ural t'lhrtat t,aii l.iu liij. At ilia same HmnAnMrnfler. t the anvviflli ward arrosted Harrlttsl'm' on the same uimpUiDt, by Donohue. They were taken lief ire Justice Johnson, who, Altar heat, ing tbe oiae, olsmiaaea uononue Ana nevviiar) br antw, t; iienneiui j, ft.e-noriy, i; Ann li Hamlet n. 3; Dr. VT.'J. c. Dii Hamel, 1: Smith atln,.r 7. ttliv. A.Ritallri. ll. .tna. at TnthMtt' . E-l . II..I111, Rl iil.jlllM rivi.urn 1. tPflari ringu n in can lor uouru on isor Tha ra(lllT Mat Cae DeeleUn f t lata awRBDlBtrcaafa ritwfhT" MUToasiofl Ciaonir OovailMikllar 51, 1981. i DommlMlofwr WnliifrH Col, Manual the lease icf. gtepbthvclalntd ibr CkarM B. n. Bradley and Catllle appeared lor tkt loktewhAi kinftajireriert. I Thtyavtel ist toe AArat tslisaUon of tke lav aunt 0 the question of Identity, ez parte preef taken by auUAvitlt Aamolttl.nTne.ewoiieo... Ingk art not WenUcal wlthMiiALsutinUry pro, oeedlngt before A maglktrAU. If the broceed' lets' men. are z varlt. tke ftntnttt hat no fight to trow question the trUnetnt.. Bat tkt Oorntnleslunen have the right to.use their dis cretion Jo the manner of xamlpailOn: Under tick dlscrdtltmwtoan' allow erott summation hd satnestrone fret ittutttlbltitiArritt. We iai quuna w ittttn io BUfgssiHiaai.irrD jrrnp. rl vi resuooslble parties, We oannot allow what Ii'tilled-"n1i(nitn,ei-n1nat.m.- The desigk uf the taw Is to preverrt Any otntruetlok of hindrance In the return of a fugitive (a Alt hjgJuJalmant. jr wo allow thl kind 1 of exioj; Ina'jon and captions Inquiry Into the several lass,' wwaoairopen inw arur waui very ,lJre(tilor.-iUal law Is jdMlgAeirto: prevent. AtKlAaastttkt claimant It personal,! known aUlie-fi.'' But- fie 0.irnm5iWnr1i Werwllllni 1a Ikfe flnHlMl..tnnA,, Am i Invul ,H mnittt uiAdmlt a reasonable oroas eiarshtatlon Irr laltjcatt, ea j-a-itlt oeJI. at leoai erfl a i ii 'l Tkn nueatlon of lovaltv w.ik no onen tn beia naaaa 'exoant wnare'lhedlAlniertt re-' s naa W Ablate' 1o'.0en iftttwun against me. ' Mt, Pain, whlla.Agraeigghi ;ha,mln drlfl of (be dasaliin, took'aicaptlnni to cartalD Imita !lit tne diftlaltn.'Ha ttaotad"to lb uovernmenui, v-. i r'l ai m aten i . I- NiiialliKMl'naeaoriuiorHr.xaept tha Iclalmaiit, omnaa. (fwu.a dliloya) Btata. ,A illalAtaal naan Itl aa Intra I fifftla la i-nita ia)ai. gertns enemy1 of the Government than one tn a rebellion Matt. Hd Ir more dangerous be- cauke or his opportunities to Injun Ike Oov ernhtoutby (uroHhuij, tht enemy Important Infiwrdatlon, supplies, 40., thus giving him aid and comfort, lie excepted to the deciston thai ddcumentarva evident Is tuStoieot. Doou meklary evid)iu:e,(foa,A1fora)gq,Sutels4ub lecl to disproof. , ... , Mr. lnifYsVn W thVhllllhlhnlJ-WAs'eallett,1 aoit rutiyiaeininen'ineiugiuve at nis'ia uiera slave . Ue had bktit brougiikup wjth klm from ohlldhood. , I Mr. BradleyakadtkAka,eartiacatthgiven In Mr, Uill. Tne certificate waa granted, and thaidaVe delivered to hie owner"' i' "TlvtoiimmtsaloneraAdJiiirnea. ,, u Mr. Dean then went to the Messrs. nlll and ta 4 hat lie had a raqueat to make of the awn- era in infi uuaiv)i, aa a irouiai lavi'f ' uiiu seir, "I have undertaken this case merelyto teat certain points nf law. 1 did not do It at the solicitation or Hie liigltire, and he la hot to blame for any trouble which my acts .have given you. 1 therefore askilhat you will not whip this man j I beg of you not to do It.'" Mr. Hill rep! ed aavagel) , ' That'rmj bnaleees, and nntyoiMat" and graaplog his jive, the "mas terV bore off his -'property" Wtrlnidph. r I OTItXa i la SOI tit Ik walking out ol tne court room we saw an unusual stir la the'vldlrnir Aflhe'raATShai'i Ofloe, vWe walked hvaad Jeupd, that the com, miaainnnra were aouu.ui try two mure, vases, Tha rumtlvea wera tin tnubledlr'those' which wete Wreste.t from the-7th' New TorkTegU meet ait inour previous, ati memiootxi id a othtr article in our columnakaa ,tkt y .wjre Io tol4lera' uniforms. , , ' vellr1. DeAh alralh made'rlfa'Atitiekraiict. and reiueaien perisatwiaseawepraweaswnicn hedlh fiuitives in custody, to. allow him to Ith thn rhrUlvea.' WIsA declined dVltrlr to tinless'thk iiwiieraArmAentkdraTh'i fowh tra" were foiwdj, Atiftrst, taey refined to allow uonvetsaiivlut wnn me lugiuves, nut On illy consented. Their names were Wilson Uneelsnd and Alfred Johnson. They had been employed by ott.oer,aijue army. In Kortblo- cum, lor ine iaa, mur fir uve weeaa. 1 (lonnland waa tried Hefhre CemmlailonkrCoK. ttrj Uaau appeared for the fugitive, who )t eulmad by Ignatius It. WAtere, of Brookville, 'lAOU " Ur. W, II. Magruder, of Brookville, Maryland I MrWatera waa a neighbor uf bis.iandlbe knew him well: anew tha fugitive: did not know blm by the name of Op aland, but by! thf patat ot wiiwn; naa seen min aooui air.Av.'B DlinUtlun. and ha was called hit (Mr. tr.'ai servant Ho was spoken of at oue of those whu had absoonded. Wfpw: rivet 'aDOaviweaiy miies from Washington, Andubqut half A mile out of Brookvlllt. ,,V';,-; ",? , "Questlun hyMa-. D. naveyollconversed'wiih tht boy alnoe..hla .arrest! , Here, tome of iht . crowd puochrid ththwltttaa.) An. I havt. Another-'punob.liiQuetvitVher does he eay uehaa beeur '(dtreioaeartllowi Jerked the DiKlor's coil, aoolhin IMiduhsd mm In the sldof and ihei thtrdi nawled sut, "I'd like io knbw ir that Is evldslMeTs The Doctor avtdeM ir(lMnotllkelhsprou.pllnga, and turnlngiin hbftoVmontnrs, told1 them that he desired ft give la his evldenco wllhuut their, interference. Mr. JJen remarked to the, ivlliieja that, as be waa a,irvfeaalonal gentleman, he. certainly ought Io be cumpetem t teetlfy without these promptings. Tht witness said that he was, and he did not dtstr luiyi Interference. Hal knew what he waa about. He then staled that the boy Ald that he had been out dear tha "Sol dler'a Home" e si ployed by tht Ogrernmenl at il per month, and qU.dolbea ftlrtttshed him. Tn wliqias then stated that saw him Ursl, Hflor Ins escape from -Brookville, kt was dressed' in soldier's clothes, audit wllh a knap. task on hie back, be wat raarcnlns; throng the kfreett Willi tome soldiers. ' Oileallon bv Mi1. Dean. Do rod know whether Mr. Waters Laa furuishedalrl and lomlort tnl Ihtriiiel,! ,3r ., ,"' , '1 ' Mr, Coi.Th4U'uilloii1liHsbeeo riltlout.l sir. liean. iveii, isreixiwisn, to enter ine qiiasUon, .The witness iA i)svlln V An""fa Dr.Uagruder.1 lam ptcrtly willing liiau swer. Ue hat not. Ha is a loyal man. We are moat nf ua I iyal men out there. Bulwa regard abolitionism amtseoeaslon ha twin sistsre tbty were born at one birth V are'loyal, aad rouro, we are 1n faVor of the President's emnJ oliialtOH message, AUr!0 number'arA llred uf our negroes, Ihey are po profit id lis. Hut we do not want them Stolen from us. We wish tn be paid fur lbem t Mri-aDeanihor stated to lite commiasloiir that fieotijeoted tothe rendition oflbe fugitive, on tbe ground that he le in the service of tbe United riutel Government, and cannot be taken friinj that se lice under this process, ' Thea.ommlaAluner poatpuutd hsdnol!'m, and the hoy wasntw Jail. r. ' xnaoaae nirfoonaoq waa men oaitea neior Commlastouer Matthews, but the "owner" said ha waa not nrenared lo unive hi claim, and the cast was, postponed. Mr, Dean desired the! ourotnisaiuuer in uouryhtra when ta case oarae up, and then left (be room. )n our way out we tawaany amount of omi nous shaking of htad add branny fiata, and other outward manifestations of disapproval of like In stuff all ,1b. ugger1 down lh ir d d threats," and similar sptyljnent of tot refined dlalaotof Ihei'oblvalry.l'iiaiukt b distinctly hoard at we pasted out into the ttrtets. , . il i "(Jie of ml KatAte. " wall Si Barnard, auolfooedrs, told ye lerday Afternoon, ion tb primlA!, Lot "No. 6, In tquart BM, atviaea into -two lot siiiieeiea lntlioa each, tront, and running- back' 105 fttt I lucnunKtitu street, oeiweeuv antra streete sit. Pitrihased by Peterrtppert,1 for 1 cents nj. I,..., ' " ' .' ,V " t ' , , ll i sri. iiiae, br Vt lilto f 1'Oiog sa ImtnenM bulssM ro this dry the pstronsge extentleit to him Is uertaslng wan great rapuuiy. as a vauopvuin uv iiat no pehor la this, wontry. i .i.,uiii'i i n 1 1 On Ihe list Inst., at 4) o'clock p. m., Jams Smsllwooi), kldesl kiat ol John V, ahd Jane R Debbyn. lnihe seventh rear ot his ago. . . Tbe Trlehtssof Hue lankily are Ihvlittt'tof at; let d his luoeralJroift.lhAreiWAnce.i-l. .his pa ruuts, un Sixth streef-.eful, liean riast Capitol stree(, aj IO iijcluoj- F.ray ro .rnng, 13d lnsi. Tht.runexil of .. tSiUbi t.buAi ) III takt plaun to day, May SJ.At lV-. th rpsl danot of blapartnui, uotmrit New Yprk aVe i,i ie-iatnl'leathi alreeLirtiei frlenda and A0 I ialhtanoea am Invited to atlendai la u i V ' ' I 1 i 1 1 l atassaaaaaiAaat lA tltllMAMBNT BlTUATIUfl a A. AMU UUOU WAQKSa. I TO a c tnptteat H AN.Sw aei aa A'IKNI Utaal City AfiKyHo' (Tli-'ittAMAW.II BY, llay-ii-Ual t lo .,ts Seventh litest I vzwmmmntnm-im I morning at o'olook, br nrTmereeled crowd. M hUrth deiktori ,hf In OoakstltMMr In VMM oiaianaitana nan. an tesan , m, nw niti Ifumtlve tba dav nravloua.-lhe dlMMIdklnMIrt Pwliee etevst Tttet4r. OxMJOiB WaVxtaWeJtWOKI WImI BMatu, va.i rtfljuti., s nenaw ta nanaT srvra stats Ttviikl It, IBWriT9cay-a7TrAVeT-frovxewfHSSr hm .'aa'atr ofiHnKSBXwBatXKl mu. BM-PlnktMaSkxaaJja efi.s.xt..t Fo. ondAhoTrWklafcWlAeexft mtn- l-lntis tvetui aaa tlontd in (rTntMi uulusiu mii reirurtfrl! held xerrltweytss,ler fortHal. W. Downer, BtddltnWlH'-ut lleeW! aMias!, to serve tw aaaiillaaM. JnAtl A.qnataetlAnMS mmlt alkian onn aweis crueametiijeaisai.i wltflSlrihref:tittfIl Tt polls wuiopsn st TyaV etir. Sid. ETIlaritr-' itttrr: tutdllU. ImoaBarreit. , nar-'ecsiaai awe tenwi HntiaiAtrtutsui ACa i. . -. .t. -i iinii isiiaaia lewsgsswaeiawAry.a Usaita ii. m$Emi&,u Hty Owing stoott, J ac gun) turned over jUk IM.kxM- . vtair, aruox; aitmiHta.. u. IMWlM4 tflsWaft ...itBilttvn lllltaJ)1 Hi-t - PrtaWatritk Hatkee, drmnki xtd 0. " TlftkiS. Oettts, aaaaulti teonrtiy let eeaMM Amrjrete LaweHtrnik provrtrt guard.' Jaaaet Ctarkr aAaaelt;. dltmltea4ajRit)eM 'Moot, drunk; proyost guard. George Evans, ttupl- oious chsractsrj dltmlutd. Fttsr Botnltr, robtitryi Jail for court. t Bitth. Frederlok Bowman, tutplolout; or- aartu ao tain ana oiar. n . Mdiat: fined dtj Cmi M. MkUhapIn, i, fast driving; fined, lj. Irvln Barker. aa ultand baUeryttteBrUyoroourl, JnktOilwnnki xetjlawy., Qotrelt'Fott,d6i oo. 1 1 Rltltia Johtaoji, dot Anaif Betentk-Joha Fitsi eratt); taMkll andbatla L tarwra. i tm., protarniy ana aniinst BigliiM- aleuughiln,- trutki ,dltnltt4 Uedtf Haavetaow, ttta urtxttt ovtftiai s-slltary AHiIlcen0el,1oatrtaieTokerkiev' n il Nnth, Franolt Thomas, Indtctnt tvpotufet dlsntlased, M. Bynns, drunk and disorderly--Workhouse. Wm. htyert,-dn.t' taken' Heme Jok Murphy, do.) looked up three hours Wm. Waitier. ra itr, malicious miecnitn; tent ro jail rnr not jMtnylng. John rnrutl lax en borne. lanm. uaura j eecett HUMgage; nnet 13 uuianiM drank; tMtitttwtd. dll.tV. ,Janeai5r DanTtlSecket, aCSf; Jet protane; fined I1SM,',' Jaa. aw, drunk and liana, do I fined fined ll.M. T. JCi ,1. B ahon 13 M. J as. nornsojaoi w. Olltns, profamtyiafli and I Dan. Murnl uan. tanmnv. ao.r b. m I.. net boriei Mill do ; dismissed. Patrick Day, drunk J fined I.OI.11A. Monls-omerr. throwlns? stooesi fined ll.Mi 1 Harah Jaae Oorlon, drunk In the street; n ee oi cenia, !7 fix y. T . . . " I Me iJHevttnlBaj. ,. Our lady-readers win please 'look 'at our " Wants," to-day, fir the new ttAmpIng plact,' noriqjasvtntri sireei, oeiween i spa n streets, 'M mr fTH Tt. tha fl-t Ml. UrmMntti If tif Toft LAdtM. iMk to Tcmfia. terfit WtbkTCftMthOiMfMtterai JwnatjrlTM Vnmt tod HIitH Tk4 iud PAttarai ctu-vol bt xotlld Worklif CottAu kTVCbl IVvVarTw-l A anllaaA ta-llta a aaxU txiill limllr detlre to not ft mall WIS hoiM not too iDwWy.ntltotfM ATty.algij Aav on hmvtBar iuAn & nou a ta rut. la tm atTraaxi &BS&mm& ?TTiMs? r-w. vSrA-IT lklkWirtXa-A7Miffimuor lb pfV Third Ir.1(gxxKtlT4a WBt-Tein r Um W M 17 V P H ' Mi leVlxipiCXlUW, largv WHaWn J1 awa WaNVraflVVCr iinois im ih j aui m iron s wxoicmn . wiin us raa mua our i mwn iiitnBO txaUBt aVBtl aaMOIBDiLahlTltatJ. fMaattrV. axfl . ihtloMOO-to UirCO jAU UutnooafltUntltl. feftrtoUy ftttcndtd JUJ UKIHIIU tv tmaWMaktrt - atAIakkaxA obhbt II. Txaltd rtclAMal Imdlakxa aa, Id HI kiJ.. l.UlTDfUA' irj.W-t&lnjtoa.D O daUrSV-'A r A K T sT-W ANTED, I'O HAVE IVUT bade lo kaow that .Ihsv aaa. her Clowes'. rstawklog Oeods.Traaka, lists, ead Csps, At ths lotaUi prlee. at 8MITH'A, No. ttal httaalh.ttretl, taat a, gtra t NUTlU.COa aad alUr this date, bo vlatioT I will he allowed I eater it warts of the CUfhaiss Hospital wltboat t peas irom tne sleaieel, uusetoi or Sarttoa Urneitl t - r Byerderof JOHN 8 HILLINGS, ile; tyl",IWl . la UompllmentarirBaaaat ta Dick Parker. J jPv-aainit rarayr. f f a i Utttl Olt, . w, ,n nvfmlWD, .-., uvM fSBrOon whloh we will -aenuett to fender to yoa s oorsplimeetsry ba eAt- Yoar lenw eaier aa an artfat In yoar B-rtfeelaala thw elvy kss reade'cat yof P and i mi r natal sa t araaalr tnaa-tinr ojij gstaed fdfiy hosieal Ineiidiaad ataiirere Who wou'd be pirated to Uatlfy to ytmla a e ,ltttl mariner their sppreclsllee oi yoar wnrut . a 1ourcDdaeiloroty kea hem a model to the meraverset yosr prcfewloa, aad In soyasptoity toaid sol do etl erwt thsa make yoa irlends. I ibis eiBBeeiloa, we esaaor dootnerwtse intaex KtMi our ajipreo t'loa oi tut exaniOMOi titaan, iVtlnliteOaj) to af ord ft pOMtar aty aofajniM aa(tpi'itair mtosfftra hi" or ai.r-ljr ooDtniird r r wIOim thaii lartUteff OtttaourmMitdMuig tbHr coilra Hmn meaif ana u ny wv u a oiaar way coaia uta who tsatemoaA refftra ana !- Moaa Hat: -m hat althoffta fat aalled dm ti lira to a riub.MJ ftfiav-f ftadftWfttUat finriit.,Uioa.ftlo ibf iMt'af tlM'teocAt aMUoaxtd, wt rtmalt ytmr nroar ' ! natiie'n Hreihera, I Fred. 1 Reusklo. llenataa Meyer, W.K.Ketcliira, II llohtu, N Joaes, John!) Key, .1 M Hemlnew, lUeo WiMsKeaay, K.U ilee'gs Palsrli UitaisB, Byre A tilbereon, J.H Proctor, J B.WhlUMr. Josetih s . Coalraa. R A IT Datkaa.a H Arnold, P. Ltobau, P Frs tlltJraes, W STKesey, HJstT. iloajQion, lraty"BwTiitk( W H Otttnwj Oyru Brad It, r. Taanar. . laaMwft. Waamsovos.Mtyll.iaei I i it wassiaovoa, aar in, lent Wears JeMtjUaaos,Oargl, UrthalM.Mir. rMi, Iraney, Proetor. Dsahsa, ttoKeaser, aad otktrt VerUndBoe,teBdertigBsaeBplis-it r his e awe is hse. 1 1 gave it to Meatus Per.lval A Co , as Ike pareere btes abletogiveade eMonsatbaestai It affords aw great plaatar to he able ta ear that tha jaaaagetatat h.e kindly con seetaaOBltems,loruiparpniei a eonpiiiaeBl- try baaiAt.aa Mfftattd by Toa.ihi Csfttcibiry f f otRiYit do uttwr - than upnaa to yoa y f a- ' I otRiYit da utfecf lk than oiiOTai to Irt apraalatioa of yjoaf umeltaliaA - Mi yir found, In tbl olty fr a4i whom 1 1 hall aJwtyi Ua r wi'b OMltact nf tba proloaadMi f rat.ladt .outr food Moagla yoar laittr, ra aui aaa to ray conauci, ubjiawju, , niobaitaw.ia tti naba-law. In ttrma of tnrt thw nwrlua praU I flan Oalr my that It bi otra ay purpo to to eondoot bvhU w to m aola to Md aditn tomy frttocti, maa tb Una c-n.t. foy ma to leava yon, tMlinjr tbat 1 feavo no oaoaaloa to r-cr-t anjnhiai tbat I, mi aalf. nty bavo done aa it dtUtn ol our country, tnd m a lorcr of go d or- I YilhtJitTafftaadMtfraUtttdttiryonrkledMi., i that of tbo Ttrolvol h Cj , la waif la b anrl ths ua of their prolltahls hall of amass iniat for my I rssula, while I lite, yoar devoted Mend. , aiys DICK PABICEB. ' It A N IC I OXTIOIa.Kr-B 4 Penasylranla sttaat (aorlb aide), bevreen ltta and 13lb atresia. ' ta Brailllan Pebble and I'trUoopIo 8PFCTACLM. andLYa-ULASSLS mesAtadlo Oldd, Silver, lloe Sliel or lortcite Shell " ' ' rr" -'sridabScriPM. v Urt.UA UliAOOi..., ""WeWl. STltdMENfS, fAysasoauii'as aad.Visws of Pdsliu 'Baaaa.viin-tuf a usliu , , , Hi.aiiaaiu and uaonpsa. 'At the Lowest Eatttra Prion, " ' msysl Grift' Rt-WAKD Undtralaadlns that Bt) J colored men bsvs ties kldaspptd la this utty, the unoe'slgned effors ta i nward to soy ;ar too who will pnweeate, tad ob sin the oonvieioa r, riotbeiag well keown here I reterinquiicn con' eernleg my reiiiosiilblllty to Hens (ltd VT Ju Ian and I C KsBan. J KHIU). S1KVKI13 'maya-kfa ' J j fjiUH IlKOT. A Hn.eisM HOUSE, fornlihed r oansg ins suaiuna ua moaiua X1 la tns neat liyie, wun Dtacte aajoioiog oeai LsfsyrtteSmtar. ApphM.' ' Allx III Ittrett I will also all, at private boaaes sut fur nltuie, wth the good will, Ao ) for a tain, of yean may il-lw J w i-iarrnniTT' AOAIFIIT FIRK AWO O BUltOl.AH-.. " Ths Bubserlheri have coaitastly lo stei a gol nffis?roa h Telehiated yire had Borglar I. asd FtymaiUrs' tiuh naxee, i the msaBtketBreTs, ptioes S Hr- n., which lbey Mil at tha, HAtk..Ciiie A no. Pro tsakblUndbl ryisauror ?ioeti aojooi- 'wamrr -aavaaa, apaaaiati a -eneeser v urterkeaing''A.IOi WatWhsv vrWordtHvrf amitarrl HarrrsSiiildxs.pfofaWtr'idlaxlissaal. I alN ft OO. JAU Q MoOUIBEACO AsetlOB aad Com Merchants my s-dlm ratoiKcr. I tOaWfffgetlJr Jiff?! llliltwjBBaxS'attTftr. Io one ataSjerwf the Betre ev-ae--a yean, asd tar, at.aeatnas "- I ? m --"- Mxeaaher of tke Boart of aTetXraas, to i raawTTad tkraa-Utaaxti M Jfmf. U hWOnkWD HAWSAI tp7. HAWSAOQ laVnllat iWrf.- w ,, r tsay u FlterH WAUD-riBST PKE0I&0T. , 1 NoOoe Isktrtby glvst) t.ueeet9mtry M tke prevl ItVs of the akenhf es WaehlagtoeJ aa oaay,iAej Mas,tott ef loay vitiBBe IMXfa aatajjusjav- an Gjea-lf. as arve'are-ate1 tat tarl Aw aU WsM. la aen Iwe veaia. nipMtawlllopeaai7A M.AadeloesatTP M s .. .. -;j'jrHItLwt.'a,ffl.its ' -, .... f. ' K W. api,l " 4 m- , : nm, . ...i . -iniiii,MiiM-T---' . -.-.- ttflVlr-r WAalslECOWTrarT'T''','' r- iirotkw a kartM rtvsa'tkli, h nttoHanj V rhetwhsofaonI'teroflVcWofWali. to. slaetloa will hihild Maday . toe rf My arjkas Btat.atlha Aobaot Jteast.oa fheeevaev-df TMM street k-Wikxa D srretl scaith, for Msyor.te sarve two years, one ki mber of ika Board orjtHter A mtai to eeive two years, rasaeers efl tae aioara erijearaia Coeaoll, M eerve eae. sear, txtt ta Ae- wara at. pitweea Statu end ttevsath strtsts, for -Mayor, to isrve two years, oas member ol ths Board orAufer men, tottrve two yttrs, three tseabcrsol the BjATd or Gommoa Couaetl. to Mrva oae rear. BBd aa Aa ' setaer, ta Arpre two yeatt, lor said Wsrd.' rettr will otet at 7 -1 'eloek A M , tad tloee at 1 ' ' 1 P. M. PEARSOrT, T. H. BABKON, ftsoaAH jaaai , may t ' h' CemmkliBlra nttVBArril'-AyAalD-AXCOMD PKKCIBCT. v5 I Hones It ktrekyttvei that, hi eoaanrsstty to the htavtakvas af tAwahasvaeefflhaatv of ti attlia toajaa) MeeOoawlli be hit est Hoatsy, the tctiy 01 ivBe atat,'a tat taarTiaata mtaBBP, vtaw Ninth ead Teeth etrttt, to-thwatt itetjlor Mai mitnt iwvvaiT,atjt, tatinr 11 w.ntiiaiii jaj- deraeB,ro esrve twe years, three mt-aaera of the uoara tn ijgawKta vtraatai, irt etwa oae year, aaa on lAseeoror. t e serve two veere." ieollwlllopeaatrArM,andetowetrP M' W T IHMHrllAH, 1 ' 'CHAB'MaRftM.i - fr-j-y?' , " 8 BKrnuBn; a . " Cesaasttesen QatcoriP WARD-P1KST l'BECINCr. W ln No'kie It hereby given that,' bt eoaroratty to. KB vruviaiorB oi ina eDanvroi aart viira.1 ttatD-. itoo. aa elicHda wfll h held n Mondsyi Us M day ofJsas uxt, tt sit Twe nh etveet, hetwseti Itew Tork Avmaeud I street, for Msyor.te serve two7 year., f ir ecs aeahet ef the hoar M AMr- ta. Mi l w jwm- m, Ban. wr m.i ,, the Board ef Comma Cotton, to arte tat jreer. The po'ls will he peed at T e'eloek as tad dots el ;n in, utu w BTKWARr. T l n ja. aia -ja.g "W. 8rALDINIJ I r'S.'J . & P. CLABK. a alsytW . lyODmlisloosra I- -a tstltiraat Wfasaaa-. airfatraaa a-afttavaiava. ,1.1 IfoUoe Js btrebyis-ivea, that la ooafMalty to aa rtrtisttnna ot a.ra enarttr 01 toe city 01 it asniat fatal, an KLKCTION will he held oe MONDAY. ti zaqoayoi jaae nvxi, at sir ariaaea yarpeaier snep. aonawettoo aeroitaiBui twees wvn aaa u alttMt north, fop BTavae. lo tsnra two vtsra. ataa altSBDer Ol ui.SMfl oi Auermin io eerve I wo yeais, three itfeabera of the Beard or Coamon C-aecll.toetTteoMyesr, sndaa Ataeetor, lottr.e 3 aecll, to eerve nieyear , w yearrjior esad Ward. flii Tolls trill open at! 0 clock, A M., ted close alio close, i- a (lEORaES GIDKOM, 11 A HALL, i . bsv, airTmoA. my It , , CtmmMoatis. B I11HD ALU) FIRS T PRLCINCT. ' NotiiM ta harabr arlvfa tha. lo oonfoimltv to iT rnl lini nf th Tirtr ot tti elfv of VTaari. Inctoa. an aIeiOa will Do brld on Moadaj.the fd htiinau. MttiWMt oorncr of Mlath and at utrvft-J on Mayor, loaeirt two -etrf, out meniMrorino Bohr i of Ald-urnta, toMrve twoyaara. ihrto lorai befa of tba Board of Common CoumII, to aarvj opt ytir, and an Aafator, to itrvt two rf-, for md ward " Tht poll will tpm at. 7 Vo!ok ft. m. and elaat a. ip n k a iyB.i.i, i ifi nt -atamuf its n 01 WM, II POPE. lykOa . Coaunl-aiosers. lltlHTII WAIIIJ KIRHrrEKCINCTi Hi 1 noltee ll nereoy givee intr, la ooBiormny to tattat. the Jd alias corner of klxth lUeet west tad It etrett aorta, ter Ma or, to serve two jeers, one meatier or the Hoard ol AldetaMB. to serve twoeas. Bed three members 01 IBS noeita oi t,otaatoa ioaotii, lorvrTvoBvyiBt int pops win open iiti bl sea eoe at7 p, m ' ' FA KLOPKKK, a J AS hIOL!8H, . K C tCKUtrr, mayxo Cotaattateaers NEW GOODS I NEW UOODB I CLOTHING, ruralshlAg Ooods, Trunks, Hsts aad nonnert pnoee,ailto. BOW otvratntarrnrar pi taar to da ..LHOMAB k laLOYX). "" If Attorney for Claimants, , AND ioikt ron rmocuAisii Booaly Ubi, Ptnloai, Arrttn of Ply, Kiln Pfijr, it, WASUlNOTOtr. d. v.. Will give prompt and emolent stlentioa to ths prowoatioa ef Clslmi of svery dteorlptloa sgalatt ins uorsTBDicnt, ana mass an snarae uaitts tee ..upMi i both reerotcts end tiaipra for servloea will be made ntlfjactory. r 49- Peaeloel Kcnred for eoldiers wounded or dls ssetd Anrtag ths ealsllog wsr, slao, for the widows end orpnaas orsoioisra wno nave aiea irom woanes orMUssas laeurred while in the Uelied Watts ter vice, alto Awaryjriayfortheheirsat IswesT soldiers oeoeatcQ aanag inveaatuo war kses divided, with sttorneye or other persons for wsrdlnt hsslDea 1 he highest prices paid for Lsad Wsrrsata) Address THOMAS K I LOYII, JOnraay for ClahaaaCi, Ho t lieventh rtreat, Wwhlngtoa, V C M.B Editors fppsrspuhllshlag ths ahovs card wUlhscaUUedM lyBtiVHHSia.oei samouatolhtlr ehsrgps deelt-W ' . TTBJ1TKD STATU PATBAT UVPItllC. V .. Wuuiamoi(. April 17. IW. , Ua iaa paiiuoa s uuoers rfeesBpaar unspmvuai, Ottsrio eeaatylfew York, prtyloi tor lha eaten ateeor a oatent staaled to bua Jalvlt IMS. for an lapretecaeat us Ihreekiag Machtaa, foreevea ye from the expiratioa of ealn peteat, whtoh lal place oa the isth aay t Jely, lies, . l. ' at., th. hUuIUU. ... k.a.a . I Ih-eekiag Machtaa, for seven years at PSMI Ut'oi kt hi ordered, thai tat laid pstlUoa he hesrd st tee L'SMB. C4iMoaXoniar.tbajotbdayof Jatt naxt. ciooi. n i aaa ou ptnotu art ootinca to ap- nnr taavbart.wbr Mid t-a (Aa aMtaataaOttobtaTTaBUBs b . trTwoiimvpvammm tawtvwii-aaaTa rvqaiiva tu u In tbt rat en t Offlot thtlr objection, tpeolally wt forth ta wrlUng, at least twenty da;Ufore tbt day ofbearioi, all ttttintoay filed by tit her party to bt ntod tt tut taid nearug mutt ba Itken and trtu mltted in aooordaooa with tbt ralet of Uie offlot, Avkarih arill ha fnnUhal An annUaattliwk. Tbt ttttinony ln tbt oott wiU be elotod pa tbe Uib diy of Juni next i UBOtUlont and olher paptrt rt litd vpon at tttiniony nuit ba flltd In tbe on ct on or aennuwBwniiDjjoi u a-tyj ue ar(uinDVi Id aaa awtlhli tat stasia thtAt4Li n-flRr-d. alio, that thU aoUta h nnblUaed in Iht JVtiiwna. FtfMlAMom. Wathlogion, 1), C , tnd ibt nw'ACuaiidaixaa,N. tonct a week for three uooettivt wetuiiat ami of ttid publlcauotu to oe ai lean nrit upti prTioa- to ui oar oi n. 1 D V. UOLLOWA1 . Commiaalonir of I'atcnU 1 8. lid.toraof tha abovanatMin will DlaaMOODT, asd tend tbelr bills to ibe Talent Offloe, with a paper containing inu ootiof ap 41 w J OH It IUNIbK,Y' ,.1 WASUWliTON 8TABLI ueanawctmaaiitw eetveeee vsar Tn polls will ops n st T ewek A u , sad class SAirit JtktVF. 8UEDD, ) , . .., Cajaal akroeit. -nobxtTii wejaxXkaaajaavnaVCprCT. JP" ietttt le k3RaMaWiaxi!ni'7 t0 tea) nwrisioae ofUaBaWBjajjBrtlWashlsg tea. At tleeiloa wtmaaalBjUarV. 1 etattetrMvl, it tke mm'Wgm.Wi' Ity Hall, .Aetata! sterv. br Mlrt. aaxer for Iw lean. so eerva swe jeers, lor eara Tne pails w ill Ofa sir Av , sat does At 7 F. I ,VVSS. DLiATKl ISAAC CBt.KTl.Err. -, . jj..r, ciump. . ... CBVBA'rH'WArtB-riRSTPRsiCINCT " O notloe la hereby given mat, in eoernrisllr 1 ths arcvltlotis ef tha eh .rter of 1 he city of Wssklag toa.aa election will be bald oa MensAy ths 3d d y of JSas Btxt. at Used Ha 1. on Vlrtmla aveaue. EIGHTH STn DBT, D AND K, 7ASBINOTOH CI1 X, D U CoaobM, Baroachss, Phadons, Uugglei, ol all oe orlpooas, tad Ssddls Uoreee for LaSiei sad Hen Urmea, alwayt for Ulrs Ilonee, lor ouggiei, that esu trot In i 10 "rff-lfd-" H B-fmrr- OFFICIAL.. wwtiim il- a tot rronrthaunitnd NieatUontuI ai aaenoe zw&i$Mm& a AC leertttAd valcklioe of tha ten ear oent.. to bt paid id caA; Went rata effect 6tt the, 1st of Jao- uary lant teilvp ts v a muni, Ji j , Altd: tHt ae-mereaad dutv ef two tad un half bar cent', making ieri fcef otuL Ifi UL bbo all tkpork. went roto efiVst ea Ik lat f Marsh latt.l l en a il , Lb nie ,1 I , i J cl,r..i.lj,avtFicnaji(.i, ,,,n., , clib-sritltniilir un wil-.i ti A t t '' HdatujciaTsas Paovotr JsAUsjat't 'Orrtci,0 I o e-pial "sla i. WBMa1fto, V. Oa TheoBeer df tht (Juard kt Iht - Old Ctbllol Priti li arUI not allow tlgDak to b Bad lo lb prlsonti nxeMi'Mt ChArg by1 men -or women PAkBtat. In frost of bit bulldlai. This practlot bu kd Id tnaakordliAUMt, and I on oaae, to a ,7iny one, wVU'wepecfopereon, vliUtlng this order Wlllnt t tb Ctral atardkouae. JnpdapV "'"1"J"'TalftVW. fcla-attl re.' I'l'-Jr ant-.- rr- '- -i-T' ' c. B. KosiBatas, ai . rrs Prvott Marshal, Adjutant." " ' myW-4t - v j i i,la i JET rrrT"fwrw- 7T7. u im.i UrteillJAk. .aim, o i "tti r .MMiaat.- a nan ,- ns ! -a Ina .F P&L&m:. .. 'Ut-t!. iV:ttir:iTu cloaMTJSA-h1,iWdiHxa, Thuredajneasd r noays uaicsi u outer gnapaa not lost wntoc relate s otlett rAllllafy opatfatiwiln Bi 01(1 BAlurdayt trvll ke dtvotasd lo Ibw butlntw ol Retailors end, Representative. K eWajt to to hustaeta pf tbe public,, , ibmns a. OTajmiH, tn i t-tf BACiwtarrot wti.tai ta nitflnl a r' tt'"a ! vta-.aN I I DxrAATIUNT or Htati, rTruAuMton. Jao. 15. INI. Tha becrslary of Stt will herenr receive meBDcra or uongres on DUtneon stsuraaya, commencing with Saturday,- tke Int ot next month. ,' -. i a yIUJAJ1 WW"). "' OraJIOlAI.. ' Na raeseaiiier Iratn tai Esssuta, Waa OarABVAsar, Vffla f MtUtwy Btmtm . WMhugtcolAp'rllM.tsgl No piaiager train will bsraa, frees ,Wsahiglo Tm farther aeues. 'n n i i ,,, ' D O M. D. Aspt.B.Il.n;' P, AVaar. J. P. HsiBBert aetalatet JohaWeelorChsroh.Ccmneetieat aveaae. ear L itratt, wl 1, by, Divine perarsum, preach a pedal' pastoral eeraos oa BeaaAy asoniagi the ttth lasC, at fhntm o'e'otk Presehltr vtry Saadsy aora- ln- ut ! a4 "Tttn-arn,,' .! at atat e'eloek, uliUurther notl e,, The pahlll geaeraUy arelsvitedUUM, mtyaJ lie a HOTTCB -Mr Orccerr Wareknee. No. XM Pststyleaalt avsnut, Watulagtoa, D. CnavlBf beta et-a-yta by rn-t, tJl errtoae ladaAtad lo sss wld confer fkvor hy eettlltg their soeotmts lesste dla'ely Also, panose to whom I aa laoehhht will I letee wad their aaeoaats lo Thos. Lasmaoe, Eeci , eouoeelot'etlaW.'rt'o 133 Meetau street, New York WILLIAM TUCKJCE.UU giooer.Zto, 313 rea tylvaala avtate, Wahhtgt, D. C arat Us a-lacctare Aaetpel Allen There will be ea edjoereet seeetltg ef ths memhert or the vrsshltg to Leetara Aesooianeu.oa SATURDAY EVEN. INO,:tr hutsat, At TsaoraeciHtll, B ruaeet. telweeunleth tod Tenth etreets A fall ttteftdaaee todeelrahU JOBKPESPONT,Pret't W. A GaoirLT, Stay t mayzAll AW YonatI lartlts' reeUval. Tk yeug Isdlsi attscbed to the Female aiepartmaat or ua Pint District Sih ol.wlll eoaaenot a Festival at Mr Co-conn's Horary nslldlsg. on u, bstweet ThlrteeaUi tad k orteeth streets, tais svssiso, la be ooetlneed tbroegheat the week, ftr taa purpose oflaertsslrg their Ubrtry,Ac 8eeeeaoee,ed- mltlisg A geatUmsn and lady, U, teats i ersgle tleteu, loeeats, to be had at llie door. May 19, Isei , -Westea's Progreae or htavery Coptei of this wtk,sre tor sslaat the offloscf the JVadoaai Jtepubttcan Pamphlet editloa, 'ii ecsts fioaad edtlloo, IS eeats AA-Lyon's Magnetic lassct Powder, Tested for 19 ytsrs and grows ia fsror. It kills sad exlermlctlea Roschee, Bsd Bats. Aats. l-isse, Moths la Cmthi, Furs sad Faratturs, Usrdea la- acts, ao All gsnaiBs bears us signature or c Lran,aairtiniS potaitMnu la perton or tutieaas aalisah, Bswsrs of eOBetsrfelts Bad lattatlooa Lyoa's Powder kl'lt all Inteots In a trlee, Lyoa's Pills srs desth to rats sad mlee. (eld everywhere D. S. BABNES, tp ao 1 1 Asa mi Broadway, Hew York. AA-Law Retire. ROBERT J WALMKR and 1-nDEBlC P. STANTON will praotloe law In the Sapteae and Clreslt Coarts, Court of Clalns, Courts Msrttsl, Posrds of Coaalaloncrs, aad Da psrtmeats Aided hr two other sarooietes, oe pert of an extensive rnulaea will be neglected addrea WALKER A STANTON , oOce W F street, Wash- tDgion.U c t apzt-em ArerSnbaerlbere lo the llepnbllcnn, In Georgeiewa or the eettnth ward (Iihtad) who tail In reoelre their ptars rrgsrarly will oblige 'the egect, o R Delpbcy, ey leaving nouoe t air Shepherd e booaiiore, ooraer neveBtn aad u stisete when all deUaqeeaciee wttl be promptly atteaded io. aay si Aor Drake's Plantation Bltlere 41. T, I wo X It Invigorates, rtieegtheas d purines the lyatemt u t perfect sppciiser, aaa ue most egreeeblc aad effeeteat toalo io Ihe world It Is eompcand of the celebrated Csllasrt bark, roots, herbs, aad pure St. Croix rum rartloalarty sdsptsd todelicats feraslesj cares Pyepepsla tad Weaknea, and Is Jest lbs thlsg for ths shaagee ol easoni fold by all grocer., druggists, Aoteis, and SslOOBS r. II DUABwC A OU , ap 1 8m so Broadway, N. X, AA-Speclal Moilee-Oa and aftsr Tueeday, Apnl 1, 1103, the rralni on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad will oommanee rutnlag dally, (Sutdara eaeepudj letting tola SUtlonatlla e. as., and coBBeetlag at Wsthlngtos Jeaotlea with Mail Train for all parti of tha Wat taa Wbeeth-g or I'arkertburg TDrougn uoxste sua and naggai ebeoked w. r. saiTU, t It of TrsnitorUUoe B A O B. R sp 1-dtf 8Ur a QTOLKW IloaSK UKCOVACllKO Aonk aj my uuasB, aooai is yasrs oio, aaa boob, i Bl The otratr will pisses costs forward, prOvs prip .-.. u..k.u.., ,.t.lh...lM.I.M ' - ". vi .a- - -sr";-1-' J. S norWoou, nyae 2aw3w Conttabla. UN11KU HTATBN PAT1CIITOPPIUB, Waaaiaeto. April IS lie J tilt iitttWH vi .vim vub,ui nn,u.iw.i N, Y.tpraylagforthsexteoatoaoft patent granted to OUB pep tracer iw, lata, lor aa lmpiurtefat IB WsibiBX Mschloes. for seven years from theexpl ration of asld patent, whloh takes piece on the leih hit ul oct, tiuuwr, (tat, it la ordered. that the paid tietltlon be heard at the PAtentOfoeeoaMoadaytfthelitof September aeatt ai is oxioca ra i aaa an .ll persoBs are aotmes to ep . If anv thev have, whv aaid tesr and show osaee, tMitltipaa oaeht not to ba apaatad Persons eppoalog ths sxttntlon srs required to ate in me reteni umoe tueir oojfeuont,epeeiaiiy set forth in ttriUos, stlssat twenty csyi before the asv 01 neuiog, sit testimony nisa -or tuner party 10 be uMd at the eald heerleg meat be ukea aao transmitted In acoordaucs with ths rales of ths oBoe tphlnh will ba tn-nlahtd on eoollMtlon Tha Ipatlmnav la ths ease will be eloaed oa ti e llth day or August next, deposlnoas and other Pt- ntrt rtltaA atnn aa taatlmoav meat be filed la the onoe on or oeier an tuuruwa ui itwt auay, ta as arHinaDta. If anr. wtllJa tea davt thereafter ordered, also, that this notice he nablahed la the jVaoaaaal JMUaVxt, Washington, U C, aadiaVaipw reumal, Albany, New Yerk,oBe a week ftw three euooeesive weeks, ths first f said puhhoatloas to be at least uxty osyt prcvioss u tae day or neanai iv or haariar. a s. aauaa.u rt aa a , Cotaalaaloaap ol Pataau D P.HOLLOWAY; P. S -Edltort of the above ntpen will pkses eesy.aad and their bills to la rtteai umoe, wiw a paper eoaiaiaiag tats buubo tpH-lawaw. AMUSEMENTS. HMUflUlB THJL "OT tat, T aty LlbhARD OROVEB .,. ' aallOaiUAat,arattl so .isairHtl MANAGER! BBSDRtgf WAr mou Tlli BOOKS f i mtAi&BmJt'wuirijiHiuaioM. ,,.lii It is htltlrVb 'SfjcctAt'iiia-l tllJ xcEauinai AjaaT.B.xr eotatiom,-m or the - ' tmt BtartUae ai.Li. -pjmi&wC' . ,-, bcjoi AaseSTjta.. .hOoiSartSaa:' . .TTtakltaaaa 2n5i:fiSK2?S,,.3L-: frJTr&.WrJtU aV.t2wwAwS: Or, Tht.MrUt mt Oai iataai' Or, The BrUttn rnr ktrriftvm,' tht teltbrattat iliti CcwduaYad Vcanst,' Hi. T. T OOLiLINH, OOLLINrV i COLLINS, COLLINS, COLLINS, CQIaf.lNH,. OOLUNB, COLLtNS,r,r it.. , Aided by i-t - v JENNIE PARKER, LOT TV I10CSU, I MII8 OERMON, MRS MUZZY, . TILTOH. tiMBLDRUMr J 'aWAJW, ,l' l-IIIILIl-H,! - Ahd ths Eatlra Kxotlleat Draaatie Coaptay. J tal.trt -,tay t ,. fc, rannnrjun eeniru ur ah, tAL,L,ins. "'siiii Pridsfr Trafnn." LAST MUHT BUT ONE OK i j out,, ir .. - -1 i awi My M Na Oekpaleea (Mylae ef the rentes) III J. J mm aa ATSWIIA.-... tAAa At ttha t ttn k lt ntjomai an aresaal rrte-seter lev DanhyMaa Mr.K. L TUi Ilea. HI S3$tt::?.xz!fitZ VtoA P E5JrAnT.'.::;:: r.w"5.MVVniSw' uyiaau v-eaao.....,, tr t"u a tata-a lUrtyO'itorJ..'.. :.'..' ...... '.-.Mr 'JIB Edirarat. EnJ9yo,.or,,,.b.c1;rfn,B.w&j ij At, .Ch.,f! t,h.f;.ll.IRhW5l. Mrv.Crvgtn,,,.u.,,,., ,,.. ......Mrs. Mossy. Sbelalt ."..,V.!,."A.....m.i0 O'Oeraen Deote BletaerMaertt.... .Mrs 9 S Edwerdt Kathleea,,. Mls Flora Ls It the course of the Drtmi,Mr"COLLnS wlH Hna'l'U Mown the llopee Ihet tears me, '"Crail- Keea Lswa." aad ins (Doys oritnisenny " LCITTV noUQ 1 1, will flag the 'Pretty Girl uuuu il, wui f ug ue "rri Milking her Cow Act f The Lake of Kill truer -The Like oi Kllltraef ly Moonlight. Act IIiThe 1 astral Waltr Ceve AtOt III-Tbt Ball room, or LUht Tbroajth tbe Cloadt. Tb tnablt partka from n dftUn-M to iaeh botne DyaatatoaaDia novr, dq outer pit wiu u pan forveoV n M MONDAY KVKNINO. MAT 2CTH.18C2, h Itaannearaae of Urt-DjSCTCnKLL, A MISS FFI GKBUON. together with the CMLKpioema-ai -QgiD1f SWOIUMSfl ,WTOIPii.T.,. Faallr Circle DriB Circle i so eeats. Orehettra Chairs , i,,iit,1ft eeatAj Private Boset ..,, ,. .,,.. as Seals may be aeoeredat the 'Theatre daring the day without enir,esrfe sy !B It OANTEHBTJRY HALL Lonlslnnn Aynne, near Sixth elraet. , ijlorious success or Till: MUS.CALjjCONVENTION ' i OF AJITISTS. . ' ' TpHght " The Sons of IVItxlta, r IT., aakwkf .s T.wnl- ano attLaatit -ta. atavaaaaraa9,4 Tbe Hong ot Jiaita. OR A f JTIGBT OF WOJTDERS, Which hu been averal weeks In preparation, end Bill be produced In ell Its origins! splendor Ths wsrdreb wed la Hue bsauuTulend fuony place, cot t KOUB. IIUKOKatD OfJLl.AIU I Tbegreeteetproduotloneftheege CcimeoneTcume all, aad see the ayitery solved u a That Stack Matlete Cress. f fie Watchftil. -- No Levilv.' Tht 8at.ii af Xalta raqlrea I bt tenriott of vswanli of KIKTY rEKSONS la it. repreBUUon of The , HioHiQkit PRUGMiaauif,, Contt all of you tbat oatiildt a bortt In ftmfftA aajejir," loaioaTaaaa uvano. orpanea,""can nrtm." con you bold yoar oata r you tbat know tjit ana of a anal tu ua oroaa noro pvtoi ana ud brood ittord pbtol and tyitl, food trtth aid bad tetlVrod coadlUoa tiaa, and let tt be t$orM. aap jiaj twpiu Lut wetatol 1Vrinj'injT'-3r'tlHn UQYB&OV Tba ttntlfal aavntrtat tha WaahllftBn frvorttt. 1 ' tdd f-ttk poalUvtly 01 ; u .THE QIPSEY'S UYf Tonight, Meter T.EWIS Ud CIIRISTIL, fllK JIARlfiri UYMKASTS, r vv K'lusl In every respect to the Uetalon taoihera, r XbXlaua ZaoIlUle Xo-ot7'lay.- Ths Ameflotri Cupaa. , r, i uiao raana ija ruoor The Aeoompllthed Duet-ate THE COURT OK BEAUTY, MUs LILLY HfiVANDON, Mita hSIMA M ILE8, Mu LIZIE rRANCIS, Mlai PRANK I , Mia JULIA RIcaMOND 1 be beaaUfal aaw baltst, MA8ANIELL0, ' la which ell ef the ladles will appear HICK PARKkll, A t TALBOTr, 11 All BY RICK. BILLY WORRELL, Ot ;he Cork Brigade , l The entire eompany In a aew pregraiaaae. UIHIILE GOBBLES NTOCKH UP STOCKS l)OWa,r(IKhlllN INIr.RVKMTIUN. Jlet ipwaipi, New psaoM, New Negro Acts, 4.-rTjp- ano a new p pee oasaoenut tirciipairarnairaeueania rbK'l'SrreSlS.l? bt bat oDtmauait a week, wblch will takt mace . -J a 0 --. VMlMmWP LbildiM, whtn timber of vjUfnv 5RQmenu wllf be fftenwaj on-Tr; ' -" . , HilitePaka MaaVel T atakaaWt ' &hAJmkmhM,w onU, l-WHttP tn'otnUi iwom open mo (.iock , pt normanct at n alotTk ' Atn Melon, No-l"0TM Sixth ttrrtt, recrlvcd a piCDaia 9M jb nss'M" oaiaruari nay tin mnylt 1 (aur S TAN LS Y IIONAIl'l Q 10 ANTIC ILLUSTRATIONS The Great Southern Bebellion! S7v.xer cojr4jrr8 Greet Hiatoria IJaletlag of ths Prieclptl Scenes tnd laeideaU of Ihe War for the Preserve Hon ef tbe Union, will open 1 Odd FoUo-wV Hall, ON OB ABOUT TUB 2TU 1N8TAKT. TbU ooaprtbtDtlTt and national wort wueotiv laenctd ln 1cm tban ilx moatht alter tee brtakrDf oatorhoatlaltlte and haa beta ln e'eadv BroaKM vtii tmce or HiaoooiapiMnawDt.neMira.ataairy ni Conaot bavt devoted their entire eaerglet aad rr.-.r . .t !...:". - - aoim aiauiea oj n itrgt oorpt ot wt ot ii aru-u m ibe oounuy. No poloa, libof .or expentt baa beta -pared to make thli work whtt It purport, to be a complete plotoru.1 blitory of tbt im. rtbeUlon la It art ootDprfod not only tpirited and eltborate plctuitt In great variety, by anUU ot hit h repata ilea, but alao many logeDuoua and arprtelrg me cbaaieal effect-, neer be tor-1 ucotealully attempted tn worka ol tblt klad inch -w tbt movement ol troopri, cbipe In Ml low, the runboit- on the Wetei watun. tbu naval batik Inllaoii tau Boaat. fco.. 144 "-HJW - he. WAiuiNUiua , ji.ii V arttt aasj ajwejaif. hvtty cvenlof ,n nnurknbly Una Free Concert,, JH embroinf lelaoUona Irom tht beet alalia miuiOi and Ibe most populnr01HRAS, rendered io better style than in any cm br American ooooert talooa uu f bt c It turn ted Italian ttingtr, k tlQKOR'ANTOHIO TIBCRTINI, ( rrlma IUtUom ftom tbo St Car o Theatre, at Na nlu. bu been enmed. and will atalit the eirteraatiid meat of tbt even to with tht flai Melodlet and Pooeverprc4Boedio UUtitT-. . u The gueat and tba pnbUa art lavaiad.ajtd aay rely upon having ewg ,atatort y-dWre,,!!. aliiitl unw9 avxatitv, atawHWrniieiwiHiiaff wiu oaia-ia, on tail, from tba atteailvt OUeadoaU dacUedly iht beet KbWlWUMfcNJ8,i.jr fate la the Federal MttropoUt. r i . . Offloerf aonitaaUy In aiWndanot to kcejuood order. qp ll-U UKNltY l&'itNTir'AL. Trop'r. , NOW IITOI TIMki TO BUT 8PB1N0 Clothiaa. Traakf . Uats. aad Caia, at No. CU Streathiual mar Ts-lkt' m8&: tjawjBtB, I -anas AUCTIONSAliKf. 7J. f.neoMi mrnr lmm, irV-w THREE SE'-OIDHAND PIANO fOBTKI, utaaetMesvieai faiaa amt bumb tare Toole -Oa SATUEDAr'aTlTBininr: Us tk,lst 10 o clock, u irons ef Us AapttotvEooatt, we tlla 1 'ell far aooouat otthoail(lBayMra "n.,Bwrflff.WfTIRVSiii-i Walt ft nau teaAfh fhlna. I1ki Abu1 Ti t,,lM'd Tahls aad Tsa-Osteell OatllC A I'Takla Olaaa Wat. Bad tiaa datlai mm naiv V.1FT araajieawaMaajaarrwBaaj-aTJiAUO t-a. oocaayoid rainiriewyii-ae'aBB7aaxaa -- "W .ha'sada.ChamMrOhslrt. A ' ihet Beds, Slegle tad DW Hair Msttrvsset aUi re nak r af raautata ui KJp rillarata ... .- .-..,, -, riaaaiait anM W od Mst baeeCaalrt, Caat Seat Boiftre "J YfS.PJ1ffiTH,.Vvi fjonioiua-an 'l"A emplete Sttl of Csrpeater'e Tools. I 'Ts 1 .tint - !-ia,,0M tr-in.f JAS O. MeOCIEEACO, -dts hihth-tH ,Tnl)Alr-l-fT Btr J. C. MeaniKM a eju naellenaear. AILIFPS SAL OP- LoVBOOESOa MOSDAT EYENINO.Msy Jtth, eomeaeaelsg at e-elock, we thall sell hi iWAaetwa naji nZa K Btverel boxes, vslBAbleBookl, eeleed as levied aperi to taiiery bm tatuBiiaaiueije " roTiffiriftsr natatnue rfflu u t ni. I WILL SB AOVXT- . faaater or rea aoBBSj aax AAtya Istloos for eoa time iatae store aua.jjij4 0. MoOTJI McOUJaoaMtI A9tlM BW&t&ttKYfcffifr .w hat weiai'aat,.asi inaiia, ajeawoawraj, as Hay) kard.aear Baltimors 'aad OhioRaloaT DT '" llayjkard.aearl a, l, oa oriUAr,'suryntaia toi3i,ssaytBa .t.ion auntAt,' atutrtp-i--p,-aHqiftt-a itaUMMsnajiortharhUeterrlot a TeVms euh, la OonnSaestfaweai" Tlanlji ""'V-Mi trSeVeVtV MtdVed BltXlIt CAiWalanaMa wna &VXmWl!&h?Xv- Washlagton, D C . amoeg whleh are a large aaa herTlfi eMIehCews.wTihaalvea The Coa-s will tie sold singly. A. BECK WITH, ' -T-Ttrrn Titjioff ...IJiftoH Ifesftg Tli VA711.I.IAHB n ITRIIITKIC H RALK Of IHPBOTED PROP tUTY. Byvltutoraaeedo(trBse,Bisdsaadsx ecaf d on the ma deVorKtnliyaraH.kwaAllaakaeliid ysj, lo the tsbtortbar. asd taly weneded aW.LAa ,als A SlKo.197,folIoe8tetat-,,oteoi tbaland tu,. cordt of Wa-hloftoa Co.nty.lo the Dlstffcir ovJtF". Iamela,for cenaia purposes, Uierala attf eateil'Vl'" aui sell, at pahlle aue lea, oa the reBBelvlt OKOU1D lying aa Beia(tne enyr 11 aaai - tool known and deslgaated, oa Ih fvcaad pat eaaiB pUh llitreol.aattteeATIaxaVeaa lata tBi,rala4ie3 back Ue depth of Iba lot aaabete tx ts Jltnaatv,., iavttAff!e gelhtr with Ihe lapitliBtSBtAtteaair-etaAdlslaf tloty tad haseaeut hilck hoaee and pitilslxsl ""aSloueihYrd olfthepuWAffhaHf to St paid withla three- nays after tee aay el 'tarsal end the remainder I three cereal lateslaesn, taCsixvaie I) twatva. and elehteen raontha. wtta netss oaiatssatAiMiT Ad.ed to be glten aaeadOaMnu l,TKU-f Ihecxpeaae ot the purcheser,toeeeure the deterred- pamen If the lema of 'sale oe aoeoarfileSeis wityt wiininituteyeemruMe,sne-rBtBtarTa"Btw Mry-a the right to retail at Ihtatat ane-ttksKth Met defaultlag l""!- vWNty- ' ski JA-lswAda "" atxeM AMakawetsu leak 1 'f i li i i" , .Btll IBVHTOUIAIII PSMSTCES. li MCNN A CO , proprietors of the oeteauAj -elJeB, , I ftr proeerlag AjsvrrMtj sj,,,,! x jmT mar-IP m. tvjik zmmwazmBrt Ant u wore inan nneen lOQataoe uviatore wno af eed hmiaea do threii kfd O V PTZ A telAgeney. tiT-sr- Pstupbletoladvieeanitfnakr WmiU-M a pstPBt Laws aad Begalatleas, leo pages, is ceuta, well .1 t A a l .,'- JI7H lloeharit for oasaltaUra, orally orlyraaU-, t Prpllmlaery Kxamiaatloala UateedStaUaPs). "onKo'r Pa.kBo-,rt'r.rt.'Watiigi irripr of P and Seveath slmts.oppoetts the Pale.,1 nla, ' r.-nerls etai ' ' ' " II ' ' I ' I I A 11 a IIIMT CI.ABS DOAktaWia IIOCSK. The uBdernxned beg lave to call tbe atteatloaoi the el laaaadiiweBluay ooaueaalty-uilhe Hasx.l thsv lint Ian niiinsilPii ilasiiaBiaaalla ul sun tleroen asd ladles. 1 hs Uoaee Ufaralshed In spleadij irlclArge Airy Rooms, Cnembers and Parlore live Shis WUlbe supplied with aUlhadelaavsMtor tai i tpaaiB The bar oootalaiaf as good sad cbaios -liaors. Began, Ac ,aecaa hefoand It this or aoy there city No pales aor expense shall bs spared to'glte aailsfAtiitaio all.wa.i'atripatttialar.tllVrl hcae Strict sanation wedtretAa4raarl-'Xl'ea tor, oinoers, ao , aitsBuvf sen vtiigiag atvaati Halaae el siblv lltBated on t uaoot a ooraer of fweaueth Jit 1' etreets trecVaUalr oeosplaal-trr iaisttaM eacrsl Lawton MBBOWlvIXIWNlKU mayia-in,3.iaaira'Uiu tll.a, j .o, j l 1 I ' ' I ' 'H 'I 11 wz XXTASlllAOTIlai AND aKOnOKIIIW ,W"'" 'BAILWAY C01fPApf.Ja,'.II .11 TVIft tfetice of o;oftWc uhwrlf Hon to In accorJance with lha 1bbectloaof Uieaot -j rjsgrtt to Uoorporata tht Wtahlagton an utorgriown i.ti way sworopanr, 'ixz& whtoh rrorfc vraea at kmiov day alter tbe pa of thlt oat tht aorpo-1 named Id tht flit Motion, or a majority of thai irntor. im.or 11 aor rciuM or Dtiwn io act aca tnen a mtiorlty ot inc rvmaioacr, haiieaaaa booka of ubteriiktloa to ti cat - "took of told company to baapaptdi aad kopt opot. la "hm eonvcolent and aojea-4bla plaoi la tbe ally of Wae.mgton, frommhoao-ajMi la tat rr-ooet till Ave oatook la tht afternoon, for a tMWWaaa.raaiwroaffg dtji, aad -aid oortenlora ahfll gtvi a ahfltinve paVii i i.of iMTlms when a -lNtF'to tkMaid. ) ntitio. 07 aaTer,imf-a4 a u-tH inaie-i in lie cii,r ui t aaaisgiua.i, arid 1 1re-nlaea wnere.aaid -hooka . aitd the aabwiibera uDonaold book totbeoaDltal a oca 01 vo tKnupaay aiieu w uvia in om wwuva I l -a .a I. II a.- a. er i'ToridM, ibat every ntMaiiber thall pay th Liene of ubcrlblDiz ii Mr Oant of thoamo by him "ubecnUd to tha tnuatwipaolxaaMMtfit otTporator. or hla clption itull bt null and vid l f, tt tht cod ot two deya, a larger amount thhn the capital Mo A of the aaid eonpaay ah ill have bch.11 aubeorlbed. tbt book lioll bt cloee!, ar ItiieFtlJcorpoiatoiA nqmtd in tht ttrtiaaation thJU ftjiHiwith prooacd to apportion w& oifital took ataoDg tht anDaoj-beri, i-m rota, and paaxepuot-W., prootamatton of the number Of abarto'aifottoil'm'1 ipvh najwi "VT ' 1T '. ""f r'mr rT! lU .. at... lha aasKaaainlKaaea miuDa ui inc nuiTiuvr 171 "Bar-a--aijvviaari- iw which aball be doon and oowtilaiad on the m- day that iMc()aia t clnMI CWWt fi( Mr, Inat nothing mall be rco-lved In payment ot tikf twenty bve per oentara at tht time of tabfciib iajc.exeeptmoDiy, or checkfeorotrtlUcateeof dt pl-l, lndoned " good" by tbeprealdeot orotibkr ofmegoOit,aolvintbanvbanka,,ra ,vaT roi.oe in nerroy hitt. nuiMi wgnvifliNni llin will booiM?Ded on Friday, tbe Udlnatoat. at the Natunal llottjlaotraaoatat rocana tniljatb.'fl4 Btrt'ct.ncxi uoor norm tu Baatr-qreauny. tatooa, an i will ba kept open Irom V a m' tilt a p m. , and t.ot Mathantwodaya. br order of the Uroontots. aaat. htaytt rt Kd) YL KJNOotA ,u r Oil IK H1 lalllTtff.. Ch, w n X Between Third and Vaarth, PhlMt!falatT Tne uDdemgaea navug itaotaiore.iaraaaf yanri tblA popular boate, have tbe pteaaura of announcing to tbt Ir lYlenda and tha traTalifgooa aaH that ft Ii now open fjr tht reception of cvaita. . The ,b naen, ,. .h utace the Urit of March lut, bat Men entirely rec3"u vatrd and refitted In a auptrlor manntr t tha apart mtbtii are large, well veDtilattd, and rarnkhed la afsisrn ittle It U oentrally located, oonvtnla&t to all the drpote and fteamboat laadinge.ajidlutht immediate vloiolty of tha Ciutom llotut, Pott Offlot tad the Cora hxobaoge Connected with the Hotel ) a Uutaurant for tbeM Ihttr week, accordlog to lonttoir r I at An .... .e-u - 1-k.La. It. A. dW- wxru iiuu ttiiiitya- aaiAswu autw iin sAiacrsiiMUia and bnntatu nieu fronrl to Bp V VKIL. 1a. -UaeVUl-;. TTMTKll STATIC M FAT M. NT 1J W I aTlBBBBBB-BBaiBBB' l V "w ' vvatwiavarow, m rr," ittn llatha n-atltlAaof FhahaaVan jVlA.asaMml-ris.axi.. . off Almond D Flak, late of thtotty.oottnty.andStatt of IWcw York, praying for tht intiaaaau-aia patent I grauted to the late Almond D.Fiak, Nov K, 1149, and re iuutd March , It, -'fo? v hbprovenient ta Cmna for atvtn ytottfHiD tha axpttatton of aaid potent, which takea plaot on tht 14th day o( IVovem bar-lMi, t ' ftMir h I i IIU OrotlXa.liUIUHjVJH HUUWHUfNUBI w rgteat Oflioe, on Monday, the nth day day ol October fiflptt, at 13 o clock "PM ndiaU penoitt art notitled to Apt-car and iuow oatut. li any wi-y Dare, n) iota waiiiiuu vugaii bui iv io grBtf"4 f erfoua ODpoaiug uie tnieivnuu -1BjlT-r'x fin 'tne iaxent umoe weir uiurw ""! jr""iv' forth In loet twtaiy ttayt be.ora tha or heating, all tctuaoay mm tlV. vt t uaed at tba Uld beariog tnut be ukon aud utted In .vrouTaanoe wi- wraia wt m loe. whtoh wul w iaraiuca -u iuiitMVM. The tatitimtny la tba oaitt-wlll baJDkattatimttMlxl Uh day ol Octotwr nent, aeputiuont ana outer pa are relied upon aa tcatimouy mitat be filed U tba ioe on or belotc U marntnc.O fTf tha or prderad, aLw,naltbJi totK leXiSVSd la tbt Ak,. ,A at.. n taaarl Tn he r 1 la a k I artam aa a - ---. , a "1 I -arataaa. uid (MBit v taaita vssniaisautAa aa--aaaf aa aaaa- a .ix,ia,Wt.,th.JpyigjttY ,(, j Commtauontr of Pnunti. - i H ttititoni oflhrtbim ran wHl'DleaitO oo iy,ondwnainei a : aper tontalnlog 'tfilawew'ft jtDUia tatho r thli notloa a M , irrt h ttta wweien mi I AI-i .. a I ift IV IU i I 1, ui aL ! UliaiA,uM a .V tTaai , .jr . i C tt t B natt